Download - Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram



  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    Ni thng:

    Ni cho:

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    A. Knh thu ring:

    1. Modem quang

    1.1 M! 1"#MA $4%&1'

    1." M! (#A) $1%&1'T30 optical transmission equipments

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    -plug and play, and at the same time, provide complete network management functions.

    T30A provides an E digital interface, impedance! "#$%&0$

    T30AE provides a full duple' 0%00(ase T' )actual *andwidth! &+ interface

    T30A provides a n/1 .3# interface )n23&

    T30A%T30AE%T30A%T304E%T304E equipment can *e freely interoperated

    All provide a 56&3& asynchronous data interface

    All provide a management interface for centrali7ed monitoring, and support system upgrading

    The .3# interface )89/1 supports " clock modes in :4E and :TE

    (E5T inside

    Adopt large scale chip, simple circuit, low power consumption and high relia*ility

    Applica*le in a variety of power supply environments! ;:4 or &&0A46mall, light, sta*le, relia*le and easy for installation


  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    *tica inter+ace !

    !ran,mi,,ion o*tica *o/er-3d(m-;d(m

    Recei0ing ,en,iti0it -33d(m- 0d(m

    )i2er inter+ace dual 64%dual :(3

    3nter+ace im*edance "#$ )un*alanced ?r &0$ )*alanced

    digita inter+ace compliant with @T-T B."03 recommendations

    Jitter tran,+er *er+ormance compliant with @T-T B.;&3 recommendations

    3n*ut Jitter toerance compliant with @T-T B.;&3 recommendations

    ut*ut itter compliant with @T-TB.;&3 recommendations

    e0e =&.3"=0C or =3.00=0C

    6onnector 5D# or (84 coa'ial

    7o/er -;:4,&&0A4

    1.( M!(#A)8&1 9 M!(#A989(5

    @ . + hFnh Gng dHng ! )Iang sJ dHng cho 6acom(ank vK 8> >6(4 %%

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.4 )RM""# &18;6

    1.5 )RM""# 9(58A6)RM""#89.(5 $K!R :(&/ :(3- TXng thch v]i

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.> )mu% #4&1 $K!R- o=i quang'

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.? )M 4#

    #/ to &0; k*ps

    - 0 km % /; miles using ##0 nm laser diode option.

    - .&%56-&3&, .3#, .&, 56-#30, .3/ )56-` B."03 4odirectional and a *uilt-inEthernet *ridge.

    - A4 and :4 versions

    ". Modem @in

    ".1 AMi-5" &18"B8&!C DD 9(58"B8&!C DD 9(584B8&!C

    AMi 5" &1 $ K!R- o=i thEFng' $cGn o=i 9.(5 nHa'

    &%-wire 6>:6 +odem%+ultiple'er

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    K *j ghp% module 6>:6 cho dV liWu vK tho_i ho_t Ijng trn mode full duple' trn& hoRc dy.

    KhIc 0i 7!3ML @EFng 0 cOa AMi 5" P @EFng dQ thu 2ao C; cGn7!3ML P @EFng quang.

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    - &%-Lire 6>:6 +odem.

    - range to `.# km

    - *etween / k*ps and /0; k*ps. :ata 5ate :epends on the :TE%line

    interface type and clock mode!

    &-wire! /&30 k*ps

    -wire! //0; k*ps

    - 6upports .&, .3#, B."03%B."0 E and Ethernet interfaces with a *uilt-in0(aseT

    *ridge with A8 support )@5-ET>%, 0%00(aseT *ridge with A8 support)@5-T>%8, or an @ router )@5-@, which allow A8-to-A8 connectivity using6>:6 technology., allowing connection to ifferent :TE types.

    - rovides e'tensive diagnostics, including loop*acks, 6>:6 and E performancemonitoring.

    - A6+i-#& operates in pairs as master and slave units.

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    ".4 AMi-(1 "8M8"(#89.(5

    &-wire @:6 modem with remote management, e'tending data transmission to ".0 km.

    - .& and &; k*ps.

    - A6+i-3 supports a wide range of digital interfaces! .&%56-&3&, .3#, .&, 56-#30, .3/%56-` and B."03 4odirectional )/ k*ps. @n addition, the modem supports

    *uilt-in thernet *ridge )@5-ET>, Ethernet *ridge with A8 support )@5-ET>%and @ router )@5-@, which allow A8-to-A8 connectivity using @:6 technology..

    - A6+i-3 can *e managed via front panel *uttons and 4: )in the master unit.

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    (. !hit 2S ThIc:

    (.1 &!L-1#"8)7-"8N81!7

    (." R36i-4&1

    5@4i-E lK phPn tJ m_ng kSt ni

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    nhK khai thOc cung cp dch vH Ethernet trong sut cho khOch hKng. ThiSt * c{ng c^thb IXYc d\ng Ib t_o cOc kSt ni cOc m_ng ' nghiWp trn cOc knh thu ring E%T.

    T]i %; knh%luQng E%T IXYc kSt hYp v]i nhau d\ng +ulti-ink )+- IbthiSt lp knh No tc Ij cao ); hay / +*ps tXng IXng.

    4Oc *j 5@4 c^ thb IXYc sJ dHng theo m hFnh point-to-point hoRc cu hFnh hu*-and-spoke, thiSt * Egate-00 gateway IPu trung tm.|ng dHng Iibn hFnh ca 5@4 *aogQm!

    Ethernet private ine%A8 services ThiSt lp trung kS cho cOc thiSt * @ :6A+, 4ellular @ vK Li+A *ase


    1St ni Lan doanh nghiWp ayer &.

    5@4 h} trY 'Sp chQng A8! gOn A8-@: m]i cho dV liWu vKo vK tOch A8-@:cho dV liWu ra khZi 5@4. 4 chS nKy cho php vn chuybn dV liWu ngXi d\ng mjtcOch trong sut vK nguyn v~n t IPu ISn cui. 8goKi ra, dV liWu quNn tr c{ng c^ thbIXYc gOn A8 v]i mjt @: dKnh ring, tOch *iWt hoKn toKn v]i cOc dV liWu ngXid\ng.

    4 chS hKng IYi Xu tin ;0&.p vK :64 cho php 'Oc Inh cp cht lXYng dch vHkhOc nhau ph\ hYp cho cOc Gng dHng nghim ngRt, chng h_n cOc Gng dHng Ii hZitnh thi gian thxc cao nhX Tho_i%ideo...

    4 cu *ridge *n trong c^ thb IXYc cu hFnh cho chS Ij tx h[c )l[c hoRc chS IjlKm viWc trong sut v]i cOc khung Ethernet. Trong chS Ij tx h[c, 5@4 s h[c cOc Iach +A4 vK tx Ijng l[c *Z cOc lXu lXYng t_i ch}. ]i chS Ij cn l_i - trong sut!5@4 cG lRng l forward m[i g^i Ethernet mK n^ nhn IXYc khng quan tm t]i cOcIa ch +A4.

    ThiSt * h} trY quNn l @n*and )68+, Telnet, Le* qua cO cMng ngXi d\ng

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram



  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    Vhi chW : An in0er,e muti*e%er

    3nverse multiple'er )thXng viSt tt lK inverse mu' hoRc imu' cho php dng luQngdV liWu IXYc chia thKnh nhiUu link truyUn thng tc Ij dV liWu thp hn. 3nversemultiple'er khOc v]i *j :emultiple'er *i vF cOc luQng tn hiWu ra c^ lin hW v]inhau, trong khi *j tOch knh cOc lung khng c^ lin hW v]i nhau. An inversemultiple'er is the opposite of a muti*e%erwhich divides one high-speed linkinto multiple low-speed links.

    (.( R36-1&1

    (.4 ightmart-7&15#

    (.5 7AN;A!&

    3.6 MP 2100

    MP 2100 nh CUCC, ghp knh TDM trn cc khe thi gian khc nhau gia cc p!rt.

    X. Knh Mega/an

    1. 6N9&R!&R YANV < 6Zng )&

    1.1 V6 15#A6-"#
  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.". )e ;[11##-6-"5

    1.(. R6111-)&-1

    4huybn IMi IiWn sang quang ! 6tand-alone, 0%00+*ps auto-sensing, single mode, 0-km, 5D#%:64

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.4 R6551-4V&-A6

    ThiSt * c^ chGc nng ?A+ OAM)?peration, Administration, and +aintenancethiSt * phn gi]i Ethernet, IXYc IRt t_i khOch hKng vK thujc quNn l, s hVu ca nhKcc dch vH. 4ung cp dch vH hji tH! tho_i, video, dV liWu qua A8 trong mjt m_ngtruy nhp hay m_ng Ethernet +etro$ M&VABAN \'

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.5 )7-V281-;-R

    1.> )RM""#-1###M $97N < o=i quang'

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    1.? AN-M1##M-"#

    1.] 6N9&R!&R 6!-69! $97N < o=i quang'

    1.^ 6!A-6!9-(## : 6on0ertor

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    ". M;&M 6_7 `NV < C;

    ".1 636 - ]?]-C;

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    "." 636 - ]]]-C;

    ".( 7ARA;[N& 1?4#

    ".4 7atton ("#1 Net6omm?#"

    (. M;&M 6_7 `NV A;

    (.1 636 - ]??-A;

    (." JN37&R - V"#

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    VR!-1#1 \\\\

    V.C; Xridge8Router the VR!-1#1, cung cp mjt giao tiSp m_ng 6>:6 chotc Ij kSt ni t `& 1*ps ISn &,30 +*ps. 6Nn phm nKy IXYc thiSt kS Ib ti Xu hoOcN tc Ij truyUn trn mjt Ii dy IiWn tho_i giVa hai Iibm vK tch hYp khN nngtruyUn%*ridge vK Inh tuySn%routing cOc g^i dV liWu. ]i tc Ij &,30+*ps, *ngthng ca B5T-0 l]n hn hn cOc IXng T tc Ij ,#+*ps. 8h viWc sJ dHng cOcIi dy IiWn tho_i tiu chun nhX tt cN cOc cng nghW ':6 khOc lKm mi trXngtruyUn dn, chi ph cho viWc thiSt lp cOc kSt ni B.6>:6 r hn hn so v]i cOc

    IXng T hay

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    9 4ho php cp nhp

  • 7/23/2019 Thiet Bi Nho Trong Tram


    bb. *timu, 155(

    - )i2er Muti*e%er +or (&(8!( o0er !M-186-(

    - The ?ptimu'-## and ?ptimu'-##3 are plug-and-play 6:>%6?8ET terminalmultiple'ers, delivering multiple :> tri*utary channels over a single 6T+-%?4-3)## +*ps link