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FJO-I?. VEERAPF& 1* s,$A,k. &i,tle,Ex EALWA RTl{ }* L} t"i }qG & H,. C l.+E S 1!* A I -$***S :

Ref Appiica:rci :. i..:- "-.-, -r :- 31-05-2013:--------:-

l The above ry:11*:-,*:r,'Asseeiatien i e€Hpar^fr. i2zi,-:i pAr.i ALATriiji::..;i; =, - , -TrustDeed/I.+eme+anaumetr_*ffil=,,=ziis"-z812l:E.s:eie];:.,:rSi:b.Reg.S::=l!].:=negist{ar-€tsoGi€+iesl*eeis+rar€+€;;* ;; -aiffaqfi

Sub. Regislrai;+: u.s '1.-,-..ti i-i :;;-; ::r o,:'

2. The Trust Deed / Mernorar:C*r* ci issrclaitcl has sjbseqi.i€nili, b-een€ij.a=: * -__: - =:fo*ieil / supplernentary ue;-; A;;;;t='o."u--l"irteration ra Mernara*d:-.r;":_: ;idated 10-11-2013 duiy regrsrered on ______

3 The above TRUsr filed an applicairon seeking Registration uts 12 AA of li:e i;::-. :ar j :.-

4' on goino through th.e object of the TRusr and rts proposed activitres as =r, ':-n.i::: - : = -:--:: l:;:Memorandurn of Assoiiation, 'r

am sarriried about the genuine;;;i'i;;Tri];;;= :^ :e::

1. The apptication has been entered atThe above TRUST is accordingrv i"giir#og€MeA#|y uls 12 AA of the lnc"#"-ir- n"t,

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pyBltc cHARIiIEIE 7@tc+*s rn"sf *++:re s*-1961 wrth effect from 31-05_2013

6 lt is herebv clarified that the Regisiratro-n so given to the Trusutnstitution ,s::: =::- _::rr it is round rhar the activrtres or in" i'-,i"ir'ry1it"i,.r1 ;;; ;;i ;""ril;;;;;;;;'r. _= ._=-. 2: ._ -.wtth the objecrs and crauses of the irust oeeo l ruemorJnoum of Association s-r::. ::::registration or rnodified with the

"pprorrt of t-fr.-Oflifr"-."fr#.1. ,n* Regist,.ai;c;: ." or=.,==

=I=as provided uls 12 AA (3) of the_tncl**}* n"t -. s '-'.r j =

7' Granting of Registration u/s 12AA does not con;er any a;:cm3:;c e^3:::: --- :, -:--_:The Trusulnstitution shiuld conrot* toIne pai'amelers iaj,J d*wn in secii:r.:s I1 ,; ..-: --a -.:Act 1g61,tocra;rnexen'rpiioncf itsirccn.e an.l.erio1,aaicas;sceiiri=i*"rr..=...i:!..*lB Tre Trust/lnstitution:s al. s=:::.1 :... -<:-*:* t;S. i_i a:. :: -.. - -:a:^.- -;=_"' This D,T{E} No. shsurd be rne*rio*ed in aii your future corresp,**rienee.


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