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  • 7/23/2019 Yash Ashwini



    Health Insurance Schemes in India

    The penetration of health insurance in India is very low. In a country of 1.25 billion population,

    less than one-fifth are covered under any kind of insurance. Even, amon those covered, the

    averae insured is less than !s.2 lakh, accordin to data from the Insurance Information "ureau

    of India. #onsiderin the hih cost of medical procedures today and the double diit inflation in

    healthcare costs, havin health insurance is very important. In many cases, a lot of Indians foreo

    many important sureries and treatments due to lack of sufficient health cover.

    It is a well - known fact that $% & of the Indian population live in rural India. India is home tothe larest number of poor, with one-third of the world's 1.2 billion e(treme poor people livin

    here and a lare proportion of those poor people live in rural India. )overty remains a chronic

    condition for more than *%& of India's rural population. Tertiary care is too e(pensive for these

    people. +s, a result, those with conditions reuirin tertiary care often o untreated or are left

    with devastatin hospital bills.

    To meet the needs for tertiary care of these poverty struck people, India has rolled out many

    health insurance schemes. These insurance prorams are financed throuh ta( and do not reuire

    premiums or user fee from beneficiaries.

    Health Insurance Schemes Launched By Government For Unrivile!ed Citi"ens

    !ashtriya wasthya "ima o/ana 0 #aters to health related needs and provides social security

    to the workers workin in unoranied sector.

    The a/payee +royashree Insurance cheme - 3ost of the beneficiaries of this scheme live

    in rural areas with little or no access to tertiary care.

    4niversal ealth Insurance chemes - #overs health related e(penses of ")6 citiens inIndia.

    !a/eev 7andhi 8eevandayi o/ana 0 6aunched by the tate 7overnment of 3aharashtra to

    improve medical access facility for both "elow )overty 6ine 9")6 - ellow card holders:

    and +bove )overty 6ine 9+)6- orane card holders: families.

    eshasvini cheme - 6aunched by the ;arnataka overnment for the #o-operative

  • 7/23/2019 Yash Ashwini


    #BOUT $%SH#S&INI SCH%'%


    To provide quality health care within the reach of rural co-operator, based on the collective

    power of the masses to provide for themselves, expensive Health Care through elf-!unded"

    scheme in #arnata$a%&

    =eshasvini #ooperative

  • 7/23/2019 Yash Ashwini


    3edical emerencies such as do bite, snake bite, drownin and other accidents occurred

    durin operatin aricultural implements, bull ore in/ures and electric shock, normal

    delivery, neonatal care and anioplasty procedure are also covered under the scheme.

    $eshasvini * # +u(lic +rivate +artnershi

    +ccordin to Techno)ak 2%1% report, eshasvini is amon the most successful ))) pro/ects in

    India .4nder this strateic partnership many private hospitals are providin crucial healthcare

    services to rural people who contribute less than !s. 5 a month.

    In recent days it has been seen that the notion of )ublic )rivate )artnerships form an inseparable

    component of a myriad of policies on healthcare delivery at local , national and international

    levels. The probable reason for the popularity of this type of strateic partnership is its potential

    to deliver fast results by utiliin the efficiency and accountability of private domain to produce

    an impact in the public domain. )ublic )rivate )artnership is a win-win situation for both the

    public and private sector. Toether they can create a positive impact on healthcare sector.