Download - Tugas Bandara FAA Software



Oleh :Dewi Yulianti3113106047

Santi Nuraini3113106048

Dosen Pengajar:ISTIAR ST., MT

JURUSAN TEKNIK SIPILFAKULTAS TEKNIK SIPIL DAN PERENCANAANINSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBERSURABAYA 2015SOAL :Hitung tebal perkerasan lentur dan perkerasan kaku dengan software FAARFIELD berdasarkan data keberangkatan pesawat selama setahun di bawah ini :NoAircraft TypeLanding Gear ConfigurationAnnual DepartureMaximum Take Off Weight (lbs)

1.B732 (B737-200)Dual Wheel3760115396

2.B733 (B737-300)Dual Wheel9080124383

3.B734 (B737-400)Dual Wheel3050138370

4.B738 (B737-800)Dual Wheel5800155352

5.B739 (B737-900)Dual Wheel400174042

6.B744 (B747-400)Double dual tandem2650874207

7.AT43Dual Wheel171036784

8.F100Dual Wheel8595573

9.MD82Dual Wheel3760149366

10.A320Dual Wheel9080162775

11.A333Dual Tandem3050506608

Penyelesaian :1. Flexible Pavement (New Rigid on Stabilized Base)Data Perencanaan : CBR Subgrade : 6% CBR Subbase : 20% Subbase : P-209 Cr Ag Base : P-401/P-403 St Surface : P-401/P-403 HMA Surface

Tahapan-tahapan pengerjaan :1. Install software FAAARFIELD. Setelah berhasil install buka softwarenya. Kemudian klik new job dan beri nama sesuai project yang kita inginkan. Klik section name new flexible.

2. Copy basic section dari sample ke project yang kita buat. Kemudian beri nama sesuai yang kita inginkan

3. Klik option kemudian ganti satuan unit menjadi metric

4. Kemudian klik structure dan modify structure. Ganti layer material dan nilai CBR sesuai design yang kita rencanakan. Masukkan CBR 6% di subgrade. Kemudian end modify.

5. Klik airplane kemudian masukan data pesawat sesuai soal. Untuk pesawat AT43 dan A333 tidak terdaftar dalam list di software FAA, maka klik generic maka jenis pesawat kita modifikasi. Pesawat AT43 memiliki MTOW 36784 lbs dan konfigurasi gear dual wheel. Karena di software FAA satuan yang digunakan adalah ton maka hitung dulu MTOW dalam ton. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk pesawat Airbus A333 memakai jenis pesawat dual tandem A340-200 std sementara MD82 diganti jadi MD83. Kemudian klik annual departures mdan masukan nilai sesuai soal. Kemudian save list section airplane rencana kita.MTOW pesawat AT3 : MTOW pesawat MD82 : MTOW pesawat A333 :

6. Kemudian back dan running software dengan klik design structure sampai didapat ketebalan per layer.

7. Kemudian klik back dan klik note untuk melihat hasil running software yang telah kita rencanakan.8. Beriku tampilan hasil output dari perencanaan perkerasan lentur yang telah dilakukan.FAARFIELD - Airport Pavement Design (V 1.305, 9/28/10 64-bit)

Section NewFlexib~01 in Job Flexible.Working directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\FAA\FAARFIELD\

The structure is New Flexible.Design Life = 20 years.A design has not been completed for this section.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top FirstNo. Type Thickness mmModulus MPaPoisson's RatioStrengthR,MPa

1 P-401/ P-403 HMA Surface127.01378.950.350.00

2 P-401/ P-403 St (flex)256.32757.900.350.00

3 P-209 Cr Ag600.2383.350.350.00

4 Subgrade0.062.050.350.00

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 983.4 mm

Airplane Information No. NameGross Wt.tonnesAnnualDepartures% AnnualGrowth

1 Adv. B737-200 LP53.29737600.00

2 B737-30063.50390800.00

3 B737-40068.26630500.00

4 B737-80079.24358000.00

5 B737-90079.2434000.00

6 B747-400ER Passenger414.13026500.00

7 Dual Whl-4516.68517100.00

8 Fokker F10045.813850.00

9 MD8367.75137600.00

10 A320-200 Twin std73.90090800.00

11 A340-200 std229.79330500.00

12 A340-200 std Belly229.79330500.00

Additional Airplane Information

Subgrade CDF No. NameCDFContributionCDF Maxfor AirplaneP/CRatio

1 Adv. B737-200 LP0.000.001.20

2 B737-3000.000.001.23

3 B737-4000.000.001.22

4 B737-8000.000.001.19

5 B737-9000.000.001.19

6 B747-400ER Passenger1.001.000.59

7 Dual Whl-450.000.001.47

8 Fokker F1000.000.001.30

9 MD830.000.001.24

10 A320-200 Twin std0.000.001.18

11 A340-200 std0.000.010.55

12 A340-200 std Belly0.000.001.15

HMA CDF No. NameCDFContributionCDF Maxfor AirplaneP/CRatio

1 Adv. B737-200 LP0.000.002.17

2 B737-3000.000.002.65

3 B737-4000.000.002.51

4 B737-8000.000.002.54

5 B737-9000.000.002.54

6 B747-400ER Passenger0.000.001.33

7 Dual Whl-450.000.003.20

8 Fokker F1000.000.002.58

9 MD830.000.002.46

10 A320-200 Twin std0.000.002.65

11 A340-200 std0.000.001.43

12 A340-200 std Belly0.000.002.28

P-401/P-403 St (flex) CDF No. NameCDFContributionCDF Maxfor AirplaneP/CRatio

1 Adv. B737-200 LP0.000.001.47

2 B737-3000.010.011.67

3 B737-4000.000.001.61

4 B737-8000.010.011.64

5 B737-9000.000.001.64

6 B747-400ER Passenger0.010.030.88

7 Dual Whl-450.000.002.18

8 Fokker F1000.000.001.72

9 MD830.010.011.58

10 A320-200 Twin std0.010.011.70

11 A340-200 std0.000.010.96

12 A340-200 std Belly0.000.001.55

2. Rigid Pavement (New Rigid on Stabilized Base)Data Perencanaan : CBR Subgrade : 6% CBR Subbase : 20% Subbase : P-209 Cr Ag Base : P-401/P-403 St Surface : P-401/P-403 HMA Surface

FAARFIELD - Airport Pavement Design (V 1.305, 9/28/10 64-bit)

Section NewRigid01 in Job Rigid.Working directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\FAA\FAARFIELD\

The structure is New Rigid.Design Life = 20 years.A design for this section was completed on 05/29/15 at 16:58:10.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top FirstNo. Type Thickness mmModulus MPaPoisson's RatioStrengthR,MPa

1 PCC Surface450.527579.030.154.85

2 P-306 Econocrete150.04826.330.200.00

3 P-209 Cr Ag200.0180.040.350.00

4 Subgrade0.059.650.400.00

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 800.5 mm

Airplane Information No. NameGross Wt.tonnesAnnualDepartures% AnnualGrowth

1 Adv. B737-200 LP53.29737600.00

2 B737-30063.50390800.00

3 B737-40068.26630500.00

4 B737-80079.24358000.00

5 B737-90079.2434000.00

6 B747-400ER Passenger414.13026500.00

7 Dual Whl-4516.68517100.00

8 Fokker F10045.813850.00

9 MD8367.75137600.00

10 A320-200 Twin std73.90090800.00

11 A340-200 std229.79430500.00

12 A340-200 std Belly229.79430500.00

Additional Airplane InformationNo. NameCDFContributionCDF Maxfor AirplaneP/CRatio

1 Adv. B737-200 LP0.000.002.87

2 B737-3000.000.003.79

3 B737-4000.000.003.51

4 B737-8000.050.103.52

5 B737-9000.000.013.52

6 B747-400ER Passenger0.920.933.62

7 Dual Whl-450.000.005.30

8 Fokker F1000.000.003.72

9 MD830.010.013.42

10 A320-200 Twin std0.000.033.70

11 A340-200 std0.000.011.89

12 A340-200 std Belly0.000.022.99