Download - TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)

Page 1: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)

페루에서 본 대구 · 경북Understand about the various stories, learned from Peru


29 January, 2011

Page 2: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

약속을 잘 지키지 않는다 .

They don’t keep one’s word well.

바가지를 씌운다 .

They rip off.

위험하다 . 항상 경계를 게을리 하지 마라 .

They are dangerous. Keep an eye on them all the time.


Page 3: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

대구 사람들 ?

People living in Daegu


Page 4: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

대구 사람들 ?

People living in Daegu


Page 5: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

대구 사람들 People living in Daegu


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29 January, 2011

약속을 잘 지키지 않는다 .

They don’t keep one’s word well.

바가지를 씌운다 .

They rip off.

위험하다 . 항상 경계를 게을리 하지 마라 .

They are dangerous. Keep an eye on them all the time.


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29 January, 2011


고담 대구 Gotham Daegu

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29 January, 2011


어떤 생각이 드십니까 ?

What kind of ideas do you have?

Page 9: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

당연하다 . It is natural!


Page 10: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

당연하다 . It is natural!

당황스럽다 . Embarrassment


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29 January, 2011

당연하다 . It is natural!

당황스럽다 . Embarrassment

불쾌하다 . Annoyance


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29 January, 2011

당연하다 . It is natural!

당황스럽다 . Embarrassment

불쾌하다 . Annoyance

격노하다 . Rage


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29 January, 2011

그것은 대구의 모습이 아닙니다 .

That just isn’t the whole story of Daegu!


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29 January, 2011



Page 15: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

몇 개의 정보를 전체 줄거리로 바라보는

경우를 주변에서 흔히 볼 수 있습니다 .

It is often easy to see that a small piece of

information is regarded as the whole story.


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29 January, 2011

페루에서의 이야기My story in Peru


Page 17: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

페루 사람들에 대한 단원들의 이야기Their stories about Peruvian


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29 January, 2011

약속을 잘 지키지 않는다 . They don’t keep one’s word well.

돈과 관련한 어떠한 말이든 믿지 마라 . Don’t believe any words of them in terms of money.

항상 경계를 게을리 하지 마라 . Keep an eye on them all the time.

페루 사람들에 대한 단원들의 이야기Their stories about Peruvian


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29 January, 2011

페루 사람들에 대한 나의 이야기My stories about Peruvian


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29 January, 2011

약속을 잘 지키지 않는다 . They don’t keep one’s word well.

돈과 관련한 어떠한 말이든 믿지 마라 . Don’t believe any words of them in terms of money.

항상 경계를 게을리 하지 마라 . Keep an eye on them all the time.

페루 사람들에 대한 나의 이야기My stories about Peruvian


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29 January, 2011

나만의 규칙My rules: How to deal with them


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29 January, 2011

집의 위치를 절대 알려주지 않기 . Don’t let them know about the location of my house.

너무 가까운 관계를 갖지 않기 . Don’t build a closer relationship with Peruvian.

나만의 규칙My rules: How to deal with them


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29 January, 2011

그것들이 잘못 되었음을 깨닫게 해준

이야기가 있습니다 .

There is a story that makes me realize

that my first ideas were not true.


Page 24: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

Cuye( 기니피그 )

Guinea pig


Page 25: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

쪽지 , “No duele, profesor( 아프지마세요 , 선생님 )”

Message - “Don’t be sick, please” - from my children


Page 26: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

페루 사람들에 대한 나의 이야기My stories about Peruvian


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29 January, 2011

페루 사람들에 대한 나의 이야기My stories about Peruvian

약속을 칼같이 잘 지킨다 . They keep one’s word well.

매우 정이 많고 친절하다 . They are warm-hearted and kind.

수줍음이 많다 . They are shy.


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29 January, 2011

약속을 잘 지키지 않는다 . They don’t keep one’s word well.

돈과 관련한 어떠한 말이든 믿지 마라 . Don’t believe any words of them in terms of money.

항상 경계를 게을리 하지 마라 . Keep an eye on them all the time.

약속을 칼같이 지킨다 . They keep one’s word well.

매우 정이 많고 친절하다 . They are warm-hearted and kind.

수줍음이 많다 . They are shy.


다양한 이야기를 가진 페루사람들Various stories about Peruvian

. . .

Page 29: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)

페루에서 본 대구 · 경북Understand about the difference, learned from Peru


29 January, 2011

Page 30: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011


한 포털 사이트의 지식검색에 올려진 질문과 답

Q&A in a knowledge search of one portal site.


Page 31: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

만약 페루 사람들이 단원들의 생각을

알았더라면 ?

What if Peruvian know how several KOICA

members think about them?


Page 32: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

대구 Daegu

대구로 몰려드는 나와 다른 영역의 사람들People in other areas are moving into Daegu.


Page 33: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)


29 January, 2011

다양한 이야기를 가진 그들They have lots of stories.


The The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or Amer-ica) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses sev-eral territories in the Caribbean and Pacific.At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km2) and with over 308 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area, and the third largest both by land area and popula-tion. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries.[6] The U.S. economy is the world's

Brazil (pronounced /brəˈzɪl/ ( listen); Portuguese: Brasil, IPA: [bɾaˈziw]), officially the Federative Re-public of Brazil[7][8] (Portuguese: República Fed-erativa do Brasil, listen (help·info)), is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population.[9][10] It is the only Portuguese-speak-ing country in the Americas and the largest luso-phone country in the world.[9Bounded by the At-lantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers (4,655 mi).[9] It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas department of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bo-livia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Numerous archipelagos form part of Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.[9] It has borders with all other South American coun-tries apart from Ecuador and Chile.

قارتهم داخل معزولين وأصبحوا األصلي بموطنهم االتصال من االقرن. حتي الخارجي للعالم مجهولة القارة هذه وكانت الجديدة

الحيوانات. 17 وصائدي الثمار جامعي المهاجرون هؤالء وكان . أرضهم يفلحون وكانوا األليفة الحيوانات يربوا ولم واألسماكمن النضرة الحشائش وليمكنوا لتطهيرها، فيها النيران بإشعال . يقيمون وكانوا ليصطادوها وغيره الكنغر حيوان ولجذب النموبرك مخارج في ويتحكمون الماء، مجاري ويغيرون المياه، سدود . ورغم سمك مزارع في األسماك لتربية والبحيرات المستنقعات

الـ خالل أنه إال بدوي شعب يتسارع 3000أنه كان الماضية سنة . وكان الحجرية آالته مستخدما بأرضه مرتبطا التغيير فيالبعيدة األطراف مع التجارة يمارسون القدماء اإلستراليونالثقافية. سماتهم لهم وكانت البيئية العوامل مع وتواءموا بالقارةأواخر. في األوروبي الرجل القارة اكتشف عندما والحضارية

من 17القرن أكثر فيها يوجد . 250كان انقرض وقد متداولة لغةالقرن مطلع في هناك. 19معظمها البشرية المجموعات وكانت

. عليها يطلق كان المجموعات وهذه اللغات متعددة أو اللغة ثنائية . جنوب أقصى في موراي حضارة بأستراليا قامت قبائل اسم . مياه فيضانات من ومياهما وموراي جارلنج نهري حول القارة . عثر حيث مونجو بحيرة بينها من بحيرات وبهما المنصهر الجليد

. عمره لطفلة وكان األول أبارجين إنسان هيكل علي 26حولها . عمرها جماجم علي عثر كما سنة وهيكل 13ألف سنة ألف

. مجيء مع الصين إنسان تشبه وجماحم مونجو إلنسان عظميللتطهير نتيجة األصلي الشعب أعداد قل¶ت األجانب المستوطنيناألمراض ولظهور لها تعرضوا الذي الجماعية واإلبادة العرقي , المعاملة ولسوء ضدها مكتسبة مناعة لديهم يكن لم التي المعدية . المستوطنين وأول المستعمرون األوربيون بها يعامله كان التي

سنة شرقها جنوب إلي وفدوا أقاموا. 1788األوربيين حيث مسنة سيدني لمدينة تطورت بريطانية . 1787مستوطنة سنة في م

دساتيرها 1850 بوضع األسترالية للمستعمرات بريطانيا سمحت م . سبب̧ا كان الذي الذهب اكتشاف أدي فعلي ذاتي وحكم بها الخاصة

تدافع إلي واضح اقتصادي نمو في

Germany (i /ˈdʒɜrməni/), officially the Federal Re-public of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, pronounced [ˈbʊndəsʁepuˌbliːk ˈdɔʏtʃlant] ( listen)),[4][note 1] is a country in Western Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic; to the south by Austria and Switzerland; and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Nether-lands. The territory of Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. With 81.8 million inhabitants, it is the most populous member state of the Euro-pean Union,[5] and home to the third-largest num-ber of international migrants worldwide.[6]

Pakistan (i /ˈpækɪstæn/ or i /pɑːkiˈstɑːn/; Urdu: ستانÈپاِک) (Urdu pronunciation: [paːkɪˈst Ëaːn] ( listen)), officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: ستانÈپاِک وری جم ہاسالمی ہ ) is a country in South Asia. It has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast.[7] Tajikistan also lies very close to Pakistan but is separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. Strategically it is located in a position between the important regions of South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East.[8]The region forming modern Pakistan was the site of sev-eral ancient cultures including the neolithic Mehrgarh and the bronze era Indus Valley Civilisation. Subsequently it was the recipient of Vedic, Persian, Indo-Greek, Islamic, Turco-Mongol, and Sikh cultures through several invasions and/or settlements. As a result the area has remained a part of numerous empires and dynasties including the Persian empires, Islamic caliphates and the Mauryan, Mongol, Mughal, Sikh and British Empires. Pakistan gained independence from the British Empire in 1947 after a struggle for independence, led by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that sought independent states

대구 Daegu

Australia ( /əˈstreɪljə/), officially the Common-wealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Aus-tralian continent, the island of Tasmania and nu-merous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 Neighbouring countries include Indone-sia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the northeast and New Zealand to the southeast.For at least 40,000 years before Eu-ropean settlement in the late 18th century, Aus-tralia was inhabited by indigenous Australians,[8] who belonged to one or more of roughly 250 lan-guage groups.[9][10] After discovery by Dutch ex-plorers in 1606, Australia's eastern half was claimed by Britain in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, formally founded on 7 February 1788[11] (although formal possession of the land had occurred on 26 January 1788). The

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29 January, 2011

만약 한쪽의 이야기로 그들을 판단한다면 ?

What if they are judged by only one side

of the story?


Page 35: TEDx palgong_aboutperu(20jan2011)

페루에서 본 대구 · 경북Understand about the difference, learned from Peru


29 January, 2011