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  • 7/30/2019 Understading arcgis


    Time Caption

    0:01 Good afternoon and welcome to the

    0:03 Understanding ArcGIS Schematics live training seminar.

    0:06 My name is Rick Anderson, and I'm the product manager

    0:09 for ArcGIS Schematics.

    0:11 Joining me today is Ardeshir Behi,

    0:13 who is a product engineer on the schematics team.

    0:15 Both of us are located here at corporate headquarters

    0:18 in Redlands, California.

    0:22 During the seminar today we'll cover the following topics.

    0:25 We'll start off by taking a look at the ArcGIS Schematics basics.

    0:29 Then we will step in and look at how Schematics works

    0:33 based on data with logical connectivity,

    0:36 so data that represents things that are not physically connected.

    0:41 There's no wires or pipes between them,

    0:43 but they're logically connected,

    0:44 maybe because of a relationship,

    0:46 or some sort of a spatial type of relationship.

    0:50 Next, we'll go through a complete start-to-finish example

    0:54 of using Schematics with data based on physical connectivity,

    0:59 so utility type of network, where there are pipes and wires.

    1:03 And the final topic of the day will be Schematics on ArcGIS Server.

    1:08 So today I will be using version 10.1 of ArcGIS.

    1:13 But keep in mind that the first three topics that we'll cover today,

    1:20 you could do this with version 10.0 of the software as well.

    1:24 And really for that matter, you could do it with 9.2, 9.3.

    1:27 Things are quite a bit simpler at 10 now,

    1:31 and we'll talk about some of that along the way.

    1:33 But the final demonstration on Server,

    1:35 that will new functionality that is only available to you

    1:38 at version 10.1.


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    1:40 So the format for these various topics,

    1:43 we'll go through a few slides,

    1:45 then we'll follow that up with a demonstration,

    1:47 then we'll come back for a review,

    1:50 and a Q&A session on each topic.

    1:52 Please send in your questions during the presentation.

    1:55 So to get started we'll look at the basics for ArcGIS Schematics.

    2:00 So what is a schematic?

    2:03 This is a generic question,

    2:05 not anything to do with ArcGIS Schematics at this point.

    2:08 Just a generic definition of what a schematic is.

    2:11 So typically people think of it as a drawing,

    2:14 or a diagram that is trying to explain how something works.

    2:18 Maybe it's just a drawing showing relationship between things.

    2:23 Oftentimes, schematic diagrams omit details

    2:26 that really aren't relevant for the story that you're trying to tell.

    2:30 And really the goal of a schematic is to help somebody

    2:34 understand the way things are connected

    2:36 and the way that they operate.

    2:38 So the example that we see on the screen

    2:40 is a good representation of that.

    2:43 So here we have a diagram from a utility network.

    2:46 On the right side of the diagram

    2:48 we see some transmission substations,

    2:50 on the left side we see some distribution substations,

    2:54 and in the middle

    2:55 we have the details for one particular substation.

    2:58 Now in the real world, these things are miles apart.

    3:01 They could be hundreds or thousands miles apart.

    3:04 So if you tried to look at this information to figure out

    3:06 how the system works in its correct geographic location,

    3:10 it would be very, very difficult for you to see

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    3:13 all of the detailed inner workings of this network.

    3:16 Also we've omitted quit a few of the details,

    3:20 for example, between the transmission substations

    3:23 and the distribution substations.

    3:26 There's a lot more equipment in the network,

    3:27 but it wasn't relevant so we omitted it.

    3:30 But now you can see with a schematic diagram

    3:32 we don't have to worry about the

    3:34 correct geographic representation,

    3:35 we can make a nice concise diagram

    3:38 that makes it easy to understand how this works.

    3:40 So what is ArcGIS Schematics?

    3:44 So what do we add to those generic definitions

    3:47 we just looked at?

    3:48 Well, the most critical point is what you see in the diagram now.

    3:53 ArcGIS Schematics is just part of the overall ArcGIS system.

    3:57 Now that's an important key point here.

    3:59 Oftentimes customers that are doing schematics today

    4:03 and not using ArcGIS Schematics

    4:04 are using tools such as CAD or Visio

    4:08 or some other diagramming tool.

    4:10 The problem, the main problem with those systems is,

    4:13 that once you create your diagrams

    4:15 you are in a disconnected system.

    4:17 As your GIS data changes,

    4:19 that can't automatically be reflected

    4:21 into your schematic diagrams.

    4:23 You have no way to co-locate things from your GIS data

    4:27 over to your schematic diagram, and vice versa.

    4:29 You can't identify between them.

    4:33 You're really in a disconnected environment.

    4:35 So with ArcGIS Schematics,

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    4:37 we are built into the ArcGIS system

    4:40 and we are able to do all of those things

    4:42 which you'll see in the upcoming demonstrations.

    4:45 It is a data-driven solution,

    4:47 so as your GIS data changes your schematic diagrams

    4:51 can automatically reflect those changes.

    4:54 It's a rules-based system.

    4:56 We'll cover rules in the first demonstration a bit more.

    4:59 But basically rules can be used to modify

    5:02 what gets shown on a diagram.

    5:04 It can omit things, or something like a node reduction.

    5:08 We can also add things, but it's done because of a rule.

    5:11 People that are using things like CAD or Visio,

    5:14 it's sort of left up to the drafting technician.

    5:17 They're the ones deciding what goes in or what doesn't go in.

    5:20 But oftentimes that leads to inconsistency and inaccuracy

    5:24 across various designers in an organization.

    5:27 With our system, those type of modifications are done with a rule,

    5:31 so it's built in,

    5:33 and when users generate diagrams

    5:34 those rules are automatically applied,

    5:36 some more accuracy, more consistency.

    5:39 It's a flexible system, and by flexible we mean,

    5:44 it's very flexible in the type of data

    5:46 that we can generate diagrams from.

    5:49 So we already mentioned logically a little bit,

    5:52 but we can deal with logically connected data

    5:55 where there's relationships between things,

    5:57 like physical relationship classes

    5:59 or maybe just a spatial relationship.

    6:02 We can deal with data that's physically connected so,

    6:05 pipelines or wires, et cetera, or connecting things.

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    6:09 We can deal with tabular data.

    6:11 So, basically data that just has some sort of

    6:14 from and to type of information.

    6:16 It doesn't have to be spatial data at all,

    6:18 just some records and a table that tell me that something

    6:21 is connected to something else.

    6:22 Could be an org chart for your company, for example.

    6:25 And finally, we can also use XML.

    6:28 We have our own XML format that describes the contents

    6:31 of a diagram and we can generate from that, so quite flexible.

    6:34 It's also very extendible.

    6:37 As you'll see in the upcoming demonstration,

    6:39 we have quite a few algorithms, layout algorithms

    6:44 that modify the placement of things on your diagram,

    6:47 that come with the system.

    6:49 But if for some reason, those don't meet your needs

    6:52 for your organization, your industry, et cetera,

    6:55 you can extend and add your own custom algorithms

    6:58 right into our system.

    6:59 So where does ArcGIS Schematics work?

    7:03 This image here shows that ArcGIS Schematic diagrams

    7:07 can be part of engine applications,

    7:10 desktop applications, and server applications.

    7:13 So a user is able to generate, update,

    7:16 and modify diagrams in those.

    7:18 And finally how does ArcGIS Schematics work?

    7:23 So basically we take some input data,

    7:27 the user selects some data, they run a trace,

    7:30 they do a spatial query, something like that,

    7:34 and they get some data

    7:35 that they want to generate a diagram from.

    7:37 Then they click the Generate Diagram button,

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    7:40 and that starts our diagram-generation process.

    7:43 Now behind the scenes,

    7:44 there is a configuration that takes place

    7:47 for every schematics application out there.

    7:49 So that configuration consists of three different pieces.

    7:53 The first part and the only part that is actually required,

    7:57 is our concept of a builder.

    7:59 Now keep in mind as we cover this, by the way,

    8:01 that the configuration is done by one, maybe two people

    8:05 in an entire organization.

    8:07 And the end users that generate diagrams,

    8:10 are just simply using that configuration

    8:12 that was already done for them.

    8:14 So back to the builder.

    8:15 The builder is what understands

    8:17 the type of data that it's going to expect to be

    8:20 coming into the system.

    8:21 So is it physical networks, is it logical networks,

    8:25 is it XML, et cetera?

    8:26 After the builder processes the data coming in,

    8:30 we have the basis for the diagram.

    8:33 The next optional thing are those rules

    8:35 that we previously mentioned.

    8:37 So again, rules can remove things, rules can add things.

    8:41 And then finally, there can optionally be a layout.

    8:45 This is our layout algorithm.

    8:46 So do you want the diagram to look exactly like the GIS data did?

    8:51 Or maybe you want to apply a smart tree, or a ring,

    8:54 or one of the other algorithms that we have.

    8:57 So to the end user again,

    8:59 they select some data, they click Generate Diagram,

    9:02 all this builder rules and layout happens behind the scenes,

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    9:06 and they end up with the output schematic diagram.

    9:09 So in this case, we had a builder that understood that data,

    9:12 we ran rules here to reduce the red squares

    9:17 that you see in the input data,

    9:19 and finally we had a layout algorithm,

    9:21 and this happened to be the smart tree layout algorithm,

    9:24 in an orientation from right to left.

    9:27 So the user selected the data, clicked Generate,

    9:30 and gets the output diagram.

    9:31 And with that we'll go ahead

    9:34 and move on over and show you a software demonstration.

    9:38 For this demonstration,

    9:40 we will be using some transportation data

    9:44 that comes from the Network Analyst tutorial data.

    9:48 What we're looking at on the screen here,

    9:50 is a multimodal network dataset.

    9:54 So this is some streets and subway system in Paris, France.

    10:00 There is a route that is already part of this data,

    10:04 we can see kind of in an orangeish-yellow color here.

    10:07 If I turn off that layer,

    10:09 you'll see it get removed and then you can just see the metro

    10:12 and streets underneath it.

    10:14 I'll turn that layer back on.

    10:16 Not going to go into the details of how Network Analyst works,

    10:20 but basically you solve a route to get between various points.

    10:23 So I'm going to right-click on the route layer,

    10:26 and tell the . . . I'm going to right-click on the tour layer

    10:31 and tell Network Analyst to go ahead and solve this route.

    10:34 So find the fastest way to get between all of these points.

    10:37 Now, as the schematic user, I'm simply going to click the

    10:41 Generate the New Schematic Diagram button.

    10:43 Here you can see it's pointing to something

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    10:47 called the schematic dataset.

    10:49 A schematic dataset is where all the configuration happens,

    10:52 and where all your diagrams end up living.

    10:54 Then we use a template.

    10:57 The template is what has the builder, the rules,

    11:00 and the layout that we just covered in the slide.

    11:02 So I'm going to use this demo default template.

    11:05 You can see it already sees tour two that we just solved,

    11:09 and now I'm going to give this diagram a name.

    11:11 I'll call this Demo Simple.

    11:16 When I click OK, that passes this information

    11:19 into the schematics generation part,

    11:21 and our builder takes over and generates the diagram.

    11:25 So now we have an exact replica, if you will,

    11:29 of the route that we just saw on the basemap.

    11:33 Now you'll notice over here in the table of contents, or the TOC,

    11:36 that schematics by default opens up in a new data frame.

    11:41 So think of this as a separate map,

    11:43 and the user can flip back and forth between them as needed.

    11:45 So now everything that we see here is

    11:48 in the exact geographic location,

    11:50 all the points are in correct x,y, all the links have the vertices.

    11:54 We could in fact drag and drop this on to the basemap,

    11:58 and you would see it exactly as it was on the map.

    12:01 But typically a schematic user wants to modify this.

    12:05 So they use the schematic editor,

    12:07 they start editing the diagram,

    12:08 and then they use one of our layout algorithms.

    12:12 So in the drop-down box here,

    12:14 you see all of the layout algorithms that come with the product.

    12:17 So these are the out-of-the-box things,

    12:19 and remember it's an extendible system.

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    12:21 You can create your own layout algorithm

    12:25 and it will show up in this list.

    12:26 So I'm going to pick the Hierarchical - Smart Tree,

    12:29 click the Apply button,

    12:31 and very quickly now we have a much more simplified version

    12:35 of this data.

    12:36 If I zoom in on here a little bit,

    12:39 now you will see the walking directions for somebody

    12:44 to get between all the points here.

    12:46 So at first they are walking down some streets

    12:48 that are sort of in black there,

    12:50 we can see that they go into a metro station,

    12:53 they get on to the metro line at a particular stop,

    12:56 they cross over, get off, transfer to a different metro line,

    13:00 and then out of the subway back onto the streets, et cetera.

    13:03 I'll stop editing on this diagram and save my changes.

    13:07 So that's the basics of diagram generation.

    13:10 Select some data, generate a diagram, apply algorithms.

    13:14 It's all based on that configuration;

    13:16 in this case it was very simple.

    13:18 So let's get a little more complex.

    13:20 Maybe as a user, my requirements are

    13:24 that I don't really need to see all these intermediate stops

    13:28 along the metro line.

    13:30 What I really need to know is, where do I get on,

    13:32 and where do I get off?

    13:33 The intermediate points really don't matter to me;

    13:36 I'm already on the line,

    13:37 I don't need to know what all those stops are.

    13:39 So we can use a node reduction rule

    13:42 to automatically get rid of those things.

    13:44 We'll also do the same rule on the streets.

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    13:47 I don't have the labels turned on for the streets here,

    13:49 but if I did you'd see there are some duplicate street names.

    13:53 So I'll use a node reduction rule that says,

    13:56 if the two street names are the same,

    13:58 go ahead and reduce the point between them

    14:01 and simplify this thing.

    14:02 So remember in the map, in the real map,

    14:04 I have that route still solved.

    14:07 All I'm going to do here is click Generate Diagram again.

    14:11 This time I'm going to pick a different template.

    14:13 So in my diagram template drop-down

    14:16 I'm going to pick DemoWithRules,

    14:18 I am going to give this a different name.

    14:20 So I'll call it, DemoRules, and click OK.

    14:24 So this time the system has the same builder,

    14:28 but it applied rules.

    14:30 Hopefully, you can already tell that this initial picture

    14:34 has far fewer little nodes, dots, and labels than we saw before.

    14:40 So just like we did before, I'll start an edit session.

    14:43 I will pick the smart tree layout algorithm and apply.

    14:48 Now, hopefully, you can see that this is greatly simplified

    14:52 compared to the last time.

    14:53 I'll stop editing. Save this.

    14:55 And now, if I zoom back in to that same area here,

    14:59 you can verify that we have removed all those

    15:03 intermediate vertices.

    15:04 We see where we get on to a metro line,

    15:06 we see where we get off.

    15:07 Much more simplified view.

    15:09 In fact, if I change back over to the other data frame,

    15:13 here you can see all those stops that were along the green line,

    15:17 and now if I switch back over, much, much simplified view.

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    15:22 So, that shows the builder and the rules,

    15:26 so that third step on that last slide that we looked at

    15:30 was the layout.

    15:31 You notice in both of these cases,

    15:33 I as the end user in the map,

    15:35 still had to start editing and apply the layout algorithm.

    15:38 Well, if we know that this is the way that it needs to be every time,

    15:42 we can fix that in configuration.

    15:44 We can tell the system to automatically apply the smart tree.

    15:47 So now, I'm going to generate another diagram.

    15:51 I'm going to pick the third template.

    15:53 So this template has the builder,

    15:56 it has the same rules as we just saw in our demo rules diagram,

    16:01 but it also has the automatic layout algorithm for the smart tree.

    16:04 So I'll call this one DemoLayout.

    16:08 Now, as an end user, I click OK,

    16:11 and right out of the box immediately this is my diagram.

    16:16 I no longer need to start the edit session and do anything to it.

    16:19 It automatically did the node reduction,

    16:22 it automatically applied the algorithm, and this is the final output.

    16:25 So with that, we will review, just for a moment.

    16:33 So, remember that a schematic diagram

    16:35 really is just another view of your data.

    16:37 It's another way for you to see your GIS data.

    16:40 And ArcGIS Schematics is part of your overall ArcGIS system.

    16:45 With that, I'll hand it over to Ardeshir for some Q&A.

    16:48 Thank you, Rick.

    16:50 We have a couple of questions here.

    16:52 Mike from Portland, Oregon, asking,

    16:55 Our company has strict rules regarding anything of GIS data.

    17:00 Does ArcGIS Schematics make any changes to our existing data

    17:04 behind the scene?

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    17:06 And Mike, no, ArcGIS Schematics doesn't make any changes

    17:10 to your data.

    17:12 It connects to your data and use your data,

    17:15 but not changing anything.

    17:17 It stores all ArcGIS Schematics tables in a schematic dataset,

    17:24 the separate dataset.

    17:26 And even if you want, you can store this dataset

    17:29 in a separate database.

    17:31 Tom from Iowa asking,

    17:34 When we quit multiple diagrams from saying GIS data,

    17:39 can we then do anything at all to the diagrams at the same time?

    17:43 The answer is yes, you can edit in all those diagrams

    17:48 at the same time.

    17:49 When you generate the diagram, it connects to your data,

    17:55 GIS data, but it doesn't have any connection to other diagrams

    18:01 that generated from the same GIS data.

    18:03 So you can edit in all those diagrams at the same time.

    18:08 Mary from Solvang asking,

    18:11 What kind of specialist do we need for developing

    18:15 our own custom algorithm?

    18:17 Mary, you need a developer that knows .NET and ArcGIS API

    18:25 and ArcGIS Schematics API.

    18:27 Eric from Memphis asking,

    18:32 Does ArcGIS Schematics have CAD-like tools

    18:35 that make it easy to do editing in digitizing?

    18:39 With ArcGIS Schematics, you get a lot of out-of-the-box

    18:43 CAD-like tools, like Node Alignment, Move Vertices,

    18:48 Remove Vertices, and so on.

    18:51 However, you get a lot more with ArcGIS Schematics,

    18:56 like a lot of out-of-the-box algorithms

    18:59 that make it easy to modify layout automatically

    19:05 without any manual interactions.

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    19:09 Alice from Irvine asking,

    19:13 In some cases we need to keep our diagrams

    19:17 even if we make changes to ArcGIS data.

    19:22 Will the changes we make in our GIS data apply automatically

    19:26 into all diagrams or can I decide which diagrams

    19:29 get updated and which diagrams stay as they are?

    19:33 Alice, you can set up the update versions as you want it.

    19:38 Some of our users want to update their diagrams in ArcMap.

    19:44 Some other want to use our GP tool,

    19:48 and bulk update all the diagrams during the night.

    19:51 Or, some others, just make their configuration in a way

    19:55 that diagrams are always updated.

    19:58 Michelle from Charleston, Virginia, asking,

    20:03 Labeling is very important part for our diagrams.

    20:08 How easy is to add and modify labels

    20:12 on diagrams in ArcGIS Schematics?

    20:15 Michelle, from ArcGIS 10,

    20:19 using ArcMap core labeling and symbology,

    20:24 so it is as easy as ArcMap labeling using geographic features.

    20:32 Harlan asking, Does ArcGIS Schematics work with ArcSDE?

    20:37 Harlan, of course ArcGIS Schematics work

    20:39 with all ArcSDE databases.

    20:42 And Harlan from Redlands, asking also,

    20:47 Can I customize ArcGIS Schematics?

    20:49 If you mean by customize is adding your own layout algorithm

    20:54 or you develop some rules, yes you can.

    20:59 If you mean you want to customize UI,

    21:03 you can even double up your own application using Engine

    21:09 or you can just build something

    21:14 and use our functionality to Engine or to our API.

    21:17 So you can do that.

    21:19 This is all the time we have for questions for this topic.

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    21:24 Back to you Rick.

    21:25 Alright, thanks.

    21:27 So the next topic that we'll dive into is

    21:31 how schematics can work on data

    21:33 that's based on logical connectivity.

    21:36 So again, logical connectivity really just means

    21:40 things that aren't physically connected.

    21:42 So, typically our physical networks deal with

    21:46 transportation networks, like in the last example,

    21:51 where there's streets and things like that.

    21:53 Or utility networks, based on a geometric network,

    21:56 where there's physically pipes and lines.

    21:59 Logically connected data though is quite different.

    22:02 So this example we're seeing here,

    22:04 which we will actually do a demo on in just a moment,

    22:07 is a disaster management scenario.

    22:10 What this is showing is the concept of a disaster response team

    22:14 that you see in the center of the diagram.

    22:16 That disaster response team is responsible

    22:19 for coordinating activities for a number of counties.

    22:23 So these are actually counties within the state of California,

    22:27 it's up in Northern California.

    22:28 So those are the middle ring there.

    22:31 The outer ring are various agencies that are inside of

    22:36 those particular counties.

    22:38 So, the DRT, the counties, the agencies,

    22:42 aren't physically connected.

    22:43 There's no wire between them.

    22:46 Yeah, there's probably roads,

    22:47 but they're not really physically connected

    22:49 like a train line or a transportation line.

    22:52 These things are just logically connected,

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    22:54 because they're spatially coincident

    22:57 or maybe there happens to be a relationship class

    23:01 between these things built into the geodatabase.

    23:04 We'll again, we'll actually go through this demonstration here

    23:08 in a moment.

    23:09 Another good example of a logical network is a social network

    23:13 or a criminal analysis.

    23:14 So this particular example is . . .

    23:18 could be a police-type organization trying to solve a murder,

    23:23 in this case.

    23:25 So the things that we see on this diagram

    23:27 are not physically connected.

    23:29 People aren't physically connected together,

    23:31 but logically they might be.

    23:33 Somebody saw somebody,

    23:34 somebody is the leader of something,

    23:37 or is a known member of something.

    23:39 So Schematics just gives us a nice,

    23:42 almost a whiteboard approach to be able to visualize this data.

    23:46 Now, of course, some of this data might actually have

    23:49 physical geographic locations,

    23:51 so we could look at it on the map,

    23:53 but oftentimes that might be pretty difficult to really see

    23:57 how these things are connected,

    23:59 especially if all the correct geographic locations

    24:02 are very close to each other.

    24:03 So again, the goal of schematics

    24:05 is to be able to get a better view of this

    24:08 and understand how things operate,

    24:09 so we lose the spatial constraints here

    24:12 and lay this thing out the way that we want,

    24:15 to be able to understand what's going on

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    24:17 and understand the connectivity of things.

    24:19 So that's the basics of what logical connectivity means to us.

    24:24 And from there, we'll just jump right on in

    24:27 and take a look at a software demonstration.

    24:29 So we will go ahead and look at the

    24:33 disaster management example that we saw there.

    24:36 So the map that that we're looking at happens to show

    24:39 an earthquake that happens up in Northern California.

    24:42 So we can see by just looking at this map

    24:46 that there's a number of counties involved.

    24:49 I could turn on labeling so I could a little more easily

    24:52 see the counties.

    24:54 The agencies are on the map,

    24:56 but that starts to get a little more problematic

    24:58 because many of them are close together,

    25:00 so at map scale they're directly on top of each other.

    25:03 I don't get a good picture.

    25:05 So typically a user might go through the process of

    25:09 identifying various things,

    25:11 so we identify and tell it to go ahead

    25:14 and drill down into all the available layers.

    25:17 Now we can see that this data

    25:20 actually had a bunch of relationship classes in it

    25:23 and we see that because this tree view is able to be expanded.

    25:28 So where I clicked happened to be on one county

    25:31 here in Northern California.

    25:33 Within that county, if I open it up,

    25:36 we can see that there are relationship classes

    25:39 to various agencies.

    25:41 So that county had a sheriff's office.

    25:43 It has a public health department.

    25:45 And we can also see it has a relationship

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    25:48 to a disaster response team.

    25:50 You might not be able to see that flashing on your screens,

    25:53 but it's just a little bit south of this particular disaster area.

    25:58 So you can see that the data is all related together,

    26:02 so logically it's all connected,

    26:04 but for an end user to really figure out what counties

    26:08 are involved and what agencies are there

    26:10 that might be able to help in a disaster effort,

    26:12 it's a little difficult to go through this route.

    26:15 I could continue identifying

    26:17 and maybe hand write some notes down,

    26:19 but not really a very simple way to look at this data.

    26:23 So that's where schematics comes in.

    26:25 I already have a schematic dataset configured,

    26:29 so as the end user, again,

    26:32 I don't need to know what's going on in that configuration.

    26:34 I just need to know that that's the configuration I use

    26:37 to generate diagrams for disaster response.

    26:42 So I select the polygon for the earthquake,

    26:44 I click the Generate Diagram button.

    26:48 This time the schematic dataset happens to be in a

    26:51 different database than the base data.

    26:53 So as the user, I need to simply point to that database,

    26:59 so here it's in the Schematics.mdb,

    27:02 and now I give this a name.

    27:05 So I'll call it DisasterDemo, and now I click OK.

    27:10 Behind the scenes, there's a builder being run,

    27:13 there's some rules being applied,

    27:15 and there's an automatic layout algorithm

    27:18 being applied to this data.

    27:19 So, as you saw, in just a couple seconds

    27:22 from clicking the OK button,

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    27:23 the system has gone through, looked at the relationship classes,

    27:27 looked at the spatial relationships,

    27:29 applied an algorithm, and generated a diagram,

    27:32 and this is the output, exactly like we saw in the slide

    27:36 just a couple of moments ago.

    27:38 So this could be expanded further, of course.

    27:41 This is just an example.

    27:43 So for example, the other piece of important information

    27:46 might be that I could see here that Tahama County

    27:50 has a fire department,

    27:51 but I don't know what kind of capabilities that fire department has.

    27:55 So you could extend this a little bit further.

    27:58 In this particular example, we have some nonspatial, tabular data

    28:04 in the database that tells us all of the capabilities

    28:07 for these different agencies.

    28:10 So I'm going to go ahead and open up the diagram

    28:14 that has already been created for that Tahama Fire Department.

    28:17 And now, when I open up this diagram,

    28:20 we can see all of the actual capabilities.

    28:24 So I can see, for example, that they have a helicopter,

    28:27 they have one helicopter and it's available right now.

    28:30 They have a pumper-type of a fire truck and it's available.

    28:34 They also have a boat, but in this case, it's not available,

    28:38 so it's, you know, out of commission, it's being worked on,

    28:42 or it's out on some other sort of call.

    28:44 So anyway, as you can see between these two different types

    28:48 of diagrams here, it just gives you a much better visual way

    28:53 to drill down into this kind of data.

    28:55 And again, this data is just logically connected.

    28:58 And this second diagram that we're looking at is

    29:01 actually nonspatial data completely.

    29:04 So these fire trucks, boats, and helicopters

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    29:07 don't have necessarily a spatial position.

    29:11 It's just a tabular record sitting in a database

    29:14 and Schematics can make use of that to generate

    29:17 these type of diagrams.

    29:19 With that we'll jump back over to the slides.

    29:23 So in review, Schematics can be used on data with

    29:28 logical connectivity and data doesn't have to have any

    29:32 spatial information, such as that second example

    29:34 that we just looked at.

    29:36 With that I'll hand it back over to Ardeshir for some more Q&A.

    29:39 Thank you, Rick.

    29:41 Peter from Victorville asking,

    29:43 We have ArcGIS Schematics 9.3.1.

    29:46 Can we still generate those diagrams that Rick showed us?

    29:50 If yes, then what we can't do in 9.3.1

    29:55 that we can do in 10 and 10.1?

    29:58 The answer is yes, you can generate all those diagrams

    30:02 that Rick showed you.

    30:04 However, we recommend that you upgrade to 10.1.

    30:09 Since we made a lot of changes,

    30:14 major architectural changes in 10

    30:17 and we add additional capability in both 10 and 10.1.

    30:21 I can mention a couple of those changes that we made;

    30:25 however, we don't have time to go through all of those,

    30:28 so you need to go on to read about it.

    30:34 One of the changes we made,

    30:37 we have more integration of ArcGIS Schematics diagrams

    30:41 into the ArcGIS core.

    30:43 So pre-10 diagrams are custom layers.

    30:48 From 10 diagrams are composite layers.

    30:53 And with that, also pre-10 we had our own engine for labeling

    31:00 and symbology.

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    31:01 But from 10 we use ArcGIS core ArcMap labeling and symbology

    31:06 for schematics diagrams.

    31:12 We rewrote our configuration application

    31:14 to make it easier for our user to get a better user experience

    31:19 to configuration.

    31:22 And we wrote our API to give developers an easier way

    31:31 to create their custom codes, on top of ArcGIS Schematics.

    31:39 And we added more out-of-the-box algorithms

    31:45 to make it easier for our users to get the desirable results,

    31:51 without any manual interaction,

    31:53 automatically get those results.

    31:56 And also we added schematics Server capability in 10.1,

    32:01 so from 10.1 you can create schematic services.

    32:08 John from Phoenix, Arizona asking,

    32:10 We create our diagrams with different symbology and labeling

    32:14 depending on what we need to use our diagrams for.

    32:17 Can you have some preset settings for symbology and labeling

    32:22 that we frequently use?

    32:24 And if the answer is yes, how easy is it to change between

    32:28 those preset symbology and labeling ArcGIS Schematics?

    32:31 The answer is yes, you can set as many preset settings

    32:37 for your labeling and symbology as you want.

    32:39 And it is really easy to change between them.

    32:43 The way it works, you make changes into your diagram

    32:49 about labeling and symbology,

    32:53 and then you change your diagram as a layer file.

    32:56 And then you can go ahead and import that layer file

    33:01 into your diagram template, using our configuration application.

    33:05 Or you can import that layer file directly

    33:09 into your diagram in ArcMap.

    33:11 The difference between those two methods

    33:14 is if you import a layer file into diagram template,

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    33:19 then every time you generate the new diagram,

    33:21 you get the labeling and symbology settings that you want,

    33:29 or you created.

    33:30 But if you do that in ArcMap, then you need to import,

    33:35 every time you generate a new diagram,

    33:38 you need to import that setup to your diagram.

    33:43 So by that, let's move to next topic. Back to you, Rick.

    33:50 Thanks. I did see one other question on there

    33:53 that I think's important to answer.

    33:54 Somebody asked what license level you need for Schematics.

    33:58 So Schematics, you can use that with our

    34:03 ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, or our new terminology is

    34:07 Basic, Standard, and Advanced.

    34:08 Just know that to generate diagrams, to update diagrams,

    34:14 and to edit diagrams, to apply algorithms, et cetera,

    34:17 you are actually creating, deleting, modifying features

    34:21 and their position. So by the nature of that,

    34:25 you must have at least ArcEditor or ArcInfo,

    34:29 or the new terminology is Standard and Advanced.

    34:32 Okay, so on to the next topic here.

    34:37 We're going to take a look at a start-to-finish example

    34:41 based on physical connectivity.

    34:43 So again, physical connectivity means

    34:45 there's something connecting, something physical

    34:48 connecting things together, like a wire or a pipe, et cetera.

    34:52 So we will go through a complete desktop example.

    34:56 We're going to create a new schematic dataset.

    35:01 We're going to configure the schematic dataset

    35:04 based on some tutorial data, and then we'll go back over

    35:08 as a user and we will generate a diagram

    35:11 based on the configuration, we'll apply an algorithm to it,

    35:14 and we'll save our changes.

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    35:16 We will be using the Brazil tutorial data

    35:20 that comes with the Schematics tutorial,

    35:22 so if you install ArcTutor and include schematics,

    35:25 you will get the data.

    35:26 And the picture that you're seeing on the screen now

    35:29 are some representations of that data.

    35:32 So with that, we'll jump right on in to the demonstration.

    35:36 So first off, we'll take a look at the map.

    35:38 So this is a very simple geometric network.

    35:42 And, by the way, most of our customers with physical networks

    35:46 do use a geometric network.

    35:48 These are typically utility companies.

    35:50 Transportation customers use those network datasets,

    35:54 like we saw in the first example,

    35:56 but the typical physical ones are geometric networks.

    35:59 So again, gas pipeline, simple network.

    36:01 This is off the coastline of Brazil.

    36:03 The important thing to keep in mind

    36:06 when you're about to start your configuration is,

    36:08 it makes it easier to set up a map document

    36:12 that actually has the symbology the way

    36:15 that you would like to see it, on your schematic diagrams.

    36:18 So just set it up the way you think your users want the symbology,

    36:22 one time, save that map, and then we'll use that map

    36:25 in our configuration.

    36:27 So the next thing we do is bring up ArcCatalog

    36:31 and go to the database

    36:33 where we want the schematic dataset to live.

    36:35 So keep in mind, somebody asked the question earlier

    36:39 about SDE.

    36:40 The schematic dataset can live in any of our geodatabases.

    36:44 So that can be a personal geodatabase, a file geodatabase,

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    36:47 or any of the supported SDE databases.

    36:50 So once I've got the database that I want,

    36:53 I just right-click there, and I choose New Schematic Dataset.

    36:58 This creates our schematic dataset entry into the database.

    37:04 All of your configuration goes inside of this schematic dataset,

    37:09 and then as your end users actually start generating

    37:12 new diagrams, all of those diagrams will also get stored

    37:16 and persisted inside of the schematic dataset itself.

    37:19 So once I have my dataset, I right-click and choose Edit.

    37:24 This brings up our Schematic Dataset Editor application,

    37:29 so this is the application that you do all your configuration.

    37:32 Again, please keep in mind that what we're about to do

    37:36 is only done by one, maybe two people, in an entire organization.

    37:40 All your typical users that are using and generating diagrams

    37:44 just use this configuration.

    37:46 They never need to know about this configuration,

    37:49 they don't ever need to come inside of this tool.

    37:51 So now we're in the Dataset Editor.

    37:53 First thing I need to do is

    37:55 create a new schematic diagram template.

    37:58 So remember back as we were generating diagrams

    38:01 along the way, that Generate Diagram form

    38:03 had me pick the template I wanted to use.

    38:06 That's how this starts.

    38:07 So I click New Schematic Diagram Template,

    38:11 I can give this a name.

    38:13 We'll call it DemoBrazil, that'll be the name of our template.

    38:16 Now if you remember all the way back to our slide

    38:20 about how schematics works,

    38:22 step one on that slide was a builder.

    38:24 So here, sort of front and center on this screen,

    38:28 we have to pick the builder.

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    38:30 So if we hover over Standard Builder, it pops up and says,

    38:33 Use this builder for geometric networks.

    38:35 Of course, we've got a network dataset builder

    38:38 for our network dataset customers

    38:40 and we have our XML builder.

    38:42 And then there's some other various combinations

    38:45 of these things when we start talking about

    38:47 custom query capabilities that I mentioned,

    38:50 where we can just query nonspatial data out of tables.

    38:53 But since I know that this Brazil data is

    38:57 based on a geometric network, it is the standard builder

    39:00 that I need, so all I need to do is click OK here.

    39:03 Now, this DemoBrazil diagram template is over here.

    39:07 Next, I need to tell it what data to expect

    39:10 to have coming into the system.

    39:12 The best and easiest way to do that with geometric network data

    39:16 is to right-click and then choose Import from Feature Layers.

    39:20 Now I use the Import from Feature Layers dialog

    39:24 to point to and select the map document

    39:27 that is going to be coming in.

    39:29 So for that, I'll go back to the tutorial data section

    39:32 and pick that Brazil map document we were looking at.

    39:35 Very quickly, that parses that map document

    39:38 and it looks for a geometric network.

    39:40 So here you can see it found the pipeline network

    39:43 and all the feature classes that are in it,

    39:45 and it's automatically selected those things.

    39:48 We can see that there were a few other layers in that map

    39:51 that are not part of the geometric network.

    39:54 So we could include those in our schematic diagrams,

    39:57 but since they're not part of the network, if you do that,

    40:01 then when your users apply algorithms, sometimes

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    40:03 you get some strange results

    40:05 because those things aren't physically connected

    40:07 with everything else that's in the diagram.

    40:09 So in its simplest case, we'll just leave it with the network.

    40:13 I click OK.

    40:14 Now in the tree view, we can see all of the

    40:17 schematic feature classes that are going to be created

    40:20 in the database.

    40:20 So it's a one-to-one mapping.

    40:22 There's one schematic feature class

    40:24 for each of your real GIS feature classes

    40:28 that are going to be represented.

    40:29 So when I hit the Save button,

    40:31 this is actually going to go into the geodatabase

    40:34 and create the necessary tables.

    40:36 Now that's all I'm going to do for configuration for this demo,

    40:39 but real quick-like,

    40:40 just to point out that if we were going to take this further

    40:43 on those other steps of how Schematics works,

    40:46 the next step was rules.

    40:48 So when I've got my template selected, I have a Rules tab.

    40:52 I can go into that tab, click the Add Rule button,

    40:55 and then go ahead and configure a node reduction rule

    40:58 or a spatial query rule or the various other rules that we have.

    41:01 And then in that final step in the how Schematics works,

    41:05 was the layout.

    41:06 So on the Properties tab,

    41:08 you'll see that we have a Layout drop-down.

    41:11 So this gives a list of all of those layout algorithms

    41:13 that come with the product.

    41:14 I could pick one of these and then when my user generates

    41:18 a diagram based on this template,

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    41:20 it would automatically apply this layout algorithm,

    41:23 and also the rules, if there were any of those things set.

    41:27 In this case, I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to close.

    41:30 We've already saved it.

    41:31 Now the user just goes back to the map

    41:33 and just like we've seen in the other demonstrations,

    41:36 they select some data, generate a diagram.

    41:38 So I'll go ahead and zoom down into an area down here.

    41:43 I am going to select a small piece of this data.

    41:48 I could run a trace, because this is a geometric network.

    41:51 I could do a select by attributes or location.

    41:54 It doesn't really matter. We just need data selected.

    41:57 We click Generate Diagram button.

    41:59 You can see here in the template,

    42:01 there's the DemoBrazil that we just created.

    42:04 It's the only one there, so there's nothing else in the drop-down,

    42:07 and now I give this diagram a name, and click OK.

    42:13 Quickly parses that selection set, and again,

    42:17 opens up the new diagram in a new data frame

    42:20 in the table of contents.

    42:22 So by default, diagrams coming from the standard builder

    42:26 are what we call geoschematic diagrams.

    42:29 What that means is that all of the nodes that you see

    42:32 in this diagram are in the exact, correct x,y location.

    42:37 In fact, let me go ahead and drag and drop this diagram

    42:40 over to my other data frame, jump over there,

    42:43 and if I turn off the real network,

    42:46 now we're looking at our schematic diagram

    42:48 directly on top of the basemap.

    42:50 So I'm going to go ahead and remove that

    42:53 and go back to the schematic diagram itself.

    42:56 So the nodes, again, are in the correct position,

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    42:59 but the links themselves have been simplified.

    43:02 There's no vertices. So it's a straight line.

    43:05 Another probably, easier way to see that is to identify the link,

    43:09 and then when I bring up the Identify Editor,

    43:13 we can see a couple of different things.

    43:15 First, at the top level, when I click on it,

    43:18 you'll see that flash the geometry for the schematic feature itself,

    43:23 and the fields that we're looking at are information

    43:26 that schematics is keeping track of.

    43:28 But, remember when we talked about schematics being live

    43:32 and connected to your data? It's not a disconnected diagram.

    43:36 Here's a good way to look at that.

    43:38 Now we can open this up the rest of the way

    43:41 in the Identify dialog and when I click on the lower level,

    43:45 you should hopefully be able to see flashing on your screen

    43:49 the actual, digitized vertices, or the digitized geometry

    43:55 of the real feature that was in the geometric network.

    43:58 Not only are we able to see that flash, but now in the fields here,

    44:02 we are actually looking at the underlying data

    44:06 coming from the real GIS feature.

    44:08 So again, schematics is live, it's connected to your data

    44:12 and it doesn't become stale.

    44:15 As that data changes, you'd automatically see it reflected

    44:18 here in the diagram itself.

    44:19 So, next thing that we would do,

    44:22 just like we did in the other demos,

    44:23 is probably start an edit session on this

    44:26 and then apply a layout algorithm, so I'll run a smart tree.

    44:30 This time though I'm going to go ahead

    44:32 and use the Root Node tool and tell the system

    44:35 which node I want to be the start of my layout algorithms.

    44:39 I'll go into the properties.

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    44:40 Every one of the layout algorithms has an

    44:43 Algorithm Properties page where you can modify the behavior,

    44:47 the look and feel.

    44:48 This time I'll choose to go from the top to the bottom

    44:51 instead of the default left to right.

    44:53 And I'll click OK and then apply this layout algorithm,

    44:57 and very quickly we have a much different view of that data

    45:02 than we did in its correct geographic position.

    45:05 I'll go ahead and stop editing and save this.

    45:08 So, another thing I can show you real quick

    45:11 while we're here is another one of those dynamic interaction

    45:15 type of things that we have with your GIS data

    45:18 that you would not have if you were using CAD or Visio

    45:22 or some other system.

    45:23 To show that, I'm going to go ahead and use a viewer window,

    45:27 so on the menu bar in ArcMap, I clicked on Windows,

    45:32 and then Viewer. That opens up our Viewer window.

    45:35 This is a little hard to show you on a single monitor

    45:38 during a presentation like this, but for your actual users

    45:42 at your corporation, if you've got a dual monitor setup,

    45:46 you can imagine I could put this schematic diagram

    45:49 that's in a viewer window on one monitor,

    45:51 and then on the other monitor I actually put my real GIS data.

    45:56 Now, I can show you some of that interaction.

    45:59 I can, for example, select some things that are over here

    46:02 on my schematic diagram.

    46:04 I can then click a button that says,

    46:06 Propagate the Schematic Selection to the Map,

    46:08 or basically, go find these things in the real world

    46:12 that I've got selected on my schematic diagram.

    46:15 So I'll click that button, and very quick on the map now,

    46:19 hopefully you can see the highlighted features.

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    46:22 So again, even though the diagram is not

    46:24 in the correct geographic location anymore,

    46:27 we know what the source features were,

    46:30 so we can jump back and forth.

    46:31 Likewise, I could select something over here

    46:34 on the geographic side and click the other button that says,

    46:38 Go ahead and locate that on the schematic.

    46:41 And now when I click that button,

    46:42 very quickly we should see that selection move

    46:45 over to the schematic diagram itself.

    46:48 Do it one more time, click something else here,

    46:51 push it back over to the other side.

    46:52 So again, very dynamic in nature.

    46:55 I can have as many of these diagrams as I want.

    46:58 Maybe I have multiple shown in different viewer windows,

    47:01 propagate the selections back and forth,

    47:04 the various diagrams laid out different,

    47:05 so I get a much better understanding of my network.

    47:08 So with that we will review quickly.

    47:13 So Schematics can be used on data with physical connectivity,

    47:17 as we just saw, a geometric network in that case.

    47:20 There is a onetime configuration of a schematic dataset.

    47:24 Again, done by one or two people in an entire company,

    47:27 and then the real end users in the map simply select data

    47:31 and then generate and manipulate their diagrams.

    47:34 With that, I'll hand it back to Ardeshir.

    47:37 Todd from Alabama asking,

    47:39 What type of person do we need for configuration part?

    47:43 Todd, you need a person who understands your data model,

    47:46 data network, and knows your company's needs

    47:50 regarding creating new diagrams.

    47:54 Jennifer from Riverside asking,

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    47:56 Can we use as many rules as we want for a diagram template?

    48:01 Jennifer, there is no limitation in number of rules

    48:05 in ArcGIS Schematics.

    48:08 However, most of the time, one or two rules are enough

    48:13 to achieve that desirable result.

    48:17 So if you pass the number of 10 rules,

    48:22 then probably it is a good idea to look at your configuration

    48:26 and see if you can simplify something there.

    48:29 Michelle from Nashville asking,

    48:32 We are still using ArcGIS Schematics 9.3.1.

    48:35 Can we use our 9.3.1 datasets and diagrams in 10 and 10.1?

    48:40 Michelle, you can use your 9.3.1 datasets

    48:48 and diagrams in 10 and 10.1, but only as Read only

    48:54 and View only.

    48:55 So if you want to modify or generate new diagrams,

    48:58 you need to migrate your datasets and diagrams to 10 or 10.1.

    49:03 So, as I mentioned, we did a major architectural changes in 10.

    49:11 So all pre-10 datasets and diagrams need to be migrated

    49:16 if you want to do something else than viewing only.

    49:20 To add to that just a little bit,

    49:23 so when we looked at the dataset itself in ArcCatalog,

    49:27 I right-clicked to go into the editing.

    49:29 If you were on a 10 or 10.1 machine and you right-clicked

    49:33 on a dataset from 9.3.1, you would see in that pop-up list there,

    49:39 you would see a Migrate to version 10 or 10.1 option.

    49:43 You click that, follow through the wizard,

    49:45 and that migrates your data.

    49:46 It is really easy, and it's a good idea if you plan your migration

    49:52 if you have a lot of datasets and diagrams.

    49:56 Joe from San Diego asking,

    49:59 We don't have a geometric network or a network dataset

    50:03 for our data.

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    50:05 Do you recommend we create one

    50:07 or should we just start using ArcGIS Schematics without one?

    50:11 Joe, you can use ArcGIS Schematics without any network.

    50:17 If you remember, Rick showed you disaster management

    50:23 sample application

    50:25 and that application was not using any network at all.

    50:31 It was just using spatial queries and relationship classes.

    50:36 However, having networks have lot of benefits.

    50:42 You know, you check your data connectivity and data quality.

    50:47 So the decision is something you need to make,

    50:50 analyzing your data

    50:52 and also your company's needs for a network.

    50:56 Back to you Rick.

    51:00 Okay, thanks.

    51:03 So now we'll step into our final topic of the day,

    51:06 which is ArcGIS Schematics on Server,

    51:10 or Schematics for ArcGIS on ArcGIS for Server.

    51:14 So, as I mentioned at the beginning of the presentation,

    51:17 this is new at 10.1, so again, just to be very clear,

    51:22 everything you've seen to this point you could do on version 10,

    51:26 and in fact you could do that on 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.3.1.

    51:32 But now this section is only available at 10.1,

    51:36 and the reason for that is we had to modify

    51:39 Server capabilities a bit, we had to build our own

    51:43 schematics server object extension, really.

    51:47 So, schematics is now a new capability of the standard

    51:50 ArcGIS Server's map service.

    51:53 So, the image that we see here is what a user would see

    51:59 when they try to publish a map service.

    52:01 When they do that now, and Schematics is involved,

    52:04 they can click on the Capabilities section

    52:07 and they will see a new check box and the entry for Schematics.

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    52:11 When they turn on the schematic capability,

    52:15 then they see the image, or the part of the image

    52:17 that's on the right side of this example here.

    52:20 Basically, the only thing you need to worry about

    52:23 are the two check boxes for Query and Editing.

    52:25 If you just simply want to produce a service to allow people

    52:29 to view the diagrams that you're going to publish,

    52:32 then the only thing that you need is the Query check box checked,

    52:35 and that's the only one by default.

    52:37 Now, if you want to allow users to generate diagrams

    52:41 or update diagrams or modify diagrams, apply algorithms,

    52:45 then you need to enable the Editing check box,

    52:48 which allows you to do editing on the web.

    52:51 So, along with this new capability,

    52:55 we are providing a complete sample Silverlight

    52:58 application at 10.1.

    53:01 So, in fact let's just jump right on into the demonstration here,

    53:06 because I am going to use that sample for the demo.

    53:09 With that, I am going to bring up our Resource Center.

    53:14 So, real quick, since I've got it here,

    53:17 this is

    53:21 This is the new beta resources for 10.1.

    53:24 It's available now for everyone. A lot of information out here,

    53:27 so, you know, feel free to spend some time and dig around.

    53:30 There's more videos that dig a little deeper into these topics,

    53:34 links into the help system, and forums, et cetera.

    53:38 But what I really want to get to

    53:40 is scrolling down here to the Gallery section.

    53:43 So the Gallery has a bunch of applications.

    53:46 The one that I want to show you today

    53:48 is the Schematics Configurable Web Application.

    53:51 So this is a Silverlight web application sample.

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    53:56 For the developers, you can actually come in here,

    54:01 click on the link, and download all the source code.

    54:04 So you could use this application exactly like

    54:07 I'm going to show you today, or you can take the source code

    54:09 and modify it for your own needs,

    54:11 make it fit in your organization a little better.

    54:14 So I'm going to click Open and view application.

    54:18 This will load up the Silverlight application,

    54:21 notice I'm in a browser here,

    54:22 I'm just in a tab in the browser window.

    54:24 It's got a dual pane view.

    54:27 It's set up to have a geographic side and a schematics side.

    54:30 I click Connect to Geographic.

    54:32 These are public services that are out there for demo purposes,

    54:36 so I connect and connect to my geographic.

    54:38 That will load the geographic data,

    54:41 there's no basemap in this case, but it's a utility network example.

    54:45 Now I click Connect to Schematic,

    54:47 change to my schematics service and connect to it.

    54:51 Now it shows me a list of diagrams,

    54:53 so I can drill down in here and look at various diagrams

    54:57 that have been published, so on and so forth.

    55:00 The one I want to show you that's kind of interesting

    55:03 based on this network, is this basic structure entire network.

    55:07 So this diagram is a very, very simplified view of all the data

    55:12 that's over on the left side.

    55:14 So there's a bunch of node reduction rules

    55:17 that have been run on this data to simplify it

    55:19 to get to the diagram that we have now.

    55:21 So we can do things similar to like we did over on the map.

    55:25 For example, I can select some features on the schematic side,

    55:29 click the button to propagate that over to the map,

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    55:32 and you'll see that here it looks like I only had two features,

    55:35 but now over on the map side,

    55:37 you can see there were many features.

    55:39 So that just shows you how much simplification there was.

    55:43 Likewise, I could make a selection over on the geographic side,

    55:48 click the other button to push that over to my schematic diagram,

    55:52 and now up here on the top we'll see that.

    55:55 So just like we did in the map, we can propagate the selections.

    55:59 Now, real quick, I want to show you editing on the web.

    56:03 So I can start an edit session here

    56:06 and just like we did in ArcMap,

    56:10 I can pick one of my layout algorithms, I'll pick smart tree,

    56:14 I can change the direction to go top to bottom,

    56:17 I can set a root node, and now I can apply the layout algorithm.

    56:22 And as this applies, we'll start seeing it animate a little bit.

    56:26 I can see I didn't quite get the exact root node I wanted,

    56:29 so I'll change to this other root node, reapply it.

    56:33 Now I can zoom to the full extent.

    56:37 I could, by the way, this allows me to open up the window

    56:40 so I'm only looking at schematic.

    56:44 And here, just because I know this data quite well,

    56:46 I know that there's some overlaps going on in here.

    56:49 You see I have pink, green, blue, and yellow down at the bottom,

    56:52 but I don't see that at the top.

    56:54 That's because we've got some overlaps

    56:56 due to the node reductions.

    56:58 So very quickly here, I'll run another algorithm called

    57:02 Separate Overlapping Links, and now you should be able to

    57:06 see that separate out.

    57:07 So, don't have time here to do a generate or an update,

    57:11 but just know that basically everything

    57:13 that I've shown you on ArcMap is pretty much capable

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    57:17 of being done right here in a server context.

    57:19 And with that, we'll review quickly.

    57:24 At 10.1, schematics is a new capability of a map service

    57:27 and a sample Silverlight application is available.

    57:30 Back to you, Ardeshir.

    57:32 Matt from New York asking,

    57:35 What functionality don't we have on Server

    57:38 that we do have on Desktop?

    57:40 Matt, we have all the schematics functionality available

    57:45 on Server, Desktop, and Engine.

    57:48 The differences between those are that we have a lot of

    57:54 out-of-the-box tools in Desktop, but with Server and Engine,

    58:00 we provide you some samples

    58:03 that have some of those functionality that you see in Desktop,

    58:07 available some of the tools available on Server and Engine.

    58:11 The rest of those, you can build it yourself using our API.

    58:16 So the difference is just number of out-of-the-box tools.

    58:21 The other question from Jamie from DC,

    58:26 Can we digitize through a client application

    58:29 using ArcGIS Schematics services?

    58:33 Yes, you can digitize through a client.

    58:36 However, you need to build a client application yourself.

    58:43 You can use our API and build it.

    58:46 Robert from Maryland asking,

    58:49 Can I have diagrams on my web service only for viewing?

    58:54 When you create your schematic service using our

    59:00 Schematics SOE, you can decide to enable editing capability

    59:07 or not. You can just not check that enable editing capability,

    59:12 and then your service will be read-only.

    59:16 Back to you, Rick.

    59:17 Okay, unfortunately we are running out of time here,

    59:21 so before we go though

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    59:26 I would like to point out a few more resources.

    59:29 The video series that we showed on the

    59:32 Resource Center of schematics, the tutorials and the forums

    59:34 that I all mentioned earlier.

    59:36 Your comments help up improve these seminars,

    59:39 so please do take a moment to complete our survey.

    59:42 Just click the Give Us Feedback link to take the survey.

    59:48 We hope you enjoyed today's seminar.

    59:50 On behalf of Esri, I'd like to thank you all for attending.

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