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Sweet William

by John Hawkes

About the book

John Hawkes is one of American fiction's most honored, and most unpredictable - talents. Τhis is his most popular novel, the autobiography of a wise, witty, Sweet William is fresh and lively, a completely compelling reading experience, and a truly human tale. In this anthropomorphic odyssey, Hawkes takes us into the rough world of Old Horse from his youth marked by the death of his beloved dam, through his years on the racetrack of life, to his relationship with Master, the man whose kindness transforms his

beastly life. Old Horse is a figure which symbolizes all the tests and challenges faced by every beast.

Soon after William's birth, his dam dies a horrible death. This tragedy, combined with the inept responses of the humans in charge and the indifference of his surrogate mother, warps Sweet William's character and provokes in him a violent, rebellious streak that will bring him no end of tribulation. Now, tempered by hard-earned wisdom and hindsight, William reflects on his life--as a young colt, a racehorse, a riding-school nag and finally as the haggard mount of an eccentric old man he calls ``Master.'' He is a captivating storyteller whose experience and

insight are valuable for readers of all species.

Sweet William is written through the eyes of the horse, and captures qualities of personality we love and complain about so often in many of

our best loved horse friends. Sweet William is more like the rest of us.  He sometimes misunderstands, sometimes has trouble learning from his

mistakes, and is confused by humans. Sweet William is an "all or nothing" kind of guy:  he has a tendency to exaggerate....What ever happens is

either the absolute best or the worst possible event. He is a little

melodramatic, hates admitting mistakes, yet wants to believe and even when he is old looks to the possibility that some humans might be worth

believing in. Sweet William knows that even when humans mean well by their horses they sometimes make mistakes and the mistakes hurt even if


My opinion

“Sweet William” is the memories of an old horse. It’s a book touching, tender, peculiar, full of love for horses. Through its pages the sad and impressive voice of old-Kelly comes alive and recounts the probations and troubles of a hole life: the years when he was a race horse, the years in a race school for amateurs and finally the years when obsessed by the tortures and very old he is abandoned in the hands of a strange old man and his life is totally changed. With a very moving and realistic narration the writer doesn’t just sketch an animal which suffers an indescribable mistreatment, but describes an almost tragic personality, because as he warns every reader almost in the first pages “the life of the horse you will read about in the following pages are not for an ordinary horse devotee”.You will not find chapters devoted in a legendary horse or in an impressive mare of old times, nor heroism or great achievements of horses and jockeys. If you want something like this, you can pick up another book, but if you feel many times indignant and ready to leave behind any conventional expectations, then insist and read this book till the last page and in the difficulties of this horse’s life you will recognize yours.I hope you will enjoy the book!

Stella Pouchia