Download - WebOrganic Teacher Sharing Template (For School e-Learning Taskforce)

  • 1. YouTube Site 2014429 Enquiry: [email protected] Web Site: Internet Learning Resources Centre

2. - - 3. PISA 2012 PISA 2012 2012Programme for International Student Assessment PISA 2012OECD 65/ PISA 2012OECD2000 2012 45148 5,00015 03-12-2013 1312/03/P201312030416.htm 4. ? 5. ? 1. (Multiple Feedback Loop) 2. (Self-directed Learning) 3. (Cater Learning Diversities) 4. (Leverage Digital Learning Resources) 6. 7. 2 2011 2013 2014 20152012 (I) WAAS (II) WAAS (I) (II) 8. 2. Search for background Dover Straits earthquake of 1580 16th Century England 3. Interested to Watch Other Plays 1. Watched Shakespeare's play - Romeo and Juliet (Seamless Learning) 9. 4. Socialize with other opera-goers outside City Hall 5. Conduct an on-line survey about opera 6. Sharing findings on the Internet. Discuss and present to classmates. 7. Satisfied. gained knowledge in English, History, ICT, etc. (Seamless Learning) 10. WiFi (LMS) (Mirrorop) Projector Dyknow iClass 11. () (5:11 8:48) () (6:09 13:16) (4:05 10:22) (Watch Online) (Watch Online) (Watch Online) 12. 150 350 350 150 13. 2014/154 3 2iPad () ( / ) () 14. 2013-14 1. 2. Tablet PC 15. 2013-14 3. 4. 11 16. Microsoft / Apple / Samsung WebOrganic $1,300 $650 17. XXX 18. 19. SUNDAY KISS777(20121030) 20. ??? 1. 2. 3. 4. !! 21. Internet Learning Resource Centre ? 22. - 2014/15 1. 2. 3. 4. () 5. () 23. IT 12IT (The Hong Kong Digital Academy) (1) (2) IT 1. 2. 3. pad 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 24. - 13 : - ? - () 25. 25 26. 27. Safer Internet Day Internet Safety (InSafe)2004 65500 1. IT 2. 3. 4. 5. 28. Internet Learning Resource Centre 29. $x,xxx (): 1. $xx0 2. $xx0 3. VGA $xx0 4. $xx0 : 3(ADP) ( ) 3() : 1. Specification CPU: Display: 10.1" (16:9) HD WXGA (1366x768) Storage: GB RAM: GB DDR2 Weight: kg ( lbs) Others: Cam (Front 2MP / Rear 8MP), Micro SD, BT, NFC, WWAN capable, 2 cell battery, 10w Power Adapter, . 30. 25/6 ($x,xxx) () (2 x $x,xxx) () (3 x $x,xxx) (e) : 1. 31. (w/ 3-yr ADP) $x,xxx x e $x,xxx x : 1. 2. e 3. e ( ) 1. 2. 3. 21/6 8226 7067 (:2922 9227)[email protected] 32. 0 1 2 3 4 5 School Teacher StudentParent Society Target 33. Internet Learning Resource Centre 33 34. Internet Learning Resource Centre Appendix 35. SID 2014 Carnival 35 36. SID 2014 Carnival 36 37. 11e YouTube Site 38. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : 292 292 00 38 39. () : 292 292 00 YouTube Site 39