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Get to know Sue McIntyre from Broadwater Oysters

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My partner Greg and I were immediately drawn to idea of oyster farming after my family decided to diversify their sheep farming business to purchase some nearby oyster leases. Our love for being outdoors and working with natural products made oyster farming an irresistible lifestyle.

Broadwater Oysters’ use a combination of floating baskets and suspended trays to farm different lease areas within Pambula Lake. We have leases in protected areas that are good for nursing juvenile stock and leases in the center of the lake for conditioning mature oysters for market. The lake has excellent tidal exchange, delivering nutrition from both saltwater and fresh water sources to create the unique taste our Sydney Rock Oysters are renowned for.

Greg and I are passionate about growing healthy produce for people and also looking after the environment. Everything we do to care for the local oyster industry is also beneficial for the wider environment and community.

I love producing a product that is truly unique!