Download - Tercer periodo planificacion 5 - nasencio



Período de Práctica: Tercer período Institución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección postal: Brown 99, BarilocheSala/Grado y sección: 4to y 5to año ACantidad de alumnos: 13Nivel lingüístico del curso: Pre - IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: En el bosque (human impact on the environment)Clase Nº4Fecha: 09/10/2014Hora: 07:45 hsDuración de la clase: 80 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 07/09/2014

Teaching points: In the rainforest – climate – human impact on the environment


Ss will be able to raise their awareness about the consequences of natural disasters.

Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through motivating activities.

Ss will be able to work with authentic material to develop their reading and writing abilities.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Interpreting texts, , a video and to ask/answer questions in order to get information.

Talk about the human impact on the environment.

Vocabulary related to weather: hot, cold, rainy,Vocabulary related to pollution, global warming and human impact in the environment.

Present simple:Expressions such as: because, since

The cause of …is…

…is caused by / is due to …

Thanks to ...

Expressions such as: owning to, due to

Than, colder, climate,

New Think and talk about cause – effect

Vocabulary related to natural disasters:

Expresions such as: In consequence,

Flooding, earthquake, drought

relationship.Think and talk about consequences in a natural disaster context.

flooding, drought, eruption, earthquake explosion, Vocabulary related to climate:

Consequently, as a result of

Example: “In consequence of flooding many people died”

Teaching approach: Communicative approach – Materials and resources: Computers, internet, copies Seating arrangement: Ss will work on the tables; they are situated in rows facing

the board. The tables are longer than the usual ones, so in a same table three or four ss may work together.

Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will use visual aids and they also have the possibility to use on-line dictionaries. If we have any problem with the internet connection the T will encourage ss to talk about the meaning of the words and to focus on the context of each of them to infer the meaning.

Assessment: Students’ ability to use the new vocabulary and the grammar structures though several activities.



Routine (2 minutes)

First, the T will say: “Hello! How are you today? I need a helper to write the date on the board. Please, Agustina, Can you help me?” and she will encourage ss to spell the date for the student to write it.

Warm – up (20 minutes)

The T will say: “For this class you had to present the homework that I asked you to do. Can you tell me what was the homework about? What did you have to do?” and she will guide ss to speak about what we learnt the previous class.

Then, she will tell them: “I have also prepared a power presentation to share it with you. It is about the cause and effect relationship regarding global warming and the environment. I have also prepared it to explain about or review the usage of some prepositions such as: because of....” and she will elicit the other prepositions. She will also ask ss to open their folder/copybooks to copy the date and to take some notes of the power point presentation.

While we watch the presentation the T will ask some questions, such as: What is the cause? What is the effect? Can you think of another example? She will encourage all ss to participate and to speak up.



OWING TO factories there is air pollution.

Since fur traders go poaching, many species are in danger of extinction.

AS fur traders go poaching some animals are suffering.

Since fur traders go poaching, many species are in danger of extinction.

AS fur traders go poaching some animals are suffering.


Then, the T will say: “Since we have practiced the cause – effect relationship now you have five minutes to check your own power point presentation. With your group you have to pay attention to the sentences that you have written in order to check if they are correct or not.” She will ask ss some questions in order to check their comprehension. She will also monitor their work.


Presentation of the homework (15 minutes)

The T will ask a student to help her to save the ss’ power point presentation in her pen drive. Then, we will watch all of them in my notebook. She will say: “Now we are going to enjoy the power point presentations. Please, the students from –this- group come to the front of the class and explain to the class which kind of activity/pollution have you chosen.” And she will encourage ss to participate and to speak up.

After the ss explanations, the T will say: “while we watch the presentation we are going to focus on the cause – effect relationship. Pay special attention to the sentences because we are going to correct them all together! If you need some help, look at your folder/copybook since you have written the structures and examples”. If ss need some help to check the sentences the T will guide them with some questions. Then, she will say: “congratulations on your work ss!”

Activity 1 ( 10 minutes) –

The T will tell them: “The other day I was telling my friend that we are learning about the causes and effects of global warming. She is very concerned about this issue and she gave me some newspapers articles to work with you. The articles are related to: natural disasters (and she will write this on the board). As we know, there are several kinds of natural disasters and we are going to learn about this today. So, around the classroom there are some pictures and word cards about them. You will have five minutes to look for those pictures and their names, and then you have to stick them on the board and match the picture with their correct names. There are 11 pictures and 11 name cards. For example.....” and she will show them a picture card and the name card to stick them on the board. She will encourage ss to explain the activity. Then, she will say: “But! We are going to complete the activity while we listen to some music but when I stop it, you have to be like statues, you cannot move” she will ask ss: “What do you have to do if I stop the music?” She will encourage ss to look at the pictures, read the words and infer their meaning. She will also encourage them to help each other. Then, we will check all together.

tornado earthquake tsunami

avalanche hurricane drought

forest firevolcanic eruption (houseíííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííexplosion


Activity 2 (3 minutes) – prediction time

The T will say: “Now, we are ready to work with a newspaper article that my friend gave me. The title is....Dozens killed in Argentina flash floods” and she will write it on the board to ask ss to predict the article content. She will guide their predictions with some questions: “Read the title and let’s think about what it is about. Where does the natural disaster happen? Which kind of natural disaster is it? What was the consequence of it? Have you ever heard about floods on our country?”

Activity 3 (5 minutes) –

The T will choose a student to handout the copies of the article, she will say: “My helper is handing out the copies of the article for you read it. You also have to complete the matching exercise. You have some key words which you have to match them with their definitions or synonyms. Please, focus on the context of those words to infer their meaning.You have 5 minutes to complete this.” She will elicit the instructions from the ss to check their understanding. Then, we will check all together.


Overnight Factory

Overall Domestic device

Shelter In general

Refinery Refuge

Appliance During the night

Read the article.

Dozens killed in Argentina flash floods2013-04-03 20:32

La Plata - At least 35 people were killed by flooding overnight in Argentina's Buenos Aires province, the governor said on Wednesday,

bringing the overall death toll from days of torrential rains to at least 41

and leaving large stretches of the provincial capital under water.

Governor Daniel Scioli said many people drowned after trying to take

shelter in their cars in Tolosa, an area of the provincial capital of La Plata.

Heavy rains had killed at least six people in the nation's capital of

Buenos Aires the day before.

"Such intense rain in so little time has left many people trapped in their cars, in the streets, in some cases electrocuted. We are giving priority to rescuing people who have been stuck in trees or on the roofs of their homes," Scioli said.

La Plata "has never seen anything equal" to this disaster.

The rains also flooded the country's largest refinery, causing a fire that took hours to put out. The La Plata refinery has suspended operations as a result, and Argentina's YPF oil company said it has an emergency team evaluating how to get it restarted again.

The rains - almost 400mm in about two hours - hit provincial La Plata after causing flooding and power outages and killing six people in the city of Buenos Aires the day before.

"We lost appliances, clothing," said Natalia Lescano, who escaped with her family to a friend's house on higher ground.

She said they had to get out by themselves, and complained that authorities weren't doing enough to rescue people.

About 100mm more of rain was expected before the bad weather passes on Thursday, the national weather service said.

At least 2 500 people were evacuated from their homes in the La Plata area, which is about 60km southeast of Argentina's capital.


Activity 4 (10 minutes) –

The helper will hand out the following copy:

Keys: 1. were killed2. the flooding/the attempt to look for shelter3. the heavy rains4. intense rain5. has suspended its operations6. lost appliances, clothing.7. they weren’t doing enough8. were evacuated from their homes

Complete the sentences.

1. Due to the flood 35 people........................................................................................


2. Because of.........................................................................................people drowned.

3. At least six people died caused by.............................................................................


4. Owing to................................................................................ many people were trapped in their cars.

5. In consequence/ As a result, the refinery YPF...........................................................


6. Natalia said that thanks to the flooding she..............................................................

................................................................................................................................ 7. She complained about authorities since.....................................................................

................................................................................................................................ 8. Consequently 2500 people......................................................................................


The T will elicit the instructions from the ss, she will guide them: “Focus on the copy. What do you have to do? With what information are you going to focus on? If you need help, what should you do?” The idea is that ss focus on the previous activities to complete the sentences based on the article. They will have ten minutes and we will check all together. They will work in pairs.

Closure (10 minutes) – picture dictation –

First, the T will say: “Focus on the image of the previous article! How do you think that man was feeling? How would you feel if you were in that situation?” We will share our opinions.

Then, the T will ask them to have a blank sheet of paper. She will say: “Now, we are going to work with our imagination! I am going to describe a scene, you will be there too! and you have to draw it:

“Draw three houses on the right in the middle .Draw your self in one of the houses. Each house has four windows and a door. On the roof of one of the houses there are two people and a dog. Draw two trees on the left in the middle. At the top of the picture draw some clouds. The clouds look grey and it’s raining a lot. In the sky there is a helicopter. Around the houses there is water. The water touches the top windows of the house….”

She will say: “Look at your pictures! What do you think that has happened in the scene?” several answers are possible: flood, hurricane, tsunami” How would you feel if you were there?

Then, she will ask them to work in pairs to do another picture dictation. She will say: “Now it’s your turn to describe a specific scene. Work with your peer to do a picture dictation. She will monitor ss’ work. Then, they will share their pictures, if we have time.

Teacher: Congratulations! See you tomorrow.


Cecilia A. Zemborain, 08/10/14,
what comment will you say to link the previous activity with the next one?