Download - Weather part 4done


變幻的天氣 - 天氣與我

The changing weather-weather and daily life

• Part 1

今天的天氣怎樣?把適當的詞語圈起來。How is the weather today? Circle the correct answers.

天氣會有怎樣的變化? (book P.16)How does weather change?

今天的天氣Today’s weather

今天是 3 月 26 日Date: 26th March, 2012

晴天 / 陰天 / 雨天Sunny / Cloudy /Rainy

炎熱 / 和暖 / 寒冷Hot / Warm /Cool/ Cold

無風 / 微風 / 強風No wind/ Breeze /Strong wind

無雨 / 微雨 / 大雨No rain/ Drizzle / Heavy rain

乾燥 / 潮濕Dry/Humid/Average



風力Strength of wind



天氣因素Weather elements:溫度、濕度、風 ( 向與速度 ) 、能見度、雨量temperature 、 humidity 、 wind(direction and speed) 、visibility 、 rainfall

• 1. 有什麼的天氣因素 ? What elements of weather were

reported? 溫度、濕度、風、能見度、雨量Temperature 、

humidity 、 wind 、 visibility 、 rainfall • 2. 天氣狀況如何 ? How is the weather? 清涼、潮濕及有霧。Cool, humid and misty.

Which picture shows that rain is coming? How do the clouds look?





Why there is rainfall?

為什麼會下雨 ?

發問 : 你們知道下雨的原因嗎 ?Do you know the reason of rainfall?

我們可以看一看有關的實驗片段 (0:30-1:28)

We can see the video that is about the rainfall.


Water evaporates and turns into water vapour because of heat.

Water vapour goes up to higher altitude of sky

Water vapour turns into water droplets when cooled to form clouds.

When more water droplets gather, the cloud becomes thicker.

Water droplets become heavier. They fall as rain.

Note (book p.17)

• 雲由大小不同的水點組成,當雲中的水點愈來愈大和愈來愈重時,便會降到地面,形成 雨 。

• Cloud is made up of water droplets. When water droplets gather and become heavier, they fall as ___rain_____.

水的三態Three states of water

液態 - 水Liquid state-water

固態 - 冰solid state - ice

氣態 - 水蒸氣gaseous state – water vapour

比較煙和水蒸氣smoke VS water vapour


燃燒物件產生煙Fires things produce smoke


水蒸氣Water vapour100℃ 的熱水Hot water at 100℃


• Part 2

• 在這天氣下,你會去公園嗎 ? 你要帶些什麼去公園 ?

• Will you go to park? What should you wear and bring under this weather condition when you go to park?

1. 你會去公園嗎 ? Will you go to the park? 你要帶些什麼去公園 ? 2. What should you wear and bring under this weather condition when you go to the park?

晴天:遊人愛到戶外玩耍Sunny: people play in park

• 1. 你會去公園嗎 ? Will you go to the park? 你要帶些什麼去公園 ? 2. What should you wear and bring under this weather condition

• when you go to the park?

• 雨天:人們都不到公園來。• Rainy: nobody goes to the park


1. 你會去公園嗎 ? Will you go to the park? 你要帶些什麼去公園 ? 2. What should you wear and bring under this weather condition when you go to the park?

炎熱的天氣:遊人撐著傘子防曬。Hot: people carry umbrella or wear caps.


1. 你會去公園嗎 ? Will you go to the park? 你要帶些什麼去公園 ? 2. What should you wear and bring under this weather condition when you go to the park?

• 寒冷和大風的天氣:遊人穿上厚衣服。• Cold and windy: people wear thick clothes.

• Weather affects our activities and clothing.

• 天氣會影響我們的活動及衣著。

那一個小孩穿了不合適的衣物?Who is wearing improper clothing?

謝 謝 !Thanks!

不 對 ! 請 再 選 擇 過 !

謝 謝 !Thanks!

謝 謝 !Thanks!

最 後 一 題 了 , 努 力 呀 ...

謝 謝 !

Sudden weather change



Things were blown away. Some trees were uprooted. People were difficult to hold the umbrella.颱風吹襲時物件被吹起 , 樹木被吹倒 , 人們拿著風雨傘也吹歪

Describe the weather condition when there is Typhoon. 在颱風吹襲下的環境是怎樣 ?

The sky is very dark. Suddenly it has lightning and loud sounds of thunder. Few people go to street.天色黑暗,突然會有閃電和很大的雷聲 , 閃電打雷時街道上行人較少 , 人們多會留在室內

• Describe the weather condition when there is thunder and lightning.

• 閃電打雷時的環境是怎樣 ?

閃電打雷Thunder and lightning

你遇過以下的情況嗎?How does the weather affect us?

天氣會有怎樣的變化?Different weather

這些突變的天氣對我們有甚麼影響?How does the weather affect us?- 颱風吹襲時學生不用上學,惡劣的天氣影響船隻、飛機航行。-students do not need to go to school when there is rainstorm, the schedules or ships and flights are delayed or cancelled when there is a typhoon.


閃電打雷Thunder and lightning

你最喜歡哪一種天氣?為甚麼?Which kinds of weather do you like most? Why?


天氣是會變化的,天氣情況會影響人們的生活。Weather often changes. Different weather affects our lives.





寒冷和大風Cold and windy

天氣是會變化的,天氣情況會影響人們的生活 , 如我們的活動及衣著。

Weather often changes. Different weather affects our lives, such as activities and clothing.



Where can you get weather information?

你曾經使用以下途徑獲取天氣消息嗎?說說從不同途徑可以取得甚麼資料。Where can you get weather information?







提供天氣資料的電話Inquiry hotlines

天文台的網頁The internet

- 可以取得甚麼資料 What kind of information can you get?溫度、濕度、降雨、風向Temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind direction.

我們可以通過電視、電台、報紙、網頁和電話錄音知道每天的天氣資料。We can get weather information from TV, Radio, the Internet, ect.

When severe weather comes, the Hong Kong Observatory will issue warning signals. Do you know the warning signals?

當面對天氣惡劣 , 香港天文台會懸掛一些警告信號 , 你們知道多少 ?

黃色暴雨警告Amber rainstorm signal

• Match the warning signal and its name in group. Please take turn to do the worksheet.

• 分組配對警告信號和它們名稱。請你們輪流地完成工作紙。

• How many types of rainstorm signals are there?

• 暴雨警告分為多少級 ?

暴雨警告信號rainstorm signals

Amber黃 Red 紅 Black黑

暴雨警告信號共分為三級。哪些信號在上課前發出,表示同學不用上學?在 內加。要上學的,在 內加。Under which rainstorm signal(s) should pupils stay at home?

天氣警告信號告訴我們甚麼資料?What do weather warning signals tell us?

Amber黃 Black黑黃色暴雨警告

Amber rainstorm signal紅色暴雨警告

Red rainstorm signal黑色暴雨警告

Black rainstorm signal

市民應留意天氣報道,採取適當的預防措施。People should pay attention to weather reports and take proper safety measures.

學校停課。在空曠地方工作人士應暫停戶外作業。Classes will be suspended. People working outdoors exposed to rain should stop working.

學校停課。市民應留在戶內 , 並到安全的地方暫避。Classes will be suspended. people should stay indoors or take shelter in a safe place.

Red 紅

哪個暴雨訊號所顯示的環境是最惡劣 ?Which rainstorm signal describes the worst weather


Tropical cyclone warning signal


Tropical cyclone warning signal颱風警告信號

When?何時出現 ?

• occur during the months of May to November, and are particularly prevalent during September.

• 在五月至十一月出現,九月尤為頻密

Why there are tropical cyclone warning signals?

為什麼要有颱風警告信號 ?


signals are to warn the public of the threat of WINDS associated with a tropical cyclone.

為甚麼颱風警告信號要分成不同的級別?Why are there are different tropical cyclone warning signals?

•表示颱風向和風力的強弱程度。•To show the direction and strengths of winds.

What do the directions blow the tropical cyclone warning signal no. 8 indicate?

8 號風烈風 / 暴風信號下顯示的方位是表示什麼 ?

• The direction from which the tropical cyclones are approaching HK

• 由信號的所示方向吹襲

當天文台發出哪些信號時,學校要停課?在 內加。Which signal(s) issued by the Hong Kong Observatory will lead class suspension?

颱風警告信號Tropical cyclone warning signal


停課class suspension

1 號 /No.1

3 號 /No.3

8 號西北 /No.8NW

8 號西南 /No.8SW

8 號東北 /No. 8 NE

8 號東南 /No. 8 SE

9 號 / NO.9

10 號 / No.10

戒備 / Take safety measures

強風 /Strong wing

西北烈風或暴風 /NW gale or storm

西南烈風或暴風 /SW gale or storm 東北烈風或暴風 /NE gale or storm

東南烈風或暴風 /SE gale or storm

烈風或暴風風力增強 /increasing gale or storm

颶風 /Hurricane

8 號以上颱風信號。

Actions to take:安全措施

  用膠 紙條貼在當風的大玻璃 窗 上Use tape fixed to large window in exposed positions will reduce damage by broken glass. Do not stand near windows.

Avoid staying in the street. Stay indoors.避免逗留在街上

颱風吹襲期間,為甚麼我們要不斷留意颱風消息?Why we always need to pay attention to the weather information?

- 可以根據天氣的變化,採取適當的行動和安全措施。Take appropriate safety measures under different weather condition.

其他警告信號other warning signals

Very Hot Weather Warning酷熱天氣警告

* 氣溫已上升至 33℃ *Temperature goes up to 33

適當措施 : Actions to be taken:應多喝水、避免長時間在陽光下曝曬避免中暑及曬傷.

Drink plenty of water and avoid over exposure under sunlight reduce the chance of sunburn and getting sunstroke.

穿著合適的衣服和採取適當的措施。proper clothing and take appropriate actions

穿著不合適的衣服和進行不適當的活動,身體容易因不適應天氣變化而病倒。She may get sunstroke because she does not wear proper clothing under hot weather

酷熱天氣警告Very hot weather warning

Drink plenty of water and using an umbrella多喝水和帶傘子

誰採取了適當 措施 ?Who has taken appropriate actions?

Over exposure under sunlight長時間在陽光下曝曬

Cold Weather Warning寒冷天氣警告

適當措施 : Actions to be taken:多穿保暖衣服、應避免長時間置身在寒風中Put on warm clothes 、 avoid over exposure to wintry winds.

氣溫已下降至 12℃Temperature falls to 12℃

He may get sick because he does not wear enough warm clothes under cold weather.

寒冷天氣警告信號Cold weather warning


Proper clothing: put on warm clothes多穿保暖衣服

誰採取了適當 措施 ?Who has taken appropriate actions?

* 天氣乾燥,火警容易發生*Weather is very dry leading to a higher chance of fire outbreaks

火災危險警告Fire Danger Warning

適當措施 : Actions to be taken:採取防火措施Pay attention to fire precautions

雷暴警告Thunderstorm Warning

在不穩定及潮濕的大氣中,雲層內的水滴及冰粒在對流活動中產生電荷。water droplets and ice pellets in the cloud will become electrically charged in convective motion

適當措施 : Actions to be taken:1. 留在室內。 Stay indoors.2. 切勿游泳或進行其他水上運動。Do not swim or play water sports.3. 切勿站立於山頂上或接近導電性高的物體。 Do not stand on hill tops or near any highly conductive objects.4. 樹木容易被閃電擊中,應盡量遠離。Keep away from trees which are likely to be struck by lightning.

在惡劣天氣下,下圖的小朋友做得嗎?對的,在 內加;不對的加,並說說為甚麼。Are the children doing right in severe weather? Put a or in the

在惡劣的天氣下,我們應該怎樣做?What should we do in severe weather?

打雷時站在樹下,容易被閃電擊中。He may be hit by lighting if he stands under a tree.

下雨時游泳,容易被閃電擊中。 He may be hit by lightning if he swims outdoors during a thunderstorm.

刮大風時留在室內活動,較為安全It is safe to stay indoors during a thunderstorm

天氣惡劣時, 會根據天氣情

況向市民發出 ,如 警告


這時 , 我們應該採取適當的 ,防止



警告信號 颱風


• Conclusion

When severe weather comes,

______________________ will issue

Warning signals. We should

take________________ to avoid accidents.

The Hong Kong Observatory

safety measures