Download - The power of Money vs. Data & Science in Major League Baseball · Yankees are still baseball's evil empire (Journal published at 2014, January 22th on ESPN) This is the New York Yankees

Page 1: The power of Money vs. Data & Science in Major League Baseball · Yankees are still baseball's evil empire (Journal published at 2014, January 22th on ESPN) This is the New York Yankees

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Material for your English session

The power of Money vs. Data & Science

in Major League Baseball

Evil empire (Yankees) vs. Money ball (Athletics)

Ringle 1 on 1 Online English Communication Coaching Service

Page 2: The power of Money vs. Data & Science in Major League Baseball · Yankees are still baseball's evil empire (Journal published at 2014, January 22th on ESPN) This is the New York Yankees

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Required preparations before the session (For Student)

Step 1: Please read a summary (Written by Korean on page 2)

Step 2: Please read today’s article (on page 3~6)

Title of today’s article #1: The Man Behind Moneyball: The Billy

Beane Story

Title of today’s article #2: Yankees are still baseball's evil empire

Step 3: Please view following video clip(links on page 7)

#1 Video: Billy Beane talks to Sports Analytics TV

#2 Video: Economics: Big-money contracts

Step 4: Please check 9 key questions listed on page 8

Step 5: Please study key business & baseball-related key expressions

and terms on page 11~12

Step 5: Please finish 2 assignments before English tutoring session

Assignment 1: Prepare brief summary of this article (up to 2

minutes presentation)

Assignment 2: Build your own perspectives and short answers for

each key question (up to 1~2 minutes speech for each question)

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[자료 및 논제 소개]

미국 메이저리그에서 뉴욕 양키스와 빌리빈의 오클랜드는 가장 비교되는 팀 입니다.

뉴욕 양키스: 최고 스타선수만을 돈으로 쓸어 담는 메이저리 최고의 스타군단 & 악의 제국 오클랜드: 철저한 통계 분석을 바탕으로 저비용-고효율 선수를 영입하여, 지난 10 년 간 우수한 성적을 기록 중인 내실 중심의 팀

최근, 미국 메이저리그에서는 “돈으로 성적을 살 수는 없다”는 말이 나올 정도로, 저비용- 고효율 팀들이 높은 성적을 내고 있습니다.

사건 1: 최약체였던 켄자스시티가 월드시리즈까지 올라가는 돌풍을 일으킴 사건 2: 오클랜드는 텍사스/LA 에인절스 등 고액 연봉팀을 제치고 이번에도 지구 1위 달성 사건 3: 월드시리즈 우승 팀은 연봉 1위 팀 LA 가 아닌, 같은 지구의 SF 자이언츠 사건 4: 뉴욕 양키스, 보스턴 레드삭스 등 포스트시즌 진출 실패

하지만, “팀 가치 및 매출/수익 역시 성적과 비례하지 않는다”는 말 역시 메이저리그에서 통용되는 말 입니다.

LA Dodgers, NY Yankees, Boston Red sox 등 전통의 고액 연봉팀은, 저비용-고성적 팀 (오클랜드, 켄자스시티 등) 대비 엄청난 가치, 매출을 창출 중

메이저리그 야구단이 케이블 TV를 설립하고, 중계권료가 엄창난 수익 창출에 기여하면서, “스타영입 시청률 상승 광고수익 상승”이 공식화

결국, 저비용으로 좋은 성적을 내는 팀이든, 스타를 대거 영입한 팀이든, 프로 스포츠 팀의 핵심은 “고객이 좋아하는 팀이 되는 것” 입니다.

관중은 결국 어떤 야구팀을 좋아할까요? 효율성과 흥행을 동시에 얻을 수 있는 팀이 되려면 어떻게 해야 할까요? 동시에 우리나라 야구 현실은 어떠한가요?

보스톤 및 SF 에서 메이저리그 야구를 관람하고 있는 Ringle Tutor 와 의견을 교환하신 후, 영어 표현에 대한 심층 Tutoring 을 받아보시기 바랍니다.

Page 4: The power of Money vs. Data & Science in Major League Baseball · Yankees are still baseball's evil empire (Journal published at 2014, January 22th on ESPN) This is the New York Yankees

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[Today’s article #1]

The Man Behind Moneyball: The Billy Beane Story

(Journal published at 2015, February 24th on The Domosphere)

[1] He’s a household name. [2] And we’re thrilled to announce that he is going to be a keynote speaker at

Domopalooza next month.

Billy Beane, the baseball general manager whose story was the subject of Michael Lewis’ bestselling

book Moneyball: [3] The Art of Winning an Unfair Game and who was portrayed by Brad Pitt in the film

adaptation, is no stranger to algorithms.

Facing one of the smallest budgets for player salaries of any team in baseball in 2002, the Oakland A’s

were in a bind. [4] Beane, the team’s general manager, was fed up with his inability to outbid other teams

for good players. [5] He reached out to Paul DePodesta, a Harvard alum with a background in economics

who had a knack for baseball statistics. [6] The two of them used Bill James-style advanced statistics to

take a second look at how the team was scouting talent.

[7] Beane and DePodesta set about mining decades of data on hundreds of individual players in order to

figure out the best strategy for recruiting good players. Their analysis revealed that baseball scouts were

overlooking statistics that could accurately predict how many runs a player would score. In short, scouts

were clueless when it came to accurately valuing talent.

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Drawing from these conclusions, Beane realized that players who scored high on these overlooked

statistics were probably undervalued by the bidding market. [8] He began seeking out these “bargain”

players, or players who were flying under the radar of other teams but whose statistics suggested that they

would score runs.

[9] Despite pushback from baseball scouts, Beane pulled the trigger on his radical new strategy for

acquiring players. [10] Beane bet big time on analytics and his efforts paid off. The A’s started to win,

even against baseball teams that had much larger budgets. [11] The team became the first team in over

100 years of American League baseball to win 20 consecutive games.

The Billy Beane story is one of the best-known data analytics case studies. Since the stodgy MLB

machine woke up to the power of statistics, the science of player evaluation and recruiting has changed

drastically. For instance, in-game data analysis has yielded insights about baseball pitchers and their

tendencies to throw certain pitches in certain situations.

[12] In the decade that has passed since the A’s legendary season, sports teams have been integrating

statistical analysis into the way they play.

We’ve written previously about how big data insights shaped the 2014 World Cup in Brazil last year.

Most notably, FIFA employed goal-line technology to determine whether a ball had passed the goal

plane, allowing teams to settle disputed goals more fairly. In addition, many soccer teams used heat maps

to analyze the movement of players on the field. Beane has been credited with helping to pioneer the

entire field of sports analytics.

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“The one constant in the future of sports will be the game that is played between the lines,” wrote Beane

in a recent WSJ op-ed. “Baseball, in particular, embraces historical continuity. But what drives the game

– those who play it, how their play is evaluated, and those who make the evaluations – will fundamentally


Beane envisions a world in which sports are no longer an exclusive club of insiders. [13] Technology, he

argues, is driving sports towards greater diversity and increased access.

“Technology will transform the social fabric of sport,” Beane writes.

[The bars below show average wins per regular season and the circles show the average wins per season per $ spent.

Use the filter to explore the A’s performance before and after Beane became the team's general manager]

As a cultural icon, Billy Beane may be the most famous general manager in sports history. Not only did

he beat the system using statistical analysis, but he helped an entire industry reevaluate the way it was

making decisions about how to win big.

Source of Article:

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[Compare team salaries by position]

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[Total value and revenue of each MLB Team. One key takeaway is the amount of value & revenue is not

matched with team performance]

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[Today’s article 2]

Yankees are still baseball's evil empire

(Journal published at 2014, January 22th on ESPN)

This is the New York Yankees organization we love to hate: spending $155 million on Masahiro Tanaka

and $153 million on Jacoby Ellsbury and at least $85 million on Brian McCann and another $45 million

on Carlos Beltran, plus some pocket change on the likes of Matt Thornton, Kelly Johnson and Brendan

Ryan. Not to mention re-signing Hiroki Kuroda and Derek Jeter. The Bronx Bankrollers have spent $491

million this offseason. It's almost like George is back in charge.

As baseball fans, this is what we need. Last year's version of the Yankees was an embarrassment. [14]

Sure, they somehow scratched out 85 wins, but they played guys like Jayson Nix, Vernon Wells, David

Adams and Zoilo Almonte. Ten different players started at third base, including Luis Cruz, Chris Nelson,

Brent Lillibridge and Alberto Gonzalez. You can't dislike that kind of team. That kind of team is boring

and irrelevant.

That's not what we want from the Yankees. [15] We need reasons to despise, reasons to cheer when they

lose, reasons to rant and rave that our favorite team can't compete on the same level. Money is the root of

all evil. In baseball, in sports, we need the bad guy. The Yankees are the bad guys.

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Why did we all love the Pirates so much last year? Because they weren't the Yankees. Without payroll

disparity, we can't fawn over the genius of Billy Beane or romance about how smart the Rays are.

Without the Yankees signing all these free agents and making the postseason, we're reduced to watching

the playoffs without a rooting interest unless our team is in it.

[Super stars of Yankees in early 2000. That's what Yankees’ fans want from the Yankees]

So now we have reasons to care. We'll be anticipating every Tanaka start. How good will he be? Is he

really some cross of Yu Darvish, Curt Schilling and Zack Greinke? Is he merely a slightly better version

of Hisashi Iwakuma? [16]Will the pressure and big money get to him? Every start will be worth watching.

Jeter is back, maybe for one last season. [17] He's been a great player, an all-timer, a Hall of Famer. And

we'll get to hear it all season long. By June, we're going to be so sick of Jeter -- whether he's

hitting .185, .255 or .325, he'll be a huge story -- that we'll be yearning for those days when he was but a

young kid without celebrity girlfriends and those shots of his parents in the stands were cute and an


There's Ellsbury. The new Wade Boggs, Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon. The traitor who turned his

back on Boston. There's McCann, a guy who takes the whole "play the game the right way" approach to

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obnoxious levels. Braves fans loved him, NL East rivals loathed him. Can't wait to see the first time he

yells at Joe Maddon.

The best thing about all this? The Yankees aren't even a lock to make the playoffs. CC Sabathia wasn't

that good last year. Kuroda turns 39 next month. The bullpen has some gaps after the retirement of

Mariano Rivera. Jeter turns 40 in June. [18] You can guess how many teams have made the playoffs with

a 40-year-old shortstop. Ellsbury has been injury-prone. Mark Teixeira has to come back from his wrist

injuries. Are the Yankees really counting on Brian Roberts to play second base? It's a good team but one

with flaws.

[19] But the expectations, even without Robinson Cano, are now sky-high. Anything short of a division

title in the regular season will be a disappointment. [20] It's World Series or bust. Just the way George

would have wanted it.

Here's the best thing about baseball in 2014: The Yankees aren't the only evil empire. We have the Red

Sox, coming off their World Series title, hailed as the smartest kid on the block because they traded away

a bunch of high-priced players. [21] We have the Cardinals, and, yes, Cardinals fans, you may not spend

money like the Yankees or Red Sox, but you're now on their level. Hold your heads high. It's an honor to

be resented by other fans. And we have the Dodgers and all their money and perfect weather and Dodger

Dogs and Magic Johnson smiles.

But the Yankees remain No. 1. Especially today. Admit it: You're happy they signed Tanaka.

[22] Major League Baseball at last became the media-savvy, global brand it had long aspired to be,

signing enormous new television contracts and starting its own national cable TV network. [23]

Increasingly, individual teams cut out the middle man, boosting their net worth exponentially by buying

or starting their own local cable networks.

The key to the game's renewed success, though, was keeping the labor peace. From 1995 to 2010,

baseball went 16 seasons without a work stoppage, a record for the modern era. Alone among American

sports leagues, MLB and the Players Association seemed to have discovered a way to maximize profits

and increase wages without resorting to salary caps.

By 2010, the minimum major-league salary was $400,000 a year, and the average player salary was a

record $3.34 million. [24] At the same time, a de facto, "soft cap" of revenue sharing and a luxury tax on

payrolls reduced the percentage of moneys going to the players from a high of 63 percent in 2003 to 51

percent in 2010, as opposed to 57 percent for the National Basketball Association and the National

Hockey League, and 59 percent for the National Football League.

The hundreds of millions of dollars in shared revenues funneled annually to small-market teams helped

make the game more competitive than ever, with 23 of the 30 MLB teams making the playoffs, 15

reaching the World Series, and eight different clubs winning the championship in the first decade of the

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twenty-first century. The 2000 season marked the first time in major-league history, dating back to 1871,

that no team won or lost as much as 60 percent of its games.

[25] Problems remained, including lagging television ratings for the All-Star Game and some playoff

rounds, the pricing of many tickets beyond the reach of the average fan, a reduced interest in the game

among African-Americans, and the seeming inability of small-market teams such as Kansas City or

Pittsburgh to compete even with considerable subsidies from their competitors. [26] But by 2010,

baseball as a business was more prosperous than it had ever been, with players and owners alike working

to common purpose for the first time in the history of the sport.

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[Video clips]

Please watch this video clip

Billy Beane talks to Sports Analytics TV

MLB Now: Big-money contracts


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[9 Key Questions]

#1. Intro questions

Q1-1: Can you summarize the main points of the first article in one or two sentences?

Q1-2: Can you summarize the main points of the second article in one or two sentences?

Q1-3: Who is your favorite team in MLB and why?

Q1-4: Who is your favorite player in MLB and why?

#2. Auckland Athletic’ scouting strategy

Q2-1: What is the most important factor in placing high in the baseball league?

Q2-2: What was Billy Beane and Oakland Athletics’s strategy?

Q2-3: Why do you think that Oakland Athletics, ranked 5th lowest team in terms of money spent

on salaries, has always been placing in the top 5?

Q2-4: What is the advantage of Billy Beane’s strategy? Do you take his side?

#3. New York Yankees’ scouting strategy

Q3-1: What are some conditions that contribute towards the popularity of a baseball team?

Q3-2: Why do the New York Yankees have more resources and funding than any other teams in


Q3-3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of New York Yankees’ way? Are you up for it?

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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

#4. Money Power vs. Data & Analytics power

Q4-1: How could the use of data, statistics, and technology contribute to a baseball team?

Q4-2: When it comes to scouting a player, which factor would be more important? Statistics or

gut feeling and instinct of an experienced scouter?

Q4-3: Why does Oakland Athletics lose in the post-season after achieving a winning record in the

regular season? Is it due to the lack of a Star Player?

Q4-4: Why does New York Yankees win in the post-season, even with a poor record in the

regular season? Doesn’t the money spent on a star player beat the statistics strategy?

#5 Baseball “Business”

Q5-1: What is the primary revenue stream for a team in MLB?

Q5-2: For a baseball team owner, what is the most important thing when attempting to maximize

the team value and revenue?

Q5-3: Do you think there is a correlation between team records and team value / revenue? Why?

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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

#6. KBO (Korean Baseball Organization)

Q6-1: Which Korean baseball team is most similar to the New York Yankees? And Oakland


Q6-2: Is there any correlation between team salary and team records in Korean baseball league?

Q6-3: What is the primary revenue of a KBO team? Are there any differences between MLB

teams and KBO teams? If so, what are they?

#7. Korean Players in Major league

Q7-1: Who is your favorite Korean player? Choo, Kang, or Ryu? If LA Dodgers, Texas Rangers,

and Pittsburgh Pirates are competing each other, which team would you root for?

Q7-2: In MLB, there are many Asian pitchers while there are only a few Asian fielders. Why?

Q7-3: Among the Korean players in KBO, who would be able to debut in MLB, if any? Do you

believe he will survive in MLB?

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16 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며,

해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

#8. Your final choice

Q8-1: What matters most to a professional baseball team?

Q8-2: Between the New York Yankees and Oakland Athletics, which team is your favorite team

and why?

#9. Presentation to the head of Yankees or the Billy Beane (choose one of two options)

Option 1: Let’s assume that you are a business consultant working for the Yankees. How would

you diagnosis the current status of Yankees and suggest strategies to win the MLB? Let’s prepare

a one-minute elevator speech to the leader of the NY Yankees.

Option 2: Let’s assume that you are a business consultant working for Billy Beane. How would

you diagnosis the current status of Oakland Athletics and suggest strategies to win the MLB?

Let’s prepare a one-minute elevator speech to the leader of Oakland Athletics.

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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

[Key business & baseball related expressions and


[1] household name: 누구나 아는 이름

Household name: a famous person that most people know of:

Ex) GE Capital is hardly a household name: GE Capital 은 잘 알려진 회사가 아니다.

Ex) A Non-Household Name Ready to Become a Champion: 챔피언을 노리는 잘 알려지지 않은


Ex) Others we have never heard of will become household names: 우리가 이제껏 들어보지

못했던 것들이 유명세를 타게 될 것이다

Ex) What’s interesting to notice here is that SM Entertainment’s first household name was a

singer named Hyun Jin-young: 흥미로운 사실은, SM 에서 최초로 유명해진 가수는 현진영

이었다는 것이다.

[2] be thrilled to announce that ~~ : ~~을 알리게 되어서 무척 기쁩니다 (be happy to announce that )

Guest Speaker 소개 시 자주 쓰이는 표현

Thrilled: very excited, happy, and pleased

Ex) And we’re thrilled to announce that he is going to be a keynote speaker at Domopalooza next

month: 우리는 그가 (빌리빈) 다음 달 Domopalooza 의 keynote speaker 가 되었다는 사실을

알리게 되어서 무척 기쁘게 생각합니다.

[3] Be portrayed by Brad Pitt: 브래드피트가 연기하다, 브랜드피트에 의해 묘사되다

Ex) Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery: 그녀의 아버지 역할은 숀 코네리가 연기할


Ex) It is hard work and not a glamorous job as portrayed by the media: 그것은 어려운 일이며,

미디어에서 묘사되는 것처럼 매력적인 직업도 아니다.

Ex) On the show, many of the forensic scientists are portrayed by women: 드라마에서는, 많은

법의학자 역을 여성이 연기하고 있다.

[4] be fed up with: 신물이 나다, 진저리가 나다

Be fed up with: annoyed or disgusted by something that you have experienced for too long:

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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

Ex) I'm fed up with you [the media], but I'll never be fed up with the team: 나는 당신들 (미디어)

에는 진저리 났지만, 그 팀에는 실증나지 않을 것이다.

Ex) I’m just fed up with his excuses for not getting his work done: 나는 그의 일을 끝마치지

못한 후 둘러대는 핑계에 진절머리가 난다.

[4] outbid: 더 높은 가격을 제시하다

Outbid: to outdo in bidding; make a higher bid than (another bidder).

Ex) British-based Standard Chartered has won the fight for Korea First Bank, outbidding its rival

HSBC with an offer of $3.3 billion: 영국계 은행인 SC 가 입찰에서 33억 달러를 제시해

경쟁사인 HSBC를 제치고 한국 제일은행 인수에서 승리했다.

Ex) The Museum has antagonized rivals by outbidding them for the world's greatest art treasures:

그 박물관은 세계적으로 가장 위대한 예술품에 대해, 다른 박물관 대비 비싼 가격의 인수가를

제시하여 반감을 사고 있다.

[5] reach out to somebody: ~에게 관심을 보이다, ~에게 접근하여 도움을 요청하다

Reach out to somebody: to offer someone a helping hand, to seek someone's help and support

Ex) He didn't reach out to people: 그는 다른 사람들에게 다가가지 않았다.

[6] take a second look at: 다시 한 번 들여다보다. 재차 확인하다.

Ex) He won’t take a second look at you He won't take a second look at you means that either

you as a person aren't worth the time or that person isn't attractive. We do double takes generally

when something or someone is attractive = worthy of a second look. 소개팅에서 자주 사용될

수 있는 표현

Ex) Now these fund merit a second look: 지금 이 펀드들은 재고해 볼 가치가 있습니다.

[7] figure out the best strategy for recruiting good players (people): 좋은 선수 (인재를)를 선발하기

위한 최고의 전략을 도출하다 HR 정책 수립 시 자주 사용될 수 있는 표현

[8] bargain players: 저평가 된 선수들

Bargain: an advantageous purchase, especially one acquired at less than the usual cost

Ex) He began seeking out these “bargain” players: 그는 이러한 저평가된 선수들을 찾기


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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

[9] pushback: 반대, 저항 반대를 뜻하는, 비즈니스에서 많이 사용되는 표현

Pushback: opposition or resistance to a plan.

Ex) Despite pushback from baseball scouts, Beane pulled the trigger on his radical new strategy

for acquiring players: 야구 스카우터들의 반대를 무릅쓰고, 빌리빌은 그의 급진적인 새로운

스카우팅 전략을 사용하기 시작하였다.

Ex) fought fiercely for that even though I had a huge political pushback: 나는 정치권의 엄청난

반대에도, 격렬히 투쟁했다.

Ex) They were so concerned about the pushback from Wall Street: 그들은 월가의 반발을 심히


[10] pay off (paid off): 성공하다, 결실을 맺다

Pay off: To yield as a return, To afford an advantage to; profit:

Ex) His efforts paid off: 그의 노력은 결실을 맺었다.

Ex) Your efforts at work will pay off next week: 다음주에는, 네가 한 일에 대한 보상을 받을 수


[11] win 20 consecutive games: 20 연승을 하다

Consecutive: following one another in uninterrupted succession or order; successive:

six consecutive numbers, such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Ex) After losing the first game of the series the Heat shut down the Thunder with four

consecutive wins: Heat 는 Thunder 에게 첫 번째 게임을 내준 후, 연속 4게임을

승리하며 Thunder를 눌렀다.

[12] integrate “A” into “B”: “A”를 “B” 에 통합 시키다

Integrate: to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.

Ex) Sports teams have been integrating statistical analysis into the way they play: 스포츠 팀들은

통계 분석 결과들을 팀이 play 하는 데에 적용하기 시작하였다.

Ex) We must integrate immigrants into our societies”: 우리는 이민자들을 우리 사회에

통합시켜야만 한다.

[13] Technology is driving “A” towards “B”: 기술은 “A” 를 “B” 로 나아가게 하다 Big-data, Deep-

learning 등 최신 기술이 기존 산업을 바꿔나간다는 표현 시 참고할 만한 문장

Ex) Technology, he argues, is driving sports towards greater diversity and increased access:

그는 기술발전이 스포츠를 다양성 및 참여도를 증가시키도록 drive 할 것이라 주장했다.

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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

[14] They somehow scratched out 85 wins: 그들은 어찌어찌해서 85승을 겨우 달성했다. (Scratch out

이 긁어 모으다의 의미로 사용)

[15] rant and rave: 악을 쓰다, 마구 소리지르다, 목에 핏대를 서고 소리지르다

Rant and rave: to shout angrily and wildly about someone or something.

Ex) You come here and rant and rave with no constructive policies: 당신은 여기에 와서, 아무런

건설적인 방침 없이 소리만 질러댄다

Ex) The Unionist parties can rant and rave but they will toe the SNP line when it comes to voting

time: 통일당은 한 바탕 소란을 피우겠지만, 그들은 선거 때에 결국 스코틀랜드의 국민당

노선을 따르게 될 것입니다.

[16] Get to somebody: 괴롭히다, 안좋은 영향을 미치다

Get to somebody: to cause feelings, esp. suffering or disgust, in someone:

Ex) Will the pressure and big money get to him: 압박과 큰 연봉이 그를 괴롭힐 것인가?

Ex) The pressure of work is beginning to get to him: 업무에 대한 부담감이 그를 괴롭히기

시작하고 있다/.

[17] Hall of Fame: 명예의 전당

Hall of fame: A group of persons judged outstanding, as in a sport or profession.

Ex) Robinson entered the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962: 로빈슨은 1962년에 야구의 명예의

전당에 입성했다

[18] Shortstop: 유격수

Shortstop: The field position between second and third base.

Ex) You can guess how many teams have made the playoffs with a 40-year-old shortstop: 당신은

얼마나 많은 팀이 과연 40살의 유격수를 가지고 playoff 에 진출할 수 있을지 생각해봐라.

Ex) It's a line drive to left field right between third base and the shortstop: 유격수와 3루수를

가르는 직선타구입니다.

[18] injury-prone: 부상을 당하기 쉬운

Injury-prone: often sustaining injuries

Ex) I hope they don’t try to sign him, he’s injury prone: 나는 그 팀이 그 선수와 계약을

안했으면 좋겠어. 그는 너무 부상을 자주 당해.

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해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

[19] Sky high: 하늘을 찌를 듯 한

Sky-high: to a very high degree, level, or amount

Ex) The expectations, even without Robinson Cano, are now sky-high: 로빈슨 카노가 없음에도,

기대치는 하늘을 찌를 듯이 높다.

Ex) The price of housing in suburbia is sky high: 교외 도시의 집 값이 치솟고 있다.

Ex) His confidence is still sky-high: 그의 자신감은 여전히 하늘을 찌를 듯이 높다.

[20] or bust: ~아니면 죽기

or bust: or collapse from the effort; - used in phrases expressing determination to do something

Ex) It's World Series or bust: 월드 시리즈에 진출하는게 아니면 죽음이다.

Ex) For him it’s the Olympics or bust: 그에겐, 올림픽에 진출하느냐, 아니면 죽느냐의


[21] You're now on their level: 너는 지금 그들의 경지에 와 있다 (너는 지금 그들의 수준이야)

[22] Savvy: 능통한 (media savvy: 미디어에 능통한, business-savvy: 비즈니스에 능통한)

Savvy” practical understanding; shrewdness or intelligence; common sense

Ex) That doesn't mean he is any less media savvy: 그게 그가 미디어를 잘 모른다는 뜻은


Ex) But some people are not very tech savvy: 그러나 일부 사람들은 기술에 능숙하지 못하다

[23] cut out the middleman: 중개인을 없애다 (중간 유통을 없애다) “중간 유통을 없애다" 를 표현

시 참고 가능한 문장

Middleman: a person who plays an economic role intermediate between producer and retailer or


Ex) Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman: 제조업자에게 직접 구매하고

중간 유통을 배제하라

[23] boosting their net worth exponentially: 회사 가치를 기하급수적으로 증가시키다 가속성장을

표현할 때에 참고 가능한 문장

[24] de facto: 사실상의, 실질적인 (= the real)

de facto: in fact; in reality:

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22 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며,

해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.

Ex) The general took de facto control of the country: 그 장군이 그 나라의 실질적 통치권을

쥐고 있다.

Ex) She is the real (=de facto) manager of the company: 그녀는 회사의 실질적인 경영자이다.

[24] reduced the percentage from a high of 63 percent in 2003 to 51 percent in 2010: 2003년 최고

63% 에서 2010년 51%로 퍼센트가 감소하다 “숫자가 xx년 최고치에서 현재 수준으로 감소하다”

를 표현할 때 참고 가능한 문장

[25] lagging television ratings: 시청률 감소 (= drops in ratings and viewers, falling ratings)

[26] a business was more prosperous than it had ever been: 비즈니스는 그 어느 해 보다도

호황이었다. 사업적으로 가장 호황인 시기를 표현할 때에 참고 가능한 문장

[Appendix: 기본 야구 용어]

First baseman: 1루수

Second baseman: 2루수

Third baseman: 3루수

Shortstop: 유격수

Center fielder: 중견수

Right fielder: 우익수

Left fielder: 좌익수

Infielder: 내야수

Outfielder: 외야수

Pitcher: 투수

Catcher: 포수

Starting pitcher: 선발 투수

middle relief pitcher (=middle reliever): 중간 계투

closer (=closing pitcher): 마무리

hit by the pitch: 데드볼 (사구)

infield groundball: 내야땅볼

double play: 병살타

hit a grand slam to win a losing game: 역전 만루홈런을 치다

cleanup hitter: 4번 타자

table setters: 1번 및 2번 타자 (leadoff: 선두타자)