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The special review

_____Complete dialogues (1)


南宁市 25中 李铁红

Page 2: The special review

Complete dialogues


要求: 1 、了解常见的会话话题有哪几个。

2 、掌握一些解题技巧。

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(2010 年南宁市统考 ) 请根据对话内容 , 在下面的横线上填写适当的词,使对话完整与正确。每 空一词。

Mike: Hello, Jack. Jack: Hi, Mike. I 1._____ remember if we have any homework

this weekend. Mike: Yes, we have. Mr. Chen asked us to write about life in

China. And he asked us to hand it in next Monday. Jack: Oh yes, I remember. But I don’t know how 2._____ time I’ll have to do it. Maybe we are going away this weekend. Mike: 3.____ Mr. Chen your problem, and ask him if you

could give him your homework on Tuesday. I’m sure he’ll understand.

Jack: That’s a good idea. Excuse me, I must go now. Mike: I 4._____ you will have a good time this weekend! Jack: Thanks ! I don’t know. Where we’re going or 5.____

we’re Doing. But I believe that it will be fun.






contexts 上下文

fixed phrases 固定搭配

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(2011 年南宁市统考 ) 请根据对话内容 , 在下面的空白处填写适当的词,使对话完整与正确。每空一词。

A: Where would you go on holiday? B: I wouldn’t go anywhere by 1.____. I don’t

like flying. A: Well, you could 2.____ a ship or a train. B: I’d go to 3.________ . A: Australia is a long way from here. I’d get

really bored and tired 4._____ such a long journey.

I’d go to Scotland( 苏格兰) to see my relations there.

B: Would you go in winter? A: It 5.________ on the weather. Even summers

can be quiet cold in Scotland, so you can imagine what the winters are like!






idioms 习语

idioms 习语

contexts 上下文

contexts 上下文

fixed phrases 固定搭配

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(2012 年南宁市统考 ) 请根据对话内容 , 在下面的空白处填写适当的词,使对话完整与正确。每空一词。

W: Excuse me, Sam. 1.______ I use your MP4,please?

M: Certainly. What’s 2.______ with yours? W: My MP4 doesn’t work. M: Here you are. W: By the way, 3.______ can I play it? M: Well, 4._____ this button. But if the red

light doesn’t come on, wait 5._____ ten seconds.

W: Oh, I see. Thank you. M: That’s all right.






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1 、仔细审题,明确语境,尽量弄懂对话情景和大意。( what )

2 、分析对话,试填答案,逐句推敲。( how ) 3 、复读全文,验证答案。( check )

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Review the skills Four topics today:

1. Seeing a doctor. 2. Shopping 3. Asking the way 4. Making a call

Step 1: What ---- Read the whole dialogue and know the topic and catch the _____ _____.Step 2: ______

⑴ Idioms: Know native expressions; 关注地道表达 Use polite and decent words. 礼貌、得体

⑵ Fixed phrases: Remember fixed and similar expressions. 固定、同类表达

⑶ contexts:Before and after the sentence Step 3 : _______ ---- Capital letter (大写字母) , spelling, grammar ( ________, ____________...); logic(逻辑)…

main ideaHow

Checktense plural nouns

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Main topics in the exam ( 1 ) Seeing a doctor. (看病) ( 2 ) Shopping (购物) ( 3 ) Asking the way (问路) ( 4 ) Making a call (打电话) ( 5 ) Advice and suggestions (建议) ( 6 ) Talking about weather (谈论天气) ( 7 ) Intentions and plans (意愿和打算) ( 8 ) Offering help (提供帮助) ( 9 ) Taking meals … (就餐)

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话题常用句型 1 、看病:

( 1 )询问病人哪里不舒服的常用语:What’s the matter with you?/ What’s wrong with you? / Is there anything wrong with you ?

(2) 病人谈论病情通常为:I don’t feel well./ I have a (bad) headache./ I have got a (bad) cough./ There is something wrong with my eyes.

(3) 医生安慰病人的常用语:It’s nothing serious./ Nothing serious. /You’ll be well (fine/ OK) in a few days. You’ll get better soon. /Have a good rest.

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2 、购物 1 、购物常会以售货员向顾客打招呼为开始: What can I do for you ?/ Can / May I help you?

2 、顾客可根据自己的实际情况作出回答:I want to buy sth (for sb)./ I am looking for sth (a pair of shoes)./ I would like / want sth.

3 、要求试穿: Can /May I try it / them on?

4 、做出决定: I will take /buy/get it.

5 、售货员询问顾客是否还要其它物品时常用:Anything else?/ What else would you like?/ Is that all?

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3 、问路指路 ( 1 )问路:问路前先说一句 Excuse me 显得比较礼貌。Excuse me, where’s the hospital? /How can I get to the hospital? / Which is the way to the hospital ?/Can you tell me the way to the hospital?

(2) 指路:

Walk/ Go along the road (street)/ Go down the road./ Turn left/right at the first crossing./ Take the first turning on your left. /Go straight ahead ,you’ll see it. It’s not far from here, it’s about half an hour’s walk.

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4 、打电话 (1) 想找某人听电话常用:

Hello, May/Could I speak to …,please? I would like to speak to…

(2) 如果要找的人刚好是接电话的,常会说:Speaking, please! / (This is …)Speaking!

(3) 如果要找的人在附近,需要你稍等一下,常会说:Hold the line, please./ Hang on, please./ Wait a minute, please.

(4) 如果要找的人不在,常用:Sorry, he/she isn’t here right now. /She isn’t in. / I am afraid she is out.

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(5) 接电话者自我介绍常用: This is Lucy (speaking). Lucy speaking. 不可用 I am

(6) 接电话者询问对方是谁常用:

Who’s that? 不可用 Are you …?

(7) 询问对方是否留言常用:

Can I take a message for you? / Would you like to leave a message?

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( 2012 天津)根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处填入恰当的话语,使对话意思完整。 ( Betty is talking with her friend Daming on the phone) Daming: Hello, this is Daming . Who’s that? Betty: This is Betty. I want to visit your hometown—

Tianjin. Can you give me some suggestions? Daming: 1__________ .What do you want to know? Betty: _2___________________? Daming: Yes, you are right. It’s usually very hot in

summer. Betty: 3_______________________? Daming : I think you’d better come in October. Betty: 4____________? Daming: Because the weather starts to get cooler and

the trees start to change color.

Yes, I can

Certainly/ Of course / Sure

Is it very hot in summer

When is the best time to visit Tianjin

When shall I visit Tianjin


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Betty:______________? Daming: You can visit many places of interest

here, such as Tianjin Ancient Culture Street and you can also try some traditional Chinese food.Betty: I am looking forward to visiting Tianjin .Thank you for your suggestions.Bye-bye.

Daming: Bye-bye. I hope to see you soon.

What can I do there

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填入一个恰当的词补全对话,每空一词。 Kate: Hello, 3858168 . Fred: Hello, May I speak to Alice, please? Kate: 1________ on for a moment,please. Alice :Hello. Fred :Hi, Alice.2_______ is Fred. Would you like to go to my

uncle’s farm tomorrow? Alice: Thanks. I’d like 3______ . I haven’t 4_____ there for a long time. By the way, what’s the weather like

tomorrow? Fred: The radio says it will be a fine day tomorrow. The 5__________ will be 20-25. Alice: Great. When and where shall we meet? Fred: At 6:30 and I’ll wait for you at the No.27 bus station Stop. See you tomorrow. Alice: See you.


Hold the line./ Hang on. / Wait a minute


to been


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根据对话内容,在横线上填写适当的单词,补全对话。 A : So, 1______ kind of pet do you want to get ? B: How 2______ goldfish? Fish are easy 3________ take

care of . A: They are too boring. How about a snake ? They are

interesting . B: Snakes are too scary ( 可怕的 )! A: Well then, how about a dog ? Dogs are people’s good

friends . B: That’s true. Hey, how about that dog? Isn’t it beautiful? A: Yes, but his hair is too long . I don’t want to 4 _____ up

dog hair every day. B: Oh, all right. Well, that one over there looks nice. He is

friendly. And he has short hair. A: Yeah, he’s perfect. Let’s 5________ him.


about to



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根据对话内容,写出正确的单词完成下面的对话。 A: Why are you in a hurry ,Betty? B: Oh, hi, Lin. I’m going to ask Lee if she can play

a piano solo at the concert. A: But you are the best . You are good at 1._______ The piano , aren’t you ? B: Yeah, but I think she needs this chance better. Because her parents have 2.______ her about her

schoolwork, saying she has spend too much time on her piano 3.__________ .

A: I see. But it’s a great pity that you can’t show yourself there.

B: If Lee’s parents are happy and 4._______ of her after the concert, she will have more time to practice it.

A: You are so kind to her. B: I’ll have 5.________ chance one day. And I’ll try

to help my best friend.







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大 显 身 手 !

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A: May I use your phone a minute? C: Sure. ( He calls the Net Café.) B: Thank you for 1.______ the Café. This is

Aaron. May I help you ? A: I’d like to 2._____ to the manager. B: 3.______ the line, please. (after a minute) I’m sorry. The manager isn’t here right now. May I 4._______ a message? A: No, thanks. I’ll call back 5._____ .Goodbye.






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A: Good morning , doctor. B: Good morning. What’s 1. _____ with you, young man? A: I have got a headache and a running nose. B: How 2._______ have you been like this ? A: For about a week . B: I see. Let me look over you carefully. A: Is it serious, doctor? B: No, there is 3.______ serious. But you’d better take

some medicine or get an injection ( 打针) . A: Injection ? Oh, no! I prefer to 4.______ medicine. B: Take this medicine three times a day. You’ll get 5._____ Soon.






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根据对话内容,在横线上填写适当的单词,补全对话。 A: Excuse 1.____ , sir. Could you please tell Me how to get to the zoo? B: Sorry, I’m afraid not. I’m new here. You can ask

that man. A: Excuse me, could you tell me the 2.____ to the

zoo? B: Yes, 3._____ along this street until you reach the

second traffic light. Then 4.____Left. At the end of the street, you’ll see the zoo.

A: Can I take a bus there? B: Yes, you can. A: Which bus should I take? B: You can take the No.6 bus. A: Thank you very much. B: You are 5._________ .





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根据对话内容,在横线上填写适当的单词,补全对话。 A: Good morning, sir. What 1._____ I do for

you ? B: I’d like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any

white shirt? A: Yes, here they are. What 2.____ do you want? B: I want size M. A: Here you are! B: Can I try it 3.____ ? A: Sure. Is it all right? B: Yes. I Like it very much. How 4._____ is it? A: 296 yuan. B: That’s a bit expensive. Do you have any

other kinds? I want a 5.________ one. A: What about this one? It’s only 100 yuan . B: OK, I’ll take it. Here’s the money. A: Thank you. Goodbye, sir.






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Homework 1.Group work: Find common

expressions about four topics (taking meals; talking about weather; talking about plans and offering help).

2. Choose one of the topics to set a test on PPT. Show your work next period.

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