Download - Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse. Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Page 1: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Unit 6Unit 6

The Warmer, the Worse

Page 2: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

IntroductionAn animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious.


Page 3: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Body IGlobal warming melts ice sheets and drives more and more animals into extinction, specifically polar bears.

Body IIA great deal of ice at the poles have begun to melt, which makes worldwide sea level rise and put low-lying areas at greater risk of flooding, leaving millions of people homeless.

Page 4: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Body IIIGlobal warming causes severe climate change as fierce storms, floods, heat waves, droughts, and famine kill more people than ever.

ConclusionBoth people and governments should take immediate action to deal with global warming before it is too late. Otherwise, humans may be the next victims of global warming.

Page 5: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

TitleThe animation Farewell, created by a Taiwanese

student, Chu-Ling Hsu, was awarded a Special Mention at the International Festival of Animated Films AniFest in 2009. This short film features the very last polar bear on Earth saying farewell on a melting iceberg before it drowns. Hsu indicated that global warming had become quite serious. She hoped that her film could help focus public attention on environmental protection.

Identify the three major effects of global warming mentioned in the reading.


Page 6: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

. . . the very last polar bear on Earth saying farewell on a melting iceberg . . . the vary 搭配序數 first 、 last 或最高級

latest 、 worst 、 biggest 等字詞時,作副詞 用,表「最為…,極其…」,例:

The website is the very first one that releases music news. The victims of the earthquake lived in

the very worst conditions.

Page 7: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

此處由形容詞子句簡化而來,後位修飾名詞 the very last polar bear ,原句應為 . . .

which is saying farewell . . . 。 現在分詞 melting 在此修飾後方的名詞

iceberg ,表示名詞與動詞的關係為主動,且名詞仍在持續進行該動作。

Page 8: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Farewell 《珍重再見》引用經典電影《真善美》 (The Sound of Music) 最終小女孩跟觀眾說晚安的故事及音樂。動畫中,主角設定為全世界最後一隻北極熊,揮手哼唱 The time has come. I need to say good-bye. Good-bye! I wish to live. I really hate to die. ,隨後漸漸沒入水中,除了藉此突顯全球暖化的嚴重性,也呼籲大眾重視北極熊的生存權。

Page 9: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

特別表揚 (Special Mention) 「特別表揚」不是一個獎項,因為一般而言,得獎者不會獲得任何獎項,甚至不用上臺。「特別表揚」是給予一些於競賽部份表現出色的人士,雖然他們未至可以獲獎的地步,但在表現上仍有出色之處,故藉評審發言時特別表揚。另外,「特別表揚」不一定會提供,只是因應個別情況提供,故亦不存在「安慰獎」的味道。

the very 搭配名詞時,作形容詞用,表「最…的」,例:◊ The wrecked ferry sank down to the very bottom of the sea.

Page 10: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

focus attention on sth 開始注意…(= draw/call attention to sth) Recently, people have focused attention on

the dangers of nuclear waste. Recently, attention has been focused on

the dangers of nuclear waste.

focus one’s mind/attention (on sth) 將心思集中 ( 在… ) Jason found it difficult to focus his mind on studies

with the music played aloud. focus one’s efforts/energy (on sth) 集中力量 ( 在… ) In the aftermath of the wildfire, efforts are focused

on searching for the survivors.

Page 11: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Just as this animated film shows, polar bears are at risk of extinction. They not only have been over-hunted and badly affected by water and air pollution, but now are also being threatened by global warming. Because of global warming, a large amount of Arctic ice is melting away, and the northern seal population is falling. Polar bears are thus rapidly decreasing in number since they have fewer places to live in and less food to eat. So fast are they dying that they could disappear forever within decades.


Page 12: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

They not only have been over-hunted . . . but now are also being threatened . . . Not only have they been over hunted . . . but

now are also being threatened . . . not only . . . but (also) . . . 表示「不僅…,

而 且…」,為對等連接詞的一種。 not only 所 引導的子句可移至句首,以強調語氣,此時 該子句需倒裝,例:

My teacher not only gave me advice but he also offered me some help. Not only did my teacher give me advice,

but he also offered me some help.

Page 13: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

S + has/have (not) + been + V-en . . .此句型為被動語態的現在完成式,詳細用法請見 B1U8 的句型解析 1 。

over-hunt vt. 過度獵捕

字首“ over-” 可置於字詞之前,用以表示「過度,超過」之意,例: weight → overweight 過重 correct → overcorrect 矯枉過正 confident → overconfident 自負的

Page 14: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

not only . . . but (also) . . . 的用法1 可用來連接詞性結構相同的兩個字詞,例:

Mary is not only pretty but also friendly.2 連接兩個動詞時,前後的時態必須一致,例:

I not only overslept but also missed the bus.3 用於連接兩個主詞時,動詞要和 but also 之後的主詞一致,例: Not only James but also his friends were invited to the party.

Page 15: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

4 句型中的 only 可用 merely 、 simply 或 just 取代 also 可以用 likewise 替代,或改在句尾加as well 或 too ,例: The rock is not simply heavy but likewise rough. Mr. Chen is not only an enthusiastic teacher but a kind person as well.

5 若對等部分有介系詞,介系詞也需重覆,例:

Success depends not merely on talent but also on effort.

Page 16: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Because of global warming, a large amount of Arctic ice is melting away . . . because of 因為 (= owing to, due to, as a

result of, on account of) The film was controversial due to the violence displayed in many scenes.

a(n) large/considerable/enormous amount of sth 許多…

(= a lot/great deal/great/quantity of sth) Ron spent a large amount of time studying for the coming exam.

Page 17: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

melt away 1) 融化 (= melt) 2) 消失1) The boy held the chocolate bar in his hand without noticing that it was melting (away).2) After the encore ended, the audience melted


amount 和 number 兩字都用於表示數量,但用法不同。 number 與複數可數名詞連用, amount則與不可數名詞連用,例: a small number of cars. (車輛少—— car 為可數複數名詞 ) a small amount of traffic (交通流量小—— traffic 為不可數名詞 )

Page 18: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

不定詞片語 to live in 作形容詞,後位修飾前方的名詞fewer places ,後方的 to eat 亦同。當不定詞作形容詞時,若其所修飾的名詞為動詞的受詞,則後方則需視情況加上適當的介系詞,例:

Lean had booked a five-star hotel to stay in before he set off.

So fast are they dying that they . . . 此句型為強調部份前移至句首的句型,其後必須倒裝,詳細用法請見本課句型解析 1 。

不定詞作形容詞修飾前方名詞用時,可依據動詞與名詞的關係分為兩種情況,一為主動關係,另一為被動關係。當其關係為被動,且該動詞為不及物動詞時,應該加上介系詞使結構完整,例:◊ Victor repeated the numbers to memorize them, for he had no pen to write with. 不過,若名詞為 place 、 day 、 time 等字時,即使後方的動詞為不及物動詞,介系詞亦可省略。因此,本課課文例句可寫作 . . . they have fewer places to live . . . 。

Page 19: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Actually, polar bears are not the only victims of global warming since it is a worldwide problem. Compared to other natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, global warming affects our planet at a rather gradual pace. Slow as it is, global warming may eventually destroy our planet. This deadly warming is caused by the huge amounts of carbon dioxide discharged into the atmosphere by the burning of fuels.


Page 20: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

compared to 是由連接詞 when 引導的副詞子句簡化而來的過去分詞片語,作「比起…」解。原句應為 When global warming is compared to other natural disasters . . . 。

Page 21: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Slow as it is, global warming . . .此為倒裝的讓步子句,該句型詳細用法請見本課句型解析 2 。

be caused by 表示「肇因於,起因於」,意思相近的片語有 result from 、 arise from 、 stem from 等。

Page 22: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

This carbon dioxide absorbs the sun’s heat and keeps it from escaping into space, thus warming the Earth. As the planet warms up, tons of ice surrounding the North Pole and the South Pole have begun to melt, causing worldwide sea level to rise. Small islands and low coastal areas

could soon be underwater, and residents of several big cities such as London, Shanghai, and Taipei are likely to have nowhere to live by the end of the 21st century.


Page 23: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

. . . tons of ice surrounding the North Pole . . . causing worldwide sea level to rise. tons of sth (infml.) 許多…,大量… I have tons of assignments to complete. 現在分詞片語 surrounding the North Pole and the South Pole 在此修飾前方名詞 tons of ice ,該片語由形容詞子句簡化而來。

tons of 後方可加上可數與不可數名詞,其後動詞應與名詞一致。不過,此處後方使用了單數動詞has begun . . . ,主要是因為在美式英語中,尤其是口語用法, tons of 後方可不論名詞的單複數,一律使用複數動詞。此一用法可見於 NASA 、 Fox News 等具公信力的網站。

Page 24: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

causing 為省略關係子句而來,原句應為 . . . which causes worldwide sea level to rise. 。應提醒學生: which 在此是引導前面整個主要子句的非限定關係子句,例: The boy cheated on the exam, which

made/making his father furious.

Page 25: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

. . . and residents of several big cities . . . are likely to have nowhere to live by the end . . . resident n. [C] 居民 (= dweller, inhabitant)

Most local residents object to the plan of urban renewal.

be likely to 可能…的 (↔ be unlikely to) The study shows that people who seldom exercise are more likely to suffer back problems.

more than likely 極有可能的 (= almost certain) It’s more than likely that I’ll go on a business trip this week.(as) likely as not 很可能 (= probably) Likely as not, Joan will not come. She’s buried herself in her work recently.

Page 26: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

have nowhere to live 無家可歸(= be (left/made) homeless) Thousands have nowhere to live as a result

of the serious tornado. by 若用來修飾時間,可以用來表「在…之

前」,即 no later than ,例: I’ll be back by six o’clock.

Page 27: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

by 和 until 都可以用來表示時間,但其意思卻不相同。 by 表示「到未來某一刻之前所發生的事件或所做的行為」; until則表示「延續到某一時刻的狀態或情形」,例: Mickey: Can I return these comic books to

you until next Thursday? Minnie: Of course, but you have to give

them to me by next Friday.

Page 28: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.


Page 29: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Global warming can also cause severe climate change and kill thousands of people at a time. Many probably still remember how Hurricane Katrina in 2005 left tens of thousands of Americans homeless. Back in 2003, more than thirty thousand people lost their lives when a heat wave struck Europe.


Page 30: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

severe climate change 表示「嚴重的氣候變遷、天候異常」,即 abnormal/bizarre weather disturbances 。近年來,異常嚴熱的天氣引發劇烈的森林野火 (wildfires) ,地區囊括美國加州、印尼和澳洲。 2009年冬天,酷寒如極地的氣溫也使得歐洲和北美洲農損嚴重。

氣象學家分析了 1979 到 2005年的衛星遙測資料,發現熱帶地區已經擴張了約 225公里。乾燥地區的北移造成了近年來亞熱帶地區的天氣異象,如美國西南部及歐洲地中海盆地等地的乾旱及降雨減少。同時,溫帶地區的平均溫度也在這 26年間上升了 0.83℃。

Page 31: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

. . . Europe was struck by a heat wave, which killed over thirty thousand people.

Page 32: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

And now, more and more land that was once fertile has become barren, since the deserts near the equator are expanding. Because of global warming, humans might soon face famine, just as many polar bears have already experienced.


Page 33: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

When polar bears are starving due to a lack of food, it is said that they will kill and eat each other. Imagine this horrible scene. If we want to save them, both people and governments should take immediate action to deal with global warming before it is too late. We need to seize every opportunity to reduce global warming, or food shortages are just one of the great tragedies that we will experience one day. By then, it might just be

our turn to say farewell to our Earth.


Page 34: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

it is said that-clause 據說… It is said that laughter is the best medicine. People say that laughter is the best

medicine. Laughter is said to be the best medicine.

此句是祈使句用法。除 imagine 外,亦可用 you can imagine 或 just imagine ,例: Imagine/You can imagine/Just imagine my

surprise when the host announced I won the special prize.

Page 35: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

. . . both people and governments should take immediate action to deal with . . . . . . people and governments alike . . . take immediate/prompt/swift action

立即採取行動 The class leader must take immediate

action to keep the class quiet when the students start to make noises. deal with 處理,應付

The government must deal with the problem of high unemployment.

Page 36: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

We need to seize every opportunity . . . or food shortage . . . seize/take/catch/embrace/grasp every

opportunity 把握每個機會(↔ lose/miss/waste an opportunity)

or 作連接詞時可表示「否則,要不然」,通


使句使用時,前方須加上逗號,例: The police told everyone to leave or they might get shot. Water the plants, or they will wither.

Page 37: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

one’s turn to V 輪到某人… It is your turn to do the dishes tonight.

take turns 輪流 (= take it in turn(s)) We took turns driving the car, in case there would be any accident resulted from drowsy turns 1) 輪流 2) 時而…,時而…1) The soldiers switched the light on and off by turns to make signals.2) The man sitting on the chair alone laughed and

cried by turns. I wondered if he was turn 1) 結果 2) 輪流1) One who laughs at others’ misery will in turn be laughed at. 2) We examine each element of the process in turn.

Page 38: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

Comprehenshion CheckI. Check () the three major effects of

global warming mentioned in the reading.

1. It helps focus public attention on environmental protection.

2. It melts icebergs and thus drives more and more animals to extinction, specifically polar bears.

Page 39: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

3. It causes worldwide sea level to rise, and it floods low-lying areas, which can leave many people homeless.

4. It causes fierce storms, floods, and droughts, all of which can kill a lot of people.

5. Some natural disasters like earthquakes are more likely to happen because of global warming.

Page 40: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

( ) 1. The animation Farewell was created by a student from __________.(A) London (B) Shanghai(C) Taiwan (D) the North Pole

II. Choose the correct answer to each question or statement.


Page 41: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

( ) 2. The short film Farewell shows the world that __________.(A) all wild animals are in danger of

extinction(B) global warming is threatening the

lives of polar bears(C) polar bears are not the only victims

of global warming(D) polar bears will no longer eat seals


Page 42: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

( ) 3. More and more originally fertile land on Earth has become barren because __________.(A) the deserts near the equator are

expanding(B) many storms have become stronger

than ever before(C) water and air pollution are getting

worse(D) the ice surrounding the North and

South Poles has begun to melt


Page 43: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

( ) 4. According to the reading, which of the following statements is NOT true?(A) Carbon dioxide keeps the sun’s heat from escaping into space, thus raising the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere.(B) The polar bear in the animation Farewell dies in the end.(C) Shanghai might be underwater by the

end of this century if global warming continues.(D) Millions of Europeans lost their lives in

Hurricane Katrina in 2005.


Page 44: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

( ) 5. Which of the following sentences from the reading is the author’s opinion (看法 )?(A) Because of global warming, a large amount of

Arctic ice is melting away, and the northern seal population is falling.(B) Back in 2003, more than thirty thousand people lost their lives when a heat wave struck Europe.(C) We need to seize every opportunity to reduce

global warming, or food shortages are just one of the great tragedies that we will

experience one day.(D) When polar bears are starving due to a lack

of food, it is said that they will kill and eat each other.


Page 45: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

I. According to the reading, humans may one day face what polar bears have already been facing—fewer places to live in and less food to eat—if global warming continues to get worse. What action do you think that we and the government should take to deal with the problem?

II. The coral (珊瑚 ) has also been put at grave risk because of global warming. Collect information on how global warming has affected the coral, and then share what you have found with the class.

Questions for Discussion



Page 46: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

I As global warming has worsened, this climate change has threatened the life of every living creature on Earth. To deal with this crisis, both governments and people around the world must take immediate action. Governments should educate and inform the public about the threat of global warming. Also, they should set strict laws and impose heavy fines to prevent factories from producing too much industrial or chemical waste. As for ordinary people, we should do our best to recycle certain materials, such as paper, metal, and plastic.

Page 47: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

In addition, we should treasure the natural resources that we have been blessed with. If possible, being a vegetarian once a week is a good way to save our planet as well, for the livestock that human beings raise emit 40% more greenhouse gases than all the vehicles in the world do. Obviously, there are many things that we can do to handle this problem. Yet, the problem won’t be solved if we don’t put these things into practice. After all, we have only one Mother Earth, and it is definitely our responsibility to combat global warming.

Page 48: Unit 6 The Warmer, the Worse.  Introduction An animation made by a Taiwanese student indicated that global warming had become quite serious. 課文架構.

II As everyone knows, coral is a very fragile creature that only grows in seas blessed with warm, clear, and fairly shallow waters. If the quality of the seawater or the temperature suddenly changes, the algae that lodges within the coral and provides nutrition for it would be forced to leave, whitening the coral and, in turn, killing it. Worse still, once coral is damaged, the very existence of many other kinds of sea life will be in grave danger, since coral reefs play host to about 25 percent of the ocean’s species. Regarded as “the rain forests of the sea,” coral reefs are very important to the earth’s ecosystem. To protect coral reefs and the diverse species that rely on them, we must do everything possible to reduce global warming.