Download - Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Page 1: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到


Section A

Bill Gates

Page 2: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到 IT 业的未来,独特的管理手段,使得不断壮大的微软能够保持活力;他的财富更是一个神话, 39 岁便成为世界首富,并连续 13 年登上福布斯榜首的位置,这个神话就像 夜空中耀眼的烟花,刺痛了亿万人的眼睛。

Page 3: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到
Page 4: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

比尔·盖茨 ,美国微软公司的董事长 ,曾任微软 CEO 和首席软件设计师。 1995 年到 2007 年的《福布斯》全球亿万富翁排行榜中,比尔·盖茨连续 13年蝉联世界首富。 2008 年 6月 27 日正式退出微软公司,并把 580 亿美元个人财产尽数捐到比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会 。 2011 年 9月,《福布斯》美国富豪榜发布,盖茨以 590 亿美元居首。

Page 5: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

微软公司是为个人计算机和商业计算机提供软件、服务和 Internet 技术的世界范围内的领导者。如今,如果你的办公桌上有一台个人电脑、里面几乎都装有微软的操作系统。比尔 · 盖茨使个人计算机成了日常生活用品,并因而改变了每一个现代人的工作、生活乃至交往的方式。因此有人说,比尔 · 盖茨对软件的贡献,就像爱迪生之于灯泡。

Page 6: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到
Page 7: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

●Interactive Sessions Ⅰ :

Who is your role model ? Such as …

Page 8: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Talk about the reasons

Page 9: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Part Ⅰ (para ) A total introduction about Bill Gates.

Part Ⅱ (para ) The reason of Bill Gates’s success is his trait.

Part Ⅲ (para ) Bill Gates’s personal life experiences.

Part Ⅳ (para ) Bill Gates’s vision of the future.

Page 10: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Part Ⅰ (para 1 ) A total introduction about Bill Gates.

Part Ⅱ (para 2 ~ 6 ) The reason of Bill Gates’s success is his trait.

Part Ⅲ (para 7~ 11) Bill Gates’s personal life experiences.

Part Ⅳ (para 12 ) Bill Gates’s vision of the future.

Page 11: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Para 1 He's the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world—worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world.

Page 12: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

The self-described "hacker" has dominated the personal computing revolution

and modernized the whole world in

the process. Indeed, his classification into any

other rank than this would seriously understate his impact on the world.




Page 13: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Conclusion:Bill Gates is a very famouse man who have a big effect on our world.Para 2 Gates‘ success stems from his personality: an unbelievable and at times frightening blend of high-voltage (能量大的) brilliance (才华,才智) , drive and competitiveness. When the chairman and CEO walks through the corridors (走廊,通道) of Microsoft, it is like a switch being turned on;

Page 14: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

everything and everyone around him is charged with 10,000 volts (伏特) of electricity. Gates sets the example and Microsoft employees follow. The schedule he keeps is one hint as to what he expects from his employees. It‘s not unusual for the “dean (系主任) " of the "Microsoft campus" to put in 16-hour days.

Conclusion:Bill is a talented man,but he still works very hard.

Page 15: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Para 3 Indeed, if there‘s one thing that distinguishes the Gates style, it is his time management skills. Conservation (节约) of time, energy, and focus are his hallmarks. He moves between playing the role of international spokesman (发言人) for the age of technology and planning business strategy back at headquarters (总部) , getting the maximum(最多的) amount of work possible out of every minute.

Page 16: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Always punctual( 准时的 ) and always in high gear (排挡) , he typically leaves only the tiniest cracks in the day for eating, talking to friends or recreation (娱乐) . The joke around Microsoft is that his receptionist (接待员) is the hardest working person in the world. In fact, he has several receptionists. He probably needs one just to arrange his travel plans and visas (签证) to foreign countries.

Page 17: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Discussion:Can we learn sth. from Bill? Para 4 On the subject of travel, he has become known for saving money and time as well. On business trips, he flies commercial( 商用的 ) whenever possible and in the interest of time, he never checks his baggage (行李) . His hosts also find they save money when he is in town.

Page 18: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

There is no time in his schedule for tourism(旅游业) of any kind, no excursions (短途旅行) or sightseeing (观光,游览) trips are on his agenda. It's just work, work, work.

Conclusion:Bill is a workholic.Para 5 Another trait that makes him so unusual is his incredible “multitasking( 多项任务处理能力 )" ability. At his desk, he works on two computers,

Page 19: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

one with multiple (多重的) frames (页面) that sequence data streaming in from the Internet, and the other handling the hundreds of e-mail messages and letters he receives. He may even review data while conducting a meeting using a videophone (可视电话) . Para 6 Gates runs his company mainly through three methods: (1)He bats(击 ) out a hundred or more e-mail messages

Page 20: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

a day (and night); ( 2 ) he meets every month or so with his top management panel (专门小组) of experts and advisers;and ( 3 ) most importantly, he holds two or three small review meetings a day with a procession (一连串的人或物) of teams working on the company‘s various products. He doesn’t address anyone by name or hand out too much praise, but he does go round the table clockwise(顺时针的) and listens carefully to everyone who has an idea.

Page 21: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

When he is unclear about something, he quizzes (查问) and challenges his staff. “Educate me on that,” he might say, looking to make clear a vague (模糊的) statement. Every decision he makes is based on his knowledge of its merits. He doesn‘t need to rely on personal politics (权术,手腕) .

Discussion:How to run a big company well?

Page 22: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Text Structure Analysis A General Statement Supported by Details

Para.5Another trait that makes him so unuaual is his incredible “multitasking” ability.At his desk,he works on two computers,one with multiple frames that sequence data streaming in from the Internet,and the other handling the hundreds of e-mail messages and letters he receives.He may even review data while conducting a meeting using a videophone.

Page 23: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Another trait that makes him so unuaual is his “multitasking” ability.

He works on two computers.

Reviewing data while conducting a meeting.

Page 24: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

●Interactive Sessions Ⅱ :

• According to your role model’s merits,think about it:

What you can do to let your career path make a difference in the world ?

Page 25: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

Cease to struggle and you

cease to live.

-- Thomas Carlyle

生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔

Page 26: Unit7: Section A Bill Gates. 他是一个天才, 13 岁开始编程,并预言 自己将在 25 岁成为百万富翁;他是一个商 业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到

I wish you success


Thank you !