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Introduction to Business English B ビジネス英語入門 (疼けて)

Michael. Stout

[email protected]


Office Hours: M,W,Th,F Rm. 2306 by appointment

Course Summary

This course is a continuation of ビジネス英語入門(はじめに).You will study useful vocabulary words and expressions and you will learn

skills including problem solving, decision making, discussion, team work, self-reliance and leadership. You will learn international

business etiquette. You will use internet-based applications and a CD-ROM in order to do independent study. You will do regular writing

tasks, including e-mail, and a curriculum vitae (C.V. 履歴書).

The goals of this course are: students will...

(1) gain confidence in their ability to interact in authentic business situations.

(2) develop essential business English communication skills.

(3) increase vocabulary

(4) improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

(5) become independent and self-reliant problem solvers.

(6) give a 2-minute presentation

(7) Write an international curriculum vitae

This course is open to all students. However, students who have a TOEIC score below

400 will need to do more preparation before classes in order to keep up.

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Cotton, D., Falvey, D., and Kent, S. (2007). Market Leader Elementary, Pearson

ISBN: 9781405813358


Assessment (評価):

You must attend at least 9 classes in order to pass this class. Students who come to class more than 30 minutes late are considered

absent. 単位を取るには 9 回出席しなければいけない。三十分以上遅くきた学生は欠席と見なす。

Expectations (期待)


Students will behave like adults. This means:

Students listen to the teacher and to their classmates. Students must not talk when the teacher or another student is talking.

Poor behaviour will result in a poor class work and participation score.



Homework must be submitted on time. Late homework will not be accepted without a good excuse. 宿題を定刻に提出しなさい。特別な


Attendance and Assignments, Projects (出席、クラス態度、プロジェクト、宿題) 10%

Mid-term Exam (中間試験) 30%

Presentation (提示) 20%

Final Exam (期末試験) 40%

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Good excuses are:


A serious illness (you must provide a doctor’s note or some proof of a visit to a doctor’s office or the hospital) 重大な

病気 (病院の領収書を提出しなさい)

A death in the family, attendance at a funeral 家族の不幸、葬式出席

Good excuses are not:


Absence. When you are absent it is your responsibility to contact the teacher and ask about homework, or ask a


Forgetfulness 忘れた

A part-time job アルバイト

Not understanding. It is your responsibility to ask the teacher for help or get help from a classmate.

分からなかったら、 教師かクラスメートに確認するのは、あなたの責任です。

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Course Outline

Topic (主 題) Lesson tasks (概 要) Homework (事前・事後学習)

1 Introduction to the course Getting to know your class-mates, introduction

to internet-based language learning sites.

Subscribing to Mr. Stout's Blog.

事後: E-mail writing assignment

2 People 1 Describing people. Online vocabulary study,

grammar, reading, listening and speaking tasks.

(pp. 62-68), Introduction to the CD ROM

事前: On-line vocabulary study

事後: CD Rom Unit 7

3 People 2 Case study: problem solving, conflict resolution


事前: Case study preparation

事後: E-mail writing assignment

4 Markets 1 Understanding markets. Making comparisons.

Vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and

speaking tasks. (pp. 70-76)

事前: On-line vocabulary study

事後: CD Rom Unit 8

5 Markets 2 Case study: discussion, identifying a product's

target market (p.77)

事前: Case study preparation

事後: E-mail writing assignment

6 Companies Describing companies. Vocabulary, grammar,

reading, listening and speaking tasks. (pp.

78-84). Introduction to Presentation project

事前: CD Rom Unit 9

事後: Presentation preparation

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Course Outline

Topic (主 題) Lesson tasks (概 要) Homework (事前・事後学習)

7. Presentation Preparation Presentation skills 事前, 事後: Presentation preparation

8. Presentation Presentations about a company

Mid-term test revision

事前:Presentation preparation

事後: Mid-term Test revision

9. Mid-term test(中間試験)

The Web 1

Mid-term test (30 minutes) Vocabulary,

grammar, reading, listening and speaking tasks.

(pp.90-95 )

事前: On-line vocabulary study

事後: CD Rom Unit 10

10. Cultures Vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and

speaking tasks. (pp. 98-105). Understanding

cultural mistakes, problem solving and agreeing

on action.

事前:On-line vocabulary study

事後: CD Rom Unit 11

11. Jobs 1 Vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and

speaking tasks. (pp. 112-113). Introduction

to writing curriculum vitae (C.V. 履歴書 )

事前: On-line vocabulary study

事後: Prepare C.V.

12. Jobs 2 Vocabulary, writing a C.V. Final Exam


事前:Finish C.V., Final Exam Study Guide

13. Final Exam (期末試験) Final Exam (期末試験)