Download - Words for Production 1. dull [d^l] adj. (of weather) cloudy, not sunny; boring 陰沉的,晦暗的; 無聊的,沉悶的 Today is expected to be a dull, gray day, with sudden.


Words for Production

1. dull adj. (of weather) cloudy, not sunny; boring 陰沉的,晦暗的;無聊的,沉悶的

  Today is expected to be a dull, gray day, with sudden showers in the afternoon.

There was never a dull moment when I was watching the soccer game.

Words for Production

2. sparkling adj. shiny brightly 閃亮的,閃耀的

At night, when you look up, you can see sparkling stars shining clearly in the sky.


sparkle vi. 閃耀,閃閃發光

The child's eyes sparkled as he looked at the various kinds of candies in the glass jar.

Words for Production

3. paradise n. [C][U]a place, almost as perfect as heaven, where everything is exactly as one would like it to be; heaven 樂園;天堂

  This mall is a shopper's paradise. In the mall, you may buy all kinds of things at a reasonable price.  

Words for Production

4. diversion n. [C] an activity which is done forentertainment; something that takes one‘s attention away from someone or something else 消遣,娛樂;使人轉移注意力的事物

Words for Production

4. diversion At night, this city is full of diversions.

People may go to pubs, enjoy music concerts, or see late movies.

      Nowadays, it is difficult for students t

o concentrate on their studies since there are so many diversions around.

詞類變化* concentrate on      專心

divert vt. 娛樂;轉移 ( 注意力等 )

Many airlines provide in-flight movies to divert sleepless passengers on long journeys.

My next-door neighbor's noise diverted my attention from study.

* divert … from…     使轉變 (注意力或思想 )

Words for Production

5. submarine  n. [C]a ship that can travel under water 海底觀光玻璃船;潛水艇  

The nuclear submarine that sank down to the bottom of the ocean is waiting for rescue now.


submarine adj. 海底的,海中的

Divers are busy laying submarine telephone cables across the Atlantic. 

Words for Production

6. bustle n. [U]busy and noisy activity 喧鬧,熙熙攘攘

I sat in a café, watching the bustle of the street outside.


bustle vi.喧鬧,熙熙攘攘

Just before Christmas Eve, department stores were bustling with shoppers.


Words for Production

7. destination n. [U] a place to which someone is going or something is being sent


The Kenting National Park is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Taiwan.

Words for Production

8. tropical adj. coming from or exists in the hottest parts of the world 熱帶的

It's sad to learn that the tropical rain

forests are being destroyed at a surprising rate.

詞類變化* at a ~ rate          以…速率

tropic n. [C] (the ~s) ( 位於南北回歸線之間的 ) 熱帶地區

The climate in the tropics is very hot and humid all year round.

Words for Production

9. nutrient n. [C] a substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow 營養物,養分

A balanced diet should provide all the essential nutrients that one may need.

* balanced diet      均衡飲食

Words for Production

10. stunning adj.very surprising 令人驚訝的

To them, it was a stunning victory. They had never thought that they would win the game.


stun vt. 使驚訝,使震驚

When Bill came home, he was stunned to find out that his house had been broken into.

Words for Production

11. melting adj. becoming something soft or liquid as a result of heating 融化 (中 ) 的

The melting snow made driving conditions very bad.


melt vi. 融化

Eat the chocolate before it melts in your hands.

1. getaway n. [C] infml. a short holiday or vacation; a place for a holiday or vacation 假日,假期;渡假地

Words for Recognition

2. scuba diving n. [U] the sport or activity of swimming underwater with special breathing equipment水肺潛水

Words for Recognition

3. jumping-off place n. (also jumping-off point) a place from which to start a journey or a new activity  (旅行或活動等的 ) 起點,出發點

Words for Recognition

1. make wayto allow someone or something else to replace someone or something; to allow someone or something to pass 讓位;讓路

People made way for the rescue team so that they could get to the injured.   

Idioms and Phrases

* rescue team        營救隊

2. compared withconsidered in relation to比起

Today's health care has improved greatly compared with that of 30 years ago.   

Idioms and Phrases

* in relation to     和…有關* that 代替前面出現過的單數特定 名詞 today’s health care ,通常 that  後面會有介係詞片語做修飾語 .

3. set...apart (from)to make better than or different from others


The young pianist's delicate touch sets her apart from the others in the contest.

Idioms and Phrases