Download - The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour · 2017. 8. 7. · 7Days 5Nights The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7 Day

Page 1: The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour · 2017. 8. 7. · 7Days 5Nights The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7 Day

The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges

Yichang / Chongqing Tour

逢星期二出发 Depart Every Tuesday


乘搭 5*游船 入住 5*饭店

Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7

Page 2: The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour · 2017. 8. 7. · 7Days 5Nights The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7 Day

7Days 5NightsThe Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour

7 天 5 晚 壮丽三峡+ 宜昌 / 重庆之旅

Tour Fare / 团费: Departure Date / 出发日期:

Airport tax 机场税

(subject to change)

Tip for Guide and Driver


China Visa

(Normal single entry)

中国签证 (普通一次入境)

Agency Collection Fee


Travel Insurance



* Flight Details (subject to change) / 预计航班时间:

DAY 1 KUL/CKG D7 808 2020/0045+1 // DAY 7 CKG/KUL D7 809 0150/0640

* 最后行程确认,将以团队抵达各地后由接待社安排为准!!!

* The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator !!!

Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7

【TOUR HIGHTLIGHTS / 行程特色】 ** No Shopping Tour 全程不进购物站

Exclusive arrangement 独家贴心心安排:

** Welcome drink + fruit plate will to be served first night on board Century Cruise *** Visit Bridge Deck

** 登船当晚赠送一杯欢迎饮料+迎果盘 *** 参观驾驶台

第一天 吉隆坡Q 重庆 ( --/ --/ --)

第二天 重庆/ 宜昌 (早/午/晚)

第三天 长江三峡 (早/午/晚)

第四天 长江三峡 (早/午/晚)

第五天 长江三峡 (早/午/晚)

第六天 长江三峡/ 重庆 (早/午/晚)

第七天 重庆Q 吉隆坡 (--/ --/ --)

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Q Chongqing (--/--/--) Day 2 Chongqing/ Yichang (B/L/D) Day 3 Yangtze River Cruise (B/L/D) Day 4 Yangtze River Cruise (B/L/D) Day 5 Yangtze River Cruise (B/L/D) Day 6 Yangtze River/ Chongqing (B/L/D) Day 7 Chongqing Q Kuala Lumpur (--/--/--)

Yangtze River 长江 (5*) Century Cruises-Crown Series 世纪游轮–皇冠系列

**Century Sky 世纪天子/ similar 同级 (4 晚)

Chongqing 重庆 (5*) Le Meridien Chongqing Nan'an/ similar 万达艾美酒店/ 同级

Tribe of The Three Gorges 三峡人家 RMB 290/人 //

Qu Yuan’s Hometown 屈原故里 RMB 220/人 // White Emperor City 白帝城 RMB 290/人

(所有江上自费项目均需全船人数达到 50 人参加才停靠安排 // All the OPTIONAL TOUR along the Yangzte

River can only be confirmed and commenced with a minimum group size of 50 participants)

Hot Pot Flavor 重庆鸳鸯火锅风味

Yichang 宜昌 : Yiling Square 夷陵广场, Binjiang Park 滨江公园

Yangtze River 长江 : Xiling Gorge 西陵峡, shore excursion toThree Gorges Dam Site 上岸参观三峡大壩,

Wu Gorge 巫峡, Shennv Stream (with small boat) 换小船畅游神女溪,

Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峡, shore excursion to Shibaozhai 上岸参观石宝寨

Chongqing 重庆 : Ciqikou Ancient Town 磁器口古镇, People’s Square 人民广场, The People’s Great Hall

(view only) 人民大礼堂 (外观), Jiefangbei Walking Street 解放碑步行街,

Hongyadong Block (night view) 洪崖洞吊脚楼夜景

Page 3: The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour · 2017. 8. 7. · 7Days 5Nights The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7 Day

7 天 5 晚 壮丽三峡 + 宜昌 / 重庆之旅 Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7

第一天 吉隆坡Q 重庆 飞机 / 车 (---/---/---)

乘搭客机飞往中国西南最大的直辖市 - 重庆,也被称为“山城”。抵达后,由导游安排入住酒店休息。

第二天 重庆 4.5HRS 宜昌 动车 (二等座) / 登船 (早/午/晚)

夷陵广场 – 位于宜昌市城区繁华的商贸中心,东临国贸大厦、西临九州购物广场、南接广场路、北临 西陵一路。 滨江公园 – 位于宜昌市城区中心,横卧在长江江畔,长 11.3 公里,平均宽 65 米,其中,是一 座依街



第三天 长江三峡 船 (早/午/晚)

西陵峡 – 西起湖北省秭归县西的香溪口,东至湖北省宜昌市南津关,历史上以其航道曲折、怪石林立、



三峽大壩 (上岸游览, 不含电瓶车) – 是中国有史以来建设最大得水坝,更是世界上规模最大的水电站。

举行盛大酒会。 三峽人家 - 龙进溪景区 (自費遊覽 RMB 290/人) : 三峡人家石牌之美,美在"湾急、石奇、谷幽、洞绝、泉甘"。景区包括灯影石、明月湾、灯影洞、石牌抗战纪念馆、石令牌、杨家溪、蛤蟆泉等景点。

屈原故里 (自費遊覽 RMB 220/人) : 湖北省秭归县是中国战国时代楚国伟大爱国诗人屈原的故乡,也是楚文化发源地之一。屈原故里文化旅游区为国家 AAAAA 级旅游景区。

*** 自费项目均需全船人数达到 50 人参加才停靠安排 第四天 长江三峡 船 (早/午/晚)

巫峡 – 巫峡是长江三峡的第二峡,以其优雅而闻名。绕行 25英里,起始于西部大宁河口(武山东部), 湖北省巴东市官渡口。巫峡绮丽幽深,以俊秀著称天下。 神女溪(换乘小船)– 被当地人称为"美女溪",溪长 15 公里。由于水面湍急、溪浅道窄,其中有 10 公



瞿塘峡 – 两岸如削,岩壁高耸,大江在悬崖绝壁中汹涌奔流,自古就有"险莫若剑阁,雄莫若夔"的美称。 白帝城 (自費遊覽 RMB 290/人) : 白帝城历史文化悠久,自古以来,无数文人墨客如李白、杜甫、刘禹锡、白居易、苏轼、陆游、范成大、王十朋、王士桢等都曾寓居于此,在这里留下大量华章和无数诗篇,因此享有 “诗城” 之美誉。

*** 自费项目均需全船人数达到 50 人参加才停靠安排 第五天 长江三峡 船 (早/午/晚)

石宝寨 (上岸游览) – 石宝寨是国家级文物保护单位,国家 4A 级旅游景区。它位于重庆忠县境内

长江北岸边,距忠县城 45 千米。此处临江有一俯高十多丈,陡壁孤峰拔起的巨石,相传为女娲补天所遗的一尊五彩石,故称“石宝”。此石形如玉印,又名“玉印山”。明末谭宏起义,据此为寨,“石宝寨”名由此而来。

举行船长欢送晚宴。 第六天 长江三峡 / 重庆 下船 / 车 (早/午/晚)

磁器口古镇 – 国家 AAAA级景区,中国历史文化名街,重庆市重点保护传统街,重庆“新巴渝十二景” ,巴渝民俗文化旅游圈。

人民广场 – 建成于 1997年 6月,是重庆市的市政、文化、休闲广场,也是举行全市盛大集会和活动的场 所。 人民大礼堂 (外观) – 是一座仿古民族建筑群,重庆市的标志性建筑之一。 解放碑步行街 – 重庆最繁华商贸中心。现已是当地地标。

洪崖洞吊脚楼 (夜景) – 建在山上的高耸的建筑物,是重庆的地标之一。洪崖洞成为当地一个综合业

务块和风景点,特别是在夜间闪烁的彩灯。 结束旅程,送往机场。

第七天 重庆Q 吉隆坡 飞机 (---/---/---)


* 最后确认行程,将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准!!! *

Page 4: The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour · 2017. 8. 7. · 7Days 5Nights The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges Yichang / Chongqing Tour Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7 Day

7Days 5Nights The Magnificent Yangtze Three Gorges

Yichang / Chongqing Tour Tour Code : 7CYZ_D7 Day 01 Kuala Lumpur Q Chongqing flight / coach (---/---/---)

Assemble at airport for your flight to Chongqing which is the largest municipality in Southwest china. Meet and transfer

to check in hotel for rest.

Day 02 Chongqing 4.5HRS Yichang speed train (second class) / cruise boarding (B/L/D)

Yiling Square – is located in at the Yichang bustling commercial center.

Binjiang Park – is an open concept garden which located in Yichang city center and recumbent in the Yangtze River.

Its’ 11.3 km long and average width of 65 meters.

Embark cruise after the dinner.

Day 03 Yangtze River cruise (B/L/D)

Xiling Gorge – Xiling Gorge starts at Xiang Xi for 76 kilometres (47 miles) down to Yichang. It is the longest and

historically the most dangerous of the Yangtze Gorges.

Shore excursion to Three Gorges Dam Site (exclude buggy car) – is China's largest-ever construction of dams and

also the world's largest hydropower station.

Captain’s Welcome party in the evening. OPTIONAL : Tribe of The Three Gorges RMB 290/ pax - is located on Xiling Gorge in the city of Yichang, between the

Three Gorges Dam and the Gezhouba Dam, in a region of mountains and streams where the scenery has the beauty of

landscape paintings. The area has been officially designated as a “Preservation Center of Traditional Culture and Art of the

Three Gorges. OPTIONAL : Qu Yuan’s Hometown RMB 220/ pax - Hubei Zigui County is China's Warring States Period Chu Guowei

Great patriotic poet Qu Yuan 's hometown but also cultural Chu birthplace. Qu Yuan Cultural Tourism Zone is an AAAAA

level scenic spots

*** The optional tour can only be confirmed and commenced with a minimum group size of 50 participants

Day 04 Yangtze River cruise (B/L/D)

Wu Gorge – The Wu Gorge is the second gorge of the Three Gorges of Yangtze River and is famous for its elegance.

Winding over 25 miles, it starts from the estuary of Daning River (east of Wushan) in the west and ends at Guandukou

in Badong, Hubei Province.

Shennv Stream (with small boat) – Passengers take a wooden flat bottom boat to see the stunning scenery on both sides

of the stream. The boats can reach the depths of the valley to see the natural scenery and original life of locals.

Qutang Gorge – Qutang Gorge is the shortest part of the Three Gorges (8 kilometers). It is considered the most dramatic.

The river navigates through the gorge's sheer, steep cliffs where the Meng Liang staircase from the Song Dynasty can be


OPTIONAL : White Emperor City (Baidi City) RMB 290/ pax - It has a long history and culture. Since ancient times,

numerous literary men and artists have lived here, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Bai Juyi, Su Shi, Lu You, Fan Chengda,

Wang Shibing and Wang Shizhen. Baidi City also knowns as "Poetry City".

*** The optional tour can only be confirmed and commenced with a minimum group size of 50 participants Day 05 Yangtze River cruise (B/L/D)

Shore excursion to Shibaozhai – is a national cultural relics protection units, national 4A level scenic spots. It is located

in the territory of Chongqing Zhongxian Yangtze River north shore, from the loyalty county 45 kilometers.

Captain’s farewell dinner.

Day 06 Yangtze River / Chongqing disembark / coach (B/L/D)

Ciqikou Ancient Town – the national AAAA level scenic spot, Chinese historical street and cultural street at Chongqing.

People’s Square – was completed in June 1997. The Chongqing municipal, cultural and leisure square.

The People’s Great Hall (view only) – It is a national antique buildings and Chongqing landmark.

Jiefangbei Walking Street – the landmark and most bustling commercial center at Chongqing.

Hongyadong Block (night view) – also one of the landmark of Chongqing which built on mountains by stilted buildings. It became a comprehensive business area and scenic spot especially with colorful lights twinkling at night.

Transfer to airport for your returning flight check in.

Day 07 Chongqing Q Kuala Lumpur flight (---/---/---)

Enjoy for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

* The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator *