Download - Welcome to the Media Center Bethune Elementary School.


Welcome to the Media Center

Bethune Elementary School


applies in the Media Center just like everywhere

else in the building.

F.L.Y. stands for…Friendly and Kind words to everyone

Learn to Respect Schooland Personal PropertyYes, I can keep

my hands and feet to myself

Prepared every day

• Enter and exit with a pass• Bring all materials• Sign in• Locate books quickly (know what

you’re here for)

Accept Responsibility

• Treat all materials and equipment with care

• Return books on time

• Clean up after yourself

Work Hard

• Stay on task• Follow directions• Do your best

Show Respect

• Use quiet voices• Sit on furniture

correctly (feet on floor)

• Raise your hand• Use computers

appropriately (with permission, for assigned task)

Other things you need to know…

• 4th & 5th grade – Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition

• 4th & 5th grade – Principal’s book club

• K-5th grade – Reading logs• Accelerated Reader- Will start


• You will now take a brief test about the Media Center…

Test Question #1

The Media Center is open to students:

A. 1 hour per day

B. only on Mondays

C. 7:30 am to 4:00


D. every other day

Test Question #2

Besides books, in the Media Center you can use:

A. reference books

B. magazines

C. the Internet

D. all of the above

Test Question #3

What is the name of your library media specialist?

A. C.Williams

B. Junie B. Jones

C. Wimpy Kid

D.Harry Potter

Test Question #4

What should you tell the librarian when you are ready to check out a book?

A. your name

B. your age

C. either A or B

D. none of the above

Test Question #5

How long can you keep a book you checked out?

A. 6 months

B. until graduation

from high school

C. 1 year

D. 1 week

Numbers on the

spine of non-

fiction books are


A. Phone numbers

B. Call numbers

C. Frog legs

D. Spine labels

Test Question #6

Test Question #7

How many books and/or magazines can you check out at one time?

A. 100

B. 13

C. two

D. not sure

How do you know if a book is available to be checked out?

A. ask Mrs. Shelton

B. take a wild guess

C. check the catalog

D. none of the


Test Question #8

Test Question #9

Where do you put library books that you are returning?

A. in the Returns slot on the desk

B. on the main desk

C. back on the shelf

D. not sure

Test Question #10

How many students from your class may visit the Media Center together with passes at one time?

A. 42

B. </= 5

C. the entire class

D. don’t know

What must you do every time you visit the media center?

A. whistle loudlyB. knock on the doorC. sign in D. turn a somersault

Test Question #11

Test Question #12

Fiction Books are organized :A. Alphabetically by titleB. Alphabetically by author’s

first nameC. By genre, then

alphabetically by author’s last name

D. By color

Test Question #13

You may visit the Media Center any time as long as you have a ____ from your teacher.

A. Assignment

B. Good reason

C. Written pass

D. Lunch number

If you need to print something, you should

A. Press the “print” button until it comes out

B. Ask for permissionC. Make lots of copiesD. Print after school

Test Question #14


That’s it!

You’re done!

Great Job!

The EndCreated for Bethune Media Center adapted by C.Williams

Complete a 3-2-1 chart about the media center.

3 – rules to follow in the Media Center

2 – reasons for rules in the Media Center

1 - thing you want to learn in the Media Center this year.