Download - SOCIETE DES NATIONS. Communiqué au Conseil C. .M.27^.1939 ... fileSOCIETE DES NATIONS. Communiqué au Conseil C.361.M.27^.1939-XI. et aux Membres de la Société. Genève, le 22 novembre



Communiqué au Conseil C .361.M.27^ aux

Membres de la Société. Genève, le 22 novembre 1939•


Lois communiquées par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uniconcernant MALTE.

Note du Secrétaire général.

Conformément à 1 'article 21 de la Convention de 1931 pour limiter la fabrication et réglementer la distribution des stupéfiants, le Secrétaire général a l'honneur de transmettre ci-joint aux Etats parties à ladite Convention les textes législatifs suivants. Ces textes sont également communiqués aux autres Etats.

MALTE : Ordonnance sur les drogues nuisibles, etRèglements Nos. 291 et 292 s'y référant.


Communicated to the Council and Members

„ ., T Geneva, November 22nd, 1939 •of the League.


Laws communicated by the Government of United Kingdomconcerning MALTA.

Note by the Secretary-General.

In accordance with Article 21 of the Convention of 1931 for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs, the Secretary-General has the honour to communicate herewith to the Parties to the Convention the texts of the following laws. The texts are also communicated to other States.

MALTA : Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, and RulesNos. 291 and 292 made thereunder.


Ordinance No. XXXI of 1 9 3 9

!Aj i Ordinance enacted by the Governor of Malta.

To consolidate the Law re ­gulating the Importation, Exportation, Manufacture, Sale and Use of Opium and of certain other Dangerous Drugs and Substances, and to make fu rther and better provision for the control of the external trade in dangerous drugs.

Ordinanza Nru. X X X I t a ’ 1-1939

Ordinanza magtiinula mill-Gvernatur ta* Malta.

Biex tikkonsolida 1-Ligi li tirregula 1-Importazzjoni, Esportazzjoni,Manifattura, Bejgh u Uzu ta ’ 1-Oppju u ta ’ xi Drogi u Sustanzi ohra Perikuluzi, u biex taghmel provdimenti ohra u ah ja r ghall-Kuntroll tan- negozju ta’ barra tad-drogi perikuluzi.

[ 137 1 ]

M a l t a G o v e r n m e n t G a z e t t e S u p p l e m e n t No. LXXXI1I. 3 0 th June, 1039. Price 5 d.


Short title.




C h a r l e s B o n h a m - C a r t e r , Governor.

[30th June, 1939.]

O R D IN A N C E No. X X X E of 1939.

AN ORDINANCE enacted by the Governor of Malta.

To consolidate the Lair regulating the Importation, Exportation, Manufacture, Sale and Use of Opium and of certain other Dangerous Drugs and Substances, and to make further and better provision for the control of the external trade in dangerous drugs.

Be it enacted by the Governor of Malta as follows—

P a r t I . — I n t e r p r e t a t i o n a n d D e f i n i t i o n s .

1. This Ordinance m ay be cited as the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939.

2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires—

“ raw opium ” means the spontaneously coagulated juice obtained from the capsules of the Papaver somniferum L . . which has only been submitted to the necessary manipulations for packing and tran sp o r t , whatever its content of morphine ;

“ prepared opium ” means opium prepared for smoking and includes dross and any other residues remaining after opium has been smoked ;

“ medicinal opium ” means raw opium which has undergone the processes necessary to adapt it for medicinal use in accordance with the requirem ents of the British Pharmacopoeia, w hether it is in the form of powder or is granulated or is in any other form and whether it is or is not mixed with neutral materials ;

“ coca leaves' ’ means the leaves of the E r y th oxylum coca Lam arck and the E rythroxylum novogranatense (Morris) Hieronymus and their varieties belonging to the family of Erythroxylaceæ and the leaves of other species of this genus from which cocaine can be extracted e ither directly or by chemical transformation ;

“ Indian hem p” means the dried flowering or fruiting tops of the pistillate plant known as Cannabis sativa from which the resin has not been ex trac ted , by whatever name such tops are called :

“ the Hague Convention” means the In ternational Convention signed at the H ague on the 23rd day of January , 1912 ;

“ the Geneva Convention (No. 1)” means the Convention signed at Geneva on behalf of H is Majesty on the 19th day of February , 1925, for the purpose of completing and strengthening the provisions of the H ague Convention ;

“ the Geneva Convention (No. 2)” means the Convention signed at Geneva on behalf of H is Majesty on the 13th day of J u ly , 1931, for the purpose of supplementing the provisions of the H ague Convention and the Geneva Convention (No. 1).

(L.8 .)

[ 1372 ]


(L.S .) C h a r l e s B o n h a m - C a r t e r ,G v e r n a t u r .

[ I t - 3 0 t a ’ G u n j u , 1939.

O R D IN A N Z A Mru. X X X I ta ’ 1-1939.

O R D L N A N / 'A m a g h m u l a m i l l - G v e r n a t u r t a ’ M a l t a

Biex tikkonsolida 1-Ligi li t ivegv la l-Tmportazzjoni, Esportazzjoni,M anifattura, Bcjgh n Uzu ta’ l-Oppju u ta ’ xi Drogi u Sustanzi ohra Perikuluzi, u biex tagtimel provdimenti. ohra u ahjar gtiall- kuntroU tan-negozju ta ’ barra tad-drogi perikuluzi.

Tl-Gvernatur t a ’ M alta îiareg b'ligi clan li gej—

T aqs im a I . — T i f s i r .

1. Dm 1-Ordinanza t is ta ’ tissejjah bîiala 1-Ordinanza ta ’ 1-1939 xitlu dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi.

2. F ’din 1-Ordinanza kemm-il-darba s-sens fat-test ma jfissirx Tifsir

x ort 'ohra—“ oppju mliux m ahdum itisser is-sugu li jagîiqad waîidu mehud

mill-mizwet tal-Papavvr somniferum L . (xaîixih) li jkim gfiadda bis s mill-immaniggar meîitieg ghall-ippakkjar u traspo rt, tkun kemm tkun il-kwantità tai-morfina ;

“ oppju ippreparat” ifisser oppju ippreparat ghat-tipjip u jtisser wkoll kull fdal li jibqa’ wara li 1-oppju jkun gie mpej jep ;

“ oppju mediôinali’’ ifisser oppju m hux mahdum li jkun ghadda minn processi mehtiega biex jigi adattat gîiall-uzu fil-medicina skond dak li titlob il-1 "British Pharmacopoeia” , sew jekk ikun f’ghamla t a ’ trab kemm jekk ikkusksjat jew ikun f ’xi gliaml’ohra u sew jekk ikun jew m a jkunx imhallat m a ’ mater jal newtrali ;

“ weraq tal-cora” ifisser il-weraq t a ’ l-Erythroxylum coca L am arck u \-Erythru.vylum novoçiranatensc (M om s) Hieronymus u 1-varjetaiiet tagtihom li huma tal-familja t a ’ l-Erythroxylaceæ u 1-werafj t a ’ kwalitajiet t a ’ dan i 1-gens li minnhom il-kokajina tis ta ’ tittiehed sew direttam ent kemm b ’tibdil kimiku;

“ qanneb In d ian ” ifisser ir-ras niexfa tal-fjur jew tal-frott tal-pjanta pistillata maghrufa bliala Cannabis sativa li m innha ma tkunx itt'eîidet ir-raza, ikun li jkun 1-isem li bill ir-ras tkun maghrufa ;

“ il-Konvenzjoni t a ’ 1-Aja” tfisser il-Konvenzjoni Internazzjo- nali iffirmata fl-Aja fit-23 ta ’ Jan n a r 1912;

“ il-Konvenzjoni (N ru . 1) t a ’ Ginivra” tfisser il-Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali iffirmata f'Ginivra f ’isem il-Maesta Tieghu r-E e fid-19 t a ’ F ra r , 1925, ghall-iskop li jitlestew u jissahliu 1-provdimenti tal- Konvenzjoni t a ’ 1-Aja ;

“ il-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 2) t a ’ Ginivra” tfisser il-konvenzjoni iffirmata f ’Ginivra f ’isem il-Maesta Tieghu r-Ee fit-13 t a ’ Lulju, 1931. ghall-iskop li jizdiedu 1-provdimenti tal-Ixonvenzjoni t a ’ 1-Aja u1-Konvenzjom (Nru. 1) t a ’ Ginivra.


[ 1373 ]


P a r t I I . — R a w Opium and C oca L e a v e s .

Power to regulate the production of and dealing in raw opium and coca leaves.

3.— (1) The Governor in Council may make rules for controlling or restricting the production, possession, sale and distribution of raw opium or coca leaves, and in particular , but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, for prohibiting the production, possession, sale or distribution of raw opium or coca leaves except by persons licensed or otherwise authorized in tha t behalf.

Prohibition of cultivation of opium or coca plant.

(2) The Governor in Council may fix such penalties for the breach or non-observance of any rule as he may think fi t , not exceeding imprisonment with or without hard labour for one m onth or a fine (multa) of one hundred and fifty pounds (£150).

4. No person shall cultivate the Opium Poppy (Papaver somni-ferum ) or the Coca P lan t (Erythroxy lum Coca).

P a r t I I I . — P r e p a r e d O p i u m .

Prohibition of 5. No person shall import or bring into, or export from, theseexport or import T i i iof prepared Islands any prepared opium.opium.

Penalty for g. I f anv person—•manufacturing, . " „ ,, , .selling, using, etc. ( a ' manufactures, sells or otherwise deals m preparedprepared ’ opium ; oropium. L , . . . .

( b) has m his possession any prepared opium ; or(c) being the occupier of any premises permits those

premises to be used for the purpose of the preparation of opium for smoking or the sale or smoking of prepared opium ; or

(d) is concerned in the m anagem ent of any premises used for any such purpose as aforesaid ; or

(e) has in his possession any pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium, or any utensils for use in connection writh the preparation of opium for smoking ; or

(f) smokes or otherwise uses prepared opium, or frequents any place used for the purpose of opium smoking,

he shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance.

P a r t IV .—I n d i a n H emp.

Prohibition of 7 person shall import or bring into, or export from, theseimportation and 1 1 0 . x .exportation of Islands any resin obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa. the resin from the plant Canna­bis sativa.Penalty for dealing, etc., in the plant Canna­bis satira, the resin therefrom, etc.

8 . If any person—(a) has in his possession (otherwise than in the course of

transit through these Islands or their territorial w a te rs) , produces, sells or otherwise deals in the resin obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa or any preparations of which such resin formed the base; or

(b) cultivates the plant Cannabis sativa; or(c) has in his possession (otherwise than in the course of

transit through these Islands or their territorial waters), sells or otherwise deals in the whole o r any portion of the p lant Cannabis

sativa (excluding its medicinal preparations), he shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance.

[ 1374 ]


I t-T ieni T aqsima.—Oppju mhux M ahdum u W ebaq tal- ‘Coca’.

3.— (1) Il-G vernatur fil-Ixunsill ikun jista’ jagîimel reguli ghall- Setgha biex jigukon troll jew ghat-tirzin tal-produzzjoni. pussess, bejgîi u taqsim t a ’ j.VocTuzzjoni uoppju m hux m ahdum jew weraq tal-coca, u 1-iktar, izda minghajr hsara n-ncgczju ta ’ j > i ■ •• , i- . t , ,, . l-oppju mhuxta 1-imsemmija setgha m general!, gnall-projbizzjon tal-produzzjoni, mahdum u tal-pussess, bejgh jew taqsim ta ’ oppju m hux m ahdum jew weraq tal-coca weraq tal-coca.hlief m inn persuni li jkollhom licenza jew h 'xi mod iehor awtorizzatighal dan 1-iskop.

(2) Il-G vernatur fil-Ixunsill ikun jista jistabbilixxi dawk il-pieni li huw a jidliirlu xierqa ghal ksur jew nuqqas tal-harsien t a ’ xireguli li ma jkunux iktar m inn lavuri forzati jew prigunerija ghal xaharjew m ulta t a ’ mija u ham sin lira (£150).

4. H add ma ghandu jikkoltiva x-xahxih t a ’ 1-Oppju (Papaver Proibizzjon ta ’somnifermn) jew il-haxixa tal-coca (E nithroxylum Coca). koltivazzjoni t a ’

■’ J j oppjii ]evv naxixatal-coca.

I t-T ielet T aqsima.— Oppju I ppreparat.

5. H add m a ghandu jimporta jew igib f ’dawn il-Gzejjer, jew Projbizzjon ta. . • ° 1 l-\sportazzjom

jesporta n u n n h o m . xi oppju ippreparat. jew importazzjonita ’ oppju ippreparat.

6 . Jek k XL hadcl— Fiena gliall-

(a) jimm anifattura, ibigh jew xoi't’ohra jinnegozja l-oppju eccippreparat ; jew ta ’ oppju

(b) ikollu fil-pussess tieghu xi oppju ippreparat ; jew îppuparat.(c) jekk ikun jokkupa xi lokal , ilia Hi li dan il-lokal jigi uzat

ghall-iskop tal-preparazzjoni t a ’ l-oppju ghat-tipjip jew ghall-bejgli jew tipjip t a ’ oppju ippreparat ; jew

(d) ikollu x ’jaqsam mat-tmexxija ta' xi lokal uzat ghal xi skop kit liawn fuq im sem m i; jew

(e) ikollu fil-pussess tieghu xi pipi jew ghodod ohra ghall- uzu dwar it-tipjip t a ’ l-oppju, jew xi ghodod ghall-nzu dwar il- preparazzjoni t a ’ l-oppju ghat-tipjip; jew

(f) ipejjep jew juza xoi't’ohra oppju ippreparat, jew jiffre- kw enta xi post uzat ghat-tipjip t a ’ l-oppju,

ikun hati t a ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza.

I r-E aba’ T aqsima.— Qanxeb I ndjan.

7. H add ma ghandu jimporta jew igib f ’dawn il-Gzejjer, jew Projbizzjon ta’, . . . . ... . _ , . 1-importazzjoni u

jesporta m innhom , xi raza mehuda m nl-pjanta Cannabis sativa. esportazzjoni tar-raza mill-tiaxixaCannabis sativa.

8. Jek k xi hadd—(a) ikollu fil-pussess tieghu (hlief m eta tkun ghaddejja minn

dawn il-Gzejjer jew 1-ibhra territorjali taghhom ), jipproduci, ibigh jew xort’ohra jinnegozja r-raza mehuda mill-pjanta Cannabis sativa jew xi preparazzjonijiet li r-raza kienet il-bazi taghhom; jew

(b) jikkoltiva 1-pjanta Cannabis sativa ; jew(c) ikollu fil-pussess tieghu (hlief m eta tkun ghaddejja minn

dawn il-Gzejjer jewT 1-ibhra territorjali taghhom ), ibigh jew xo rt’ohra jinnegozja 1-pjanta Cannabis sativa kollha jew xi bicca m innha (minn barra 1-preparazzjonijiet medicinali taghha),

ikun hati t a ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza.

[ 1375 ]


Control of manufacture and sale of cocaine, etc.

Drugs to which Part V applies.

P a r t V . — C o c a i n e , M o r p h i n e , e t c .

9 .— (1) For the purpose of preventing the improper use of the drugs to which this P a r t of this Ordinance applies, the Governor in Council may make rules for controlling the manufacture, sale, possession and distribution of those drugs, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing pow er, for—

(a) prohibiting the manufacture of any drug to which this P a rt of this Ordinance applies except on premises licensed for the purpose and subject to any conditions specified in the licence ; and

(b) prohibiting the m anufactu re , sale or distribution of any such drug except by persons licensed or otherwise authorized under the rules and subject to any conditions specified in the licence or authority ; and

(c) regulating the issue by medical practitioners of pre­scriptions containing any such drug and the dispensing of any such prescriptions; and

(d) requiring persons engaged in the manufacture, sale or distribution of any such drug to keep such books and furnish such information either in writing or otherwise as may be prescribed ; and

(e) controlling or restricting the possession of or dealing in any such drug while in transit through these Islands.

(2) The rules under this section shall provide for authorizing any person who lawfully keeps open a shop for the retailing of poisons in acccrdance with the provisions of The Second Sanitary L aw , 1900 :—

(a) to manufacture at the shop in the ordinary course of his retail business any preparation, admixture, or extract of any drug to which this P a r t of this Ordinance applies; or

(b) to carry on at the shop the business of retailing, dispensingor compounding any such drug ;

subject to the power of the Governor to withdraw the authorization in the case of a person who has been convicted of an offence against this Ordinance or an offence under the Customs Ordinance, as applied by this Ordinance, and who cannot, in the opinion of the Governor, pro­perly be allowed to carry on the business of manufacturing or selling or distributing, as the case may be, any such drug.

(3) Nothing in any rules made under this section shall betaken—

(a) to authorize the sale, or the keeping of an open shop for the retailing, dispensing or compounding, of poisons by any person who is not qualified in th a t behalf under, or otherwise than in accordance w ith , the provisions of The Second Sanitary L aw , 1900.

(b) to be in derogation of the provisions of the Second Sanitary Law’, 1900, for prohibiting, restricting or regulating the sale of poisons.

10. — (1) T he drugs to which this P a r t of this Ordinance applies are—

(a) medicinal opium ;(b) any extract or tincture of Ind ian hemp ;

[ 1376 ]


I l - H a m e s T a q s i m a .— K o k a j i n a , M o e f i n a , E c c .

9 .— (1) Sabiex m a jkunx jista’ jsir uzu hazin mid-drogi li ^n ifa ttura^ 'ughalihom tghodd din it-Taqsima t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza, il-Gvernatur fil- bojgh tal-kokajina Kims ill ikun jis ta’ jaglmiel reguli ghail-kuntroll tal-m anifattura, bejgh e66, pussess u taqsim t a ’ dawk id-drogi, u 1-iktar, izda minghajr hsara t a ’1-imsemmija se tgha. ghall—

(a) projbizzjon tal-m anifattura ta ’ xi droga illi ghaliha tghodd din it-Taqsima ta ’ din 1-Ordinanza barra mill-lokali li jkollhom licenza ghalhekk u suggetti ghal 1-kundizzjonijiet imsemmijin fil- licenza ; u

(b) projbizzjon ta l-m anifa ttura , bejgh jew tqassim t a ’ xi droga minn dawn hlief m inn nies li jkollhom licenza jew xort’ohra jkunu awtorizzati tah t ir-reguli u suggetti ghall-kundizzjonijiet imsemmijin fil-licenza jew aw torità ; u

(c) biex ikun irregulat il-hrug m inn nies li jezercitawT il-pro- fesisjoni medika t a ’ ricetti li jkun fihom xi droga m inn dawn u ghas- servizz t a ’ ricetti m inn dawn ; u

(d) biex in-nies li jim m anifatturaw , ib ighu, jew iqassmu xi droga bhal din izommu dawk il-kotba u jaghtu dawk 1-informazzjonijiet sew bil-miktub kem m xort’ohra kif jigi ordnat; u

(e) kuntroll jew tirzin tal-pussess t a ’ jew traffikar f 'x i droga m inn dawn meta tkun ghaddeja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer.

(‘2) Ir-reguli tah t dan 1-art iklu iipprovdu sabiex t inghat a awtorizzazzjoni lil xi persuna li skond il-ligi izzomm hanut miftuh ghall-bejgh bl-inniut t a ’ veleni skond id-uisposizzjoniiiet tat-Tieni Ligi Sanitarja t a ’ 1-1900 :—

(a) biex tim m anifattura fil-hanut fil-kors ordinarju tan-negozju taghha bl-imnut xi preparazzjoni, tahlita jew estratt t a ’ xi droga li ghaliha tghodd din it-taqsima t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza ; jew

(b) biex fil-hanut tm exxi n-negozju tal-bejgh bl-imnut, ghoti jew preparazzjoni t a ’ xi droga m inn dawn ;

suggetti ghas-setgha tal-Gvernatur li jiehu lura 1-awtorizzazzjoni fil-kas t a ’ persuna li tkun insabet hatja t a ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza jew ta ’ h tija tah t 1-Ordinanza tad-D wana, kif applikata b ’din 1-Ordinanza, u li ma tistax, fil-fehma tal-Gvernatur, kif jixraq tithalla li tmexxi n-negozju tal- m anifa ttura jew bejgh jew taqsim, kif ikun il-kas, t a ’ xi droga minn dawn.

(3) Fir-reguli maghmulin taht dan 1-artiklu xejn ma ghandu jitqis illi—

(a) jawtorizza 1-bejgh, jew li jinzamm hanut miftuh ghall-bejgh bl-imnut, ghall-ghoti jew preparazzjoni t a ’ veleni minn xi hadd li m a jkunx ikkwalifikat ghal dak 1-iskop taht jew xort’ohra milli skond i 1-provdimenti tat-Tieni Ligi Sanitarja t a ’ 1-1900 ; jew

(b) jnaqqas mill-provdimenti tat-Tieni Ligi Sanitarja t a ’ 1-1900 ghall-projbizzon, tirzin jew regular tal-bejgh ta ’ veleni.

10.— (1) Id-drogi li ghalihom tghodd din it-taqsima t a ’ din Drogi li ghalihom . „ ° 8 ° ^ it-Taqsima V1-Ordinanza hum a— tghodd.

(a) oppju medicinali;(b) xi estra tt jew tin tura tal-qanneb Indjan ;

[ 1377 ]


Calculation of percentage in case of liquid preparations.

(c) morphine and its salts, and diacetyhnorphine (commonly known as diamorpliine or heroin) and the other esters of morphine and their respective salts ;

(d) cocaine (including synthetic cocaine) and ec-gonine and their respective salts, and the esters of ecgonine and their respective salts ;

(e) any solution or dilution of m orphine or cocaine or their salts in an inert substance whether liquid or solid, containing any proportion of morphine or cocaine, and any preparation, adm ixture, extract or other substance (not being such a solution or dilution as aforesaid) containing not less than one-fifth per cent, of morphine or one-tenth per cent, of cocaine or of ecgonine ;

(f) any preparation , adm ixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of diacetyhnorphine;

(g) dihydrooxycodeinone, dihydrocodeinone, diliydromorphi- n one , acetyldi liy drocodeinone, dihydromorphine, their esters and the salts of any of these substances and of their esters, morphine-X- oxide (commonly known as genomorphine), the morph in e-N-oxide derivatives, and any other pentavalent nitrogen morphine deriva­tives;

(h) thebaine and its salts, and (with the exception of m ethyl- morphine, commonly known as codeine, and ethylm orphine, com­monly known as dionin, and their respective salts) benzylmorphine and the other ethers of morphine and their respective salts ;

(i) any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of any of the substances mentioned in paragraph (g) or in paragraph (h) of this sub-section.F o r the purpose of the foregoing provision the expression “ ecgonine"’

means lævo-ecgonine and includes any derivatives of ecgonine from Iwliieh it may be recovered industrially , and the percentage in the case of morphine shall be calculated as in respect of anhydrous morphine.

(2) For the purposes of this section, percentages in the case of liquid preparations shall, unless o ther provision in tha t behalf is made by rules under this Ordinance, be calculated on the basis that a preparation containing one per cent, of any substance means a preparation in which one gramm e of the substance, if a solid, or one millilitre of the sub­stance . if a liquid, is contained in every hundred milligrammes or millilitres of the preparation, and so in proportion for any greater or less percentage.

(3) If it appears to the Governor in Council th a t any new- derivative of morphine or cocaine or of any salts of morphine or cocaine or any other alkaloid of opium or any other drug of whatever kind is or is likely to be productive, if improperly used, or is capable of being converted into a substance which is, or is likely to be productive, if improperly used, of ill-effects substantially of the same character or nature as or analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine, the Governor in Council may by order provide that this P art of th is Ordinance shall apply to tha t new derivative or alkaloid or other drug in the same m anner as it applies to the drugs mentioned in sub-section (1) of th is section and make any such verbal alterations in the list of such drugs as may be necessary in consequence of such order as aforesaid.

I 1 3 7 8 J


(c) morfina u 1-melh taghlia, u diacetylmorphine (komunement maghrufa bhala djamorfina jew herojina) u 1-asters 1-ohra tal- morfina u 1-melh taghhom ;

(d) kokajina (u m aghha 1-kokajina sintetika) u ekgonina u 1-melh taghhom , u l-esters t a ’ 1-ekgonina u 1-melh taghhom ;

(e) kull soluzzjoni jew diluzzjoni tal-morfina jew kokajna jew il-melh taghhom f ’sustanza ohra inerti sew likwida kemm solida, li jkun fihom kidl proporzjon t a ’ morfina jew,kokajina, u kull preparaz­zjoni, tahlita, estratt jew sustanza ohra (li ma tkunx is-soluzzjoni jew diluzzjoni msemmijin haw n fuq li jkun fihom m hux inqas m inn w’iehed m inn ham sa fil-mija t a ’ morfina jew wiehed m inn ghaxra fil-mija t a ’ kokajina jew t a ’ ekgonina;

(f) kull preparazzjoni, tah lita , estratt jew sustanza ohra li jkun fiha kull proporzjon t a ’ dj acet il morfina ;

(g) dihydrooxycodeinone. dihydrocodeinone, dihydromorphinone, acetyldihydrocodeinone, dihydromorphine, u l-esters taghhom u 1-melh t a ’ xi sustanzi m inn dawn ta ’ l-esters taghhom , moi'phine-N- oxide (komunement m aghrufa bhala genomorfina), id-derivati tal- morpliine-N-oxide, u kull dérivât iehor pentavalenti tan -“ nitrogen m orphine” (îhorfina nitrogena) ;

(h) tebajina u 1-melh taghha, u (minn barra 1-metilmorfina, kom unem ent maghrufa bhala kodejina, u etilmorfina, generalment m aghrufa bhala djonina, u 1-melh taghhom), benzilmorfina u 1-eteri 1-ohra tal-morfina u 1-melh taghhom ;

(i) kull preparazzjoni, tahlita , estra tt jew sustanz’ohra li jkun fihom xi proporzjon mis-sustanzi msemmijin fil-paragrafu (g) jew fil- paragrafu (h) t a ’ din it-taqsima t a ’ dal-paragrafu.Ghall-finijiet tad-dispozizzjoni li tinsab hawn qabel, “ ekgonina”

tfisser lnevo-ecgonine u m aghha d-derivati t a ’ 1-ekgonina li m innha tkun t i s ta ’ tittiehed industrjaim ent u 1-perôentagg fil-kas tal-morfina ghandu jigi ikkalkulat bhal ma hu fil-kas tal-morfina anidruza.

(2) Ghall-finijiet t a ’ dan 1-artiklu, il-percentagg fil-kas ta ’ Kalkular ta ’prenarazzioni i i et likwidi, kemm-il-darba provdiment ghalhekk ma kienx yercentagg fil-kas

1 . . . . . . ta preparazziom-ittiehed b ’reguli tah t dm 1-Ordinanza. jigu ikkalkolati fuq il-basi illi jjet likwidi.preparazzjoni li jkun fiha wiehed fil-mija t a ’ xi sustanza tfisser prepa­razzjoni li fiha gramin tas-sustanza, jekk solida, jewr millilitru tas- sustanza. jekk likwida, tkun f ’kull m itt milligramm jew millilitru tal- preparazzjoni, u hekk fil-proporzjon ghal kull percentagg akbar jew izghar.

(3) Jekk il-Gvernatur fil-Kunsill jidhirlu illi xi dérivât gdid ta ’ morfina jew kokajina jew ta ’ melh t a ’ morfina jew kokajina jew kull alkalojdi iehor t a ’ l-oppju jew xi droga ohra, t a ’ kull xorta li tkun , huwa produttiv jew jis ta ’ aktarx ikun produttiv, jekk mhux uzat sewwa jew ghandu 1-hila li jitbiddel f ’sustanza li liija produttiva, jew li t i s ta ’ tkun produttiva, jekk m hux uzata sewwa, t a ’ xi effetti hziena sustanzjalment t a ’ 1-istess karattru jew natura bhal jew li jixbhu lil dawk li jitnisslu mill-morfina jew kokajina , il-Gvernatur fil- Ivunsill j is ta’ b ’ordni jipprovdi illi din it-taqsima t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza ghandha tghodd ghal dak id-derivat gdid jew alkalojdi jew droga ohra. fl-istess mod bhal ma 1m fil-ka-s tad-drogi msemmija fit-taqsima (1) t a ’ dan 1-artiklu u jaghmel dak it-tibdil verbali fil-lista t a ’ dawk id-drogi kif ikun jinhtieg bhala konsegwenza ta ’ dak 1-ordni kif imsemmi hawn fuq.

[ 1379 ]


Prohibition of trade, etc., in new drugs, and power to apply Part V, with or without modifications, to certain drugs.


(4) If the Governor in Council thinks fit to declare tha t a finding with respect to any preparation containing any of the drugs to which this P a r t of this Ordinance applies has in pursuance of Article 8 of the Geneva Convention (No. 1) been communicated by the Council of the League of Nations to the parties to the said Convention, the provisions of this P art of th is Ordinance .shall as from such date as may be specified in such declaration cease to apply to the preparations specified therein.

11.— f l) I t shall not lie lawful for any person to trade in or m anu ­facture for the purpose of trade any products obtained from any of the phenanthrene alkaloids of opium or from the ecgonine alkaloids of the coca leaf, not being a product which was on the th irteenth day of July , nineteen hundred and thirty-one, being used for medical or scientific purposes :

Provided th a t if the Governor is at any tim e satisfied as respects any such product that it is of medical or scientific value, he m ay by order direct tha t this sub-section shall cease to apply to th a t product.

I f any person acts in contravention of this sub-section, lie shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance.

(2) I f it is made to appear to the Governor tha t a decision w ith respect to any such product as is mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section has in pursuance of Article 11 of the Geneva Convention (No. 2) been communicated by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to the parties' of the said Convention, the Governor in Council may, as the case requires, by order, either declare th a t the provisions of this P a r t of this Ordinance shall apply to that product in the same m anner as they apply to the drugs mentioned in sub-section (1) or apply the said P a rt to th a t product w ith such modifications as may be specified in the order.

(3) The Governor in Council m ay, by order, apply this P a rt of this Ordinance with such modifications as may be specified in the order, to any of the following drugs, tha t is to say, methylmorphine (commonly known as codeine), ethylmorphme (commonly known as dionin) and their respective salts.

P a r t V I.— C o n t r o l o f E x t e r n a l T r a d e .

12. In this P a r t , unless the context otherwise requires— -

“ conveyance” includes ship, aircraft, and any other means of transport by which goods may be brought into or taken from these Islands ;

“ dangerous drug” means any drug to which P a r t V of this Ordinance applies, and includes raw opium, coca leaves, Indian hemp, and all preparations of which resins obtained from Indian hem p form the base, and, for the purposes of sections 15 to 18 both inclusive, includes also the resins obtained from Indian hemp ;

“ diversion certificate” means a certificate issued by the com­petent authority of a country through which a dangerous drug passes in transit, authorizing the diversion of such drug to a- country other than tha t specified as the country of ultimate destination in the export authorization, and containing all the particulars required to be included

[ 1380 ]


(4) Jekk il-Gvernatur ül-Kunsill jidhirlu xieraq li jiddikjara illi 1-Ixunsill tal-Ghaqda t an-N azzjoni j i e t , skond 1-artiklu 8 tal-Konven- zjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ Ginivra, gîiarraf lill-imsiehbin f ’dik il-Konvenzjoni b ’rizultat dwar xi préparai li jkun fih xi droga jew drogi milqutin minn dit-Taqsima t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza, il-provdimenti t a ’ dit-Taqsima ta ’ din I-Ordinanza, minn dik id-data li. tigi msemmija f ’dik id-dikjarazzjoni, m a gîiandlmmx jibqghu jghoddu gha 11-préparaii msemmijin hemmhekk.

11.— (1) Ebda persuna ma tkun t is ta ’ tinnegozja jew timmanifat- l'rojbizzjon ta ’. neguzjur ecc. U

tu ra bi iskop ta kummeré xi prodotti m ehudin m inn xi alkalojdi plienan- drogi godda, u

threna t a - 1-oppju jew mill-alkalojdi ekgcnini tal-weraq tal-coc.a, li ma ^afs'mab V* tièi jkunux pro lo tt illi fit-tlittax t a ’ Lulju , elf disa’ mija u wiehed u tletin, applikata b’tibdil kien qed jigi uzat ghal skopijiet m edi Ici jew xjentifiki : îîbdi^gîfai^xi

drogi.Izda jekk il-Gvernatur f ’xi zmien jidhirlu illi xi prodott m inn dawn

hu t a ’ x.i valur medikn jew xjentifiku, huw a jista’ b ’ordni jordna illi din it-taqsima t a ’ artiklu ma tibqax tghodd ghal dak il-prodott.

Jek k xi persuna tiinxi kontra din it-taqsima ta ’ artiklu, hija tkun îiatja t a ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza.

(2) Jekk il-Gvernatur jidhirlu illi skond 1-Artiklu 11 tal-Kon- venzjoni t a ’ Ginivra (Nru. 2) is-Segretarju Generali t a ’ 1-Ghaqda tan- Nazzjonijiet gîiarraf lill-imsiehbin fl-imsemmija Konvenzjoni bid- decizjoni dwar xi prodott m inn dawn bhal ma hemm imsemmi fit- tai|sima (1) t a ’ dan 1-artiklu, il-Gvernatur fil-Ixunsill jista’. skond ma jkun jinhtieg fil-kas, b ’ordni, jew jiddikjara illi d-dispozizzjonijiet t a ’ din it-Taqsim a t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza ghandhom jghoddu ghal dak il-prodott bl-istess mod bhal ma jghoddu ghad-drogi msemmijin fit-taqsima (1) t a ’ dan 1-artiklu jew inkella jappl.ka 1-imsemmija Taqsima ghal dak il-prodott b ’dawk il-modifikazzjonijiet li jkunu msemmijin fl-ordni.

(3) Il-G vernatur fil-Ixunsill jista’ b ’ordni, japplika din it- Taqs'.ma t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza b ’dawk il-modifikazzjonijiet kif jigu msem­mijin fl-ordni ghal xi drogi milli gejjin, jigifieri. metilmorfina (komune­m ent m aghrufa bhala kodejina), etilmorfina (komunement maghrufa bhala djonina) u 1-melh taghhom.

T a q s i m a V I.— I v u n t r o l l t a l - Iv c m m e r c t a ’ B a b r a .

12. F ’din it-Taqsima, kenun-il-darba s-sens fit-test ma jkunx irid Tifsir. ifisser xort’ohra—

“ vejiklu” ifisser bicca mgenji tal-bahar jew t a ’ 1-ajru, u kull mezz iehor t a ’ garr illi bih il-merkanzija tkun tis ta’ tingieb f ’dawn il- Gzejjer jew mehuda m innhom;

‘'droga perikuhiza” tfisser xi droga li ghaliha t-Taqsima V t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza tghodd. u tfisser ukoll oppju mhux ippreparat, weraq tal- coca, qanneb Indjan, u 1-preparati kollha li fihom ir-raza mehuda mill- qanneb Indjan tifforma 1-bazi, u, ghall-finijiet ta" 1-artikoli 15, 16, 17 u18. tfisser ukoll ir-razi mehudin mill-qanneb Indjan:

“ certifikat ta ' tibdil fir-rotta” ifisser certifikat mahrug mi'l- awtorità komj>etenti t a ’ pajjiz li m innu tghaddi droga perikuluza li tkun sejra f ’pajjiz iehor, li jawtorizza t-tibdil fir-rotta ta ’ din id-droga ghal pajjiz li ma jkunx dak imsemmi fl-awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni bhala 1-pajjiz fejn ghandha 1-ahhar tasal, u li jkun fih il-partikularitajiet

1 1381 J


The export of dangerous drugs.

in an export authorization, together w ith the name of the country from which the consignment was originally exported ;

“ export” , with its grammatical variations and cognate expres­sions, in relation to these Islands, means to take or cause to' be taken out of these Islands by air or water, otherwise than in tran s it ;

“ export authorization” means an authorization issued by a competent authority in a country from which a dangerous drug is exported, containing full particulars of such drug, and the quantity authorized to be exported, together w ith the names and addresses of the exporter and the person to whom it is to be sent, and stating the country to which, and the period w ithin which, it is to be exported

“ im port” , with its grammatical variations and cognate expres­sions, in relation to these Islands, means to bring or cause to be brought into these Islands by air or water, otherwise th an in transit :

“ import authorization” means a licence, issued by a competent authority , authorizing the importation of a specified quantity of a dan­gerous drug and containing full particulars of the drug, together with the name and address of the person authorized to import the drug, the name and address of the person from whom the drug is to be obtained, and specifying the period within which the importation must be effected ;

“ import certificate” means a certificate substantially in the form A set out in the Schedule hereto, issued by a competent authority in a country into which it is intended to import dangerous drugs ;

“ in tran s it” means taken or sent from any country and brought into these Islands by air or water (whether or not landed or transhipped in these Islands) for the sole purpose of being carried to another country either by the same or another conveyance.

13.— (1) Upon the production of an import certificate duly issued by the competent authority in any country, it shall be lawful for the Chief Government Medical Officer to issue an export authorization in the form B set out in the Schedule hereto in respect of any drug referred to in the import certificate to any person who is named as the exporter in such certificate and who is, under the provisions of this Ordinance, otherwise lawfully entitled to export such drug from these Islands. The export authorization shall be prepared in triplicate and two copies shall be issued to the exporter who shall send one cop}7 with the drug to which it refers when such drug is exported. The Chief Government Medical Officer shall send the third copy direct to the appropriate authority of the country of ultimate destination. W here the intended exportation is to a country which is not a party to the Geneva Convention (No. 2) it shall not he necessary to produce an import certificate as aforesaid. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of this section, it shall be in the absolute discretion of the Chief Government Medical Officer in all cases to issue or refuse an export authorization, as he may see fit.

[ 1382 ]


kollha m ehtigin li ghandhom jiclMu f ’awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni, flimkien m a ’ 1-isem tal-pajjiz li m imm t-taghbija kienet liarget 1-ewwel d a rb a ;

“ esportazzjoni” , bil-varjazzjonijiet grammatikali taghha uespressjoniji'et t a ’ 1-istess nisei, ghal dak li jmiss dawn il-Gzejjer, ifisser li persuna tieîïu jew iggaghal li jittiehed minn dawn il-Gzejjer bl-ajru jew bil-bahar, barra milli meta 1-mevkanzija tkun ghaddejja minn hawn ;

‘ ‘ awtorizzazz j oni jghall-eilpprtaizzjoni” ifisser awtorizzazzjoni mahruga m inn awtorità kompetenti f'pajjiz li minim droga perikuluza tkun esportata, li jkun fiha l-part'kularitajiet kollha dwar din id-droga, u l-kwantita awtorizzata ghall-esportazzjoni, flimkien m a’ 1-ismijiet u1-mdirizzi t a ’ 1-esportatur u 1-persuna li lilha tkun se tinbaghat, u lifiha jissemma 1-pajjiz fejn, u z-zmien li fih, ghandha tinbaghat ;

“ importazzjoni” , bil-varjazzjonijiet grammatikali taghha uespressjonijiet t a ’ Hstess nisei, ghal dak li jmiss dawn il-Gzejjer, ifisser li persuna ggib jew iggaghal li jingieb f’dawn il-Gzejjer bl-ajru jew bil-bahar, barra minn meta 1-merkanzija tkun ghaddejja minn dawn il- Gzejjer ;

“ awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni” ifisser licenza mahruga m inn awtorità kompetenti li tawtorizza. 1-importazzjoni t a ’ kwantità spoéifikata t a ’ droga perikuluza u li jkun fiha 1-partikularitajiet kollha dwar din id-droga, flimkien ma' 1-isem n 1-indirizza tal-persuna awtoriz­zata li timporta d-droga. 1-isem u 1-indirizz tal-persuna li minn ghandha tittiehed id-droga, u li fiha jkun imsemmi z-zmien li fih 1-importazzjoni ghandha ssir ;

“ certifikat ghall-importazzjoni” ifisser certifikat sustanzjalment fil-formla A li lieinm fl-Iskeda h tinsab m a’ din 1-Ordinanza, mahruga miU-awtorità kompetenti f'pajjiz li fih drogi perikuluzi jkunu se jigu impcrtati.

“ ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer” ifisser mehuda jew mibghnta m inn xi pajjiz u migjuba f ’dawn il-Gzejjer bl-ajru jew bil-bahar (sew jekk imnizzla 1-art jew jekk mehuda m inn fuq bastiment ghal iehor f ’dawn il-Gzejjer jew le) ghall-iskop biss li tittiehed f ’pajjiz sew jekk bl-istess vejiklu jew b ’iehor.

13.— (1) Meta jingieb certifikat ghall-importazzjoni mahrüg mill- Esportazzjoni ta ’ awtorità kompetenti f ’xi pajjiz, it-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern drogi perikuluzi. ikun jis ta’ johrog awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni. fil-formla 13 li hem m fl-Iskeda li tinsab m a ’ din 1-Ordinanza, dwar xi droga msemmija fic-ce-rtifikat ghall-iinportazzoni lil kull persuna li tkun imsemmija bhala 1-esportatur f ’dak ic-certifikat, n li, tah t il-provdimenti t a ’ din 1-Ordi­nanza, tkun t 's ta ’ tesporta xort'ohra skond il-ligi dik id-droga m inn dawn il-Gzejjer. L-awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni ghandha tigi magh- m ula fi tliet kopji u zewg kopji m innhom ghandhom jinghataw lill-espor- ta tu r li ghandu jibghat kopja mad-droga li ghaliha tirriferixxi meta din id-droga tkun esportata. It-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern ghandu jibghat it- tielet kopja direttament lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-pajjiz fejn id-droga ghandha rasai 1-ahhar. Meta l-e,sportazzjoni tkun ghal pajjiz li ma jkunx ha sehem fil-Ivonvenzjom t a ’ Ginivra, (Nru. 2 ), ma jkunx hemm glialfejn jingieb certifikat t a ’ 1-importazzjoni kif imsemmi hawn qabel. Taîit il- provdimenti tat-taqsima (2) t a ’ dan 1-artiklu. it-Tabib Principali tal- Gvern ikollu f ’rajh ghal kollox fil-kazijiet kollha li johrog jew jirrofta awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni, kif jidhirlu xieraq.

[ 1383 ]


l’he import of dangerous drugs.

(2) I f at any time the importation of any dangerous drug into a foreign country which is not a party to the Geneva Convention (No. 2) is prohibited or restricted by the laws of tha t country no export authori­zation may lawfully be issued authorizing the exportation thereof to such country in contravention of such laws.

(3) No dangerous drugs shall be exported from these Islands unless the consignor is in possession of a valid and subsisting export authorization relating to such drug granted under this Ordinance.

(-1) At the time of exportation of any dangerous drug the exporter shall produce to the Collector of Customs the dangerous drug, the export authorization relating there to , and such other evidence as the Collector of Customs may require to satisfy him th a t the drug is being lawfully exported to the place and person nam ed in the authorization which refers to it.

(5) No person shall export, cause to fce exported or take any steps preparatory to exporting any dangerous drug from these Islands except in pursuance of and in accordance w ith the provisions of this Ordinance.

14 .— (1) An import authorization in the form C set out in the Schedule hereto perm itting the importation into these Islands of any dangerous drug specified therein may be granted by the Chief Govern­m ent Medical Officer, subject to such conditions as he shall deem fit, to any person who may lawfully import such drug.

(2) W here an import authorization is issued in pursuance of sub-section (I) of this section, the Chief Government Medical Officer shall also issue, in relation to the dangerous drug intended to be imported, an import certificate (form A) which shall be forwarded by the intend­ing importer to the person from whom the drug is to be obtained. W hen the importer to whom an import authorization is issued under this section intends to import the drug or drugs, to which such authoriza­tion relates, in more than one consignm ent, a separate import certi­ficate shall be issued to him in respect of each such consignment.

(3) No dangerous drug shall be imported into these Islands unless the person to whom the drug is consigned is in possession of avalid and subsisting import authorization granted in pursuance of thissection.

(4) Every dangerous drug imported into these Islands from a country which is a party to the Geneva Convention (No. 1) shall be accompanied by a valid and subsisting export authorization or diversion certificate.

(5) No person shall import, cause to be imported or take any steps preparatory to importing, any dangerous drug into these Islandsexcept in pursuance of and in accordance with the provisions of thisOrdinance.

[ 1384 ]


(2) Jekk î ’xi zmien I-importazzjoni t a ’ xi droga perikuluza f ’pajjiz strangier li ma jkunx lia sehem fil-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 2) t a ’Ginivra tkun ipprojbita jew im razzna mill-ligijiet t a ’ dak il-pajjiz ma tkun t is ta ’ t inghata skond il-ligi ebda awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni li tawtorizza 1-esportazzjoni t a ’ dik id-droga ghal dak il-pajjiz kontra dawk il-ligijiet.

(3) E bda drogi perikuluzi ma ghandliom ikunu esportati m inn dawn il-Gzejjer kemm-il-darba 1-kunsinnatarju ma jkollux fil-pussess tieghu awtorizzazzjoni valida u li tkun ghadha ssehh dwar dik id-droga, m oghtija tah t din 1-Ordinanza.

(4) W aqt 1-esportazzjoni t a ’ xi droga perikuluza 1-esporta- tu r ghandu juri lill-Kollettur tad-Dwana d-droga perikuluza, 1-awtoriz- zazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni dwar din, u xi prova ohra illi 1-Kollettur tad- Dwana jkun irid biex ikun suddisfatt illi d-droga qieghda tigi esportata skond il-ligi ghall-post u lill-persuna msemmijin fl-awtorizzazzjoni li tirri- ferixxi ghal dik id-droga.

(5) Ebda persuna m a ghandha tesporta, iggaghal li tigi esportata jew taghmel xi haga biex tkun tis ta ’ tigi esportata xi droga perikoluza m inn dawn il-Gzejjer hlief skond u bhal ma jitolbu d-dispo- zizzjonijiet t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza.

14.— (1) It-Tabib Principali ta.l-Gvern jista’ jaghti awtorizzazzjoni L-iïnportazzjonighall-importazzjoni, fil-formla 0 li hem m fl-Iskeda m a’ din 1-Ordinanza,ta ’ ,?r?gî. i ■ t ■ i • • », -, -, . i perikuluzi.h tipperm etti li ssir 1-importazzjom t dawn îl-Gzeper ta xi drogaperikuluza msemmija fiha, tah t dawk il-kundizzjonijiet kif huwa jidhirluxieraq li 1 kull persuna li skond il-ligi timporta dik id-droga.

(2) M eta tinghata awtorizzazzjoni ghall-importazzjoni skond it-taqsim a (1) t a ’ dan 1-artiklu, it-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern johrog ukoll, dwar id-droga perikuluza li tkun biex tigi importata, certifikat ghall- importazzjoni (formla A) li ghandu jinbaghat m inn m in ikun irid jimporta lill-persuna li m inn ghandha d-droga tkun se tittiehed. M eta 1-importatur, li lilu tkun inghatat awtorizzazzjoni ghall-importazzjoni tah t dan 1-artiklu jkun irid jimporta d-droga jew drogi li ghaliliom 1-awtorizzazzjoni tirriferixxi, f ’izjed m inn kunsinna wahda, ghandu jih- ghata lilu certifikat ghall-importazzjoni ghalih ghal kull kunsinna bhal din.

(3) E bda droga perikuluza m a ghandha tigi importata f ’dawn il-Gzejjer kemm-il-darba 1-persuna li lilha d-droga tigi ikkunsinnata m a jkollhiex awtorizzazzjoni ghall-importazzjoni li tiswa u li tkun ghada issehh, moghtija skond dak li jitlob dan 1-artiklu.

(4) Kull droga perikuluza importata f ’dawn il-Gzejjer minn pajjiz li jkollu sehem fil-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ Ginivra ghandu jkollha m aghha awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni il tiswa u li tkun issehh jew certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta.

(o) Ebda persuna m a ghandha timporta, iggaghal li tigi impor­ta ta jew taghmel xi haga ghalbiex tigi importata xi droga perikuluza î 'daw n il-Gzejjer hlief skond u kif jitolbu d-dispozizzjonijiet t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza.

[ 1385 ]


Dangerous in transit.

R emoval licences.

15 .-—(1) No person shall bring any dangerous drug to these Islands in transit unless—

(a) the drug is in course of transit from a country from which it may lawfully be exported, to another country into which such drug may lawfully be im ported; anil

(b) except where the drug comes from a country not a party to the Geneva Convention (No. 1), it is accompanied by a valid and subsisting export authorization or diversion certificate, as the case may be.

(2) W here any dangerous drug in transit is accompanied by an export authorization or diversion certificate and the Collector of Customs has reasonable grounds for believing tha t such authorization or certificate is false, or tha t it has been obtained by fraud or wilful misre­presentation of a material particular, it shall be lawful for the Collector of Customs to seize and detain the drug to which such authorization or certificate relates. Upon being satisfied tha t such authorization or certificate is valid or has not been obtained by fraud or misrepresentation as aforesaid the Collector of Customs shall release the drug.

(3) W here the dangerous drug in transit is not accompanied by an export authorization or diversion certificate by reason of the fact that the drug comes from a country not a party to the Geneva Con­vention (No. 1) and the Collector of Customs has reasonable grounds for believing th a t such drug is being conveyed in an unlawful m anner or for an unlawful purpose or is in course of transit for the purpose of being imported into another country in contravention of the laws of th a t country, it shall be lawful for the Collector of Customs to seize and detain the drug.

(4) W here a dangerous drug brought into these Islands in transit is landed, or transhipped in these Islands, it shall remain under the control of the Collector of Customs and shall be moved only under and in accordance with a removal licence granted in pursuance of section 16 hereof.

(a) Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to apply to any dangerous drug in transit by post or in transit by air if the aircraft passes over these Islands without landing, or to such quantities of dangerous drugs as may, bona fide, reasonably form part of the medical stores of any ship or aircraft.

16 .— (1) No person shall—

(a) remove any dangerous drug from the conveyance by which it is brought into these Islands in transit ; or

(b) in any way move any such drug in these Islands at any time after removal from such conveyance,

except under and in accordance with a licence (in the form I) set out in the Schedule hereto and in this Ordinance referred to as a “ Removal L icence” ) issued by the Collector of Customs. I n all cases it shall be in the absolute discretion of the Collector of Customs to issue or refuse a removal licence as he shall deem fit.

[ 138G ]


1 5 .— (1) E bda persuna m a ghandha îggib xi droga perikuluza Diogi penkuluzi ... , , , . . li ikunu "fiadaei-I dawn u-Uzejjer bnala merkanzija ghaddejja m m n dawn il-Gzejjer, ;;n minn bawn.kemm-il-darba—

(a) id-dfoga m a tknnx ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer m inn pajjiz li m innu t is ta ’ tigi e sport a ta skond il-ligi, ghal pajjiz ieîtor li fih dik id-droga tkun t is ta ’ tigi skond il-ligi importata ; u

(b) m inn barra m eta d-droga tigi m inn pajjiz li m a jkunx ha sehem fil-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ 6-inivra, ma jkollhix magliha awtorizzazzjoni gh al 1- e spo r t az z j o n i jew certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta, skond il-kas, li jkunu jiswew u jkunu fis-sehh.

(2) M eta xi droga perikuluza li tkuij. ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer îkollha maghlia awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew certi­fikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta u 1-Kollettur tad-Dwana jkollu glialiex jahseb illi din 1-awtorizzazzjoni jew certifikat hum a foloz, jew illi ittiehdu b ’qerq jew b ’wiri dehni t a ’ haga b ’ohra t a ’ xi partikular materjali, il- K ollettur tad-Dwana jkun jis ta’ skond il-ligi jaqbad u jzomm id-droga illi ghaliha dik 1-awtorizzazzjoni jew dak ic-certifikat jirriferixxu. Malli 1-Kollettur tad-D w ana jkun suddisfatt ilii dik 1-awtorizzazzjoni jew dak ic-certifikat hum a validi jew m a ittiehdux b ’qerq jew b ’wiri t a ’ liaga b ’ohra kif imsemmi qabel huwa jitlaq d-droga.

(3) M eta d-droga perikuluza li tkun ghaddejja m inn dawn il- Gzejjer ma jkollhix m aghha awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta minhabba illi d-droga tkun gejja m inn pajjiz li ma jkunx ha -sehem fil-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ Ginivra u 1-Kollettur tad-D w ana ghandu ghalfejn jahseb illi dik id-droga qieghda tingarr kontra 1-ligi jew ghal xi skop -illegali jew tkun ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer sabiex tigi im dahhla f ’pajjiz ieîtor kontra 1-ligijiet ta-’ dak il-pajjiz, il- K ollettur tad-Dwana jkun jista’ jaqbad u jzomm id-droga.

(4) M eta d-droga perikuluza li tkun ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer titnizzel 1-art, jew titghabba m inn va pur ghal iehor f ’daw n il-Gzejjer, ghandha tibqa’ taht ü-kuntroll tal-Kollettur tad-Dwana u ghandha tingarr biss tah t u skond licenza tal-garr moghtija skond 1-artiklu 16 t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza.

(5) Ebda haga li tinsab f ’dan 1-artiklu m a ghandha titqies li tghodd ghal xi droga perikuluza li tkun ghaddejja bil-posta jew li tkun ghaddejja bl-ajru jekk il-bicca ingenji t a ’ 1-ajru tkun ghaddejja m inn fuq dawn il-Gzejjer minghajr m a tinzel 1-art. jew ghal dawlc il-kwantitajiet t a ’ drogi perikuluzi li jistghu, bona fide, bir-ragun jaghmlu sehem mill- hazna t a ’ medicini f ’xi bastim ent jew bicca ingenji t a ’ 1-ajru.

16.— (1) Ebda persuna m a ghandha— Lu-eiizignall-garr.

(a) tnehhi xi droga perikuluza mill-vejiklu li bih tkun ghad­dejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer; jew

(b) b ’xi mod iggorr xi droga f ’dawn il-Gzejjer f ’xi zmien wara li t i tnehha m inn dak il-vejjiklu,

hlief tah t u skond licenza (fil-formla D li hennn fl-Iskeda li tinsab m a’ din 1-Ordinanza u f ’din 1-Ordinanza msemmija bhala “ Licenza tal-garr” ) m ahruga mill-Kollettur tad-D wana. Fil-kazijiet kollha, il-Kollettur tad- D w ana ghandu f ’rajh ghal kollox illi jaghti jew jirrofta licenza ghall- garr kif huwa jidhirlu xieraq.

[ 1387 ]


Drugs not to be tampered with.

Diversion of dangerous drugs.

Powers of Chief Government Medical Officer.

(2) No removal licence for the transfer of any such drug to any conveyance for removal out of these Islands shall be issued unless and until a valid and subsisting export authorization or diversion certi­ficate relating to it is produced to the Collector of Customs, save tha t where the drug has come from a country not a party to the Geneva Convention (No. 1) th is sub-section shall not apply.

(3) The provisions of this section shall not apply to dangerous drugs in transit by post.

17. I t shall be unlawful for any person to cause any dangeious drug in transit to be subjected to any process wThich would alter its n a tu re , or wilfully to open or break any package containing a dangerous drug in transit except under the instructions of the Collector of Customs and in such m anner as he may direct.

18 .— (1) No person shall, except under the authority of a diversion certificate in the form E set out in the Schedule hereto, cause or procure any dangerous drug brought into these Islands in transit to be diverted to any destination other th an th a t to which it was originally consigned. I n the case of any drug in transit accompanied by an export authoriza­tion or a diversion certificate issued by a competent authority of some other country , the country to which the drug was originally consigned shall be deemed to be the country stated in such export authorization or diversion certificate to be the country of destination.

(2) The Chief Government Medical Officer may in his absolute discretion issue a diversion certificate in respect of any dangerous drug in transit upon production to him of a valid and subsisting import, certi­ficate issued by a competent authority in the country to which it is proposed to divert the drug, or if tha t country is not a party to the Geneva Convention (No. 1) upon such evidence as may satisfy him tha t the drug is to be sent in a lawful m anner and for a proper purpose.

(3) A diversion certificate shall be issued in duplicate ; one copy thereof shall accompany the drug w hen it is exported from these Islands, another copy shall be despatched by the Chief Government Medical Officer direct to the proper authority in the country to which the consignment has been diverted.

(4) Upon the issue of a diversion certificate the export author­ization or diversion certificate (if any) accompanying the drug on its arrival in these Islands shall be detained by the Chief Government Medical Officer and returned to the authority issuing such export authorization or diversion certificate together w ith a notification of the nam e of the country to which such drug has been diverted.

19. The powers and duties to be exercised and performed b j the Chief Government Medical Officer under th is P art of this Ordinance shall in the absence of the Chief Government Medical Officer be exercised and performed by the Officer acting on his behalf.

[ 1388 ]


(2) E bda licenza tal-garr ghat-trasferiment t a ’ xi droga bhal •din f ’xi vejiklu biex tittiehed ’1 barra m inn dawn il-Gzejjer, ma tinghata jekk u sa-kemm m a jingibux ghand il-Kollettur tad-Dwana awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew certifikat tat-tibdil fir-rotta dwar id-droga li jiswew u jkunu jsehhu, izda m eta d-droga tkun giet m inn pajjiz li m a jkollux sehem fil-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ Ginivra din it-taqsima t a ’ artiklu ma tghoddx.

(3) Id-disposizzjonijiet t a ’ dan 1-artiklu m a jghoddux ghal drogi perikuluzi li jkunu ghaddejjin m inn dawn il-Gzejjer bil-posta.

17. Ebcla persuna m a ghandha ggaghal illi droga perkuluza li tkun ld-drogi nia

ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer titghadda m inn prucess li. jibdlilha |it̂ f Sy0mx n-natura taghlia, jew ghax trid hi tiftah jew tikser xi pakkett li jkun fi hxi droga perikuluza li tkun ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer hlief kif jghid il-Kollettur tad-Dwana u b ’dak il-mod kif huwa jordna.

18.— (1) E bda persuna m a ghandha. h lie f bl-awtorità t a ’ certifikat Tibdil fir-rottadrozi

t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta, fil-formla E li liemm fl-Iskeda li tinsab m a’ dm perikuluzi. 1-Ordinanza, iggaghal jew taghmel b ’mod illi xi droga perikuluza, li tkun ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer, tikser ir-rotta ghal xi destinaz- zjoni li m a tkunx dik li ghaliha tkun giet or iginar jam ent ikkunsinnata.Eil-kas t a ’ xi droga li tkun ghaddejja. m inn dawn il-Gzejjer li jkollha m aghha awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir- ro tta m ahrugin m inn awtorità kompetenti t a ’ xi pajjiz iehor, il-pajjiz li ghalih id-droga original'j ament tkun giet ikkunsinnata ghandu jitqies li hu 1-pajjiz imsenmii f ’dik 1-awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew f dak ic-certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta bîiala 1-pajjiz t a ’ destinazzjon.

(2) Tt-Tabib Principal i tal-Gvern jista’ . skond il-fehma tieghu assoluta, johrog certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta dwar xi droga perikuluza li tkun ghaddejja m inn dawn il-Gzejjer m eta lilu jingieb certifikat ghall- importazzjoni li jiswa u jkun qed isekh mahrug m inn awtorità kompetenti fil-pajjiz li ghalih hem m il-hsieb li titbiddel ir-rotta tad-droga, jew, jekk dak il-pajjiz m a jkollux sehem fil-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ ô in iv ra , fuq dawk il-provi li jissodisfawh illi d-droga se tinbaghat b ’mod legali u ghal skop xieraq.

(3) Ic-certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta ghandu johrog f ’zewg kopji : kopja m innhom ghandha tm ur mad-droga meta tigi esportata minn dawn il-Gzejjer, il-kopja 1-ohra ghandha tinbaghat m it-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern direttam ent lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-pajjiz li ghalih il- kunsinna tkun biddlet ir-rotta.

(4) M eta jinhareg certifikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta t-Tabib P r in ­cipali tal-Gvern izomm 1 ’awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew ic-certi­fikat t a ’ tibdil fir-rotta (jekk ikun hem m ) li jkunu mad-droga kif tasal f ’dawn il-Gzejjer, u jibghatha lill-awtorità li tkun harget dik 1-awto­rizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni jew dak ic-certifikat t a ’ tibdii fir-rotta, flimkien m a’ notifika t a ’ 1-isem tal-pajjiz li ghalih dik id-di'oga tkun biddlet fir-rotta.

19. M eta t-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern ikun nieqes iis-setghat illi Setgtiat tat-

huwa ghandu jezercita u d-dmirijiet li ghandu jaghmel tah t it-Taqsima td^Q)ve^'^nÊ*pa ta ’ din 1-Ordinanza ghandu jezercitahom u jaghmilhom 1-Ufficjal li jkunqed jaghmel minfloku.

[ 1389 ]



Power of inspection and seizure.

Offences and penalties.

P a r t V II .— G e n e r a l .

20. L icences, permits or authorities for the purposes of this Ordinance other than P a r t V I thereof may be issued or granted by such person on such terms and subject to such conditions (including in the case of a licence the payment of a fee) as the Governor in Council may by rule prescribe.

2 1 .— (1) Any Police Officer of a rank not inferior to th a t of Sub- Inspector sh a ll , for the1 purposes of the execution of th is Ordinance, have power to enter the premises of any person carrying on the business of a producer, manufacturer, seller or distributor of any drugs to which th is Ordinance applies and to demand the production of and to inspect any books or documents relating to dealings in any such drugs and to inspect any stocks of any such drugs.

(2) I f a M agistrate is satisfied by information on oath tha t there is reasonable ground for suspecting th a t any drugs to which this Ordinance applies are, in contravention of the provisions of this Ordi­nance or any rule made thereunder, in the possession or under the con­trol of any person in any premises, or that any document directly or indirectly relating to or connected with any transaction or dealing which was, or any intended transaction or dealing which would if carried out be, an offence against this Ordinance or in the case of a- transaction or dealing carried out or intended to be carried out in any place outside these Islands an offence against the provisions of any corresponding law in force in th a t place, is in the possession or under the control of any person in any premises, he may grant a search w arrant authorizing any Police Officer named in the w arran t, at any time or times within one m onth from the date of the w a rra n t , to en te r , if need be by force, the premises named in the w arran t, and to search the premises and any persons found therein, and if there is reasonable ground for suspecting th a t an offence against this Ordinance has been committed in relation to any such drugs which may be found in the premises or in the posses­sion of any such persons, or th a t any document which may be so found is such a document as aforesaid, to seize and detain those drugs or that document, as the case may be.

(3) I f any person wilfully delays or obstructs any person in the exercise of his powers under this section or fails to produce or conceals or a ttem pts to conceal any such books, stocks, drugs or documents as aforesaid, he shall be giulty of an offence against this Ordinance.

2 2 .— (1) Any person—

(a) who acts in contravention of, or fails to comply w ith, any provision of this Ordinance or any rule made thereunder ; or

(b) who acts in contravention of, or fails to comply w ith , the conditions of any licence or permit issued or authority granted under or in pursuance of this Ordinance ; or

(c) who for the purpose of obtaining, whether for himself or for any other person, the issue, grant or renewal of any such licence,

[ 1390 ]



20. ll-]icenzi, permessi jew awtoritajiet ghall-fimjiet t a ’ din Lü-enzi.1-Ordinanza m inn barra t-Taqsima A I tag h h a , jistgîiu jinhargu jew jinghataw m inn dik il-persuna b ’dawk il-pattijiet u suggetti gîial dawk il-kundizzjonijiet (n fil-kas t a ’ licenza 1-hlas t a ’ dritt ukoll) kif il-Gvernatui' fil-Kunsill jordna b ’reguli.

2 1 .— (1) Kul! Uffiêjal tal-Palîzija tal-grad t a ’ niluix inqas minn Retgha gliall- dak t a ’ Sotto-Spettur jkollu, ghall-finijiet t a ’ 1-ezekuzzjoni t a ’ din lsiHZZi°n u q,1K ■1-Ordinanza, is-setgîia ].i jidhol f ’iok t a ’ persuna li jkollha n-negozju ta ’produttur, fabbrikant, bejjiegh jew distributur t a ’ xi drogi li ghaliliom din 1-Ordinanza tghodd u li jitlob li jingibulu u li jispezzjona xi kotha jew dokumenti dwar i n-negozju f ’xi drogi m inn dawn u li jispezzjona xi hazniet t a ’ dawn id-drogi.

(•2) Jekk Magistrat ikun suddisfatt, b ’informazzjoni taht guram ent illi hem m bir-ragun ghalfejn jissuspetta illi xi drogi, li ghali- hom din 1-Ordinanza tghodd, h u m a , bi ksur tad-dispozizzjonijiet t a ’ d;n 1-Ordinanza jew t a ’ xi régula m aghm ula tah tha, fil-pusses jew tah t il- kuntroll t a ’ persuna f ’xi lok, jew illi xi dokument li direttam ent jew indirettam ent huw a dwar, jew ghandu x ’jaqsam m a’ xi affari jew negozju li jkunu. jew m a’ xi affari jew negozju li lcien hemmhsieb li jsiru u h kiekn jsiru jkunu htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza,jew fil-kas ta ’ affari jew negozju m itm um in jew bi hsieb lijintem mu f ’xi post ’1 barra minn dawn il-Gzejjer jkunu htija kontra 1-provdimentl t a ’ xi ligi korrispondenti li tkun issehh f ’dak il-post, jinsab fil-pussess jew tah t il-kuntrull t a ’ xi persuna f ’xi lok. lniwa jis ta’ johrog m andat t a ’ tiftix li jawtorizza kull Ufficjal tal-Pulizija li jkun imsemmi fil-mandat, li jidhol f ’kull zmien u f ’kull hin fi zmien xahar mid-data tal-m andat, bis-sahha jekk jinhtieg, fil-lok imsemmi fil-mandat, u li jaghmel tiftix fil-lok u fuq kull persuna li jkunu jinsabu hem m gew . u jekk ikun hem m ragun ghalfejn wiehed jissuspetta illi tkun saret htijakontra din 1-Ordinanza dwar xi droga m inn dawn li tinsab fil-lok jewfil-pussess t a ’ xi persuna m inn daw k. jew illi xi dokument li hekk jinstab ikun dokument kif imsemmi hawn qabel, li jaqbad u jzomm dawk id-drogi jew dak id-dokument, skond kif ikun il-kas.

(3) Jekk xi persuna ghax tkun trid hi iddewwem jew tfixkel xi persuna fl-ezercizzju tas-setghat tagîiha taht dan 1-artiklu jew tonqos milli turi jew tahbi jew t i ttan ta li tahbi xi kotba, Iiazniet, drogi jew dokumenti kif imsemmi qabel, tkun hatja ta ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza.

2 2 .— (1) Kull persuna— Htijiet u picni.

(a) li tm n r kontra, jev. tonqos milli toqghod ghal xi dispoziz- zjoni t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza jew ghal xi regulament m aghmul tahtha ; jew

(b) li tm ur kontra, jew tonqos milli toqghod ghall-kundizzjoni- jiet ta ’ xi licenza jew pennes,s m ahrug iew awtorità moghtija taht jew skond din 1-Ordinanza; jew

(c) li, ghall-iskop li tikseb, sew ghalih a nfisha keram glial xi persun’ohra, il-hrug, ghoti jew tigdid t a ’ xi licenza, permess jew

L 1391 1


perm it or authority as aforesaid, makes any declaration, or s ta te ­m ent which is false in any particular, or knowingly utters, produces or makes use of any such declaration or s tatem ent or any document containing the same ; or

(d) who in these Islands aids, abets, counsels or procures ttie commission in any place outside these Islands of any offence punish ­able under the provisions of any corresponding law in force in th a t place, or does any act preparatory to, or in furtherance of, any act which if committed in these Islands would constitute an offence against this Ordinance,

shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance.

(2) Every person guilty of an offence against this Ordinance shall, in respect of each offence, be liable—

(a) on conviction by H is M ajesty’s Criminal Court to a fine (multa) not exceeding one thousand pounds, or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years, w ith or without hard labour, or to both such fine and imprisonment ; or

(b) on conviction by a Court of Magistrates of Judicial Police to a fine (multa) not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds or to im prisonment, for a te rm not exceeding twelve m onths, or to both such fine and im prisonm ent, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred on any such court to pass sentence accordingly.

and shall, in every case on conviction for the offence, forfeit to H is M ajesty all articles in respect of which the offence was committed, and the court, before which the offender was convicted, may order any forfeited articles to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the court thinks fit.

(3) A person who is charged w ith committing an offence against this Ordinance shall not be liable to trial in H is M ajesty’s Criminal Court unless the Governor certifies th a t it is desirable th a t he should be so tried.

(4) No person shall, on conviction for any offence of con­travening or failing to comply with any rule under this Ordinance relating to the keeping of books or the issuing or dispensing of prescriptions containing drugs to which this Ordinance applies, be sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine or to pay a fine exceeding Æ50. if the Court dealing with the case is satisfied tha t the offence was committed through inadvertence and was not preparatory to or com m itted in the course of or in connexion with the commission or intended commission of any other offence against this Ordinance.

(5) If any person attem pts to commit an offence against this. Ordinance, or solicits or incites another person to commit such an offence,, he shall, without prejudice to any other liability, be liable on conviction to the same punishm ent and forfeiture as if he had committed an offence under this Ordinance.

[ 1392 ]


awtorità kif imsemmi qabel, taglmiel xi dikjarazzjoni li tkun falza- f ’xi partikularità , turi jew tagtimel uzu minn din id-dikjarazzjoni jew m inn xi dokument li jkun fih dik id-dikjarazzjoni; jew

(d) li f ’dawn il-Gzejjer tgîiin, thajjar, taghti parir jew tippro- kura 1-eghmil f ’xi post ’il barra m inn dawn il-Gzejjer t a ’ xi htija li g h a ’iha hem m xi piena tah t id-dispozi zzj ou i |i et t a ’ xi ligi koiv.spon- denti li tkun issehh f ’dak il-post, jew tagtimel xi haga li thejji ghal, jew biex jitwettaq xi a t t illi, jekk magtmml f ’dawn il-Gzejjer, ikun htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza,

tk u u hatja t a ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza.

('2) Kull persuna hatja ta ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza tkun , dwar kull h tija , snggetta—

(a) m ita tinsab hatja mill-Qorti Kriminali tal-M aestà Tieghu r-Re, ghal m ulta ta.’ mliux izjed m inn elf lira jew ghall-Iavuri forzati jew prigunerija ta ’ mhux izjed m inn ghaxur snin, jew ghal din il-multa u lavuri forzati, jewT prigunerija, flimkien; jew7

(b) mita tinsab hatja m inn Qnrti tal-Magistrati tal-Pulizija Gudizzjarja, ghal multa t a ’ m hux izjed minn mitejn u ham sin lira, jew ghal prigunerija ghal zmien li ma jkunx izjed m inn tnax-il- xahar, jew ghal din il-multa u lavuri forzati jew prigunerija flimkien, u 11 Qcrti bhal din hija hawnliekk moghtija guiisdizzjoni sabiex taghti sentenza skond kif jintqal hawnliekk.

u , f 'ku ll kas t a ’ kundanna ghall-htija, l ’oggetti kollha li dwarhom il- h tija tkun saret jaqghu f ’idejn il-Maestà Tieghu, u 1-Qorti li quddiemha 1-akkuzat ikun insab hati tordna illi kull oggett hekk maqbud jinqered jewT isir m innu xort’otna kif il-Qorti jkun jidhrilha xieraq.

(3) Il-persuna li tigi akkuzata b ’eghmil t a ’ htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza ma tkunx snggetta li tigi ipproéessata fil-Qorti Kriminali tal-M aestà Tieghu kemm-il-darba 1-Gvernatur ma jiccertifikax illi lui xieraq illi Iiija tkun hekk ipproéessata.

(4) Ebda persuna, m ita tinsab hatja ta ' htija li kisret jew naqset milli (jagtidet ghal xi liegula tah t din 1-Ordinanza dwar kif izzomm il-kotba jew dwar il-hrug jew servizz t a ’ riéetti li jkun filiom drogi li ghalihom din 1-Ordinanza tapplika, ma tigi ikkundannata ghal prigunerija minghajr il-fakoltativa t a ’ m ulta jew li thallas multa ta" izjed m inn .£50, jekk il-Qorti li tkun t i ttra t ta 1-kaz tkun suddisfatta illi 1-htija kienet saret b ’nuqqas t a ’ attenzjoni u ma kenitx preparatorja ghal jew saret fil-kors t a ’ jew’ dwar 1-eghmil jew intenzjoni t a ’ eghmil t a ’ xi h tija ohra kontra din 1-Ordinanza.

(5) Jekk xi persuna tit tan ta li tagtimel xi htija kontra din 1-Ordinanza, jew thajjar jew iggaghal xi persuna ohra li tagtimel htijabhal din, hi ja , m inghajr hsara t a ’ xi h ag ’ohra li t is ta ’ tkun snggetta ghaliha, tkun snggetta , meta tinsab hatja, ghall-istess piena u telf daqskieku hija ghamlet htija tah t din 1-Ordinanza.

[ 1393 ]


Definition of the expression “corresponding law” .

Power of arrest.

Meaning of importation and exportation under licence.

Burden of proof.

liepeal of Act No. XV of 1926 Ordinance No. I of 192C and Ordinance No. I of 1928.

Saving clause.


(6) W here a person convicted of an offence under this Ordinance is a company, the chairman and every director and every officer concerned in the managem ent of the company shall be guiltv of the like offence unless he proves that the act constituting the offence took place without his knowledge or consent.

23. In the last two preceding sections the expression “ correspond­ing law ” means any law stated in a certificate purporting to be issued by or on behalf of the Government of any country outside these Islands to lie a law providing for the control and regulation in th a t country of the manufacture, sale, use, export and import of drugs in accordance with the provisions of the Hague Convention, of the Geneva Convention (No. 1) or of the Geneva Convention (No. 2) ; and any statem ent in any such certificate as to the effect of the law mentioned in the certificate, or any statement in any such certificate th a t any facts constitute an offence against th a t law, shall be conclusive.

24. Any Police Officer may arrest without w arrant any person who has committed, or a ttem pted to commit, or is reasonably suspected by the officer of having committed or attem pted to commit, an offence against this Ordinance, if he lias reasonable ground for believing that that person will abscond unless arrested, or if the name and address of that person are unknown to and cannot be ascertained by him.

25. For the purposes of this Ordinance, any article shall be deemed to be imported under licence or exported under licence if the importer or exporter, as the case m ay be, is the holder of a licence or authoriza­tion issued under this Ordinance authorizing the importation or export­ation, as the case may be, of the article and complies with the conditions, if any, of the licence or authorization, but not otherwise.

28. In any proceedings against any person for an offence against this Ordinance, it shall not be necessary to negative by evidence any licence, authority or other m atter of exception or defence, and the burden of proving any such m atter shall lie on the person seeking to avail himself thereof.

27. The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1926, (Act No. XV of 1926), the Dangerous Drugs (External Trade) Ordinance, 1926, (Ordinance No. I of 1926) and the Dangerous Drugs (External Trade) Ordinance, 1928, (Ordinance No. I of 1928) are repeals J

28. All regulations made under the enactments repealed in virtue of the preceding section shall, until revoked or varied, continue to have effect as if they were made under th is Ordinance.

29. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the first day of September, 1939.

[ 1394 ]


(6) M eta persuna misjuba hatja t a ’ htija tah t din 1-Ordinanza tkun kum pannija, ic-“ Chairm an” u knll direttur u kull ufficjal mdahhlin fit-trigija tal-kum pannija jkun h a ti t a ’ 1-istess htija kemm-il-darba huwa m a jippruvax illi 1-att li jikkostitwixxi 1-htija sar m inghajr m a huwa kien jaf jew m inghajr il-kunsens tieghu.

23. Fl-ahhar zewg artikoli t a ’ qabel. il-kelmiet “ ligi korrispon- Tifsir tal-kelmiet „ “ 1 _ korrispondenti’d en ti” jfissru kull ligi msemmija f ’certifikat li jidher m ahrug m inn jew kelmiet “ ligi

f ’isem il-Gvern ta ’ xi pajjiz, barra dawn il-Gzejjer, bhala ligi li tipprovdi ghall-kuntroll u regular f ’dak il-pajjiz ta l-m anifa ttu ra , bejgh, uzu, espor- tazzjoni u importazzjoni t a ’ drogi skond id-dispozizzjonijiet tal-Konven- zjoni t a ’ 1-Aja, tal-Konvenzjoni (Nru. 1) t a ’ Ginivra jew t al-Konvenzjoni <Nru. 2) t a ’ Ginivra; u kull di kjara zz joni ghal dak li hu effett ta 1-ligi m sem m ija fic-certifikat, jew kull dikjarazzjoni f ’xi certifikat bhal dan illi xi fatti jikkostitwixxu htija kontra dik il-ligi, tkun prova bizzejjed.

24. Kull Ufficjal tal-Pulizfja jis ta’ jarresta minghajr m andat xi Setgha ghall-persuna li tkun gham let, jew it tan ta t li taghm el, jew fiha bir-ragun1-ufficjal jissuspetta li tkun gham le t, jew ittantat li taghmel. h tija kontra d in 1-Ordinanza, jekk huwa jkollu ragun bizzejjed ghalfejn jahseb illi dik il-persuna, tahrab mill-ligi jekk m a tigix arres ta ta , jew jekk 1-isem u 1-indirizz tal-persuna ma jkunux maghrufin m innu u ma jkunx jis ta’ jizgura ruhu minnhom.

25. Ghall-finijiet t a ’ din 1-Ordinanza, kull oggett jitqies li hu Tifsir ta ’im portât tah t licenza jew esportat tah t licenza jekk 1-importatur jew jj^portazzfoni1-esportatur, kif ikun il-kas, ikollu licenza- jew awtorizzazzjoni mahruga u 1-esportazzjoni.

tah t din 1-Ordinanza li tawtorizza 1-importazzjoni jew 1-esportazzjoni,kif ikun il-kas, t a ’ 1-oggett u joqghod ghall-kundizzjonijiet, jekk ikun h em m , tal-licenza jew awtorizzazzjoni, izda m hux xort’ohra.

26. F ’kull procediment kontra xi persuna ghal h tija kontra din Risponsabbiltà1-Ordinanza, m a jkunx jinhtieg li ticcahhad bi prova xi licenza. awtorità ghall-provi.

jew m ater ja ohra ta ’ eccezzjoni jew difiza, u r-responsabbiltà ghall-provat a ’ xi m aterja bhal dawn taq a ’ fuq il-persuna li trid tinqeda biha.

27. L -A tt t a ’ 1-1926 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi (Att N ru. XV t a ’ Tahsir ta ’ 1-Att 1-1926), 1-Ordinanza ta ’ 1-1926, dwar il-Kummerc ta ’ B arra fid-Drogi X Qrdinanza Perikuluzi (Ordinanza Nru. I t a ’ 1-1926) u 1-Ordinanza t a ’ 1-1928 dwar Nru. I ta ’ il-Kummerc t a ’ Barra fid-Drogi Perikuluzi (Ordinanza Nru. I t a ’ 1-1928) o^inanza Nru I hum a mhassrin. t a ’ 1-1928.

28. Ir-regulamenti kollha m aghm ulin tah t il-ligijiet imhassrin bis- p eo.ulamenti li sahha t a ’ 1-artiklu t a ’ qabel dan, ghandhom , sakemm ikunu revokati jibqghu jsehhu.

jew imbiddlin, jibqghu jsehhu daqs kieku m aghmulin ta h t din 1-Ordi­nanza.

29. Din 1-Ordinanza tilida ssetiîi fl-ewwel juin t a ’ Settembru, 1939. Bidu.

[ 1396 ]



Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939.

S e c t i o n 1 4 ( 2 )

I m p o r t C k b t i f i c a t e issued by the Serial No....................Government of Malta and itsDependencies File No........................

International Opium Conventions.


I, being the person charged with the administration of the law relating ti> dangerous drugs to which the International Opium Conventions apply, hereby certify tha t I have approved the importation by*

o f tfrom+subject to the conditions tha t—

(i) the consignment shall be imported before the: and

Cii) the consignment shall be imported by and th a t I am satisfied th a t the consignment proposed to be imported is required—

(1) 1Ï for legitimate purposes (in the case of raw opium or the coca leaf)

(2 ) H solely for medicinal or scientific purposes (in the case of dangerousdrugs other than raw opium and coca leaf).

(D ate)...................................(Signature and stamp of the

Chief Government Medical Officer.) This document is solely for production to the Government of the country from

which the drug is proposed to be obtained.

* Insert name, address and business of importer, t Insert exact description and amount of drugs to be imported.Î Insert name and address of firm in exporting country from which the drug

is to be obtained.If Strike out words not applicable


Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939.File No........................Applicant’s Reference No............

EXPORT AUTHORIZATION.In pursuance of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939, the Chief Government

Medical Officer hereby authorizes(hereinafter called “ the exporter” )

to export from—(1 ) * the port of by s.s.(2) * these Islands by Parcel Post in parcels from the

toin virtue of Import Certificate No. datedissued bythe following drugs, namely: —This authorization is issued subject to the following conditions: —

1. This authorization is not a 1 cence to obtain or to be in possession of the drugs named herein.

2. This authorization is available only for drugs of the exact quantity, kind and form specified above.

3. This authorization does not relieve the exporter from compliance with any Customs regulations in force for the time being relating to the exportation of goods from these Islands nor from any provision of the Post Office Law, or of any Post Office Regulations for the time being in force, nor from any rules or regulations respecting the transmission of articles by post which may for the time being be in force, whether within these Islands or elsewhere.

* Strike out words not applicable.

S e c t i o n 13 (1 ) .

S e r i a l No.........

[ 1 3 9 t .



Ordinanza ta' 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi P:riku!uzi.

A r t i k l v 14 (2)

C e r t i f i k a t g h a i l - I m p o r t a z z j o n i mahrug mill- Nru. suécessiv.Gvern t a ’ Malta u tal-Gzejjer li jaglimluminnlia Nru. ta1-F?7e .

Kcnvenzjonijiet Internazzjonali dwar l-Oppju.

CERTIFIK A T TA’ APPROVAZZJONI U FFIC JA LI GHALL-1MPORTAZZJONI.Jiena, il-persuna inkarigata mill-amministrazzjoni tal-ligi dwar id-drogi

perikuluzi li ghaliliom igîioddu 1-Konvenzjonijiet Internazzjonali dwar I—Oppju, hawnhekk niccertifika illi jiena approvajt 1-importazzjoni minn *

t a ’t minn+

ta h t il-kundizzjonijiet illi—(i) il-kunsinna ghandha tigi importata qabel il

; u(ii) il-kunsinna ghandha tigi importata minn

u li jien suddisfatt illi 1-kunsinna li bi hsiebha tigi importata Iiija mehtiega—

(1 ) f ghal skopijiet legittimi (fil-kas ta’ oppju mhux mahdum jew il-■werqa tal-coca').

(2 ) 1f ghal skopijiet médicinal! jew xjentifiki biss (fil-kas ta ’ drogiperikuluzi minn barra oppju mhux mahdum u weraq tal-‘coca’).

(Data)...................................(Firma u timbru ta t-

Tabib Principali tal-Gvern).

Dan id-dokument huwa biss biex jintwera lill-Gvern tal-pajjiz li minnu d-droga bi hsiebha tingieb.

* Isem, indirizz u negozju ta ' 1-importatur.t Deskrizzjoni ezatta u ammont tad-drogi li se jigu importât!.X Isem u indirizz tad-ditta fil-pajjiz t a ’ 1-esportazzjoni minn fejn id-droga tkun

se tingieb.U Hassar il-kelmiet li ma jghoddux ghall-kas.

FORMLA B.Ordinanza ta' 1-1939 dwar ïd-Drogi Perikuluzi.

A r t i k l u 13 (1). Nru. ta l-File ...........................Nru. tar-Riferenza

Nru. successiv............. t a ’ I-Applikant....................

AWTORIZZAZZJONI GHALL-ESPORTAZZJONI.Skond 1-Ordinanza t a ’ 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi. i t-Tabib Principali

tal-Gvern b ’din jawtorizza(hawnliekk izjed ’1 quddiem imsejjali “ 1-esportatur” )

li jesporta minn—(1 ) * mill-port t a ’ bil-vapur(2) * minn dawn il-Gzejjer f ........................... Pakkett (i) Postali mill-

s askond ic-Certifikat gha’l-Importazzjoni Nru. li jgib id-datamahrug minnid-drogi li gejjin, jigifieri : —Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni hij.a mahruga ta h t il-kundizzj onij iet li ge j j in :—-

1. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni mliix licenza biex jittiehdu jew ghall-pussess tad- drogi msemmijin hawnliekk.

2. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni tiswa biss ghal drogi t a ’ 1-istess kwantità, kwalità u forma msemmijin hawn fuq.

3. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni ma tehlisx 1-esportatur mil’i joqgîiod ghal xi regula- menti tad-Dwana li jkunu jsehhu u ghal dak iz-zmien dwar 1-esportazzjoni t a -" merkanzija minn dawn il-Gzejjer u lanqas minn xi provdiment tal-Ligi tal-Posta, jew t a ’ xi Regulamenti tal-Posta li glial dak iz-zmien ikunu jsehhu u lanqas minn xi regu’i jew regulamenti dwar it-trasmissjoni t a ’ oggett i bil-posta li ghal dak. iz-zmien ikunu jsehhu sew jekk f ’dawn il-Gzejjer jew xi mkien iehor.

* Hassar il-kelmiet li ma jghoddux ghall-kas.

L 1397 ]


4. If the drugs are authorized to be exported by ship the Duplicate Copy which is attached, shall accompany the consignment to the place of destination and for this purpose the exporter shall cause it to be delivered to the Master of the vessel by which the consignment is despatched. [«S’ee footnote (2).]

5. If the drugs are authorized to be exported by post the attached Duplicate Copy shall be placed inside the outer wrapper of the parcel containing the drugs. If the drugs are contained in more than one parcel, the Duplicate Copy shall be placed inside the outer wrapper of one of them ; the parcels shall be consecutively numbered on the outer wrapper, and on each parcel there shall be legibly stated the number of the parcel in which the Duplicate Copy is to be found. [See foot­note (3).]

6 . The exporter, if so required by the Collector of Customs, shall produce to him, within such time as he may allow, proof to his satisfaction th a t the said drugs were duly delivered a t the destination named in this authorization, and in the event of non-compliance with this condition the authorization shall be deemed void and of no effect.

7. The exporter shall furnish to the Chief Government Medical Officer sucls returns of the goods exported by him in pursuance of this authorization as may from time to time be required.

8 . This authorization is valid only for the exporter named above and may be revoked a t any time by the Chief Government Medical Officer. I t shall be produced for inspection when required by any duly authorized person.

9. This authorization, unless sooner revoked, shall continue in force for three calendar months from the date hereof. I t must be produced, a t the time of export, to an officer of—

(1) * the Customs Department,(2) * the Post Office,

who will retain it. If not used it shall be surrendered to the Chief Government Medical Officer within seven days of the date of its expiry.(D ate)...................................

(Signature and stamp of the Chief Government Medical Officer.)

* Strike out the words not applicable.

N o i e .— (1) I f an y a l t e r a t io n is de s ired i n th i s au th o r iz a t io n i t m u s t be r e tu r n e d w i th a r e q u e s t fo r a m e n d m e n t an d a s t a te m e n t of t h e re aso n s th e r e ­for. No u n a u th o r iz e d a l te r a t io n is permissib le .

(2) In the case of drugs exported by ship this document is required in pursuance of the International Opium Convention, 1925, Article 15, to be produced to the competent authorities of any country through which the consignment passes, whether it is transhipped or not. Failure to comply with the condition may lead to delay or confiscation of the consignment.

('3) In the case of drugs exported by post failure to comply with th is con­dition may lead to delay or confiscation of the parcels in the country of destination.


Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939.

S e c t i o n 14 (1). Authorization No.....................

File No......................................

IMPORT AUTHORIZATION.In pursuance of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939, (hereinafter called

“ the Ordinance” ), the Chief Government Medical Officer hereby authorizest

(h e re in a f te r called “ th e im p o r te r” )

to import the drugs specified in the Schedule hereto, from *

This authorization is issued subject to the following conditions : —1. The drugs shall be imported before (date)

t Insert name and full postal address of importer.Î Insert name and full postal address of exporter.

[ 1398 ]



i . Jekk id-drogi jkunu awtorizzati biex jigu esportati bil-vapur, il-Kopja D uplikata, li hemm m a’ din, ghandha tkun mal- kunsinna sal-post tad-destinazzjoni u ghal dan 1-iskop 1-esportatur ghandu jordna li tigi ikkunsinnata lill-Kaptan tal- bastiment li bih il-kunsinna tkun inbaghtet. [Ara nota (2) fil-qiegTi.]

5. Jekk id-drogi jkunu awtorizzati ghall-esportazzjoni bil-posta, il-Kopja D uplikata li hemm m a’ din, ghandha titqieghed taht it-tqartis t a ’ barra tal- pakkett li jkun fih id-drogi. Jekk id-drogi jkunu f 'ik tar minn pakkett wiehod, il- Kopja Duplikata ghandha titqieghed tah t it-tqartis t a ’ barra t a ’ wiehed minnhom ; il-pakketti ghandliom ikunu inmimrati konsekutivament fuq it-tqartis t a ’ barra, il fuq kull pakkett ghandu jkun hemm imsemmi car in-numru tal-pakkett li fih il-Kopja Duplikata tkun tinsab. [Ara nota (3)

6 . L-esportatur, jekk hekk mitlub mill-Kollettur tad-Dwana, ghandu, f 'dak iz-zmi en illi huwa jiffissa., igiblu prova li tissodisfah li bilia juri illi 1-imsemmijin drogi kienu waslu fid-destinazzjoni msemmija f ’din 1-awtorizzazzjoni, u fil-kas li ma titwettaqx din il-kundizzjon 1-awtorizzazzjoni ghandha titqies li ma tghoddx u b!a effett.

7. L-esportatur ghandu jforni lit-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern b'dawk il-listi tal-merkauzija esportata minnu skond din 1-awtorizzazzjoni kif minn zmien ghal iehor ikun mehtieg.

8 . Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni tghodd biss ghall-esportatur imsemmi liawn fuq u t i s ta ’ tithassar, f ’kull zmien li jkun, mit-Tabib Principali ta-'-Gvern. Ghandha tingieb gftall-ispezzjon meta mehtieg minn kull persuna nwtorizzata ghalhekk.

9. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni, jekk m a tkunx thassret qabel, ghandha tibqa’ ssehîi ghal tliet xhur minn din id-data. Ghandha tigi ipprezentata, meta ssir I-espor- tazzioni. lil! ufF.cjal—

(1) * tad-Dipartiment tad-Dwana,(2) * tal-Posta,-

li jzommha. Jekk ma jsirx uzu minnha ghandha tingîiata lit-Tabib Principali tal- Gvern fi zmien sebat ijiem mid-data li tkun ghalqet.(Data)............................ '......

(Firma u timbru ta t- Tabib Principali tal-Gvern).

* H a s s a r il-kelm iet li ma jg h o d d u x gha l kas.

N o t a .—(1) Jekk f'din 1-awtorizzazzjoni jkun jinhtieg xi tibdil, ghandha tinbaghat lura b’talba ghal tibdil u maghlia dikjarazzjoni tar-ragunijiet ghal­hekk. Ma jista’ jsir ebda tibdil minghajr awtorità.

(2) Fil-kas ta ’ drogi esportati bil-vapur dan id-dokument huwa mehtieg. skond 1-Artiklu 15 tal-Ixonvenzjoni Internazzjonali t a ’ 1-1925, dwar1-Oppju, li jigi ipprezentat lill-aivtoritajiet kumpetenti t a ’ pajjiz li minnu 1-kunsinna tghaddi, sev." jekk tinha tt minn fuq vapur ghal iehor jew le. Kull nuqqas minn dil-kundizzjon jista’ jgib dewmin jew il-kunfiska tal-kunsinna.

(3) Fil-kas ta ’ drogi esportati bil-posta kull nuqqas minn din il-kundizzj nnjista’ jgib dewmin jew kunfiska tal-pakketti fi'-pajjiz tad-destinazzjom.


Ordinanza ta ’ 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi.

A riiklu 14 (1). Nru. t a ’ 1-Awtorizzazzjoni...................

Nru. ta l-File ..........................................

AWTORIZZAZZJONI GHALL-IMPORTAZZJONI.Skond 1-Ordinanza ta ’ 1-1939 dwar id-Brogi Perikuluzi (hawnliekk izjed

’il quddiem imsejha “ 1-Ordinanza” ), it-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern hawnliekk jawtorizzaf

(hawnliekk izjed ’il quddiem imsejjah “ l-«mportatur” )

li jimporta d-drogi nisemmijin fl-lskeda li hemm m a’ din, m innî

Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni hija mahruga ta h t il-kundizzjonijiet li gejjin: —1 . Id-drogi ghandliom jigu importati qabel (data)

t Xizzel 1-isem u 1-indirizz shiîi postali t a ’ 1-importatur. ï Xizzel 1-isem u 1-indirizz shih t a ’ 1-esportatur.

[ 1399 J


2. This authorization is not a licence to be in possession of or to supply the drug imported.

3. This authorization does not relieve the importer from compliance with any Customs regulations in force for the time being relating to the importation of goods into or transhipment of goods in these Islands, or any Post Office legulations for the time being in force in these Islands.

4. This authorization is valid only for the importer and may be revoked a t any time by the Chief Government Medical Officer to whom it shall in tha t event be immediately surrendered. I t shall be produced for inspection when required by any duly authorized person.

5. This authorization unless sooner revoked shall be produced to the Collector of Customs at the time of importation and shall be surrendered to the Collector of Customs a t the time when the last consignment of drugs is imported.

6 . If the importation of all drugs specified in the Schedule is not effected before the date specified in condition Xo. 1 this authorization shall immediately after th a t date be surrendered to the Chief Government Medical Officer.

7. The copy of the export authorization, if any, which accompanies the drugs, shall be forwarded to the Chief Government Medical Officer immediately the importation of the drugs has been effected.


(Signature and stamp of the Chief Government Medical Officer.)

Schedule specifying th e d rugs and quan tit ies thereof to be im ported : —

This authorization is not to leave the possession of the importer until it is surrendered to the Chief Government Medical Officer or to the Collector of Customs, who will complete the certificate on the back and return the authorization to the Chief Government Medical Officer.

E n d o r s e m e n t b y C o l l e c t o r o f C u s t o m s

a t the time of Importation.

DateDescription Number and | n

of drugs date of Export imported Authorization -

How importedCustoms entiv or Parcels


Signature and mark of

Collector of Customs

e.g., ex (In jthe cane of a ship), or by re- [ gistered parcel post or by in- sured box post.

This authorization, when all the drugs to which it relates have been imported, must be returned by the Collector of Customs to the Chief Government Medical


[ 1400 ]



2. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni mhix licenza gliall-pussess jew fornitura ta ’ drogi importati.

3. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni ma teîilisx 1-importatiir milli joqghod glial xi regulamenti tad-Dwana li jkunu jsehhu ghal dak iz-zmien dwar 1-importazzjoni t a ’ merkanzija f ’dawn il-Gzejjer jew bi trasbord fihom, jew xi regulamenti ta '-Posta li glial dak iz-zmien ikuntt jsehhu f ’dawn il-Gzejjer.

4. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni tghodd biss gîiall-importatur u tis ta ' tigi mtiassraf ’kull zmien li jkun mit-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern li liln gliandha i ’dak i ’-kas tinghata . Ghandha tigi ipprczentata ghall-ispezzjon meta mehtieg minn xi persuna awtorizzata ghalhekk.

5. Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni, jekk ma tkunx giet qabel imha.ssra, ghandha tigiipprezentata lill-Ko’le ttu r tad-Dwana meta ssir 1-importazzjoni u ghandha tin ­ghata lill-Kollettur tad-Dwana meta l-ahftar kunsinna tad-drogi tigi importata.

6 . Jekk J-importazzjoni tad-drogi kolllia msemmijin il-Iskeda ma tkunx saret qabel id-data msemmija fil-kundizzjon Nru. 1 din 1-awtorizzazzjoni ghandha minnufih wara dik id-data tinghata lit-Tabib P rin c ip a l tal-Gvern.

7. Il-kopja ta" 1-awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni, jekk ikun hemm, li tm ur mad-drogi ghandha tinbaghat lit-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern minnufih malli ssir 1-importazzjoni tad-drogi.


(Firma u timbru tat- Tabib Principali tal-Gvern.)

S k e d a l i tispevifika d-drogi u 1-kwantitajiet taghhom ’i ghandhom iigu importati : —

Din 1-awtorizzazzjoni ghandha tibqa" ghand 1-importatur sakemm tinghata lit-Tabib Principali tal-Gvern jew lill-Kollettur tad-Dwana, li jkompli jimla c-certifikat fuq id-dahar u jibgtiat lura 1-awtorizzazzjoni lit-Tabib Principali tal- Gvern.

I n d v r s j a u m i l l - K o l l e t t u r t a d - D w a n a

meta ssir 1-importazzjoni.


. ! Xumru u dataDcskrizzjom . , i Awt0I.:7_ 'tad-drogi 1 ■ ,, Kwantita. . r;. zazziom ghall-nnportat! Esp^ taz/jolli

Kif Importata

I J l k i a r a z -

z j " i i i ta t!- p j rm a u m a l )ia

■ ' Wiy la t a l - K i i l l e t t u rjW tad-Dwana. tal-

p a k k e t t

eztmpju: t x ......] (fil-kas tn' bas-

t in ten t) , jew I b'pakkett postali

irreÿMrat jew b’krtxxa pistali cssigurata.

Il-Kollettur tad-Dwana ghandu jibghat lur.a lit-Tabib Principali tal-Gvem din 1-awtorizzazzjoni, meta d-drogi msemmijin filia jkunu gew importati.

I 1101 ]


F c m r d .

Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939.

S u c t i o n 16 ( 1 ).


......................................................................................................................................... is herebyauthorized to move the dangerous drugs described hereunder from................................................................................................... to ..........................................................................Nature and quantity of dangerous drugs............................................................................... _

Particulars of export authorization (or diversion certificate) if any relatingthereto ...............................................................................

Name of ship on which the drugs werebrought into these Islands ...............................................................................

Date of arrival ...............................................................................

Number of packages ...............................................................................Marks and numbers on packages ...............................................................................

This licence is issued subject to the following conditions: —(1) This licence is valid only for the removal of the drugs specified above.(2) The removal of the drugs shall take place between a.m./p.m. and

a.m. /p.m. on th e .......................................................19.........(3) If the removal of the drugs does not take place within the hours and on

the day specified, this licence must be returned to the Collector of Customs forth­with; and in any case shall be surrendered when the removal has taken place.

(4) The drugs must not be moved unless an officer of the Customs Depart­ment is present.

(5) This iicence does not authorize the person named above to be in .possession of the drugs otherwise than for the purpose of removing them in accordance with this licence.'

(6 ) The packages containing the drugs are not to be opened or broken in the course of the removal.

(7) This licence shall be produced at any time when required by a duly authorized person.

(D ate)...........................

(Signature and stamp of the Collector of Customs.)

FORM E.Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939.

S e c t i o n 18 ( 1 ) .International Opium Conventions.


I. being the person charged with the administration of the law relating to tlie- dangerous drugs to which the International Opium Conventions apply, hereby certify tha t I have authorized the diversion of the consignment of drugs, of wThich particulars are given below, to the destination stated below: —Description and quantities of drugs...............................................................................Name of vessel on which the consign­

ment was brought to Malta ...............................................................................Name and address of the exporter ...............................................................................Number and date of export authoriza­

tion and authority by whom issued...............................................................................

Name and address of original consigneenamed in the export authorization...............................................................................

Name and address of consignee to whom the consignment is authorized to bediverted -

[ 1402 ]



Ordinanza ta' 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perrkuluzi,A b t i k l ü 1 6 (1).


......................................................................................................................................... huwa b ’dinawtorizzat li jgorr id-drogi perikuluzi msemmijin hawn ta h t m inn...............................

......................................................................... ghal .........................................................................

X orta u kw antità tad-drogi perikuluzi...................................................................................Dettalji dwar 1-awtorizzazzjoni ghall-

esportazzjoni (jew certifikat t a ’ tibdilfir-rotta) jekk ikun hemm ghalhekk...................................................................................

Isem il-bastiment li bih id-drogi jkunungiebu f ’dawn il-Gzejjer ...................................................................................

D ata tal-wasla ....................................................................................Numru tal-pakketti ....................................................................................M arki u numri fuq il-pakketti ....................................................................................

Din il-licenza hija mahruga suggetta ghal dawn il-kundizzj onij iet li gejjin: —(1) Din il-licenza tghodd biss ghall-garr tad-drogi hawn fuq imsemmijin.(2 ) Il-garr tad-drogi ghandu jsir bejn...............a.m ./p .m . u ................a.m ./p .m .

fil-................................................................... 1 9 ...........(3) Jekk il-garr tad-drogi ma, jsirx fil-hinijiet u fil-jum stabbiliti, dil-licenza

ghandha tinbaghat lura lill-Kollettur tad-Dwana ; u f’kull kas ghandha tinghata malli jsir il-garr.

(4) Id-drogi ma ghandhomx jingarru jekk ma jkunx hemm ufficjal tad- Dipartiment tad-Dwana.

(ô) Dil-licenza ma tawtorizzax lil persuna msemmija hawn fuq biex ikollha d-drogi hlief ghall-iskop li ggorrhom skond din il-licenza.

(6) il pakkijiet li jkun fihom id-drogi ma ghandhomx jinfethu jew jitkissru waqt il-garr.

(7) Dil-licenza ghandha tingieb f ’kull zmien meta persuna awtorizzata ghalhekk titlob li taraha.


(Firma u timbru tal- Kollettur tad-DwTana.)

FORMLA E.Ordinanza ta' 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi.

A b t ik lu 18 (1).Konvenzjonijiet Internazzjonali dwar l-Oppju,

CERTIFIKAT TA’ TIB D IL FIR-ROTTA.Jiena, il-persuna inkarigata ghall-amministrazzjoni tal-ligi dwar id-drogi

perikuluzi li ghaliliom tghodd il-Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali dwar l-Oppju, hawn- hekk niccertifika illi awtorizzajt it-tibdil fir-rotta tal-kunsinna tad-drogi, li hawn. tah t jinsabu dettalji dwarhom, ghad-destinazzjoni msemmija hawn ta h t : '—Deskrizzjoni u kwantitajiet tad-drogi ....................................................................................Isem il-bastiment li bih il-kunsinna

ingiebet f ’Malta ....................................................................................Isem u indirizz t a ’ 1-esportatur ...................................................................................Numru u data t a ’ 1-awtorizzazzjoni

ghall-esportazzjoni u minn min mah­ruga 1-awtorità .................................................................................. .

Isem u indirizz tal-persuna li origi- narjament tkun se tircievi u li tkun imsemmija fl-awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzj oni ....................................................................................

Œsem u indirizz tal-persuna li ghaliha jkun hemm awtorizzazzjoni li t i r ­cievi 1-kunsinna li tkun biddlet ir-ro tta ..................................................................................

[ 1403 ]


Number and date of import certificate (and authority by whom issued) by virtue of which this diversion isauthorized ................................................................................

Name of vessel 011 which the consign­ment is authorized to be carried fromMalta .............................................................................. .

Period within which the consignment isto be carried from these Islands ................................................................................

This ce r t i f ica te is issued su b jec t to th e following c o n d it io n s :—

(1) The duplicate copy of this certificate shall accompany the consignment to the place of destination, and for this purpose shall be delivered to the Master of the vessel by which the consignment is dispatched.

(2) This certificate does not relieve any person who may be concerned with the carriage of the consignment of drugs specified above from compliance with any Customs regulations in force for the time being relating to the exportation of goods from these Islands.

(3) This certificate is valid only for the consignment and for the period specified above, and may be revoked a t any time.

(4) I f the consignment of drugs is not carried from these Islands within the period specified above, this certificate shall be surrendered to the Chief Government Medical Officer.

(5) This certificate shatl be produced a t an)- time when required by a duly authorized person.

x̂vate )........

(Signature and stamp of the Chief Government Medical Officer.)

N o te .— (1) If any alteration is desired in this authorization, it must be returned with a request for amendment and a statement of the reasons therefor. No unauthorized alteration is permissible.

(2) This document is required in pursuance of the International Opium Convention, 1925, Article 15, to be produced to the competent authorities of any country through which the consignment passes, whether it is transhipped or not. Failure to comply with the condi­tion may lead to delay or confiscation of the consignment.

[ 1404 J


Numru u data tac-certifikat t a ’1-importazzjoni (u minn min mahruga 1-avvtorità) li bill din il-bidla fir-rottahija awtorizzata ....................................................................................

Isem il-bastiment li bill il-kunsinna hija awtorizzata li tingarr minnMalta ....................................................................................

Zmien li fill il-kunsinna ghandhatingarr minn dawn il-Gzejjer ....................................................................................

Dan ic-certifikat huwa mahrug suggett ghall-kundizzj onij iet li gejjin : —

(1 ) Il-kopja duplikata t a ’ dan ié-certifikat ghandha tm ur mal-kunsinna sal- post t'ejn din ghandha tasal, u ghal dan 1-iskop ghandha tinghata lill-Kaptan tal- bastiment li mieghu tinbaghat il-kunsinna.

(2) Dan ic-certifikat ma jehles lill-ebda persuna li jkollha x ’taqsam mal-garr tal-kunsinna t a ’ drogi specifikati hawn fuq milli toqghod ghal xi regulamenti tad- Dwana li jkunu jsehhu ghal dak iz-zmien dwar 1-esportazzjoni t a ’ merkanzija minn dawn il-Gzejjer.

(3) Dan ic-certifikat jiswa biss ghall-kunsinna u ghaz-zmien kif imsemmi hawn fuq, u jista’ jithassar f’kull zmien.

(4) Jekk il-kunsinna t a ’ drogi nia tingarrx minn dawn il-Gzejjer fiz-zmien imsemmi hawn fuq, dan ic-certifikat ghandu jinghata lit-Tabib Principali tal- Gvern.

(5) Dan ic-certifikat ghandu jingieb f ’kull zmien meta persuna awtorizzata ghalhekk titlob li ta rail.


(Firma u timbru ta t- Tabib Principali tal-Gvern.)

N o t a . —(1) Jekk ikun irid isir xi tibdil f’din 1-awtorizzazzjoni, ghandha tinbaghat lura b’talba ghal emenda u dikjarazzjoni tar-ragunijiet ghalhekk. Mhu permess isir ebda tibdil minghajr awtorizzazzjoni.

(2) Dan id-dokument huwa mehtieg skond 1-Artiklu 15 tal-Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali t a ’ 1-1925 dwar l-Oppju, biex jingieb quddiem 1-awtoritajiet kumpetenti t a ’ xi pajjiz li minnu 1-kunsinna tghaddi, sew jekk titghabba minn fuq bastiment ghal iehor jew le. Kull nuqqas minn dil-kundizzjon tis ta ’ iggib dewmien fil-kunsinna jew tikkaguna 1-kunfiska tal-kunsinna.

[ 1405 ]


T N exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 3 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939, His- j. Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to make the following Rules:—

1. l liese Buies may be cited as the Raw Opium, etc. Rules, 1939.

2. 1 or the purposes of these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, —

Drug means any d rug , resin or preparation. to which P a r t IT of the Ordinance applies;

Medical practitioner,” “ dental surgeon” , “ dentis t” , “ veterinary surgeon” , apothecary mean in each case a person holding a license to practise in M alta the

profession indicated ;

Ordinance means the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939 ;Register means a bound book and does not include any form of loose-leaf

register or card index.

3- (1) A person shall n o t , unless he is duly authorised so to do or otherwiseth an in accordance with the term s and conditions of his authority, supply or procure, or offer to supply or procure» to or for any person (inc’uding himself), whether in these Islands or elsewhere, or advertise for sale, a drug.

(2) A person shall not supply or procure, or offer to supply or procure, a drug to or for any person in these Islands unless that person is authorised to be in possession of the drug and the drug is to be supplied or procured in accordance w ith the term s and conditions of that person’s authority.

4.— (1) A person shall not be in possession of a drug unless lie is duly so authorised.

(2) For the purposes of these R ules , a person shall be deemed to be in pos­session of a drug if it is in his actual custody or is held by any other person subject tohis control or for him or on his behalf.

5.— (1) W here a drug is to be lawfully supplied to any person (hereinafter referred to as “ the recipient” ), the person supplying the drug (hereinafter referred to as “ the supplier” ) shall not deliver it to a person who purports to be sent by or on behalf of the recipient, unless th a t person either—

(a) is a person authorised under these Rules to be in possession of that drug ; or

(b) produces to the supplier a statement in writing signed by the reci­pient to the effect tha t he is authorised by the recipient to receive the drug in question on behalf of the recipient and the supplier is reasonably satisfied that the document is a genuine document.(2) A person to whom a drug is lawfully delivered in the circumstances

mentioned in paragraph (1) (b) of this Rule shall be deemed to be a person autho­rised to be in possession thereof, but for such a period only as in the circumstances of the case is reasonably sufficient to enable delivery to the recipient to be effected.

6. Persons who are members of the following classes, that is to say—(a) medical practitioners;(b) veterinary surgeons ;(c) apothecaries;(d) persons who are in charge of a laboratory used for purposes of

research or instruction and attached to any public hospital or to an institution approved for the purpose of this Rule by the Governor ;

are hereby authorised, so far as may be necessary for the practice or exercise of their respective professions, functions or employments, in their capacity as members of their respective classes, to be in possession of and to supply diu^s.

7. I f any person, being an authorised person, is convicted of an offence againstthe Ordinance, the Governor may. if he is of opinion that that person cannot properlybe allowed to remain an authorised person, by notice in the Government Gazette w ith ­

draw the authority of that person :Provided that nothing in this Rule shall be taken to prejudice any power other­

wise vested in the Governor of w ithrawing any authority granted by him.

8. Every person authorised to supply drugs shall comply with the following provisions :—

fa) he shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Rule, keep a register in the form set out in the Schedule to these Rules and enter therein true particulars with respect to every quantity of any drug obtainedby him and with respect to every quantity of any drug supplied by him ,whether to persons within or to persons outside these Islands;

(b) a separate register or a separate part of the register shall be usedwith respect to each of the following drugs—

(i) raw opium,(ii) coca leaves;

(c) the required entry must be made on the day on which the drug is received or on which the transaction with respect to the supply by him of the drug takes place, or, if that is not reasonably practicable, on the day next following the said day ;

(d) a, separate register shall be kept in respect of each set of premisesat which the authorised person carries on business ;

(e) no cancellation, obliteration or alteration shall be made of an entryin the register and any correction of an en try m ust be made by way of a marginal note or a footnote which must specify the date on which the cor­rection is made ;

(f) the authorised person shall. on demand by the Chief GovernmentMedical Officer, furnish to the said Chief Government Medical Officer suchparticulars as this Officer may require with respect to the obtaining or supply­ing by the authorised person of any drug or with respect to any stocks of drugs in the possession of the authorised person ;

(g) the register shall lie kept in some part of the premises to which itrelates and so as to be at all times available for inspection ;

(h) every entry required to be made under this Rule and every correc­tion of such an entry m ust be made in ink or otherwise so as to be indelible.

9.— fl) I f any drugs authorised under the law of any country outside these Islands to be exported therefrom to any destination outside these Islands are brought into these Islands, no person shall, without authority in tha t behalf from the Chief Government Medical Officer, cause or procure those drugs to be diverted to any other destination.

(2) F o r the purposes of this R u ’e the destination to which any drugs are authorised to be exported shall be taken to be the destination stated in the authority for the export thereof frcm the country of export.

10. All registers, records, books and other documents which are kept, issued or made in pursuance of the requirements or for the purposes of these Rules shall be preserved in the case of a register, book or other like record for a period of two years from the date on which the last en try is made therein, and in the case of any other document for a period of two years from the date on which it is issued or made.

11.— (1) These Rules shall come into operation of the 1st September, 1939.

(2) The Regulations published by Government Notices No. 259 of the 19th December, 1913, No. 218 of the 5th August, 1921, No. 49 of the 20th February , 1925, and No. 123 of the 5th May, 1925, are hereby repealed from the above mentioned date :

Provided that this repeal shall not affect any order made or any direction or autho­r ity given under the said Regulations, and every such order, direction or authority shall continue in force and, so far as it could have been made or given under these Rules, shall have effect as if made or given thereunder.

30th Ju n e , 1939.By Command.

L i e u t e n a n t - G o v e r n o r ' s O f f i c e , K . S t . J . J a c k s o n ,

The Palace, Valletta. Acting Lieutenant-Governor.



A Entries to be matfe in case of drugs obtained.

T he kind of drug to which the entries relate to be specified at the head of each page

in the Register.

Date Name Addi ess011 which supply 1 Amount obtained

received of person or firm from whom obtained


B. Entries to be made in case of drugs supplied.

T he kind of drugs to which the entries relate to be specified at the head of each page

in the Register.

Date 011 which the transaction was effected


of person or


firm supplied

Authority of person or firm supplied

to be in possessionAmount supplied


[Nru. 291.]

IS-SAHHA tas-sctghat moghtijin lilu bl-Artiklu 3 ta" 1-Ordinanza ta’ 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluy 1-Eccellenza Tieghu 1-Gvernatur ghogbu jaghmel dawn ir-Reguli:—

1. D awn ir-Eeguli jistghu jissejhu bl-isem t a ’ Eeguli t a ’ 1-1939 dwar l-Oppju Mhux Mahdum, ecc.

2. Ghall-finijiet t a ’ dawn ir-Eeguli, kemm-il-darba s-sens tat-test m a jfissirxxort’ohra,—

“ Droga” tfisser kull droga, raza jew préparai lil lilliom tolqot it-Tieni Taqsima t a ’ 1-Ordinanza ;

“ Tabib” , “ E irurgu dentist” , “ dentis t” , kirurgu veterinarju” , “ spizjar” ifissra, kull wiehed minnhom, persuna li ghandha licenza tahdem f ’Malta 1-prof ess joni msemmija ;

“ Ordinanza” tfisser 1-Ordinanza t a ’ 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi ;

“ Eegistru” ifisser ktieb illegal u ma jfissir ebda ghamla t a ’ b ’folji sfuzi jew indici b ‘si sterna t a ’ biljetti.

3.— Cl) Persuna ma tistax, kemm-il-darba m a tkunx awtorizzata biex taghm el hekk jew xort’ohra milli skond il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiet t a ’ 1-awtorità taghha , tforni jew tipprokura jew toffri li tforni jew li tipprokura lil persuna jew ghal xi per­suna (u huwa w koll) , sew f ’dawn il-Gzejjer kemm band’ohra, jew li tavza ghall- bejgh, ebda droga.

(2) Persuna ma tistax tforni jew tipprokura, jew toffri li tforni jew li tippro­kura . droga lil persuna jew ghal xi persuna f ’dawn il-Gzejjer kemm-il-darba dik il-persuna ma tkunx awtorizzata li jkollha fil-pussess taghha d-droga u d-droga ghandha tkun fornuta jew prokurata skond il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiet t a ’ 1-awtorità t a ’ dik il-persuna.

4 — (1) Persuna ma jistax ikollha fil-pussess taghha ebda droga kemm-il-darba m a tkunx skond ma jixraq awtorizzata ghalhekk.

(2) <ihall-finijiet t a ’ dawn ir-Eeguli, persuna titqies li tkun fil-pussess t a ’droga jekk din tkun taht it-kustodja attwali taghha jew tkun ghand xi persuna ohra suggetta ghall-kontroll taghha jew ghalilia jew tlokha.

5.— (1) Meta droga ghandha tkun fornuta skond il-ligi lil xi persuna (hawnliekkizjed il quddiem imsemmija bhala persuna li tircievi” ) , il-persuna li tforni d-droga ( hawnliekk izjed il quddiem imsemmija bhala “ il-fornitur” ) ma ghandhiex tikkunsinnaha lil persuna li tidlier li hi mibghuta mill-persuna li tircievi jew flokha, kemm-il-darba dik il-persuna mliix jew—

(a) persuna awtorizzata taht dawn ir-Eeguli li jkollha fil-pussesstaghha dik id-droga ; jew

(b) ma turix lill-fornitur dikjarazzjoni bil-miktub iffirmata mill-persuna li tircievi fejn jinghad illi hija awtorizzata mill-persuna li tircievi sabiex tircievi din id-droga. flok il-persuna li tircievi u 1-fornitur huwa bir-ragun soddisfatt illi d-dokument huwa dokument veru.(2) Persuna li lillia droga tigi ikkunsinnata skond il-ligi fic-cirkostanzi

msemmijin fil-paragraf'u (1) (b) t a ’ din ir-Eeguia ghandha titqies li hija persuna awtorizzata li jkollha fil-pussess taghha din id-droga, izda ghal dak iz-zmien hiss li skond ic-cirkostanzi tal-kas huwa biss bir-ragun bizzejjed sabiex issir il-kun-tiinna lill-persuna li tircievi.

6. P ersu ni li hum a membri t a ’ dawn il-klassijiet, jigifieri : —fa) tobba ;(b) tobba veteiinarji ;(c) spizjari ;(d) persuni li liuma inkarigati m inn laboratorju uzat ghal skopijiet t a ’

ricerki jevr taghlim u jagtnnlu m a ’ sptar pubbliku jew m a ’ istitnzzjoni apprcxata mill-Gvernatur ghall-iskop t a ’ din ir-Eegula ;

-huma bis-sahha ta dawn aw torizzati, sa fejn j.sta" jkun mehtieg ghax-xoghol jew esercizzju tal-professjonijiet, dmirijiet jew impjegi taghliom, fil-posizzjoni taghliom bhala înembri tal-klassi taghliom, li jkollliom drogi fil-pussess taghliom u li jfornu drogi.

7. Jekk persuna, li tkun persuna awtorizzata, tinsab hatja t a ’ reat kontra1-Ordinanza, il-Gvernatur jista '. jekk jidhirlu illi dik il-persuna ma tistax skond ma jixraq tibqa bhala persuna awtorizzata, b ’notifikazzjoni fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern jiehu lura1-awtorità lil dik il-persuna :

Izda ebda haga f ’din ir-Regula ma ghandha tittiehed li ttiefes ebda setgha li b ’xi mod iehor hija moghtija lill-Gvernatur li jiehu lura xi awtorità moghtija minnu.

8. Ixull persuna awtorizzata li tforni drogi ghandha toqghod ghal dawn id-dispo- -sizzjonijiet : —

fa) hija ghandha, skond id-disposizzjonijiet t a ’ din ir-Regula, izzomm registru skond il-fonnula li lieimn fl-Iskeda m a ’ dawn ir-Reguli u ddahhal fihid-dettalji veri dwar kull kwantità t a ’ kull droga miksuba minnha u dwar kulldroga fornuta m innha, sew jekk lil persnni fil-Gzejjer kemm jekk lil persuni barra mill-Gzejjer ;

(b) ghandu jinzamm registru ghalih jew bicca ghaliha minn registru dwar kull wahda minn dawn id-drogi, li huma—

(i) oppju m hux m ahdum ,(ii) weraq tal-coca;

(c) id-dliul mehtieg ghandu jitnizzel fil-gurnata li fiha d-droga tasal jew li fiha jsir in-negozju dwar il-fornitura l i ssir m innha tad-droga, jew, jekk din ma tkunx haga l i bir-ragun t is ta ’ ssi i - , 1-ghada ta ' 1-imsemmija gurnata ;

ldi ghandu jinzamm registru ghalih dwar kull post fejn il-persuna awtorizzata tmexxi n-negozju taghha;

(e) ebda thassir. ingassar jew tibdil ma ghandu jsir fid-dhul f’registru n kull tiswija t a ’ dhul ghandha ssir b 'mezz t a ’ nota fil-margni jew b 'nota fil-qiegh tal-faccata li ghandha turi d-data li fiha saret it-tiswija;

(f) il-persuna awtorizzata ghandha, fuq talba tat-Tabib Principali tal- Gvern, taghti lill-imsemmi Tabib Principali tal-Gvern dawk il-partikularitajjiet li dan 1-Ufficjal jista’ jehtieg dwar it-tiksib jew fornitura m inn persuna awtorizzata t a ’ droga jew dwar kull hazna t a ’ drogi fil-pussess tal-persuna awtorizzata ;

g) ir-registru ghandu jinzamm f ’xi banda tal-past li ghandu x ’jaqsam mieghu u b ’mod li jkun jis ta’ jigi spezzjonat f "kull h in;

fh) kull dhul fir-registru mehtieg tah t din ir-Regula u kull tiswija t a ’ dan id-dhul ghandliom isiru bil-linka jew b'mod iehor li ma jistghux jithassru.

9.— (!) Jekk xi drogi awtorizzati tah t il-ligi ta" pajjiz barra dawn il-Gzejjer li ghandliom johorgu minn hem m ghal xi mkien barra dawn il-Gzejjer jingiebu f ’dawn il-Gzejjer, hadd ma ghandu, m inghajr awtorità fuq hekk mit-Tabib Principali tal- Gvern, igagbal jew jipjiroknra li dawk id-drogi jmorru xi mkien iehor.

(•2) Ghall-finijiet t a ’ din ir-Regula 1-post fejn xi drogi huma awtorizzati li jigu esportati ghandu jitqies li hu 1-post imsemmi fl-awtorità ta" l-esportitzzjoni taghliom mill- pajjiz t a ’ 1-esportazzjoni.

10. Ir-registri, notamenti, kotba u dokuinenuti ohra kollha li huma m izm um in. m ahrugin jew maghmulin skond il-bzonnijiet jew ghall-finijiet ta dawn ir-Reguli ghandliom jintrefghu fil-kas ta' registru, ktieb jew notament bhal dan ghal zmien t a ’ sentejn mid-dnta li fiha tkun tnizzlet 1-ahhar partita ta ' dhul fihom. u fil-kas t a ’ kull dokument iehor ghal zmien t a ’ sentejn mid-dnta li fiha id-dokument ikun hareg jew sar.

1 1 .— (1) P a w n ir-Reguli jibdew isetihn fl-1 ta ' S ettem bru , 1939.(2) Ïr-Regolamenti li hargu bin-Xotifikazzionijiet tal-(ivern N ru. 259 tad-

19 t a ’ P ivem bru, 1939. Nru. 218 tal-5 t a ’ Awissu, 1921, Nru. 4'.) tal-20 ta ' F rar . 1925, u Nru. 123 tal-5 ta ' M ejju , 1925. huma hawnliekk i tnhas-n '’. mid-data msemmija haw n

fuq :

Izda dan it-thassir ma ghandu jolqot ebda ordni maghm ul jew kull direzzjon jew aw torità mogîitija taîit 1-imsemmijin Eegolamenti. u kull o rdn i, direzzjon jew aw tc- rità blial dawn ghandhoin jibqgîiu jsehhu u, sa fejn sat a ’ jsir u jinghata tatit dawn ir-Eeguli, ghandhoin ikollhom is-sehh taghhom bhallikieku maghmulin jew moghtijin bis-sahha tagîihom.

I t -30 t a ’ t iu n ju . 1939.Bi Km and,

U fficcmu tal- L ogutenent-G yernatvb , E . St . J . J ackson ,Il-Palazz, il-Belt. Agent Logu tenent-G ve nia tu v.

L -ISK E D A .


A. Bhul fir-registru li ghandu jsir f ’kas ta’ drogi miksubin.

Ix-xorta t a ’ droga li glialiha jim ferixxi d-dîiul ghandha tissemma fir-ras t a ’ kull faccata fir-Begistru.

1 lata Isem Indii izzi

li filia dahlet. Ammont mehudil-provvista tal-persuna jew ditta mi 1111 gïiand min ittiehdet

B. Dhul fir-registru li ghandu jsir f’kas ta’ drogi fornuti.

Ix-xorta t a ’ drogi 11 ghalihom jirriferixxi d-dhul ghandha tissemma fir-ras t a ’ kull faccata fir-Begistru.

Data li filia n-negozju isir

Isem lndirizzI

tal-persuna jew ditta fornuta

Awtorità ta' persuna jew ditta fornuta Ammont forint

li jkollho. 1-pussess


[No. 292. J

I N exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 9 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939, His Excellency the Governor in Council has besn pleased to make the following Rules :—■

1. These Buies may be cited as the Dangerous Drugs (In ternal Control) Buies,1939.

2- (1) For the purposes of these Buies, unless the context otherwise requires—

Medical practitioner ', “ dental surgeon” , “ dentis t” , “ veterinary surgeon” , apothecary ’ mean in each case a person holding a licence to practice in Malta the

profession indicated ;

“ Ordinance” means the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939;

“ B egister” means a bound book and does not include any form of loose-leaf register or card index.

(2) The drugs to which these Buies apply are those to which Part V of the Ordinance applies, unless the context otherwise requires.

3. No person shall manufacture or carry on any process in the manufacture of any of the drugs—

(a) unless he is licensed by the Governor or is authorised by these Buies or by any authority granted by the Governor to do so;

(b) except on premises licensed for the purpose by the Governor ;(c) otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of such

licence or authority .

4. No person shall supply or procure, or offer to supply or procure. the drugs to or for any person (including himself) and whether in these Islands or elsewhere, or advertise the drugs for sale—

(a) unless he is licensed by the Governor or is authorized by these Buies or by any authority granted by the Governor to supply the drugs, or unless he is in possession of an import authorization or export authorization issued by the Chief Government Medical Officer in pursuance of the provisions of P a r t V I of the Ordinance, or unless he is licensed or otherwise authorized to m anufacture the drug, or (but so far only as regards procuring) unless he is licensed to procure the same ;

(b) otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of such licence or authority.

5. Except when the drugs are lawfully dispensed in pursuance of a prescription given by a medical practitioner, dental surgeon. dentist, or veterinary surgeon, in accordance with the conditions hereinafter in these Buies specified, no person shall supply or procure, or offer to supply or procure, any of the drugs to or for any person in these Islands who is not licensed or otherwise authorized to he in possession of the drug nor to any person so licensed or authorized except in accordance with the term s and •conditions of such licence or authority : Provided that the administration of the drug by or under the direct personal supervision of a medical practitioner, or by a dental surgeon or by a dentist in dental t rea tm en t, or by or under the direct personal supervision of a veterinary surgeon in the treatm ent of any an im al, shall not be deemed to be supplying the drug within the meaning of these Buies.

6. A prescription for the supply of the drugs shall comply with the following con­

ditions :—•

(1) The prescription m ust be in w riting , must be dated and signed in full bv the person giving it with his address and with the name and address of the person for whose use it is given, and the total amount of the drug to be supplied must be stated on the prescription.

(2) A prescription shall only be given by a medical practitioner when required for the purposes of medical trea tm ent.

(3) A prescription shall only be given by a dental surgeon or dentist for the purposes of dental trea tm ent, and shall be marked “ for local dental trea tm ent on ly” .

(4) A prescription shall only be given by a veterinary surgeon for the purposes of treatment of animals, and shall be marked “ for animal treatm ent on ly” .

(5) A medical practitioner or a veterinary surgeon, who. in the cases allowed by law, dispenses any of the drugs shall enter particulars thereof in his day book or in the register hereinafter specified.

7. The following conditions shall be observed by persons dispensing prescriptions for the drugs :—

(1) A prescription for any of the drugs shall only be dispensed if either—(a) the person dispensing the prescription is acquainted with the signature

of the person by whom it purports to have been given, and has no reason to suppose that it is not genuine ; or

(b) the person dispensing the prescription has taken reasonably sufficientsteps to satsfy himself that it is genuine.(2) The drugs shall not be supplied more than once on the same prescription :

Provided that, if the prescription so directs, the drug may be supplied on more thanone but not exceeding three occasions, as directed in the prescription, at intervals to bespecified in the prescription.

(3) The person dispensing a prescription shall m ark thereon the date on which it is dispensed, with his signature and the designation of the premises where it is dispensed, and shall retain it and keep it on the said premises so that it shall be available for inspection.

8. No person shall be in possession of or a ttem pt to obtain possession of any of the drugs unless—

(a) he is in possession of an import authorization or export authorization issued by the Chief Government Medical Officer in pursuance of the provisions of Port V I of the Ordinance ; or

(b) he is licensed or otherwise authorized to manufacture or supply such drug ; or

(c) he is otherwise licensed by the Governor or authorized by these Rules or by any authority granted by the Governor to be in possession of the drug ; or

(d) he proves tha t the drug was supplied for his use in accordance w ith such a prescription as aforesaid :

Provided tha t the qualification contained in paragraph (d) shall not apply in the case of any drug supplied to a person for his use in accordance with a prescription if that person was at the time of the supply in course of receiving treatm ent from another medical practitioner in respect of addiction to any of the drugs or otherwise, and off being supplied with any of the drugs on a prescription given by that last-mentioned practition­er and did not disclose that fact to the first-mentioned practitioner before the drug was supplied to him.

9.— (1) No person shall supply any of the drugs unless the package or bottle con­ta in ing the same is plainly marked with the nature and amount of the drug contained th e re in .

(2) No person shall supply any preparation, admixture, extract or other article containing any of the drugs unless the package or bottle is plainly marked—

(a) in the case of a powder, solution or ointment, with the total amount thereof in the package or bottle and the percentage of the drug in the powder, solution or ointment ; and

(b) in the case of tablets or other articles, with the amount of the drug in each article and the num ber of articles in the package or bottle :

Provided tha t this Buie shall not apply to any preparation supplied in accordance w ith the prescription of a medical practitioner, dental surgeon, dentist or veterinary

surgeon. ,

10. (1) Every person who supplies any of the drugs shall comply with the follow­ing provisions :—

(a) he shall enter or cause to be entered in a register kept for the sole purpose all supplies of the drug purchased or otherwise obtained by him and all dealings in the drug effected by him (including sales or supplies to persons out­side these Islands) in the form , with such variations as circumstances may require, and containing the particulars shown in the first Schedule to these Rules ;

(b) he shall make the entry with respect to any of the drugs purchased or otherwise obtained by him on the day on which the drug is received, and with respect to any sale or supply by him of the drug on the day on which the transaction is effected ; or, where that is not reasonably practicable, on the day next following the day on which the drug is received or the transaction is effected ;

(c) where he carries on business at more than one set of premises he shall keep a separate register or registers in respect of each set of premises ;

(d) he shall keep the register or registers in some part of the premises to which it relates, so tha t it or they shall at all times be available for inspec­tion in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance ;

(e) lie shall not cancel, obliterate or alter any entry in the register or make therein any entry which is untrue in any particular ; any mistake in an entry may be corrected by a marginal note or footnote giving the correct par­ticulars and dated ;

(f) every entry required to be made and every correction of such anentry must be made in ink or otherwise so' a-s to be indelible ;

(g) he shall furnish to the Chief Government Medical Officer suchparticulars as the said Chief Government Medical Officer may require in regard to any purchases by him of the drugs, all stocks held by him of the drugs, and all transactions effected by him in the drugs.

(2) A drug or preparation administered by, or under the direct supervision and in the presence of, a medical practitioner or dental surgeon or dentist shall not be deemed to have been supplied by him.

(3) W ith the approval of the Chief Government Medical Officer, separate registers may be kept for separate departments of a business.

11.— (1) Any apothecary is hereby authorized—

(a) to manufacture in the ordinary course of his retail business any pre­paration, admixture or extract of any of the drugs ; and

(b) to carry on the business of retailing, dispensing or compounding thethe drugs, but subject always to the provisions of these Rules.

(2) Every drug in the actual custody of a person authorized by virtue of this Rule shall be kept in a locked receptacle which can be opened only by him.

(3) W here under the provisions of sub-section 2 of section 9 of the Ordinance anv such authorization has been w ithdraw n, notice of such withdrawal shall be published in the Government Gazette.

12. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Rules, anymedical practitioner, dental surgeon, dentist, veterinary surgeon or apothecary, or anyperson in charge of a laboratory used for research or instruction and attached to any public hospital or other institution approved by the Governor for the purpose, is hereby authorized, iso far as may be necessary for the practice of his profession or employment in such capacity and in accordance with the provisions of any law relative to such pro­fession or em ploym ent, to be in possession of and to supply the drugs.

13.— (1) I f any person authorized by these Rules or by an authority granted by the Governor to manufacture, supply or possess the drugs or any of them is convicted of an offence against the Ordinance or these Rules, the Governor may, if he is of opinion that that person ought not to be allowed to m anufacture, supply or possess the drugs, withdraw the authority of such person and notice of such withdrawal shall be published in the Government Gazette : Provided tha t nothing in this Rule shall be taken to pre­judice any power otherwise vested in the Governor of withdrawing any authority pre­viously given by h im .

(2) W here the person whose authority is withdrawn under paragraph (1) of this Rule is a medical practitoner, dental surgeon, dentist or veterinary surgeon, it shall not be lawful, if the Governor fo direct, for that person to give prescriptions for the purposes of these Rules, and notice of any such direction shall be given to the person affected thereby and shall be published in the Government Gazette.

(3) If the Governor has reason to suspect that a medical practitioner or dental surgeon or dentist is supplying or prescribing drugs to or for either himself or any other person otherwise than is properly required for the purpose of medical or dental trea t­ment of himself or that of any other person, the Governor may refer the m atter to a tribunal constituted in the m anner specified in the second Schedule to these R ules , an d , if the tribunal so recommend, the Governor may withdraw the authority of the practi­tioner or dental surge m cr dentist to supply, procure or pcssess the drugs and give the like direction with respect to him as may be given under paragraph (2) of this Rule, and notice of any such withdrawal or direction shall be given to the person affected thereby and shall be published in the Government Gazette.

14.— (1) No person shall deliver any of the drugs to any person not licensed or otherwise authorized to be in possession of the drugs who purports to be sent by or on behalf of a. person so licensed or authorised unless such person produces an authority in writing, signed by the p.i/rsion so licensed cr authorized, to receive the drug on his behalf, and unless the person supplying the drug is satisfied that the authority is genuine. This Rule shall net be deemed to apply to medicines dispensed in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.

(2) A person to whom a drug is lawfully delivered in the circumstances m en­tioned in paragraph (1) of this Rule shall be deemed to be a person authorized to be inpossession thereof, but for such period only as in the circumstances of the case is reason­ably sufficient to enab’e the delivery to the recipient to be effected.

15. Any of the drugs in the order or disposition of any person shall be deemed tohe in his possession.

16. These Rules shall not apply to the preparations named in the third Schedule hereto, nor to any such preparations when mixed with an inert substance required to render the medicament suitably coherent.

17. Prescriptions, records, registers or other documents required to be retained or kept in pursuance of the Ordinance or of any of these Rules shall be preserved for not less than two years from the date of the prescription or document or the last entry in the record register, as the case may be, and shall be kept at all times available for inspection in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance.

18.— (1) These Rules shall come into operation on the 1st September, 1939.(2) The Regulations published by Government Notices No. 25(1 of the 19th

D ecem ber, 1913. No. 218 of the 5tli A ugust, 1921, No. 49 of the 20th February, 1925, No. 123 of the 5th M ay, 1925, and No. 67 of the 12tli February, 1931, are hereby repealed from the above mentioned date :

Provided that this repeal shall not affect any order made or any direction or authority given under the said Regulations, and every such order, direction or authority shall continue in force and, so. far as it could have been made or given under these Rules, shall have effect as if made or given thereunder.

30tli June , 1939.By Command,

L i e u t e n a n t - G o v e r n o r ’s O f f i c e , P . S t . J . J a c k s o n ,

The Palace, Valletta. Acting Lieutenant-Governor.

F I R S T S C H E D U L E .

(a) Register of Drugs to which Part V of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939, applies.

Purchased or otherwise obtained.

Name of substance f n Xa.nt, ot peisnn, Arldvess of person, . t p i • ,purchased or otherwise " 1 bodv or firm from ^ ° unt. Form in whichsupply iioni whom , ■ , obtu ineu obtained

obtamed received obtained whom obtained .

(b) Register of Drugs to which Part V of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1939, applies.

Sold or supplied.

Name of substance

sold or supplied

Date on which the transaction

was effected

, Address of * ‘une 0 , person, bodv

bndv or firm to'pei.-on or firm to whom sold or supplied

whom or which sold or supplied

Authority of person. Iiodv or

l'iim to be inpossession of

the substances

When sale is Form in on a prescrip- which tion. specify soli! or ihe ingredients

supplied or thep r e s c r i p t i o n

A m o u n t sold o r

supp l ied


The Medical Doard constituted under Section 18 of the Public H ealth Ordinance, 1937, shall be the tribunal for the purposes mentioned in paragraph (3) of Rule 13.

T H IR D S C H E D U L E .

Preparations Exempt from the Rules.

Cereoli Iodoformi et Morphinae, B .P .C . '23.

E lix ir Diamorpli. et Terpin. c. Apomorpli., B .P .C .

E m p. Opii, B .P . '98.

L inctus Diamorpli. Camph., B .P .C .

L inctus Diamorpli. c. Ipecac., B .P .C .

Linctus Diamorpli. et Scill., B .P .C .

L inctus Diamorpli. et T hym ., B .P .C .

Lin . Opii, B .P . '14.

L in . Opii Ammon.. B .P .C . '23.

Pasta Arsenicalis, B .P .C .

Pil. Digitalis et Opii Co., B .P .C . '23.

l ’il. Hydrarg. e. Cret. et Opii, B .P .C .

Pil. Hydrarg. c. Opio, B .P .C . '23.

Pil. Ipecac, c. Scill., B .P . '14.

Pil. Pin hi c, Opio, B .P . '14.

Pulv. Cret. Aromat. c. Opio, B .P .

Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii, B .P . (Dover’s Pow der).

Pulv. Kino Co., B .P . '14.

Suppos. P lum bi c. Opio, B .P .

Tabellae P lum bi c. Opio. B .P .C .

Ung. Gallae c. Opio, B .P .C . (Ung. Gallae Co.).

Mixtures of E m p. Opii, B .P . '98 with other plasters of the British Pharmacopoeia 1914 and 1932. and of the British Pharmaceutical Codex.

Mixtures of L in . Opii, B .P . '14 with other liniments of the British Pharmacopoeia 1914 and 1932, and of the British Pharmaceutical Codex.

Mixtures of Pulv. Ipecac. Co., B .P . '14 and of Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii, B .P . w ith any of the following :—

Hydrarg . c. Cret., B .P .Acetylsalicvlic Acid.Phenacetin.Quinine and its Salts.Sodium Bicarbonate.

Mixtures of Ung. Gallae c. Opio. B .P .C . (Ung. Gallae Co.) with other ointments and plasters of the British Pharmacopoeia 1914 and 1932, and of the British Pharmaceutical Codex.

Mixtures of L in . Opii Ammon., B .P .C . '23 with other liniments of the British Pharmacopoeia 1914 and 1932, and of the British Pharmaceutical Codex.


[Nru. 292.]

IS-SAHHA tas-setgha t m o gM iji lilu bl-nrtiklu 9 ta ’ 1-Ordinanza t a ’ 1-1939 d w a r id-Drogi P e r ik u lu z i ,1-Lccellenza T ieghu I-G vernatur fil-Kunsill gîiogbu ja g î rn e l d a w n ir-Reguii ]i geijin :—

1. D awn ii-Iieguli jistghu jis.-ejhu bl-isem ta" Reguli ta" 1-1939 gtiall-Kuntvoll Intern fnq id-Drogi Perikuluzi.

— (1) Ghall-finijiet t a ’ dawn ir-Reguli, kemm-il-darba s-sens tat-test m a jfissirx xort 'ohra—

"T ab ib ” , 1 ‘kirurgu d e n t is t" , “” . “ kirurgu veterimirju” , “ spizjar” ifissru. kull wiehed minnliom, persuna li ghandha lie; :iza li tahdem 1"Malta il-pvol'essjoni msemmija ;

‘"Ordinanza" tfisser 1-Ordinanza ta" 1-1939 dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi ;“ Registru ’ ifisser ktieb illegal' u nia jfisser eh da ghanila t a ’ registru b'folji

sfuzi jeVv indici b ’sistema t a ’ biijetti.(2! Id-drogi mil<|utin in inn dawn ir-Rv gv.'i liiuna dawk li lilhom ta 'ap t il-

] fames Taqsima la" 1-Ordinanza, kemm-il-darba s-sens tat-tcst ma jfcssirx s- vt'ohra.

3. Lbda pei’suna ma ghandha limm anifattura jew tuza :<i process fihiimnihittura la" xi droga—

(a) kemm-il-darba liija ma jkollliiex liienza mill-C-ivernalur jew ma tkunx awtorizzata h ’dawn ir-Reguli jew minn x: awV-rita moghtija mill-Gvt rnatur li taghmel hekk :

(hi hlief f ’postijiet bil-Iicenza me,ghti;a niill-Gvernatur ghal daqshekk;(c) hlief skond il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiel t a ’ dik il-licenza jew


4. H a oil ma ghandu j for ni jew jipprokura. jew j off r i ii jiorni jew jipprokura. id-drogi hi persuna jew ghal xi persuna (u luiwa wkoll‘ u sew jokk f ’dawn il-Gzejjer kenniijekk xi mkien ietior, jew javza d-drogi ghal hejgh—

fa) kemm-il-darba ma jkollux licenza mill-Gxernatvr jew ma ikunx awtorizzat b ’dawn ir-Reguli jew minn xi awtorita moghtija iniil-Gvevnatur li jforni d-drogi. jew jekk huwa ma jknnx fil-pussess ta" awtorizzazzjoni ghall- importazzjoni jew awtorizzazzjoni gha'i-espa tazzjani m ahmga mit-Tabib Principal! tal-Gvern skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta s-Sitt Taqsiiua ta,’ 1-Ordinanza, jew jekk huwa ma jkollux licenza jew Xiat'ohra awtorizzat ii jimnianifattura d-droga, jew fizda hiss ghall dak li lui prokurar) jekk huwa ma jkollux licenza li jipprokuraliom;

(b) xort'ohra milli skond il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiel ta ' dik il-licenza jew awtorita.

5. Hlief met a d-drogi lmma skond il-ligi moghtijin fuq ricetta moghtija minn tabib, kirurgu dentist, dentist, jew kirurgu veterinarju. skond il-kondizzjonijiet hawn- liekk izjed il quddiem imsemmijin f ’dawn ir-Reguli. ehda persuna ma ghandha t for ni jew tipprokura, jew toffri li tforni jew li tipnrokura, xi droga I il persuna jew ghal xi persuna f ’dawn il-Gzejjer li m a jkollhiex licenza jew xort’ohra awtorizzata li tkun fil-pussess tad-droga u lanqas lil xi persuna bil-licenza jew awtorizzata ghalhekk hlief skond il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiet t a ’ dik il-licenza jew awtorita : Izda 1-ghoti tad-droga. m inn jew taht is-surveljanza diretta personaü t a ’ tabib. jew mum kirurgu dentist jew m inn dentist fil-kura tas-snien, jew m inn jew tah t is-surveljanza diretta personal! t a ’ kirurgu veterinarju fil-kura t a ’ xi bhin-a, ma jitqa-x li dak li jkun qed if ami droga skond it-tifsira t a ’ dawn ir-Reguli.

6. Ricetta hiex biha jinghataw drogi ghandha tkun skond il-kondizzjonijiet Ii gejjin

(1) Ir-ricetta ghandha tkun bil-miktub, ghandu jkun film d-data u tkun iffirmata bl-isem u 1-kimjom shah mill-persuna li tag b tih a , bl-indirizz taghha u bl-isem u 1-indirizz tal-persuna li ghall-uzu taghha tkun moghtija, u 1-ammont totali tad-droga li ghandha tigi f'ornuta ghandu jissemma fir-ricetta.

(•2) Ricetta ghandha biss tinghata minn tabib meta mehtiega ghall-finijiet t a ’ kura medika.

(3) Bicetta ghandlia biss tinghata m inn kirurgu dentist jew dentist ghall- fin ijiet ta ’ kura tas-snien. u ghandlia tkun immarkata “ gha-ll-kura tas-snien biss” .

(4) Bicetta ghandha biss tinghata minn kirurgu veterinarju ghall-finijiet t a ’ kura tal-bliejjem, u ghandlia tkun immarkata “ ghall-kura tal-bhejjem biss” .

(5) Tabib jew kirurgu veterinarju, ill i. fil-kasijiet permessi mil-ligi, jaghti xi droga ghandu fuq hekk inizzel dettalji fid-djarju tieghu jew fir-registru imsemmi hawn izjed il quddiem.

7. Il-kondizzjonijiet li gejjin ghandhom jitîiarsu m inn persuni li jservu ricetti ghad-drogi :—

(1) Bicetta ghal xi droga ghandha biss tinghata jekk jew—

(a) il-pei'suna li isservi r-ricetta tkun taf il-firma tal-persuna li suppost tkun hargitlm, u ma ghandha 1-ebda raguni ghalfejn tahseb illi mhix genwina ; jew jekk

(b) il-persuna li isservi r-ricetta tkun hadet passi li bir-ragun hum a bizzejjed sabiex tizgura ruhha illi liija genwina.

(2) Id-drogi ma ghandhomx ikunu fornuti aktar m inn darba fuq 1-istess rice tta : izda jekk ir-ricetta tordna hekk. id-droga lista" tkun fornuta f 'ak tar m inn darba wahda, izda mliux izjed m inn tliet darbiet. kif ordnat fir-ricetta. f'intervalli li jkunu msemmijin fir-ricetta.

(3) 11-persuna li isservi ricetta ghandha timumrka fuqha d-data li film kienet serviita. bil-firnm u bl-isem tal-post fejn servnta, u ghandlia zzommha u terfaghlm fl-imscmmi post sabiex tkun tista" tigi spezzjonata.

8. liadd ma ghandu jkun fil-pussess ta" jew jittanta li jkun fil-pussess ta" xi droga kemm-ii-darba—

(a) huwa ma jkunx fii-pussess t a ’ awtcrizzazjoni gîiall-iniportazzjoni jew t a ’ awtorizzazzjoni ghall-esportazzjoni nmhruga mit-tabib Principali tal- Gvern skond id-disposizzjonijiet tas-Sitt Taqsima ta" 1-Ordinanza; jew

(b) huwa, ma jkunx bil-licenza jew xort'ohra awtorizzat li jimmanifat- tura jew ifcrni din id-droga jew

(c) huwa ma jkunx b ’xi mod ietior bil-licenza moghtija mill-Gvernatur jew mliux awtorizzat b ’dawn ir-Beguli jew b ’awtorità moghtija mill- G vernatur li jkollu d-droga fil-pussess tieghu; jew

(d) huwa ma jippruvax illi d-droga kienet fornuta ghall-uzu tieghu skond dik ir-ricetta kif imsemmi qabel :

Izda 1-kwalifika li tinsab fil-paragrafu (d) ma tkunx tghodd fil-kas t a ’ xi droga fornuta lil persuna ghall-uzu taghha skond ricetta jekk dik il-persuna f ’dak iz-zmien li lilha nghatat id-droga kienet qieghda taht kura t a ’ tabib ietior dwar li kienet tiehu bi drawwa, xi drogi jew xort’ohra, u kienet fornuta b ’xi drogi fuq ricetta matiruga m inn dak it-tabib imsemmi 1-ahhar u ma semmietx dik il-haga lit-tabib imsemmi l-ewwel qabel ma d-droga kienet fornuta lilha.

9.— (1) ï îa d d ma ghandu jforni ebda droga kemm-ihdarba 1-qartas jew flixkun li go fill tkun tinsab ma jkunx immarkat car bix-xorta u kwantità tad-droga ii tkun tinsab fih.

(21 H add ma ghanou jforni préparai, m istura, estratt jew oggett iehor li jkun fih xi droga kemm-il-darba 1-qartas jew flixkun ma jkunx immarkat car—

(a ' fil-kas t a ’ trab, soluzzjoni jew u ngw en t. bl-ammont kollu taghhom fil-qartas jew flixkun u 1-percentagg tad-droga fit-trab, soluzzjoni jew u n g w e n t ; u

(b)' fil-kas t a ’ pastilji jew oggetti oîira, bl-ammont tad-droga f ’kull oggett u n-numru t a ’ 1-oggetti fil-qartas jew flixkun:

Izda din ir-ReguIa m a tghodd gîial ebda préparai fornut skond ir-ricetta t a ' tabib, kirurgu dentist, dentist jew kirurgu veterinarju.

10.— (1) Ivull niin iforni xi droga ghandu joqa’Tiod ghad-disposizzjonijiet li gejjin :

(a) huwa ghandu jnizzel jew jordna Ii jitnizzel l ’iegistru, inizmum ghal dan I-iskop biss, il-provvisti kollba mixtrija jew xort’clira minnti niik- snba u kull negozju fid-droga li jsir minnu (u in a ’ dawn il-bejgîi u I-forni- turi lit persuni barra minn dawn i’.-Gzejjer1 skond il-fonnula. I)’dak it-tibdil illi c-cirkustanzi jitolbu, u li film d-dettalji li j id! ira fl-ewwel Skcda m a ’ dawn ir-Reguli.

(b> huwa ghandu jnizzel id-dtiul dwar id-drcgi mixtrija jew xort’ohra miksuba minnu dak in-nhar li d-droga tasal. u dwar xi bejgti jew fornitum minnu tad-droga dak in-nhar li jsir in-neg. zju ; jew, jekk dan bir-ragun ma jistax isir, 1-ghada tal-gum ata ii fib a tasal id-droaa jew isir in-neg ;zja ;

(<•■ met a huwa jkollu n-negozju f ’iktar m inn past wiehed huwa ghandu jzonun registru jew ragistri ghalihom ghal kull j mm ;

(d ) lmwa ghandu jzosnm ir-registru jew 1 g istri xi mkien fi!-j ::-t li ghalih jirriferixxi, sabiex dak jew dawk ikunu jisighu t ’kull h in jigu spezz'onati skond id-d;spasizzjoni jiet t a ’ 1-Ordinanza ;

(e) lniwa ma ghandux ihassar, jinga;sa jew ibiddv-1 xi dhnl fir-reA:stru jew jaghmel filaa.i xi dhul li ma jkunx ezatt f ’xi d itta l l; xi zlia 11 li dhu; jista’ jissewwa b ’nota fil-ina.rgni jew f (jiegh il-facvata li fiha jinghataw id-dettalji kif ghandhum ikunu u b:d-data;

(fi kull dhul mehtieg li jsir u kull tiswija t a ’ dhul hhal dan ghandu jsir bil-linka jew b ’m a l i eh or li ma. jistax jithas -ar;

<u' huwa ghandu jforni lit-Tabib r r im ’-ipa’i ta!-( ivern dawlc id-dettalji illi l-imseimni Tabib Principal! tal-Gvern jista’ jitlob dwar xi xiri minnu tad- drogi, il-hazniet kollba t a ’ drogi li jkollu, u n-negozju kollu li huwa jkun ghamel fid-drogi.

(2) Droga jew préparai moghtija minn tabib jew minn kirurgu dentist jew m inn dentist, jew taht is-surveljanza diretta tieghu jew qnddicmu ma ghandhomx jitqiesu li gew fornuti minnu.

(3) BI-approvazzjoni tat-Tabib Principal! tal-Gvern jistghu jir.xammu registri ghalihom ghal dipartimenti ghaliliom t a ’ negozju.

11.— (1) Kull spizjar liu hawnhekk awtorizzat—

(a) li jimmanifattura ; rep a ra t , mistura jew estratt ta ’ xi droga fil-kors ordinarju tan-negozju tieghu bl-imnut ; u

(b) li jaghmel n-negozju t a ’ bejgh bl-imnut. ta" uh ai u tafilit ta ’ drogi, izda dejjem tah t id-disposizzjonijiet t a ’ dawn ir-Reguli ;(2) Kull droga fil-kustodja attwali t a ’ persuna awtorizzata bis-sahha t a ’ din

ir-Regula ghandha tinzamm f ’xi tiaga msakkra li t is ta ’ tinfetah biss minnu.(3) Meta tah t id-disposizzjonijiet tat-taqsima 2 l a ’ 1-artiIdu 9 t a ’ 1-Ordinanza

awtorizzazzjoni bhal din tkun ittiehdet lu ra . ghandu johrog avviz ta" dan fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern.

12. B ’dak kollu li hemm imsemmi kuntrai'ju f ’dawn ir-Reguli, kull tabib. kirurgu dentist, dentist, tabib veterinarju , jew spizjar. jew kull persuna inkarigata minn labora* torju uzat ghar-ricerka jew taghlim u li jaghmel m a ’ sptar pubbliku jew istituzzjoni ohra approval a mill-Gvernatur ghal dan 1-iskop huwa hawnhekk awtorizzat. sa fejn jista’ jkun mehtieg ghax-xoghol tal-professjoni jew impieg tieghu f dik il-posizzjoni u skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta,’ kull ligi li ghandha x ’taqsam m a’ din il-profes-joni jew impieg, li jkollu fil-pussess tieghu d-droga jew li jforni d-droga.

13.— (1) -Tekk persuna awtorizzata minn dawn ir-Reguli jew minn awtorita moghtija mill-Gvernatur li t im m anifattura, tforni jew li j kollba fil-pussess taghha d-drogi jew xi wahda m inn dawn id-drogi tinsab hatja t a ’ real kontra 1-Ordinanza jew

dawn ir-Reguli, il-Gvernatur jista". jekk jidhirlu illi dik il-persuna m ’ghandhiex tibqa* timmanifattura, tforni jew ikollha fil-pussess taghlia d-drogi, jiehu lura 1-awtorità ta ’ din il-persuna u ghandu jigi ippubblikat avviz t a ’ dan fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern : Izda ebda haga f’din ir-Regula ma ghandha tittiehed li ttiefes ebda setgha li b ’xi mod iehor liija moghtija. lill-Gvernatur li jiehu lura kull awtorita minnu qabel moghtija.

(2) Meta 1-persuna illi 1-awtorità taghha tittiehed lura taht il-paragrafu (1) ta" din ir-Regula huwa tabib, kirurgu dentist, dentist jew kirurgu veterinarju, jekk il- Gvernatnr jordna hekk, dik il-persuna ma tkunx t is ta ’ skond il-ligi taghti ricetti ghall- finijiet ta ' dawn ir-Reguli, u ghandu jinghata avviz ta" dan 1-ordni lill-persuna milquta minnu u jigi ippubblikat fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern.

(3) Jekk il-Gv-ernatur ikollu ghalfejn jissospetta illi tabib jew kirurgu dentist jew dentist qieghed iforni jew jippreskrivi drogi lilu jew ghalih in-nifsu jew lil jew ghal persuna ohra milli skond ma jixraq hu mehtieg ghall-iskop t a ’ kura medika jew tas-snien tieghu n-nifsu jew ta ’ persuna ohra, il-Gvernatur jis ta’ jirriferixxi dil-haga lil tribunal maghmul skond ma liemm imfisser fit-tieni Skeda li liemm m a’ dawn ir- Reguli, u, jekk it-tribunal jirrikkmauda hekk, il-Gvernatur jis ta’ jiehu lura 1-awtorità tat-tabib jew kirurgu dentist jew dentist li jforni, jipprokura jew li jkollu fil-pussess tieghu d-drogi u jaghti dak 1-istess ordni ghalih skond ma jista’ jinghata tah t il-paragra­fu (-J) t a ’ din ir-Regula, u ghandu jinghata avviz t a ’ dan it-tehid lura jew ordni lill- persuna milquta minn dan u ghandu jigi ippubblikat fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern.

I-1.— (J) Ebda persuna ma ghandha tikkunsinna ebda droga lil persuna bla licenza jew b ’xi mod iehor m hix awtorizzata li jkolllia fil-pussess taghha d-drogi u li tidher mibghuta minn persuna jew flok persuna li tkun hekk bil-licenza jew awtorizzata kemm- il-darba din il-persuna m a turix awtorita bil-miktub, iffinnata mill-persuna hekk bil- licenza jew awtorizzata, biex tircievi d-droga flokha, u kemm-il-darba 1-persuna ii tforni d-drcga ma tkunx zgura illi 1-awtorità liija vera. Bin ir-Regula ma titqisx li tghodd ghall-medicini moghtijin skond id-disposizzjonijiet t a ’ dawn ir-Reguli.

(2) Kull persuna li lilha skond il-ligi tkun ikkunsinnata droga fic-cirkustanzi mseinmijin fil-paragrafu (1) t a ’ din ir-Regula ghandha titqies li hi persuna awtorizzata li jkolllia fil-pussess taghha din id-droga, izda ghal dak iz-zmien biss Ii fic-cirkustanzi tal-kas huwa bir-ragun bizzejied sabiex t is ta ’ ssir il-kunsinna lill-jersnna Ii tircievi.

15. Kull droga fl-ordni jew disposizzjoni t a ’ persuna titqies li qieghda fil-pussess taghha.

16. D aw n ir-Reguli ma ghandhomx ighoddu ghall-preparati msemmijin fit-tielet Skeda li liemm m a ’ dawn, lanqas ghal preparati bhal dawn meta mhalltin m a’ sostanza ineiti mehtiega sabiex lill-inedikament taghmlu jaqbel sewwa.

17. R icetti, notamenti, registri jew dokumenti ohra mehtigin li jibqghu jew jinzammu skond 1-Ordinanza jew skond dawn ir-Reguli ghandhom jintrefghu ghal mliux inqas m inn sentejn mid-data tar-ricetta jew dokument jew ta ’ 1-ahhar dhul fir- registru tan-notamenti, kif jis ta’ jkun il-kas, u ghandhom jinzammu biex jistghu f ‘kull b in jigu spezzjonati skond id-disposizzjoniiet t a ’ 1-Ordinanza.

18.— (l)D aw n ir-Reguli ghandhom jibdew isehhu fi-1 t a ’ Settembru, 1939.(2) Ir-Regolament li kienu hargn bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 250

tad-19 ta" Dicembru, 1913, Nru. 218 tal-5 t a ’ Awissu, 1921, Nru. 49 ta 1-20 t a ’ F rar , 1925, N ru. 123 tal-5 t a ’ Meiju. 1925, u Nru. 67 tat-12 t a ’ F ra r , 1931, iiumi haw nhekk imhassrin mill-imsemmija data :

Izda dan it-tliassir ma ghandu jolqot ebda ordni maghmul jew ebda direzzjon jew awtorita moghtija taht 1-imsemmijin Regolamenti, u kull ordni, direzzjon jew awtorita bhal dawn ghandhom jibqghu jsehhu u, sa fejn sata’ jsir jew jinghata taht dawn ir- Reguli, ghandhom ikollhom is-sehh taghhom bhallikieku maghmulin bis-sahha taghhom.

It-30 t a ’ G u n j u , 1939.Bi Kmand,

U f f i c c j u t a Tj- L o g u t e n e n t - G v e b n a t u b , E. S t . J . J a c k s o n ,

II-Palazz, il-Belt. Agent Logutenent-Gvernatur.


(a) Registru ta’ Brogi Ii lilhom to!riot il-Hames Taqsusa ta’ 1-Ordinanza ta' 1-1939

dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi.

Mixtrijin jew xort'ohra miksubin.

Isem is-„,stanza D a ta i ! fiha il-pn^mn. Im l i . i /z tal- ?mixtrija lew xort'ohra l -pmvvi,tn kn | -'-1™' " ,,:l P ^ - 'n n , k u p jew Ammcnt F l . r m a ^ a m l a

' in ik < i i l r x w t^ le t nunn gn a m l m m d it la n n im üh .md mik.stib i t t i c h d v ti t t io h d e t nun ittiehdv-t.

(b) Registru ta’ Brogi Ii lilhom folqot il-Hames Taqsima ta’ 1-Ordinanza ta’ 1-1939

dwar id-Drogi Perikuluzi.

Mibiughin jew fornuti.

Isein is-.sustanza mihjugha

iew fornuta

Data li film sar in-negozju

1 -Olllil-persuna, korp jew

ditta li lilha gict

in'hiugha jew fornuta

hidirizz ta 1 - persuna. korp jew

ditta li l;lhagict.

mibjugha iew fornuta

Autnrità t : ! 1 - persuna. korp

jew ditia li jkolllia

s-sustanzi fil- pussess taghha

Aiiiinont miliiugh

jew fu I'll ut

F'livma ghauda 1

ij ii’t miliiii- ;

L i l i a iew fornuta

Meta I-bejgh isir iuq

ricetta. fisser 1-ingi'i'd enti

jew if-ricetta


Il-Bord Mediku maghmul taht 1-Artiklu 18 t a ’ 1-Onlinanza t a ’ I-1937 dwar is-Sahha Pubblika ghandu jkun it-tribunal ghall-finijiet imsemmijin fil-paragrafu (3) tar- Reguia 13.


Preparati mehlusin mir-Beguli.

Cereoli Iodoformi et M orphinae, B .P .C . '23.

Elixir Diamorpli. et Terpin. c. Apomorph., B .P .C .

Em p. Opii, B .P . '98.

L inctus Diamorpli. Cam pli.. B .P .C .

Dinctus Diamorpli. c. Ipecac .. B .P .C .

Linctus Diamorpli. et Scill., B .P .C .

L inctus Diamorpli. et T h y m ., B .P .C .

Lin. Opii. B .P . '14.

Lin. Opii A m m on., B .P .C . '23.

Pasta Arsenicalis, B .P .C .

Pil. Digitalis et Opii Co., B .P .C . /-23.

Pil. Hydrarg-. c. Cret. et Opii. B .P .C .

Pil. Hydrarg. c. Opio, B .P .C . '23.

]>il. Ipecac, c. Scill.. B .P . '14.

Pil. Plubi c. Opio,"B.P. '14.

Pulv. Cret. Aromat. c. Opio, 13.P.

Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii, B .P . (Dover’s Powder).

Pulv. Kino. Co., B .P . '14.

Suppo-s. P lum bi c. Opio. B .P .

Tabellae P lum bi c. Opio, B .P .C .

Ung. Gallae c. Opio, B .P .C . (Ung. Gallae Co.).

Tahlitiet t a ’ Em p. Opii, B .P . '98 m a’ impjastri d i r a tal-B iitisli Pharmacopoeia 1914 u 1932 u tal-British Pharmaceutical Codex.

Tahlitiet t a ’ L in . Opii, B .P . '14 m a’ linimenti ohra tal-British Pharmacopoeia 1914 u 1932 u tal-British Pharmaceutical Codex.

Tahlitiet t a ’ Pulv. Ipecac. Co., B .P . '14 u t a ’ Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii. B .P . flimkien m a ’ xi wahda minn dawn :—

Hydrarg. c. C re t . , B .P .Acetvlsalicylic Acid.Phenacetin.Quinine and its Salts.Sodium Bicarbonate.

Tahlitiet t a ’ Ung. Gallea c. Opio. B .P .C . (Ung. Gallae C'o.) b ’ungwenti u impjastri ohra tal-British Pharmacopoeia 1914 u 1932, u tal-British Pharmaceutical Codex.

Tahlitiet t a ’ L in . Opii A m m on.. B .P .C . '23 b ’linimenti ohra tal-British Pharm aco­poeia 1914 u 1932, u tal-Britisli Pharmaceutical Codex.