Download - Xenia Lomazova Portfolio


Kroogi Website Design

by Xenia Lomazova

Kroogi Home

Explore Kroogi:

Read the latest news

Check out the most popular

and recommended content

Participate in crowdfunding

Sign in

Create an account

Artist Home

Get to Know an Artist:

Check out their best work

Read their blog

Follow them

Share their work

Support them with


Photo Album

Explore content from your

favorite artist

Like, share and comment

Photo Overlay

Like, share, and comment — all

in one place

Edit Album

Step 1

Album Info

Add important info — album

name, description, artist

name, year, etc.

Set display settings —

project, content category,

and visibility

Edit Album

Step 2

Album Content

Choose a specific or random

image to display as cover


Reorder content

Edit Album

Step 3

Downloads and Contributions

Pick content that you want

to make downloadable

Set a recommended or

minimum contribution for a

single item and the whole



Artists love their banners and

use them for showing their

best work: band photos,

posters, or just pretty images.

If the website design obstructs

the banner, the artist may get


I came up with the idea to

have the header change its

opacity depending on where it

is on the page. When the

header covers the banner, it is

transparent. When the user

scrolls down, the header turns



There is a well-known issue in

pages with infinite scroll: the

footer with all its links is

unreachable (like the FB feed

for instance). As soon as the

user scrolls to the bottom of

the page, additional content

uploads and the footer


I came up with a bookmark

idea — a little orange block

always visible at the bottom.

When the user hovers the

bottom of the page on the

bookmark, a footer with all the

important links appears.