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Poems © by C.s. Lobaito 2014. All rights reserved.

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The Literary Spot “Let your imagination Rock!”

Issue 1. September 2014

Poems by

C.s. Lobaito

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Good News for Pessimists who Enjoy Bad News….8


Things Not to do When Drunk……………………12


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Time carves out existence like a block of steel,

To purpose the soul with balance

And measures,

To declare forward: forward and backwards

The past, a memory to catalog memories

In a sequenced timeline.

But why not let days flow into days,

And years assemble into other years

Without any calendar at all?

Who invented the second? The minute?

The blasphemous hour, who barks

With a battalion of skeleton soldiers?

Was it you, dear lonely caveman philosopher

Who threw skinny stones at the sun: to dial-up

A connection with your future brethren?

Or you, the first Egyptian child farmer

Who irrigated fields of crops with nourishment,

And life: to catch the season with a sail?

How did you know what time was to begin with?

Did time tell you? Or did you invent it?


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Now, we are bound to the weight and duties of it,

As if it was a government to our being.

It taxes us in our sleep and adds wrinkles

To our faces when we rise.

Without time, we could live forever

Years old without anybody calling us liars.


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O blue flame of the pterodactyl cosmos

I worship your awe

Like the God particle found.

Embrace me with glory

And vertigo dreams, to soar

Beyond the decimal horizon.

Tonight, let campfires snug as memories

Hum the thoughts of imagination’s tune.

Life is life. Joy is joy.

The song wolf carries it through.

I stare into your eyes

Warm as an omelet

Ready to let infinity in.

Ancient symbols inspire my soul

To dance upon your hush crackling.

A spear, copper star and hungry moon

Enters into being.

I worship what you want me to:

Tools used for seeing.


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The night is clear as they sky is dark.

The trees are tall as the world’s a book.

I touch my hands upon your smile

And watch them melt

Until you cry ash.


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The world isn’t coming to an end.

The Mayans got it wrong, but I still love you.

The moon landing was real. It’s a fact.

Sorry, it wasn’t staged in a Hollywood studio.

America will still be the greatest superpower

A hundred years from now. Karate chops!

The internet is here to stay and will become

Three dimensional… complete with holograms.

Pope John Paul II will be the coolest saint

And deliver Laffy Taffy to all the good girls and boys.

String theory will be applied to grilled cheese

Sandwiches. Would you like tomatoes with that?

The ice caps are not melting. Global warming is a farce.

Sorry Iceland. Why is your island green?

Technology will make it possible for Baskin Robbins

To have 1250 different flavors. Neat. Another fact:

Modern art will make a comeback and turn Picasso’s

Blue period into fluorescent pink. Anything else? O yes!


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I just found out JFK is alive, happily divorced and

Enjoying retirement as a domino player in Costa Rica.

We can fly out next Wednesday, if you’d like.

Bring a typewriter and let the reporter write.


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A life charm, a heart charm

Can potion your senses like truth.

A charm can keep you from harm

If you believe in it, like yourself.

There are dog charms. Rabbit foot charms.

Rosary bead charms. Zodiac charms.

Do you believe in luck?

If so, you’d better wear a charm.

Albatross it around your neck.

Stuff it in your socks, pin it in your hair

Or tassel it in your car— as long as it

Stays with you: be nice to your karma pet.

There are keyboard charms. Light bulb charms.

Guitar charms. Thunderbolt charms!

The holy water charm prevents the vampires

From biting. What a charm.

The restroom and deer in the headlights

Charm are expensive, but they serve their purpose.


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There’s a tech 9 charm and tugboat charm

To sail the nefarious seven seas,

As the constitution and Statue of Liberty

Charm defends the meaning of peace.

What kind of charm do you own? A dolphin

Charm? A happy face charm? A beer charm?

A clock charm? The dollar charm? Whisper

It softly in my ear. Your secret is safe with me.

I carry mine in my left pants pocket

And feed it carrots and grapes.


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Take a knife to a gun fight.

Pay the mortgage with the wrong bank account.

Tip the waiter at a millionaire’s wedding.

[The eggplant rollatini and Alabama Slammers are free!]

Call up your ex- fiancée and ask, “Hey what ya been doing

With life? A yoga instructor… really? Let’s play twister!”

Pretend to be Babe Ruth in the batting cage without a helmet.

Growl naked like a bear out of its habitat. Play chicken with a locomotive.

Eat White Castle hamburgers at four in the morning.

Well… may just a few. Stop halfway during sex to write a poem.

Drive a golf cart on the highway and stop at the green lights.

Write a song about how the government sucks and have the NSA record it.

Inhale superglue. Smoke electronic blaze cigarettes.

Yell at strangers to see who flips the bird first. It’s a fun game.

Spit in an officer’s face when they ask you for your zodiac sign.

I’ve never done it, but wanted to. “Hey, don’t tase me bro!”

Claim that you’ll never drink again while vomiting to the porcelain

God: aka, the toilet bowl. Because you will drink again.


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And do all mischievous things you shouldn’t. It’s human nature.

When it’s two in the morning and you’re pissed face drunk at the

Hard Rock Café, you can slur to the steamy, sad, middle-aged

Redheaded Victoria Secret bartender, who’s wiping down counters

And collecting wet tips, all the things not to do when drunk.

42 is the new 21. If you’re lucky, she’ll take you home.


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Life is simple because it is complex.

Take nature. Stare into her gumball

Mind. We’re surreal as pink minnows

Swimming in the cosmos of time.

This is just a basic theory, married

With xylophones and rhyme. Kudos sautéed

In reasoning for the crux of sight.

Do you agree? I digress.

Life is beautiful, sidestep the copyrights.

Some believe truth holds the attaché

To knowledge and with age, we all fib

Like graffiti pie.

So let’s shimmy like lonely mimes,

Participants of the highest kind!

The beer is heaven cold in the icebox.

Maybe it’s time to turn back time.

Neighbors are friendly. Clichés are cheap.

With debate, the mortgage rates rise.

Like a good citizen, I do my deeds. So do you.

And for this, we smile like a brainstorm.

But never judge a book by its cover,

Unless the cover is torn.


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C.s. Lobaito is a native poet from New Jersey. Besides writing, he has a career

in business and retail management. His poems have been published in newspapers and online

literary websites. Charles is inspired by the east coast, enjoying life with family and writing poems

for his next book.