Download - UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 · 2013-11-28 · UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 Ignac Klemenèiè* PRIKAZ POPLAVE V PREKMURJU POLET 1972I N,A PRIMERU VASI SKAKOVCI V prv polovici juliji 1972a

Page 1: UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 · 2013-11-28 · UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 Ignac Klemenèiè* PRIKAZ POPLAVE V PREKMURJU POLET 1972I N,A PRIMERU VASI SKAKOVCI V prv polovici juliji 1972a

UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18

Ignac Klemenčič*


V prvi polovici julija 1972. leta so Prekmurje precej prizadele po-plave. Za precejšen obseg poplavljena zemljišča ob sorazmerno hitrem nastopu visoke poplavne vode, so krive izredno močne padavine v pod-ročju celotnega Pomurja in na avstrijskem Štajerskem. Padavine v tej pokrajini so imele glavno vlogo pri naraščanju vode v reki Muri. Deže-vati je začelo dokaj zmerno 11. julija, na kar so se vrstile nevihte vse do 14. julija. Zemlja že od prej ni bila preveč izsušena, zato je bila kmalu tako napojena z vodo, da ni mogla več sprejemati novih padavin. Najprej so bile prizadete doline na Goričkem, kjer potoki niso mogli sproti odvajati vode, ki je pritekala s pobočij. Nato pa se je voda razlila še v ravninskem svetu proti Muri. Z vzporednim naraščanjem vodnega stanja v Muri pa je bil otežkočen normalni odtok vode v Kučnici, Ledavi in drugih potokih, kar je v ravnini hitro privedlo do izliva vode iz plitvih in v večini primerov neurejenih rečnih strug.

Namen mojega referata ni, da bi podrobneje opisoval prirodno ozad-je te poplave s podatki o stanju v atmosferi nad poplavljenim področ-jem, kar je povzročilo izredno močne padavine, niti ne bom govoril o škodi, ki jo je poplava v poletju leta 1972 povzročila v teh krajih. Zanima me delež družbe in njenega gospodarjenja s prostorom, katera običajno poskuša prirodno okolje izboljšati, včasih pa ga tudi nehote poslabša.

Ker sem bil ravno v času poplave v Prekmurju na mladinskem raz-iskovalnem taboru, sem imel priliko opazovati celoten potek nastopanja, kulminacije in umikanja poplavnih voda. Področje katastrske občine Skakovci sem izbral zato, ker smo tu ravno v času poplave kartirali ter nas je dež in nastop visokih voda močno oviral pri delu, hkrati pa tudi zato, ker se je tu uveljavilo človekovo delovanje v usmeritvi poplav-nega vodnega toka in s tem tudi pri obsegu poplavljenega ozemlja.

Ozemlje katastrske občine Skakovci zavzema 445 ha površine in leži v celoti pod diluvijalno teraso, ki se je izoblikovala na prehodu iz Go-ričkega v ravninski svet. Večina te površine je v njivah in travnikih ter dobro obdelana, saj je vas Skakovci še skoraj popolnoma agrarna. Čistih kmečkih in mešanih delavsko-kmečkih gospodinjstev je kar 93 %>, kar kaže na to, da vsaj zaenkrat daje glavni dohodek ljudem kmetijska produkcija.

* As. pripr., Inštitut za geogr. univ., 61000 Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 12, glej izvleček na koncu zbornika.

Page 2: UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 · 2013-11-28 · UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 Ignac Klemenèiè* PRIKAZ POPLAVE V PREKMURJU POLET 1972I N,A PRIMERU VASI SKAKOVCI V prv polovici juliji 1972a





U S1972




Na tem področju se reki Kučnica in Ledava približata druga drugi na razdaljo dveh kilometrov. Vmesni razvodni svet tvori komaj zaznavna vzboklina, ki je po sredini prerezana z zvijugano strugo potoka Dobla. Vse zemljišče ob vodnih tokovih je v travnikih in pašnikih, deloma po-raslo z grmovjem in slabim gozdom. Njivske površine se drže vsaj ne-

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koliko dvignjenega sveta oddaljenega od vodnih strug, ki so zelo plitve. Ze zmerno povečanje vode v njih povzroči izliv vode na zemljišče vzdolž teh strug. Domačim so povedali, da nastopijo poplave ob močnejšem de-ževju, ker plitva in neurejena struga Ledave le počasi odvaja vodo. Le-ta se večkrat razlije prek struge in teče nato v smeri toka potoka Dobla. Prav ta travniški svet vzdolž struge tega potoka kaže pot poplavnih voda ob prejšnjih poplavah. Na velikem pašniku na desni strani ceste, ki pelje iz Murske Sobote skozi Skakovce proti Cankovi in naprej na Go-ričko, je bila včasih urejena drenaža. Tako je veliko poplavne vode tu izginjalo, del pa jo je odtekal naprej vzdolž struge potoka Dobla. Ko cesta še ni bila asfaltirana, je imela precej nižji nivo kot pa ga ima sedaj. Poplavna voda je lahko tekla čez cesto, če je bilo grlo pri mostu, po katerem pelje cesta čez potok Dobel, preozko. Tekla je po travniškem in pašnem zemljišču naprej, njivske površine je poplavljala le plitvo in se je tudi hitro umaknila (na njivah je poplavila le 10 cm visoko).

Poplava poleti 1972 je bila po obsegu zelo velika. Domačini ne pomnijo tako visoke vode že več kot 30 let. Vodne struge niso mogle sprejeti tolikšne množine vode, ki se je nenadoma pojavila. Glavni vzrok za obseg poplavljenih površin na območju katastrske občine Skakovci je bila Ledava; Kučnica je že regulirana in tokrat ni poplavljala. Struga Ledave, močno zvita in zaraščena z drevjem in grmovjem, je le počasi odvajala veliko množino vode, ki je pridrla z Goričkega. Dobršen del se je po starem poplavnem področju prebil navzdol ob potoku Doblu. Do večjih sprememb smeri toka poplavne vode pa je prišlo ob cesti. Ko so cesto modernizirali, so jo precej dvignili in nekoliko tudi razširili. Širina grla pri mostu prek Dobla pa je ostala ista, kot je bila pri stari cesti, ki je imela nižji nivo. Tako visoka poplavna voda ni mogla takoj odtekati tudi prek ceste, morala je najprej narasti do nivoja sedanjega cestišča, da se je lahko prelila prek njega. Tako je voda poplavila vse njivske površine, ki so bile ob prejšnjih poplavah še razmeroma varne. Voda je poplavila dobro tretjino skakovskih njiv, od tega mnoge tik pred žetvijo. Pol metra visoka voda je segla žitu do klasja, s tem pa so prišla do klasja razna kemična gnojila in drugo, ter uničila zrnie. V globoki vodi so se zadušile tudi okopavine, detelja in silažna koruza.

Medtem, ko so bile njive na levi strani ceste (v smeri proti Skakov-cem) popolnoma pod vodo, je bilo na obsežnem pašniku na desni strani veliko manj vode, ki je pritekla pod mostom in prek ceste. Cesta tudi ni depuščala hitrejšega umika vode iz poplavljenega njivskega sveta po-tem, ko je le-ta toliko upadla, da se ni več prelivala direktno prek ce-stišča. Travniki in pašniki na desni strani ceste, ki so bili v preteklosti rešilno področje za njivski svet, tokrat niti niso bili v celoti poplavljeni.

Kmetje so povedali, da so ob modernizaciji ceste, ki je bila na vsak način potrebna in za življenje teh krajev pomembna, opozorili na pro-blem poplav in na potrebo razširitve grla pri mostu čez Dobel ter na zgraditev več propustov pod cesto, ki so jo ob modernizaciji toliko dvigni-li. Vendar njihovega mnenja niso upoštevali. Takih primerov je verjetno še precej in marsikje bi ne bilo napak, če bi se ob upoštevanju znan-stvenih dokazov tehnikov, ekonomistov, planerjev in drugih upoštevalo tudi mnenje domačinov, ki so si svoje izkušnje nabrali v dolgih letih.

Page 4: UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 · 2013-11-28 · UDK 511.311.2:914.971.2-18 Ignac Klemenèiè* PRIKAZ POPLAVE V PREKMURJU POLET 1972I N,A PRIMERU VASI SKAKOVCI V prv polovici juliji 1972a

Ignac Klemeniic


(A Case Study of the Village of Skakovci)

The lowlands of Prekmurje in Northeastern Slovenia have been se-verely hit by summer floods in the first half of July, 1972. Floods have affected an extensive area. The reasons for the wide spread flooding and the rather rapid swelling of the waters of the Mura river and of its tributaries have to be sought in the very heavy rainfall during that period in the entire area of Prekmurje but also in adjecent parts of Styria in Austria. The rains — at first quite moderate — started on 11th

July but later one rainsorm followed another for the three consequent days. The soil has not been very much dessicated even before the rains had started and has been soon entirely saturated with moisture and could not have absorbed more and more of rain. Most affected tracts were in the valleys of the hill country of Goricko, just to the north of the lowland plain, where the brooks could not evacuate simultaneously the waters from the hill-sides. Then the accumulated waters have spread to the lowland along the Mura river. The rising water-table of the Mura river has also hindered the normal outflow of the waters of Kucnica, Ledava and other smaller streams on the plain which eventualy join Mura. Because of the shallow and in most cases unimproved river beds the waters have soon begun to overflow the adjacent flat terrain.

The purpose of this paper is not an analyse of the natural conditions of the area affected by the floods nor an evaluation of the afflicted damage caused by them in the year 1972. The study was primarily con-cerned with the role of the society and of her management of the envi-ronment, which usually results in an improvement in the utilisation of the natural conditions for her benefit, but occassionally inadvertendly also makes things worse.

The author happened to be in Prekmurje at the time of floods and could personally observe the rise, the culmination and the retreat of the flood waters. The area of the cadastral commune of Skakovci was chosen because a field survey of the utilisation of the land was just in course when the floods have started. The area was also of particular interest because Man's action in the geographical space of that tiny territory was very apparent the channling of flood waters and thus in regulating the areas subject to flooding before.

The territory of the cadastral commune of Skakovci covers 445 hec-tares and is located entirely on the plain under the higher pleistocene terrace which was formed on the contact of the Mura plain and the low hilly country of Goricko to the northeast. Most of the cultivated surface is under arable land or meadows and is well cultivated since the village of Skakovci is still an almost entirely agricultural community. Pure farmers households and mixed worker-farmers' households account for 93 per cent of all, which also points at the main source of income for the local population. At present it is still derived from agricultural production.

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The two small rivers of Kucnica and Ledava which both come from the hilly country to the north flow only two kilometres apart on the territory of the commune. The ground between both rivers is only slightly elevated above the river beds and even this flat land is dissected by the neandering course of the Dobla brook. The terrain along the water courses is used for meadows and pastures and is partly also over-grown with bushes or with thin forest. The arable land is all on the slightly elevated terrain away from the streams which have very shallow beds that tend to overflow the grassland along the courses even at times of a not exceptionally high water-table. The local people have indicated that the floods often occur there after any heavier rainfall because the shallow and unimproved river bed of Ledava permits only a slow run-off. Ledava often overflows its bed and flows then in the direction of the Dobla brook. The belt of meadow-land along that brook indicates the direction of the flood waters in times of normal flooding. A large stretch of a pasture on the left side of the road leading north from the town of Murska Sobota and passes through Skakovce and toward the village of Cankova still shows remnants of old drainage ditches. These ditches used to retain much of the flood waters whereas the rest is being normally drained away by way of the Dobla brook. Before the road was modernised and covered with tarmac the level of the road surface was considerably lower than at present. Thus, the flood waters could flow over if the gap, formed by the bridge crossing the Dobla brook, could not conduct all waters. The flood waters used to flow across the pastures or meadows and the arable land was flooded only for short periods and only to a height of some ten centimetres above the ground.

The floods of July 1972 covered a very large territory. The villagers claim not to experience such a high flood for more than fifty years. The amount of the water was too great for the river beds to cope with. The main reason for such extensive flooding in the territory of the cadastral commune of Skakovci was the unimproved course of the Le-dava river. Kucnica, the other river on the territory of the commune has already been subject to flood-control measures and did not overflow this time. The river bed of Ledava, winding and overgrown with trees and bushes, could only slowly evacuate the great amounts of water that came running down from the Goricko hill-land. A good deal of this water has found its course down along the old flood-plain of the Dobla brook. But the major change in the direction of the flood waters occurred along the improved road. The road was both widened and elevated, but the gap at the bridge has retained its old narrow profile. The flood waters have had, therefore, first to rise to the level of the new road surface before they could flow over. Thus the arable land on the slightly higher terrain was also flooded which used not to happen before. About one third of all arable land in the cadastral commune has come under water at a time when the harvest was just to start. The flood waters have reached a height of about half a metre above the ground and the retreat was only a slow one. The water has reached the ears and pol-luted the grain with dissolved artificial fertilisers from the soil and with other pollutants. The grain has been thus ruined. Other crops, potatoes, root-crops, clover and green maize for silage were suffocated in deep water and also lost.

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While the arable land on the left side of the road, in the direction of the village of Skakovci, was entirely under water, the large pasture on the right side of the road was only moderately flooded. Only that much of the water flowed to this side that could have passed the gap under the bridge on the Dobla brook and that has been eventually pushed over the newly built road. The road has really served as a sort of a dam which had prevented more rapid run-off from the flooded arable tracts once the water-table has fallen enough and has stopped flowing over the road. The meadows and the pastures on the left side of the road used to be a relief ground for the salvation of the more valuable arable land; but this time, they were not even entirely flooded. The run-off was comparatively easy and rapid; its amount, however, was regulated by the gap under the bridge on the Dobla brook.

When the modernisation of the road — which was certainly neces-sary and is of vital importance for the villagers — was under way, the farmers from the village gave evidence about the problem of floods and have pointed out the necessity of widening the gap at the bridge and of providing more outlees under the new elevated road. Their counsel was disregarded. There are probably several more such examples and it would be appropriate if the experience of the local population would have been also considered along with the expert opinion of the techno-logists, economists, planners and others; their opinion is, finally, based on long term if not centuries old experiences.

Diskusija o referatu I. Klemenčiča

V. Klemenčič Referat Ignaca Klemenčiča je rezultat dela Mladinskega raziskovalnega

tabora srednješolcev. Letos smo organizirali tabor iz proučevanja transfor-macije vasi in v času kartiranja je prišlo do teh poplav. Ena pozitivnih strani v geografiji je anketa in razgovor s prebivalstvom, kajti vseh podatkov še dolgo ne bomo imeli zbranih.

P. Habič Čisto jasno je napačna gradnja vzrok za neke naravne posledice, ali pa

človekove posledice, torej vzrok ni socioalno-geografski ampak tehnične na-rave. Z anketiranjem bi vzroke prej ugotovili, kot da damo samo lahko nasvet, kako se te določene stvari upoštevajo. Poprečna hidrološka mreža je premalo, potrebne so vse nadaljnje meritve na vzorčnih področjih itd. Poleg tega pa bi morali razčistiti in poenotiti tudi terminologijo, ki se je med drugim po-javljala v referatih.

L. Olas Včasih je zelo ogrožala to področje Kučnica in kadar so se vode Ledave

in Kučnice združile, so bile tu poplave. Ze pred 100 ali pa 150 leti so ta problem takratni fevdalci reševali tako, da so to vodo speljali po naravni poti in tu je cel kompleks pašnikov, ki so pravzaprav izjemni. Grof je pustil te pašnike samo zato, da je to veliko vodo spustil po naravni poti. Tu so pred 100 leti vložili drenažne cevi. Včasih je bila cesta nižja in je voda tekla čez cesto, a pri poplavah je voda segala na tej njivski površini le 10 cm visoko. Danes je pa voda segala do klasja in je klasje v celoti uničila.