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Unit 16

Business English

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Text A

Words and Expressions ACNielsen n. 是一家美国市场调查公司,总部

在Schaumburg, Illinois ,其业务是对

消费品 的市场表现进行调查,对营销中存在的问 题提供解决方案,并分析市场增长机会。

breed n. 种类,类型;动植物的品种 cosmetics n. 化妆品 gender n. 性别 mall n. 即 shopping mall 购物中心 marginally ad. 轻微地,少量地 medium n. 媒体;复数形式 the media 指“媒体”

the media 也可以说成 the mass media

pornography n. 色情,缩写为 porn.

10% of Population Has Shopped on

Web, Study Shows

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Text A

Words and Expressions rank v. 排名,处于……位置;

n. 位置 respondent n. 被调查者 web n. 因特网 wired a. 有线的 wireless a. 无线的 bank transfer 银行转账 cash-on-delivery COD 货到付款 credit card 信用卡 High Street (英)商业街 Internet surfer 即 Internet user 因特网用户

10% of Population Has Shopped on

Web, Study Shows

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Text A

Words and Expressions new media 新媒体,仅指网络。不包括报

刊电视等传统媒体 nutritional supplies 营养品 to beat out 打败 to translate into/to 转化为,意味着

10% of Population Has Shopped on

Web, Study Shows

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Text B

Words and Expressions beneficiary n. 受惠者,受益人 bottleneck n. 瓶颈 cite vt. 引用,引证 claim vt. 声称 decline v. 拒绝 draw n. 引人注意的东西,亮点 escrow n. 由第三者保存的契约,指合同、

契约等暂交第三者保管,带某种条 件实现后再交付受让人或权利人

platform n. 平台

eBay Makes Online Buying Easier

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Text B

Words and Expressions remittance n. 汇款 subsidiary n. 子公司 verify vt. 核实 a tiger getting a pair of wings 如虎添翼 certified shop 特约商户 cross-bank 跨行的 curb fraud 遏制欺骗 give a boost 大力推进 in an attempt to 尝试做某事 online payment service 在线付款服务

eBay Makes Online Buying Easier

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Text B

Words and Expressions “ 客齐集”,网站名称“ Kijiji” 的音译,“ K

ijiji” 在斯瓦希里语中是 “村庄”的意思。客齐集 网站是由一小群有进取心的 eBay 员工所创 立的, 2005 年 3 月,“客齐集”网站诞生了。 在这里,人们可以寻找合适的房子、理想 的工作,或者志趣相投的朋友,也可以邀 请社区成员观看他们即将举办的活动,或 者寻找任何其他可能需要的东西,并提供 自己的物品或服务等等。

eBay Makes Online Buying Easier

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Business Writing

Important Notes a most formal invitation letter very short in length involve complete names instead of abbreviations written in third person without a letterhead, salutation or complimentary

ending even without signature If a reply is requested, R.S.V.P. should be written.

Invitation Cards

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Business Writing

Sample 1 A Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. John Wang,

Request the pleasure of your company for dinner on Sunday Sept. 4, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Address: VIP Room, Tianlun Dynasty Hotel, 50 Wangfujing Dajie

Phone No.: 12345678

R. S. V. P.

Invitation Cards

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Business Writing

Replying Accepting the Invitation

Dear Mr. & Mrs. John Wang,

We are happy to accept your invitation for dinner on Sept. 4.


Peter Chen

Invitation Cards

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Business Writing

Replying Declining the Invitation

Sept. 2, 2008

Dear Mr. Wang,

I am sorry but we cannot attend the dinner you are holding on Sept. 4. We have a previous engagement that is preventing our coming, but thank you for the invitation.


Peter Chen

Invitation Cards

Page 12: Unit 16


Business Writing

Sample3 Tea Party

Miss Anna Strong

at the Schrock House

Saturday afternoon, 10th of October

From 14:30 to 16:30

25, Melrose Street


Invitation Cards

Page 13: Unit 16


Business Writing

Important Notes What are mainly concerned in an invitation card or

letter are the reason, the time and the place. briefness and warmth.

Regardless to say what kind of invitation card or letter you have received, you should give a prompt rely to express explicitly your acceptance or not, moreover express your thanks to the invitation.

Invitation Letters

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Business Writing

Sample 1 An Opening Ceremony

Dear sirs,Our new factory will be commencing production on January 1 and we

should like to invite you and your wife to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.

As you will appreciate, this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and firms that have contributed to our success, and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting.

At lunch will be arranged at the Xiang Yang Hotel, followed by the opening ceremony and a tour of the factory. In the evening there will be a banquet. Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your arrival time we can arrange for you to be net. All arrangements for your stay overnight on the 10th will, of course, be made by us at our expense.

Yours faithfully,xxx Company

Invitation Letters

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Business Writing

Replying Accepting the Invitation

Dear Sir,

I thank you for your kind invitation on the occasion of your opening celebrations to be held on the first of January.

My wife and I are pleased to accept, and will travel by flight AFL 218 arriving at New York at 6:00 p.m.

We are both taking this opportunity to wish your organization continues success.

Yours faithfully,


Invitation Letters

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Business Dialogue

Dialogue 1A: Your offers in your quotation list of March 15 are too high.B: In view of our long-standing business relationship, we would reduce the prices by 7%.A: If you only reduce them by 7%, we will find it difficult to accept them.B: You know our price is rather low.A: Your price is higher than some of the quotations we have received from other sources.B: How could it be?A: I am not telling a story.B: OK, at what price will you find it acceptable?A: We can place our order only if you give us a discount of 9%.B: That is big discount. I don’t think we will have any profits if we accept your price.

Discussing the Price

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Business Dialogue

Dialogue 2

A: How do you think about our offer?

B: As I said before, your price is so high that we find it difficult to accept it.

A: In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship, we are ready to reduce the price by 4%.

B: We appreciate your making this concession for us. But we still find it higher than we can accept.

A: What price would you suggest?

B: We want 6% off.

A: Let’s meet each other halfway. Mutual efforts would carry us a step forward. How about 5% off?

B: In order to close the deal, I accept.

A: I am glad that we’ve settled the price. We’ll be waiting for your confirmation.

Discussing the Price

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Business Dialogue

Dialogue 3A: We are interested in the No. 33 bleached cotton. But your price is so high that we can hardly make a counter-offer.

B: It pays to buy good product. Better quality usually means a higher price.

A: You are right there.

B: You know, our No. 33 bleached cotton is by far the best in Asia, and probably, in the world.

A: Yes, and your price is by far the highest.

B: It is the quality that counts.

A: I don’t deny that your No. 33 bleached cotton is top quality. If you could go a little lower, I’d give you the order right away.

B: Well, well, we’ll reduce the price by 5%.

A: I’d say a reduction of at least 7% would help.

B: It is not possible for us to make any sales at this price.

A: 7% discount is about as low as we can go. And it’s as good as you could get.

B: Oh, I’m afraid that won’t dose. It simply can’t stand such a big cut.

A: If that is the case, I am afraid we will have to go elsewhere.

B: Well, I’m not authorized to agree to such a big reduction. I have to get in touch with my home office and let you know their decision in a day or two. Will that be okay with you?

A: Yes.

Discussing the Price