Download - €¦ · Suwon DC 수원구치소 ... the Seoul Detention Center took full charge of the detention function for the first time in Korea, 11 detention centers have been operated at

Page 1: €¦ · Suwon DC 수원구치소 ... the Seoul Detention Center took full charge of the detention function for the first time in Korea, 11 detention centers have been operated at

Page 2: €¦ · Suwon DC 수원구치소 ... the Seoul Detention Center took full charge of the detention function for the first time in Korea, 11 detention centers have been operated at

모두가 행복해지는세상을 만듭니다

한민국 교정본부는

국민과 소통하고 협력하여

희망찬 미래를 만들어 갑니다.

건강하고 안전한 한민국,

교정본부가 함께 합니다.

02 인사말 Greetings

Chapter 1 _ 교정조직 Correctional Organizations

06 비전과정책목표 Vision and Policy Goals

08 교정기관 Nationwide Correctional Organization

12 교정공무원 Correctional Officers

14 교정복제·교정상징문양Dress Code for Correctional Officers ·Symbol of Korea Correctional Service

16 국제교류International Exchange

Chapter 2 _ 수용관리 Accommodation Management

20 입소·분류처우 Reception·Classification Treatment

22 수용환경 Accommodation Environment

24 의료처우 Medical Treatment

26 스마트교정 Smart Correction

Chapter 3 _ 교육·교화 Education·Reformation

30 교육프로그램 Education Program

32 교화프로그램 Reformation Program

34 특별프로그램 Special Program

36 교화방송 Reformation Broadcasting

38 교정위원 Correctional Advisors


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Chapter 4 _ 교도작업·직업훈련 Prison labor·Vocational training

42 교도작업 Prison Labor

44 직업훈련 Vocational Training

Chapter 5 _ 사회복귀지원 Support for Return to Society

48 취업·창업지원 Support for Employment·Start-up

50 중간처우 Intermediate Treatment

52 가족관계회복프로그램 Family Relationship Recovery Program

Chapter 6 _ 열린교정 Open Correction

56 대국민서비스 Service for the People

58 국민참여 People's Participation

Chapter 7 _ 교정사·교정통계 History of Correctional Administration and Statistics

62 교정사 History of Correctional Administration

64 교정통계 Correctional Statistics

Create the world where all become happy

The Korea Correctional Service creates a hopeful future by communicating and cooperating with the people.

KCS pursues healthy and safe Republic of Korea.

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대한민국교정행정Corrections in Korea 2014



Dear sir,

This is Youn Kyoung-syck,

commissioner of Korea Correctional Service.

To realize the ‘people’s happiness, hopeful corrections’

Korea Correctional Service has been making a strong push for

warm corrections that enable inmates to feel hope,

legal and scientific corrections based on grounds,

corrections of confidence and communication

that set the people at ease,

top-tier corrections that make the people feel self-esteem,

field-centered practical corrections,

and improvement of abnormal correction practices.

Through successful policy propulsion,

It has been making efforts to

change inmates’ character fundamentally

and create the society where the people are

safe from crimes and feel happiness

by enabling inmates to settle down in the society stably after

leaving prison.

Corrections are the last bastion to keep the people’s safety.

KCS has been playing an important role, which is imperatively

necessary for social safety.

All of KCS staffs will do not forget our mission given to us for

inmates’ corrections and reformations and securing social safety

continuously and promise to carry out our duties faithfully.

We also request the people to have warm and constant interest in

inmates until they become our good neighbors.

Thank you very much.

Youn Kyoung-syckCommissioner of Korea Correctional Service



교정본부는‘국민행복, 희망교정’을실현하기위하여










범죄로부터안전한사회, 국민이행복한사회를이루려고



그동안, 사회안전에없어서는안될중요한역할을담당해왔습니다.







법무부교정본부장 윤경식

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Correctional Organizations01

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신뢰받는 교정을 위해 한마음으로 나아가겠습니다

We will step forward in a single mind for reliable corrections.

_ 비전과정책목표

_ 전국의교정기관안내

_ 교정공무원소개

_ 교정복제·상징문양

_ 글로벌시대에대응하는국제교류

_ Vision and policy goals

_ Guide on correctional institutions across the country

_ Introduction of correctional officers

_ Dress code·symbol design

_ International exchanges to cope with the global era

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교정조직Correctional Organizations


Vision and Policy Goals


따뜻한교정Warm correction offering hope


Legal and scientific correction based on grounds 3


Confidence·communication correction that sets the people at ease


Key Propulsion Directions

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Hopeful Corrections People’s Happiness

7대한민국교정행정Corrections in Korea 2014

5비정상의정상화추진Propulsion for normalization of unusualness

4자부심이느껴지는일류교정Self-confident top-tier correction

6현장중심의실천교정Field-oriented practical correction

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교정조직Correctional Organizations


교정정책단Correctional Policy Bureau

지방교정청(4)Regional Corrections Headquarters

교도소(38)Correctional Institution

구치소(11)Detention Center

지소(3)Branch Office

민영교도소(1)Private Correctional Institution

보안정책단Security Policy Bureau

가석방심사위원회Judging Committee for Parole

중앙급식관리위원회Central Committee Meal Providing

법무연수원(교정연수부)Institute of Justice

(Correctional Training Bureau)

Nationwide Correctional Organization

교정본부장Commissioner of

Korea Correctional Service

법무부차관The Vice Minister

of Justice

법무부장관The Minister of Justice

교정기획과General Affairs & Planning Division

직업훈련과Vocational Training Division

사회복귀과Social Reintegration Division

복지과Welfare Division

보안과Security Division

분류심사과Classification & Examination Division

의료과Health Care Division

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교정기획과 교정행정종합기획, 인사, 교육훈련, 복무감독, 홍보, 국제업무

GGeenneerraall AAffffaaiirrss && PPllaannnniinngg DDiivviissiioonnPlanning for overall correctional administration, human resource management, education and training, supervision, promotional activities, international relations

직업훈련과 교도작업기획및운영, 취업·창업지원및직업훈련, 교도작업특별회계

VVooccaattiioonnaall TTrraaiinniinngg DDiivviissiioonnPlanning and operation of in-prison duties, employment and start-up support and vocational training, accounting

사회복귀과 수용자교육및교화업무, 교정위원, 사회적처우, 교화방송

SSoocciiaall RReeiinntteeggrraattiioonn DDiivviissiioonnReformation and education for inmates, treatment, broadcasting

복 지 과 예산·결산, 교정시설관리, 복제, 급식관리

WWeellffaarree DDiivviissiioonnBudgeting and settlement, facility management, dress code for correctional officers, prison meal management

보 안 과 보안, 수용관련기획, 접견, 이송, 방호, 비상훈련, 전자경비

SSeeccuurriittyy DDiivviissiioonnPlanning for security works, visits, transfer of inmates, custody, emergency training, electronic security

분류심사과 가석방, 분류처우, 수용자청원·인권, 민영교도소

CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn && EExxaammiinnaattiioonn DDiivviissiioonnParole, classification, revision of corrections-related laws, human rights and law suits

의 료 과 수용자보건위생, 수용자의료및약제, 건강검진, 질병예방

HHeeaalltthh CCaarree DDiivviissiioonnInmate healthcare, medical treatment, regular checkups, disease prevention

법무부교정본부는교정정책단, 보안정책단및7개과를운영하고있으며,

전국에4개지방교정청(서울, 대구, 대전, 광주)과52개교정기관, 1개민영교도소가있습니다.

The Korea Correctional Service of the Ministry of Justice operates the correctional policy bureau, the security policy bureau and

seven divisions. In the country, there are four regional corrections headquarters(Seoul, Daegu Daejeon and Gwangju), 52

correctional institutions and one private correctional institution.

교정정책단Correctional Policy


보안정책단Security Policy



Correctional Service

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교정조직Correctional Organizations


대구 대전



서울지방교정청(15)교도소(9) ※민영교도소 1구치소(5)지소(1)




Daegu Daejeon



Seoul RCH (15)

Correctional Institution (9)

※Private correctional institution (1)

Detention Center (5)

Branch Office (1)

Daejeon RCH (10)

Correctional Institution (7)

Detention Center (1)

Branch Office (2)

Daegu RCH (18)

Correctional Institution (13)

Detention Center (5)

Gwangju RCH (9)

Correctional Institution(9)

Incheon DC 인천구치소

Seoul Nambu DC 서울남부구치소

Seoul Nambu CI 서울남부교도소

Anyang CI 안양교도소

Hwasung CI for VT화성직업훈련교도소

Suwon DC 수원구치소

Pyongtack BO 평택지소

Cheonan OpenCI 천안개방교도소

Seosan BO 서산지소

Hongsung CI 홍성교도소

Gongju CI 공주교도소

Nonsan BO 논산지소

군산교도소Kunsan CI

Jeonju CI 전주교도소

Jungeup CI 정읍교도소

Gwangju CI 광주교도소

목포교도소Mokpo CI

해남교도소Haenam CI

Jeju CI 제주교도소

장흥교도소Jangheung CI

순천교도소Suncheon CI

진주교도소 Jinju CI

Mil-yang DC 밀양구치소

거창구치소Geochang DC

통영구치소Tongyoung DC

부산교도소Busan CI

부산구치소Busan DC

포항교도소Pohang CI

울산구치소Ulsan DC

Changwon CI 창원교도소

천안교도소Cheonan CI

충주구치소Chungju DC

Cheongju CI 청주교도소

Cheongju Women's CI 청주여자교도소

대전교도소Daejeon CI 상주교도소Sang-ju CI

김천소년교도소Kimcheon Juvenile CI

대구구치소Daegu DC

경주교도소Kyungju CI

경북북부제2교도소GyeongbukBukbu 2nd CI

경북북부제3교도소GyeongbukBukbu 3rd CI

Daegu CI 대구교도소

Gyeongbuk CI for VT경북직업훈련교도소

경북북부제1교도소GyeongbukBukbu 1st CI

여주교도소Yeoju CI

소망교도소(민영)Somang PI

법무연수원Training Institute

서울지방교정청 Seoul RCH

대전지방교정청 Daejeon RCH

대구지방교정청 Daegu RCH

광주지방교정청 Gwangju RCH

성동구치소Sungdong DC

의정부교도소Uijeongbu CI

춘천교도소Chuncheon CI

속초교도소Sok-cho CI

원주교도소Wonju CI

강릉교도소Gangneung CI

서울구치소Seoul DC

영월교도소Yeong-wol CI

안동교도소Andong CI

전국교정기관분포도Distribution Map of Correctional Institutions Across the Country


Korea Correctional


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관리·감독을 위해 중간 감독기구인 지방

교정청을 두고 있습니다. 지방교정청은

서울, 대구, 대전, 광주에위치해있습니다.

Regional Corrections Headquarters

The Korea Correctional Service operates the

regional corrections headquarters, an

intermediate supervisory organization, for

effective supports, management and supervision

of front-line correctional institutions. Regional

corrections headquarters are located in Seoul,

Daegu, Daejeon and Gwangju.

교도소교도소는 형이 확정된 수형자를 수용하는

교정시설입니다. 개방교도소1, 여자교도소

1, 소년교도소 1, 직업훈련교도소 2곳을

포함하여전국에38개소가있고, 이외민영

교도소1곳이있습니다. 교도소에서는수형


교육과교화프로그램, 교도작업, 직업훈련


Correctional Institutions

Correctional institutions refer to correctional

facilities that accommodate sentenced inmates.

In the country, there are 38 correctional

institutions, including one open correctional

institution, one women's correctional institution,

one juvenile correctional institution and two

vocational training correctional institutions.

Besides, there is one private correctional

institution. For inmates' smooth return to

society, correctional institutions carry out a

variety of correctional educations, reformation

programs, prison labor and vocational training.

구치소구치소는 재판중에 있는 미결수용자의

구금확보를 목적으로 설치하여 운영되며,

1967년 7월 서울구치소가 국내 처음으로

구치소 기능을 전담한 이래 현재 11개의


Detention Centers

Detention centers have been operated for the

purpose of securing detention of remand

inmates who are on trial. Since July 1967 when

the Seoul Detention Center took full charge of

the detention function for the first time in Korea,

11 detention centers have been operated at


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교정조직Correctional Organizations


Correctional Officers


교정공무원은구금확보, 수용자교육, 직업훈련, 취업알선, 수용자분류심사등수용자구금부터

각종처우, 성공적사회복귀지원까지일련의업무를수행합니다.

We step forward to create a safe and righteous world with confidence and passion.

Correctional officers perform a series of businesses from securing custody, education for inmates, vocational training,

job matching service, classification screening of inmates and detention of inmates to various treatment and supports

for their successful return to the society.

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합니다. 신규직원 교육내실화를 통한 전문 교정공무원

양성, 교정현장지원기능강화, 수용자중심의맞춤형실무

중심교육을지향하고있으며, 이외에도교정행정관련각종


Educational Training

Educational training for correctional officers has been carried out

by the correctional training bureau of the Institute of Justice. It aims

to foster professional correctional officers through high-quality

education of new employees, strengthening of the function to

support correctional fields and inmates-centered tailor-made

working-level education. Besides, it implements various study

functions related to correctional administration.

교정공무원현황 (2014. 6월말기준)

Status of Correctional Officers (As of the end of June 2014)


Newly Recruited Employee Courses

Promoted Employee Courses

기본 교육과정

Basic Education Course


Incumbent Employee Courses


Professional Education Course


Education Course

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교정조직Correctional Organizations


교정복제교정공무원은대한민국교정행정의정체성과위상을높이고개개인의책임감과소속감을고취시키기위하여규정에따라제복을착용하고있습니다. 제복은예복, 정복, 근무복및기동복으로구분됩니다.

Dress Code for Correctional Officers

To enhance identity and status of Korea’s correctional administration and inspire individuals’ responsibility and

loyalty, correctional officers wear uniforms according to a relevant regulation. Uniforms are classified into

formal dress, ceremonial dress, service uniform and combat uniform.

Dress Code for Correctional Officers·Symbol of Korea Correctional Service

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4개 : 교정본부장

3개 : 지방교정청장,



2개 : 보안정책단장,


1개 : 부이사관


4개 : 서기관

3개 : 교정관, 교정관시보

2개 : 교감

1개 : 교위, 교위시보


3개 : 교사

2개 : 교도, 교도시보

계급체계교정공무원은총 10단계의계급체계로이루어져있으며

계급장은크게 3종류로나뉘어집니다.

•고위공무원단과 부이사관은 중앙에 태극장을 배치하고 무궁화 5개


•서기관, 교정관, 교정관시보, 교감, 교위, 교위시보는 중앙에 태극장


•교사, 교도, 교도시보는태극장둘레에무궁화잎을배열한계급장을


Rank of Correctional Officers

There are 10 classes of the hierarchy rank, and there are

3 kinds of medals. •High ranking officers and Superintendent Generals use the medal of Taegeuk-

Mugunghwa which has 5 connected Mugunghwa in the pentagonal shape at the

center of a Taegeuk medal.

•Chief Superintendent, Superintendent, Superintendent Officer, Chief Inspector,

Inspector and Inspector Probationer use the medal of Mugunghwa which has a

Taegeuk medal at the center.

•Senior Corrections Officer, Corrections Officer and Corrections Officer

Probationer use a medal that Mugunghwa leaves are arranged around the

Taegeuk medal.

Medal of Taegeuk-Mugunghwa

4 medals

Commissioner of Korea Correctional Service

3 medals

Commissioner of Regional Corrections Headquarters

Director-General for Correctional Policy

Director-General of the bureau of

Correctional Training of the

Institute of Justice

2 medals

Director-General for Security Policy

Heads of correctional facilities

(high-ranking public servants)

1 medal

Superintendent General

Medal of Mugunghwa

4 medals

Chief Superintendents

3 medals


Superintendent probationer

2 medals

Chief Inspector

1 medal

Inspector, Inspector probatione

Medal of Mugunghwa leaf

3 medal

Senior Correctional Officer

2 medal

Correctional Officer,

Correctional Officer probationer



수용자를 교정교화하여 성공적으로 사회에 복귀시킴으로써 사회의 안전을 수호한다는


The Symbol of Korea Correctional Service

The design symbolizing the Korea Correctional Service shows the appearance that a

duck hawk soars up to the sky while holding a shield on hands. It has a meaning of

protecting safety of the society through corrections and reformations of inmates

and their successful return to society.

소속장Emblem attached to KCS

모자표장Emblem for Hats

가슴표장Emblem for Breast

교정표지장Correctional Sign Emblem

지휘관표장Commander Emblem

교정장Correctional Badge

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교정조직Correctional Organizations




As the number of foreign inmates has been on a rise, the necessity of understanding foreign correctional administration

has been growing. To cope with environmental changes in correctional administration, KCS is activating international


International Exchange

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APCCA (Asian and Pacific

Conference of Correctional



International Interchange


Korean -Japanese Correctional Officers’

Judo & Kendo Friendship Game


Foreigners’ Visit


Officials Overseas

Observation Visit


ICPA (International Corrections and Prisons


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Accommodation Management02

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안정적인 수용환경에서

수용자가 새로운 삶을 준비할 수 있도록 합니다

KCS helps inmates prepare for a new life in a stable accommodation environment.

_ 과학적인심사를통한분류처우

_ 교정시설현대화로수용환경향상

_ 다양한의료서비스제공

_ 전자시스템도입으로스마트한교정행정

_ Classification treatment through scientific screening

_ Improving accommodation environment with the modernization of correctional facilities

_ Offering a variety of medical services

_ Smart correctional administration with the introduction of electronic system

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수용관리Accommodation Management


Reception Personal identification, medical examination, distribution of necessities, designation of a cell

Lawsuit (pending) Prosecutor’s investigation, trial

Acquittal Judgment of an acquittal, prosecution, suspended sentence


Classification review

Transfer of an inmate

Classification and treatment prison labor, reformation activities, vocational training

Release Completion of a term of punishment, parole, pardon, a suspension of execution of the sentence

입소 신분확인, 건강진단, 물품지급, 지정거실입실

소송진행(미결) 수용생활, 검찰조사, 재판등소송수행

출소 무죄·무혐의, 기소·선고유예등




수형생활 교도작업, 교화활동, 직업훈련

출소 형기종료, 가석방, 사면, 형집행정지

















수용자는형이확정되면과학적인분류심사를통해처우등급이결정되고, 개별처우계획에따라

이에맞는교정기관으로이송됩니다. 수형생활중에는직업훈련등다양한교정프로그램을통해

사회복귀를준비하며, 가석방또는형기종료로출소하게됩니다.

In case that a sentence is finalized, a treatment degree is decided through scientific classification screening

and inmates are transferred to relevant correctional institutions according to an individual treatment plan.

While in prison, inmates prepare for return to society through various correctional programs and leave prison

through a parole or the completion of prison term.

Reception·Classification Treatment






이송Transfer of an inmate

분류심사Classification review




수형생활Classification and treatment



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지능·적성검사 등을 실시하는 분류검사로 구성되며,

수형자의 처우등급을 산정하여 시설 및 계호의 정도,

작업의종류등을구분하고있습니다. 또한수형기간중




수형자 재범위험성 감소와 효율적인 수용관리를 위해


운영하고 있습니다. 나아가 재범위험성 조기예측으로



(CO-REPI : Correctional Recidivism Prediction


Classification Review

The classification review consists of classification research

which researches on individual inmate's personal

information such as personal childhood, criminal records

and other records, and classification examination which

carries out objective character, intelligence and aptitude test.

Inmates are classified in different treatment levels for

facilities, custody and work. In addition, regular and irregular

reviews are carried out through their prison terms to adjust

the treatment levels according to the degree of

improvement of the inmates.

Correctional Recidivism Prediction Index

In order to prevent recidivism and promote efficient

accommodation of inmates, Korea Correctional Service

introduced an advanced classification system. Furthermore,

it developed a Correctional Recidivism Prediction Index (CO-

REPI) which categorized inmates into five levels to analyze

the possibility of second conviction of inmates in an early


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수용관리Accommodation Management




KCS is creating a pleasant correctional environment where people and nature coexist.

For inmates’ emotion stability and protection of basic rights, it has been modernizing correctional facilities and

improving accommodation environment.

Accommodation Environment

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수용자실내복등의복의색상을밝고산뜻하게바꾸고, 특히환자복은보온성을높여

겨울철 접견, 운동, 집회 등 외부활동에 지장이 없도록 하였습니다. 수용자 급식은


Clothes and Foods

The designs of prison uniform have been changed to bright and fresh colors. In particular patient

uniform was redesigned to enhance thermal function so that they can do outside activities such

as receptions, exercising and rallies without suffering from cold during winter. Regarding food for

inmates, professional nutritionists are currently deployed to offer high-quality foods for the sake

of maintaining good health and physical state of inmates.


교정시설 신축시 친환경적인 설계로 주변환경과

조화를이룰수있도록하고, 부지내체육시설과

보육시설을 조성하는 등 지역주민과 유대관계

형성에노력하고있습니다. 또한기존복도식난방을

거실바닥 난방으로 개선하고, 화장실 화변기를




Correctional Facilities and Cell

We try to make environment-friendly correctional

facilities so that they can go in harmony with

surrounding environment and form good relationships

with local citizens by creating athletic facilities and

nursery facilities within the compound. It also promoted

inmates’ treatment by changing the heating system

from the existing corridor-style one to a living room

floor-style one and replacing the old-style toilet with a

Western-style one. At the same time, a cell door

automatic control system is being built to promptly cope

with possible emergency cases, including fire.

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수용관리Accommodation Management



수용자건강검진, 혈액투석실운영, 원격화상진료등을통해건강하고안정된수용생활을도모합니다.

KCS is offering a variety of medial services for healthy accommodation life.

It pursues a healthy and stable accommodation life through inmates’ health check, operation of a hemodialysis unit

and tele medical care system.

Medical Treatment

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교정시설에서는 전문 의료인이 환자 진료 및

수용자건강관리를담당하고있으며, 필요한경우




지속적인 증가 추세에 있는 외부 진료에 대응



가지 않고도 교정시설 내에서 협력병원 의사의




급증하는 혈액투석환자들에게 외부 의료시설




Health Care for Inmates

Doctors and nurses are responsible for patients

treatment and health care in correctional institutions. If

sick inmates need special treatment outside

correctional institution, they would be taken to outside

hospitals for better and prompt medical treatment.

Tele Medical Care System

To meet the increasing need of external clinic, we built

an advanced Tele Medical Care System between

correctional institutions and cooperating hospitals.

Now inmates will be provided with broad range of

choice in medical cares altogether, making us capable

of higher level of medical treatment.

Hemodialysis Unit

To meet increasing demand for hemodialysis unit and

reduce inconvenience for treatment in external

medical institutions, hemodialysis unit was built inside

correctional institutions.

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수용관리Accommodation Management



전자경비시스템, 거실문자동제어시스템등혁신적인기술을도입하여국민의기대에부응하고있습니다.

KCS has been leading an initiative for endless changes.

It introduces innovative technologies, including an electronic security system and a cell door automatic control

system to meet the people’s expectations.

Smart Correction

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으로 대처할 수 있도록 각종 감지 센서를 중복 설치하고, 정전 등

장애 시에도 시스템의 중단이 없도록 무정전 전원장치를 설치하는




으로제어하는시스템으로, 직원들이 하루수십, 수백 회에 이르는



Electronic Security System

Correctional institutions have installed an electronic security system out of

the fear that inmates can have less alertness in the absence of security

officers. Under this system, various sensors are installed to prevent inmates'

escape from the prison and outsiders' invasion, and an uninterruptible power

supply is also installed in preparation for power outage or any disorders.

Cell Door Automatic Control System

Korea Correctional Service has installed an electronic locking device to the

frequently visited gates through remote control. This system gains good

response from correctional officers because the system frees them from

opening and closing the gates for tens or hundred times a day.

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수용자의 건강한 꿈과 미래를 위해든든한 후원자가 되겠습니다

KCS will become a reliable supporter for inmates’ healthy dream and future.

_ 수용자를위한다양한교육프로그램운영

_ 수용자의문화참여확대

_ 특별프로그램을통한건강한사회복귀

_ 특화된방송을통한담장밖의세상과소통

_ 교정위원을통한수용자들의재사회화

_ Operation of various educational programs for inmates

_ Expansion of inmates’ cultural participation

_ Healthy return to society through special programs

_ Communication with the world out over the fence through specialized broadcasting

_ Re-socialization of inmates through correctional advisors

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수용자는체계적이고전문적인교육을받고검정고시, 독학사시험등에서좋은결실을거두고있습니다.

KCS let inmates reflect on themselves and dream of a better future.

Inmates receive systematic and professional educations, bearing fruits in qualification examinations and

tests for self-study people.

Education Program

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획기적으로 줄일 수 있는 방안으로 집중인성교육 프로그램을

개발하여 시범실시하고 있습니다. 집중인성교육은 분노조절,



Concentrated Humanity Education

Korea Correctional Service has developed a concentrated humanity

program as a means of reducing the second offense rate dramatically by

changing inmates’ inner humanity basically and implemented the

program. Concentrated humanity education, a systematic program

consisting of anger adjustment and education on value of constitutional

law, is expected to contribute to preventing repeated crimes by changing

inmates’ humanity.


검정고시, 방송통신고등학교, 전문대학위탁교육, 외국어회화등을



Academic Subject Education

It helps inmates to promote academic ability and possess healthy civic

competency through school qualification examination, open high school,

commissioned education at technical college and foreign language






foreign language


openhigh school






Academic subject education

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수용자는다양한문화예술프로그램에참여하면서자존감을회복하고, 건전한사회인으로복귀합니다.

KCS tries to awake warm human nature hidden in the inner side of inmates through religious and cultural activities.

Inmates recover self-esteem while participating in various cultural arts programs and return to the society as a

sound society member.

Reformation Program

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Religious Life

To purify the mind of inmates and make their successful return to society possible,

pastors, priests and monks from various religions circles or socially reputed

religious men are invited in correctional institutions around the country and they

encourage inmates to participate in religious activities including religious assembly,

religious ceremony and religious education.

Cultural Arts Programs

It has carried out a variety of cultural arts programs to help inmates change their

inner humanity and return to society successfully through expansion of inmates’

participation in cultural events and removal of cultural gap. In close cooperation

with Korea Arts & Culture Education Service, it has implemented an experience-

type cultural arts program in which inmates directly participate in Korean classical

music, art, music and literary events. It has also carried out visiting cultural

performances, including drama, under the cooperation with Arts Council Korea.


수용자 심성을 순화시키고, 건전한 사회인으로


종교인을 초빙하여 종교집회, 종교의식, 교리

교육, 상담등의종교행사를시행하고있습니다.





예술프로그램을시행하고있습니다. 한국문화예

술교육진흥원과 협력하여 국악·미술·음악·

문학 등에 수형자가 직접 참여하여 경험하는

체험형 문화예술프로그램을 시행하고 있고,



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KCS will become a reliable fence curbing crimes.

It provides inmates with mental problems and those with a high risk of repeating crime among sex offenders with a special

program, while offering special facilities to disabled inmates for their successful return to society.

Special Program


특별프로그램Special Program

건강한 사회인Return to society

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여주교도소 장애인종합재활센터에서는 소수·취약계층인지체, 시각, 청각 등 다양한 장애를

가진수형자를대상으로전문적인교육·교화, 재활, 취업·창업프로그램을시행함으로써장애


Comprehensive Reformation Center for Disabled Inmates

A comprehensive reformation center for disabled inmates was established in Yeoju correctional institution.

The center help inmates with physical disability successfully return to the society by implementing various

programs including specialized educational and correctional programs, reformation programs and

programs supporting starting a business or landing a job.



등전문인력이심화교육및심리치료를실시하고있습니다. 현재서울남부·포항·청주·군산

교도소에교정심리치료센터를개원하였고, 2014년하반기에1곳을추가설립하여전국5개지역을


Correctional and Psychological Treatment Center

At the Correctional and Psychological Treatment Center, experts including clinical and consulting

psychologists offer in-depth training and psychological treatments to the sex offenders at high risk of second

conviction. It opened a correctional psychotherapy center in the Seoul Nambu, Pohang, Cheongju and

Gunsan correctional institutions. After establishing another one additionally in the first half of 2014, it plans to

expand in-depth education and psychological treatment for those with high risk of recidivism among sex

offenders in the nation’s major five regions.


정신질환수용자의체계적관리와처우로안정된수용생활을도모하고, 출소후안전한사회복귀를

위하여군산교도소, 진주교도소, 의정부교도소에정신보건센터를운영하고있으며2014년 11월


Management of the Mental Health Center

This center was established in order to systematically manage and treat the inmates suffering from mental

illnesses so that they can lead a stable prison life and adjust to society in a healthy way after being released. It

operates a mental health center in Gunsan, Jinju and Euijeongbu correctional institutions. It projects to

operate one center in each of the four provincial correctional agencies by adding it to Cheonan Correctional

Institution in November 2014.

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KCS helps inmates communicate with the world out of a fence through specialized broadcasting.

Reformation broadcasting awakes inmates’ warm sensitivity and contributes to their successful return to society.

Reformation Broadcasting

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수용자특성에맞춰교육, 교양, 드라마, 스포츠, 오락,

영화등교육과흥미, 정서함양을위한최적의내용을

선정하여일반, 여성, 교육, 라디오4개채널로운영하고





건강한 가족관계 회복과 출소 후 안정적 사회정착에





그램을 자체 제작·방송 함으로써 수용자의 외국어


Integrated Reformation Broadcasting System

In keeping with inmates’ characteristics, it operates the four

channels - general, female, education and radio - by

selecting optimum contents to cultivate education, interest

and emotion such as education, liberal arts, drama, sports,

entertainment and movie.

Radio Corrections Broadcasting

The radio corrections broadcasting is a place where inmates

can communicate with the outside world, and it is being a

helpful tool for recovering family relationships and stable

settling in the society after release by developing sentiment

and personality of the inmates.

Foreign Language Education Broadcasting for Inmates

To help inmates properly adapt to the society and get a job

after leaving prison, it manufactures and broadcasts basic-

level foreign language educational programs in English,

Chinese and Japanese, contributing to inmates’

improvement of foreign language competence.

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사회를향한꿈! 교정위원이함께합니다.


Dream toward society! Correctional advisors join it.

KCS appoints revered people in the region for Correctional advisors of correctional institutions

to accelerate re-socialization of inmates.

Correctional Advisors

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교화분야 Corrections Section

지역사회에서두터운신망과학식및경험을지닌이들이참여해교화강연, 인성

교육, 특별활동지도, 자매결연등교정교화사업지원

Correctional advisors with rich academic knowledge and experience participate in delivering

speeches to inmates and help them with personality education and extracurricular activities

and forming sisterhood with related organizations.

종교분야 Religion Section

기독교, 불교, 천주교등에소속한종교인들이종교집회, 교리지도, 상담활동진행

Religious advisors who are working for Christian, Buddhist or Catholic circles help inmates

by holding religious assembly, providing religious education programs and counseling


교육분야 Education Section



Educational advisors with specialty in the academic field instruct inmates in academic

courses and vocational training programs.

의료분야 Medical Service Section


Medical advisors provide medical treatment and counseling service for inmates.

취업·창업분야 Employment Section


Employment advisors support inmates so that they can start a business or land a job after

returning to the society

<교화분야 Corrections section>

<종교분야Religion section>

<교육분야 Education section>

<의료분야Medical service section>

<취업·창업분야 Employment section>

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Prison Labor·Vocational Training04

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출소 후 새로운 인생을 설계할 수 있도록다양한 작업과 직업훈련 프로그램을 제공합니다.

KCS offers various prison labors and vocational training programs tohelp inmates design their new life after leaving prison.

_ 성공적인사회복귀의


_ 전통산업분야에서첨단산업분야까지


_ Prison labor becomes a foothold for successful return to society

_ Implementation of in-depth vocational training ranging from the traditional industrial field to the advanced industrial sector

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교도작업·직업훈련Prison Labor·Vocational Training




Learn preciousness of a single drop of sweat.

Prison labor refers to a prescribed labor imposed on inmates, which helps inmates cultivate working spirit and provides a

foothold for their successful return to society.

Prison Labor

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1일8시간의작업시간을확보하여생산성을향상하고, 책임생산량


교도작업’을 시행하고 있습니다. 자립형 교도작업은 사회정착금



Independent Prison Labor System

Inmates are required to work eight hours a day and improve their

productivity, and they are given business support funds when they work

more than eight hours a day. Independent prison labor system

promotes successful social reintegration and prevention of recidivism

by encouraging inmates to work hard and earn money for their after-

prison life.


교도작업을 통해 생산된 제품의 판매를 위한 교도작업 제품

홍보관을운영하고있습니다. 교도작업 직영제품은품질에비해




Operation of Public Information Center for Prison Labor Products

It operates a public information center for prison labor products for sales

of the goods produced through prison labor. The products are affordable

and boast of good quality. Profits from prison labor products are provided

for inmates as part of encouragement or invested in vocational training

programs for inmates.

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교도작업·직업훈련Prison Labor·Vocational Training




KCS helps inmates regain lost dreams and courage.

To help inmates engage in a stable job in society after leaving prison, it has carried out in-depth vocational training.

Vocational Training

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과정의직업훈련을실시하여기능장, 산업기사등우수기능인력을양성

하고 있습니다. 또한 청주여자교도소 등 6개 기관에서 여성수형자를








Current status of Vocational Training

It has carried out vocational training programs with a training period ranging

from three months to two years for 14 jobs, including the construction field, at 33

correctional facilities across the country, fostering excellent skilled manpower

such as master craftsmen and industrial engineers. It has also implemented a

professional vocational training suitable for female inmates at six correctional

institutions, including Cheongju Women’s Correctional Institution.

Participation in Skill Contests

We select outstanding inmates among those who completed vocational training

and have them participate in skill contests. They have been getting excellent

results in regional and nationwide skill contests.

Advanced Vocational Training

After completing vocational training courses, inmates can acquire skills needed

for working on the industrial site.

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Support for Return to Society05

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다양한 사회복귀 프로그램으로 자아를 회복하고자신감을 가지고 나아갈 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다

KCS supports inmates in recovering self and stepping forward with confidence through various social return programs.

_ 취업·창업지원

_ 중간처우

_ 가족관계회복프로그램

_ Employment·start-up supports

_ Intermediate treatment

_ Family relationship recovery program

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사회복귀지원Support for Return to Society


사회로의새출발, 희망을키워갑니다.



Cultivate new start toward society and hope.

KCS organizes the ‘employment support council’ consisting of outsiders and the ‘employment exclusive task

force’ consisting of correctional officers to help employment and start-up activities of inmates who are to leave

prison soon.

Employment·Start-up Supports

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출소예정자에게는취업기회를, 지역중소기업에게는

인력 채용의 기회를 제공하기 위해 짝수월(연 6회)에

전국 교정기관에서 구인구직만남의 날을 개최하고



창업을 희망하는 출소예정자들을 위해 창업아이템,

경영기법, 자금대출, 상권분석, 성공사례등의내용으로

20~40시간 과정의 전문교육프로그램을 운영하고



고용노동부, 한국법무보호복지공단과 함께 저소득


최장 1년의 범위 내에서 단계적·통합적 취업지원


Job Meeting Day

Correctional institutions across the country have held a job meeting day even months

(six times a year) to provide inmates to be released from prison with a job-seeking

opportunity and offer regional small and medium-sized enterprises a chance to hire


Education on Small Capital Start-up

It operates a 20~40-hour professional education program for inmates who are

scheduled to be released from prison and hope to start up business, which covers start-

up items, managerial techniques, fund borrowings, analysis of commercial power and

successful cases.

Employment Success Package

To systematically support employment of low-income and underprivileged brackets, it

has offered a phased and integrated employment support service up to the maximum

single year period along with the Ministry of Employment and Labor and Korea

Reformation Agency.

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사회복귀지원Support for Return to Society





It helps inmates who are to leave prison soon to stay for a certain period and prepare for the release before

returning to society. Those receiving intermediate treatment can adapt to social life on a gradual basis by

commuting to a factory out of a correctional institution on weekdays and get a furlough on holidays.

Intermediate Treatment

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공장으로출퇴근하고주말과휴일에는귀휴, 사회체험활동등을


House of Hope

A halfway house is a facility where inmates stay for some time before

release in preparation of the return to society. The inmates in the

house work in factories outside the facilities on workdays and live with

family members to strengthen ties or participate in volunteer activities

to adapt to society on weekends. Staff members help the inmates

successfully settle into society through customized programs.



니다. 이곳의수용자들은일반인들과같이자율적으로출퇴근

하며, 저녁에는생활관에서자치활동과정서함양교육을받고

주말에는 귀휴, 봉사활동, 종교활동에 참여하는 등 일반인과


Milyang Hope Center

Milyang Hope Center is located in the premises of Hankuk Carbon in

Milyang, South Gyeongsang Province. Inmates in the center

commutes autonomously like general people. They engage in self-

governing activity and receive education to cultivate emotion in the

evening and participate in furlough, volunteer and religious activities on

weekends, raising their social adaptation ability while receiving

treatments similar to those to general people.

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사회복귀지원Support for Return to Society



가족및지인들과의만남은유대를강화하고, 심리적으로원만한수용생활을할수있게합니다.

KCS helps inmates open a closed mind and prepare a bright road through communication.

Meeting with family members and acquaintances enables inmates to strengthen ties and

engage in smooth accommodation life psychologically.

Family Relationship Recovery Program

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수용생활로 인해 가족관계가 해체·훼손된 배우자



가족관계 전문가의 진행으로 다양한 가족 동참



Family Love Camp

We are hosting a Family Love Camp in cooperation with

regional health and family support centers to help

inmates recover their broken relationship with their

family members. During the camp, inmates and their

family members can realize the importance of family and

strengthen their relationship.


가족만남의 날 시행으로 가족과 유대강화를 통한

심리적 안정을 도모합니다. 또한 교정시설 외부에

있는 가정집과 같은 가족만남의 집에서 가족들과


Family Meeting Day·Family Meeting House

To give peace of mind to inmates through strengthening

their family relationship, we have prepared the family

meeting day inside the correctional institution as well as

the family meeting houses th allow inmates to stay for

one night and two days with their family members in the

family meeting house similar to a house outside the

correctional institution.

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Open Correction06

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다양한 사회계층의 참여를 통한 열린행정으로국민에게 한걸음 더 다가갑니다

With the open administration through participation by various social classes, KCS takes one step toward the people.

_ 편리한대국민서비스

_ 국민의교정기관프로그램참여

_ Convenient services for people

_ People’s participation in correctional institutions’ programs

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열린교정Open Correction



원거리나노약자, 장애인등을위한민원서비스를통해수용자와가족간의유대를도모하게합니다.

Korea Correctional Service makes a society where the people are happy.

KCS pursues ties between inmates and family members through remote civil application services for

the old & weak and disabled persons.

Service for the People

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Internet Video Meeting

Thanks to this service, a civil petitioner can talk to an inmate through his or her

home PC, without visiting the correctional institution in person. This service is

particularly convenient for the elderly and persons with disabilities who find it

difficult to go a long distance. In addition, it helps the inmate return to society

more easily by enabling him or her to strengthen the family relationship, which

is likely to be weakened during the prison term.


접견예약, 인터넷서신등주요민원을스마트폰으로보다쉽고간편


Correction Electronics Civil Application Service App

You can deal with major civil applications, including interview reservation and

Internet letters, more easily and conveniently through smartphone.


접견예약, 영치금잔액조회, 교정관련상담등민원서비스를제공

하고자ARS 시스템을통한교정민원대표전화를운영하고있습니다.

Telephone for Correction-related Civil Applications (1544-1155)

It operates a telephone for correction-related civil applications through the

ARS system to offer such civil application services as interview reservation,

balance inquiry of money kept in custody and correction-related consultation.

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열린교정Open Correction




Korea Correctional Service and the people join hands.

It operates a variety of programs to enhance understanding of correctional administration and widen the scope of interest.

People's Participation

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함양하고있습니다. 또한수형자들이한해동안정성스럽게가꾼다양한



Correctional Industry Works Exhibition

It has held an exhibition for works produced through prison labor every year to

enhance inmates’ functional training and social adaptation ability. In addition, we

set a corrections PR pavilion to promote understanding of correctional

administration. We also hold a chrysanthemum exhibit where people can enjoy

various chrysanthemum cultivated by inmates.


교정행정을 올바르게 이해할 수 있도록 외국인, 학생, 기자 등 다양한


Visit to Correctional Institutions

It provides various classes, including foreigners, students and journalists, with a

chance to visit correctional institutions to help them understand correctional

administration in a right direction.




Scholarship & Literature Public Contest to Commemorate the Day of Corrections

It has held the scholarship & literature public contest every year to

commemorate the Day of Corrections, which falls on Oct. 28, and enhance the

people’s interest in corrections.

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<조선시대 형집행>

History of Correctional Administration and Statistics


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지나간 역사를 알고 앞으로의 길을 바로 가는 것,과거의 성찰을 통해 선진교정을 만들어갑니다

It creates advanced corrections by marching toward in a right direction after knowing the past history and introspecting the past.

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교정사·교정통계History of Correctional Administration and Statistics


우리나라형집행역사는인본주의적관점에서시행되어왔습니다. 고


석방하는제도, 중죄인에게두번의재판을받을수있는기회를부여

하는것등에서알수있습니다. 조선시대에는경국대전등법령을마


수있는유형을확대하고, 형구의규격과사용방법, 절차등을성문화

하여남형을방지하였습니다. 갑오개혁을계기로감옥규칙을제정하

여근대자유형집행의근거를마련하였고, 1898년에는수용자작업,

서신, 접견등구금자처우전반에관한기준을마련하여근대교육형으


를수립하고 1950년행형법을제정하면서민주교정의기반을마련하

였으며, 1960년대경제발전과더불어교정시설의신축·개축을지속

적으로추진하고, 여러차례에걸친행형법개정을통해선진교정행정

으로발돋움하였습니다. 최근에는장애인종합재활센터운영, 정신보

건센터개원과인터넷화상진료시스템도입, 외국인전담시설운영등


Looking back the history of prisons and penal practices of Korea, it is certain

that the system was based on humanism. From the ancient times, immunity

system and release system in the wake of festivals were conducted, and

inmates were given opportunities to have trials twice. Chosun Dynasty,

succeeding many prisons and penal practice systems from those of Koryeo

Dynasty, established new laws and promoted socialization of prisoners while

reducing death penalty as possible and tried to prevent abusive punishment

by making regulations of how to use implements of torture, their standards

and procedures but it is evaluated that they were not good enough. Laws for

modern imprisonment were taken up through national innovation and in 1898

detailed imprisonment regulations for the enhanced treatment of inmates or

detainees (prison labor, letters, reception, payment, etc) were also founded

but these attempts were frustrated by the Japanese colonial rule of Korea.

Following the establishment of the Korean Government in 1948, democratic

corrections procedure and law were prepared in 1950. Since the 1960s, along

with a remarkably rapid economic development, Korea correctional

administration gotten a turning point for further advancement through

continuous construction of correctional facilities and revisions of its penal


The Korea correctional service has recently been advanced to a new level by

running the Comprehensive Reformation Center for Persons with Disabilities,

opening the Mental Health Center, adopting an Internet Video Treatment

System and managing facilities in charge of foreigners.

행형이독립된국가, 형벌을대신하는속전제도

Kojoseon Dynasty-A nation which has an independent organization responsible for penal code execution-Ransom system replacing punishment

고조선BC 2333~108

History of Correctional Administration

‘영고(迎鼓)’시에죄인을석방하는제도를시행원형형태의고유한옥(獄)축조, 사용

Buyeo Dynasty-Release of inmates when ‘Yeong-go(a national festival)’is held-Builds and uses a unique round-typed prison

부여BC 425~494

사면제도시행중죄인에대해서두번의재판기회- 복심제도형옥과형률을담당하는관직설치- 조정좌평

Baekje Dynasty-practices amnesty system-opportunity of double trials for felonry - review system-public office responsible for penal rules and prisons Jojeongjwapyoeng

백제BC 18~660

사면제도시행형사사법업무담당관청설치- 좌·이방부

Shilla Dynasty-practices amnesty system-public office working for criminal administration - left, right public office

신라BC 57~935

독립된행형시설- 전옥서설치오형제도- 태형(笞刑), 장형(杖刑), 도형(徒刑), 유형(流刑), 사형(死刑)사수삼복제(死囚三覆制), 삼원신주제(三員訊囚制) 구금죄수휴가제도- 보방제(保放制)

Koryeo Dynasty-Independent penal code facility - Jeonokseo -5 penal system - flogging, lashing, penal servitude, banishment and capital punishment-Triple review system for death-row convicts, a system of explanation by three persons for suspects

-System which provides vacation for detained prisoners - Bobangje


경국대전등법령을편찬·정비- 법치국가시초사형⇒유형으로확대형구의규격과, 사용방법, 절차등을성문화- 남형방지

Chosun Dynasty-Compiles and organizes laws and rules including the Joseon Code - based on rule of law

-Death penalty’ extended to exile punishment-Codification of standards and procedure of and how to use implements of punishment - prevents abusive punishment


감옥규칙(監獄規則) 제정- 근대자유형집행법령마련

since the Kabo Reform of 1894-Establishes prison rules - arranged for modern imprisonment execution law


감옥세칙(監獄細則) 제정수용자작업, 서신, 접견, 급여- 구금자처우기준마련⇒일제강점으로좌절

-Establishes detailed imprisonment -Detainee's works, writing letters, reception, pay - sets up treatment standardsfor inmates ⇒ failed by the Japanese colonial rule


일본감옥법을국내행형에적용행형시설확충, 행형작업확대추진⇒식민지통치에행형이용, 수용자들의인권유린

Period of the Japanese colonial rule of Korea.-Japanese imprisonment law applied to the domestic law.-Promotes extension of facilities ⇒ used for the Japanese colonial ruleresulting in abused human rights of inmates.


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63대한민국교정행정Corrections in Korea 2014


-Kyeongseong prison was the first modern correctioanlfacility which accommodated long term prisoners.


선시제도(善時制度) 등선진교정제도도입⇒시행기간이짧아결실미비

Under the US military administration-Introduces advanced corrections systems like Good Time System ⇒ little fruition due to time limits


재소자문맹퇴치교육, 제8회교도관의날

-literacy education for inmates , the 8th day of prison officers


행형법제정- 민주교정의기반마련 ⇒6·25 한국전쟁발발- 좌절

-Enacts penal code - base for democratic corrections⇒ breaks out the Korean War - frustrated



-Establishes the Korean Government


비약적인국가경제발전- 한강의기적교정시설의신·개축의지속적인추진11차례의행형법개정⇒선진교정으로발돋움

-Rapidly economic development - Miracle of Han River-Continuous construction and re-construction of corrections facilities-11 time-revisions of penal code ⇒ leaps towards advanced corrections

의무과약제실 (마산교도소)Pharmacy (Masan prison)


직업훈련 (대전교도소)

-Vocational training (Daejeon prison)



-Opens Cheonan open correctional institution


수용자집필, 신문열람및TV시청허용개방교도소·여성전용교도소신축- 교정시설다양화

-Allows for prisoners to write, read newspapers and watch TV-Builds open correctional institution and women correctional institution -diversified in corrections facilities



-Three-shift system for night duty



-Introduces family meeting house forinmates and their family



-Online visitation system


수용자 1인당수용면적확대, 야간근무4교대제시범실시녹음녹화접견제도시행

<2006. 10>포항교도소개청국내최초전자경비시스템도입

-Extended space per prisoner, Four-shift system for night duty-Free reception without staff involvement

<2006. 10>-Opens Pohang correctional institution-Introduces domestic first electric security system



-launches Korea Correctional Service of the Ministry of Justice


교정시설내장애인편의시설설치확대 / 수용거실환경개선화성직업훈련교도소개청 / 원격화상진료시스템도입중간처우의집(소망의집) 개관

-Extends convenient facilities for the disabled / Enhances living conditions-Opens Hwaseong correctional institution for vocational training-Introduces tele medical care system-Opens Halfway house (the house of hope)



-Opening of Somang Correctional Institution -Opening of the Prison Radio Broadcasting Network -Opening of Yeongwol Correctional Institution



-Transfer of Seoul Nambu Correctional Institution -Opening of Reformation Psychological Treatment Center



-Comprehensive Reformation Center for Disabled Inmates-Opening of the Mental Health Center



Internet Video Meeting Conducted


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교정사·교정통계History of Correctional Administration and Statistics


1. 수용 Accommodation

가. 수용현황 Accommodation Currents

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

추계인구 48,746,693 48,874,539 49,779,440 50,004,441 51,141,463

Estimated population

1일 평균 수용인원 49,467 47,471 45,845 45,488 47,924

Average number for accommodation a day

인구대비 1일 평균 수용인원(%) 0.101 0.097 0.092 0.091 0.095

Average number accommodated per day to the population(%)

교도관 정원 14,521 15,221 15,478 15,757 15,171

Fixed number of correctional officers

교도관 대비 1일 평균 수용인원(%) 3.4 3.1 3.0 2.9 3.2

Average number accommodated per correcitional officers a day

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

수용정원 Accommodated numbers 44,430 45,930 45,690 45,690 45,690

1일 평균 수용인원 Average numbers accommodated a day 49,467 47,471 45,845 45,488 47,924

수용내용 Accommodation details

기결수용자 소 계 Total 33,179 32,652 31,644 31,302 32,278

Convicted crimianl 수형자 Inmates 30,749 30,607 29,820 29,448 30,181

노역수 Penalty defaulter 2,430 2,045 1,842 1,854 2,097

미결수용자 소 계 Total 16,288 14,819 14,201 14,186 15,646

Unconvicted detainee 피의자 Suspect 1,008 786 724 703 712

피고인 Defendant 15,280 14,033 13,447 13,483 14,934

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)•교정시설1일평균수용인원 Average Numbers Accommodated in Facilities a Day

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

수형자 소계 Total 32,297 31,981 31,198 31,434 32,137

Inmates 남 Male 30,759 30,534 29,694 29,863 30,525

여 Female 1,538 1,447 1,504 1,571 1,612

총 인원대비 여자비율(%) 4.8 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.0

Female ratio against the total numbers(%)

미결수용자 소계 Total 15,931 13,700 13,840 15,274 16,687

Unconvicted 남 Male 14,866 12,772 12,915 14,263 15,376

Inmates 여 Female 1,065 928 925 1,011 1,311

총 인원대비 여자비율(%) 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.6 7.9

Female ratio against the total numbers(%)

계 Total 48,228 45,681 45,038 46,708 48,824

•수용자성별인원 (연도말기준) Male/Female Inmates (based on the year end)

•인구대비수용인원 Number for Accommodation per the Population (단위 : 명 / unit : person)

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

Correctional Statistics

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(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

16세 미만 Under 16 years old 2 1 2 16 6

18세 미만 Under 18 years old 73 46 49 70 55

20세 미만 Under 20 years old 73 304 231 251 280

25세 미만 Under 25 years old 2,471 2,457 2,153 2,147 2,327

25세 이상 Over 25 years old 3,697 3,295 2,899 2,539 2,366

30세 이상 Over 30 years old 8,733 8,436 8,018 7,681 7,677

40세 이상 Over 40 years old 10,166 9,925 9,708 9,714 9,714

50세 이상 Over 50 years old 5,387 5,876 6,344 6,866 7,362

60세 이상 Over 60 years old 1,495 1,641 1,794 2,150 2,350

계 Total 32,297 31,981 31,198 31,434 32,137

•수형자연령별인원 (연도말기준) Inmate Number in Age (based on the year end)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

무경험자 The experienced 15,456 15,384 15,225 16,676 14,716

유경험자 The inexperienced 소 계 Total 16,841 16,597 15,973 14,758 17,421

1회 1 time 5,955 5,835 5,373 5,308 5,093

2회 2 times 2,947 2,850 2,622 2,540 3,040

3회 3 times 2,138 2,066 1,993 1,889 2,293

4회이상 Over 4 times 5,801 5,846 5,985 5,021 6,995

계 total 32,297 31,981 31,198 31,434 32,137

•수형자입소경력별인원 (연도말기준) Imprisoned or Not Imprisoned by Inmates (based on the year end)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

징역 소 계 Total 31,070 30,683 29,889 30,082 30,796

Prison labor 1년 미만 Under 1 year 6,379 5,430 5,421 5,322 5,078

1년 이상 Over 1 year 10,861 10,673 9,666 9,829 10,344

3년 이상 Over 3 years 5,980 6,458 6,610 6,493 6,613

5년 이상 Over 5 years 3,953 4,197 4,335 4,601 4,912

10년 이상 Over 10 years 3,347 3,396 3,344 3,317 3,299

20년 이상(사형포함) Over 20 years(death penalty included) 550 529 513 520 550

금고 소 계 Total 47 72 45 84 53

Imprisonment 6월 미만 Under 6 months 2 4 2 2 1

6월 이상 Over 6 months 23 35 23 51 32

1년 이상 Over 1 year 18 29 15 26 16

3년 이상 Over 3 years 4 4 5 5 4

무기징역 Imprisonment for life 1,180 1,226 1,264 1,268 1,288

계 Total 32,297 31,981 31,198 31,434 32,137

•수형자형명, 형기별인원 (연도말기준) The Name of Penalty, Prison Term by Inmates (based on the year end)

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

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교정사·교정통계History of Correctional Administration and Statistics


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

절도 Theft 62 45 26 42 43

사기·횡령 Fraud·embezzlement 3 3 0 2 1

폭력·상해 Violence·Injury 3 1 5 17 17

강간 등 Rape 44 32 33 54 46

강도 등 Robbery 32 33 18 24 16

살인 Murder 6 11 10 11 7

과실범 Negligence 2 3 1 2 0

기타 Etc. 17 18 21 18 22

계 Total 169 146 114 170 152

•소년수형자죄명별인원 (연도말기준) The Number of Juvenile Inmates by the Name of Crime (based on the year end)

다. 소년수형자 Juvenile Inmates

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

입소자 소 계 Total 58,076 48,335 44,300 43,152 44,274

New inmates 신입소 Newly imprisoned 54,013 44,276 40,084 39,029 39,604

기타(보석취소 등) Etc.( cancelled bail included) 4,063 4,059 4,216 4,123 4,670

출소자 소 계 Total 70,008 61,815 43,987 41,433 42,651

Released convict 구속취소 Cancelled confinement 1,888 1,893 1,465 1,355 1,400

벌금 Fine 2,156 1,574 1,235 947 1,078

집행유예 Suspension of sentence 17,052 13,074 11,030 9,941 10,100

보석 Bail 4,709 3,885 3,376 2,662 2,882

형확정 Penalty determined 25,804 24,351 21,955 21,660 22,017

기타 Etc. 18,399 17,038 4,926 4,868 5,174

연도말인원 Numbers at the year end 15,931 13,700 13,840 15,274 16,687

•미결수용자입소·출소사유별인원 Reasons for Imprisonment·Release of Unconvicted Criminal

나. 미결수용자 Unconvicted prisoners

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

입소자 소 계 Total 73,073 62,862 55,046 53,689 55,479

New 신입소 Newly imprisoned 41,236 32,817 27,253 26,145 27,333

Inmates 형확정 Penalty determined 26,704 25,380 23,163 22,931 23,267

기타 Etc. 5,133 4,665 4,630 4,613 4,879

출소자 소 계 Total 72,510 63,228 55,436 53,202 54,297

Released 형기종료 Penalty ended 17,607 17,468 16,551 15,742 16,374

Convict 가석방 Parole 8,392 8,083 7,129 6,500 6,201

사면 Amnesty 625 12 - 374 13

형집행정지 Suspension of execution 484 424 533 381 330

기타 Etc. 25,815 20,681 16,834 16,476 17,171

노역종료 End of labor 19,587 16,560 14,389 13,729 14,208

연도말 인원 Numbers at the year end 32,297 31,981 31,198 31,434 32,137

•수형자입·출소사유별인원 The Number of Inmates In and Out of Prison by the Reason

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2. 수용자교육훈련 Educational Training for Inmates

학과교육 Major School Education

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

초등과 120 101 100 97 97

Elementary school course

중등과 305 309 305 278 278

Middle school course

고등과 465 461 464 457 457

High school course

계 Total 890 871 869 832 832


The Number of Inmate of General School Education

3. 교도작업및직업훈련 Prison Labor and Vocational Training

가. 교도작업 Prison Labor

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

수형자 총인원 Total numbers of inmates 32,575 31,975 31,032 31,620 32,077

작업 불가능인원 The number of inmates unable to work 8,562 8,575 8,469 9,053 9,140

작업 가능인원 The number of inmates able to work

계 Total 24,013 23,400 22,563 22,567 19,074

작업인원 The number employed 19,441 18,892 19,379 18,826 18,991

비율(%) Ratio(%) 81 81 86 83 83

미작업인원 Numbers with no employment 4,572 4,508 3,184 3,741 3,945

•작업인원 The Number Employed

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

고졸 330 291 325 390 370

High school graduation

고입 205 169 162 130 187

High school entrance

중입 37 21 27 38 14

Middle school entrance

계 Total 572 481 514 558 571


The Number of Inmate Passed Qualification Test(단위 : 명 / unit : person) (단위 : 명 / unit : person)

감호작업은제외 superintendence works excluded / (단위 : 명 / unit : person)

(단위 : 백만원 / unit : 1,000,000KRW)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

직영작업 실 적 Performance 23,187 21,284 26,496 22,951 23,342

Direct operational work 구성비(%) Composition ratio(%) 68.8 64.4 67.5 60.3 55.4

위탁작업 실 적 Performance 4,812 5,455 6,170 7,907 11,077

Commissioned works 구성비(%) Composition ratio(%) 14.3 16.5 15.8 20.8 26.3

노무작업 실 적 Performance 5,560 6,154 6,256 7,004 7,020

Labor works 구성비(%) Composition ratio(%) 16.5 18.6 15.9 18.4 26.3

잡수입 실 적 Performance 155 160 298 176 660

Miscellaneous income 구성비(%) Composition ratio(%) 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.5 1.6

계 실 적 Performance 33,714 33,053 39,220 38,038 42,099

Total 구성비(%) Composition ratio(%) 100 100 100 100 100

•작업형태별생산실적 Production Output by Work Type

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교정사·교정통계History of Correctional Administration and Statistics


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

양성·향상 훈련 Promotion·enhancement training 2,783 3,041 3,005 3,386 3,336

숙련훈련 Special training 430 450 440 350 249

일반훈련 General training 324 234 380 393 1,267

계 Total 3,537 3,725 3,825 4,129 4,852

•직업훈련수료인원 The Number of Inmate Completed Vocational Training

•기능자격취득인원 The Numberof Inmates Acquired Apprenticeship Certification

나. 직업훈련 Vocational Training

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

계 Total 2,740 2,856 2,803 2,813 2,953

산업기사이상 Above industrial engineer 155 281 294 256 173

기능사 Certified technician 2,585 2,575 2,509 2,557 2,780

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

계획 Plan 31,600 31,800 32,000 32,193 33,789

실적 Performance 33,714 33,053 39,220 38,038 42,099

실적/계획(%) Performance/plan(%) 107 104 123 116 125

실적 증가율 Performance increase rate 5.7 △2.0 18.7 △3.0 △29.5

•생산실적 Production Output (단위 : 백만원 / unit : 1,000,000KRW)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

지급액(천원) Amount of subsidy (1,000KRW) 9,816,223 10,174,852 10,550,869 11,966,506 12,126,602

지급연인원(명) The number of inmate getting subsidy per year(person) 5,168,684 4,475,771 4,958,220 4,965,893 5,022,670

1인당 1일 평균(원) Day average per person(KRW) 2,067 2,144 2,128 2,410 2,414

•작업장려금지급실적 Subsidy Paid for Works

(단위 : 명 / unit : person)

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따뜻한 가슴에서피어나는 행복에너지

발행일 The date of issue : 2014 발행처법무부 교정본부 Publishing office : Korea Correctional Service of the Ministry of Justice

Tel. 82-2-2110-3459 Fax. 82-2-2110-0356 http:// Designed by YEOLRIN communications

서로의 마음이 더해질 때 길이 보이기 시작합니다.

여러분의 따뜻한 마음은 수용자의 희망이 됩니다.

끊임없는 관심으로 그들의 미래를 밝혀주세요.

When we understand each other, we can see a road.

Your warm mind becomes hope of inmates.

Light up their future with your constant interest.

Happy energy coming out of a warm heart

Page 72: €¦ · Suwon DC 수원구치소 ... the Seoul Detention Center took full charge of the detention function for the first time in Korea, 11 detention centers have been operated at

경기도 과천시 정부과천청사 5동Gwacheon Government Complex 5-dong,

Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Reperblic of Korea

Tel. 02-2110-3460 Fax. 02-502-0129