Download - Verse Novella

Page 1: Verse Novella


Page 2: Verse Novella


Page 3: Verse Novella


The Plan............................….……………………......7

Just A Getaway…………………………….........9

Eye of the Judge….………………………….....11

Media’s Mouth….………………………….....…..13

A Traitor… My Father………………….......19

A Holiday Arrives..……………………...………......5

Still Waiting……..…………………………….....…17

Nightmare in Bali…………………….………….....…15

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Page 5: Verse Novella


A Holiday Arrives

A holiday arrives It’s long over due

I can already feel the tropical sunshine

Who ever knew?

We land and jump straight out of the plane

A perfect holiday

So far away All the plans start to fade

My heart drops what have they found

Some drugs in my bag?? I start to frown

There not mine I swear I swear

But all they do is search me bear I’m taken away into a van.

They force me in I don’t understand I’m just an average girl I’m not a thief Trapped forever in a place I don’t

even know I just want to leave.

I just want to go.

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The Plan

I need a holiday Bails cheap

So I get off my chair I walk down the street

I meet up with my friends They want to come to

So we grab some beers

Like an old true blue We discuss and discuss

And then sit down Where definitely booked in

There’s no more frowns

A surfing journey up ahead Now for the last time I jump into my bed.

I’m so excited I can’t sleep

Like a kid eating candy I jump off my feet I wake myself up

I run down stairs

I start to pack my teddy bears I get all my clothes and put them on top

6 pairs of swimmers That’s no shock!

I call my friends

Their still awake to Their really excited

Ones even on the loo! My eyes grew tired

I said good bye Off into bed for the last time.

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Just a getaway…

A holiday… long over due I’m finally off that plane.

A little jet lagged yeah, but, More excited to be here.

And what’s more?

I have the most important people, Here with me.

My baby brother and my two best friends.

All is well… until…

I see my bag ready to leave. An official wants to take a look…

But I’ve got nothing to hide. He opens it…

My jaw hit the floor.

My brother and I, on the floor. In agony like someone had just

been shot. Then it stares at me…

With its dark, murky, obscure eyes.

I fade into a haze of confusion and blunder.

It was meant to be just a getaway… That’s all just a getaway.

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Eye of the Judge

Again with work as I sit in the court room

Judge whether or not this person should go to jail.

I have the rule, I have the authority I am the law! I am the king and this

building and this is my castle.

I see a young woman walk in handcuffed, clothes in black,

Hair tied back being brought by police, My guards holding her tight with

command and remorse As her face shows she is powerless

against their force.

As I look at her, she is anxious and nervous

Yet I see her documents and she is a law breaker

A criminal on this land, trying to smuggle in only the worst,

Drugs! Selling it to innocent people of this country.

There she stands worried and there she

should as she is Evil and conniving and no mercy go to

her therefore She should rot in our jails of hell.

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Media’s Mouth

Reports flying of a young woman in black Smuggling 15kg of drugs in her bag

Planning to sell to the people of Bali But caught in a suddenly and red handed

As the judge said before burring the evidence

Then locking her up in jail for a sentence

Of 27 years of a waste of life Here comes another report as the young

women Known as Schapelle walks down the

streets filled with paparazzi As well as their curiosity and burning

hunger for More information on her as they capture

photos of her

More media arrive trying to get closer to her as she

Is the gold of this and top reports “Schapelle Corby hiding from

Herself", “young women drug smuggler with a dirty story”.

As headlines go up thousands and millions watch of this women

And her dirty story curious to know more by the public but criticism

Will be put on her.

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Nightmare in Bali

Silver skinny poles surrounding me, Gaps in between them but not big enough,

To let me free to see the outside world. I feel confused, traumatized on what`s going on.

My mind is flowing with all these questions on

where And when it happened.

Knowing that this holiday was meant to be a gateway.

The tears rolling down my eyes

Shows that it wasn’t a good holiday It was a nightmare.

The people around the world, Have both different answers,

Half innocent, half guilty, But I need to show them that I`m innocent.

It was all planned out.

All excited ready to go to Bali with the people I care about.

It ended up with me behind a Bali jail for either 20 years

Or a lifetime. I’m trying to have a positive attitude so I can keep


Then when I think about my future and all the things

I won’t be able to have… family of my own, marriage. Bring my confidence down which breaks my heart

Knowing that this life is hard.

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Still Waiting…

Seven years have gone by alone with no one,

Next to me. Just sitting behind a Bali jail.

I feel alone with no help,

Or still anyone to help me stay confident.

It’s been seven years and nothing…

I still haven’t gotten any truthful answers.

I don’t know if people have forgotten about me,

Because lately nothing has


I want to be out of here, just for once to see the outside,

Have a little bit of freedom. This place I must call home.

It grows on me like mold on the

ceilings, And the days I have to stay here

haunts me.

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A Traitor… My father

I wake, once again, In a room with steel thin bars

That blocks the light, the trees, fresh air,

Everyone I love. Out!

And why am I here… some say I did it…

And some say, it was, A traitor, a turncoat, a defector, a

deserter. And who is this person I speak of?

He is my father.

I should have known after years, I was like his testing specimen.

But he is no more! Why didn’t he tell them it was him?


He just left me to die in prison. And what now?

Am I out or am I still in? All that surrounds me are dark walls,

Creeping in day by day, as I stay here.

Wait a minute! If this is what I see

then… I guess I’m still in.

Thanks dad!

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