Download - · 2018-07-11 · !\H K WATJCKKOKU NEWS I VRfiRT IIU( IIATIIIN IX TIIK Mil HI OF IHKI.ANK. p.,lh,l>-'l

Page 1: · 2018-07-11 · !\H K WATJCKKOKU NEWS I VRfiRT IIU( IIATIIIN IX TIIK Mil HI OF IHKI.ANK. p.,lh,l>-'l


p . , lh , l >-'l cr/M / '.• .'• '":< 7.'.V,..'.I :I , "I .V... 19 K1. 1.1 .SI . ' . /[PIT O<ITK Tint I'MOVI S fl* !. RANK. ]

l'liicr- TI I I I K K I' KSCI -:; "t r.uu.v ( IN AHYAXCK ) 1">S. JST 4M1T.II . M.; Y K A K I .V, 1 /V. Kl.

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:\V \TEl!r"Oltl>—Mr. W. Kr.l.i .v. Little Ocoi .;c's-slr< i t ,"l '|j.\MOl«K—Miss Ct.v srv , lii-frcshmcul Kooms, in street.I'ASS/WH' KAST—Tin1 Misses I.r.vr, Ilntrl , Si|\i:irr.G \ ii l .' l ('K-OS- Sri l{—Mr. J . M . M i i K r i n . Xrws A fJi 'i it.V1LT0WN—Miss H IM in:, li i-ocrr.D I 'N U A K V A N — M r . M.vrniKW WA I .MI , lilnck KENNY—C um: ltiiithers , Hook.-cllcrs, &c,


R ()()K-H1X I) IS G, IWUSti ,ASH

A C C O I; XT-HO OK M A X l ' FAC'I 'Oin.10 .t r»0 KIX (i STISEET.

S III P P I N G .~


M VTOTICK .—The Wntcrford Steamshi p( VJK . X\ Company recrivu Gonils for Shi pment«B*3K£53.on tno followiiij ; Term* only:—Thi'j n-serve•mBsSGf r'* * "e Tigl to carry by a.'.v, not !iy pariifiilarYewclsTmth liberty to Tow Ships :inil call at othrr l'm-tsand will not be nciounUMc foi injuries or 1O~M S arising fromdelay, accidents of tlip SKIS, liivrrs, Fin-, tin- (J UKII 'S. Ene-mies, defective Navigation, or naiuVuts from any ottirr cau*e,nor for any loss which might havr liri-n cuvniil liy Insurance ,nor for LeaVapr, llrpaliage, C'onilition , finality, nv contents nl»ny I'arcils orl'acl:»Kes, unless spit-tally r-nliri'il and ad in-Irem Kreipht paid. (.Sonds no! removiil to lie Stornl at theri«V and cjpenst of tlic Couxiinires.

W A T E U K O I M ) A N D 1 U US T 0 L .Gip*.v, "r otlirr eligible Vrss. l, direct.

From W.ilrituul to Hrislnl: r I!nsi..l to Walerfonl :Toe'dar, •'uly *• — - Adn.j Pii 'luy, .luly I , ... 71 MumTuewbV. " '-• — 9 .Morn l-'iirfar . ., \ ... I'-'J Afl 'nTomtlT. " I". - I AlM.jKriil.ij:. -. > ¦"»¦ - 'J M»'»Tutida,. •• «... « M^; :; :-: - »j -;;;;

dll yf't ti .From Wairrfnril to liristnl , Frmn HiUlnl to Wiiti-rtnnl ,

Diri ct. catling ut IVinlnol i- liorli .Kriilnr. .'u'J 1. - * Mmii Tui-Hlnj. .tulv :. ... I" M'.'fFrnlnv , .. « . ... - Afl 'n I'm-Mlay, „ 12 ... .1 MumKr..ln«, ,. !.•• . - * .M»rn'TiK- 'lar, „ II ... < >'. .M..ri:KrWu'v, ,. 25, - 5 All'n T.ic-.!n). ,. -« ... t M..1 11Frl'Uj, .. "'¦< • — ¦! ""l"

%2t*.~ On Early Mnruinu Sailings , tin- (\<bin i.f (lie Straincr> will bis Opiiii to receive Passi niri 'sairiviniMnnn Londonbv tin 1 Nixhl MailTiain.'Cabin Fan-, Us. Oil.: Servants and Cliildn n, Ids. ( ti l,

lietiirn do.. 2."u. : or with liln-i- ly t" P I U'M fmtn DublinOirk , »r W.-jfurd , 31s. till., St.-«-;inl'» fc Illi-lmlwl j Dn-li7s. lid. Females attrnd tin- Laities 'Cabin.

W A T KU F O I M ) A N l » 1 , 1 V K K I ' O II I,.Lara avt Camil ta , nr ..t l i i- r r l iy iSI . - VI .-M 1^.

T I I I I K l : S A I I . I N l i S W K K K I . V .ruiiM W \T». KI- ' >I ! I > : M:"M I . I V I I M -I "1!.:

Iti . lav .titly 1, ... 12 Xm.ii f i i iUy. . l . i l ) I , . . . I I M-rn.Mnuilnr, ,.' 4 . •• 3 All 'n M I..V, ,. t ... 'i .Mm«-, I I M-I.IT , ,, «, ... 4 "«'" ,.—1»>- ,, li . ... 2 AI TnI' V s- ••• ¦ Mnin 1'ri'lny, ., ', ... li AI i»T » lMi<mU7 , li , ... 12 X "i» Mot. iUy ,. II ,... '.' M "inWi.lnr'.U;, .', '•' -' A fi 'n -.Vr.lii. .s .l>}- „ II ...III MomFiM.iv ' .. 15 . ••¦ ' Ali i. 1', ,, I '.. . . .II M'"llMoti 'llT .. I". ••. " All 'n .M«» . lir, .• !". ... 2 A ( l».\V- I1I,AJ.M, ,. 211 .... I All 'l. W».1iic-!.ir ,. 2» ... 3 All 'i.Kiuhiv .

' „ ¦!!. ... : Sl-ri. Kl iJ»v .. 2.-, ... .". i l"in

Mnn/nv, „ -Jr., ... !2 N«"ii M-mUy. ,. Ji . ... * *inrnWiilni'»lav , „ 2T, ... l'i N.ii.n Wi I I I I I M I ly „ J7. ... •¦• MmnFri ilaV ., -"'• ••• 12 X.niii l'lH»F •. .'!', ... 1» >l..rn

Calliu Far'.- , los .; Servants .mil Children. 10-.; l)ri:l , 7s,8d.; L'liildvi'ii. 1*. Ffin*bs attend the lj,uli.s 'Uibin.

(i'ooil« n'trivLi! at Clan-lire Dock.W A T K I S l-' O K l ) A X I ) L O N D O N .

j l t'ro.-n rW 't l 'csf a , or otlirr rli ^il'le V*-.---ols.rt i i iM « A i K K r i ' k l > : ' V HO .M I.O .N HON

-Mnir>d.iv .luty 7 , ... 1 A l i n 'n \V. «!n^f-'«y Jul y n. ... * M'.ni•H II .I -.!"? „

' I t . ... 4 A l i n 'ii Wnbifilay „ I i . ... *• M — nTlMirr i 'a'v ,, 2I , ~ . 4 Al tn 'u VY. - .lii.Mliiy ,, :i> . ... .i M.-mTliuf-ilay ,. -'? ••• * *"•• '¦¦ «V.liu>.l-r „ ::, ... H .Mum

Calmi Fan', 'J«'s.; IU-i-1 , Ids.I.OM .IXO llRRT U 1- :—l.'ii i i inn—Hiiti sbar- 1'

Wbarl ", l.o'.vi-r F.ast Sniitbti. ld , and West Koul Wlia' ! .S>onth»avk.

W A T K H I - 'Oi : 1) A N D !• L V M O U T It .Ji t r t i ru mul J't.'/.i, ur o t h i r ch;;ilili: VISM -I S.

7IIOM W A T K I i r u R I l : KKI 'M rLY . M I U T I t ;Tlm..'l>y Ju'j- ?. ••• I A(m- .i Tlini-hv. July 7. ... - A H V nTl.ii-H^y .. I I , ... * A f m - i, Tlnir.ilni .. M , ... * AI I I I 'II ,. 51 , ¦•. 4 Al l i . i. lhnr-!ay, ,. '-¦ - A l m 'ii

'llmi.llaT ,. 2« , ... 4 AI 1n - |. l l iu i- r tn . , , 2K , ... •• A l i n 'n

Cabin Fari- , 2ifc.. ; Deck , IDs. Takin? ( moils f.u l- al i imutli ,Southainiituil , roltsimiulb, and placs ailiacrul.

W A T K I I F O K D A S I ) U K h F A S T .Avrnra a«<l I>»(a , or otlu-r '-li^'ibb- V I-»M -1> .

?KOW WATKisinni i : pi.oM nKi.r.vM :Sn .nnl-r Julj •-', ... 1 * lnrn;Tiie»d.-iy, .Inly .'., ... .l A Tf i i.s.lur.lny „ 0. ... 2 ACn 'n Turfilay, „ I'.", ._ 7 A l l nS»*i ., l':. — - Alln "n Tornlay, .. in . .- .'• Aft 'nS4iui.l..y .. V3, »• 2 A i l n -i. luc«lu>, „ i«i . ... '¦ All1

™S,.ur.l..y ,. :-. i , ... 1 A (ln - |,

Cabin Kan , ... K.« . Drck , ... 7s. 01. Children , ... 4s

W A T K K F O U D A N D N E W l i OS S .V» OM W A TI . B P O K D — Daily, Sundays rkci-pti -il , at 4.IM- .M.F ROM N'FW IS OSS— Daily, Sundays esu-rpted , lit b. P> A .M

W A T K K F O I! D AN I) 11 K N C A X N O X .I' KOV \VAir.i ;r "Kli—Dailv, S'.indajM-xrrpti.l. at l.'i p. a.FimM DIM \ > > U > — Dail y, Simdajs ix.-i pu d, at e.U. A .M .

l«:rtlis Ti-invil a'"' i-vi -ry iufniiiiation iiivi-n by the Aui-nt».Hri - i t u l— TN- CiMHT al Strain 1'arki-l Ollin- . Lircrf iiB ) —

Wat-rtnvd St.aiu Ship I'mnpuuy, 'i\ lirnu-wicl-stmt ,Wasllill «t..l. liuil'lins- . Lnn.lna— AN TIIO * 1. (i . Koil l N SOS ,• V ' Mail ; Law l.rit i s l i aiidll 'oi i ii i i St.atr Wharf , Limi-rK i-t Siiiilbi. . bl. m.J W'e>t Knit Wbarl , Si.utb«!irk f i l l -«»«» *-HrMi v J- \VAKiM. , tbr\\ l .ai l , .Mill .ay. lMfn>i-I!. I l tM ini s . . .- .k SONS , l»..n.-i:a! y-iay ; ., ,'.!'"f:';',. :,A ,;., ». • •„. (:.,1,;|.aiu 1.Onir. ,tl,- MALL . W A I i-. l:l -«» |!| »

C J . Y i l K S l l I I ' l ' I N t i CUMI' .\.N 1 .. J U L Y , 1 H 7 n .

N T K .1 .W C < l it .1' I 'X I I ' A T in X

BcUveen Glasgow , Cork , and Walerford,C»rr» ii— I i"- M * »' T.»« '» =l> l:.«!« -» '¦• I.I M K K H - K , 'I I l - l - K K . » K v ,

(• Aim- Cu.».«ri.. O»ncK-i>s.Snti . K M .KI .S N V , An-i itw r i s , M M:WH 'I "i i . l i , "I'd Ni. wruni I .M ' " | .

a rl^'l l '' New ¦>'"' I'uwrful Srn-w•\ >J1. I M ,..,,,,..,, " K I N .xALI-V '- .- 'AI/I KK , '

"'xiri - .. <A N D .\ " " M :M I I I !A F ;" ai. .i •• i- :n-yjBfeSC DV>loNI-V' iir • ¦•I.. - I K SI -I .C1. I -- V.-.-IS

libmy |» T..« Y.--l- , ..»'l (.. n-.. - l '<A" . - : .-. .- .M " \ , - .-. . .

in l»,-t ,. .-s :- ,;,jW;mv TOn) l :K a i d WA'I K i : M . I : I » : . « c v M " X I « A Y . WKD NKS-

l .AY A F l i l D A Y . ai S v.... .: "••= ' "• l;»--""t

\ ';.

Vinr- T be MK.H. .1 - - >ar.'ii-i <¦« M-mlay. .in I » ".1.,;. c

'll fi,.| „. «' '. Th- v,-.n.r,.i ; Vn.l..y i:... s

dual lu CiV , mi'! <¦» :!- •'< \\ .n.r!..i.l ¦•'• ¦ f -

Fi:OM fOliK 'HI P.KLKAST Dir.ri .SATCIIDAY S S. M. I". SI-'. -"' W.'1 J l M -

l i l ' l FAST '10 COKK , I'd iM..W;O\V .

MOSHAY .- H I. , I l ib , l«- b , ..n l 2-Vli It l .v , m-l I-' A l . . .#

K i : « i M WA I i : i : r " i n .U ( J l . l T- I . I N, I'JH .I l l - l. \ Y~ .

¦.Mi , W i l l . I 1-' •» ' , »'"' "-" ii •' <• '•* . "'¦' '>'"-

K l U i M COCK TO, . ,, , ,„ ,, Salupli .) , -'id .Inl y, i.p.m

!;; ;:;::!:;; !v;:;;;!id ^,,.,.,.,» M;:

d:y, yh .. ,,,,,

lilww (.line) s.,:tir.!a'y', :»¦ 1. ,, 1 »• - •¦•

^Hf-' ;'S,:!::;!l.:::si::::!?::: fe::,,;A , , ''^^«Usi.K (rl« W-""" 1- * 1 •n.m-d.n , -J l - t ,. « !• -•••t,l».« i.»- ( . l ipeii . . . - • ,,,,,,| ;,} , -j:-,,.l ,. :i i- .ui

<;i.,. , ,.>v •a-r..n -|. - - Sl ,,m|,, v . •;„:), ., i p...,

SS'^rK--'* ¦• ir ":::I^1-I Al '' - ' 3'1-"

H.' VA»l» Wv

i:Oik .ii.d «'i |.i-» "* ., ' i : vh

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Ctli . ti.l lil.- -";* Tu.^Uv , 12 -b •. :'l ' -»'. ..a ..,,i i.:. ...v \ '• ,.¦ ! ,,.,„r..i k *..«i i.u-p..» -Vu—.i-V i¦•>• '¦ » :i|'"'t:..,k .....u:. .^->v •• • L- , J -., 1 , l I--'c,.,v ,i,.i i iw.i« ... ¦¦¦

.;." '¦:* ; :,,., i , ;\ v.mi;i,-,..» ir.., iiu '-h:i .- \;-';,,1;;-..'i... , -';. i. " i r - '»Ctl ami (....- -'¦» : .. . . • .j,, ), i p.m

;;;: a'iS,,;:::^

::vJ".''y . ^ A.,..;..-»

..w™. ... WV.««.... I u- rl'.i!'.. ' •..'-. ¦. '1i-';-v riHl'^:

c.w i.. i:. i'-> •• V'-:' '*•Cutt l« IV.-.N-'.""1 ... - . , „.,

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: ;.;;!;;;;; 1:^¦"*MITK -iv ai"iv H;.,T";-* • •->•¦- '•¦¦'¦y; -;'

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F.JMv bt . A.- .. -l-l'l .v I C - O B K M M M M 1 I I

,. V1'1"1 * o,, ,T V-rk ; |:i.!.H.T t!.u , :ll C-H.-f"-'

v°" .""V V . T I -Vo'lil. >.< ¦•) I'mui. IIH.AM . I.'A I U V A IN.«..«l . :^. A1 ' ; ', " K H 1 . I N N V , MAinwM.i -ui ii l.n, ,- , « " l'1-:1 "' -

r,, VAST : Ions l.n.ns W AT .:.:"• • l » M > t

,li "



«' i:» .- .w AT . !..»«..«,, ,M. ;.i«l '•'• .. . Nc . ..n Kdm (iuay, Dl -HM.v'.

""•'"¦i!t ,'.';:'v M S M <;, '.r . . .k = <• "!•»¦• -•> » n i i « o c.n.

vvr- ii '-VJu «..•> ¦ "I--"* •¦"""'*'"• - M U M A I I. DOWNK Y ,U'u.-tuii 1 ilwiM Qu'.v , V\alcrl«.-i J.

1 M '^b'tl 1



(tiaj^ ^s k °^ "lt' f'""owii)j» or other FirstVT fii r f, , cla"!' f"n-P««o™l SU'iiinslii ps=-5=x<3f»» will In; (Ivsjntclivil from IJVKKl 'OOLTO XKW Y0M1C. EVKKV AYJIDNKSUAY.

Captain. Cni./oiii.I D A H O J A M H S 'PIMCE. .MANIIA'ITAN' W V.nsrlliMCVADA W. C. l iKKKX. N K M H A SK A . .. .Uf . (S U .VHBCOLOKADOT. K. K I :I:.:.MA .N |\VJSCO.\N [N ./. , \,Will,,, ,,,.,MINNK-O TA . "• |iii..-r. .j . U - V ( l M I N H („..»• huildiui! )

Ami are in'i-n;l.i! I,, Sail at l.,||,m> —HINNKSOTA Wwlnesilnv . .. .lulv 2(1IDAHO AYeiliuwday .lnh-27

CALLING nt QUEKNSTOWN tbo .lay folloivini!*,

lormliaik 1'asscnwrs.r.issi-ncers lu okrd llirmich to San Viancifn :nd all inland

lotvii.s at low rates,lU t i s i l I'a-saue fiom Liverpool tu N'rw Y<.ik . —Cal .in

Pas-age, tl5 13- . and ti« Is,. Slermer 1'a.sasu at i.-.ln.:ulla l . s . T ie latter I I K - II I J H . „„ uiili supp ly of piovisimif ,CO. kill add M-rvcd Up by li'C Cnm,l:iuj '< >!r«-Hlil ¥ .

Fur fi.ii .lil or pis«a^.- , applv loMATT 11K W H. CA M I'lON/38 ll..n..v. r-st ., Wat.-rf.ird ;J O H N DKVKI .'KL'X. tiii- .v. Watufnr .!;THOMAS k'A V A X A C I I . ,!,„ flq,,;,,-,., J) un?»rv.m ;JA.M KS SCOTT .t CO., (Jii .Mistnwn; .,r tn

[o2J.lll ( i l 'IUN ts. CO., 2.-. Wntn-slrrct , l.icei pnc.l .

|K»r S li 0 It T S K A V A S S A G E

Every Wednesday & Thursday to AMERICA,¦i , X>Y TIIK SIM .KNDH) H A I L -

a JN , J-? STK AMKKS ol tin- ALLAN LINK ,<y5sB\ f * .rnimm;.. in tii iiiu-clinti with the iMlAND4hcaeS!*£*> TUL'XK and oib.r HA1LWAYS , ami F..r-war.lius I' on c:.-\- trims to all Statiut is ill CA-NADA and the WEsTKliX STATIC :—( iKltMANY .Inly li «NI- :ST01!l.\N....Jiil y lil•IM J I ' SSIA J t ilv I I CASPIAN Jul y -jr.l l l i ; i - : i t . \I .VN JuJ y l!' SCANDINAVIAN is

Cdline al LOMIOM > I:BII Y (In land), . vny FI SIDA Y ,tn . inls itk P..v-eiiL'i-ts ;iml Il.-r Maj i -sly 's Mnils ; and finin

l O l l T L A N D In LI VKKI'OOL i evrry SATUR DAY.Cms PA S SA K B TM l 'Ol il 'LAND , IIOhTOX , or NEW

YOIIK, UlS 1S> , ami .tl.i,, .mluilii: R Provisions , liutt.'-t Wiu.-s or l.i'nu.vs , whirli call he ul .tailed uu bo-itd.

tjsf STFKBACK l'ASSA(i F, 10 rilll '-r I'OUII.AM', Q L'KUKC ,'icsi.'N or N K « Y. i ii K j li iO- ., inclmli i i ^ap U'iitiliil supply Pj .iv- iun- . X *iV Uti qgayt I t lk rn from the Ocea niS7f«m\/j./ i5 ni the 7w.ii'fc",v Cars Free of Hrj itusi '.

Pan plilrts mi Catia-.iu supplied Krn lis . Shnrli'sl lt.-ut . - toSan F i a i i i i M O , via I lie 1'i.i. n I'artiii: lia 'duiail. Tliiun;bTuk . l s i-Mii 'l ..a ll.. ' 'avi.rndili : t irins.

F'ir Fn-i-jlit or l'.is > a^.1 m ply, in ( !l.s _-..w to .1. and A.A I.I .A N ; in l. lu . \ losi r;nMKi:ir. A (J U K K M I O H N K , 17(ii.i .Tliuirh-str .- i- t : tn A LLA N P » H >.'T11|- :HS: ,\, Cn. ,AU'x.imiiaIniililiii i i s, .la.n.s-slr.n , Liuil iu'i.l , and Si l-'iiyli-striTt , Lon-don b- i iv : .-r in

Mr. FOIII i l STAL , Nr. Ilnss ;.1. M. Ml.'IM 'HY , lii Ni-iv-liii..- , Cairii -V-Bii-Siiir;T H O M A S K A V A N A C . I l, Di;i,- ..naii : tn

(fj .s - ly) THOMAS lTI.'CKLL , (^n.-iv , W.itnfonl.*

*• Any i l . l . - iu ta t i<>n r. i]ui:i-d .-.•lic. -riiin ^ C.mad.i ran le

ol:l..;ni.l I' Mr. D i x o x, 11, Adam Slir. t , Ad. l plii , Lull-ti- .n A uf l i t fnr the C.m:i<ii:.ti ( . . .T.- il i inrnt.

I M I M 1 K T A N T TO K .M I < i 1! A X T.S.


M ., riTHI'. MONTItKAI. OCKAN STHAM.« «Jk K-N i S H I P COMPANY will .li-|.:il ,liy7>|K f.\ .( ln.- of tln - ir Ihnmriti- Si-- :iinrrs nl" the

teSEJiS*.- A I.I .A X Linr, IVoiii KiM. sTiiwv (111 m.ix),TO ciri:i!i:c .. I :\ KHY 'nn.'i iSDAY ,

tf-'v'.*'{';irryiti'; Passrnjj i-i-s at tli '- satin? l-ntc to fi l l ior( ^IIOIH-C , Hri .'tuu, o" Nrw Ynik.

Tlu- .sp Slcaiiivrs nil. i- thr gi-i-ati'sl facil ity to Pas.scnpris li.innil t" tl.c Won-i-ii Stal l 1.- of Alii i - i i l - : i , :i.<Pas-s.-ii;jrt\ -' I-:I I I 1M - Itirwarib *.! on Tlitiin ^h Tirkri. t o ; i l lt l i o iti .j iortant SlJ i t io t i s us 1'nr Wi-sl as San Francisco.

T II t: s r 1 . 1 N 1 . 1 i. s i r A .M I : I: SST. D A V I D lioin Dublin Inl y 1 l ib'ST. A N I U S K W .lo Inl y I'I .- I .ST. PATW1CIC ill. Jn lv "Ml,.

iiA TKs nr ] >.ISS.U ;Kfrom Di i - i . I N lo cithoi- (tM ri;i:r , l'."siov ( m- Ni:'.\ '( l l :K;

Sli-ci:ii: ( l, iucluil it i ^' a full suj ij il y of pt*ovi.siotis ,.Cii Its.l'.ixsAii i : 'Hi l,H Klir. i:—Chici' (' al)iii , .tl:i Uls. ; Inter.

nu- 'liati 1, I'll.For riii-tln -r |>:irt ii - iil .-n-s . njijily to .IA M K S »t A . . i : \ \ v .

I 'l l: A I I .A X , 7" (.'I I U I Clvih- SII T H , Clii^inv , ami 1!.Ktl i- it Oimv, Dublin : nr in i ln - i i - A l i E N T S :

TH OMAS p r i t C K I . I . , WiiH.-i- :.1 . M. M T J I P I I V, Xi-w-laiic. CaiTick-oii.Suir.K D W A K I ) V,I:TL 1-:II , liniisti.«ui' . ( lnb l l- l l



mT&Tlf F* I^TATIONAT, STKAM SHIPy ^S j> . i- i COMPANY ( L l . M I T K D ) .fflfei li 2kV > Thciit-w full-powcrcd Hritifb Iron

m *r- rj ttp i 1 tyf S Ti Screw Stcani-?hi p.HSl 'ijl *. T "HS ' Slt 'j ir. Ti 'iiy

Sl 'AI .N UnuMitu I ¦ K N I i l .A M l , liri-.'-.'s .¦ :Ua>7

K I J Y I T ll.uil.lii.i - ;. . ! i:i:iN, Tli"ina.- '. ' . . . :t:|sITALY il.nil.lili -.-l.. Iir. , . , • .JJ. i : III - M.VCTIA , Tl i«.n. -;!"•IHH .I.ASD, TliMiiia s ... :il-"i I 'KN NS YI.VAMA • ¦ . -Js«iI I I A.M .'i:, I :PWII . 1-.7I V l l l l i l M A , Ur.i.v >-<7Ti»-: i,in:i-:x, Tii"iiipM.ii ::MT ' 1) I:X .MAIIK , I '"I I' S.. . ::iixWill I....!.-|.»I . I IH 1 I I-,,«. Livernon! I.. X. if Yi.rk a- l..llm>• « .

K N ( i L A N I ) WrdiicMlar .luly i»tb.T J I K i .i l 'K K N . . . . WiKlm-MlaV In lv i7thPi:.\ .\ S V L V A N I A WViliic Mlav \ IIL---I "."1

And lioin (j i i i - iM .- i . i wi i t in- I . I I I U A I I I ^ days.'!T>- S..!c,.;i ;,irnu,i,.r.i];.|,i.|i oil bnaid tbcyrStrauirif is Vcy

s- ' i ; . : : , i . l.'a i. i.f pa-s^r l imn Livrip' .ul t'i N'->v Yi. .k ,1 -J 1,1 ¦! 15 l i .nnr . . - . .!. -( • . -ti 'l i i: t . i iil' i - 'i l i i l l r l ia lu il i in Slali-H- ..I. , i.l!':ns <¦: |.|:\i:..«!- in S..I, ,;ll. I l l r l U i l l I 'itkrls,I' .v ni \ -I ,v * ( i i

'l l i . i . - I- Mivll. II i. ii: -.. l i . .u f 'r St i . rii ie P.iss,,, .-. . - , :¦!, .! :¦ !l lt : -..|.].:v ,.f C....I..I Prnvi.-i ,, '.^-, I V . -ll UP liy III. .Cltl], l l , \ '* .-!, \v;,ni- .

1" i', ."l - l-~ :.., l I ! . :,.!¦-!, t.. A-p lrn .'I , Sail Fri-n. -i- n. ,I I I . - inl. . ..-l '¦'« !,- ,.l C;,.,:..!., , .ml .,: t !n- L'i.;t . -.l Slati- , ont .,vii i . ,l :,¦ I.- ' II -.

I' .- r l-'i . i --hl ,,r Pa— .11- .¦ app ly t o"J in: N A I I I ..N .M. SH A M > i i i r (.'"M P A N V ( L I M I T I :II ),

1 I, I : ,,- A i l i . l 0 , O!.!l,a:|.s! ..I -J.l, W . . lrr . . l l . r l , Li»np|-..l ,T.i N. :".¦! .1. C l - \ l U I .\s :.l:.l C -. l i ln .M., Ijtln l ix t ' .un ; l!<Mi . M i X I - I I V . X , w > A-ji - i . l, r i i i i i tk- .u-Suir; or. M l . l i l C I I A H U P i l l I . \X , I'.n i la 'V : nr In III . -

A . , « t f : r l l a l r r M — M I C H A E L l l O U X K V . (^LiV.

K.M i L A N D A N D sol.TII W A L KS , AM . I I I I : SOUTHOF l l i K L A N D . n\ ( ;I : E A T W KS1 E l i X I i A l l . '.VAY ,r;.i M I I . F i i l i l ) I I A V K X .

I n roi i i ii -rt iot i w i t h t i n - W.ui i:!'ii:n A Lun:i:i' K amiW A I K I :I I I I ; I > .t I V M C I I. J I. U.AM . I.iiii'.-- .

SHORTEST ROUTE , and REDUCED FARES._ {. .»;. t:.\n;i:.\-; rn.uss ,\- .v/.ir t:\f i' M A I L

^Luif l i S T K A M K K X ATK/.'Y WKKK HA Y.I P - l . i \ \ i- W A I 1 1 . ¦ HI ::, at I p.m.. on Arrival i'f 1 1 . Id

i i . iu . Tnii i i l i o i n l . iu iM- i rk . i i i i i l l i i ..1H ii. ii i Train

I , . . i n M:.i-y biiroiiM| i. A u i i i v i M . I N LnM'iix at-

i.i I I . I . I lxllon- ii'V i""nii"j.'-

IK Ill' .V l.r .u t l.. , \i ,o v f i 'miil i i i^i i i i i ) :.i I. .'-" p.m.,

I I I M I A I :I:I M . A I WA I I I . I I I I :II nl...ul. !l .-l" a .m., in

l i n n - l o r t l ii - 'I'i a i i i .- on t i n - Wan- iSor. l ami l . iuic-

ri. b n i . l C. t . t n i ! In lad.1 Lii:.-s.

F A IM-: S ir .i7 'K/: ;-vi/ :;i .I .Y / I /. . I.\H >.\'.-SI M . I I - (a \ : i i la l ib- 1 DM V S ) 1st Clas.-- &. Saiuui! , His (M

' ^ii . l Class A- Saloon , ii .-.x lM" .. :tnl Class >v Ciiliiii , i"sl'. l

i ; K H K \ ( a v a i l a l i l - I Month) 1st Class .v Haloon , 7lw Oilliinl Class A Saloon , .Ws (i<l

Kuri l . .-!- infoiniat iot i can I..- fiom Mi-s.-rs.J » . i. -ox an.l Co.. Xrw .Mill i . i . l, ami Mr. J ) i .w . \K> ,Ai!i-! plii What I. Wi.t. i lot . l ; ami th< - I t l l . i . K l ._ FA I :I:Sl . i - tw i '1 - i i i i i l i i - r iinpm-li ini Sinlions , t in: Tiim: Tallies,., , , .1 •|'l,r,.ii ^h l.'ai .- l'..r C00.I- , Ac- ., <»r Mr. W. J. Ill's-M.I.I . l l i . ' ( ! l : r .M \\ I -I I l:v Cui iriM '" Ai i K M ,

p.\ n."s .-.,ir.\ i;i:, WATKUF OIMI..1. ! ; i ; I K l : S O N , ( icm ial Manager

P,, . l , l ,n -- lou. Au _-:-l . l. -iKI . I l l iy- SH

I N K S .i;L ACI< u'"n"'S' AlK."DAN'S K K U I S T I I A 'H ON,

t/ .."" A M . M .I . I I I K M K - I K i> -.

In J A K - :.; ¦: !., !.-¦ , I ' . <¦•• !., ami :N. each ,

10 KI : a \ . i

i v - ¦/ / (¦;•.¦

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C>,-." With nil Mu'sof E'fATiON ERY, &c,l !\ t l , , ' i) . . . in or 1! i l l '- i . am.

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|) i ;. - : i : i ! - n <i N -, !• ¦ : . ,..,• ik-rT TTK l i l ' V l i - . .. ".I . 1.: — .. -. I -. . ami r I l i - I - the

A\' PI . K "i'

i . 1 1 M » : : I. I : •¦ ' l . . . : - , > . o - il.-iti- s :—

.. ,, s. < .. -•-. I - - .. - ¦¦¦ -¦¦' '¦- •> '. . - ¦ '••--'•

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- M ) , - T ii C I I K A T . ; i :< . i ;< ;i : s.sri.'KKT. DI :J !L IN .


^BBSB:i:lBSs.i:i> ( " \ | ,i VV' l - '. l . i . - < > ¦ ¦ '

¦"• K- n . K KN 'N V ,

a.!j . > i i . . i < r-' '"' ' 's' -j- c | ;j 111: , l-:-. |.. T I F U . T i l i l f .

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« U M M K RD A L T O N




TIVKK D S; [ VXSi '.Y DIJBS.SKSi : RIDHO.VS ;FANCY COATIN liS ,t Y K S T l X t i S : ' P R 1XTKD Jtb'.SLr.VS: MAHKHDASHKRY AxnFANCY TI«) W.SKl t lX ( iS j | „ CALICUKS i TlUMJUXUS in great Yariutj

A Largo Lot of Lawn Handkerkchiefs, Slightly Dainagod, very Cheap.IM. I'. A S K ( l l t . S K K Y K :


S P E C I A L A N N O U N C E M E N T ,

N E W M I L L I N E R ! : ! !: &'A

W A L T E R O ' D O N N E L L & C o .r.i:,.



PnrtiL - iilnr atu-ntion is ivriucstt-ii lo tlii: fnllowiii"; N K W SH APKS IN L A D I K S " HATSwhit-h j In lir "all the rage" in the foniiiijj srasini , Ti/. : - - -TIIK J I A D K X - I 1 A D K X ,KOI M A N I A , anil ZCTLAND.

W'K -Mi l-; NOW S I I U W 'J N C AT.L Til JO J ' K I N U I I ' A r . N O Y K L T I K SIX

MANTLKS ,SHAWLS ,S I L K Di !i;ssi;sFLOWi :i!S ,

C-,r 4 7, 5 0 , & 5 1, Q U A Y


N E W S U M M K R G 0 0 I) « .liVE. POWER c53 SO3STS

in:.: I; KS |'K I "1 i ' i*i . i . \ 'Hi W M I I \. 'K

iS-i:." T H A I ' n iKY A in: xow aiuiwix i: T I I K I I I S K OI X D H I :I .I \ I ;I :Y vi


FA NCI f' OATIXf J S & TI!0W I I O S I K K YSKI UTS :J ' l l l N T K I I

MI ; siM,.S'. i, .1

ti .OVS K I I i .VOS; VI


S'I 'INCS :DI!i:sSKS C A L K ( I K S A x n

INS ,I.AIHII - : STi n 'K

I I I I S I I I . I X C N S , | W I I I T K ( ALK. 'OKS , ! 11 KSSIA .N S,S I I K K ' I I N C S , , T I U K K N S , i TOWKI.S. Ac.


^| pKBHTICE^ 0^0

Nl£50 t

\2M -»•• %3^lltfv SUPERPHOSPHATE,/'



THIS PRIZE CUP WAS AWARDE D TO R. S. DOYME , ESQ., WELLS , COUNTY WEXFORD.The l- 'u-lc! tinntninrd Ttfrn'y Acrct nf t'Krp ic-lnpiu ii Swedes ; tlit Imlii .; ut ic very

<.i JI S . ainl o f linu shnju- ; ilivir keeping qual i ty cuulti n-n be sitrp;i <ts- -(l.

THE PRODUCE WA S SIXTY-TH REE AMD A-HALF TONS PER ACRE.Thi Judges ccinpliininiu! Mr. Ciol.'K , Land Sttward , for thu excellent crop Kro»ii unifci l i i - . taic.

EXTnACT TiiOM THE ROYAL DUOLIN SOCIETY'S REPORT.•'Tl-.i- Si.iml "I Mtssr:;. W I G H T & CO.. K J .|:I I I - Snr.-t. VIA -. >.f very cni»i.|rrali!e inlurs -

C[.. .|| it v:r. l'un -.iii 'h 1 : . /. (. .; . v.ili.i Tin; Cnui,, :, :.-...l i.!r.l 1" X. S l)n\iir . I\ . .o., Wi'llf , CKMI I V

WLM M I I I ; al .-, -P' l I:.» II ¦ •¦: ;i. .. l '.iK;- ,a:,;,i ,:..ii...: I I I . I ' .- i . i . TI K- C'r-i p )>r,«li:<. - t."l «..; ail'! -i- l i: . i l I. ..Lpel atit. '11.• ¦ 'i 1 - ' - : '-; ¦> ! li . '!'.;n:,; . u . . . : :, - t - i l . : ,: Ih,;. w i l t . v>i:n,! , h.ravy. \% c'.l sli.ti 'cil liullis . a:uuHccl ;;ri:. t tl •¦..:: ¦•:! M :. < < ¦ ¦¦;!. . I ;.;i-! Si, v. M -!. nn-icr -\ l; , ,- ., ; . , i < - :!;r: M I re ;4t '> .'. r.."

rnoi .i THE " FArii.icr. -s CA ;:ETTC ." PEC. DTH . tsooP k lZl i C U I ' l -O i : SWIiUIi T U K N IPS.—\\\ u r . . : , , . "...11,1 Ihil III.: \ . - | . - li.iii. !s..n:e I' l i / C ,-i J

Cup. X i l' tlt* ;.•¦ ( . l l l i , 1 .. . ¦¦; - I ..: .. t"'.:r..; .. S,'\* -I i- i ¦..-¦- .of S»ulcTi ::i . i | . . ;;i v: . ;. : • • , I 'ui.:.n ' . S-.:i. i pli. -sfh Mi .Well: . i M U '.y. L..L .-.: . U : ! . n . \. I » , , . ;- . >u ,-J : , ; \ Si : l \ tv.^:. i.;, . *.inn\ ,.u- i. .- . i • : ...u: t! i > ( . , . , ; - .. IS <1 :li., t ,,l i i - , h i II n , !.r n;;,:.;. . , I ti. - v < '.:^.,;,. n ,.l n '.-.;n: |li. ;, . ";;o r \p-.1I..1I ll:i -;. h:-.:: i. i :,l i :- ( n , . i . | . :.; . , s | ,. , , , ; I'K;;: K OK Ii

II I l . t . l . t M II / ( ./ . / . ( '. . , . . , ..;..: ; :¦., : .. .;,-. , . . , , .. ¦ „

T O B E S O L D ,V I I K N T C l I A I i C I '. OF f| ,i i.j:, I ' lv l t A N N I ' .M.

1'iivii l i ln liy tin- lit :i- :.\ i Sin im:t: .\ A M . \V I .- I K I :.V1{.\ II .«AI CO .I- WK .L O A N S O N C A I. I, O I! I) K I ' O S I T

mil K DI II KCTOIt S i,f 11,,. WAI KI U II :;I. & CK N TI S A I . i r n K M II K >• T:JL Jl.- K I . I N / . i i t l l . l l 11 (.'..I I I A M j ii -,, |»-t'|..'l|-.'l [, un.ll'l- ! ^"' •Ml.'.- f'f Mo.V TKI I.ll.K , Jllir l., J-'.II.K.

tin: Vnivisiniis i.f tin: Wiiii 'i 'l 'iinl :mil Ci-n tni l Ir. , C-'ii" I' l- iispri- liisiw , Kate ul' As.sni-.ini-i: anil C V C IJ

liiiiln-ny Ai-t, I si is, t.i S K I , I , an.l C 'O N V K V t i n- i 't l i iri ii s i l it.n may I...- lia.l ..I "W110LK or :my J 'AIIT iif Il i u l i K N T - C I I A D C K ..f j -Mil. J M C H A K I ) I T A K H I S , Audit ,t',ll'-"i 1'KI ! A N N U M , I'iiynlili . to tl i i ' in liy ll i i ; ( irrai. j Sluuk anil SliiirrlmtkiT, 15 ( ,', Wiil i - i- l i i i i lSi'iilli '.-i'ii anil Wi- .sli ni l!:iilw:iy ('i> iii[>:itiy, mi ar- M A H I X K A S S I ^I I A X t ' K .«•'""' "I' ll"1 l'iii.'-i |..-.l Mini ol' C-'l» ,.'<( K ) (..v|H'ii. |ii| |,y | C.-iryoi's. |in- Sir: r mill Sailili;; Vivsc l, lo mivl!,r fin-mi-)- l'»r l l»- I. I II IT f.'-;mii.-my. ' : |',,, ( ,-„ , )„. |,i.|, , Urislol , aii.l Kn^lisli C'IK I I I I I I .'I S

Tlmy ni-r; alsn i. -i painl , f.,,- t |,,. ,,iii | , . ,si . ,,r U K - ln-ni - , - ,1 m, v.- t v JI ., i l i- :-i lc Tuinis- . ' (W)I '- .A C I Nd tl , i . I X S T A L MK N T S nr llir C O V K K N '- ' ' ~M K X T LOAN nn.| KONDS l'nl l in '.< I I IIL , I., A.-,-.- ) ,! ' . , , ., „ ,., . . ,. .. . .. .. „ ..LOANS, tiu l 'Oi;il I 'KI l CKXT , jinynlili! ;.iion ( l ie I- I k S. I I ) h \, I V I: It \M ON m's Noun:, nr I-'1VK l'KI! UKNT. II|H,,, T I I I I KK • ,„¦M ONTHS' N O I I I ' K. I

Tln- v will IM ',. ,.,, 1 M O N K V mi MOIITC \ ( 1K . NEW SUMMER , nl SIX l 'Kli ( ,'KNT , I'm- Tni: I :K or l'a>: V KAUS , :anl lor ti l l - I lKl iK.V i 'L 'l i l - : S'I'OCK , li'-alili - ; I nt f i i - .-t. \t v> u I" IT I \-nt SIX l'KK C:I:NT , |... TIH :KK VKAi: si ' i ' l F 1 V K l 'll l t - U l i h . K T . 1 , 1 , 1

C:-:XT i n ) ii ' i ' | . i -i i i i lr nl'i.-nviinls. | '|> KSI'KCTKl.'LLV aniionnci . s l,i T l.' l l T I 'H NKm- tin- Vi-nr u.i.lin- t l . . . -., l l . i.r Maul . , lSTn. |I,. : , XL ,. ,,A| ., S .„„, |.1)N |,( )N'Inilli.- ]:.'.-i'i|.:s win- i;i'.i ,ssii ,",s. ltil. --lln: Working . '

mill i itln- r K.vjK .n.-1-s In-i ic l;|i;,( i l l i Ms. (hi. —li :aviii-a A X I I I I I Kbnluiicrul' .Ul:i ,sn:i 1 Is. (nl. nn- Im cn-sl en L.mns, al'-tcr tlic iKiJ - ini - nt id' wli irl i I I . ITI: is a C I I I I S M PKI I II U sur-plu s; anil ihi. l!i-i-i |i t scnhi i i i in ' sicailil y to inm-asr.

They w ill , I'vi-ry l lalf .vi- ai- , M M I I I tn na'cl. (Jrrilitor'in.'iil. slum inn tin: hil l paiiic- nlar * ai'l Atiiuiintnf the MiVcml LI K I I I .S i l i lu liy tliu (.'iinipanv.

A pp lieatiuns to lit- U. IIII-I 'SMMI to tlm ini(li >:vii;iicil l nttl u Cuinpiuiy 's Ollin s, W.uii lori l Terminus.

( l i y Onl.'r),W I L L I A M WI LLIAMS , Scci-nlury.

Watfi-foi-i l , May llth , 1N7H . (ju lU)

Three Splondid Speculations !OITKH to Siil«cn)«'rs lliiMi .osf. rurouRililcrb.-iii crs

of C l i K A T SLCCKSS ; . -WITIl A S I N C L KSTAKK ol' 12s. yon ran i. lnain Cli .d'M ! with t l .Cii» ,« H H j I w i th t i l) , C:i7 ,min !

Kof I'lospl iM.llsl 's . app ly withnnl llcliiv to Kl u:MTll.i.ii l , 0i:in.nil .Mi-rcluinl, ( i i iL- inscv. " f k'lM-lii-"

A COMMISSI ON WANTED.A V O U Nl i M A X , .v|,o l, ils !i liu-g,. Tr.-ivi!llinj,' f .'i in-ji. mi- i i . . i i i i i I I M - S'I I I I I I . T I , :> n,I .Mi i l lan i l Comitii'Si.l' Ini la ii. l . is ..p.". i n : , , , ,',,._.:,..,•,, :,.,,t as a T l i A V K L -I . I N I i (.'i Ul MISSION A l i l - I N"!1 to ll..- Cr.imy orI urn Tra.k- , i\:r. I ' tn.-M-i -ptixnii l i l i ' r.-lfii-nco can In:•j i>rl: , .'Ill 'l :i M.), l. - l :il.- f , . t i n , , j , . , , , :, ,,,,|y Mi|.j irc.|.

Ailiirr.-s A., "' Ullk'u ul' I !IM I'ap.T. " (niill.:ii)

•1 I t J I M . . - I :: . : , . :. . . . :,,;il , | l ,.1 . A. . M I '. l i L 'Y ,V CO.. Hi —.1. n. ( T L L K N , Ni . « l!n~s . IC l I i f l S T O l ' lI K i : I H ' l i l l K S , (J i a i " I

Coffin Factory & Undertaking : EstablishmentAIANOU- .V| |:|..i.;-|-| WATKia-'OKI).

T-J I C I I A K O ni7.(;i: i(AL0 1I-K? lo inform l.i*i. nuhn'rou , anil tin- l'nl;lic ^i>in!r.ill y,

t l i . l t Iir i^ I I I I W pri'|i:nv.l I n . x , .:iili' a l l Oi . l , i s in I l iet :s Ht : i l T A kl M i UUalM.S:..

F A S H I O N S !& H A N L E Y



\N.\ni N( t;


li lUl lOXS , I ' l i l M SJ I O S I K H Y , ! SCAUI 'S( i l .OYK.S, [ TIKS , AtT I U M M I N d S ,

D E L I V E R Y(i i'

HATS A N D CA PS ;Tins, S i l l UTS, COI.II 'A U ASOLS A N D 1)1!T U I M M I . V f / S in ••real

A IIS ,I-ISS\'ariu(yI



Alliance Life and Fire Assurance(J O M 1' A X V ,

/.•.iU77/i// ,u. i/;;ir /,.i.v;:, i.uxiinx." AJ ' lTAL:- I-'JVJO M I L L I O N S STKKLINC

•::. n i l !•¦ M i . U'i ::h-.. :..i l!:r ! i- .l '1, ,: A v-I..., !«:¦¦¦: ., :,!¦:. ¦! t,. U. H. |l . .« :l . - . I- :..;. . .» ¦ v :„:,: .. !...!! l. ., , . |- . , 1: i- l l :.i.-. 'I i - ::I -. K S . ::i..-.»n in . lit l-. i M . Ly Al::i 'i I 1

"1 • ¦

I ':.. ;l l . i - :., st ivinnuTi.. l i - - n . 'I K t ; . r - ;;UM. VALUE In tin- I.. Mi . I 1..:!..:.., ; / , Sri . <¦_/ .'*.,.. .U,:..:..,s ,,. ,'. ..'i nr- > :, . if::!¦ - i

.X v.. n l,f ,. ..!! ,r..|:i

D. I I . I I K i C i l X S , (.'I . IA J IKI . .S. J K I . L I C O .t CO., OI I MM -.L . A . I! V A N , W A T K i i i i

ARRIVAL OF HEK NEW GOODS,wl iicli a i'u nmv icutl y fur In-pccti'in , ami ii icl iu ln


M i i . t . i \ KI I V . ; Il in ivs ( HI , ii,s , iii allSM.- \ U JI U S II R- N K « KA I I I M I S,

A \ i > U . I W K I S . I l l l l l l s AMI SlI l lK N ,M w i l . l - , iv S l I A t t t .;., ( iK.M I.KMK .N'S Tills ,l! i i : i :n\> A .M . L\rK.\, Sr \ i i i s ,KK A I I I I :I:S f i I-'I.O» I :I:S

J Snn:is AN D HIJACKS.I los i i . i a A (! I .I I M -.N f n- Ac,

M I L 1 . I N K W Y . MANTI .K. t DHAI'KJIV\VAi !KiKn ';si-;,


P.S . -I liavi ' .'i i t i l . i l in my Stork a SI 'LKND IDA S S O K T . M K N T ol U I H T K I/ L 'I LTS, WIN-I 'OW Cl i r f A I N S , TOILKTS , (.'HINT/, D I . M I -T I I '.S . S I I K K T I X C S , TOWKLLIN d & TAHLKI . I N K N .


X"b \ N i i: i. c o M A x. STI :P II I :N STIIKKT ,J Waii 'i 'inni , I I A V I X C I :;;SIONKI ) IIUSINKSS ,

liiii-cliy KiTi s Nolici- , that all t l ie (iOODS now DKl'O-SI'I ' K I ) in his OIT'ICK will havi- TO UK I I K D K K M M DW I T H I N T i r i i K K MONTHS KKO .M THIS DATK ,oili . ' i-wisi- Ihrv will tin SOLI ) arcunliu^' tn Law.

W ;uuilui.l , '7th Jnlv , 1S7H. (jy»- Lf)








K.\i:ct!Ti;ii WITH

T.'IS Ti: ,


l'RIUKS ASTONISHINGLY LOW,[The f inality nf the Work Con 'iiif cd),


The News Book and JoE^rinSng'I'ACINC , MACHJXK l i ULIX t i ,


ez'r xw. ID A- .id Kin i si •¦• ¦.• !, ii'.i/.vfi).i ',

Nico iiLS' C]-;LKUI: ATI:U

S L' M M K H

OVER COATS,/; /•;. i u T i ;¦• u 1. 1, r r i x i ¦¦> n i: i> ,

I I I K nn:

II K A T ,

I) L' .S T ,


1! A I N .

/ '. ./. .•.•I 'f .UI '.l.V,

UV/" ''! (j rj A Y, \YA Ti:i:hVi:n.[myli. i j

N c> T i i; K .

In consci|tu'iu.-i! of his incrc.-isin^ Tiinlc,RODERICK RYAN lias OPENED a BRANCH

ESTABLISHMENTf 'ii " AT X 'J. I l l , Till: (j l :A Y,

W 1IKISK lm has aji Kxtc-nsivu Assorinii-nt ufl-'IIJST CLASS ( i l ! («;Kli l l - ;S ,

TKAS , W I N K S , l i l l A N I U K S . W 1 I I S K K Y S , IM.'M ,(, : IN , A M I oT M Kii 't,i^i:oi;S:

.I/. - .--, / •.. ,•/. -,-, S";m..< , Hr" -::', S-ii l .f , ( .•..,»''••.-¦, ,J- .-.,KOI ,I , A V I . ALL K J . V I W OK I 'ANCV TOIi.UXUS,

L \ ^ l l : K l . *'H CO K K A M . n in i : i : l-'.wrv S.MTI 'S J

.M K I ;I ;S C I I A I ;M A N D 1!I:IAI I .I:OOT PU 'KS, IN(.'l iKAT V A I t l K T Y j anil

F I . N K S T 1' D U K K i X C K i A J t S.up./ii a quant i ty of wliicli In.1 has this wiM'k paiil Dutyto :i lar"i: ainnilut. at I lie Custnm.hniisi', Watl'i-funl.

l lcjru i iraiitciw rviry nrliclu ollcn-il for Snli- to lj i-nf tin! I' lN Ks r ( ,H.AI.m , anil hnpi-s his frii'inls anil thrpublic will contiiiui! Xo favtn- littii w i th the sauu1 kindsupport so lilu'rall y In'stinvcil nil him at I I IK uhl anilwull-knuwn Ilousr, I- iti:n.\ii Sri:i:i:r.

l iO I) Ki t I C K I I V A X .(ii- ,,.-i - i . / ( J , -...-.v, V'.-ii , II ' .'...., .. ,.¦' .S/..'. . 7 J/tv.'A.. .,', 'i',.l...-.

,-..,.;,¦/ , »,,!,. i (.•„„.!/.. .I;,.,.,,/; ,WM ,V,-,li , HU OAD.ST., AN -I . I l l , CirSTOM-JlOL 'SK (MJ AY ,(iyl) W A T K Jl r O J{ I) .


WK have llin jilr.-isun! in itifunn youthat wu liavr Cnuiui.'iicL'.l,

at aliovi: atl.lri-ss , asDHU Cd lSTS, OIL.M K N , A M I (J I S OCKKP, AT.,

un.l liopL1 to li(v fiirnuiftl with a share ofyour Orders*.

l'rnin tlio lonfj c.vpi ri.!iK-.: of our Prin-cipal in tin: Trailc nf (Mr. 11 KM ;vAi:m.i:t), you may fi-rl assurril that all(Irilfi -s Hit iustri l to nut- can; wil l lie VKU -ctltril to * ivo s-atislarti.jn.

I I K . N K V AVDLE Y & CO.Wiilci -I 'oril , LS7H. riii 2 l . t |

M U S I C .Ml!. I J I L T O N , J 'liOPKSSOl! 01' MUSK

&/$ X ll . IS , I I K X I UK rj 'A XTUKK T.Trrlll.-* , nil appticatinn. [tl I M I III I

]'1-;A(,'(K 'K AMI J ll 'CllAN 'SIMPROVED COMPOSITIONS and PAINTS,EOll tin: llci ltimis nf lion , Wiiuil ,C(ipiirr«l , or Zinc

Vi-ssc-ls, Yacht.s, Haters , lloals, Jlunys , ll.'acnns,I'ilcs , Ac. ; llnuscs , an . ;,1| kinds of Wouil Work , He.Alsn , Prrsi-rvin^ l!ailwny Slci-|icis and Fence

¦JIK ls'Il l' A L D L E Y & Co.,l i U C i S U I S T S , v l l .MKX , AXJi CH O M H f i ;

Have ^r.-at pleasure ill informing llllrir I'rici.d.s andthe l'ulil ic , I hat lliry have I»-ct i nppninli-d SoleAj r, 'tits in Watcrfnr. l Cor ihr Salr nf the almve, andthai thev keep the various kinds of Paints always inStock.

27, Barn.nstvand-strect, Waterford.McLEAN & JIcINTOSH, PLUMBEKS

hr .A I) M K U C I I A X T S , .Yf .,BK(i t n i n l i t n i i i e l h a t th. 'V have now ii'lilril tn th i .-ir

business II IMIA SS K O U N D l l Y a n d K X C i l . V K K I I -1 X ( i KS'I'A I i L I S I I M KNT, where llrass Wink of everyJi .-seiij ition wil l lie last and linishcil oil' in , and willi as litt le delay as pn>sitile.

"M I -L KA .V and Jl i I.V I I I M I also hejc to tendei- theirsincere thanks for the kind patrnna^e hestowetl onthem, and hope, hy their constant attention to, to merit a c.inl iiiuance nf .same.

t&'j" /,•¦«'', 11,-ii w, C'.y/ -.'.-, mi./ f,.il. ir<i.-l-.«,¦A. LITTI.K ( I K O I I I I K ' S STIiKKT . WATKlM 'Ol iDand IJ OSK - INX STIiKKT , K 1 L K K X N Y .

N.Ii. — Clrei' , Conservatnrie.i, and PublicBuilding * Heated on the most improved priuci plp bytlm circulation of hot water. (uiy i5-(im)

LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEATH A V I I K K X I I I I U I I O X , OL I O I I K I :, IMiS ;(J ot .ti M KHAI ., I'A K I S Kxi i i i -.rniiN , LS(17.

rnWO (iOLU MKDALS. —CAUTION. Xuim {.i-nu.1 ine without llaron I. II :I :II :'S (the iiiventnr) Or.

tilicale bcinjj on every Jar , accoiiip.iuieil by lull ilirec.lions for use.

Sold by nil Italian Warehousemen, Chemists,and (trnct.-rs. (.rent economy nud improvenicut inconkerv. Finest nii'nt-(lavnrin<j in^reilieut. J ( i j;hlystrent;lheniii^ fnr invalids and children. [jel7«l y


Nu. !', JJIiACJ CPHlAltS , WATKltl'OltD.MATT II KW I 1 K V K 1 1 K U X (luteof Mr. J AMKS

K VA V 'S) icpeetfully infnruiH his friends andthe Public that he II AS OPKNKI ) the. nbovc Coticcrns ,nud lirjjs to solicit li slinro of their I'alniiui^e. TheBest (Quality Meat only will be Mipplied, uuil all Jointscut to suit purchasers.

J£j}" Please observe 'I'he S<!iv Victualling Establish.ineni , !' lllackfriar.s, Waterford. (jyilt-ly)



BBGS lo inform tlio Nobility, Clergy, and (Jenlryof Wutcrford nml surrounding diBtricts, (hut he


where he olfer* for Sale tho very Boat descriptionof I IEK K , MUTTON , P01IK , ANU VEAL. &p AllJoints ('lit to Suit I*urcli:>ner8.

J . S., ii: relnrnin;; tin—ks to hia numerous .mppor-!ers, for the very lar^c slmre of patronogo which llu-ya ecerdeil him during tlio long period lie UM IJCIMI inbu!>ini.'M . ln>^n In nseure them that in his New K«t:i-'ilisliment they will find it their interest to continuethnt support.

03tf" Tho EstabliBhmriit will be open from Seven inthr Morning until Nino nt Night.

OllSKKVK :— Gmerat Victunllinj Btluhluhmml,17 tteonje'i Strict,i li i . U JOHN STAt'i'OUD, Piiurutirrow .

H 0 T EL SD U B L I N .

Commercial & Private Lodging House•I !) Jl A R L B O R O U G H S T R K E T . .

PARTIES Visiting Dublin can lie accommodated ,with or or without Board, and all the comfo U

of a home, on ModeratorTcrma. [o2o-tfj(gfT Situation centntl/oiouc to Snckvillc street.

GREAT HOTEL, TRAMOKBl I K. J(B1X l'OWliE, Proprietor of tlio A HELFIII

II I. llittta., WATKUCOB I), h'.ia much plunstiro in in-fnnninj his very many frieuds that ho has now in fnllworking order, fit for "the reception of (icntlemen. andFamilies, tho woll-knowu nnd. fnvonto HcrrKi. nt Tit.v-.MIIIIK , so loa<,' Eucco?Bfully and sutisfuctorilr carriedon by the Into Proprietor;

This Hotel , so admirably situated in this famouswatering plnco, cnmmandiiign mnjjnificenc view of thesen, has, for mnny years, tyjen celebrntcd for tho ofli-cicnt'mauner in which it has been conilnotffll j andJlr. Pun ni, who has lind mnch experience in catcriogfor tlio publiu, ii dctormiucd thnt lid will lenvo nothingandone to ranintaia its former celebrity and to comlucoto tho comfort of those why. muy honour him withtkeir support.* . - . > - -. *.'-T /»"«V*.-:r ' I - .' •

A spacious, well-lighted, nnd wull-veutilnted Uii.-MAiin ItoiiM , fitted with ono of Harris's latest Tables,hnsjust been udded to the Hotel; mil a N i:ns HooM ,supplied with all the Latest Papers anil Period ic-ills,has been Opened in an adjoining Koom, and every,thin™ will be done to secure the pleasure and the com-fort of Visitors. . (jK21.4m)


If-ii" U !/•"< ''•¦••"' owif itfl , < •</..i '«vi'-."T, ¦'."'. (iv.ii.jmy,


US*." LUNCliKONS ready nt nil times. (jy l)


THIS is a Cent ral and Coudiirtnb!.' ITntcl , in wliiclicvcryiliinj; can be had nu the most moderate

terms.S '° liesl Dublin and Wrxfnrd Spirit- ' ; alsn Nnindies

Wines , Pinter , Ale , .vc. (aulu-lf.)f e tf i" Cars on Il irea l the slinrlcst notice.

I) I;' I! L I N .The European Hotel, Eolton Street,

ri i l l lv E U R O P E A N i.< ihe largest , I ho best situate ,JL and the mos t ( ¦imifiii'tnlih 1 Hotel in the City. Al lmodern iinpi-ovriu.-nts have I H- . - I I ri-. -entl y iulrodiiced ,and the entire H OIIM 1 pajH-red , j isiinied , and dc.-.n-ated.

Twi-uly Suites of Apartiiu -nls for I-'amilies. Drnw.ini,' Itnotus frnin 'Js. (Id. lo ,**.s. Silting ittHims on theground Hunt- free nf charge.

C-%4" Souji . Fish , .Inints , Fowl , and Kmrre in and l!,- stauva:il , IVinn Two to Seven o'C'Inckiluilv. lied , inclmliiiJ! Servants , 2s. fid., U's.and Is. fid.

fn iJ i l - t f i J. MOLONY , Propiietnr.


ADM I T T ED I, Y nne of ihe 11EST SITUATE ,CHEAPEST , and MOST ciiMi 'in:r.\m.K F.VMILY

and COM.\li;i!CI.\ L HOTELS in the City .Jlcd , Is. ; llrc-ikfast, Is .; JJ inm- r (Ordinary ) Is. (id.

Dining and Sitting Humus set. apart for Lndies nudFamilies , irce of charge. Aecnmniodation for Seventy-live Persons. [j'l 'J-lyJ

fSf i " A Niu'l.t Porler always in iittendauce .PATRICK S. U A R E Y , Proprietor.

M 1 I J J-M ) 11 ]) ) 1A V K X .THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL,

AD.IOININC Ih" Terminus of the Smith WalesI?ailw::v Company nl New Milford , nnd the

Landing Stagr nf tin; Waietfoi d lioyiil Mail Packets.The 1'iibliiT arc ri'.s|H'etl 'iili y inli.rme. 1 that the above

extensive Kstablisbuient is replete with every nccoin-lnndati.iu. Cnll'ee, Cnminercial , and Silling Rooms ;llillianl and Smoking Rooms. Tho Jtnnnis ar< - large,lofty, and airy, beautifull y decorated, elegantly fur-nished , and in-.' mliei wise fitted up with every regardto comfort and ennvenienev.

This Hotel is situated on the banks of the far-famed Milford Haven , and commands a most cxtcn.."ive view of Her Majesty 's Dnek yaid , and of thernmautiu and picturesque Scenei v of the neighbour-hood.

Visitors, Tourists, Commercial f.entleinen , andFamilies will I'm.I this Es!ablishuieut , for situationand comfort , cniubiiied with Moderate Charges, sur.passed by no other in the Principality

Gs/ i" Hot, Cold, and Shower liaths.All communications should be addressed to

(jM'5-tf.) J . WI1KTT0 N, Manager.


(nni THAMUIU :, j iumiviw, .)¦.:)•

EVKRY SUNDAY , until further notice, n. mixedTrain of 1st , ind , and :inl ('lass Carriages will


HiilM To » ATI :I:I O I:I I .\xn lut'K :l.-t Cliws . -"'I (.'liiss. :Snl CkiJii

Leave Linierk-k - - li .illl }„ J 'nllns - - - 7.1D

£ 7s. Oil. la. Gd. ;,:>. fid.

,, Limerick Jncl. 7. *>l l3„ Tip^iary - - N.I5 ) ( al |!!i (iJ ,„ ( alier • - >S..w {„ (.'lonuiel - - 'J . l l l .'.s. :td. :is. Hd. L's. Id ... Cali iek - -10.20 2s. llld. is. Kit. Is. 2.1.„ Fiililowu - . l ( l .:t.". L's. (Id . Is. (i.|. ds. KM

Arriving at Walerlnid about 11.211 a.m.Tickets wi l l lie issued bulweeii Inli - rnii .-iliaK* Stop,

ping Stulinu.s, at Single Fai es for JJmible Journey.—Passengers travelling !»y iln's Train wil l return by t in*S.oO p.m. up-Mail Train from Waterfnrd, On no ac-eiiuiit wi l l Fan's be rel'umtcil for Tickets lost , or anye.xlension nf time yr.niled.

I . A I N S W O I I T I I . Suneiii . te i idenl .


.s/' .w.i r Kxcrixwixp . AT C I I K A V F A K K H .MARYB0R0' & KILKENNY to WATERFO RDON S U N D A Y , tlm :trd of J U L Y , and the following

.Sunday.--, until further notice , KXCl'P.SlONTICKETS will be issued by the Train leaving Jliiry.bornugh at 7-)l . l a.m., available to JI ETCKN the san'iuday by the Train leaving Walcrforii at 7.0 p.m.

F A 1 1 E S : 1st CoveredMary borough, Abbey- ) To

("Iss. Carriages

lci.v, Attaiiag h, and :> Kilkenny .¦ 2s. lid. Is. (id.Ilallvia gyett ... }ninl Hack )

Do. do. -, ?x r h . (Id . 2s. Kd.Kilkenny and ISennetsbrid ge (^5 J ;ia. (id . 2s. Oil.Thoiuastown mid liallyliale ( cZ '

j [ is. (id . Is. fid.Mulliiiavut unit Kilmacow ) £ I (. Is. (id. Is. (hi.

These Tickets me not Trnnsl'crable, nnd do not enti-t lo the lioldcrs tu ali ght at tiny other Stutious thanthose to which they are booked. No Lugguge ullow-ed, and uo Half-fares.

SKA II ATIMM :—Trains run ncarlyevery hour duringthe day to and from the Sen llathing place , Tramore.

lly onlcr, W I L L I A M WILLIAMS ,Head Offices , Wuterford Terininus, Secretary.

June 22nd, 1S70. 021]






S T A R C H .CA1° Tlie (J nicn 'r Laimdrest Uses no otJisr.

TO JiKll VuVa SUFFKUKI I S .T> >:A» " THK SKCJIKT l'lU KNl)," |,y ])„.S\) H A H N H - , K IIII has lur Itv i-uiy }tiu « tirm !ln. r>c lu.sivi- Hllrliliou t" H IB Irrnlil irlli null CUM - nl SEXUAL .11A-MWit>', SKUVOVS mu) l 'UY»WA l. D K I H U I Y , I.U.+Snf A1TEIITE, PAIN 'S IN THE HACK , li 1)1 NESS OKSKiHT , Lj\ S>lTUIIX, lN'l)I0EsT10N, sPERMAT0ni;.IKE A , l AH'EDIMENT- t« M A I t l t l A U l i , h.,,1 numriuu,ull.rr Ailimvitf, CHU »-.I by tl.t, I ,,I 1IK S ul youth , nhjcli ifnmlivinl , riMilt :a Kiiuiiivpiiai. , iurnniijr »ml mi fHI |v ,tr-a a il>.

Dr. HA I I NB U 'IMMUI' lw« Uxii liri i. iii iln- iiulihe iiiiiioi Inrn lur.iiiliiiiljk liii "- , "ml Hm I'nri-a he IKIS I-IL CI PJ \ut EIIIIIM Iloin * I.I -I K .I.I-J nml j .i.ilj .i,.ri(.il ii'imti! for liin vkill in id,,I rralmrtlt ol tlw lllnvr , :il|,| nil Si'XUql DIKVU-M. WITHOUTTHE USE OK MERCUI iY. . Il ls Mtdicnl Work , " I H KSECRET r'UlEND ,"Udhi<iiatnl with iiumrruus Cava m.i]Trsliiuuiiiiik fmui Patirul *, .liuwiun tlw wny by uliich thfjwire rfstur. d tu lu-ahli ,U1 ,1 ,nn,||j. viicnur. It i< > trn«Hiiile I" who nqnirn a »p. , .l y ami pp.fret rar'. 8c'nt|'i»l Ficr , n'ciui! Ir.nn iilw'ivu iiini , iin i n-ripl of 2 Stunpi

I '.J * A U .I I . K-, Ii i . llAust!- , 30 Mioruliill Crorm», Cain.Juaiuu Ko:ul , Luinluu, N. IUJS27.JU>*)

TO CATnpLlb 'CLBi^^BpOKSEtljERS, ic.. ' On Salt 'S i tSutitw't 6ff ieii\ ¦ '-

With the nVCTramcndntion of tbo Uisliop of WiUrfunl .IIKI. LUmoie, tlio Kight Her! l}r.0 BE:EH

A Cateckiam for the Instruction, of Children,• BV T11E

MOST Kcv. Dr. JAME8 BUTLKn, Arclil.i tl-npof Cnuhel anrl Emly.

Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Tvi-- .KKCllMSIF.X IlATtON :

"I npprovo of this Kdition of tlio Rijrlit Rev. I'M .J.UIKS BUTLKR'S CntccbiRm, and rccouiiiuy'd it to li. , .Fnithful of these Dioccaes.

"AU. O'BKIEN , K.C.T!.11 \7atcrford, Juno 2, 18G0."65f Onfah from nny parc nf the Diocese, s.-m in

nnd dircctiirto C. H KWIO.\J>, Printer nml,•lf«re,/oi>l AVi'5 Office, 1!) King-strcef , ]innii]ill y a t -tcndi1*! to. Tho Tmdc supplied nn moderate teriu.-i.

May hn had IUjtail from oyerj Catholii BuuksfllciIn thu Dioeeso. ' ' '. ' -s . ..

•V »«#! H^ft^TsSra^>> (83J" Munv/ arlurc Fmwrtiiav).

MSi fT^ l'V -I , LITTLE (iKOR fiE'S ST.'iEET ,P^*%

-L WATMih'OUU.IpvJ* Hats liought in this Establishment , ;>• ¦• ( ( '

Ftiv i if l 'bnfje. (mvl:; - i :::i).

Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co.(ESTAIII.ISIIK I. lNUIi.)

LIVERPOOL— H K M I OI J K K , 1 DA I .:: Srm i.:.D L 'I I L I N IJRANCH— I CO I.I . K I . I: C U K K X .

I X V K S T K l ) 1'UXDS , f .\,:,:',x , i > 7f : .rnilK ANNUAL KKVE. \I;K W .C1 ,2!I2,!I7.-. I K . H.I. ,JL nnd is derived from the following souici .-.-i : ¦- -

l-'ire Premi»ms CSt;7,H7 1 d sLife do il!."> .C I I s :,Interest i:i!l,!iri!) I I I I

.ei ,l'!)l',!J7."» I I)l-'lKE PREMIL 'MS MODERATE. —SETI 'LKMEN'l


The, Directors invite attention to the fnllnwiujr ad-vantages alfurdcd by the Company to person ; lal.iu^nut. Pnlii ies nu the Lives nl them.selvcs and .ill..• !•;:

l'i;i:.uirii.-i on plans adapted U) the variiiu.. nantsof the public.

ltn\i SKS declared ami guaranteed when tin: Policvis applied for.

No LiAim.rrr »F I'A K T NK I I S I I I I ', the J!ohiises n..i.liein^r contingent upon ]irufits.

Si' i.- i :K N Hi:i ."i of i'lilicir-s favorably dealt, wi l l i .TI I I I M V DA I .S allowed for H K \*:IV.\ I , of Policies.C L A I M S paj-able in IIUI ; niniith after .idii iissiua , bir ,

if wi.shed, frei.'ly dtscnuutetl in ordinary cases .A.wi .'iru:s , pre.s'cnt nod deferred, at liberal ia l . - .j.E\i «i«' .Mi:.vrsof Childix-n and Adulu ; the Rat:- ., ..I

Pri-mitim are on a Moderate scale.

.M K. J ' I I U J I I ' liUU\y .\l-; CiKitcnwr )has pleasure in ;iiiiiuiiuciii tf liis APPOINT. M KX I' ASAtiENT to the above Company. (jl \. '\i:- . )

( .i rrii -K-OL 'KEX HTRKKT , WATI-.l i l - 'U l i l i .

Pianoforte , Harmonium & Music Warehc1 •> i) , Q V .1 Y , II' A T /•: A' /•' a H I) .

C . A . J O K E SEXTENDS tn nil parts of the South i f In-: :.:- ,

the T H R E E YKAIIS' SYS'I 'KM (If J i | i : i .after wliicli , .iinl without further Payment , the P; A V > > .FoliTK or H t i i M o N H . M becouies the Prnp.'rlv .,!' ) - , .Hirer. Sprciiil trrni* of Hire . |.t,irt. . |*lv , r,advaneo. C . A . J O N K SBuys from the most, eminent maker:* oulv , ns a pi".- *.of wliicli the invrftii iitig dcmniiJ .iiui tl.i : lact l isa '. :- , ithe liiMtruiuents sold by him during the past niney-»- *have, in rvi-ry iu^tanee , j.'iven Fiitii ifadion.

C A. JONES has just leturneil fr.iu. L', wi t i ,l:ir^.- a^sortmi'iit of Pijnol'ortcs, ilielmliny Si'iiii-j rr:m : .(irandSipiareK , (!r:md"!., Senii-Cillii;. -andPiccolo f'iano- f«irl<v, witli all reci-nt iiiipruvcmeiils ,by Messrs. IJioaJwood , Coiiard, Krn rt) , Kirkiinm , kc.

C. A. JONES hasu lar^e a^tfurtmeiit of ll:irui.'>i. iui:. .:—English anil French make; Second-hand I'uinufnrles;Enyliah ami (Jpriuun Concerliuas, in .;re:it variety jViolins , Flutes , Cornel*, ic , ibe. A lino toned Organ*with Prilals nnd modern improvcmeilt?, N.".v, l yHrring tuii, irill I"C Sold a ijargi.iii.

C J.' New Music at half m:.rki-il price. . I M V I- .-J IU

M U S 1 C W A R E H O U S E , 12 II (J i; ,\ V.



The above-named Musieul Instruiiient^, practicall yTl'N'KIl AMI itKI 'AlllKll by

JIK. J'.- JJJ XOy, OKO'AX IS LMLJ J KJJ,:i.-|, K I N C S T K K K T , W A T K I! >' OJl I) .

%itV 11 Ycnrs' experience in (lie priuci pal 31ii.»icalHouses of Ijondnn. Teytinionials irom the greatest.Professor* of the period, nnd :t()0 lieleniices.

NEW MUSIC nlwuys in STOCK, mid foi-naidnl atHAI .K - .M A K K K I I PI I I I I :.

Mark the Address:—35 Kixii SlUKKT, WATHIII 'IHII ..(Snr» Vniif S /<¦<>«» Hie 1'ii nl. i if i lrr.)

N.l) .—Ji'o L'ooucctiun «ith anr other H IHM ; in t.mii.


M I S S H A Y , P K O F K S S O l t ()t- M K S I C(ilVKS LKSSOKS on the PlANO-l-'OliTK , :l i,

her Jirsidrncc, No. 17 L0MBA1ID STREET, or wouli!attend Pupils at their icsidinccM if

A SCHOOL for JIJVKK 1LES has been Ol 'ENKIlat the above address, ut the rccpjeol. kl ninny ciliwii.s.

t ti"Terms, on npplicntiim. " (.|].,',i= .

l'JIK Oil EAT UEMliin- OF Till; AL.1

HOLLOW AY'S 0INTMEKT. .'I'l I K Kt'WXT Of TIIK OlNTJIKNT I.N T I I K Sv.s-Jl IPM. —To the vi 'iy i.-i r- nml l l nhv ,.f ;,II ,1,-,- .,..•,

v l.irh i fli ct lllB l.tiuniii I titl y, tills r*-nut,k»l.l*' J iri- )i;.r .itii .n|H U . tulc-. It ¦li>i ip|>i'n» umlir tin' ot n... l,.ll:.i ^^.ill ili-iip[i. :us ul i .n inl.ln-ii ujion unit , 'fl.i' mit:a. til p. .-Imiim its. l.ealiiii: nrHiiil r^pMlli , nul i ly , un.l ni ihuui |II .:U .Si inp lt-eiii |,l ini'>, npru sorrs, liaril liimuiirs,, i)..»>l..ipi- tarlilM til nil kinds, nU.cirrrv , rntici r*, i.lii uutlnj^, nuil. n,hid , e f i iy !<|ii*i:ii- .- ct it-llM iniiMlion ur sti|-]im:iii, t^ u

i , ;.., '

i l i t l n - skin , II IL lWsl> , Ihr i:liiuili< , ur II U H U I

Ih? inu...-l , , ..i .In* tirn-sliil in it- il^stiiirliT^cniiriu. .ni.l peiui:i.i.<ni|y .:. ^.^nilhout ilniierr, liy nili! IUR in tbia iursliiiu.llr O.nlinnii.

I!AD Lr.u>, U A U liuy.»iT.«, Sunns A S D U LVEIIS - Inm;uiy ll.i>|iitnls in Kun-jic II,ii crlrbiatul tem»lv i« n- .v.-usi-il Fnr I I IH cur*1 ut ulil IVI .KUIU, H.m>, nml nlrris ;

~ia .- {.,, . ,

ami PUI I UI;M I , MU '1 in intiny p:ttl»i .t (t:il y,tliu first }> l,\> i.i. .t:.rmiilnrly pn-vcrilie it* u»r. t Jt. ii* R snvi-ieun ii-uiiil/ i.,1 t. ..;.brm»t< »nil b<il 1PR< J mi.l lilmisr iur nil skin dis.Hs.s . |-U to Wf uiul iu Hie clinl ul iiruil y i-»t'ry usilur, sulJitrs, »i,.ieiuiitraiit.

I' lLI!', 1-ISTLL.VJ, SlIllCIt' llElt—Tin nllOT.! cl.UiS urcun:.plii iiilii is huri'ly rcuinvril liyui^lilly Ininntt in; tl.e p^ris»ilh w»riii water , anil ilu-n hy i lli-ctually rul.l.ii.i; u,thi* Oilituiulll. IVrjoui >ulfrriili( Iron. II IIIK ilhrfnl ,-..,, .plrtil it» iiliuuld luse not n II iiiiicul in urrciin^ Hieir i.rnci,. ...It >liuu|il In- uu'lrisiiHKl 11,lit it U i:nt MilF.cinit lum-iy ;,,•inrnr llir Oiiiliui'lH on the j tf-.twl parts, but it n.nst b.-wullrnuUil in Utr HOIJI L-uiitiJrrabli' lime Itvu ur tlirce ailly, thai it may In- l»kcn tutu llns x)Mi in, nhran; it will ,-, .lour* «nv hid'li-u sure »r wuund n» . nt.-c:iiidl> :u tlu.n^i, n.wi-re palpjblr to iln- ry r. Ureml md wvicr in;uliiur.> ,.r t, i-the rutbuig in nr ll.o O titnirut , will ili> gtm -t,r,rC. -| |,;i. llm only iirnprr inuliurnt for trinal.-> tu c.m» uf rH|ICrr \[,the ituniacb, or lor tliuv; who sullrr (roui a i;tntrj| (if itiuirdown. . "

lMrRDDF hCIB» OF YoUTU — SoRKX AND L'lCKKS —UtediiT, »• «!«> -.vnfllMiijH, ain with orlninty Iw riiliniilrcund ir Iho OillUueut bo unwl Irifly, »nd Hi* Pi||s i4t ,...uightmil uioiniiin an rrcoiunirmliil in the printed mumli,.n.. Wlun t,,«i nl i,, »„,. ..lin r «»y ,|lwt. ,,,, 1,|,|.,j,,,Jmily ,lry up m am iilaai t» LIMI ' out in fc i, ui|lrr , *\ Uiiitineii t «ill mmice llie liaiuour from Hie ,„,„ ',and ITOTS thr patient * rigorous nud liwltby uuiim It uil ln-quirc time, aided bj the UK of the Pill,, to nuuie » lutiu

"cure. . "

UlPTH IIRIA , IlBOXCBlTH, SoKl TH «0*T», COUOIISAXD (.'OLDS.—Anjr ol till «Uite cl>.l ut tlUrwui n,»y bjcun-d liy well ruLliinu Ihe Oiutiurut Ilitce liinm i. diiy uponthe >Vin coTcnun the tbt'oal, cbnt, ind nrrk ut Hit patir,,t ¦The uunui'iit will «xin peuetrHla the p..rf» and «ivp iminrdi *HI« rrliU. To allay tbt leter nod Inui innUmmition, tigbtor tin Pills ihonld uu taken nigbt and uiiiniinj. Tlw Oiut-tnent nill produce prnpiralioD, wbieh <« .MI mental lor«-morliK lKTen>. inro tluoatf, «nd Iboj* ouprcaaioiu ot thechest »Inch at iw Irom Attbtna, Broncbitii; ind other ram*.Both the Ointmutani f i l l , rtouli b.uud U the f ollow'.

• . . . . i*3 eat* t— ¦¦ V . :. - ¦• ' .

Hull UicwU' CbllbtalDt ' ' Hul iilal.Uurt.1 ~ • Chapped u«nd» UU«ilDl«r8««lllDsi 8corrrllunlont . Conn Walt) IrfimUgo. Stite ol M.'. Cncei. , • Fll,r> - . TomouVtthlloe»«nil Omliiielen and RteUnnlhim t/lrcnJSuiiil FHti Buff Jolau Sold. , . ., '¦WW.BJ.

¦CgcwbtJ j v i:t«plHnlJ.,l. ,i.8or.Nl|lIitel ; Y,,v,

ijuld «l tue Kitabluiiiueut of riojebur HOLLOW*T 241Hlr.ud ' (near Triopli ltitt), iLouiloii | alw at TAo 'JVIKMOIHc, *> KinJHtrwl; WnXctloti i.ud\r .11 VwnKtj fwI' •'IMmlMi'-nd W.W"'*Medici,*, t^.U', itaSSSS'world, >t lb. pric« :-l,, ljd.,a..'9«;, i,* « 1

' . ' ' 'H -¦'•c 'M '>r:~ j ! / - t f y»'$h

Page 2: · 2018-07-11 · !\H K WATJCKKOKU NEWS I VRfiRT IIU( IIATIIIN IX TIIK Mil HI OF IHKI.ANK. p.,lh,l>-'l


TOWX HAMi , WATKl il-'UltD .r u n s i x x i t i H T s O X L V I

Commouciug THUMSUAY , JULY 21.6ri5° .l.i Kiithv Cliu,, .j ,- nf r , < ij ,n m. .n rui-'i i'mii'iiu


AND IJUASS liAXD,(Title. Heg^tered , necnrding to A<:t nf l'nr 'ininciit ,

;M ;UKAT TUAXSATLAXTIC COMPANY ,")Xnw ou their fourth Annual Tom- ol" the UnitedKingdom.

milK ri.VKUKST , MOST KXl 'KXSIVK , and MOSTJL TAU-IXTK I) TKOlil 'K in tli o WOULD , com-po.ed principall y ofc r .X L ' lXK XKfilWKS from tin:l'l.A STATIONS of AMKl tlOA , together xvith several"I" l lu- must. nceiMiip lishi-il Arli.-les of this Country,making, in nil , tho most I'.rvcrful Organization everbrought, under onn management,.'i G.- n' I',,; 'i,, ,,s .'

:i j/.i:/..;i;.-« iif r.vniv :¦2 I 'mr.'.-f l - l l U c l l l .-• .'

U \\:.u,l.-eM «,„.«., JW«»A> .'•1 -nnclni 'l.h All , . * ::\ ;>,•„ / ,-,v ;>,/„ ¦•,..•> .'

i .-Linv/ 'Mii /'.-¦'-.- J ;.I jii-.n-tv .'fogi'tlier wit h iho Suni-il i C) I !C1IKSTltA . milking, in

all , 2C STA I! I ' KHI - 'O IS MKKS , in Hio .MOST Will ,-I . IAXT . CIIASTK, ami OltK i lN.U, KNTKUTAI X -UKXT ever off-ivd tit tlii i piiblir. Tin- 1'iililic Mil lNoiice ilici r iv.- .v. - into Town in their

M . U I X I I K - K N T I!AXI> CAKltl.U iK ,And imt Confiuud tin'-- (i i gnutic Establishmentwith these- MNei - iii m.1 Specimens •< ( . Minstrelsy called'¦ Chri-iy--," wlm-li liax-e. fur years infested the Country.

Dn'ir.s op.-nat 7.:!" ; coui:>ienci:nt. N. Carriagesnt In.Al.xrsMox. —lN - . ervc.i Seals, :U. ; Unreserved do.,

:!s. : Second Seats, Is. : ( .'. i lViy, (i.1. Schools anilChildre n, Uuli-pricc !n Kirsl Seats (Children in nrtnsnot admitted.)

G<43" linnks (if Words, which also conta in a Sketchof i hu Slaves " Lives , to lie had in the Ko.iin.

Tiekets anil l'nrLTnmmr-s to l»i had of Mr. Ilnxx .xKH ,Music Warehouse, t i w . iy .

SAM. TtAGCK , JYoprietor.W. It. LICK , ISn.-inoss Manayer.


H/VT AND CAP WAREHOUSEif.;.'." in .J- r.i, O.UT.

WALTER O'DONNELL & CO~5~ N iTnut\stiiij» tlio atten11011 of¦*- lli-ji r 1-Yiumls :iml Hie i'uUie

to tIn; above K.stubU.-hiiicnt , \)v% to

.-iniiouiicu the Arrival vl ' t l icir 1'ur-c)i:is \s of duoils, Miiiuhlu fur tho

juxvi'iil SOI IM III , consi.-tiii;^ nf

FKK. N TI l. C K U M A X & KXd ' MS f lCOATINC Jtf , VKST INC I S . Ac

A Sl ' K l ' l A J i A S S O K T . M K X Tor


Prio cf Suit complete, £2 7s. 6(1.

All the Xi:w Sn.x i i i s in CI I I I ISTY ' Scelebrated HATS, in Silk , l-'eit , Tweed ,Leghorn , Stra w, iVc.

ni:vnsi:i. -:, i<nn>i:i: M I X S T I :I :, .I .V / ITM'i-:sr;:Y r.\i:ri-:rs.

O 1 li ( ' I , 0 1' I I S . ,Ve .

47, 50 and 51, Quay. Waterford.(mil.)

WATERFORD BRIDGEA.MCHTISC.,! t in- i ' l i d l ' l i l l V I ' dl iS is appointed

lo lie l.el.l AT Til!- : TUI. i , H I M Si', , on the2-"iih hi-limi ( M U X D A Y ) , m I) M. nTluc!; , lo uansaetthe ii- i tul l l a l f -v i s i r lv li u- i l i . - s - .

TII 'O M A K « "1|ITK .l A C l i l l , I 'li airni ii i i .Wan-rlm-d , 7 mo. (J u l y) I I t l i , I -.7". ( jy l.'i-u'tj

FOR SAIJE,AT !' A I! K S W O O D , ,,u !he l, iuk ..f the river,

liett t ern \V\ i i : i : :> . i : i > and I' v.s .u.i:.A I J t l l T D.NK ' I ' l l t i r . S AX I l T l iK H S ,

prine ixi l l y SCOTCH I ' l l ! and I .MICH.. l . t MN M i ; : r i l l , nr I' . ick ^iv cMnl. caretaker, wi l l slimv

the Tiniln -r. (iy .S- ^l)

TO HAY BROKERS and OTHERS.•V XTU X T KIl, a i.H 'A N T I T Y iir I ' U I M H M A Y (isii'.i

f I I l a i v i - M ) , well Cut. in Si|'iniv Tiu.-se.-, lit lorKnir li-ih npirkei.

App lv lo C. ll .wti::.. "id Masouii: Hall , Xewpoil ,(M. . I I . ) " f iv j i i . t n

CORN STORE TO BE LET.r|-|< ) I!K Li-T, or the I X T H i J K S T SOLIl , ih i ! lar^eJL anil c . ie ini i Mli . , i i - Sloie at l' t:i;ia e . » \ k . It.s:aniis on t ie* n;:n _::i:i <¦!' :!f lliver , ami has a waterfrontaL'e. \ e> el- <:a;: unlnad into the lofts , which areuapalti""!' .-M O I - MIK 2.'i. i 1'ii liarrels of Corn.

I'm palt ieulars app iv to TII U\ I .\*. W.\i.>n. Anelion-i:el , M. i l l , Wnlerliir.1. " '

j i;17-j

COUNTY WATERFORD.r jTi UN Lin', in One Lot , KOIl ( i l t . \Z IX ( i , IVom

8 it,is dav lo 1st .l .wi .iiiv , 1X711,. ahoul SIXTYI R I S H ACI iKS it f I ' l i l M K I ,AXI ) , within Kour Milesof t his eily. Thern is a •rond .-npply of Water, and verywell fenced. I'ur particulars , r.ppl y lo

THOMAS WALSH , Auctionee r.Walerfurd , May 20th , IS71. I. (my



Two in- Three Airy l iKI KU OOMS , in « healthyMHi:. '. ion , and siiiall tianli'u attached. A I'iiino , if re-ipiired. [

Applv to Mrs. . I O I UN N V WM. SII , i."> ( i l iMi , Watrrfoid.

HOUSE AND PREMISES TO LET.r fl) UK LKT , and immediate Possession j rivrn , theX llorsK A.XI ) l 'UKMISKS , CJI.KX ,

Concr of Tlioiuas Stivi:t , latel y occupied liv Mr.K K » A I :I > 1'OV. KK .

The Hdii.-e ha.s hecii Licensed lor many yea rs, andi.< in ellenl repiir. It i* aduiindil y adaplnl IVir:¦ |';iu'ii- i iUi- :" , a (irwery or (!eia:rsil Simp. The House, tninx I I I I I K I I I I S , and a "jnnil Yunl , with Two Sta-1,1. .-- , ,Ve. -\ ]ip !y to

m-H'l Mi:. K D W A I I U I 'OWKII , ( i le n .

W A T L I i l O l i l ) AM) I . IMK1MCK J JAILWAY .

COAL YARD TO LET,\ T N K W I t A T i r . \ Y A T K U I ' - ( ) | { | ) .

m il |j;T , the KXTKXSIYi: COA L YA l i D a n d.1. 1' I I KMISKS , In tween the Old ami Xew Stations,

at. WnieiTuri!, at present held hy the (ilaiiior^an ('oall .'iiinpauv. Th" V. ii' l is ia u jjnoil liusiness luealily,r.i.d eio-'e in I he Il iver Snir. enaliiin^' shi p- to dischargeaem.-s It i i i lvvay Lini-s direcL into the Yard.

l\.r!:ililii- r "l '- ' l ' ie l l lar.- , app ly InT H O M A S A I X S W O I 1T I I . Secreiary.

lUi ri l-rnoii i , Waterford , April (it l i , 1S7H. *(tf

S K I R T S !A I ' I ;I : I - ::I T SI :I !STITI TK KOI : K L A X X K I ,.

J\ Tt l l SIX 'S C A S H M K l l K CO I TON is , dui-i.l.!e, and dues nnl shrink. Si l l UTS and OLTKITSpn ;.:I I ;I | in ni i ier , ill a superior iuanm.T. C?<vS" 1'"'l i t l UM K I I'.

I * . Ti J l ! l .\ •'<¦• .Sf '.N.S, ¦'i') .V •">• ' On ay, Wi i t i t funl.I'ai ieins , I' riiri! List, and Ilircciioii- lor Sell'-Mi'a .

uienient Imi oil app lieatioli. f lnv ll'-l y

SPECIAl. KO i ICE- .7 II. -. J l i :X i : i !KUY , !i:i iJ I 'AY , WATKI l l 'O KI ) ,^ v i

In V:: I' 1 ia lunn tin 1 Citizens generall y, tha t„*!, . I, -, • In 1 11 appuiiiled Aia:> .! fur Ilimn \ 's Xurlli olK. -. -laii 't S C I ' A . M IIVI - : W O i i K S , Carlisle.

\ II (iood s entrusted lo her carr fur Dyeiu™ , Clean-iie- IV I .'., .•'hull roi:civi :atlciili'in. LisL of Trices to heI, ,d . HI :. i.plication. (iiiyli-Itin


i » e i ! ai e d exn.'i is ivelv , sonn: l imn a 'o, ill tho

."¦",. .<,-, .i . \Mii :s() X -.s cKi ,r:m;.m:i) W I I I S K K Y ,'.|

" 1- in 11'" ',':ln;"'s H'j ii 'Iiiii l Stores, Kilkenny,

;"' •",

' , rinlity '"' S:iKlii :v Jl ' us, JI OU S I I K A H S, ami


i.:",'i;I1[, '1

c\^»-. f'-»"> "vl: l" K"'"' VKAIIS ' OI.O.

' o dtowanees ou lli« Duty of Old Wl.iskny arc•|',-i i li ie , I.e wil l deliver ihe almve, niKB at

•"' '"''." , , ) ¦ '<¦ Callnn , IVrmilted direct from

Hi.- !: ii. ."•" • ¦¦ •>. u

THANKS.r,ilT •• l iK V SntK i : nf :he SAINT YI.MIKNT DKI i'\n

' SUC1KTV thu uklull y acknowledges aj u . n-iu '..1' Cl> THC .UAS 1-V.VU :K, K*|., Xewtown

l> ¦> V" aW «l i'.« F.....I-* «r tl.« S«el«ty..-.' •' r •|-,-- r'!'-i -l" ' '¦'•< ( ;() l ) l1 S I IKI ' l tKK D find 0-

r| i'n lK ' cku'.wleil/e havin tt rm-iur. 1 f l Us. I.I..

'/iir'v i - i '-l .I '-" ^ • l l im - ' !—

' -, .,.. y,.,te v'. ll"- i:i4-, <-'f lU1 WuJ^, i-' «ioit li«J


1' 11 U S i ' K C 'L b SOK TIIK

Dungarvau, Watorford , and Lismorc RoadSteamer Company (Limited).

CAPITA L—£ 1,000, IX am S I I A I I K H ,.i .t5 JiA CII

ritoMsio NAi. ni 'iMiiTKi: :Tin- Hi-lit ll.iii»nnilili - tlu- 1-:A11I. "f miNTIXHUOX ;,<ir .1. NI:I;I:XT iir.Miii . i -:, iiui-oui-t iIttCHAItn .IOIIX L' SSIIKIl , J.I' ., (':III|M» I I ;.IOIIX l'AM.ISKI l , !i-<l¦, rmuniali II..11- ;.'Hilt KIWAII1 ) I'.M.t.lSKIt , 1'iijinivli limw :Mlt - IIAKl , AllTll lMl A X T I I I I X Y , Cluirm:i:i Tmvn < -"!ii-

iii i--iiiiie;-'. I) :in^;irv:iu;Tli- Key. WII.I .IA.M .I CIIIXHOX A I I D A H I I , si ro,lli .illy ;.UIRAHA.U DK.V .Vl", -I)'.. \ :THOMAS Wll^liX. .1.1'.. M;iv.i r>'f jl i l l 'HAI H ) II SSIIKI! H' l l t K l l l V . t.-iwliui ui.-u- ;MVI. ^< WAI.SI1. Kilmactl iiiliuis ;I t lCIIAlID KKI1.Y , Duii -.i-.rvail :MAI S K WAI.f l l l . i:. Aamviimrt ;l l l l ' I I A l i l ) l 'IIi:l .AX. Miii ' .-arniu :l i Kl lUi ; ] ; FITZMArKlfK, Diui i-a i-viia ;KI 1WAI! !) SHAW , Duncu'van ;W I I . M V M HIM: . Iliin iiarviiii:THOMAS Alt.MsTK oSi:, Cniiini i:li;A.MIt l t 'KK HKST.

Itaiiki -r- -Tat: I'!:.. MM -HI . II A S K , l)iniv :irv;ii: ;.•v.Jiritf.r -.Mr. .lnll.N i le .'.'T, 1)!IIH::I I-V;III :Knjji iuvi- -Mr. Cu\ltl.l-s I J. \NI; I .I :\ , T;iy I JH I-JC, KiliiiiUlh ' iUUL

TIIK 1M1OMSIOXAL COMMm'KI - :, impressedwith a sense of tin ; *,'i-ea t waiit of eomninnii"i-

tion frniii Diinuarvan to the iiui libwin;; towns, havelatel y taken steps to a?ei-rl:iia the capabilities of thenewl y-invented ]! Steamer, paii'nted hy Mr.TiinMfs.iv , of Ivliiilni r^h, the poeiiliarily of whicliconsists in ihc advptation of the lialian llillj lu'r Tires,which have been now fully tested , and which enabletin; Kiigini'. with its train of lo.uled Carriages , loascend inclines witli a ^radirnt. of 1 in S ivith iierfecl.ease. It is proposed to form a Company, under theLimited Liability AeU , under the name of "The])un.;arvan. Watcrford, and Li.oiiore lioad SteamerCompany, Limited/' for the purpose of establishing fiKuad Steamer, wilh r'uilablu Wavrir..i:s atl.aclted , torthe cimveynnceof I'asscnm'rs, (ioods, and Merchandiseto and from the town of Dun^arvan , so as lo connectit, wilh the *;ieiirhboriiiji' towns of -Wuterfonl andLismoro, with furlher exiKii.sions hei-ealter , in easesame should appear de.-irable. 'flieadvaiitaj ^c of sucha mode ofeonvevauce to l) iiie ^tii-v.- iu and its nei;;hbor-hood, si> It 'tii ; isolated from all steam communicationwith other parts of the County, is obvious. TheCapital nf the Company is lived at .CI ,ooU, to be raisedby MH ) Shares of U.."> ear-h.

After a mo-'t minute calcu lation of the traMie fromDuih/arvati to Waterfonl , in pi . s and buLter alone ,exclusive of all other ti-illie , it is eslimaled thru theCompany will be enabled , I'mili thai solllee of Uevenuealone , to pay their working expenses and leave a lai;;ediviileud lo the Shai-olinld'-rs.

It isconlidentlvexpeetedtl .ala vastai i io i iu l nftrallii!in the rniTiajje oi' coals from l)i; i iurarvan in the inlandCounties wi l l lie develoiied on die opeuiu<; of theLismori ! and rVriuoy ISai lway. In eonsci|Ueliie ofthe lowness of the l'ort and l laibnr Dues, and fromother causes, Uuii^'a i van is the cli i.'api'st. port for theimportation of coals in the South of Ireland ; this isso well ktioivn and apprcci-.ited that even at presentnianv persons from ihe neiL'hborii :^ inland countiesbuy their eonls in lhiu^ai van , net withstandim; thejjii'at dillieuhies and expense of land carriage fromthat |dace. It ' ptoper faci l i t ies were all'ordi.-d for theconveyance of coals fivim Dnmpm-an , tin! number olsuch per.-oiis \vou!d nei .-essarii y be iaru'ely increased.

Another species of ttal iie wliicl i the proposed steameomimiuieation wil l develop, on t l io ••[• i- niiii ? of theabove named railway, U that in Corn and I'lollr , asthe town of Duii^arvan. where ibere is a'ralili!market for Corn , wi l l l in n be connected wi th theextensive mills oa the W.ielavaler, and the samecauses which enable crd.-i to be imported into tie" portof Dun^arvan

ai so n-.ucb lower rates than in any

other port in the South of Ireland , will also openileso as to induce the owners of tho*- 1 mil ls to send theirl-'lour for '.-.vportaii "!i IV' .in that. town.

In the iiei ^' ol Uun^arvan , too , ther.-! are

bir;.'o and rahiabli! t tluarries of Limest \ The jfreatcotiveuiiMici! and savinu of expense which will beatliii 'dnd bv the pi-'.p.i.-i 'd mod'.: of coiiveyaneo wil lnecessarily induce a considerable Iraflic in both Limeand Lime .-toiie . and an important advantage will heconferred upon the .\;;i - i i- i i l iuial interest , of whichl-'arinersaiid otb.-rs iviI! mil. be slow 10 avail ihemselves.

It i-- conli .l. - i:t! y evpeeted , 100, that satisfactoryari-an'_'einentswil ; be madewi ih t in* Minin g 1,'ompanyof Ireland fur ihe iMiiveyamv , by means of the]>ropiised lioad S:eamer and Wa'.' ous , of their Oiefrom l\iiiK'l:iiiah uii "dines, l o b e .-hi ppi d at. l)iii :^ai'\ - :iii ,as well as for I lie enniaL'" ol '(.'o:i!s and Timber froi.iDiiii^arvini to the mines. • Tiiis traHii: would amouuLto severa l thousand tons yearly.

A lai;.'O number o! Snare.! having been alreadyapp lied for and a.iotled , ami ihe ;::Mount. of samebavins b. en p:;id up and ;o;t-_'ed in Hank 1.0 the ereuiiof tin 1 three trustees named for t l r i i parpo.-e , th"l'rnmo:ers have authorised lh. ir engineer 10 proceedt-, Kdinliui^liaiid Al i e id . e i iand inpureha.ea l:i llorse-poivt-r lioad liti ^ini .1, Passenger Omnibus, and a sii l l i-oii -i il . number of Trucks to be placed at one.- ou theroad from Watcrford to lhinjj arvau , and which thepiomiitot- ' intend shortl y after 10 extend lo l.isinoreliv having two eng ines 011 t!ej line between iValeriuiiland Lisneiie.

(i:-r- - i ¦¦•' '¦•• • .."' •••;T.iy I....U.-, .I«!y I'!'. \-T '-

(J K MI. I .MI N — In i- .mi|'!y iii .' v v i i i i ym.r i i i - i i i i i - l i . .n.- tnt ,- j i . . i t i.ji 111 tin' l l - . i - l SS-.II I ; . - I , I U-l s. V. - 1 raiei'it .In -, ut s . i l iy/ . i f lniy «¦.» tli:m liv ¦!• •« =« •! uj -i lc« I M :<- «-li:.:lil I lMif Ull - l . -r M -V mVII I" 1 !-"11:. | .il'-rl » . . I H - U ill r.-(. H III' "! ll) i* J

P'.w.-i , l i t . - ,i ; tu accul.-iil u- i l l i u-le.cli it i^ i-li.ii.ji-d , .uu!tin- niiii'iiiiv -ill it - n - i ' i

!«: . A- I" p-'Wi-r :—\\ I' I a I 1 a.l ol !M li.iai nf ¦•i. ni , ...r.iMi.r u|..r-! 11 - IIM t> ' ii t . in * . i t .!••• l. 'l an t i u t m. 1 ¦>! 1 111 :l'lnv.-r a ln-avy, i i-nl y-i.i. i.t 1* i . ' t . l , :.!i-l rrvnX up MI -1 . l- iwi . :>stn-p lull , we l l a -O.iilai l- .a.l , -u.;.; 111^ a' a IH .M I ! ul . irc l i i . -emiliirat was 1 in I I . a i i ' l u l i . -u |.'il 111 :.MI ..;::uii t in-Si iMinrr iiliivr.l up Hi.! iut lt i i . 1 H I a s l i i f l j |.ac. . ..I l l l i . Jmill's an ft .r po t . i.t t!i.' :\:.y 1!. " |i»- .- vvn- 'i t.l 7 fi i l l . san hour , .in.I t:f>- .'V, a i 1..'- u 1- a. < • i.,.;.I-. -hri! i:, .",.; uii i iut 1-.

iu:l . A- i ti i aw ale i l '.- i : —On > . .v «ny fr- . in AI.-I livn In Mi .W IIITK 'S mill , a dit ^Jt l lC 1! ni .'I 1, 1111:1-- , I im-t -1 ln. i- i * .- ; ../thec only two sliiiwcil -mas i.f n-«tiv. urs- , ;iail i.ntiin-u tin-cou lrol of a man wh.. 10 Ir on Hi.' Sit- imvr fur I l i a l |niipi>-e ;and I ins iuluruinl liv Mr. W I I I I K , il .. - mvin-r "( llic Slra-tner , th at the 11 niuulli* !.•! l.a* wi.rk.- .l i l daily,'y tlirre doulile trips , tln- ie lias no! 1H;.- II any acciilrut.

;inl, As lo rc.iaomy in it* u- i- :— Tim i!aily irlimis'-s lm- tin-wotkilu of tins Stwinipr an:— tlm pay i.f an i-UKiii" '1!' ; twoini-n and .1 tiny ; almiit 7 cwt. of coals, and u -mail <p i ; i i i t t lVof nil. With Mich a tri l l in .- .-spi- mulim1, a liuid nt !HI tmn.bas lu-cn cinifl dail y by Mr. Wiari:, ot Ali cnlwu , nti-r tin-Ui'l and hilly ro.ul alinvu di .- c i i l n i l .

It is aliniist u 11 news ivy 1.1 iln iii- .r<- than lay MI - h -iui|.l.:fj ct< bclui..' 111.! pulilir, wliu cm -. •- ...lil y j. idjn t..r tlirmsi-tv.- ,whctli i- r tlie iuUoihlclitni ul iin nuilli : rapable .if [ir i l .c ini iuMich mi iiniupiit uf ivoik , is utit a vr iv n ieal mlc;tuI.t^•* .

Yulir obi- .l-. nl Nivaut ,CII .I K L I :< L».S..I.I.V.

Tlic l) :;n;tni«of D.ntj aiv.ii an 1Watcrford llnail Sti- .taur Cmnpoiy.

All A pp lications for Shares in the proposed Com-pniiy should be addressed 1,, Mr. -lo t tv H I N T , Hun-gai'van , mal slioui .l be in lit.: form following :- -

/¦'.. .-... .:l .l / r'.- ..i '.- .,i /'..- ,-5'M . • .¦-.- .To M11 . .10:1 >- H IST , IJ C .\MI :V A S:

Mil-1 nqn.'-t that ill. ' Pl i - V ^D nal (j itilli/ ltti -r -vill nUntmi. Shines, of £.'> cadi , in the prniKi-r.l iJai '^.ii van ,Wnlrrlur.1 , 111.J l.:-iu. r.r li ...J ti» (.'....,> .i,y (l. nul. - l) .Anil I wyr.i ; tu ac.xpt tlit ; s-iiur , t,i any 1--* MT htmilK-r wlut - t imay h •-o tdlu1l.-il tu ill.- , nt i- 1 t.i ;i ly tli ^ainulltll tit siini^ int iithe Ollice uf llic l'i- .ivuici»l l i .u.kul livln.d H 1. Dimjaiv au ,t.l . I t -d i l ot >'l .) . Xl- 'ir .\T ] l L '.MIll .r , lt . i t ! . , M lCl iAI . I .AKTIU'K A S I I I O N V , LII 1 I l lCI t Mil l I' i l K L A N . lill ilCLOI lat littin- I 1 I ..V I A *..III /.1 < * >j i :.l -li: . r.

N. MI ..- in lu 'lAdil i , ". —ll.l,


Mli. liACKAS , liavin s l)ispo?ed of Unti l r.-lown(.'a.-t ie , has inntrneti -il n.e

TO SELL BY AUCTION,On TMI.'JtS DA V, 2N1 . I 1 1 . V , IMS KXTII i l- : STOCK: them will br? found : Very u.-eful Dairy!.'ows and in calf lU-if.-rs, Calves , I capital hordes ;Sow in V O II I I L', one six I IOI -.M: p-irlable Steam l-'.n^iuewith l ini - l i in n Thti-ihiii ^ Machine , one fi.ur horse ditto ,with ditto ; one ihreo horse Threshing Machine , Scarls , drays, tackling, 7 ploug hs, :i gnliliers, andscutH -rs j f- iur sets of chain , r.itatory, and woodharr.iws ; tuct al clod e lus l - e i s , stone roller, doublenet inn turni p I M I I I I .T, turni p pul pcr and prater; lar^ech.ill culler, cak. .- and o i l hrubcr.*, paicnt oaiicel ,scales and ivei . l i t - - , winuoiviu ^ inaehiiie , iron sheepracks, iron hoi- si- r.ike , ho-.- e corn bins, steel ti.rksami spioii^s, I BII -IT I churn and milk tubs; a ij uaui i iyo! seasoned a.-h and oilier timber ; sacks, ropes ,bla-::in;; Inul- . lal b1'- , beiiehw , niel i i l stove, iron andwo-. .! t io ie ^b- , , l i ij uid manure pump ; about."ii: tons of p. iimi Ir.y i» L.i ; .- ¦¦ino old o.- . t : , I com.- I . I I K I S , .- iv larje heaps ui ' farm ma:.are, pluet on ,.h.uulin- - Car . l laru. -.-.-- , Sa-l ll , s, l i l i l l l e s , llul'.-ii 1 Clul l l -

'A I'... ill .- ! ! i : s inr i ; i n 1 I I M I : S I : I ! O I . I ) i - r i i X i -

TI .- l i K . which is of a very n ei 'ul elas.-, and will InS-.ld on F l i l D A Y .

•fiela - i :: for Admi. .-i '- n In Ibui. -e , I -- . each , which v. ilheall .w.:d to p.nvl-n.-r., onl y. Sale M I I ./Chick.

T H O M A S 'VAI .SH , Auiiioueer.%: ;,1]. W.iii-r.-nnl, - lulv Ml., l^ / 1 '. ( I l l

AUCTlOiV of FUP.UI 'i'UlU-; CATTLE, &c.

n v> UK M i l . I I l iV A I - I T H l N , on M OX I I A T , iMli1 .1, 1.1 , A T li !. I : . - : I I 1:1 M ,

by directions of Mis.-, l i i l u . v. \ i , who has c!:an;;ed betUcoid.-lice , s.iinc vt- ry ^oi> -l

11 o r s K 11 o 1, i) i " 1; i;:< I T r. iti - : ,.\11101e4 them are 12 l lair .S. alcd Ciiairs, and 1 A i m

dit to lo u- all -h i Snfa . I.1.0 Taule, Ch. -lfoliuirr ; a loli^Set. ol- Telesc.-pe Dining Talili-s ; Sel of limner,li ieakla.-l .and Kvnuiii K ditto ; Chimney li h i .-is , Seer.- ,larv , Nest of Dn.wers, la.;;e JNiho^any Clothes Chest. :{-'cuder.-. and l'*ile l ions , H:.l| ,iud tit l iel* Chairs ; Slair(^.upct an'I It 'u l- i : Mahogany I 'om- .post lledstead ,llan^injjs and I'ulliasse , I ' l-alher lied ; I'-asiu Stand ,Toilet Table and (Mass , Wardrobe, Towel Horse, lied-sii 1! 1, ISnttis , Kitchen lieipii si i i -s , <'..-.

Ol i s i : iK. — V-i YearJiHjf Hi if.-i-s ; J Cows, ) 'J Slieqi{•Vnlil-r, Carl , Jlelal I'un.p, l lanel Cimin , l;n^<;

Kill ,

n i l l i 1 va riety ol' Sundries. Sale at 12 n'C o i k .THOMAS WALSH , Aiwt it.-i.ecr.

The ilall , Walcilunl, July U, lb7U. (It)


O.Y THVniiHA i', Ihc ZHIh of JUL Y, 1870.

STKWAKDS—Jlessr.-.. W. (i. I) . OoB'.Ciipt.Hrcnan ,.1.1'., Capt. llartlelt , Hai ry ]{. Sargent , Thomas

F. Keil y, JIIIII CH l'helan , I1. D. Walsb , J.I'.. JosephSlriiii Kinun , John A. Tobin , and Wm. Cherry. It. <i.Kid-jway , lion , See. Samuel Jones , Hon. Treasurer.

FIKST liAi i;—IViic! ViVnv, :| o'./"i7.-.—For -J-oareilYawls, not. exeeediii K 22 feet ou keel , belonging to therivers Suir and Harrow , at or above Checkpoint. Tostart from lla£ boat opposite Club House , thencu rounda lla^ boat moored at the llrid go, winning nt thestarlin g flag boat. 1st boat .Cl ; 2ml bout .Cl 10s (if:l siarr.) Kntraneo :Js.

SKI OXH ii.wv.— Yatrl ;fiK-.-,:) :!f).—l 'or -1.oared Ynwlanot exceeding 22 feel on keel , fmm below Checkpoint ,and lielnng inx '" Waterford district, Samo course!nslir-t nice. Ut boa t .C3 ; 2nd boat .C2 (ir 3 start). Kn-trance :!s,

TI I I I :I . JI.M - I; ..->•;.-•/. ,-;I .I Cul/ , I O. -I'or Kishiuf; Colsnot exucediii !.' 2tl fw t f . c t i n e.vtreine length ,propelledby iiaddles o'ulv. To start from tho Bag boat mooredopposite the Club House, thence round n flag boatmoored opposite tho Clock Tower , winning «' startingling boat . 1st boa t .L'2 Ills. ; 2nd boat .L'l ; third boatI lls (if-I start) . Kntrauco Is .

FIH -M- II ll.,n:-W.-,»i CM---, I 15.—Km- l-'ishingCots 11.1t exeei.iling 211 feet in extreme length , propelledby iiar and paddle. Same course as third! race. I-'irstboat ,C-' Ids ; second boat £1 ; third boat His (if f.- ta i l ) . Kniranct; Is.

l' l nit K AI - I :— /'»..'.-¦, I :ID .—I 'or runts. Samneourseas Cot race. 1st boat C2 ; second boat IDs. lCu-trance Is .

Six 111 H ACK — 11-7.• ¦¦.-.'¦•.--, "1 0.—2-oarcd Wherries. Samecourse a.* Vinv l race. 1st boat .Cfj sccond boat illIlls (if :t start). Kntrance 2s.

Si:vK.\"Tir H A. 1:—C/ys , "> -W- —For I-oared (iigs notexceeding :M! feet ou keel. To start from tho bridge,thence round 11 Hag boat niouritl near the Cove, win-ning :it the ling boat moored opposite the Clock Tower;distance , about three miles , j-'irst boat 1 12 ; secondboat C'-i ; third boat.C l (if I start) . Kntmnce 10s.

KiniiTit It.M.-K— C'lnimw, (ill .—For Canoes not exceed-ing 17 feet in extreme length. To be paddled byAniateurs. To start from liridge , winning at flagboat opposite Club House. A silver cup value .Co.I'.ntrancu 2s. (id.

X t x i i i H ACK Jeo- in;/ ("''•'- , fi 13.—i'or liacing orFishing Cols of anv description or length. Cot course.First boa t ,C:t ; rt-coiul boat Cl (if :i start). .Kit-trance Is.

TI :N 111 I!AI 1: - Shirrl !!••<¦¦-, 'i -13.—Fnrany descrip-lion of boa t, nnl exceeding 22 feet in Icli g lh , propelledby not less than six shovels. The same, coarse asCanoe race. First boat .Cl '.Us j second boat 10s ;third boat -"is.

E 'ii" iiegulatinus in Programmes. All Canoes t int lCots will be carried l-'ree by the Waterford Steamshi pComp.v.iy. A liand will perform durin g tin: day, andthere Hi l l be liieworks in the evening. 2t

Watevford Harbonr Commissioners.A liSTI IACT 01 1XCOM1-: .-VXD KXI 'KX D ITL 'H }fi_ f,,i- Vear ending :ilsl MAK CII . lhT" :

l.NCOMi:.Tii C.nh !.an.!< ... . . . ... Kit In (1„ i;.i.!i .-n I'li.rir.'- ii l Hud; ... ... ani l- 17 •">„ I I -. IC I ..,! tiiliLv i- .l i.y l> H.n.k ... :« II .">,. An.i iiuit ilni! hj- i- l!.,il,ir» KITS ... '!I7 - S,', T.M . I , .- . - Da. s fur Tivi-lvc .Mnnlbs ... .VI.-..I 11 II„ liillinl U.1I1- f.'l' Twi-lvi 1 .Mmitlis ... -J'.llll 7 1H„ I' ll - it a 1,1 Ila t '- s Inr 'fwi-lvt !

M IM II I W ... ... ..X-\-l'M\ 2 '.I„ l'lllr* Oil l'lluti ... ... 1 - \

:!J!>7 .1 1., 1.m il l , i- i i l .imi Ho.iy Du.s ... ... -J17 17 8„ Ain - i i ott i.e,- :u- .l for l l i . v .if I'l inli ... ti II », Wni . -. l i i ih l l 's I'.T-i ful J . tnuaiv , l-'c'.- i n i r v ,

and Mii:ch , l- i70 ... ... ... ''I" 'I li„ Aui 'Mllil ii .-1-i i v i d 1.1V Hl'Tcs stiid... ... -- V't 1

.n.v<M'.i :i inK X I 'K M i n i. l lK.

lly7lo/->« . / - l1.ii,lliall:i. -Ollill!ict . .r L'lVlll l!l 11CIK I. I "t lir.-.k'ns- lor 'J.'J. iS

tnu- Mlii|il:.d ... ... 17 11 IIOno j .- .u 's 1 nit i:..ll..!-l (Ju.iy i-l n 0

-Ji i'.m lo 11., I 'SMa i,! - I'.iut.- Hliar- : of

I'.I J S ... . . . .. *.M> 1-J :i

i'.!.,I t't l i t . r .Vc/^i'// ... I- - 1 - "1I'.esi .-is :i Si ij.i -i 'i i . 'v l 1' il.ils .VI n 11Il iU. i W II IMIV 1 () I-,.I I , I I I S ... ;t II:-.. ; u i . - i I'lli-. n ... ... I'- '- 11 11|i.. .ii S,ri in- ai I'.i- i ai! ... 1"' II IIl e a l ill (Ml iu i at I'.I .'M -.'I 1 ... I I II IIStt 'i-t i i li t i i i l i l i f iauni i t - Lik--

I.....1 ... ' ... ... 1" " 'i|l.-|....|| ..l : l'.:il . l lT. - I .VI.IIII> ... •-'•'. II IIl i . -.- t .S - i i t i l , ... ... :w H •".

31U1 12 1„ L 'l ' -k: nn- l l i-. - t t !>i lin-.j - s I K -I. IIV CI I .TI- i .'.. ... " ... ... -I" 12 :i.. C.r .-- .,l.|. /.l.lJ.'-/ (. . ,M< - -.\ l.lillil -n mi -f , S- ll -

il-,, an I It .-l.i v i i i - ... J ll - i II tlSi. -. ., .. ... ... .-..I 1:1 -Jli. tiair- ai»l Iiid.luiuU ... >i :l 3

Mil Hi j„ /.'..I- ./ I. *titrtirn;unl. — l' ai.l I'ot i-

ii.„¦;,„, TM 11 IDKl.»,l . :y (.|i |l | , i - lvi- l. ,ll 1-V) 0 IIOt lnr K\ , . l i - i s i.'iiinniird

lln-i. -n- i ii i ... ... -11 1- (I11 ,1 1 3 )li

„ H i ) > i t / m t u l Fm -:l / •mn ... -".' I ' " "lu:i - 'i. -.t ... ... -li'l I U

ilsn t 11„ Dry /M. -J - 1 ' si. - inri -il , I..-

.. .1 , \ ; s ... ... li-ii 11 ST^:-.,:!i -..^ i-\jii = li - . !- i ... in -t II

r,.!o 1.-, -2„ / /« / .(.< »u../ (M ' ,yir.i»/\ — N.- .V

I i , . -., |]u:k ..'. ... ST." , 1 11\\V ... ... l*'i I " ».\i., :.. ::.i- ... ... ... I Hi -i *lnr-,|. -li!.e\, S s, ,Vi -. ... -J 'l 12 li

- llillj 111 li,. l !u l i . s. (mm -I..11. I , 7.1 —X.! .v

l l uik ... ... ¦- ¦" I' "

W,,-,-, ., ... ... 4Jli II 11Siou-S iiial M. il ,. iials ... IS'i H 1

. ojy 1„ Sl a i/ i s, fimil lit J:l |... l.i70 —

.Mat,- | ... ... ... 1-Vi o :iWa< i> , iiiilmliii s Siii i . h Woi!,- 77 !l 11

2:12 11 !l„ Q n n i / i — MalniaU ... ... (1.) 12 (I

U'.'.-o ... ... ... 1-J2 111 I Il-li 2 11

,, IJ u iy ami liivi-r Mnniiiim ... ... 1 ]- tl„ l .u i i ami I..:LIC Wo-k ... . . . ... a.-, I , i„ Stcnn Dri t l;] t-)' — le- |. .i, i-» and Klllinj;- ... IH.. I 1 h,, Drctlu 'nlii mid Diruuj VUuil —

<: . . -£ ot 'l'imt- .llivnii App-iLitus 2s:t s 1;l.'.pair- , Mat. rial- ... ... |:l!l |!l 7WngM ... . .. ... Is7 I: 1, ii

¦ tin 1 ;,, I l n . l uiuy If "01- fr* — Il .>u - l l ) . - 'J ^in o- ... l.',-> |is I.. HI, am Jjn- li/' <i t/ ~ UaiiMii: .01.1

iimvina :'. 1,731 tuns Mud , 112s 13 11I. L-S- a'.luiv.d I M II. IS I ... 17 I I .1

• -111 1 '• 11„ CllainS |i,l:rha-,,l for Ui-imi.d s.-rvii e ... 17 IK li,, li,,.. ) - «,:d \!.t ri> « ill-liv e C'ln i-k |io . i i t ' ... .V.I li I„ G i at u t y l. i C.i|itain llvllnrd's Uiilmv ... .'ill I) II„ Sai.ov ..I Ki 't-mii- ,- ... ... ... ' l.m 11 11„ Dil l . . Crillei -I.i, at DiuiL-aniHiii ... ... Ill II tl„ H.-aiiLS iiud Sea l1.* ... ... ... 1.) II >l,. fj .uiy anil l;iv..-r W., ,, 1, (tlm-c mulilli- ,

I1..111 1-1, lt<7 - i ) ... ... 211 2 II„ Crams ... ... ... ... I) 12 1„ ' i int i i i iy for N IV I I U lilc . . . ... II ID 0„ Uu|i.iyini*iit t» C. ir | i ' i< aii i i i i cm—l.aif d,-li-

cini. y W r.|)a,l.||'.. y, n ... ... :12s I ) 1,, A,el! '!.r Ui-vl-hn; A L .:-III ,I :H ... ... 7,1 0 I)„ (i ra i i e tv t i iC - ih.r lni Inr I-Jjlra Imty ... 50 I) 1)„ General J/fiii . '» /rwt-ii/ - ..S.iiaiiL -s .-il 1 ) 12 '.I„ K.-nt ... ... HI 11 ii„ I'l iat in .-.AdviT; .iin.- ,.V.t.:ii.,ri:e- , l"l 11 in

~ 1'— '— \ 1,. Hi 'ante ul I Jne- inn- -. l l * :L - lid |.:,id i-u^ iiin ^ wo k .11 2 10„ C^-li 77 17 i„ l'l-uvnui al ll-oik ... ... ... ll .-y 15 1(1

W.l'.n-l ia: l i l f • )-',TS rn.ivi,,- lt!ui ... |I7 2 ii

, J.lo ,»-s:i 3 PIli.,: l:,s '. (illi.. - , Wal ir i f iMi l , I Hi Jiuir , 1,7D

l lb'i i l l X. N K V LX s,!i.:i.,itaiy lo tlw WnU-,t..rd i l .olhiur Cmn,ui-.»ioiins.

1 c . - i t . l) that tli u luii-^i.ih^ Slat.-iu. -i.t nl' A I-LOI III I J a^.ic-vwitli ll.c Atomitt.s ol lliv Wat t rf t. id Hatlior Ciiti,tni-, -i,i.,, -rsauil ,t,- ,l hj in.- . J O H N J I U K I ' H V .

Junu I l ! l : , ls7l> . burins li,.- j.-a, b,i.' 31-t March , l»7ll; tlicie ivil< an

iui.Tr.tM- i- i th.r i.ri- i- ,;--! - ill all ,l.-)i ;. il.m-:i !s , vi/ :I11 T1 C-; Il iity til.i 1 .-.l.ii. l.i^l.l .111 I ililuj Dm: ... 31 (I Hl ialln> '. l .'J'.U 111 11l'.|.i!:i.!ii :ilil 10 HI

'IheT. Him'-, ulncl i paid duty, lH,i ,ii1ll tuns , Wims an in-flr:|M- 21-.'.'i7 lull* ovt-r l l lr pr'-Vlmi-. y iaf .

It v . , 11 U- H'Hi I'm. Ur/.' sums have bern t-x|inidnl oilMn ks . S,:n.- - I I l ir l Ul l i .'.

K 1 L M A C T II O M A S i: X I o X .

SUPPLIES WANTED.Till". O L A I I D I A X S of the above Lni nn will , at

Meeting to be held on TH KSDA V, .II l.v 2( ilh ,l«7ll, receive Proposals for Supp ly ing tin.. Workhousewilh the following Articles , lor Tine, : Mouths , vi/..:

1IKST I X I H A X M1 ;AL. at — per Sack ;„ OAT.M IvAl , , a t — i !o. ;„ WIIITK U K K A I ) , at — per libs. Lo«r.

Ill ea-e. the Contr.iclor for Ulead si.nuld resido atany cou.-iderable tli.-lalio! IVnm Ihe Woikliou.-e, the(luardi.ius will Mend for the . Iiread at their own cost.

Sealed Tenders , addres.-.ed to the Clniirm -in , accom-panied with St .iup les, will Iin rtci .iveil by me up toI" o'Clock on the above-mentioned day. —l iv order,

WILLIAM l l i ;XT , Cl.- rk of L'ni.m.Clerk' s Ollice. July 1 , !S7H. (jyl3-2l)


F. . M r C O V ,Xos. ii .t 7, i 'KI 'KR STItKKT, WATKI i l - 'Oltb ,BKliS r.-speellilll y to call the particular alleiitiou

of tho Catholic Clergy of Waterford and itsviuinily lu hid I .AK l iK and SUI ' IvKIOIt STOUK o!

A L T A R C A N D L E S ,Or A L L SIZKS , and on the most C K A M I X A I I I . I : TKIMIS .

I.'. M 'f ' oi wmil'l iowle inspeulioii of above, ut hisW A X A N ! ) I'A 1.1. 1.'W C I I A X I H . K I .'V ,

HUM' M A S U I - 'AC'lVl t Y. A . -., (jyl3-2)I K -i.'" U i1 1- O SI 1i; lAl i t il l / l i . L A J t J .

©tc ittitrltctsWater/anl , Jul y 13, 1870.

Snvlng Sinn,! Hats, only kind of Native (ir.iin on tlio marketVOHKK JX WIIKAT—A lictU'r sM,1, at latt- mtcs.INDIAN' CORN— .V l,ir,M 1 iU'iiiniul ;' nn change.FLOI.'U-A, uiiM iiinptirc ilnniuvl , witlmut ilrau.1;,-.

COLK .fc riLUS.S(JI<

I' l l I C K S C U I U U ON T .I l l l - i l l . Oi.11.

WIIKAT , n r!i,,rrel,,l! -a ,| | ,«. , . 4 .. .1, . t , „. ,|.— Vvi .ite - • - nn n i'1 nf. 0011 11 mi n— Red - - - On II (Ml n <,n .1 (ill 0— Shi pping,to • (it) 11 no 0011 0 011 a

0AKI .KV , prrln irirlj. l !!!! I"— (» rintli,i a • - - (11 n no 0'i n n ,'n n

Malrini: - - nc 0 on onn 11 111. 11OATS, perliarrcl »r !!¦;!!>•.

— Rliu-k - - 11 B IA nun n nn 0— Wl.itc - - t t r, IA O!"1,! ,. nn n— Grey - l( c 15 ""0 " Wi n

LOUH . prr Hack , ul 2SU1I./ ,— Siinerlinci - - . n o •"!> non n lm n— Inferiors - - .' .in n 33 n .-,,• 11 (in n

OATMEAL , per -Sack . . IHI n wi n <>n n 00 nBRAN ,p« rli,,rrcl..,f sill,. , . a n 11 l' »n n o n

FOI J KI OV >->rrW H K A V , pu-i- !.nrr,,l, .,l- ;-i.;i,s . , <. "< ,. ,|

— Amcrk.-in , . Sprini: »r.l Wlnlrr - • " ,'. ln '?« ,1— Murinnnplc . . :T 0 'in fi— Ilcrdlaaski . . 37 0 17 li— (' liirka .T.-ie.-inrnj, »n,i f ) i c.« - :n " « 0— ll.rait . . . ,»i 11 ni n

I N D I A N COHN , V,:|lnvv . (l,l, -», - , t liul:i lz I' B I" !>— Mirnli:,5:l-,.x ,,n |.\n . . "lf> 3 m n

— — Aiinincni , do li 1111 n— — Frrm I; mid A,, , ^ f ,rn ,| \v,;|ir en n nn 11— — K^yptian , . . . . nn n In n— — Dnmnui-il . . . 17 n 19 n

FLOUR , A'mricnn .prr linrrcl , .,! 1111111,5. - "" " "" n— l-'rcnch , per sack , n( -2-nil ,« - - lit! n no „INDI AN MB A I i . Ainnicnn r hrl. nl l l is l lo .nn ". U-i 0

_ _ ) lln.m: Mnniifactiir,.- , j „. '

Imports .)' Krpm-ln for Week miling Tlmrs-hrt , 1 ll/i I'SUC I-IMIM1IITS . I , l-iXI 'OKT.S

Whi-al .|8flO Quarl cu ! Vrhn.-it - llnfi- ' nIndian Corn (lfi lii .in . | Oal« - . . Mli . l do.Dan . . . ,|o. I It. irlrv- • • 11 ,ln.Unrlr.y,. . — ,|,,. In.ll a 'n Corn . nn.Klnnr i ' a»ck». riiiur - • • 11 iln,H0Ur i ll.,rr elK. 0»tm.-al - S.v*..Meal - - Ul Sack« . Inrtl.-in meal - ¦ — ilo.

iii;rn;it MAU KBT .Kumler nfFirl- inn vtriilh f l ot I l in P ul iH e I tn l ler M n r l . i l

f u r U'trt euilitif Friiltig (thin -In//) , I.I/A ,'n«(.Saluiilaj Il - i UK 0.1. lo 11 iN . n.1.Mnn ^ny Jl H:U . II I . In Mi. . ('.ITm-Blay I ll.u, li,|. in (,..|n. nrl.Wcilnoilay .TI7 Ji .l,. 11,1. in |:r,t. il.t.Thursday in U K Mil . ,.i l ls. , ll.l.Krl.lay I ||:;,, n.I. > . , urn . n.l .No. nf (irkiiu cnrir-priii.luii: wock la>Ly ,- :.r h i l lPricn pnr cw, ... ... ...II1:;*. In 1 ,«- .

(Omrli-d Ihii .'.-;( .Inr Tb. - \\'<i l . -.-f :.:l A'.- i-..-.)PiWVI.SI ON.S .

B ACON I'lns , |.nr rw l ... .„ ... .'.r,. fl.j m .-,7- n.lOrr»i. .In .„ ,_ ,„ .|ij. ,,,| . <„, n.tF"T An ... .„ ... |..> l-.| _ l|- 0 1llr.«ns <in :is. n.l — im u.tTAI .I.OIV ilo ... I.;- n.l - i-fi. n.tLARn (chanilli-r 1- ') «. .„ ... l,i. n.l — -;,-,. o.l

i it in ! |i r i i s - III :AT.Kr . r .T, p.T Hi ... W m K.I I [„,>, „, ,,.-ri|r... .-•< ill o, (Xr.l

On. atiiak M t> !M I Vt.ii, l«-r il- ... ii I in X iM UTTOX , |i«rlb. iM to f.l VC K R M l.i (nl

I'OTATDKS.Avcrae.e price (nc,» ; ... , .. 1-, ;;|. o, I t ,;.|. (M . r -t.,n.> ,

I:I:I-:AI >.W IIIT K , prr lib., r.d to li-l I I Io , - r i . i i . i . ,|ir t i l l .',1-1 lo IM

W I I I S K K V .Dnrl.iK . l-crsal ... In* IM I Di.n , Coil , c.-il . I7< n.lOnltK.nunclieoD .M 17.. n.l

FISH.N' rM>i.s» , prcnl -ill- to ?U i l'r .M. 0.! to i l lllni iiisos , pr l ir fJI * •<¦ V,, | SOI . K , .„ ... l l . l IO nilSAt.MONpi. -r ll .n- 7J.| to lli;.| I Ti p.miT I'M to ml

KO W I . i- :<i « is .Fowl., per < |. i?.. -.'I* n l lo '.'1 1 I I', p'- itTJ . . ."> « .* I in nsGF.r.s»:, An- I K I I .I .>-.O I pach . | T.irk-^y*. th lo ij H C.IU ;,I. I

SOAh AMI r;.\M)LKS .Wimv, reri- ivl -."1-. m 'l l f 'H I j .Mnui.o par lh ... |i« 7.1U K O W K , ,I O ln»(i ,l ,o .*t.»s | O I I - T ,lu. ... ,;K ,K|

WOOL AM ) ||||)|-:s.llniicnt wo.i l .. I* :|I lo I* :]'A , Iti. l , .-... *J1< tn ;|.l.|i,l pp, r- ttWclhp.r.t Km... !- M .. Is |J,: I K j ,« ... v,| .|,| ,„., |,,.Skin wool ... Ui. lii l „ N ml ! (<M ... 4V 5 per >liu.

r iJ i i iKH.R KII TIN ,:, per Ion , r,IK nA-* | ST A V K S . p.-r Ili f 'n £T» InY KIADW , .'.., jn, io .vi.i j I, AT ,is , r-, i .I., IM S o.l io 11

O IIAI .S.OOAI . (aTer. iK1-) 13- liil lo till .. ll.| | (:„.; .., nor I ..I, I is to mis

KJ|iI>i:il JXIl r;m:|.;.\- UltllhS .lUr, pi 'Vlun Si , - si. JI .,,,..,,,!,!,, ,»., i,,,,.V l. vv , i!... 1.1—.VJ, Turnip. .„ i>.. n.lST AW , w!i> - .1t,:n 1 »<*- — ."•'» .- (Jarml.s ... On Oil

Do. !i)3 t, -nl 4-* - .'.n. I

liivtfifi, ^4trtvn'a(j c5i, xV Scitthj s,Aiit i : i i in- vmci i t *"JHir th:, i \ l - i t r i< i Qcxf i Dr 'ttl ", I . . r- i,:li - i>n:j mi<l

IS I l{ T II S .lull, i , i - la , i t . at .".I . sl.-pli.-n - '-lii' .-u, l luMi n , lh,- |. ,,K

l l -.sliui;- . ..l a i laa -.-l it. r.At Ca-il.ri .i.ii- i- , l ln wi i i - i .r .i .T . l lu t l . r , K-.| .. I I .M. , ol ;. -.,„Ju lv I", >l I ,--.-!, M I , Ha- wi Toi. t .Mr. AI. ' .v: ii i i l-rSiitli i-i - | , i i i . l

nl' a - i- ..- l . i l , Hi- wif i-of Mr. Win. Mil l - . ll.a.|..-..n..tal ,l,. . ,,f .,

¦ lii i . -.-il t i-r..XI X.-n-iii- lli 1, i t i i l l i lv l.ii.nri.-k , tin- wif.- ,.r .I I .I III Cr,-:!"!-

i:-.|., l'1- . . i i in - inl Itsmk , •'¦!a . lau» l , l , r ..Inlv I", at ::7 Xmtli liiiin H,-..i ..,--- . - l i ,- , t , l l . i l . l in , l ln -wir .

of l\ . l i- i .- l; .Xl,i\ »'<-li . K-.|., S.I., .,| a .—u.l::t!i i i i-t .oit . iit Maiy- tr. i | , |- |.., 1, t l , , - w i f Mr. l l . -nrv

S. llaliat , i.r a ilaiejlili-r.

.M A It It I A a K S ..lidy S, I.y t i l- V.-,i. .Xn-liil .-sii-ou irsiillivnii , IM'.. V. I,- ., K. -i i -

i i i a n . .-li-pli i-i i . i l.l- .- t - f .loliu I'.-rrv , l'a l i i i - k- .-11- .-. l , ( - -,rkIn .Mai ia i i in-, . la uvhi i i - of Wm. l(,-/arty,' K-.|., Mayor ot C.ik.

July 7. at ."I. ratri.k' .- l l i i i r r l , , liv t in- lii-v. Tli-nnsi.- l i i o i l i t t i - ,I I . I I .. .Mr. Vinr. nl .I. II I- I . II , \Val. rlor.1 K TI-.I IT llnilu'iiv , to.Hi- !!..-j..-.-, ..I l l . ; . .y. .- I . M - l , in t l . i< ,-ily.

. l. i lv ,i . nt l ion-niii I ' l i . in - l i , In- tin- l.'i v . I ' . I.- .V 1- II D.i i l i v ,I!- , : . . , - , K.lvar-l l.'a,,i-ay llai-ri--iii , llay.-lnwii iluu-i- , . . . , n , ivDul i l i l i , l.i Ali.ei , . - l - t r-l .laii-..|[|.-r ,i|* t in- late l i i l i i ; Sli-w.u i,i ;. ,- |.| |.- .

In t l i . - Wi-l. -vni, I'lnuvli . Kiii , i . ,, ,n]u- . t in- II.-v. <;.- . i-- .. Kvl.-W M I JVV . .1. \V, --I , y;.i, .\ l i , , i - t , r, ,,, s,.;i,ia , .-,¦, ,| ,la,, -.-l,t . 'i- ..II ' ii i l i p .'-I. i \ . . . la- , i:-|.. Ki . i i i - u- oi - l l iv.

• la l -. ,i . :,t Hi- I In . i . - l i oi t in- '|-|,i'i- I'aln.i ,- . Hnl l iL i i r, Kn-i-n.-Xolmi, l-:«|., M.M. . l- a.-tlM- ..i,,,., - . tl,ir.| .--..,, ,.f Ivlu l I X..I l-:»|., l ial l i l i ,- , l- l i l loii-i - . ii iumv Carlo,!-, t-> .Man- Xliir^in-t,yoiiii-.-,- .-I. ilailv 'l.t.'i' "f t !'¦¦ lale "rii.. !,!.,.-. Molouy, )i -n., Tli io'l.-s .

¦itli in.-t., in St. .Man 's Kilk.- i iuv , liv U'.e H.-v. Iloln-rl V.K.a l l .y , lii- . .r-j i - I I , -ii.- lv l l , . r . l i i . - i - , ll.Jl.t'A, <¦• I MI U- II II , ili iM-jlit 'l l. -I ' l ianl iu . Iv-.i.. I'a tnik-ln i t . Kilki unv.

I) K A T II S ..Inn.- :!,!, al Pa t rii-k- .-trn t , (.'anlill ', Mar-.-a r. t , vo .ui-i-.-t

.l i.n-jlit. r ..I the late t.aptain rii.,ma.- H.-ll. r, .,( \V;iU-rf,.nl,av-"l 21 y.-a rs.

.In lh- :'.!'!Ii nit., at I II -I* tvsiil.-n. -.- , :[') , (ii-nilitiui '-.-trin-t , Dull-li,i . ar t . ro 1.r..I ra.I.-I ill,,- .-.- .,| ,i- | , | , ,n vi ars, Kli»i , th- I N -.l.n- i i l wif- nl Ivlwar. l llr.naii , l->. ., re.-laix-t-j-, l)ut. "aivai,.IS .1.1' .

l lu l l . i- s t l i in-t.. :it hi' iv- i . l .u i i . , I'at l i rk- .-trn t , in thN i i t i -Mr. .Mi-I .a . l Ali. .,i.i-, .ll.ui. i-. D.^va-.-1! wa- ...I ..1.1 an.l ,; ';.p.i ial. l , - . i t i / . i i , »h i i , rorth- many yiiiiv he hail U-, n in l,n.-i.II-.- .-, l i i a i l i t a i l i i i l t in- lii- lll- .-tclial-a.-t-'l- fol- i l l t ivri lv .mil h-i,i. ->tyHi- liui-n. l , ivl , i i l , «a- n- |«.- i . i l . lvattn',.1,,I , |, i . » , , , ( ..-.I ...i Sun.lay l:..-l to Tril.i,.,- , u-|,,-iv all Unit wa.- inurtal ol ii:iI......-I man wa.- .l .p.-it .-i l in tin- fainiK- Imriul -.¦i-.nui.l. - l l . l . I 1.

In l l i i l . l in. Hi- It-v. Charl-.- l.v.ill (Irani , nt tin- .M.-l!i..!i-tfluu.-l,, r..ruierly ,.r \ '

. lulv s, ut h-i- I'-.-'I.I I -II ,'.> ,. It . inv-tr ivt , in this ,- iti- , in t l . -Sl:h.v.111- i.f I. -- I- a-.-, nft. -l- u ioiiu- ami ill.,- .--, Kraii.-. s, rili.-tof llu- l i t - .Mr. I-Miiimiil !>..„,„.,., ,, t tlii- eity, au.l i,n,tl,-r ,,f.M.-.-.-rs . Mi-h a. l ami Win. ll.,-.m,'v.

• In th- l!l> iu-tanl . ut llliti-oiirt ', ,.f .'innptioi, , .Mr. I'atrirkshallow, ii-;.,I I7y, .ars.

.lulv o. nt hi- iv.-i <l- , Dual):. , t 'a-h-l . Join, .M.icarli.-vlln.-l i,- , Ks.|., J . I ' ., : . . I I of tl». lat.- .Major lln-li.- . •.( l i iwr.ui , , . ',.Kilk. i iuv .

.Inly 'I I . :,t li-r n-.-i ,li- i..-.- . :, |[iui>.. -.-ll'.-<'t , Jlnl il in , Kl ],. . .-.-.oii.l iliuiy liii - i - ,,f t in- lal- liirlmnl Saus-.- , K-|., l .'arrii-k-oii-

•Inly I-', ill l i i - I - - i . l . l i , - , |- | ,. i i i i i i - l , William ll.i.l-on , K.-.|., anol.l i l. l ia l i i tanl , ami a u.—t i. .-,. ,,-hilil- lo-r,-! I .

LOCAL KAIIi U 'A V TltAt'Kli;.*••...- // ¦ II • , / .- .- ., •';,,.; AV I'.'.I ;/ , .l::l ;l S, LS7D.

SValcrrorJ VVa- i- , |- ,t , . . ., ; 'rick I.i.. . , -> . ..-L.-.n.i »d K.I- >) •*<¦«">] Dn,l ;,,,,|

Lino-rick k..n.,,,:ll / ""«'''"' , F.iynH* Kani.177 .aile. I I M I ,.. , '"' ."'. .364 nule»3 li uiiic ont-nl. : 'l^'1"* ' oi.en. open.

i a. ,t. £ «. .1 JL' s. ,1. i K. rl. £ ». d.I'*-si-n;.-,s, .

I'aK-ls, ,Xi:.. T i l hi 7 10 3 ll it l 5 7111 1.1 II I-13 I'l li'i.JO.Ir.lCati: . I ' l l t 1 ! S ;77 « l l ; -.'l l,; 1 71 I .1 Ml 2 !l

Total 1771 j !I .VI:I l!l v 'l l l I U 142 )» 2 !U l.'l :lC-iurpi'ii'lini: !wt-.jk lu.*r y * i I ll l- 1 J li'iT I.1 7;l."i7 17 I t t:>3 3 7- -.M,! 2 1


LONDON ' CATTLK MA11KET— Y K STKRIIAV .Niouhrr at innrki-l—C.- iti ltf U'S; ; slu-cp H I I I I la inlw , l.'i,li;n .-

calvi- .-, (KM ; \iw , l.lil . f.iniun •.upill y— II.1I.1U, -I3l ; slir. pan,l liimb-, -l .t i l i i ; ialvi.> , n-j ; |iit.» HO. 1'ii. e-i— li,- ,-t , :l, i llio .I*. I I .; iiuiituii , 3« . H I . t o , ) - . I I .: veal , 3« . H. i» 0.. I Ipork , .'i, M to l« l«| ; U III II, U ( I I to li. U. ll.-i-l ol iill,k'.-i'ii|itiuiib .-il uioru n.oiu-y, with u itenenil liniiiii- .-sin tin.. t i i i . l i 1. Tliuri! H H I M I H H IIII V ^ IICI: in llm •.In.-i-p i iuik. l ,.mil n fair nluuunl o1 Ijii ^i mw «-.,.% I MHWC I I1.!. l-l lnli, olehoin- .pn.lity, »,|.| ;u hi^h,.,. ,,n,-,-. Tin- slut of caivis liasuiovi.l . 1 1 ' nl s.iii..-«l, at Into . , - |,i in- . l'o:k low.-r.

l i lVKKl 'OOI. (J.VTTI,1-: .MA llKBT— M. I .V I I A V .Tlli'.c ".i- i lam ,!„,, ,, i I,,, 11, L.. i l l l i - ami sli.-. |i, M I L I a

»i><i.l n i l . noan.:,. ul h:ij ,.,. . |j,...| „-.,« , -I a i iy l l i i iu , Imli-i-i. sn- li. liUy. Mutt , , , , rh- ip, -, , .mil | ,uili« v. r.v .Ui r. li. - i f ,t i ', .1 . l . i «i ; u.iiUi .i, iij |. |, )S | . |.,ni 'i M ' .l to !i;-l. Ctil,.J.I-J-i : .||.1-P, l.-IVi.

CLONM II I , M A U K KTS— \V KI .M :< OA V .l i U T T E U — 'I'll ic U-IIII •• i-aiiely nuy Imllrr l' l l o . rUl In- I iv.

l' l ic . -. 11 1< [. .-r .:«!. XV.I OI. — H.liM'", l« .' l - |HM III ;ncil.l.-r I O . I I . I V I - , l:|;.|. p,.r ,|,, _ (;„!,>•—Tti-r.MVi.-, un coil,ui irail.r , i-Jtu-pi lil . itk „,,.., u- l i i i l i >uM nl I I - -, |wr h a i i. l ..MISCKI.I A N I .OI.- S.— l-'lour-Mipi- rliiii-s , I". |»-i » "k ; s.o.1,,1.,3/ n |.«i . !• : ih i l.U .ill. p .r.l , . . ; |,,,han HUM I , CH HJ- |.. I loo ¦l .iau Co 15-per Jo. ; |i,,|U r,| *.ij p.-i ilu JU J I IULMI, L'l l lj i .Ji er .lo

TII ' l ' IOItAltV JHJ T TKlt MAUKOT-- WKI .XKSI .AV .i : ( ) l l i . k i n » ,li inaiki : : . I'ncu l iom lid> lo 7 - > i - i r l ii k m ol

;|,lra . l. i . l . -. i n n- .

CAiti t ick JU ;TTI:II J I A K K K T T I KSI .A > .350 Srliius III marki-t. Wm» loon U\i'. Io 1 l.ii p.-r ,-wl.I) UX ( iAlt\ 'A X IIUTTKI i MAHKKT— TI 'KSHAI .TIIBH - w in, 1IJ0 fuk ,| liuticr III iiinrii. 'l. I'i ins fiom

lli< 'n 1I'» l"l .'"I..MIJ M.I. VAIIO.VK III TTKH M.M JK 'KT-MOM .A ).«l l'n k i n« i i rk . l . I 1,,,:,. , n-., tn M- J .. i ,, 1 1 1 . . |,, r t,v i .

CI .O I i l lKKN IIUTTK Il MAI iKKT- -Moxou.1.111 in u ia ikct . I 1, , , ,., ||,,U1 l l- J ,. |,i m«. ,„., llv t ,

O A S I I K I , M A U K K T S - -S.vri now.I'II I I.I IIIV .I I I I I I I 71. pt-. -i ; ,,t:.v ,1,, . ni l 1.. lit. per .1.. . j

|i,-l Hour , I- 1 t i i . |l,-l -ark ; run-, In. I i ! . ; -i- |- .i..,!s , ;1H- t i l :t l e i . l - , i i l . l i l •¦"¦ilin-.l , .IS, p,-r il.i ; hl.e-k , U- lil . p.-rI,, I. : I mli ,u ui.-. il , 1'K |K. ,,,, ,..„ ; ,,,.1l .,r it , Ij il .'. . p-r I 'n.;Ii in- , 1 1 ' p.-' il". i liai . l i n u |. t - J (i . s i | • r ,li ,.: li. i-l. 7'l. ...N ' . p . r Ik . ;'11111 imi , li.l l ul l |i.<i il.i .; hin>|it.ut w , luj il.p.r • !- - .; -UB - , ("hol.v .l.. i.iio i, ill pn il t-z.-u ; reta i l Ju., K ' .pit ilu ; uu.i'l \lih, luutj, UI il.

C0UK. BU1TER MABKET—YESTEHDAV.Kimts , l lK; f ccon(l< , IKIH J third*, l<>3-« : lonnb', flfli ;

fri1i« , S0<: tiilhs (iO i. Mil l.curwl-f ir»t» , 117< ; «I-COII J J,lll< ; IhipN , 1(K!< ; lourlhs, 00. 2.350. lirlins in market.

C011K C0RS MAKKET—YEWEBDAV.Wlii-e ivluat 00. 0.1 ; i«l , do., 00« OJ ; hirlry, 0. 0. to

O . O I j h l i i c k out- , (nlJ), 8< 01 to 8. -11 i wliitr , do, 0< 11 lo0- OJ : tir.vncy, 8-> f l l .

CAIJ LAX UUTTK R MAHKET—Y RSTEH HAV .Numl»-r nl firkins, 250 ; price Iroi.i 112.. to 115'. per

cwl. Tlw liiiyern nl innrl^t were :-ll ««w. Thomas hsnn ,Cmri.-li -Hnir ; Jnltn Kj-mi «llJ It. Mallouy, Wateilurll !au-l Hnj f ^, Clumncl.

M O O N ' S C H A N G E S .I-'iill Mnnn ... Tii'-rUy, 12lh Jul y ...10.3."> p.m.LH -1 Quarter . . Wnlnmil')- 'illtll July ... 2.1" p.m.New Jl.mii ... Tlniftdiiy, 2S:!iJnly .. .1 Quarter ... Tlmraday, 4tU Augnit ... 8.31 a.m.

LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE— YKSTEKHAV .CLOSI -IO 1'Ktcr.K.—Consul!" for Mnn«y, 'J2;, Loi:ao!a

f .ir A i-cnunt . fl-2j ; Ni->r nn I Itcilinrd, fl2j I.) .',.


ypw S pcr ContStock — Wi\ i — ol hulan.l 10" — —Mun-it.-r Hank , Umitnl a} «! i —:/iU-riii»u liaiik -n 'Ui —Naliiiiuil Hank 30 5;lj J of l.ivi ir|n,il ( l in i it i -i l l 15 — —City of Dr.Min Stea m Company U'O — —

RAILWAYSWiilcrfonl ami Limi'i-ick 5(1 Wl l»iUri-at Souther:, iin.1 Wculoril UK) — —

Wxt cEittcrfovt) Jltlos," BE JUST, AND " YRUi X0T."

i' lUDAY EVENINCr , J b L Y l.j, 1B7U


Out- nssizos, just CIOSCMI, nUrarto il innrc nttcti-liim , ami created deeper interest in the publicmii t i l , than any wo lt ;ivc Iimi in Watctforil for along lime. The ciiise, uf coiir.-ie, Itittl its ot'i^ittin this memorable election , fro m which pcriud<|ii , - sltoii.-j both Miiiincial and li'g.,1 remained oxerV) be. .settled, and abuia llieif arrangement thereupp'.-arril to bts great anxiety. " Success of theircause," witlumt ivga ril to iis merit.-;, sci'incil tobe ihe guiding princi ple of one Milo, and inllirir riidctivors lo attain that end , theyhad very ])nxrciTul machinery in their hands,which they used , it must be nddeil , tn its utmostlimits. Tins great interest was centred in tin:Coun'.y (.'(i t irt , where the parties charged withlining concisriieil in the riuts at t lte late electionhad been soil at last.assizes I'm- trial . Tin? Cnni -twa.s densi.-Jy crowded each day, and tin ; prepa-rations of the Crown were so elaborate, thai onuwould t l i i t t k we xveii : in tins midst of a great Staletrial , in which I he liuo of a nalion , or the livesand fortunes of mi ghty Princes were at stake.The lirsl vt-rdicl , howuver , which was returnedin those cases—tin: ae>|iii l lal of .I mix D II .I.HN —lent luMiliniial ze.-t lo llu: iill liir. for it. iv.-ts m i -ili 'iit that t in : l.'rov.-n— I.-VIMI tho Jud ge hi insoll ' -was not onl y disappointeil , but annoyed , thattwelve men i-ould In; got to disagree xvith theagi.'itt.s (if ill ,; lair , who Ucl'mvi: in ll i i- iwnrst: nlthe maxim of the Ui i l i sh C'on.-t imtinii , anil re-gard every man in their pmvor as guil ty, ox-en atlimi .-s when h': is ])t -ov,- .l innoc oiil. The nextjury disairn-rd , and then , as .Mr. lianm 1) J:XMdetermined to proceed no furlher that cx'ciiing,he ,'iiiiioi t iiced thai all jurors xx'ould I),: called nextmorning on lines of . f lu each. Th': re.-i t li ofthis xvas , a largo alteiiilnnci: of jurors and thenI' I I I I T I I . aboiil whose c.i< , % I Ins jury of tho pie-vinits evening (lisi tgiei d , was again arraigned.The Crown seemed delermim:d. if pos.-ibi ,-, tomake stir , - of the i r xvork th is t ime . .Mr. f,i:KA MUJ IMIN , llu: Crown Ir olici t or. has earned a re-putat ion in Jhl l i l in . which has spread wot-ldwide, for his capabilities in selecting juries , andhe showed himself up to his sLunihin! here, whenfro m the panel ril ' i l io (Jailml i c county Wii icrlonl ,wi t l i !iu per cent , of the ]iopulation pro fes.-iugthat laith. a jur y wa-' put in the box (:iim|iosi d olTl-::-.' I' KIITKST XN TS to Txv n CATHOLICS ! The m-i-. , . .-. i I I I I I I..> I I ,M .> i'i i n n i, A i i t 'l l . l , .-* . I l ie pn-<(sner p'issi-.-sed no JIOWCT of challenge, anilCatholic after Catholic juro r -for no other rea.-on.t lial. wo can see.l han to express distrust in his fait h

was set aside un t i l the composition we ha vo men-tioned was accomp lished. This counsel f o r t heae -(•used in vain reine-it strated; tin: Crown denied allundue practices, and even the Jud ge himself de-clared lie could see mil hiug wrong ! 1 low oft h;,sthe thunder ing x'oiee oi' t h e l lreat . O'C'ON .\ I:I .I ,been raised against this jury-packing system inIreland ?¦ -ami wo hav/.- it 't doubt , Mr. lia r.jj iU K X S I himself, irhett working his way up th epolit ical ladder which leads in the bench, spoket. ' t t liis honest \*oie'* against that odious system,whicl i he mm" (-annul se'1 throug h his ulliciullen.-o. l let ivei i forbid I h a l xve should be foundlo object to rrolestanl.- mi juno.-, for we beliex-cwere I ' l i i r rn 's jury C' .mposi:d exclusivel y of mennf t h a t crei...| he would have had a fair t r ia l —but we see in thus,: selections a remnant of tha tascendancy which xve had imped was abolished,and an evidence that. Crown ollieials rely on : hemfor conviction.-', particularl y in matters politicalor religious. In I his. however, the}' arc nftonmistaken , for, althoug h there won: live of theonce-favored creed on the jury try ing I'KTKI ;C I .A N C K V , whose conviction wa.s so zealouslyhoped for, he was a'.-i|iiiited almost without hesi-tation. We have no desire that men should boacip ii'.led if guilty , but we. want that they shouldIn: tried by juries impartial l y chosen ;' and weconsider the system of jury -paekin", as practiced¦ in Ireland , is an insull . to men of every creed.I ami should be discountenanced by ex-ery honest ,

ri gh t - th ink ing man. Wo cannot allow the op-: poi -liinity lo pass without expressing our warm' admiration, and tha t of t in : public, of the ability.| lar.-t . zea l and perseverance disp layed by Conn-| sell,ir CK K .X X in defending the severa l tra\-ersers,| a Herculea n task xvhen it is remembered thai• he did so by himself , having arrayed against him. all t h e lega l fcrcc and resources of f in: Crown,i headed by Sergeant Aiix isn t oxi i . The prcpara-j lion of ilio briefs, and all the details necessaryj for :i complete defence, were most creditabl y ex-

ecuted by .Messrs. J. W. HrixvAit n ami RHIIK UT

j l i .xi t i i nN , and on the side of t in: accused nyth ingwhatever was omitted that could establish theirinnoceneo.

In t h e Ciiy ( .'ourt . tho pnn.-eediiigs xvere of afar more gratif y ing character. Tin; I'.ight II..n..I A M I :S A X I I I O N V li.x u sox a gentleman , who, byindit s l ry , integrity , and ability, has won his waylo a most distingiii.-ed po.-ilio'j i--appeared for thelirsl t ime in his olltcial capacity amongs t hisfellow-citizens, and under the eyes of a ilcnscly-c'.owded court , took his scat on the bench. Itxvas lo be expected t h a t his many friends hereshould be anxious to mark their sense of appre-ciation of his exalted character, but their disap-p ointment was great, indeed when they ascer-tained beforehand that his I j t i t dshi p shoulddeclinoany entertainment that might be preparedfor him. Jloxvevor, the grand jury xvere not tobo disposed ol .-o easily, so an address of con-gratulation was presented , and replied to felici-tiousl y by tho learned Jud ge. Tho only casebefore Judge I,.\u'so.v xvas the charge of homicideagainst the man Avi.xi Aim , xvho stabbed anotherto death in a public house ou the f^uay , and he,having pleaded guilty, xvas sentenced to sex-enyears' penal servitude. In the case of the pro-senlmenls, wherein tho grand jury took theextraordinary course, of refusing investigation,his Lordshi p ruled ngaiust a traverse, on logiilgrounds, and so tit o merits remain undecided.A city record ca-e. in which the plaintitf obtainedt:!-J"."damages against the Clyde Shipping Com-pany, for injur ies , sustained in one of their vessels,( . ' I ' lni iut ted the business of this court.


Tin- Land lull came down from tlio Lurds onTito-day, and on tlmt evening tho mutilationsell'eeted thereon by the noble operators, wereconsidered by tin ; Commons. In replying toMi-J) ISI :.\ KI .I , Jlr. ( .I.AI 1M0XK stated the Ciovcrnmcntintended to agree to the majority of the Lords'amendments ; but that they would disagree tothose which alfccted the scale which definesxvhal is lo be considered a disturbance by tlio milof l l u , landlord , and they proponed ftirthor .ire the term of leases from twonty-ouo tothir ty-one years, in originall y fixed by Govern-ment. The Lords decided that a letting for con-acre would disentitle a tenant to compensation,but (i . ivcnimcnt agreed to an amendment by Jlr.SA X I I 'KI.MIX to exempt holdings for green crops.Government. concurn d xvith tho Lords in strik-ing out t h e provision allowing land to be let forthe building of laborers' cottages, and agreed louu amendment by -Mr. S.UULLSW,-, in opposition.

to the Lords, that registration of .land shouldonly tako place upon the concurrence of bothlandlord and tenant. Tho Government haveabandoned their provision for tbc common-lawright of assignment, allowing the " rulo of theestate" to prevail where such rule forbids it, thusenabling the bad landlord to have full swing.The fexv good points with which the bill went tothe Lords have been plundered from it , and it isnoxv on Oio eve of coming to Ireland " a mockery,a delusion , and a snnre."

I'HE SPANISH IMHR0GL10There seems to bo a lull in the warlike ap-

pearance of matters on the Continent, oxving tothe withdrawal of the pretensions of the ob-scure German Prince LKOI 'OM) to tho throne ofCatholic and once proud Spain ; but whctheHiiswithdrawal is at his oxvu or his father's insti ga-tion is not certain. In the French Legislativebody.on Wednesday, tho Duke do G IIX .XIXONT made-the following statement :—

"Tho Spanish Ambassador in T'aris officiall y an-nounced yesterday to the French Government thewilliilraxval of 1'rinco Leopold of Holnw.ollern's can-didature to tho Throtio of Spain. Tlio uc'Kotiiitionswhich we aro carry ing on with Prussia , aud whichnever had nny other object in view than tbc nbovc-lncnlioncd solution , aro not iu yet terminated. It ia ,therefore, iiupu.-isiblo for the Government to speak ofthe subject, or to Submit to day to the Chamber andto the country a •'enerul statement of this affair."

CMJXJIK. . ASSIZKS.A ITIOX IOK At.i. t :iiKn SLANH KII .—O'S'wi v. (Ji i ,w».

—Tlii.i action was tried nt the Clontnol Assizes onynstcrday, before Mr. llaron Deasv, and was conclud-ed to day. Ic was an action by Mr. Michael O'Slica,I'.N .t}., against Mr. Timoth y Cnrrnn , grocer, both ofthis city, for xvorcs alleged to bo spoken by defendantroncnriiiii;* plaiutilf , cliarging him with bavin" iusli-gated tho mob at the. last election to riot and breakwindows. A verdict for defendant w;is returned atone o'clock to-day. Counsel for plaintiff: Messrs .llcmpliill , (} ¦£., ainl Crean , isutnictcd by Mr. J. W.Howard . For defendant: Serj;caiit Armstruii); andMr. (iibsou, instructed bv Mr. Thornton ,


At the potty sessions on Saturday, Messrs. II. A.Kit/. yt i-iild sind YV. M. Arda^ li presided. y, larceny of clothes from Miss I'oxver , Cloiica ,p!e.nled guilty, and xvas sentenced to nvo months athard labor. Mary \Vlu:lnu , leaving the service- ofKichard .Xnthuny, c-outi-iiry to a twelvemonths ' ajj reo-m.Mit , xvas proved ' ".Uly, and , refasins to return , wascommitted tor a nuiiilh. Soino minor police ca.-c.-uiade up tho rest of tho business.

There was no iuwtiny of the guardians to- ilay('rinirsday), owinj; to the want of a i|iioruiu , the onl ynienihers pi-escnt boinj; Messrs. -I. il. Terry and .1.Ilarty. 'flu-re aro l.SIl paupers charg,:d to the Dun-gsirx'an (lix -i- iion , and .s."i to the union. Total numberin this lions"-1 this day, :i:V.I; last year there xvere :t.S.">.So that there are "lli decrease iu the present year.ThiM-e was no meeting of the Town Commissioners onWednesday, owing to a majority of the members ai-triidiii " the assizes al, Walei-ford ;.s jurors.

A vi:ry siron^r o,:sire is CNprc.-scd liv the tradersami in habitants generally, that t he town commis-sioners should , if they havu the power, appoint someni ght watchmen for the protection of tin ; town. At])ii-si-ti t , in eons,.-, |HeiiL -e of tlni ivant of such protec-tion , a feeling of insecurity prevails to a very con-siderable extent , increased by the late aitcinpci 'dburglaries , and it is much to b«: hoped that this seri-ous delieieney xvill be spi'edi' y remedied.

A ruino yr pruvnils of an inU-ndod strike amongst,our labourers for an ol' wage.-. It is sineeie lylo In: Impel they will tio nothing so siiiwdal , purlii .-u -lnrl y in a locality where, unfortu nately, employmenti l i i t- .s .nil. al.tiuud.

WATKUI -'D I M ) ON T I I K - l U D I C I A I. BKN 'CJI ."to I I I K K O I I O H or I I I K xvAii:ti i*oi:o NKWS

Sn: —In the excellent address pi-esi iiled by the Citylo-an.l Jury to out* distinguished I'ellow-citizi .-u , th. .-lli ght lion. Mr. -lustiee Lawson , xve are told " it. isl li. - ti.-st time the bench has bei-u occupied by a citizenol' Wain-lord for tin: jiast KID years." Who is theerudite historian who so iul'ornii:d lliu grand jury ?lias no one beiinl of Mr. .lu-ilici : IVrrin , and does noone renivnibvr that that distinguished judge was burniu Il . - au- ^itei -L?-- Votirs , I M;I :I I :K ::.

.Inly 1 I , 1S7H.

I:\S II ir.xMit. i; lYKir.s.K \ T U i V \ i N V i | -.NT To T I I K .1 nnii>.- -Th e .lli ghl

!!.,-.. Ilo,.a l l . -.- v, m l th - livli t IJ - .i i . .Mr. .Ju-:ii:..- b -iu-mi ,iv-iv ,- iit.-| i .,iu>-,l at t.;n:^:n t ,.u Tn,:-,l.,y I T . nii.^ hv tin-in.-uiW-is :,r ll,,' l/ 'lu-lrr I M I , :it Hit- Iin|i"iial U n t i l , A I-, 11 ,TII- .M A 1" I I . M i u l -, K-, |., (> .C, iiithi- r iil' i l i - ! , ..u.l lihn- . 'ii. W .ii. rli .r- I , pri'Mtl !,,^. Tin: -[i!- -i i i l . il .Iiuinj-ro tn u!II.. . I i i i |H - i i , i l iv .« l i r l l i o i l l y ,l.-.' nuil l i ^l i tui l nu tin-fi->tive m-ia-i .ni , tint l.i!! nt la . o n l l l i t ! must rcctirtT.'it! .-!iHr.u:t.-r ,tin. rt-ii.cs nt ll . - r iiln-ic.--.! viiit .ur , .inj .-v -.-ry .- !,->•-.Iiul .ipp hr.lnil ,I sci-v.-ihiii t l i ; ,t I t i j l i lv sii|n-iiiir ionNiitisfjciiiry in oiii.-r..-... I. III .- II I . 1; mi l U., -.v,i d,.,r,,c- >T.-tiu of t i n - . , M ,-1 ,1,1,-1,. ,1lu,:,-l rtic |il. -. i - i l iL - i i f I !¦•• crt'iiui^ \vu- Virry uiu. -li .-uli-tni- ". ! l>>t l i- I JI - I I li.i - of tl . . - j u.--ls n-.,s I lie ili-ti,u,,i-li.iU-i:i/. iinf W- lcr 'niil , Mr. .IiKtioe l ..>v« , .n.

This Ve.-y Kev. JJr. Fiynn. IM 1.. V.i i .. Tr in i i vWithout , i- ~ . H v . i i i : ,,t l l if I , , I .

", II ,I :,,H , .1 llu' i-l , l!r.,v.

J\ .1. Smyth. lvsi|., left town for Dalkev, Dubl in ,yrrsi.-i ilny.

Charles (,', Kscj .. 1!.IJ., left loxv n for l) : ib-Iill , .v.-M.-ltln.y.

I I . .Murphy. Ks.|., S..I.. arrived in loxvu from'lie N'mlli , iia ru-ti-iilay.

tj ir .lolin K^moudc, llarl ,, .M.I '., has leftI!,llh., :l-lr-lji l leli Ion , tn :ltlril, l ]n < | ia, l ,MUIrll ' H, V ,1)11 il--.

.Matthew I' . Dairy. IOs.|.. .M.I '..'has left Dublinfn: l..»»l- .,, , t.» ;,ttc.i . ln>|i.nn--.i' ;i ry tt - i l i , - -.

A I J K I V A I .S \ r Di xxt oi i i:. - -This charming water-ing I'l.'ti: is fa- *, lill t c up, mi ! u. v, r !u,.k.-.l t. , inme ail-vnn'a-.'.1. Aniini'^-t tln-s.1 vt;.yui;r «t l l .c li- .l.- l ;.n- : — V;.j...Ui 'liM' i

'il l l ; iii|.i', U..!n:i.l I! . l int- , t'-m -j v n ,- l-",- .-, !.,,^, Ivq..

— Unllinnll . K-i|., nuil .— . . t in- , - . . M i l - . : pi iv.n.- r. ¦si,l,:in:i-> aiv Colnu. I I I . , , , , . - , K I . MH.1 II .l- ris , Ivn,., Mr- .Di l ibyn Iiti«'.l. S. Sir.mj.u .... K. |., I >- . (i . \urt~.-, \V .MwkViy, K - <\., .i . C , ui: i i . -v , K-:|., 1*..II I '.-u, , K-.|. Jl t..l'ar.-uu*, Or. J 4:,,..-, K, !lvt -iiny : I ,* .|*|4. II- S.iuiu.:! i.n.l .li>-,- ],!il l nli.iiii , K.-v. VV' i l l i . i n IJuuLiiry , Vi-y li.i u '.u.y, K-.,. ,Autl i i i i iy K. G I- IMV .V, K-. |., Ni-iv l!..« : — i ',,.p- r, K-.j ..('.i|iUill D.itlfl , M -i- r II .-,„-, ( i- i .r .T U l . i t . - , I-;., , , Sui. i i rjWhit ", K.«|, Mi> . T.i :i.l > , I I . A. l l r r iw i . K-... C. K.. .v -.

TI I K AitJ iv — -Msr. L ieu t, ( i . ( ' . Cocklniru loIn: (.'., i. - a,n , l.y pu'ti, .— . >- ;, ^(i . Ii . .il.u l ^.i- ,- u , «•- ,., , . | ,-.. -..Inl y ii:h. Ka-itiii K- li . I I . 11 r««- ! .. i. i i , - -J i -t I- -....:,tu In- l.i- iili- iiaut, by pure:,:.-.*, v .-•• 1 * -. U - u - i i : : ,. -- .t . i- ., .l ,- tI-:. I,. Durum , Ii i Hie li.i .n.1 Al,ht ..y • nl:.- .-. t..!.,- Ki,-vn ,ivith iiut nurcliJM 1, vicu S- I U I U I I-M, II CCIMU-.I ; J.. i , il . i, .

TIIK SI.AX K TIMIUPK IX XVAT KUIol t l i .A- may l«, sit-ii l.y inlvt-i-ti.-i-iiu-nl in thi« i-v,-nii|...'> i- -ui- , tl,,.

, .Xliii - 'lr.-l Slavi- Trmiiw, wlin ]I:.V > T tua.l,; s . I,- ..-!, uli:ll,i i- f.irtlu-niH-lvi-^ itli tlirmi-_-li A IIHTKII, ill vat-iut.y .-i.ntiii .-. itali- . iilii tri.-- , ami in Kii^laii,l , iUL-vi , l,-iictilliy tbi-.-ti-.iii^ eiK-i.iuiiitii ^U-.-t .iWift ii|M.u tli.-ir iii-rf.iriiiaiii-c.-* liv th,: lirt--.-, I.]M-U 1,,-r,- f,, r a-li'.rt !.i-:t.'.ill >>r i.v lli'^lit-', .'(•llltllt-lli.'ill^' <n. 'l-).ll|-.-i];t i' cvi-i.iti"ll. -xt . tin- 21"t "f July. Till! trnil)!, 1 ti.lil,- tn II" l« i-is<y.4iii» .v . rvf--vutiat which I-:II , iin-ly «^ii,iiii:oi,l tin- warm^,- i.f tli',.iiiii.>ii-Ii,vii. v l. ..rti.iii .if our Mliw-iiiiwu- tlnnnn-l, tulrnt . nlirilli ant anil wnrl.l-wiil.t ^m-.-!-.-^, ^u-taiii.-<l l.y tin- .-iil . i-.''iiii-iit nf ¦tin- ni- ,.-t i-iiiiin -nt i-ntiis wlii-ri'vi-r tlu-y laivi- up.jMit n-.!. :,n.i uiiil.-r u llial,:lu'.-lill-llt wllirli Iia.- ii«- itli, - r luuiil ,-\.|H-M st- <>r .•lii-rr:y in placinv tin- iniii>t r.-Is , twi-nty-.-i\ iu iiiun1 N -rat tin? li.-a.l itf tli.-ir liartiruliir pl.-iL-ili;.' ami alluring' lir,.f,-y .-i.,ii.Tin- l.,,l,,t,.u l.r,-.-.--, fr.Mii tin! ••Thiii-*" .If.v.-nwa r.l- , yj K -ak in tli**iiii.nt Iliitt.-rili!' ti-rin^ nf til"' .-x.-i-lli-ln:,- anil viiri .-i l natilrt! of tin1nit.-rblinlili .'ii t , mill tin- " Kl n-nmii" tliu- xvrit i-.-. ,,f their i»-r-f-.i-tnali ,-.- iu Dnlilili: "Th.-si- .-l.-v.T titiii.-tn.l-i l,av«- uttni,-t,-<lliir-jr i-nm-ilsn-vi 'i-y niu-l it ilnriiiv tluir Mny, 1 j .ulvin-.- liomtin: In-arty iit,nl:tii«- , ami tile fl-cpu-u t .l.-inaliil- nf ,?iii-. ,r,. . tln-vltave ,-,-rta 'uilv ?m-ciiil.-.l in licliv'litilij ,' tlu-ir ti.ii.i. -riiii ^ ailmirt-l-^Tin- Miuy", iliiiiii-s in..1 ri.inii: ffii .vin^ an- n* -kilf i itlv j-ivi-n „,nn tli. 1 rir-t ni^'iit, mi.t '*> I-) I "f tin- I -.. III ) I.IT » V .li.-j ilav- mi aiuiiiintnf uliilitv in lii- partii-ular il> partiii..iit Hint ilm-s lii»li i-ii ilit. t..tin- I'litrrlniinui'iit. .lapiuilu.-i- Tunniiy, win. -n-taiiK a rniiu.l.if iiiuiic <-l.iii-.i,-l,-i-*, ilraw- furtli t.ikru^ i.f tin- ivanii.-ht a.lini.nitii.ii hy lii* n-ry rli-v. r imi»-i-.-iniati..ii.-. lli, .-.iit-jji, ^ nln-avspr<i.liii-i-» iiiiit -uinm,.- lau^'lili-r. hi- VI - I-V iipiH-ar.itim- iwrit'e*lnirtli. " Tilth-ran In-lm ilullhl tliiil llu-vij it i.f till, tlui iiH- toIlllr fitV Will, ill IVI -V V lT-lll-L-t. In: Ili^illv .sll«.f.-sf111.

HOAItl ) 01' ( 1UAUIJ1AXS — W KIIXKSHAV .Tuo s. \v. Jxeoii , J.I'., in iIn- cluiir, un-l siilixq.i.nitl j

Sir li. I'ACI., Uivt. A'*-i pivwni —C.unr. vs lla^.?.- , J pS.miui-I T. Grillil. , J. I '., Mnj .r O'U.itiiMlt , .1 .1'., J., lm I,.CIIIIII , l): ivi ,l K>ui:li , l'.itiick llynti , rMimmil \V.,l-li , ,I,nut-l.fiiiii> , Thmna» llnwlvy, Miclia t- l K.ickctt , .Martin W A U\> ,Mklia. -l Douley, Jnhn II . Jon..-, Tliouus Kllioll , Vitticlillnitmi , JiiS'pli Clilinu ittt , Wnllcr 11,11) . Willia.u K.-llyX. I'.iwvr, Tlios. llu .'isnii , Al.1. Itnln.on'1, I'M iluiiricthe ivioli , ill". UaUnii! aiainit the union , i':li;!i .

Mr. Elliot t 's motion xvas ]xutpoii tM l to tUi.s dayfortnight. Ailjourncd ixt an early hour.

TIIK n.VTHIXCi VL.VCI-The bat 'uiiiK placu xvna oiieuod in tlio Manor nn Mon-

dny, and (luring the week liiiiulrwls of the youn^ boysor the city availed thcm.-idvoa of it. .Mr. O'Cmindl ,formerly licivl-constnblo, a very atrad y, proper mail ,nml an o.vpcrt sxvinimcr, is appointed in Chinee of it.Ilu informs us that already a liirj rc number of lads arcmakinj; gi-eat progress ir. Kxvinuning , mid after a sliovttime viry nearly all the boys ia the city will U; firstclass sxvimmcrs * Next yea r tho cq;p<unliun luipo tninaku a large basin at llij ; plaoc, xvln 'io youun ; undold can bfttho uV all times of tho tide, ilajor O'lior-mail , J.I*., baa given Aid. ltudmoud Ills., to be dividedbutwouu four bt-st s\vimmur.s. ii) litn.K Ci.iui.— Ihe t l iuu and couclud-iiy competition for till! rifle presented tu tho clab bythe lion, sec., Mr. W. K. Uoimniiis , T.C., comes oD" t«-morrow , at tlio rillo nin;,'c, Tratnore, f \\a\\\i\ 'unxveatlicr prove favonible. The result of ^1(0 pHux-ilinptrials ban becu to placo >[r. 0. H<l)o,xYCl| tirat for tfaeprize, and Mr. W. ((. 11, UoiT, T-0,. second. Duringthe week Mr. M'ninvoll ^ratiliud several spce.tntoyawith a pi i uj f t i fhu i'.v.( |ui.sit(i shootin?, by hitting thubull' s eye live, consccutix-o timed at tlio '.(KM ) yuri ls 'distil nco.

TIIK TII .IMHIIK CmcKirr C'l.en.—On Tlutrsilny i;n.\t,weather pcrtnittin p , this juvenile but very aspirin1,'club will Imvo tlicir first competition , on tlio Tramorcground , eoinnicncing nt txvelvo o'clock, their antnga-ni.sts beio^' tho Waterford garrison cricket club. ThoTminnru men have kept up conataut practico sincetheir fnrniatioii , mid much x<K>rt play is antici pated.

No Loss.—1),: ]j« 1'ocr, M.V., has paired -vilh Mr,Wanl lltint , M.I' ., for the icmaindcr of the sessmii .The Dublin corporatiou are about (Jettiug u (lurtrit ituf the tjivut O'Cuuuell. ' '


CITY GRAND JUKI—Fitm.xv.(Cnntimtetl from our Last).


In mcoting tho grand jury, in their box on Friday,tho High Sheriff, Napoleon B. Wysc, Esq., D.L., tbusaddressed them, tho. cxtromo length of the observa-tions precluding their publication samo evening :—The presentments that nre about to be laid before younb tlieso assizes, gentlemen, aro of unusual magnitude,:they require your utmost nttcotj pn, for uudoubtcdlya very heavy responsibility is laid upon you. Manyamongst you havo seen, all havo heard, of tho gravodisorders of xvhich, consequen t upon n severely con-tested election , tb is city lion boon the theatre. Agedmon bare even pretended that similar scones havo notbscn enacted xvituiu tbo last forty years. Bo that asit may, gentlemen , it is Dot tbo less certain , that thiswild .saturnalia of revengo and disappointment hnsxvon for us an ill odour, not only throughout Ireland,but throughout the ompire, tho continent of Europe,and perhaps tbo civilized xvorld at large. Wo havobeen branded in a sories of letters, addressed to tholoading organs of publicity, as " sixvages." This Chris-tian peopleof Watcrford have bcen compared bysonioroving scribbler, some obscnvc and nameless individual ,to 1 do not know xvhat tribe of ferocious red Indians—so much so that in order the better to carry out tliocomparison of this wonld-bo satirist, our othcrwisopeaceable, well-disposed , industrious, aud moral popu-lotion , laboring then, it is true, under great excitement ,would have onl y to brandish the tomahawk, to bedizenthemselves, with tbo xvar paint, to shout tho warwhoop, or to bo!;iii tbo xvar dance. Deplorable, nudoubt., as wero these outrages; scandalous, tliougbunircourni , tin were this violation of public peace rindwholesiilo destruction of private property—yet thoable, conscientious , and painstaking magistrates oftl..! city have to claim for themselves immense, honor,for they have been spared the uevcr-cuding remorseof being coerced to'shed the blood of their fr-IIoxx-.oiti-xens in I ho painful , though inexorable, vindication ofluxv aud otiler. Xo Irish blood has xvet our soil at thecommand of any Watcrford magistrate. Our author-ities xvhose hands have thus been gniltlvss havo not.earned for themselves the possible execration of the -entire community, the certain disapprobation of herMajesty's (Jovcnimcnt, byai erroneous misconceptionof their duty—possibly the loss of humlredsol v.xluablulix-es thus rulhli 'ssl y sacrificed : and , lastl y, tlio sloxx-,but unerring retribution of public opinion and of Di-vine Justice, l-'or the part your High Sheriff mayhavo taken iu these transactions - for I kmnv he ignorant!)- :uss:iik-d—I xvill not justify myself.It wen: dillicult to ask me, connected as is my nameby centimes of honor and generations of publicservices wilh this city, to tarnish the venerable escut-cheon of my forefathers by a crime of the deepestdye. and wantonl y and without cause (in order toguard liie sanctity of a fexv broken panes of glass),dare in become tlte murderer of my fellow-citizens ,*and ij o tho nn-aus , by one single inomr-nt (,t* inex-perience and imprudence , of perhaps lighting a con-ilagniliou of which the result—believe me, gentlemen ,most.solemnly-1!io rosultxvouh ihuvi: boon incalculable .Concerning the criminal business , it is ol .-.-onio impor-tance, yet il is not. in tho limits of my ollice to tres-pass on the fuuetiuns nf the learned and accomplishedjud ge xvho xvill open the commission on Monday atlluvi: o'clock precisel y, xvhen , gentlemen , you willattend on his lordshi p with your usual punctuality.In conclusion , may I be a.'/owed tc express from myplace heir tin: deep-felt regret, which I share in com-mon xvith very many of my felloxv-citizens , that somomark of respect , some ox-ation , some token of recog-nition may not have been olleretl to our illustr iouscompatriot , I'or, born amongst us, having passed hisboy hood ainong-t us, having been educated in ourpublii: school:;, he belongs essentiall y to Waterford ;and future liiin:.s will reckon Mr. Justice Lawnon nsin. ': of your few great men. The cold north wl-eottied xvith litl' ul admiration and becomingcn lhu.sinsinat ll..-lfasl one of lh.: mo-it distinguished of her .SOIH ,.Mr. Jnstico O'Hagan , noxv Lord Huron O'IIn"a n,of Tiillalioguc ; and might I not ask, if the Protcstnutinn-: h deli ghted to honour the Catholic O'Hagan , ivh yshould not the genial nml warm-hearted south , CatholioWaierfoi-d , iu u word , xveicomi: the Protestant U-xxvson ?This is a mailer , gentlemen , tlmt I leave to your ap-preciation , and throug h you , as their natura l l-epri.1-s. nt.-it iu-s and oiponouts , to your fellow-citizens. li ' .-nllcmcii it is hi ghl y gratif y ing to my feelings torce.-ix-e as Hi gh Slu-rill ' oiicof the judges of the. Queen'sIn-m -li. that able and most eloquent lawyer, to whostimatclilcs.-- ability I owe. the possession of my paternalestate , ivhich ha.s enabled me in my present qualityto havo ihe proud privilege of addressiii" von.

'I'h,-grand jury then retired lo their rooms, wliei:,the f»i!lou-ing reports were submitted :.

ui.rnia or nu. r.tnuii nr sri - K it ixriA t i i vv j-Tn /;,.. l ,V,i , ..' J.;iJ i.( tb - nhj n f \YnU:;\, ,l ^

Tin- L.Mi. l n-iVrs lo tl .e n-ceiiits and ,.xp,-ii,lituri: unnr-jr .I-li .ivini? u ilrlii-ifiicy ol ilnl 13< . UJ . , and \\ U cuiniilrr. ii•hat .. sum ui i-J-.ti will liuirquni-tl far rrp.iyine arauuut.i. .v oi.- .-.l hv Ihc om.ity, .MI ,1 iimviMiiniu^ tin- gaol. An ac-1-111:1: ot :li« ¦ X I I I I I - .I S inmrrrd ihc maintenance ot llmia .1 I', r ti:, 1 lull-v i- .u- ii laiil uifuri! tin: Br.nnl jury> aiiinnnl-i.:.- In CIV-. I / . , t i l . An ix,,-u-e u( U< . |,« |K( .,, inmwil-y ynui l , i ..r.l lur ll.c couvryanc 1: ot prisum-is lor thi- ro-tli.,l.-y.- .,r .mil ,. pr^Biitiii i-iil lor that amount is ul-o ivaiiirtd .I :»• l,,l!. ivo » dlio-is tho altrtidaiK-e of Ihe <rvrral mem-l-isol I \K I.M I .I ,.: ilit ir H-r.ra l mectiiiBs dutiui; the luilf-.vari-hir l.,.Wrt .1. I'aul , lij rt . , 2 ; Kicliaid W.ll M,, rr i,L ; r . ! » - .i r.l I. -i!*rls o ; l.'nln-it Tliu-,n., < Ca.!-,»• •) ¦ (.-j i, 'iiuuuc: (i . liiiiin nii i-li l , 1 ; William Jnl.n*,,,, , li ; V, 0, w. I . I H U , I.. .M0H , 1 i l-.,ll,|..ll.| I'olVC r, .",; .Mi.ttl.oB- S|i,1H.y, I -'iv


l i>.!i -- rJt oii , '.' ; il iniu, Jfurphy j ; Wiay l!u ,y•IV :iltfii - l:il -.ce nf tin- Iiravd of juporiiilciiil.-nce 1I .H WI,-.,. n-a iil.i i tli . ,1 ,,n a.l|..uininvnt t,,ok pl.uu i lnriu- the lull}v.ii want (,| .,, quiiiu in. The Kiincnlct I I IMI II ol J,,,;,,!,

-•-. l'.l,:l,.ll.!vili , I-,-,). , having cau-cl a vaiMiu-v ou tl,e bo ,r,|,1 is n-i|i i .> t , , l that thu appoint, m .ut may " he fdlol U n K-J- .UI at tl,.- ittM/.,..-. U , LL , .V ,, Juntos , ClLliinianIin .iKD or SufEi:iNTRMii: .\ i.-.:._ Sir Cohort I >- , i

Hart., .1.P., K.lB-ar.1 C.l.i-l-., , .1 .1'., |{0|,,.r, Tl 'n.nH, Can-">.1.1'., ll.l.., KVm.iinricr (i . ISIuoit iHr M , J.l* Wil l -nn 1 1-,„., J l ' ., 1',,-r-, M...,u, lUm.,. . .1.1'.. U.|.. E,l, „i d ,' ' I"

.I .!1.. Ma:il, ,-«- Mm.-y. .1.1'. Tllom»s .l|u,,.|,. \\ r '. .? •IM I i -r . J.I'. !.. ,.-,d il-roctnr ,,,i,l , .«:r .-l ,y ',„ ,[, ',,;.;'' r<: i.=,...

rN . «p ., it,!.,,,, . K rl., i !.A. i..,)-*,,, ,,':, I".'!;

I-,.* >^:I;M!.,V MI r.-icl, IIII.UI II. k

\V OI:K 1)...N K nv 1'.U .-OM :IIS ., I - ,,, V ,. T I I I : || A U..Y- .Valiiiakui !; : is 1:1m: mats ,,.i,| ; n, ,|,, , J, ¦

.. . . .kuiL- : 2.1 pail, ..I si,..,- , ,„ :„!.. ; :, ,,„. ,;.. , ,„ ', • y

-i n - : lilll v.1,,1- -f li,,.- i, . .vc. : Hi :..„..!. ' ""• 'Vl'liv-

sirxx t .vi; x v n I A I I .O I;I M ,

:- -'-?"!!'16§V- -. *-? "^l .':ip, .liril.-! . 1* SS . is- t'.-i,, .',, .. - "l

» ¦-:- . ' I l:> :ll,-,lti,-l.s ~7^lurt- , . :M ^71 ;i;i;,i,:.,.;. lsslud- , 'J l li.'. Ita-j -•l'..-.L-.m-ii-. . ll ' ::i I'ill'.,,',-,, ," '.'SI,-., t.-, pair., ul |:; j.s "

K.Ml l lxo .- J I |M I I > ul .luiliinss mm -,,,\. ,I. .XI MiK X .

N'imilpi nl ailidn naslio.l Inr II H I M C 1

* 7MI


' "' /.',',", ''"u:: t. tZ^z , J- £i

To al iii-.inlinr of articles <f ii«liril , .^ ..TIIK KLKIT I ON K I O I s -TIIK I O M I I N M ni.vOn the entering into tin: consid,.,,,,!,,,, ,,r liw „. ,;cauons lor compensation for the inj urie.-, intlict,. . )„.tin ) glass breaking ut tin: late election J

Mr l'ophanj , 11.1,, sai.i he was there, i,,.,tructcd bvi u

J,)rl;ll"lrc> tl) "I'l1"- 11'": presentments, and MrJof e,,h Ambrose stated he ap^xml to susta "claim 'made by several „!' tl.e app licants. Mr. T. K Strn"

~nsaul he was there also to support certain of tin: Z 7icants and he apprehended that as all the claim/ »Jbeen fu l l y num inMl into at tho presentment s ™ie£r. lop linm urged that iu the interests or^ it was ossentially ncecisjiry tb-it .«!, i . T*!•"»« \- «--' i»to, m.d ta^^S?,, 'sist ou tlni t course being adopted. J"-"""'!) in-

Mr. Ambrose said his Kiiggc.stu.n would l,e th-if tl,.cnusidcriiti oi , ,,r the nppli£?. ;ull8 \». y .T , ..tllat tb'.~

^ s^ r sss xtS";1 1 • T bo"y .M -mmiudf ui °r ib° 2A i citakou , whicli xvas to inquire into ovcry ciwo fullvwith the utmost minmono*. All thoJa^faSwere of tho utmost ,nOmont to the ratopave c ^ally, for a 1, proportion of

them xvould Kwupon tu pay fur nets with which they La,l ha<l n ilo U wuuM bo absurd to ,ay that thoS, "?Dr. Daly, O1- tho llight llov. Dr. O'Brien or »£ l ¦•of Wnterfoi-d, Lad had anytbin- to do wi'lh rt n''1CS¦md yet they, with tl.e other,,^b?,*1" pay this i,ls. Therefore it YtiTttat tho^l"1""1xvas bound ,o inquire ft»Uy into Sboi dS 'T!7government wcro Um<\ to protect the IiJ» , llrjpcrties of tlto ou^us-tl,,.' c

OoluC,? tl '™?£ VTpienty ,-,l |Wl,t nvy .vnd police at comma, d-b. ? -""I'H «\ m lhat duty, they should , iu h "

tic- b^-^»'Kclami t tbemuclves. The »oTeii.m. i .' T*' thoi">

xvithtmtnrms to protect tW"' ve

lV Wt tllc»>-lind failed in preserving eitl "r and "' ^"J'; theyRation lay ipon them ,„ "£,I ' *™1<™ «« obitwhich had taken placu through tli,.;,oTr , dn "M>godozen arrests on the WOr^?

' „," " <lc?"lIt - Half awottl d have iwm.wtr,^"1 °f »>»™z

»$ SiStft - ti)llc •'"cii"-""'Ono thought it ,x™ lh0 tluty "f «m In' '""" ("°' "°>-

-: nSi£S5: ^bat night under floweri of stoL Tl °lvUwe^ ""»life and p npct i and ^^"Wft *»ho«ng both-the alderman to inako H ^I f rZ?

WM u°r«i' "ton fact (bear, bear) QU *" as"»riion not foontJcdi

Aid. Jacob -If t\>n » •

Page 3: · 2018-07-11 · !\H K WATJCKKOKU NEWS I VRfiRT IIU( IIATIIIN IX TIIK Mil HI OF IHKI.ANK. p.,lh,l>-'l

these ca^i'-s il will nut. unit* bo lieces-ury I• • ir« > in l - .drtai's, an'l 'f J'"'< a!v "f l'1:l1 opinion, g''n -.l'-iur:i, Iwill mave that no professional men I KS heard en t lms ,claims (hear . Ir'ar).

Mr. Pophatu—Am I to understand tint in th is ]v;l).lie court it is decided not to hear professional lii"i, I-To tin-* n'lory *' it*i-t* was no response.

Mr. IMuudte said ihar such ;i rule was wi lbnntprecedent , and ilie grand jury h;;d tm uii theri iy tnpu ss it.

.\M. Jai 'iili's uint iiiti was ihen nut , and divided onas fii lloivs:- -

f'..,—Koi-rtnau , .Messrs. .la.-on , IVnt .v , Pm-sor,Mah.T, Harris . Uoid , lv-il y, Spencer, .Murphy, 1..-.- ,Aliihcr, Tum'u, Wilson ,While , I-Yecmun , ami Cnurtciiuv—17.

.1 M .'.I .-1— Afessrs. .l.ilinsnn. Power, Alaekesv. Wals '.i ,(i.illwcv iiml 1'ishcr—li .

Tin' motion wa< ilicn ttrr 'alvjt carried.AM. Alackcy rl i i -n asked for and obtained periuis-

<ci,in to have Airs. Jol m l\nwr ovatnined as t ' i bcrhll-avind's (Mr. .lnliii Power, -I .I' .,) claim for l"< (ordamage done tn his house in King-street. Mrs . Powerswore to tlii< amount of injury , anil :ho. rlaim wasalu iut It-ing pas.-ed. when

Mr. l-'i-her nmved that , it be rejected , ami that . t in 1

following motion iln |tass: -*' Itiasttlt l i ' l l a.s tho Impe-rial Legislature has, by an A i l nf Parlintnenl , deprivedthe ratepayers of dns city oi the power of c.-irryi.-tgarms , or of protectin g iln'ir own property, and tha tnf their neighbors , aail inasmuch as them was, clurii);;tin* laic election , an ample military ain! police forcefrj hur<* prevented ai,d hiss of pr i>j> i'riy, /,'..•../ ,-.. 1 -Thai tin s grand jury is of opinion ihnl those who suf-ferctl in consequence of the neg lect, of government toMaintain peace an«l order should be compensated outnl' the Imperial Kxi- liciiui -r , anil t in t loss shiinhl lii -t hethrown on t hose who pav grr.ud jury cess in the cityof Wa.lmTor.1." The motii > t '. Was negatived anil thepres- 'Utmont passe.l.

Mr. Patrick Comiuins , llinnd-strecl. claiincil t l .~>s.granted below , now proveit again.

Mr. Welaudro demand.-d to be heanl in opposing theclaim, liul. was met- wi th hunl ei'ies of no, no.

The Foreman formally askei l would they or wnuhlthev not hea r Mr. Delat i-lre, and declared the noes tuhave il.

Mr. l-'isher douinuded a poll, but it was refused ,nnil he th en protested against, the mot ion. The. pre-sentment was divlared carried.

The next, claim was that of Mrs . M. l'owcr A Sou ,liroad-st reel , which was pro veil liy 51l\ Power , whoidso swore ihat tlie injury was malicious .

.Mr. Delaridre 's again claiming lo he )ie;i!i] was ibi:cause nf the i|ticstion , heard or not , being put by tin ;foreman, who declared the noes a^ain to have it ,whereu|Miti Mr. Delandre said he would ask the tmes-ti«u in each c.nse. The present incut was passed.

Mr. Mi Kvoy, Olave-sireot , f,,r '_"!, was the nextclaim , and hciv, again , Mr. Delandre claimed to heheard, ( 'apt. .lolinson : What objection fan you pus.sihlv have to the passing of the present men; s : Mr ,Dolaudre : 1 have a right to examine t!ie claimauis .and I demand lo be ;illowi-d Ihat rkdit. Capl. .1..111 -yon : If you ilo you wil l fail , for the ^mnil ,i*ii "y havedecided not to vou. AM. Keilv : We will nothear him. In a court of law when a jud j ;e would re-fuse to hea r a professional man , he wouid not pressliis staicment. The jury , by re-o!utio:i , li:ife dei-i.l. dJiol to hear Mr. 1 lelandre . and it is bad t a > t < - of him tnperseveri'. If Mr. Mclur.div, or iir. H- .ivard , wivtolil llV the j ud^'e l;e wotik1 not, hear i ln ' n i they wouldnot- per.-evcrc. Mr. Howard : A jud ire woa '.il not t |o -o.

Aid. Ki'il y—If they iH 'r-ei -i rcd t) ie jlld ire Wouldcotmuif tliv iil.

Mr. Di' !:indi'R (stoutl y) ¦ Commit me, if you likeI'm here lo do my duty , and I demand , as :ny i i-i, ito br allowed to do il.

The Foreman wiiii t in - ju ry had dec M d not to he.oMr. 1'i l a tnbe in any ease, whereupon Mr. D. 'laadndi'iuand «'il to have lie* ord'-r in wri l i:tL ', bul the r-.> .fj liest was not acceded lo. and the presentment j ias .-ed

The app lications ilown In :t:i wi-re ;dl j ui ssi'd v . i t i i .cm " any disull^siol: . ti l l ' onl y noteworth y f.\!tn ;-<- the fact that Mr. l ' i>lier sail ! no lo ea'-h one as ilwas passed from the chair by I l ie foreman. No:i:l was an application by Mr. .1. Sliarm.-iu , .M'-re lruit Vi iiiay. for t~ l , for injury to his i»r.-nii -"s by buri i in i '.on the nielli of Thursday, the l i l t l t ef r'ebrinuy last

111 answer to Mr. l'i-her , Mr. Shariuul! said tha tthe lire was (he rpsult of I he sell i:e_' iiri: to Mr. Ow!J'ower's at the back , whieli lire he b -li'i-vd was dolemaliriousl y by th e mob. Mr. l ' ish<T: Wa ¦ your nine .,«et on lire b^ the mob ': A pp lieau : : li :oo!: 1 i j •Irotn Mr. Power's More. Mr. l'i>!u r : l»ui was jdoiie hy i l i e imili .' Air. Sliarniau : Jl y (ire was t ien-su '.t of the lire in Mr. Power's.

.Mr. I'isher vontemieil thai t lv I 'T.' wa- o:i!y m'.-idenial , and the damaj.;': woul«l In.' p .ii'l by tir i :uMtnuice compaux' .

Aid. .lacob ur^ed thai the pre:r.;.- i - - w . -re v.-ion t nj lvwt on lire , and that bronc hi it w i t h i n ilu. action o'.'the s tatute.

.Mr. S/ianilau -s|:t(eil llj al !;is elai-n i.n\'i!;a!h- waslinicli more than C7I. out he had r ' d e.vd I lie .onounton inspection of the injary , up to a certain dale , theSaturday alter the lire.

Aid. Jacob said Mr. .Shat man 's con.iur: in himselfrut l inj : down the amount , w is c.ureiiiei y creditabl e(hea r, hear) . Ill answer to Aid. .lae.ib. Mr. Sluriuansdd he app lied to the in.-iirani e ciaip uiv . but thevlau^-hi d at him.

Tin; aj ip licaiion |KI .;.-T> 1. Mr . l 'i<li > 'r say ing no.The next ca-e nu which a di-en.-H.ji. t - iok place «:¦-

lltu app lication of Mr. Henry l. -e, T.i 1., wine and •i-piril meri 'haiit , liroad-street , for 117. for bn ali- !in-; .-hop froi:t , windows , Arc. In answer tu Mr. :Fisher , Mr. "l.ce ?aid his ;-hop windo«> v,vm broki-ii«- .nlv in th e day : theii: was a i^real crowd of riolers |almul his place at the time , hut he did not see .my .arre-is ina.le; he made an app l ication to -Mr. f .' >.»|.|, (J5.M.. on that day, for the protection of th e mil i tary . \but Mr. t lould ' s ati-wer was thai he was l:ot in com-mand ; lie diil not !{el the mil i tary , ; he was :piomiscd p.i.'iee. by .Mr. llediiioud , I!..M., l«u lii -y ;

ii.-ver came: the j iolice could have made arre.-;s if :

lliev were there at the t im > ' : be sat for t '.ie Ward inlhe*Tow:i l.'otuicil ; he lieiievod he was liked : he didno: know of anv one havil: 1

^ lualire .•e'.- iiii.Tl him.Mr. I'i.- l n i - -Anil all thi s was done, a lt i r ia iW i I here

are i wei.t v-iwo »ua> .'isirates i n l ' ie city. There aremany "I them mi the graml ju ry now , ami they are^¦•.inj; to see all th i - larye amor int put up in the city,l.ook round and see if you can name suy one of them-.vho did anyth i t iL- that day lo s:..p th- riotin g :- Hid,\|r. .1:" "!, do a n y t h i K ^ •• Did .Mr.- - -

K 'u i ' i iKi i i (warml y. and r i - in y) I eaimot. allow ihi-.n l l .-n k lobe mad'- "lhear, hearl . ! wil l support . th el,,.,,i h of uia -.-i^ t i a l . - - a- h.i.^ a- 1 .-an. and 1 .vi!l notU II MW th em to he mali '-iied in ih i - way ( l i - ' a r, i n a rl,i.:h iVuin the ;_-nind jury , am! i .uiidi is of l ie - apo '.i -.-;oi t s . who were allowed .-eve: :¦! i iiue ¦ to eri.wl in.C'jliV -M. 'e l i ll y Up IO the tab! .) .

Mr. I 'i sl i '-r i r. .i-iim h i - V"ic"! -!i!.l Mr. . l i eoli . .n

Mr . T-] ' "•:•''• '>" '"-y ihi i ii ,' •• '-'I - > ' - l . :<"i l >', A M l ' ..w. r

Aid. !¦'• id. ¦•'.!• I I 'nay, C .p -.. .!¦.!:!.-on o'o a i . y l h l'l:;Mr. ~p' iii:er d. . ! . i .y i l i i i i j ,': i i i d . i l - 1 . K e i l y, A ' l l '. .w. r. .;!.-. t . . t ! , . - M- .>iv. . S- . i t i '- r y. ';.'. !• • Mr. -I . 1'i-ni ler .

Aid. !•'• id. "•'. !• l l - n ay , C .p;. .b.^n-on ¦!•¦ a i .y lh i i : ;r :,,,.| e:: .",- . i , Mr. '!'. S. i l arv\ , wen t h i n |'. i S - i ' l

i - ,eai c .- i . t i i - i o i i , i: i w l i i e i i Cap:, .h.i i i i - . ii and i!.'- „ , , ; , |r , .»... i, , . ,. \\:; I ': , :,,., - :'i;s-ei,ii:^.

l o i . l u a u ii- e:- i- nli-' rved ir i 'i- . T i ij i t i :^ t i i e •\-. : \- i . ) \| ;.. s.ov n' -¦¦:¦! ¦• '¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ t : . - ( .-. •¦. ¦ :• • -f. -rrnd lo li .v Mr .

Cap' . Jo ':.;i. -.n pro'. i- .- led -::o:. -.:y ay . i n - ' •'¦'¦ , |', .h- i a- !:: .v; > •_ • ', ¦ ¦:• ¦, : . ::¦ • I .. .I : wer- , Mary Power

;I I I JI I i ll . ': eil v l i i . / i - ! i a te s , a: .¦!• • by M ". .". '¦• : • , , :, ,! S. .n. liro:.d- I n . • . c ual y f i l l vi-y-n' no: servinl :

:i . wl. i. '. l v lll:- :c.-'l \v l «!. ¦! Ul.j l i l l .%!¦¦• A L ::.•¦ i.. : - ,- ..,. .,,., , |: ,.. .. obj-i- .-d. Men not sp,., i l i , d : Thoma-

,.;. el i i . l i" ¦

-••. ¦•.• •¦. in::ei:: -ent i l u V . n : l.r-e . ¦• i p-n d : : i i -y . p '.i , I-...-. i-- : s ,,. ,; , • ,,, -![ :••: <¦ , an.I l ho Messrs . . l l . o.

ni.' - i - n a i - s . v.l; . . i . . . , '.- t l.e < ¦ • • : . • ro! ..I' l i e - el:y by . , , , . l .\ : l . S:- , t ' . r v , i -o t ie . , i , , , ; r i - j i ilar, :'."¦ injured

, ,i dei s l i . i i n the ;.ut | i i .ri ' ic .-., an' .' it 'i' i. f i a t r.-. i - d /.'..- . j ,,.. ;,,;..¦ - '.,.-ui^ in di:! -n :.t. !¦- - .D i l . s, t i : i . ! i l l ' : nut ices'

. | .. l..e;d ina^.- lra: . ¦ w-:i : l el i . -v . d t r im I. .I .H.1 ; s . l . v o!1 i v ... , i , ~ | . .r ¦.;¦ - .

:',! - t i . . i i in the mar.-,- .. ', a l l . the rlo i - , wi , . n :l ,e nu ; |.. . . ;. ;. ':.- . . i i . : , . . :' t | , . . Me . . .1 . and K. Maher,

niav.r called upon tie - ..t !. ¦¦!• l u . i j ; i- l r . i te .-. t i : :n- i wiM , , | j, ., ,;, , [ . .: . v . - ;. I'. , , - l.. ',n ;.,¦• . las ire^- ! • shop IV"i. ' .

him in Jire .-ei-vmi.' :!¦<• [•• .¦.'¦ • nf •¦> '¦ ¦ i - '. l y , i. '- i:: < l . <!, :,i\ :v. .V.- .. con ing a). l. ,r (oi;.- : d . i : . l i '. n , Mi '

,|,.|V Mr. I 'i I" :', o.' ai.y i . ih . i- inao. :.. .-¦;:;.- : > . .¦: < i , . - |.- , . j . . .. ¦ .:. .., , , . , , , . | . , ! ;, p..!l. . . ;, Mr. .l..h i. M proviu-

ina"'i - t i a le - : •%• • ¦!¦. ¦ not rea dy to pi'l fo'Ul I !r ir ' l' :ty , • ( !., j. . j i i ry in t 'n ¦ 11 -n d way. The to.vnian a-ke i . wlia '

. ,'.?»! d ll V l l . e i i- .-loppiliu- lip the 1110,1 of i l l ' ' .-- I M .-CI ¦¦.!- J _ . v,. ; .

' . l ,': < < ¦, . and .\ 'd. .'.aeob .- l lt^i- slei l a poll of


,',,'. ihree

" l.i .'i l-', -w ni-h l alto-eth. r, doiu : al l : l . .y i ,., ,. . .. < >: ' ,¦.,¦:¦> ¦. -ael; a cniir.-e was d -inrd ui ,

i- i ulrl in p i ' V . i:! a r. eiirrei. i - of tho.-e -eei.. s ( h ' a i ) . ; ,, .,., ,. ,ry. Mr. l" i - l , r's n i l . . a f- .l d. ni.o.d for :, mvi.

.... , U,.:,,.' -0. 1 entleuian lia.l a li- ht lo ^.-1 llj i .( ,., was l.hle •<¦ I--I , :.nd I h- pre-enl ¦in-Ill pa-si -l .

1 "Z in ' l'i i^^- a charge . ,iicli as M r . Ki- '.er ni:..!e, . > | ...,- s. M.i : ' '-.-v: 1 •,„•,•. A ,'; Sou , M.-r e h a ni- ' t .h iay .


t ,'ll,e ;,lie,-i- l r a l .- "I lb. < i ly 1:: - : r , l . - . l .l.

; ,.¦.;,„„ .1 , f l . l- - i ! A'.:-. .••..: .¦.„• .- l al .d t h a i e!: l i : :r .'l l i .-

\I r I'i-oer sai.K'ap'.. on ,|..,ke of v .h a i »:.- ; ,i..i ,,,i :„.:. .¦:,,¦ :n ¦. - ..:¦.!, = . A i r . M r - .t e.-e ,:. :.! .- aii. -r il.'- i'i'"-". bi . U a : | M r . V.) .-hoald , . i :, ¦,-.. ;¦ 1 „ ,, ;,.,.,, d a - wl- for ..pp'i .r a n t - . i. -.d i af..n.i-d th -

¦ I - , i lie i:ad a l ready said , and :l:at. w:..; t i n t t h - ' j ,,,., ,;,„ ; i; ;.- >'.. ¦, .,. . K., r , . ;l «•• M - m.-ivoi la!.ly a . i -eut

.-i-n ates did 1...1 •!•• i l i '- i i - i l u i y at i l ie pr..p . r t ime. ' ',,.,,;., 11,.. , :., :i t • b. I.. -.:, h.. : t |. .-re le ( M r . >.) pr..v- l


iii l i i-ell " siv, :. croud of boy s e:;,!y on l l .e day i.:' i , ]„. ,,,,..,.-,:.-. l:v. 11 i l l ! i ¦ •i r r.' i - I M - r i . j . eied ;• ,;!:iiiii

•r - '

iii' i / l i i i . " M''. ''avid Slaaey 's wi: . . I . .As in ¦ .,, ,;, . . .: ...i.,,, ... it v..i ¦ i |U ; i i : op. 11 t . , 1 ii- - a |.j l i'- :o.fs t o

I? ,, ... •.M . and not a h:. .:, bein- nea r, lo prev. „! i ,. .„„.. ., . :;.:,. t ! , .. y.-ai.d j: ,-y. A M . .1...:..!.: -M y id. -:.

^Vii l:;ur;t- ' 'v '- .." ^ -- i ;:;,,-:;V ';: !r.' ;:1:S':il y r;;-: ::e-r1':r;t- '! "::;- ;:::f;l::± X "' ;S r fcru :;-:. r;.. ; i:,- ;.sr Js("1 " -

1,?,, we , ' lo.*4 r. . r . l «' f M>-«lfc-i, , t o a i d ¦ „,. j,.,.y wd, . . . , ,l , v i , l . i i . A !' i . Ma-k- .v : I!

m.,-,- t l . l t " > «" ' JK > ...(./

Y|,)U ..., „, ,|,- o:h. r- . and ' ,v .. ,¦ ,:.,ider il f a i r , v.r .,:. -h t 10 p .,.- il . .-. iLi' -l 'l lo I he"""' ; " "

done l t'

remii.ded i,;.,; <-M)i '- " l ' l )i»"^ : ¦ ,„.; >¦:>¦.>, o!' iW j ud .-. .Md. Po'.ve: : W- can pa." il

'"" ^"\ : , „,„, ,.,. -„, ,.1 ..all .lr,»- .i . ' a i l ' - r . M r. S: i- : V. ... may ,e 1 1,: M - , j ury . AM• • '

;':r«'.i. a."":;,i.- .::. :.."•:.. i-i ,a ; ; |.,,ve,- : ..:,. «.. ., :• ¦-• ... ! , ,v- . . .,, I. w... = . 4.-.-l;-,,- |:. .'.,.... :. l'..'- -;' - '••'¦ ;'

¦ I ";¦, .. ,„,. r-r the maPer :.. I: •• .,- ,.!;.-. t l, . I....-1 :,l ,;,. I. ... I'.,; ,-..., .,.„ 1,, .1..,. I,..,,, 1.- i,, . i,7,. I.,

(hu-hW'O. And now . In - e,:^ «:„ .,,... d l , 11. . . ,- . ,., ...„„ .. . . :.: , • , ; . . , . .. . , ,- .. ..• o, . .o-e ,. . , .,, .„„ ,, ,;. . , „ „ . , , . , , . , , i :1 , l l l l l l r „.,.„ .,¦ , ,b ..I' HK-'i.-H""- I " P» .V '•"¦ '••" .'".I" 1

..1 - "'"> ,ll ,.,,,:,,,,e.| by M r I ' . :¦ • ,- •!•• ¦ ¦¦: Mr. I I-" '' : I . I , I K....- I , .•„ :- .. I ,! ..>,, I., ,!,.. Il ,.H| .v ..t.r, .l ,1:

1 ni-'l.t w Veil p a - -d l l i.- :.p|'l:e::ti"ii- ,„ :: o .0. , ,.,.,,„, , , - :..,- . .; , ',, , . w., < :.-. sum OV ...-I. -I .. ».,.! .1-1—:».. ! .,. s;..- 1:1.. k-.v..|-r. ll"<1, „ M ¦. . ;-V- «-l.-i - *H r a,,d lo, wr,:, :.:-s ; ..„.., „„ „, . .. .. . . . . . ;.; , ,. , 1 ,, .. ,..|,| ,, ..v ,. 4 ., t a , ....,,!., ,„. , „,•)'''• "''

l ,,, ...1 ,;, ,,. -., i l l , l l very rl..;--. . ',' ,, ,.. .. ,:,;,;, ' . ... . - .,- : . .. " .-!-, :.) «!:.• pro- U. .- . . . . I t... ..... •'....¦:.» ., I l !. X ! . , , , . ) , : |,,,.|, I , „„„l.ul :i B"0-« i1'-11 "'' •

.,' , ,.,,..i,,Vates h,d th ree j'1 ',', . ' ., : .v ...'.J !¦ • .• •,' .... . . - . . .. .. . ,1,- !. :,......- !•' "

¦,¦.„¦!,, 1 „, ., .. S:-,.. „ .11 .,),., |.,,,Mr . l lenny o b-e i f i l '. I- -

, ,.„ ,, - 1,,. ,,„„.. ,,r l.:.!'.;""";!' . A ., - ; • . . \, .. , -j .j,..,. •" I'" •.•> '» .'.."Ul,- ,-.a ,! :..,,' .:'i , , : o! II,.. vl,.,,ln,,.,i,, "S that day. and t l . -> «» ' ¦"!• -•

¦,.!„. 1 on In- -:- :- !¦• - ¦ ¦- • ¦" _¦- - . »• , ,' " , ,,l,,-l, .-.,, !„• ^

,,- l.v Lull.!,,,, „ .v. l ,.,;., ., IM';uV"h; !r --I -.i- .. =,. ..r v « . i l^^rrv::^::'1;:;-;-';. .; ^^ zrwzz j.iz 'i

,....l...j- tb . ir own o i l .' '-;. ;-;

1 - ',,„ „,..;,. ,,,„ .,. "- """ . . V '- , ¦• i. \ .

' • .- : - I ' '" ! ¦'¦' - "'- 1 - !••• ":'•• ! . , I. , „ »,, l , l,,,.,.., .l

, ':•'- ;,ffi:" *v -.wSiii-. M ". *•- :;;;;:;¦:!„;:;, •;. .¦;•¦,¦. .- • :-¦ ¦ ¦¦ -¦¦¦-¦,; ¦ : t^- z:::; -;:,

;:; ;;;;•.:;::;?:r;zc"

"'lpl ,'h. d 1 •¦¦' '

•'• 'I'" I "'* t: -: t ir'' "'"¦¦ l ','-'


w ¦ f ; . . = . l - v '.•-• ' ' ' " ' '• ••"¦

• :•" ¦''•¦: ..'" : i- . - i . .- . . ¦- - ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ( > - ¦¦ I- ¦ :•¦ ¦¦¦


;""'u r n - n a...l tU.. ;» tl.v la i i . -.-, lor -l- , by ;„ :,

• , ,.; ,:, !¦: !. -• - I . . -' • . - • ¦ •-. I"" ; N... I , '. .1 I M H -. ¦ .>..., :. .. . e;.,,. T u

illiothel - w im' s. • , . t( „. „„„ ,. ;,;,rl i. ll.a r lv " '' , , 1 . . . - . . :¦ , 1! .- . : • . • . .e 1, • || :v ..I Hn . v.rk

bul the app; '» tV.

'i U V, I. h.:ar |.; o:..,-;",.al '" ' ' '-

. , , . „ . , ... . . . , . , . .• , . » ' . i I. ¦ , •. -,' .. ! . . . ! . . • .|.«.l ,. .,,, .,- ,

1 1 />r Mr Luun tu .u J.'ou , 1,'I I H H , ...... -1W!W ou tliat of Air

orjj ,il) .ll , j..,.,^ ,„.„,= . ,„ „., Sj

street, whicb «..UM

)U)W [ml hl

,„ ,_.:..-,7ifur property ui- • - sulltm,.,a .ses.ioa.i allowudinvoice, charts, i >'<¦ I"applicant £!•>"• . f , Mr. Strati:;", >olv.. staiin y

A letu-r was .v «> '" , :,„.,. „, .,,;.„ ,he eon,.he would apply "" » O »;1U111| I

Jc,:,;,,,.i.| on this a. ,,1

,wuAiti«u to llii- > ' j. vcl.- 6 Lciuy ouc u'- then,other ta*;=i ill. ^


1 lie 'j I jury decided they rouldnot vive more thant in! ji re.-ct.tnient. sessiuns, and ;>as.-e.l "jl,",!!, tellinj;Mr. llel y he could »o before the jnd j.'.'.

TI K: r.c.'.t case was the claim of Mr. () . I'mvcr,(icor;;c's.street. cl,it:a warehouse , whose ori"in:dclaim was 11 .:'..*>|!. l.'i. who was allowed Ijl .fHiO . ' Mr.Power new .said his actual In's would !.e '.'I ,(i,"i7. Inanstver lo .Ir. Spencer. A!r. II . Power saiil liepositivel y swoiv his h'ss ai. '.' l .(i.",7, Mr. Spencer : 1ihii .k wis tmjr lil to adjourn this case t ,i to-morrow. II'uuld lint cnnseientioiisl y pns-< this I'nr CI .HO", when :,man swears positivel y h. ha i l o s t . Cl .dii*' . Mr. .lacobsaid the mair isini ' i-s il:i|iiir,'d into the e::se ; they hadAir. Power's oath bel 'orn them , ami awarded tl ,< > i »l:LS lul l compi -nsii 'i .M!. Mr. V'i.-her: What was thesle:e worth ? What, rent are you pay ing for ii ?Mr. I'owcr : t in :i year. Mr. Yisl.erl Wliat wasthe poor law valuat ion r Air. I'owcr : til a war. Mr.r'ishcr : Was it wort h fi't of anv man's in.-movbefoiv 1 In 1 lii\rniii !> :; And you claim C.'.i'H. AirI'nwer said lie had a lon^' lease, and if it. was wort l four pe to another it was worth the niorey t< ;him. Air. Fisher : Ibit you have un riM|, t i, , .., 1, IVonithe i-.depayers of Waterfn rd tuore th an the tuarkelvalue of ilie house before it hurucd . .Mr. l-'isheithen examined Air. Tower as to wheth. 'l- hit was notwarned lo put up Iln; slmllers . Mr. Power said liewas when the damage was done. Aid. Uei .l askedwhy should :i man be called upon to put his slnitler-up at. t .vi o'clock in the i.ioinin < ; ? If a commercial111:111 was passing ami saw bis plaeo closed , what , wot il'lbe the con.-e.piencc •¦ A reported failure (hear , bear)Air. Spencer thought they wnuhl l>n treatin" Air ,Power iiailly by no! :.-oiiiL; in to the mailer in full. Mr.Alackesy said if Air. Power was badl y t reated , Mr.llel y doubl y b.-eIl y Hea t ed (hea r, hoar;. lieIn-tii 1 hey had 1111 pow. r 10 increase, the amount passedat. the sessions, but tha t Ai r. Power should appeal tuthe jud ge and a j ury (hear , hear).

After Mime further d!sci:.-sion the present input wa-passed at ll .li'l'. The i;ran(l jury then wctil rap idlythroui:h the others up lo wi th in twenty of tl.e entire,passing all , Air. l-'isher dissenting, and ihon adjoitruedlo ten o'clock on Alondav mornin.'.

M ONDAY.Tl,.. Ljratid jury sat this morning at a l i l i lu after ten.

. . . K .'i .M.u iors i N J i u i K s . \ M:S.Previous to iroiu^ in to I he remainder of those cases,

h'in^ ovi.'r from I-Yiday eveniujr ,Tl.e l-'otvin in rose and .-aid h<! desir.'.I (o make a

few observations , li h::.'. ji oue abroad that , tin: ^i-.indjury had an objection l:i:,lluw a claim to lie made onthe government io pay f-.r :his damage. Nou-, sucliwas not. ll.e T'lct : Hie^ri -ndjury, in dealing'with thosecases, took the lav.* a- it sic-ud ; thev hear*! evideneeand , 0.1 it- *. coi.L-iu.-ion , t ii '- iincstion \v:;s put . by himwheiher the claim .-.hould p;. s or not , and ho iook theruling on that point. Tin1 county ^niiid jury did the.same, ! Ihe ci lv could do l.o'.hia''el s ...

Air. l-' isher—It was»l who brought IlioinoTton making ilie <:la: :;i on th e j ;overl.iiicul : !hat.res., 1mion , t|,.. publio were informed , had uol uiviw i t h a s-'coiider , a' nl ll .ey were per feill y j'.:st:lied intb::.!;.ai; :!.at tho ^i-.iu .l j - i r v' were aj ;aii.-l. a claim ofth " ki"d pin upon the ^ovcriiiii cai. If the^rratid j::ry wished, he was .(iiile rc.-.dy lo b-.'ilt' thatrerohr.ioii ap iin befo re ;! : (no. 1.0). When ll.ej rovern inent ha.rdisarmed ;!::• peop le of Walerford byj iu li lw p:oel :iin:!li. .ii , where they had a force of mili-tary a' .d p' .liee suJJ ii- irN; :o pv.;t:'( 'i li .'e ;,:.d p."f»pcr ;y ,h -' co' .-idi - . ...i 1 lie ^ov riini- nl v a i' .'.-.lint ;o pay fortl ;" ol ' them- . ''.ves or ;he:r o'lieers. An-o :h"r f ie t was - and he was noi aware o!" it uti '.il A .r..laeob ,-i:> !ed it I.e.-e o.i I' ridav —thai . 0:1 the day ofp- iilt i :'.; .Ur. .I'icoli and air - tj ier nia ' .'i.strac' made asiiLri'e-i i .iu 1 11 he p.iliee in rej 'crene.: to sl.opp inj; apoi ti..n ot " :h- .- rio 'i:i _-. br.- , l h it Ht\(_'ivt i'.*: was lellut .a! l.-nd" 1 lo . 'fh:.i was auolher .-.'.-.-on why th "elaifr i should he Kta .i!•¦ 0:1 I Je_' aul horil:'', '.-. He (Air. I- '.).d: -.!ild r -tnind the .jr; j -iry tha t , some of tho se ap-j r iea t i - ins had .-..r.'i i l i . iaaii y b-'i.r.v, t h e n-iiico sno! I- -¦:.¦_' filllv served and , us some of 1 hem wereril l . d l' ri.! ;iy, he w-nT ' : asl; were :'ia -v .li-po-ed ofab.o '.'if ly, ur Wei'" ih ' - V tak e ' l : -il i .jei .-l in 1:1:11 obj . ,:.tio ". ;

Aid. k-i'y -aid he heli. -ved whal they did on 1 ":-day jh . -v did '< !' . oJulelv ( h.-a r. hear).

'I'iie ::ir .tid j a rv t lien weal in:o t h - ea ".-. tV' l i l s tbeiu-

Thoiiias Pi:ve"!l. IT. In- , coi.ipeu .aii .m l ' .r ;-, la.-s andvi-i:.:li::n li '. iwi-' ki v.i!».Vi a::d iK:i!ii::o :i.-l y d.- .-troy ed on'I'hi sr. -'lay ni '-'ht , . l ie ^ ! t l , I-Ybrilarv. on t h e !,ln:iy andin ( i i i . ";.'.'-- .-tr eel. Air. Parcli :'a:.l ii" put i uae l a i i . ilor ¦;/" ISs., bin I'.ok olfa pound, a.- one of ;!..- bl indswas made avaiiib! .- in repair^ , and ll .e ju.-lic -s IV-.|i| i li.e ct i i ' i i i to C'i I ' l - .

A! r. 'f. I" . Siran-e wa~ u"in;; to addre;.-s the ju ry[ '•'.• Ml. Parc.-ll. \.-|:.-|l Ai l", Al. l lelandre said h-' Wa :I he.-- lo oppose the app li. -at ion on the part, of Me 'siS.(• :al!O.. "l and J'..wer, and !,.. <:l. , i ..i ,d ;.- , h,.. i.e::rd (,,,i .no lioi . i 1 ' it - -rand j ury, and s- .nie eolifu-ion).

A!.l. !\i iiv We have ni .de a rale 1:01 to hvur pi-o-frs-io:.:.! men , a i d we m.i : abide by ii (!i.-ar , ln-a r).

Mr. l-'i-l .-i - — 'I'll. - :;~,;\. -e.-nion ol' i l . e liran.l J u r yA. •! says weave ' i.m:..l vo h.-ar evid'-n.-e .

The l-'.ii -:-uiaii lu re jm t : lr- t|U . '.|i..i^ wo.iM -Mr.D.'lan !rehe hea:d or not . and d -eland i l l . ' li o.'i tohav .- it.

Mr. I ' i -her— 'fh '-n I d.-mat .d a lio ll .Al - I . Jae..!i -The -.'I-M I . I j u ry has no oh- .-cl:oii to

ii"ar evid'-nee , bu: ^^ . ¦ cannot hear p.oi . ^ .-ioiial 11.en.

.'.!.-. i'i. !i. r The >|iii ' .-lio:i has now h.-i :: pin and Iam oi> : il led lo have a poll i-n it. (no , 11").

Ai i!;e re.|i:..-l of c rlaMi of the ^'rainl jury , Air.Sai-je at (S'.-c.) read Aid. Jacol/s resohi 'ion of Kriday,which said , -t h e ;rraial jury >!i:ili le-ar each app li.-a-tion a-- far as li '-edful . buv ::u y dc.-ide ilu -y wi l l th e :,id of priif e .-.-i in n at ei .l .er side." Ac.

Mr. a- 'i.-li .T—l .nl a IV. - .-h ¦ ( :u- .-li<.!i has bc:'n putthis moriii , .-, and I have a r ij h t '.o den;aud a pollupon it .

r,.n i.ian—1 put il in i '.e ail ir i iu t iv. . only, not inthe ue-ative.

Mr. l' coau-udi d t h a t even in the fa.-i: of th ereso iuiion t ii . -y had not l i i •« a jury of twelve , in favorof liie J.! e.- eiillllelll.

Mr. i iii 'lw.-y oli,i-rv "d ;'.«¦ r.-soiut .iononl y said theyWould t 'Ot . • . ¦ - .. • t he aid ..i piof e.-- i..nal lie-.. , hut ililid not say 'hey sliould n. .: hea r liu :... ]!¦¦ (-Mr- •!.)would have t ;o objection to .-.-.•..tid Air . l-'ishcr thaitl , . -.- !,: ve a poll.

.Mr. I i ll ' 1 a-ail. n l '.-i r.-d lo l!n- alle^ltii ' l i (1

':'1there iv:t> ni.t a j i i t y ui ' tw- lve in favor of the pro-seiiii m 11; , aia! .-aid U irull i i l l-h-s b:-.d riiVd that 11"pn-..- |i l i . l . .nl calid |i:.-s ' .ss they had twelve infavor of i'.. This I' l.ji 'cli -.iii was '.ell unuolic i .-d , andt!:e f. .;.-ma:i ih -eli ia d to have a poll.

Air. Slra].;.-'- , referring' t" the want «!' :e.:i<"-s , said!;¦• ha . ', a i n i . o r i ' i - .- |.i »i.otv l ln i th , - -r . ....l c .ddno1 u'. in 'o : l . : -' I -...--; ion in app l|.;al -ons which i:-eli:o::ie ,,p from : > ¦¦•¦ pi> ¦'•v.miei:: s. -.; , :i ,- .

A id . K . - i i y vi i i i :n-:- -l Mr. Si ni:i> -.- l l . ey eoiilo' not

I,.-; . :- I, on e:'!.. r. and;:. n i l - li r .n n- .-u ::i—l hi-, .ea:.

Tl i - - p i e - i e : i ! - - i i l !¦¦. — ¦• = : .

' " '

• ¦" •

' ¦ ' • " ¦ - -

. .




. . . -,- .

¦- • : •- '

, . • 1 , - , . , , ., . ¦¦ I' l l - i !• .• • : . ! 1 a i i '\ . . I . . I . . . • (; . . • . , . . , .. . I. , „.,

i,,;, - -.:,;' . ! , ; , , . . . • ; - . . ¦•¦;;;•

;;, •;»;.' .:¦ ¦ .'. "Vi 'v;



1- i


1:: ; ¦' '¦- "¦''

¦;^i/V;r n r Ni .:;•- :,.-». —>• -;:-,:,;;' ,;:.. ..m ail I III - ¦•" ' i ""' - ' . . . . . , ." is. • ! . •, . I - I • •

liltUl I I I . ill', i.l-ill .l-

Air. l-'ishe -.- -aid he wa.--. ^oinir to su-irest that thajshould :-;ipiy to the lluavd of Works for the money,and .-pivad tl - ..- rep aynu'iit over six half-years, -which

>wouid malve it vcrv light on the nitepayu-.i, : bi>utUi7 'ir:irli half-year.

Aid. K -i' v - What claim have we on the Hoardof Woi-l. s • '

Air l-'isiirr -Thev have advanced money for manvthings.

Aid. .hicob -The proviun' of the Hoa rd of Works is'-> lend tnonev to have w o i k i u lauds , 01- other im-]i: ovelucat -., i-M 'euled , butwh c' i we have wry had workhere I d.m 'i see tha t ive hav.i auv claim 1111 them.

Aid. Ki '-il y -What wil l be ih./ l. -vv per palind ?Air. l-' idu-r—Ahoui Is. Id. , and with a .-.lullin g for

the ordiicn-y la le , the whole will Im lis. Id., bycollecting (he whole , and about Is . Nil. by dividini;il into two instalments .

A.M. Kci.'y—I!, would he heifer lo (livid,: it.After some discussion , il. was a-rced to divide the

levy, and apport ion t!ie I'rJI.X I (11 aid llu: present half-years' collection ,

', K I :V. ua .ivi: v l-'lll r.Aid. Alackesy sn--e.-;tcd a -i-utuily to I he secrutary

for the c\'i:i lahor he had in coiinecti.-m ivith thoseheavy malit -ioiis injuries claims, a proposition warml yand favui -ihl y received by the -rai-.d jury , who , how-ever, decided thai , the hi-si coin's,: would be 10 s--endthe claim before the jn -esel ittui -nl. ses.sions. Air. Fishersaid I hat Mr. Sa.--. nt retained Air. 1«. llarron , a t torney,at his ow 'i rn sl . lo direct li -tn , and assist the courtdllril 1- th: ' proeerdin-s . .Air. Sargent : (ienth'.ncn , Idid my hc.-l , aed if you say I am rot enti t led to any-thing. I vill be ipiili- sati-ficd (oh, no, no).

J A I t . C O N M I r n X KKI 'OKT.We l :.n- - Mj i-. -.' .r VI -:I ,-.| ihrt niy »ii. l i-oan:i- j . iU . iiii -l

l iavi- v i - i ' .,l i';ii:h w- .n.l , .md av.iU' n-fc.- il i-arh pr*—.n* i- !:mvtln-y .v. 1,. lu-i , :.-1 we ;,.,- :n o-|mr.' ll. :.l '.'•" Il *t>vu u-(.. i t i . f . . i t . .r - - ;I;.M.VI.- , i iia-ainch il* l l i . -v vv. -.. ' Weil an I r;ii. . .

fnl'y l l . i '.-.l. \V. . i.r.! ..l-u j|.i| In > t « t >- : h . . l ¦!¦<- e lls .ml: ilro l i» i .n - :« in-: i- !.-i;.lti - l y k.- i- - , s.i clom ami ll- - .il . A l l tin*a i r-ni^'-ui. u's 1. ll. -r. t l . . . -i.. ;tie,l i-i i- .h L » n tin- L- I .Y , nun-, i. :-- |"( !i .r , -ual l!,.- 1 ll'ni'is mi. '., i- t l . i- ir o.iltr.i!. W.- Imrp 11I- .1(> K:ui i i t . . t l .an.ji '. is < j l : h c tti.j.l , which \vi' CUIISI.UT rxruili -nl u((Uc kind.

\\ 1: .l .i't.l that tl ..: into ..IK-JIM I-I I Iiv lh.: [iisprctnrc-O-aii . i l , vi/.., ilml vi-it i - r -i 1 . l . i i . lI. .1 hut mm :, molitli toc.iavicU.l [ir:- .ii.cis is w. U v.urthy .if a- loplion.

K. CoUUTF.NAV,J O IIX .M.i i,JOSKI -Il I' . Tt l l l lN .

-\I<I. iCe.-ly .-aid !,e ihou^I'i, j- estriotifi- tl;<; visir.s toonce a I I . I I I I I I I -.viiiilil be too f,-rca t a hardshi p on t h epri.-iiiiiei - .- , and AM. rower proposed tha t it be. dividedinto ouc. a fonni-ht .

Air. I.1. N. HD S IDI I , local iiispi-clor, said il.e 1 f a l lowing vi.- i is once, a v.-.-ek was found 1*woik very badl y in many ways, and it was t h o an 'iaw.-ll to j '-i-ci" lo th .: .suy-estion ,if il,,. inspect , .--..<;eiiiM -:il ami l imii t '.ic viiit in-. The rule in t h i s psir-t i cu la r was much stricter in nl l ipr prisons. Kveu it 'l ids niie* ivas passed there would he nol l i in- i - > pre -vent a d' -serviii;; case of v io l i n - w i t h i n t h e i ivmll iwhen; iiives.--a -.-y. On th i s undcrstandir.;;, t h e rulewa? a-rccd to.

1 ai . 1.1 .x \ i ; i .- A SM .I:M .'flic i i i i ua t i e Asy iuin Comin i tt i .'e reported t h a i iu-

stit 111 ion ax in ;.lic nino. admirable order uud' i- theiv.-pe,.:... I i'e.-- i i le i iL dica lsup erui len ih' i i t , Ur. M't ' abe.They a!.-o rep..- :- ic - il on th e de. i rahi l i ty of t ak in - ad-di:i..n:.l laud fi .-r l l i c ii..-e of t h e imnali.s, and said that ,a p.vee of eli-ven acre--, in t h e po-.-:es.-io.i of .M r.M u r p hy , l.'r.i...¦-,' , I.' I lal l ymick-V n in j 1 In: pre-sent asy lum -.'rouails , a.s nroiiiiuended by the j ^over-lio. s. vouiii be uiosi su i i a l i l e . I t would be had for111 dcr L'.'i'. i. Air. T. (' . Sp'-nce:' innvi-i! i l l" pr ..p :i-i-t ion , t ) i > ' ou 'y obj .-c-tio;i hein- one rii-ed hj Mr.l-'i-her. i ha i t h e ]i:esenl was an inopporl urn- l ieu- 10inel-en^ .' the t a x a t i o n of th;: c i ty , when t h ev bad snmaeh l o b e h vied for inali '-ioits injuries . To t h rc ivin iy 1 was: 1101 hii i-, ov.-in- lo t h e iar-.. area ott a - .atio: . but in I he city it would b" :'.<!. in 1 he pound.C- i i i l . .loliMson said thvre was a ^r i a t deal in wiia:Ai r. I'is n-i- :aid. Caj it. Ai nistron-. v, ho i-a-ue fromlh" eon ill V '-no rl iurv lo . eek the co!]>-lllT"t,ce of I liec:ly. s:,.d t l .e vroua.l would be lak '-n whelher t hey -l iked it or uol , us the inspector had reported to i l ie-overnmcut th " neei'.syi iy , and il. was oid y th i o i i ^ l iC' l i i i iesy Ihe i r cousenl was aske.l. Air. I'isl .e:- -aidl l ln le l ' I l.i 'Si 'c i re l in i - ta i lC's it \\ a ; u>e!>\-:s lo obj-'Ct :hill , he I hoie.'h l il h-ird t ha i , sll'.-h a levy :.h..uld !j-made 1-11 a 1:'\ lo whi , !i l i e - landlord t r i ln : : . -d1101 l i in -.:- "ih< - :. 11:1111 all. Air. Iteid said il wa- a- i- i a -i.-hin^- - .!.:,. in t l . . - I '.vu yva in l juri es l .'ier.- was oai yone d i sM -n l i - n' T- .ii e. This i t i :pe .a t i \ ' .- lisol '-. n w.i 'u l M i i r t i e l y i:dop:.-d.

1 in : si;i.ri 1 iov 01 .11 I :I ::>.'I lie S.-eM-i.oy suh iu i t i e' l (/a- names ol' l -.v.-r,-.- ran- ,

payers to be a.- -u-ial . -d w i l l i t i n : j ilslic.-s :n .1.. p:"-s.-i.iin. nl s".-si..':s 10 be h' ld in January ;-..¦.,: , anda^kcil in- th ' -ir adop iion bv Ihe i.-rand in rv . Aid .J.i. -o). .i.-ke. J hoi-.- those is.-inics were iii.iili- ,,ii ' , ;,.- ii 'w.-'s n< cess.-,ry t h e publ i c should kt. -.w , i'.,i- i i i ' | i i i i 'i *s ¦weiv aiadc , p .r l i c u l a r l y at t h e las t ,,.,.;, ,. . . '|'!,,. ]S.-.'i'e ! .j -y rep li. -d lha l ln:l nalii .-.s of i l l - ' hi ' .i.. .,1 rate.-)i .y i-s a l e i-.- l M i n . -d l;v lie: i.-ess-collceior . and fro ml..:.l . l i - i the s.-ieelioi, i-; ma.'.e, ".-nendl y of those v.-hoh:'.v. ' not si-rvi " 1 iicf.iiv. Mr. I' .'id wa .ii'ed -, .. k v jh..w t h e -.:,,,,1 ;.,, -y 1 [--i .-c :ir. ' msuh: 0111 ': The S.-rr. .. iini -y rej ilied l h : : t h a t was ent irel y In 11." I..0.1! - .¦!' 11... 'l i i y l i s ii-rilf. Mr. It. -id : And is there no con! 10I ? I \t h i n k wciin;.:!'.: 10 ask th . . jud yo how l lu: hi ^ ii -l,, i-iir :is , 111; owered :.i pl;:c- who ll" lilciv on lip; j u r y , and10 p lace t i p - i n -.vh.-iv hi . l ik. 's in roi . it ion. The wort iiva.' Ii r n i a l i wa' 'il .' imavl y tr: i i if | a :fisetl bv ih ;- a- .-ur- ja:.; ., f ion i bis brother jurors t h a i the jud^e nor 11,:¦.... !s.-lv. -s had no i- i 'i i i ro l over th' .- sh- .-ilf ' s sel .-ci i- in '.'. 11: .:i l i : 10 I I I K i.' i . i i i r I I O N" . M I :. . i i > i i ' - i : i. -. -.^ox. I

( ¦. ipi . Jniiu-ou drew i he al lent .011 ol' t he j;,, -.- t , . | l r-i- . -u i a i k s of t h e High Sherilf , w i t h respr.:i i, , ' p.iy in-• oiiie eo:np !ian :il to .la.!-e Laws,.,., oh the o-.-ca-ioa. -i " ¦his I I I - I official vi.-il to his ual ive ch y, as -.,ii::; j :;.] ..-,.o!' assize. Tim m i l te r li.-ld be. I, lvpi -.'S'-;i te.| („ Jn.|L.,, 'Laws m, mi 1 I-:.-- rep ly was t h a t he did not . wi.-.h an .-. :I h i n- of 1 he kind. Kiuler thosecircul i i .-laiic . :. ', l in-re. 1h u e , h • (Capl . .lolin.-on) ihoi i -hi 1!,.. pr.,j ..,- : ,,;„,;,;,! jI'. i l l 10 t h e i;l'ou..:d. but , al t he .-ame l ime, j ],,- ,-, . W;,simihiii;; :<i ]e, -.-v. -nt i h e yr.ual j . n y pr .ven:iu - h isl...rddii p wi l l , u compl imenta ry addre.-s on hi.- a i i i v a l |..a the b .-iiL-h l l . a t day (hear, hear). As he w a s a .; ;<_ .: in. .'iiisl,ed cit i7..-n---a l i a t iv i : of th - : city , - th . -v OHL'1.1 i!¦. do souiethi .i .-of .- .'/.¦u Jdud (!/<::::•, lie.,/-). !/.' u-ei.ld, II her. lore, n:nve that , such ;-teps ,hould I.1,: t.-ik ..., : t j ( - ,t jlliivi oeni!:.-iiieu sl-.ould h'i appniaic.l to iha-.v up. an Iaddress, and l h a l the foreman and secretai".- p r.' -cni it Ilo the j.ld 'j.- 0:1 his lakh.-h is scut, on the bvirj i, (h. iu-i, j

'fii ..' mo! ion wu.- si-couded bv Aid . K .-id and ,:;ir,i,. .! ;A .-onini i l it .-e. cotiMslinlj of lue uiovci-and s.-eondi-r

M. -. l-'isher. and '.lie foreinan . was i.pp'iiui .-d *.o .— iwup :hc addi-e-,.

l i > : l' : : i \ . i\ - i l 'oxn: \ . 1. -Mr. llo'.' - . t . '.Viiall . . ',- p...ia a :-laitn i'or UJI1 . lor p r in i i l i - t i a - .- .v : ra aje i l i . •;;!;,,;,...l|.-e."= -ila|e.i i|V I he ll;; t !i' :iiill.-a ilija: -!.. - , ,\ disesj .'s;. ,,,|..-i k p iac-e, a.:-1 Cap:. Johliseu i i ' i i i :o l : i ' .,' i l .n . i!,, - ,.siionid b-.' a bi l l ol particulars. -. I::,: 1 l .e a-tinl,. ., . ,,j-.-h. .i-.- pri t , - .- I .-ii iuid be .-el mil , ami 1 lie p,-:.:e< ,i;,p ,.¦ile ih ' l . l . i :.e whole Vi i l l 's '.".ll! racl i.-- ..i::..- (;:;;! |.i ...a:. 1 • 11 i i il.-!i:.-.|.i l .-eel,is l.-ir

^i- <ni a hail'-ve::.-. .|| ...Wfi.- li* ¦;. said /i j-. ] !< i\ul 'i i i t} J..-f! h.- " f i p.o' I ;i !:.,- ¦¦ ,u . ,jlii - 1'.i.-e t t i i l m i i i a •.viiril. Air . Ke y r. i ;i- !i- l; - -d t '.r.rt h a t w.i . lo -.. p r i n i l n u foreis undi r ;|,.. .,i. v.. |'.,.]: ., ,,,. ,, Volel ' .:' .' el , ivh.:e!i I'Mivi -led !'u|- til. ' p , ri,,, .,,l ,,'i h e p r ln l i -.-. and for a l l o:.iier '-cp . , , - s i,..a..! -., v ),, ..earry iu-J, ..:t l lill- Ael . ll. ¦.-.:,, ; ,,|- ,, ;,.,.,.| v ,,„,.,.,'..| |,vAlii. I'. A. I' ihai ';l., I,..-,a i, v. hi, I,-.-.•:,< ,-.,.¦.1-i- I. 1 1.1-<: ':. ',.i, . hov.- ev.-:-. lo ^0 before I hop , "..-i,I in,. ..;|.-.¦-sion- . "nie ju r y ih . -u adj .,11:- I.

I 'l i l ' S T V C i l A X I I . l i ; i ; V |-'I :I ,,,( •'.

¦...¦'¦'. , . • • .' i , - .- /. .... / i .

i:i I -...: I "I l : : l . ci M i • 1 i:w \oi: ./ '¦• 1 . . 1 '.,. - . , I . , , , , l i ',./.. ,,; , , ,.- , ,- ,- , ...; ,;. , , . .

l i l . x 1 l .r.M ¦ N ¦¦ 'l'l» - : j . j . l : i ; . l i .11 ^ 11..1V l...'l.i:,. , Vt ,,„¦l l i , . i i . - . - l |..., : , I I M I I - W - I I N . 1 ,- .. i'.:r.i c:- |..r Hi.. ' 1 . 1 , , 1 . -,,, I,,. ..i .t. ¦, ..,:.- .1 ;... Iv .-„:..!- «) l i . -l, I -;;,,- . .11 l i , , ' ,


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,*%o. - i . I'- ' l 'M V A l !. \ l : . i l . —T 1 |.'..!i r', f,.|., ., 11,,. j, i i , . n•¦: . 1 . hy pil !!-• . !:.- i.u.l l-a lli.. I . : . . , , |', ., , :


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No. .;, I . - .. - - I - ..S- ;. I. . , . I .-,¦ • . .¦: .. 1 :!, .• ii.,,. 1; ., • it, , . ,i, , . ri;:ii k.v .it.-i , 11 ..1 C.;.|, ,|.,,i, - n, ,. ( ..,.,, | e|.-,.., M;- ,,,. „:ei aji(. 'i. - .i l . ,1. v :. - ':. I .-. -• :- ¦-1 .- • •—I , l v . , !,!. 1 , , ;1 .k . . . | |...:,, |,|...— t I 'a.- - .aril .'.I , . . , : l l . - . I I , . -:1 .,I.- III . 1, I I... mi:.;. 1 ),cIU- ..... 1 :.|,;.i -I. 1.. < *., s .|r...|.|i i> I,, .1 ..,. I , . , , , , h- inj ,,,,,|, r.inim-J I.y i | . .- rn.-r I". ...- '- •> . ,1 . - . A i ih i . |,; „.,, t l i . . r iv. r isI . . . . . I ..111 ..! 1;- Hi,. , I . . , , , , , , .1 , , . , . , „ - , ,, : , . i , ,, ,,f ..„ ..ccun.u


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•¦' I -- I '¦ ' , " l K I". ' »"ll l , I l l . l u k , I- ' I,... i: l :., !. - ..... .... j . h . .. . .. . . \ ;. . , , l ' i i i .. .. . . I 11,. . ,;,..„ . . I I , . . r:v- 1- I . . . .U- -« - ••: .'I - ' I ' - !"¦ ":!-! i > l - i ' - i i i u 11 mi l . I.O ... ..V. -.I ',«,, ,;.:¦ , .. . I ' ... 1. t, ..:- .,1 I,: .-!, ,i- .l." , :,,, | ., • |,,,v „:,:.',. -J .- l -\.l I I. " ,¦ I., 'll.' -I I : t l . . |.;|,:li . I ,„. |,, ;| \,n .. \\,..I I. . , . . : . „!. ..- .. - s : i '...a ' ""1 i. -, 1 , , , , i . |,i 1., . „., -,. ,. .! :ll l |,i.

I'.. ... ',. :i . . | I- , l. .,i „„. ,;! , v .., t I i l . i j . V , ll.' Mli -.i- Ii -: |.::.i. , , : . ; . . ..,:.

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• ; ¦'• > '• ¦ - . Tl. i:v ..I Ha. v.rk 1.I .'¦ ..|.|.'".i. 1. I 1 I I I - -l ,:i:. .l l. i i i hl. . lie

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W l l l i o l l l i : • M . — A 1 .m il ', L'"i . T'i¦: 1. • :'; : I I. .•. - .-. ., :i. - . . . . . .,:! ¦ •,; .¦ . ; i - ... T'.:.- ., :,|,|,, - , i . . , ,!| , il

. '¦ : - l l : l ink :.. l i- (¦¦)' iivra:. - 11.¦- .;. .!,'.. :- .-' "'l . i- : -ll: link :,. I.- ro' ii'i:ra:.-IIi. A • : , ' , ..;.• - I ' - i r. e. ! I...!' : . I , - ,ll . l l ,-. ,.,-. :. .. ,;. :,1,. .., t

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I . . l:r .-. • ! .¦.• !¦ . ' .• .I '.C i . . .v t Li i i , . l > i in s-.,! . -. . il : . i i - !u

t* i i i l 'l - * , li i ho 11.) v hiiil I." I I T M ' it. Tl-f ,'iiii 'iHi ' l r.ouls HI '.if. f:*ir .iitl.-r. ,\r,v l| '...i- l"-i< liivl.c.'f'l ivill iuh: lui.I.r v - a -«- iln- .1.:!i ll.i- iMinmilti'r ol th"query In.. .I . , — |' l,. ,v. . i d - I i . i . . . , - I i . lie , pull-iia'li , j-uur(ib-l 'li'llt 5 .1 vi- ir ,

C l 'A K t .Ks T\ I; I :A ?:T, t', 1-1. , i l-mnly Si irvrj ir .r.rroit i or I I O A I I I . OI-- s iTr: i t iNTK.\n:- :.xe K.

Vo t i l l ; ('..fill''/ Gl'.'ll./ Jure .TllL* linaol ri- l i- is In id- :.a*.ii u:l .,f .- . - . . i j i l s rxtmi'l'-

tut i : i»,l,,,,t „ I ,,1. , , IC ,. i ,,i : , i\ .vnr,,l i."il'2 Us. Ud. m l i mk..'lll'l €1111 l.'U. l i l . . i . lv . l ' . i "! l.t ialv , ¦" Ai.u n lMt'll "I I ' l i l jo*. "i t . ; i t is consiilerc.l t ,nt C.oil will lie i.tinhvd I .M-ptov ^sintiin- I|n> j i . l . !'l.. . I T I I iii-j i'TMr |i:t< vn:|...l Ihrhi i Ji'li I'li', :. . L |ili<l!i , :iii I >r | .> T'» limn I" I'.' .11 i l f 1 sl i l i -uf it>p:iir , .mil {-int.p l..t,. in h...l li.,^ rin - l fin nil up-; (-xi: "litti l i:it. U'lintaiviu, , ttli snni.? hliiii!,.:;< are rciniir. ,1. I'li. -n- U L- U-J ta lhr D .H I ^I I V .III IjinU-A i-U Jinn.- t l .e p i - l li d r-jor, l!l! and.". .11 1 I - J J : ,-..' ...!.-. ¦ Si ; n,.| tlic cn-t !er I ....I , 11-|i:u'is , a i',1 r.i i i l i i .u i-. i -.-i. s . u. -.l in f;!l l 1- . !P I. TIM' C- . I IUIUI-tali l.ilhr. l.i-ii.O"- lii i.!.--.vll. I.M lli.d l, , .v.'ie 13 innli'SHiul - !t'iu.i]-s — )7 ; ll i . . , - . i - l tin In.j il , M'l'.lil's, jini! cciit ll-'rn-cics hrii.s .KM 17- . 1 I . T!.i'< ,- Mi-. i. hare I. LTII « II VIIIICI > II l-yll.e l l .a i . i «.l Si.|i"rai:.....l-n.-.', 1111 1 ii |ili. >..|it. .i |...t lor them.i.mnt nf Imtli , vi/.. , l;l-J 1« . Mi l . , is riqililv.l. An Fsp'MiM!of t!7 - !. H I . lias '..-en i n - HIT."! I.i - y.i'.ir!i..anl lnr t l ioconr ^> -Itiure uf iii-is..i . . v< |,,i' t;i, . p;i.t l:.i t.u-.u', ilil .l 11 ) i - .-»'atfor tl.:.l i i i in- nii t i> :iU<> icti'iir.'.l.

rl.« . i . -p. i t ,:I ., W.H I :!,.• !,, ';d .-xf.. lalilliro Idr the l..llf.vr:u-us JL'.l'ill 17- . '.'I . Tl.e tl.-dy :iv.- :iiji: ni-l i.r n i i i - M ai.-i- 'i-. .1lr.-ic - ...n i.v t- i ;i s l i i ll in - . Tin. iv,.rk I.y 1 risniu-r* -M*a« ru ' ln-A - i ;-7X m.its mil.l , eivin.'n (irnlil un l-ilinr of Ci: l ) f . U. ; :y ,M i,.< »!„„.* ,,,,|.|,, 1 r.- |Miiv.l , M a i. of KlIK ; itli uir.l, ,,| lint 11 :ui l t.nv. 'l- , it :i |ir..lit if f l 7- . H. ;:¦ l-l 'L-': aini . tnit ..I t- 'i.. ..h:ii^ ina.l" ..u- l r. p:m.'.l , at .. |.i*,, |it , ,,:Ol i> .1( 1. ; :;.!,:i.S.l.i:'s '.v .sli..l , :il 1 ,i. CO:) I I ., M ;ll..! l . i lnl pi. lit u- :tli s iu i i l .-r iu .us , !..-a; C72 I K ' J l . furllu, li..l!.r..»r.

I.UN tTIC ASVI.U.M.K-tiirn nf p:iii.-nu iiil it 'v. 'l .hum.: l l iw six inonll.s I'uih-il

III.- :il-t A l . i v , 187H, i l io- iuM-.i s l . i i i '.- llu! i.tin.bcr cbaije.l totin- entity ami cut- nt \Vu:.'. l . . i . | i.-p..:liv,. |y. an,I^llu' lii'i ip.iil . i in nt ixpnali i i iro ei.t ul InnMirj :>dt':iii(i"i to In:l.-p.lill liy t-:.ull i l i s lr .- l .

I 'Ar lKMs. t.'.niiiU- . City. Total.I!.- .. :.ill- i . ... in, :iu:li .\,,v.-u.l..'r , l-;:l!l ... U'l' i-i l£i-JAil intl.'.l I'I M U I ;|(n|, .N''iiil'. 'i ,'.l,

l« :)1-1 M , v , 1S7IJ ... ... 1 I. 11 IT,I ):-cliiii>nl liming six nt,mills ... 17 I- 2\l!i-.i:siiiiai- in , ;ll'l Abiy, ^7,) 1^1 ur,

lstiT»t!.d rxji. .iililuo- ilur.n.' llu- MX uiui i ih- i-nileil lst Mav ,

1»7H, t'J,i|.Vl 1-. bl . ; dej.ict ,-ri-,llt lili- illi- iu piniluc.- , .t".,

inclu.laiL' iil-.ier. -.t.t i i i i i i t te . l tliom^ti iiit,(lv . 'ir.-i,<- i: in l.tsL rr-lilin , .11(17 i- . M ; niiiiiunt. I.i bi, npt. i-I , ±-l,l> l ."> IS- , .'i I .;.ipcri-^iili: iillaiti-v ol ,!..)¦-' lll:iiii.i- ini.i-u —c.iuu:y :. :tti,- i)ls ,'J'i,7o'1 ; ill- ., cil V p-ill . -l lts , 11 , 111-J ; pi'i'p.. |-|l-ili nt iiliov, ' Mininl ill'.'ti IS.. .Vh, ,:-|li:.. tn c.u iiiy, tl ,*)/ VU. Hill .;il uilut't ii i . M. in i l i-. in l i i l '.ii'".l l.v p- .ti' -ni " ' t i ' .-.i.i- , L'J-j I1- . ;'iiu-iiil l l paAi il i l f l by Cnuii :y. lll ,'J.s^ :J . , 10.1.; piup nt i -n i cli 11-j;.alilc In ,i y, lli:t* > :',.. 7 '. : .li'.!lii-l . i i i i i l l l l l l i-ni i l i i ' il t l . i l I.y| i . I n n 's' In.j, t!l '-'-. S I . ; ion .mil (i.iynlil- liy cilj', i.'«.'ilH >. I I .; tnlal .,iu,i.. i.t p..t. . l il- , li. ui_- tl,.: ainnuilt I'Xpcmlv.l..11: ,.! 'l- .a- r.rv .il -. . i i , . -, > , CI ,!IU ' • . '.I I .

K.\fl:.-. l ) n i .- i t r .—Km- p...v:-i , 17!l| I'.I J . l i l . ; ololliiiuL1S) I v 'J l ; II II -I H I I M '. H I'I ML-hi- ., I :.ppll anc..,, JL lo IS- . '. I I '.lur ii i l i l l - u- nnil l-rililin.', 1117 1-J-. .VI. : lui- l M i l l lulil , tPiV.S-. ."> l . ; s...ip, -, ,l . . , >(..icli , .(:•.. L I T 17- . H I . ; "1 .Lia-ri ,iir i i i l iu u*, . i i i . l i i . lv . - v i '- 'H L', UI !>' :¦;.. :ll .; i-p iii - - a-i.l a!ti'|-.l-11.ii. s, C't i I '.-. !.l. ; I'.u.n .... .I!.-ii , t.'l" N. . i I . ; insar in.:.-,V.I \i- . i l l . :« .il.ii-ii.v tv .ij. . , . i i i - l Mipi- i ui i ii i . i t ioa. , tiin:3 HI. ,.". I . ; ihcitl. - M - id , t i n I - -- . 1 1 . ; i. ;!.il , .fj .i . k i ;- . 1.1 . ; .l.-.luctc.ell-il re,-. !;.:- , L'l 1 1 |:i- . I-1 . ; l..:..l I.. Uc ;. pat.I out t.| Ir. n-Mlrj :I ,I V :. IICI-, f l .'.H l 1- . '.11 . -, .l. i.l ;: 11V.-1.. ;.: un u'.i a- .,! j ia-l icals , Ifto , H t L'l l l .".- . 1 '. I .

I I I X T K .UT...To pile :;n.i y ^r.\>: oi i-lie 101.1 IVum 'I'lvimoie Lo the

l i i foh ' in l.-hous.. fapiu ofa ' Trauiure •¦e.s.--i' i:i.-) 1 notlo exceed .t l ' i i » , 'ti-"i:> to b:- del:-aye.l by county alhn;;e, and •;I."»• 1 In be lod ged in aid befor.:,'fhe k'i'siii.l j u r y threw 0111. i h e pre sentmei i i , on theannual tha t l i i : work sliouM pvoperi y be done, byll.e baron-.- of Al idd le t l i i rd .

'I'o protect t h e from t '.ipp - np i i t i lo Voii^'hal bypil ing and paving l "i" fe.:l of th " baii l< of the li lack-tv; .l..-r , adj.lining (.'app . i< |l l i . i b. i:l -_'", t i .'t i i l i .'rs lo beop .-ned at a« .-i:'.es— I K I L s>- 1 C.I .1H. Tiie -.'randJ !ii-y il. 'cid' .-il 10 hi ive ihe pr.'s.'i, i ni "iit alu-red in i;srcrnis, aici .(ction w.'-i p"sr ,.i".-i"d -iecordij, ;,r Itv.

'I'n liiake liii p :-rc.h':s o f a netv mad in t i io liaronyo!' Middle: . 1, t" f.., m a .- .aoi inuic- , . :oa w i t h l i i < :,- l l a u d al Carrar : :. M r. .1 ., l ia . l . I , TI-:I I I I .-.IV. \v.:.-acs-.-p led i.t e | ii n .

lo inal; -- '.'I p.-r i::i .' .- o fa 11:-w road in |lc::ie.s U'it l i -011I Hum. , bef.t- eeii t.h w.i al I'al 'liane and Alni -der-iuu l i l en . Tiie eonti -acl was ._'iveii a t se.-:. ions lo.l.inie. l, - i - . '.i\ . Al l ' uie . al f.l.l. C ir,,,,.,!.

/^ I .\ I I .- I roi.t. i:.'i'o Payufi ' ' r .i !ei:.-i-a l to t-.-p .iy iivasury for ad-

.-i-|..-e. . I ',,,- .suppol 'l ..!' e \'l lap . , l ic :' ! C l |7 l l s .7l | . PilSS .-ll.Ti.. - ;;l:o:d j u r v a I j o i l l l i ed to ten o'clock 11..M.

m.-r iJui; . ' S A T I' I.'DA V.Til '- :;r.:nd j i:i y .-a l I h i- tu - . i - i i i i i ^ :n hal!- [i:i. .L t .-n

/.¦I.. -U , and proi e. .l. d w i t h bu- ine-s ,mi : 1 I : \ III .I - I : 1 :I :I ;.

'f l ie ('..f. -in. i i i said til..: f u n . - o.' lh" ra!t .'(o.irers a;i'r.imoiv wis |n- :| to a.-k 1 i.r oninioi . of t h e jud ;-'.ivh. ' ih . r !h-y had power to evp e,'..| ¦_!,.- C\ 'H> . „.',«• 0,1I I , ill i:.i .n"

p |..|iii '^ I h e pie ra l . Tra m Mi ' . l i e (lo:'"-111:111 ,1 thoi ix ht it would be very d,vi:-ab! e to hav" tha itip i l i iol i .

Sir N. l ! i i i i i ln i ! - .\ \ i l l t h a i :.iini eonip ieli: lh" work '.'( .'"iiiii y S'l r vvo r --I ' . t v i l l no t . 1ml. ii w i l l make a

;_'r.';i' i.a:..-,v. 'iii ' 't .L in ihu present posi t ion of thei i u d e r i a k i i e^ . i t 'w i l l u ive a ro i.hvay on the top oft!..- pi '-r , and e.xeava:e ll. e eli.iu:: .'l by fifty fe.-l. wide.

Sir X. l l ' i i i i b l . Tl.e expe i i i l i i i i i i - i.f iha t si;;,, w ' i l lsecure 1 he inason work : w i l l it. r

Air. Koberls -I saw the p ier recent ly, and I neversaw i i u v l l i a - ^ so iiie!u,:i"iu iv d-iu:' . Sir N*. Humble :liy the' lioaril of Works :-' Mr . lloberls: I do 1.0:know bv wh. t in , I}.. ' il is e.-rl.aii;l y iu.,-l!icientlv dolr*.

^ir S. J/i :nib. '" -A ;j r.nul '\unir ,aid \mri: .<iniw- lhn<a^o thai. n-> m ": 0.1 ;hl to j ;,l a i.'oiiLra' .'L for huildini ;a sea wal l .

Air . K. Power A »- « isi « i-11-.- t - » i - eo:ihl not hi: ^,,1 l o d oI ti-ork , and t h • .'I /ard o:' vA'or). i h'ld to lake il in lohands :lieli: .-elve-'.

Coun ty Siirvcyo -.' - I f you lake il in hands your--elves in i t s prcseii '. stat". and i h a t :i Ktorn i i-oni. -ine;;t win te r and sw..-ej i s ii away, the l l o i i t l of Worksfi oaip. 'l you to re],lace i:.

'fhe l-'or.'inau and Mr . Itob'.'r l.s bot h .-;iid il, wouldli" belli r , I I M .'.I!!- t l . ' c i ivum-i ia i ico .-', not t . .. hiivai iy l l i i i i i ; to say In it.

Sir N. l l u a t b l e sic_'i;es!ed l.iiat, t l -ey ask I h e j ildjj ':could rh " Hoard of Works , in case ihe ^r.ind j:;ry re.fil-:eii ID acl . i.-imipei llnj lii lo expend the Coin I underlll"ir .siipervi,in:i ':

i Tiiis coii:---c a .-ci"l to, iind liir ^'r.ind jury then

j proce.-d.'d t v i l h I 1...: pl'e.-;enlnielit. boo'.c :it the buruny

I of I .K, t i :s u < i i i . i i 1 :< I :I .t i .

I To ll iehard ll. e, for seven years, lo keep in rrp -iirj p.-rches ni ' lh" road fi \ U'alel'for.l to Diiu^ar-; v.iu , b '-ttv i .-. -n the t u r n lo Sn-a.lliall y and (JiishcamI Pike , :ii. I . ..« t h a n Is. l u l . p.:r perch per aunmi i . ¦

: C l 'H I".-.; Ai r. l'ii/;.M'i 'a!d , l l '. in^arviin. former contnictor, ap-

j p.-a '..:d lo t h ¦ L'vand j u r y ¦¦-> 1 ;op :is- l i i i ; present ur ' l i l ,! because at p ie-el i l .-cs.-ious i i ichard Di.-e, t he|exi.-t i i i ^ e ia; i-aei...', pul. i t . a proposal for C'JIiil \\>r; wnrk .ni ivlu'el. C^'.II u-i i I'onu. -rl y allotved )iim (Air.1 !'. I , :.:,!. , ;.s h.i was i n f i n i u . il , for himself , but for a

i man iiam- .. I 'I 'ln.s. ( 'i-.- l l y, who had a l r - i a pl'o;in.-a! in1 for l ie : sail." work ::: 1 i. -- .--i. ioi: .-"s.-:ons. 'I' ll.- record s! of Ilie ._.:;ISI.| jui 'V showed ihat .-iieh an l l i l f a i r pRirt i i -eI hi .--:'i i' !if: _' if i !"i.'!¦¦:¦- ni-.-vaileii v *'ry lunch -"Sir .Vu-! jr -ui l l ' i i - i l , ; . ' : i n -h ' -.-d 'i 'l do i 's 10 ..' f r iuh l fu l 'exu-ul ,! —and he v.-oii l . i - abmi 1. i!. nii;dn to be i l : i | l i in .-:i in lo .

11. l i a s I ',,:- |!,::l j. -j i j .-.s.- he wi.s lll'-re. and in order loI'.-ive I '-r i l d.ii:' : a.- had .- ..i'ved nolii: .: 011 i l l ' .: s,,,:j- :.|a:-yo!' I l-.e vi ;ud j u r v lo prodliL -.- lii" t - 'ii d- 'i'S, and u!-o on

I l l . 'e 10 a:' .-a 'I b' - i - i n ' t h " >.-r iad ju ry ,i Ah- .T. !¦'. Si; -a..;.".- , sulr.. .-aid la- appi .-ar. 'd for l l - e ,I I. - i t t voa 'id not i,oab!e lh" ^;:ind ju r y tv i t l i any ob,ei .! va i iou- . 1:11!.- a ncce.-s i iv aro- .- {'..r his dolli-' so.

In aus tvev lo Sir Xii ' j .' i i " , Air. KiI: -.;,--raid .-aid i h a tIV. - tv i s a e..ii i .-a. '-.r und. -i - I h e yrai.d j l l i y , h u t hish.-iivi. -s: o.o t i i iu i - ' . • t i -1 not ex-i-c-d >:1". In reply loSir Nu -.'.-nl t he conn!-.- Mirv . -yor .-aid U"i: iva .. a -a:is-l°: i< : l . i rve . ia in i<:Mir : he had i io lhitu ,' 10.ay ax iinst h im .

Mr. I' ll/Gerald - If Her can show thai lie is the / ,/ '.'.• conHMft . i ! ' , 1 hat. he can do the woik for C-"s. onv.'hi .'h Ci- ' •.•.¦a.-- l '.> !-fii > -i-l y , 1 ho;: I hilvi: noth i l l .'fur lh . 1 to say, :.nd ! wi l l n.nv Ciill 01: Mr. Stran^'i: lo]•induce t h e i-i .ui ur lo el.-ar up I l i i -

Sir X II I .'I - I .I. I l i l i i ib l ' - -—I l l i , I t h i n k we i-"ipiiie mo.-i -f.-oni you. I i h i n k yon 1:111st. •xiw us proof of wha tj-.n; all .-tre before you can call upon ihe contractor loluaki: a n y i . - a i .-n i . Who are i h i . man 's securities ;-

S../a..i...ry--J.'ieli.-.-rd ( ' aiil.v.-ell , of A sb lo t f l i , and Johnlice , ..i - C r i i y'i. -rarh .

Mr. Sira u . e is no inip. -ai .' lunrut of thescent-hies in t h i s slatei.ient by Air. l'"il; -.:_'c!ald.

Sir N. H u m b l e - I n i h e abs"'ii.:e of p-.ool', oilier t h a nm.'iv ¦la l . - i i i . -n i , I do uol see, .M r. l-'itzjrcrald , t h a t wecan do a . iy i l i i i r .' you . I am very sorry in lo.-eyou, for you have *!ie::n always :»:! eA -I ' - l l -Mi t coiit.raclor,bul I do uol S- I-I; thill we Ciin d ly th inj ,- in the 111:11.le r . I know tha t , 1 lir- pnu-ti e • lo which you relerprevails V' -rv nii'ch at presenl ei'-nt s'-ssions , bat wer. 'i |iiir. - p" ..-f in l l i i s i:sise before we e n . act.

Air . l-'ii / -.-rai l di.l l:ot )i lodilce any proof by evid-'¦nee , and ihe presi i i t lne l i t passed to l.iehiinl ll. -e.

1111: 1.1 x . t i i e !M I.I M.

A .-p: ei.d report as lo ll.e advi.-ab i l i ly of h- iv in<jii i ' ,r.' I md i:e:"a for l l i " us- * o!' I he asy lum , a suhj .-et,b i'.ne i l .. la.1 .rand j u r y , na ¦ n:.iv I ' ll-tvanl ".! by t h e^ ¦•tv ¦.. - ..; : l i ,. in -1 .1 u:i. .a :., t h e i;r.ll .d j u r y . I tw ,s ."!.-|. . . -I . .v i i h o r- d,s"-i-s ioa , lo '.In: l.liui,li.; A sy .bun ( '.- -. . 1 . .I t ' .. -

. . . . n t i i 1;. t -.. . . f . - .-tia.- i . - . i:.To l. . .p i n r - . . i i r l . . i l i t e yi - i i r , 1 , 7f J I perches of l lu :

i .... .. l.'-i ..- :¦¦ !•'. ruin.- L. - i ivr . ' i i :li.: north end0 I . : . : . i"i . • S II -M;- . ;i!»l l ! i" bi -i I- .;.- i i . - i r 1 la- cross ol'¦'! . ; . . ¦. :. :; , :• i , |. r. :•. l.. . « i :- .- -i. . ¦) .- .'I :: ¦ i.:es, m,1 1,; r.x-'¦•¦ i "\ '. . |. ¦ '• ;.- ¦:¦ ! . p I" a : ; l .an. , "fhe - :. . . el .iry Ma 'edhe had 1,.. ' 1 ¦. ¦ ¦:- . .- .I any l e n d . : - , and no order was1.1 id- - . '.:.! \ t i : 1 t . : t .

T , !i""j . i •: i . • • • i i r . l . .r - i t t ci i r.-, li .' p .-rcli.-s i.fill.- r i a l - ' r- .-n C:..-iiiiel In I > in 'arvaii, hel wei'ii t hev.', , i • . . '• I . . - - . ! -.-.•• a ' Cl. . - . .'i . ! - I I . - ! b i l l y b.n.nds neiir1 !. - ¦ Ii .: :'-.> . . .a.. : ¦". 1101 t . . e \ e . .¦ I i. '. per pcr':h--li'ii.i i . .| . . . . i.. . . , . . :,.. I al. i l l . - : .>- i / ..--.

.\ !i M ¦:¦'•¦::•>' , i. i i l . - p i ; .-. ::-. lh" l . o y. Ciilllr lor-•t -: - l .v:h a 1." i i , . I • '•v .- r .l l e.'S.-p.iye.v , i . -k-i:i . 1.. 1... •¦ ' ....I....-I ] • • . ,',,i,ed lo next a.-sii.e..-,..'.- :. t - : - -.t :•¦ a i- • |- ,i- i.. -i ia .1..- a:,,,, ,;, !, .,|r.

•.: . ; : • . ;; ¦. •:. - ; .- i i . n s i . . - - .1 . -. t -i >. . n- onid .S..-.- ,. i i,, .

I. I t ¦: '.i 'i, b.-c .111 •'¦ • ' 'I'' ..">l ii-^i'.es i |,ey ti oaldh i t - .- . - ia ! i - i : i :it 1. a i i le l i I".- . li .iuri! than liotv renl iu lnI .".a.

Mr. 'I ' 1 :..-- . C i..M'.i - l [ , ¦"..l ii ael , the contractor for... a: ¦ ..:. t - i i - ro '.d , s l i i l " .' I I I :II . ih.To ivi'ie ihr. -n Icu-d. '." - ••! ¦ ! in to :h" pr. ' ." :IU! ' ii ' scs-ioiM at I 1VI :I:I -.- ::. :. .. ¦- . ..:..• by Ah- . l! - ..:-y. uh.i li.vii 1 1,, ,...', |,-t -r.Ii ' . I. .li d-', i..'~ lender li- ie:; tl. - loiie -l . ||,,. ,,;!„ ,• („•„I1u.11 :!i- I' a'.i icU >' ii: i.ul iiii'.l him.icif , buili iit io7'J.

When Mr. Sheo, who sat as magisttnlto at tllO St's.siuux, saw the two toiulcr.i ut tbo same Jiguro lie saidtheru 11111st havo been saint' collusion , l-cfuscd to con«sidpr them , and directed that they ba sent on to tlscassizes. Ilo (Air. G.) iiltii^clhr r denied them wnanuyibing like colln-ain—he was prepared to swenrthere was not—and he f - I t In: was badly treated inthis mat tor. According to precedent in tho comity—Sir Xujj i'iil Ilumlilu so aclcil at Ditugurvan in uuothci-of bis (Air. CM) tenders—where tho tender.* mightchance to bu equal , tlm jircfei om-u was given to llu;old coi.traulor , ami it 1111.1 upon that cru'-md. he ex-pected lie nii^ M, lo li.-ivu «ot ihu contract.

Sir X. Knnibh—And I think yon oii^-ht to have^'nt it . 1 know that since you got that road intoyuur poss-.'ssion , you have kept it in a far bel ter con-dition than your predecessors, uiid I look upon as one.of ihu most (lillicnlt in . (lie. county to111:,il.tain in ^oud order.

Air. P. X. il .inoii (seere.lary to j rriiml jury) stat« 1 he Mvsimis Air. Shci^ £<it ivxcin:, !, m:-e up Ihetcad,, and said they shoiilil an to llu; ass-iw.-i.

Air. James Hallora n, niL-ichant , Chmniel , who wasoutside tin: b:ir, anil who afterwards appeared :is atendere r, asked tho ({i-aiul jury to have the teiid-.M-ssent in op d , and they would see ihat the ilill 'civiici:in tla: price would not be. so ;rr»ai as that , meulioiiedby Air. Aler.'nriry . 'l'he teiulcrs wen- opeurd and millas follow :—James llalluran , lui .Tchani, Cloi'tncl , ,C:l."i!lId's.• -securities : .Messrs. ThoiiKis M'ndi , L'arrick , andAloouey, i:ionm ,;l ; James Fitz^. 'i'ii ld ,".!::' .o'.l; 1'- Niwnt ,(ii -L-nai'ie, Llj iil—securities : Messrs. I) . Walsh and K,Xii fp Mil ; Tlmmns Cantwell , 't:i7ll— .-eciirities : Al.v.-rsK. Caiiln-cll and \Y. .Spanoiv, Cuiiinel.

Air. (.-anttvell—And that .is the Minn X te su lmvd iotat sessions. Sir Xufj ent lluti-ible: Ami the olh'.-r.<had the udi-;nitaj;e of knowing your ])i-ici: ? Air. Caul.ivc.ll: They had , .sir.

Some of the grand jury suu'^estcd their taking thrjud ge's opinion as lo whether or not they cunld¦j ivis the coiitricl to Air. Ciinttv oll , Air. Jlenry havingdi !uliucil to perfect, his bonds, and the foremaii askedJlr. ( J anlw H ll if he would take tlm opinion himself-'

Mr. t .'anlw.-ll said he did not can: one pin whe'.herlie gt / t i hu coiilivict or not ; it was only on prinui jilnhe came then: and , having staled his ease, he wouldleave it. wholl y w i t h the grand jury .

Sir II. Paul--This is a i|itL-sliuu 3-011 ought to havedecided before opening I hi! lenders, bul having openedthem , you are hound by t ln ni. According ro the de.ei'siou i.;' the judge, you must gin: it lo tho loiv esttender.

Foreman—As Mr. Cantiveil declines lo take thejud ge's opinion , I helicvi : wi: uni -it abide by tho'tender.-.

The lerder of .Mr. Ihlj i .ran , at IM5!! His . being thelowest , was put. before llic grand jury, whereuponinquiries were made as lo tin: sureties . Hoih wereprrscn! and answered questions put to them by SirXug. 'iit and others . Ai r. Hullomn , in answer to theforeman , said he ii '-vcr had a road cui-. l iaet . before,h:il he had been security fur several road cniitivmlni -s.The ucc'.-pi auce of this tender was withouta division.

Patrick XugiMil 's lender , at. t:>lil , was then put ,when Air. Cnnl it ell remind-.'d the grain I jury I hi 'I thiswas the in;,n who (eiidered w i t h him at, se.-.-ions att:17U. 'fhis lender was also negatived.

Air. Canlwi .-H' s tender , at t:;7!l, iv:'s ihen put andpassed uua::iinc.:i.--!y. Air. CaiUwi-il thank ed the grandjury and r..| I n t l .

The .litii Coiiiuti t tee ri |iortei| it; favo;- of rcstricl ingvi-i lors to prisoners convicted , to once :t mouth , innccoldance tv i lh 1 he r,-com 111.-n. l at ion of the iu.-peclnr.\ gri-ed In . .MAI.1. 101 .s i .vir i i iKs. ! riiii -s tvere no-, .aiihcieni . for I '.I- work. l( -, !li Air.

'I'-i Salmi, ! li .' i l l s , lo coiupeus.- il i- him for loss .<.).«. - l l a lh in in and his .-c.-iir ii - .- s tv.a-i ! un-xcep tioiial as re.ained bv il. - i. -aring :iway of ihe frain.- and giin- of garded snlvi -iiey. Air. i l a l lornn was, hiuiscl f , a mer-heei i - ranee lo his hoil-e , ihe door. Siisle-s , irlass. shut- ' '-'-'-"'I of s t i i i id in g in (.l lnamrl , and a ni.-m '.iei- nl the

.ei-:--. and win .-I - shoots broke,, , whi.-kcv , porter , and corp' .r.uio'i. and his sureties wei-.i men of solvency > .rde ili ' .-n roved. 0:1 Ihe evening of Thur.'.ii.v , ihe - J l t h ll"' i.ig li':sl ( le i . 'I'li-re .:..l:l.l nof , thei -'.-lbl-' ..I ' . 'oni . i iv . a l l i a i lv t i - i i e k ic L-'!l. lo 1." lei -LiI oil' i l - .e I"1 iiav jlisl . ¦ •.•.||!:..U for uul. giving him 'h- contracl ,lownlaud 0!' r.a'.i yl ruck.e. I in- appii i - i iur . prov .-ii :o1 1..' il:j " . ry t .¦•.ve.iring il lualiciou.- , and iln: piv->"ill III . I l l p:i- .-. d .

'fo Ib - i i i -y |li 'li :,y, c.imp ( ' l i - a J ion for ."ill panes ofglass , t w o ._'l;i.- : :;!ol.e.s, tvi i ic gias. iv , "C. lu::i:. - ioll. - lvbiok. -u same evening. I I 7f. Id., lo be levied oil' ;l-!elo tvnl af i ' i s of ( .'raugi: Tpp'-r ai.-d l.o'.V".'.

Air . D'.'I K I V ;woie 10 i!;e injury , and thai . il. wa-snial ici ' a" . T!i.-n eaui.- the qii".-lion of ll.e levy, where -iip i.n

Sir U . I' ai i l -'iiggi-sled i!:ey n i ig l i ! 111 i i laeel ln .s i . pl'.'.-*en I in' u::: o:: :'..- liar , my, hi cause li i . - pi:. I ing t i n - i n onihe .ia .a l l :.:> -:i. of i. lou u | : i ln l tvo.lld be a greal hard-shi p ..u ' h a t port ion of ihe cil v. I I - luiuld move i l . n lboll , p.-esen tn i "i i i > go on t h e barony. .Air. Y.. Poiver:.e.*:i;. 'l. *d I !:> ' mot ion.

Capl . A r m Irong, a : 1 f Ih . - s i l l i ng niagi:-l-.:i!esllell .W. obj eei.ed on the ground I in.I. li." tlli-ehi.-! tvasdone bv ii c i ty mob , and was j oined in i l l " oi'j"c:inillit - Air. Cn-i-ey. 'fhe grand ju . v de'.-in ' -d 1»3* nivis initin hat-e the l"vy nn lh" lotvii lauds. Alr. .1. Ambrnseapp'- -- I f o i - ap p l iean ls .

To l ien i v t l . I ' los .sor. eo:npcns;ltiotl fill* a stoiioI 'tt wil.iiii , ;w>l 1 tvfi .'igi.o.-.s on 1..0 of, broken onll. . . ni -_d.l of Sunday . . Ini iuary l.-t. al .Marina, ( ' l iureh-I'oiid , Traiuni' .- .' n , to I," levied oll' l l . .: parish •• '.Dru i i i eaunon . Ai r. I ' ro-sor proved t h e i n j u r y , andj -tvoro it. Wii- mal ic ious , but he coui.l not reiy how il.iK- cu r i - d , ni . 'i - .' t h a n l h a l he heard person-i runn ingiiwav :.!lei- t h e injury was dune. Tii-: present i l ientpassed , a i i i nu i l l lo be levied as described.

To W i l l i i i m l lo i i l i i 'ian , to com| - i i r h im lnr thelo-s i;f an t i i ioccup ied dwel l ing I H U I M -, ni ih'c.'ou-f ybi-i-lle .i on the lligill of Sunday, ilsl of Niivaib -M- ,ISii'.i . at. l i i e n l.'p;:er-':l- H's" , tu be levied nff t h ep i r i - h nf bvsarl . App l icant prnveil hesiiw the house0:1 li"'' , and that il. could uol have occurred accidcll-la l ly . l 'a,sed.

To John Xiigi-n '. lo rnmpciisato h im for uut-i .llices,pigs, tackl i t .g , saddle and tv i i inowing machine, chest.,rnrk .-old manger, Ji.'iy, oa'.s, aii 'l sli-.-nv , m.ilii.'ioitslybill -in ¦! ou the 1:1th l''..'bniary, IS7", »t- l-'eddins , to b-:levied oil' lh" parish of Alol h i l l , C'.'T. Xiig '-nl provedIh i i l his ihni; : li ier called him al half .|i.'.sl nine tha ini ght , tv i i i f t he al.-irin nf fire : In: went out. and i'oiindIII III 1. IHf { f fC 'HIM III f» "f - , I'L l l' l l l w i i " >i i"« l l llll t -

f , * . ..

I |,e oll'iec i in lla A pp lic- inl 's son .-wore he locked : -Mr. tl slmru i : ; hi s head wsis Iractlired helore j l.o fellup il. . .- <- oilices tha t i.i-'ht i.ll ri ght and safe, ami out of :v window whilst heaving out a bucket ul water ,boil , wi i n , . ,ses swore the burning maii .-- ii.n-- . A plan ''¦" '"' Wi"= not.he.i drunk : hea rd of Plnppn lielnro

Uf th e iii - i 'mises, d i-iiwi, bv Mi- , j '. Lawlnr , C.K, Car. ''•>' ''^ "»'- >"'"»• >'¦* »•'¦"" lvl -'-» "'¦¦'. t""k l>l:lu°: ""rick, was produced lit- .Mr. J. IV. Howard, sol,-., who I '>'•¦•» >".'<»¦<"' <¦" "'il( ''•¦." '"'f"''<! '•»¦; '"' ,''» •'•"''^ed

iippea red for app licant , and presontinei it pas..-e:l ils ( him : that was in Il ig h-strcet ; all the Iniwl he had

descril ed ¦ u" ll im Wils ""'' c:'"'">1' lj.v ''"' tiiiverscr ; was not

ToMiciu ic l Walsh , to compensate him I'nr a stack r,r ¦ *"'>• drunl -on the evening ..r Ibis day : was frequentl y,, -t -- iuaiici. ..i-!y buru.-d .,„ .1,,.- ui-bi ,,f the -'ilih , 'i>» "'< »»'1 »f'<-"'' '" fJ"! >"<*-»P .' proseciUoi- lives op-I-Vbrnarv 1.-.7", on t in: lauds of lioumahon. parish or I I""""1 '" ""> l«<*-»p. (•""""•'•¦I : Are you a light ing

l i a l lv l a iu en , >:ii. llej.-e.ed a. s.-vioii, beca use notice , i man ? N». I «•» ¦'"•-• Hid you ever , «,«¦ a km e oa

a l thoa u h sert -ed , wa.s 1.01 posted. A M-. T. 1'. Stn:,,-,- , a. man :- Never m my living hie I never stabbed

(,r ,1." a.ip 'ieai.i . submi-.ted lha l . i,,:g to t'hc •'' »'•-»• f * «»«»« --*-l •' ' not say slid, a man. Uo you

net th e couv-r.-e tvii- lhe i i i ! " p.,,, iug wil h ,,nL serviee • know a man named llarlry ¦; No. Di. you eve.- stab1...: 1 .....1 .: ;,., ,...,: ...i.,,i W,,i.i him :-' X... hut he was breakup' in my door one ni;;htl,,iu- .,.,„,.!, and point was admilMcd. Wain I, .-.-:¦ '" ><> ¦ -x "- "'" '»• «"'•< "''' ':'K "'f '» my uo-.l (me n.gni

a d bv M,- . Su-i,U. ., proved mi l , . - lire , a,,d be- : and I said if he did not slop I would stab him At.

liev.-d it •was can..".!' hy rea-ou of his Inking laud ! this a-lnl i.-siou ami conliy dicl inn by pn.-ec.lor , there.

which h .ul reason to know , was obj ected lo by ! was ii roar 01 i-x. -era lion tarough t he court , particularl yS',,u'- o r i , i s ,,"iJ,!,ors. -l'a,.-d. fro,,, .he fro,,, gallery , and .0 s,,,. , :, , , "V :e,,t , Iha . hi.

To It ich ai ' l Power , Ll , 10 compensate for loss ' lordship said ii repealed he would have t in - gid.ery

of l -.vo ,1,,-cp, Ihi: Iv.v of n-l.ich acre m.-.liciou-ly | cleared. - . , , , ,bi -ok , 1!:.: ...-.],( of Ihv Isl ol Marcli .al l.'a! hal.ny, | I' on si . i b'.. Sh.-e!.." p,..7'"l lo his .s,-c:,,g ,he Rl .liick|.,b" l 'v;, 'd,. !, ' i ',,. ' pari. .hor ;Ciihi , , ry,n.aden. -l'assed. up- .n Aic t artby, an I in los ,•, -,,¦„" of hu i , ; l.o saw

To .lohi, Power , l:\l , ..¦oi,,p .' .'..-alio., for l.i .ss nf a I Pl.i pp-wi l l , an i . , - t iu. . -.'.'ul ni Ins hand M r i K i n g Ak( ar.

eo.v. ..-.ah', ','.,:;-:; J. il l. .! on '1!, of A pril , on lh, : lauds .1 th y «'ii l . i lh- h .- .:.l ; In- k :l. from loin. I his

of l. 'i- 'i hi,,,. - parish of X.-wca< !!. •- I...S-" proved , and : in.-trum-iil proved In be a small gi,ii. ,p ,-rc!.a stick,n ll . t |M .. .,. , | w i t h a Ki i i i l . mi 1: . bin re i | i i i i- i .ig ii vast amoatil ol

. lol.uV'o't t . T , '-•:'.•• I ' , c pensat i : for Ins.-. of a rick ' eiu-rgy in an nperal i .r in make il do any g I j it coiiM

ol' lia. - , and Itv 'o slacks of wheiit. ni idici oi i .-l y burned ' not be done wi l l . l l .,,i, ,,f !,i of - I I I : November, al Tiin.iscarl , parish of ! Hoad.eonsiab!" Harry p:nv , d he ir.i-- m i-iimiii.-ii nl

\ - l is i i . Pa .M-,1 on proof u f i n j u r v . I »'¦' ¦<¦ d-M<-l.l..ent ..,' police 10 the lo-ahly, and sail- up."i'n Tl.o.i. K Wal-h US, lo ' comp.-ns:ii.: for a cow wards of -JillI peop le tin-re very much excited ; they

!,,,, - -!-"d ou oi -hi of li 'uh Jan., I S7I >, M Kill iree KaM , •-'"•"(•'I t in- poiUe .and he pa:, his 11 at. the "double"

lo be levied oil' tha i towuland. - -Piisscd.'I'n Thoin-i ; Walsh , L ' l , lo couq-.-:..-ale I'm- loss nf

1 i tn p i ,'-hotises , a cotv-hniise . bales and t imber , mali-einii ilv iiarued 011 -III. April al. Kilbii-c, tu be leviedoil' same p lace. Pass-. -.l. Tho-e ;:pp licati. 'is ail piii -'M-dwi thou t .Ji.n -ussion , oi! Ihe in. re p:ool (.f injury.

'f lu- gniud j ui 'v soon afterwards adjoin ned lo twelveo'clock on A'.oudai.

" AiOXDAV.The grand j o y nn -i at nvi-Iw, and I 'mUicd up a

few .-mall i tems i-etnainiug over.i:i:rn:i i n; iw'yi i .un. 1 in; 1; 111:1:.

" W- !:,n.: III..- .lay »l-|- •-I.-.I 11. |J"l t '' I lIlUj i i l , n. 'i .i , .v- I - . ' .I l l ,'l.'-.i. SI. . .1 -.'.'I! l:.'|.l . alii'. I I I . ' lui i i -l i vr-¦ II. n i - tvl.i. I. li ..t- t. .!i-i. |.l »'«• -i:a'.' i.' ..I 1-isi riMiia ittt - ft .W. - . .....- ¦.!•: i l i . i i th- in!.- -ii .';.-l.- .l I.y Hi.. iii-|...c!i:rs.;iiii.ralt int t > . . . . i i- :u r..iit'i, t i- .l ir i - .u-t- s'i',u '..l I": ii.t 'i . itl r't - :i 111 .i. '. l i , I"- i.-l,.).!.. !. " I'.'. <i . II . OliKI. r.

" I 1. M. SM V I I I .'* II. J. U MJIIKI I . "

I.I .X til. > >W.t 11.Alci- i- s . T. I'. Sherlock , W. Coghlan , and W. Arm-

l i i , i . .:, ihe comniitlee appointed lo visit the asy lum ,t' Sti l i . d to the peii'.'ct <ii ( lc ;- tvhieli a|.[i(.'.ircd to every dcpiirliiu'iit <if t he insti tution. They, inconjunction wi th lln- cily coiumiti. -e , recomineudedihe purchase of additi onal laud for the puipnso of Ihuu -v l tun . Tin: j .rand jury ;idjniirncd at ono to a fenui inu- .i-s before three.

Ai s i i i v .N i . oi' T I I I : J i ; i ) ( i K . vAt hull ' |ia.-t. one, wi .Monday, llu: I light lion. Baro n

IlK.t s ) and Ihe Uighl Hon. Jt tn.s A M I I OX V I ,\« MI X,lln- g g Judges nl Assi/.e, arrived by the Wiilerfoldand Ceuli'id Ireland railway, from Dublin , to open ourcourts. Their il-:!ii|>s were met at the terminusby the respective. Hi gh Sherill's, the Hon. 1). 1-'. l-'on-iTsi i r., M.L' ., I'm- Ilie couuiy, and Mr. X. I). Wis >:,D.I.., for the ci ly , in Iheir handsome equi pages. Ailimposing precession was I hen fornied for the .-i. /.-.¦.',a guard of Ihe 1st Dragoons in front , then Ihe four-in-hand of th e lion. I) . I-'. I-'O K I K M i.K , with llaroiiDr.tst and the Hi gh Shin-ill'. Next , wi l l i tlm Ihiruiig hCiiiislablcs , two deep, under Hi gh (.'oii.-l.'ibm l'.w.M",all in full iinil 'orm, Constable A1A I I O \ \ carryiiig themar.: wi th much emp hasis, came tin ; city e.irriugc,bearing llu: Air. Justice. J.A L M I N and the Sherill', thehandsome .silver and blue of I IM men being much ">l-inired , and all aeeoinpaiiicd by liiiinpclcrs. The citycolors iloaied ou It'.-ginald' s Tower and ou iho City11.lii , i h e shi pp ing at the l.iiiny being gaily decoialcdn -it h Iheir Hags, in i- iiii i | i l iui u iii to Mr. Justice I ,\ UMI \ou vis i t ing his teitive cily for tin: fust time il. hisollicia l ea paeily. The. proecsiion passed along theIJuay l i> .Will iaiu street , to their l.oid.sliipV lod gings ,at Air. J ..UN's, and the escort, then dispersed'fhe Ciiy Judge soon after received the eilsi.oinaryvisit fi inn the Aluvi .r.

CUl NTV ('01,'liT—M oM. iv.I l l I .MM. Ol THK lO.' lssKJ.V — I l l i : I ' RI . \ I> .

i'h'.' uummissiou for the euuut v was opcu'.'d u;i Mou

day, at throe o'clock, by tl.e Kialit Ifun. Unrou Du»,hu'beiu? aceompanieil on Hit' bonch by the High She-l-ifT, the IIou. 1)1 !•'. KI .KTKKIT K, M.P., wlm ivns iittana.ed by his deputy, !!. ti. llvnsox , Ksq., solicitor, "hocommissinii litifie^ beea n.vrl br tbo. Olerk of tlmCrowu , W. J. D,-..V.\!:IIT , Es-q., tliat gentleman thenre.stvoix' lh" io'ln .fii .g on

Tin: l iKAs n JI :KV :Sir K. M I -SHK .WE, Ji.irl., D.f,., Toiirin , foreman ;

lion C. M. .Smyth, J.P., liiiilioalrny.Kir R. J. I'IIII I. Dart.. 'J.P., Ijailj -jflnii.Sir J. X. HiimbK Darr.., J.P., Cloiieoskovan.N, P. O'Shesi , K-q-. J).L., fJnniennioiTi *.Putrick J. Poiver, K.-q., .T.P., Woodlands.Hubert. T. Carciv , Ksq., D.J,., liallinatrtma.Simon l):>gge, 1-'«|., J.I'., Anlinore.IMward Odell , K.-q.. Curriglcn .1'. W. Power, Ksq., J.P., Pembrokrslotvn ;J. O'Xeill Tower, i:-q., J.P., Xowtoiv n lleuse ;P. Jtnrais ltnrron , Ksq.. D.I,., I! -Iniont l'j irfc ;T.. P. Sherlock. Ksq., Corri gmorna ;C \V. II I IITI I , Ksq., J.I'., SlnuiCiilly C.istlc

^)!. .T. Usshcr, Ksq., J.P., Cappagb ;T . A. (VKcel le , Ksq., J.P., Jtall ylcnmn T.odge;R K. Cm-rev , l^:,)., .1.1'., I.i.smoro Caslle ;K. Itoh l-lts , K-Y|., J.I'., West,!,, ;(lapt. Arnistroi. ;.', .1.1'., li.l '.lydavid House;James (j .illtvey , Ksq., J.P., Col l igim Ij odgi:;I-*, (^.uinn , Ksq., Shanakill House;V,. Power, Ksq., J.I'., Potverscuurt ;Win. Cogldan , Esq., .1.1'., Dromina.

His lordship then addressed the grand jury as fol-lows :—Sir Richard A' tls^ ravc and jreutleuieii i:f til.)grand jury of the county of WateiTnr.l , I am very gladto liiid tll i it the county which you represent, has not ,at all , deteriorated in character since 1 had the honorof presiding here some time ago. As far as the of-fences appear from the ollicial documents which havobeen laid before me since my* atr ival in town , 1 amhappy '.ci say your count y is almost in ils normal stateof peace and ti'.- inrpii l i ty. There are \m> iivn bills togo before you ; two I'or usj atill , one for try ing to breakinto a house, one for cattle sr.oalmg, and another f t rhaving arms ill n proclaimed district. Tint paucilyof crime on the calendar does not arise from the wantof detection , because, I tiud from tin: police returns,that them havo been only t iventy-y i.v oll'i-ti ce.' sincelast assizes, and all of an ordinary charnolrr. Thatis a .state of things which show* that , t in: materialprosperity nf your t-oiiui .y hu -i nol. diminished , and Ihope it is a slid e of things which will long con-tinue. Tin- cases r.ow to go before you are of an or-dinary character , not r (quiring uuy special ob<crva-f.imi from mo lo geiilleuien of your experience, an'lI hopa tu be able to discharge you in the course oltho evening.

Sir !». Alusgrave—The grand jury, my lni 'd , desirolo ask you a question in r- 'frreneo to the pier ntTraniore .

His Iiordslii p-- \\'e will consider tho question , SirKi. 'li.' l l i l , when we have some hi l l - in tie.: evening.

'flu: grand jury h<T " rel:.-.-d.At a Kubsoqi icur . slage nf ll.e proceedings hi: l .nlll.

shi p, referring to the Trauuirc pier question , advisedthe grand jury lo assume an .- . t i i tude of " uia *lerlyinaction " a:: regard s the Hoa rd of Works. Xo'lhing,therefore, will be done in the matlcr.

Tii .t vj:i:sKs.Air. l lackel t , ins t ruc ted by Mr. T. V. Stra n ge,

tiaverscd t h e act. of l l iej .'1'ilid jury in giving a con-traci (already reporrci) lo Air . '1 l inmas Cantwell in(I J lMial .e i rv at e;)7il win-re there was it lo-.ter lenderby Mr. O ' i i - i l l n i i i u .nf rinniii.- l . at. i;:(.V.l. The grandj i i r v had done .-u nu I In- emiin-l l i i a t l l a l l o i - iu 's seen-

and e..i:r.sel did not ;.ee tviiy his ten:|:-r >li.uild not. I).*'_vepu d.

His i.or.Sshi p said h" would re..- "ive llu: i.-onsidera .t.ion of the p ..ini, n i it i ! t he grand ju rv wnii l- l ha v<f. .nnd ih>i bills . Tin- -rand jury, ut'iilei- hi < Im-dslii p'-iu.-iruelioas . took tin* ma i l e r in l - i con-id .'ration , bill ,l ina l l y decided •.,• a. '.li.-iv to iheir d>;ei >iiin. 'I'll 'c:uurt t! :ctt went into the ei'if.'iu.'.l hii. :,iiess.

it ior iN. i AT -i- u i-: !.t r:: KI .:- . rmv ../../..I /'/"'/ > i n :y i l-ri 'llde-.-'-d ou bail , and was indict ed

for bi - in -.r one nf a riotnt is niub , n:i '[ 'liursdav Ihe - t t hof February, and a.'-mul! ing nne William Al'darl hyin l.road-s! reel, 'i l.e lnt '.-iug i: 11 - v* were stvnrn :—

Mnbl . l I..'", .1- - A l i ' l . - l l . - v , 'I'., ...,.- P..-. . I-, l!..-l...r. lII.n - :.-- t , Mid . .i-I Sh. '1-.r, .l..: -ii M.:,.!. , I' , l-'-tz ; , I-'.Ki-. ii . I-. -.'.

¦i...i.m , w.i.i.M. t ; ., .-, s. it. ...- , !:. ( ;.:.¦].;.-.Sergeaui Ai' iuf.!i»u<r , )ii^i\ O Donnel! , ( ,i.C, and

f'nati:.-', iastrii"tcd by Ai r. Anderson, Crotvtt-soliciior,pi-osecuted for the crown : At i . t ' rean , instructed byA!e.;--,s. .1. W. Howard and 1!. P.arion, dclellde.l.

Win. Al'Cai 'thv .'xamiie -il by Si-rg- 'atit Arui--trongIs ;i ba.-kel make.- l ivin g in this eiry ; w;.s in Uruad -.-i re.¦! the dav of Hi" last : sa-.v a mob fliei-wi l l i sticks and other things in their hands ; as la:came down the s" reel he saH a gnnd I' rnte-t i liit. M'asI.. .t ier t han a bad I ' .- i thnlir- ; call.- .! nut I'or ihreeclieeriI'or O.-buni ", and said h.: hop.-d hi' would be ii -tuni ed ;thank liod he was P ' tur in-d ; cIn* mob ,.*ame round himiiud pro-ecu fnr IMII into Air. f .'I.,rke 's .-•).op in l!ivi:nl-st. .-the limb follotved him : ll" t''ie.| to gel iu over the('..¦lltlter ; Jnlin Will.-!: and (leorge I!:ik.-r. t . tvoo fthetnob,caught him and dragged him tn Ihe ihreshhold , andhit. ) ii:i> mi .') ¦/.- bead ni ;I) slicks .- l.-niirk .'d him dnwr.and there continued h-'aling him : the travciver Phi pp. iwas ill ill" mob : iis prosecil ior lay on the ground hesaw a hand coming down wi l l i somctliit i o in it. h i t t i n ghim , and I .links it was Phi ppn 's; j.roseenior 's head u-ascut , iind he was iu hos-iil.d iifterif a rds ; the policerescin-d him.

Cross-e -i iiin iiied by Air. f.'.-ean- I had about Ilireeil:ilf.g li-.s.-es d i-iiuk when th i s occurred ; it was nota f l e r t l i e close of the poll t hat , t l i i ^ took p lace : wont,swear it tvas not lit three, o'clock it occurred : thinksit was bet ween twelve and one ; there was great excite,lii ' -nt at the time, and prnst - .-ut«rf r had his fc.-ling.-: for

throa-.;h them , Man' .iiml iu llu ; i-s-re , accord ing to thecode -. witness visi t . -d Phi ppo ill hospital , and con-versed wi th him about, th is ass:..|lt.

The ease for the eroivn here closed, and Air. Cri-anreplied for the ilefciice. In the course of his ubserfn-linns Mr. Crean dwelt, upon the :'dmis-i..u by McCiir-li .V t 'uat it was nnlv a baud he saw .-trikii: '4 him , andthat was an proof against Ihe traver.-'er. ProsecutorWits drunk that >lav , and Could not leil -.vlio tv;is hisassailiinl , and the :-trnng probabililii -rt were thiii. theehiirge. against Phi ppo Wi.s lh.; result of the (.-nnver.-a-tious beltveen McCarth y and 1 lead-constable ll.irry .The jurv couli 1. not rel y upon the evidence ol such aman us .McCarthy, null , w i th every respect, for thepolice , they tvetv ten It.-llcll inrerested iu prosecilli oMSlike th e present , in g r t i iug convictioiH , for a jury mtiike their unsupported testimony.

His Lordshi p to 'il tl.e jury iha t airlioug h the made use of an indiscreet observation , iu callingout for Air. Osborne, yet that was no reason why hes-hould he assaulted , and if they believed the evidencethey .should convict the tl-lver.-er.

Alter a coup le uf hours absence, ll.ejitry came intocoiirl , ai.d the Ion-man iiiforiiied lordship then:was no chance of thei r agreeing His l.orddhi p saidhe lias: very sorry lo hear that statement, but hisduty was to scud them back to their room, and hewould bo read y lo conn: down to cm,it nt any timethey would hjvu i'.niiid ii v.-rdict. The ju ry werethcii lucked up, au.l had not, agi 1 at eleven , whenthey were discharged by his l. irdshi p, the li-.iversei-being itl li .trcd to remain tin bail.

,/../. .. / ' .'I/...., Kneell'e's.liine , then siirt etidered onbail tn anstver :i ehiirge of assault upon Sub-euiixtnbluScollen , at ihe courthoii .-c, .-aim: d.-iy, whilst in theexecution of his du lv . The following jury was MViirn :

John S Francis O'd .ud y, I). Ca-ey, Al. Walsh ,W. Aloore , AI. I larron , Jam..-, ISeivsl'nrd , WilliiimAloni ' .-ey. T. Coanoll y, Patn'ul; Alur p liy, lticli.'ii-i lIli irrou , i.iid li. Do.,ley .

Aless.-s. 'I', llr.oley, P. He my, and Thomas Hrowui:were ordered by the crown In stand by. The saint!counsel pio'.c.-iilrd in..! (li-lcit dcil.

l'l oseeutor e.vaniined by Sergeant Armftiong —Knows tlietraveiver ; hi: is a blacksmith:ivasnn duty atihu front of the Conrt-liuusc on the day of polling ;saw tin ; I r.iv< ivr al the head of --nun- others, prc-v - id iug Voters coining in to t h e ll-mrt-house, to vote;saw him about- four n'oluek' al I l io steps, at Ihe rereof Ihe (lo' irl h iu ¦¦¦!', i-n.-li Mr. Harvey, . l.itioiier , andp.i.-di him hack ai-aiiisi the rai l ing outside ; piosceutorwent, over, iind tv ilh sniu.: dill ioiilly, rescaied Air.Harvey ; in he did fu , Dil!o-i caug ht his ritle ; prose-eiilor i-autio-ied him not. n> net so, and tniverseransiv .-led lh i l t !hey (p..liee) h i d had Iheir way longenoii---i , n::d it v .as l ime f,,r tlr.'iii (t in: people) tohave il ll..u- : I r.u, r.- 'r .¦• ¦ii 'dil i he rlile Ihe uceolldl i me , and Ir .'ed lo get i( !', . , i :l h im : Iravcrs.-r did not.i l l i l a - I ' in i , bill I:.- :.'.i,i-;h! h im I., - I he breast ; prose-cutor kepi h ij ,,ii, . aml .,ol Haivi' v iuto the hall;

Dillon caught prosecutor twice"b /thu .^re-Vit; tro.-Tcr«er was summonsed for'tho oCTenco tb^efaiot-s.-

Cross-cxatnincd by >fr. Crean- Thoro yve'rea^unt n,hundred porsoDR there at this timo j tlir-y .weri| mpehcxcitoil ; -irhon Dillon pnt up bis iioBcr :towvftl3 Jlr.Hnrrey, certain of tho peoplo, run him J rejrjortcOtho matter to] IToad-coristablo Holmes t!irc6 (Iny3 afterit took plrico j wont to Mr. Harvey to get him jo pro-necu'to Dillon, but could not' Bay in how inai-y, (liiy«after j won't Bwcnr that He-wJ-cdnslablo B.irry toldhim to get Mr. Hnrvcy to projccnio. 3fr. Ifarvey vtaesont for by tho crownj but , tho constabliirwii-.i wrnfcfor him, returned , saying he conld not find him, iindtho Ciise hero closed, with a corupl:iint lioin Scrgeie.if.Armstrong as to tho nir-.aucr .iu which thi* (-..lice w. redischarging their portion of tho crown business. '•' r.llnrvey should lm ihere iu attendiine-.'.

Mr. Ci-cnn replied for the tmvcr.-ir, ciuiti-n.iii::;thero was no eridenco of fiwnult by nilloi .. .lie. meilnot say lo them that men in an cxi-iicd efecuioncrowd were over and over a^iin kaoekc.l about , of: enkicked, and that tho proi-abilitir-. licr.; it-ere, ii:::.Dillon w.-v-i so bustled alHiut , he caught hold .1S.-olieu to keep himself from falling. Counsel ci ni -metited on tho fact of Scolle:i IcU itig nothing of l l .i-alleged nssnil t un t i l n fler dayx , a:al .<idd I . :woill 'l coulid.-llMy h a t o Ihe i:iaie wi rh t in-jury.

Ser^ealil. Armstrong replied , ing ;hal. lli.: !- .d ic lnun t Wiis for :iu assault upon a police..tan in :!:-:e.\ecutio-i of his duly, and not I'or a gi ievnns n- .:inaiicioii^ assault at ;-M. t t 'v.-as . h.vanso :i ,.;. -was ;i policeman that h'- Wiis to b.: thus a.s.s:;u!tcd.

His Ij Oi-ilship, in addressing the jury , sai.l t luM -v ; .deuce :hotveil clciirly l l i iLl th i : u..;saitit , -'.,was proved , iind unless limy (ieeided th:.:. l he hud p.-tjtircd hiinseif , they should .i:iil the p-.-i. :.oner guilty.

Thr-jury, withnut h.-rn-ing their bo:;, -.cqui!.'.ed :•;• ¦prisuner, at which finding (here inu:i - .-::ci: :'*t-pl;nt3e iu court. His Lordshi p ordered Ihe p;:lic. inbring up any one they .-aiv sn acl ing, but no -..iv:- :-i- .were t h-, and the court ad-oiuacd at siv , lo :j ,;ncvl: woniing. TIJKSO AV.

Jlis Lordshi p, the Uight Hon. Il i -rnii Dn '.s', ,this morning at ten o'clock, and re-iuncl III.:

ci it.t i t N \ t . I-.I 'SI \ I:SS.The first step was the railing iiv. -i- ni' (h --

panel on lines of till . A iiiimb. -r did not. n:w;'tand they will , hy the judge's order, hav.: to :• l:i:vctliemselvcs by allidnvit.

AUnt i vu SI I K K I -.—Tlimiui.< !'• -, an cider!-,- m- .n.well clad , and of the farming class, out ou bi l l sinceI;IR ! assi/.es, for maiming a etve, the prnper tv .> :his iiephow. John Power, at llaiiiaiiny, -ui Sui .-iavevening, l-'ebrii ;-.ry -^7 , Wiis now put fortvard ai.d tri -.-i!on that chai-ge. A nep !ie-v namrd Pi-.irij k , a sm..:-:,youth , proved the casn to' the .-vitisla -jtinu of thejury, and he was found guiltv. Put. ba-k.tin: I.I .KITION itior.-i—I ' l i trro III :-TI :I K I . AN ;, rnvv t . -i i o.

Tin: jury who tri .-d the ease of Phi ppo, at hi -a i- iii - * ..-iMonday, having iliHiigrecd at eleven that, nij rin , «•<¦:¦.:ilis-.-liarged , iiud the ti-ivei-.a- r \v.-i - allowed oil ', on hisbail. /'/..',./... was notv put on t rial a s.>c.»..l li -a ". !....fore tl.e liil ' owiiig jury , of (lio-c called h. ,-iii..;or.'t '-n - .i by lln: crown lo stand live : —

l l n t n v VMIITK , :'. „., ; 1J,,,,,.| M-(!ral |., l' .ii!i |, P:1,,iI'..'.-, Tin", ll. Curtu , Win. Orr , (i-mj - t'l ix -tuiur c- .T'i..-.Aiin-i• i imr , Aly l - W ..!.li. Kl«. ,i.l -si,.,.,- i;,,.,....t |),..,,,,. rl!',l, ...1 Pot '..-. .1. lli,.,.,i,.l .

Wil i iani Al'Carlh y e.v::miiii-d by Scrgiv-iiit A-m-st ror.g, deposed siibstaal .iidl ;. ihe V::ui- ':..-> he ilid ,.uMciud -i y evening. Pressed by Conn-eilnr Ci-i .-au as tothe hour il l tvhic -i i I:.: tool; p lace, pr,, " lo ll.e In - i -i . of my op inion ," IMI - as-ii:-.!.. I...J:place lit: '.tveen tu -.- lve an- i one. ; he tvoal. l . ..we;.,. :' not fnnr v.hci. i; o-.-cnni - .!: ii- : w a s i , ..-. .li-m.!.;then ; had bu:. tin- ,.-.- ha; l:i!;e:,, ;.ad |h;:lmuch Wt.uld no!, ie..:ke him dru - ik ; si\ wo.ii .l notniiike him drunk. Kvi i i i iu ed as ^,, |,j .^ :.,)lV .,-i . - ,H.n -tiy, Al' l.'.irthv swr,re thai: th is •i- .-.-i iiv.-.l i:: ¦¦'.-.,siiate ho.'ls. - ll' it.'i h.'.u. Jil ld l !a i ! :v c! .rr .¦his {M-'(.'iir i !iy '.s) ¦-,.•,:„ .1 • w i l l , ihe n-. -.-.A'i ¦.¦ ..; ; :h:,iug ro 1, having :i lari;,-SM||;| . .);, i h-- end ol i' , ll:: .::::• lo ki l l him wi th it : .'•!'(,'ar l l iy t- .l -i In'ai if i:e be wnil 'd stj ib hi::: , In or.|.-r I. , pr-.t".:i ',: '.::i:: -- ii 'prosiM-utor Was imprisoned eig ht. •";: m,,';|:..; 'u '.;" .;: .for being iu a row there ; he was thru alli:ci.\--i !.v .nui i lber of Welshmen ; he tv;.-. il "f.- :i- |i;ig his .-•; - -.¦ r ;.t h e l i n i ' .*. SliU ju -es.--ed iiv couas- I , j.r. . i- ..- :::,:;- ../ .he d i l nor. 1-h -ui.! Air. c'r.-a:. to bo j .-al...:•:, I '.;!- :¦¦(c..i...s"l) himsell was t i i -.-u - . i . . l i tof t i i " ¦ -::y :.... ,. .. •¦lai lghli'l -). M- Carlh y |...-.v p...-|. iwiv l:: .-.:r ¦¦'¦:Phi ppo li. at him. I 'b-a d e u i - i a i , '" i l n '-y ;.,!:-.'.l :,i .,Wouid he pr .i..i'i'.|:.., :.;, •! :i:M .v,i- ".- .' :'' .i ^ ," n. .;.. ¦Air. ll.r.-ry did no -. I..- '.! li ' iu • • wa- l 'hi -,1, o ¦•i ni. - 'r. .:.. :

Co:.'tab ;e Sin ehy : :¦¦ .;l l i i m- vi . l . n..-e o; '.;, . - , | . .!•< .lid a I: . . I I ' .-¦ I- IMUS !. i'..:,. !' w'-i , ::.¦ .- • .i. - , ,C"ll.:.-..-l , ;.d:ie.. lie Mii s ;t| id" J-M ;' J , :, ;;|. it .,- ,.; .,brolluht 1 hem in line ilpo:; the | .:,,.;;.>: !.:.; :,..,.<;¦. . . .Wiis iu the rrre , l:ei:au>e il is .-.. :.ji o'c. 1. a i.!..u .j ilacd, could see l-,;s n:en i:-.;i.- 'a I..-; :•".• t h i r , -I ; a t ;.. iany where cl:c Co.|ti..e!: I,nag :¦ :.., ir. n .-e-l :.. !¦ ¦for a man ill c:;ullll".!ld In say, ;-.i:n. . ,,., : t ) .,..•,• v .,;I s:ip|:o.-e. go on (blig ht,- ,) ; Willie. -.- : Ko , ;h _. p ii. -;do tioi require :o he snari .-.i ou ; I li;;:, m.iv i., ::, :i: Ir :coltruries ; ii. is no:, re'-i'-rc-l her.-. ( 'o.-i .-i. ,- .' ; .','., : '•• ^reqe.ire lo bo driven on. I M i l t h a i -o (lair.- !.;. ,-\ :

'I'iie cPitvu c... --: here ci.ised , and Mr. !.':¦<¦;> .•: r-.-p iiedf .'oui;.:"l coinau 'iiied .-Tc KJ -.-.Iy o-i ihe l':i": a:' ; ':..- e.-.r.'. .picking '<iii.ih.-r jury to try bis cli a: a .-vo:in l i pO.l th " ¦;.|ll ... in.e',- tin,.;,t. I:, .1 ,;;.«•! i,;' |.,-,s !...nn-anor , such as the pnv i-nt , ! he a.-cii .-ed I..-..1 ii - i rl-.i, ii pei -'inproiy (.ha!l"llge. a rigid i t s.-rv;'!' ;,. ;•;¦. .:.^ ( ;'l l'e.i-ou or fel.iny, tvhi' . t tin- j irelerreii :: e'ain ito an unlimited right of selection, a right tvliicii ;ti: .-exercised in Ibis ciisu with i«. gi.iut p >-.ver. '.Vii ll . a. !.-•¦aid this , he desired lo express his lul l i-."ia:i. .-.< inthe pre-etit j ' lfy, ami would couli.h 'Kt '.v [.: .¦:,• :ii ..issue i.i I heir hands . l.'..uii.ol .'o:a!y.-ed :!.:• i-ri .I •:,. ,¦very c.ircluli y, and a.-k .-d the jury could iIs . v lia.l averdict , of guilly on .-uch cvidenci- as tha i . •;:•.'.-a l:^Win. .M'Carlhy, with such a charneri r as he -,va. ; tve'.ifcl .otvn In [ioss,->s .- I D rnlic/usioll , cnur.:-,'! s:i;'-.( tilesnuiier th e system of trial by jury was can ii,;;: e, l .oas to iti. .p in: full coulidi-uce in I l ia adiniuisl. -.i tio ii ..;ju- tice, the l. i - t l i - i - I'or tin- coiinlry ,

Sergeant A i n i - f i - oiig repli"d to I.!,..: x/r-c iuivs ofAir. I'n-un as to (li e cour.-e adopted by Ih.-: inthis ca-e ; denied ll.ey had done mol e lha. i wa.-, til: irduty, and sis-.i-rli .il they had full right to e.-.ereisi: tl ...fl.veivlion they bad used. Jn tin? r-oin-.i-e of his con-s-dorntinn nf the evidence, the learned sc:-ge.i::t .-:.i.lhe had rarely hoard a clea rer, more si .-lf-i.( > ss.:..:>..,|#morn iii-curate , or luore intelli gent; wittics. -;.:iCon-!able Sheeny, and oil his, evidence there cii-.iii; 1:01be any doubt that an us-aidt wt.s coiiunittei!.

'Il.e Icatned Judge, in summing up, told the jurv i(they believed rhu evidence lnr llm crown , then b'i:!ith" riot and assanli. wciv pn.v.-d . A.s to the aHoga -.iontli.-i *: .'lie croit- .'i had e.vcc'.i'ed I hei.- jtist prero -^ifiv.- iuliving i.'je jury in this c:ise, he si i tv uu g:nui:.l iV.,r tin:slalei m-i it .

'I'll. - j -.u-y, after :i short consuil iilinn . I'o-iur l thi: lr ...ver.-e.- •.•u i l ' v of a e o i i u n i i u<-aul| . . Seillcue.: i'.e:'.- i , -, ,i ,illl - 1 l l i l t e r s ¦!' tilkell iilio CUS-.oliv.

( ll.-u voi -. Asstrt.r. faiti. -s I'.itver , I he . '.l.-rl ,- p:-|.Miner, i'.-iiiid gniliy lii;. moiuiug ol' niaii-iing .sheep,was iiovf pul loitva-d , indicie I for thai he, ujn m tl::il : i th .March , I.--.7", at iiear Ka t haui i y , on hi. - i:, p!,:-w ,one I' i i l r i ck Power , did mak:: :i ^ri.-vou.; a:;-:;u!*. wi ;hi i i lenl lo ki l l iind imlt- ih -r ; a s:- ii l enii:;l. .-harg'.-d f h eiidiii .-linn id' :ictunl ),n:b'.'y h.'o'.'u ; ,-i r h i id (*..ii :i( i .-lia; --' . ,jan itg^r iivaled assault , audit foili ' ih a comiih.'i i:.->-;.a: :..Mr. Curtis, iustriictc.d by A[r. T. !¦'. Sirii'ige , d. •!'";..:¦ ,ithe pi'isoucr. The following jury -.fits iu::.a::nt .-l!.'.|;

D.ivi.l Walsh , foreman; I'tersL: ileiii.e|....:-rv , !",:•. ..SlalK 'i f , Patrick Mrilonv , J.imes Vi'al!, D.niii - ! i '-u . ..gan , X. H ii i lv , O. Caliiighau , T. (loir, Thomai I' ,, -.,. ,James l)oher:y, W. O'i) otin. .-ll.

P.itrick Power i:\i-miurd by .Mr. (l ' P.,i;;i: !:. ( _..( '.Ili-membcrs Sunday, l'lih Atareh hist ; -.t a:-. i.. :' .. .Cabill's, a Jailor 's, at Carrigeea iliai, < | :.,- • .:,.:Al'llratli and John Lynns were with hi:.. ; pa"s.<,l il, ;:evening between two and three by his broilier':- •,'::: ei.-•i w .-.-nine goats tresp;i-j sing on lh:: hind , .-n, .! t t . ..inlo the li.-ld to drive them off, going sit-.-.iy f. ithose who were with him ; drove tho go.i'.s o.T v..ithen went toward s homo ; knows an empty lioii.:.- !¦a but-keen nt Hathanny ; was passing it when p.-is,, - .• •ran out and dragged him into i t ; asked l:im it I.: .: I. ..was going to do with him, and prisoner said in: woi: '.imurder him, Fatacy, in tho way that ho (pro-:ec:it..:-i ,would iicrer swear anything against him ag-.e'n ; I:,.i.hen .-itabbed him with a knife ; prosi .-ciitor >..-:tv t ':,>knife in his hand ; tho kuil'o cut hi.< tro-.i j -.-rs ai, Ishirt. ; pri-ioncr then kuocked him down j raised astone, and let it doivu on prosecutor ; it stnic!: himon the abdomen; prosecutor wivi then lyiu;; ou thebroad of his back ; prosecutor £avo but uao bawl ;prisoner put his mouth to that of prosecutor to scoif he was breathing ; ho then stood up and went away ;prosecutor managed to got up nnd tried to RO home ;lie got half-way, bnt tlieu fell senseless, and did uor,know what happened until ho recovered ; a womannamed ilin-y Baldwin was then beside him ; l:e wasbrought home and remained iu bed ten days. Cross-examined by Mr. Curtis : This occurred at Katliiinny,and where the .vsanlttook pla-.-o was bis shortest wayhomo ; never said a word to prisouer when ho catHithim; prosceutiirlives at Kuthauny ; prisoner lived theroalso, with hi.-t brother, but ho LOW lives in Wnterlbnl(liiii-jhter). Cuunsel : Oh ! 1 see. Yes ho dous, aud1 thank yon for that. I know he is now iu jail.

To Mr. O'Donuel!—When X rceovorod I managedto i-oll away the stone that Wiia on mo; I was ex-amined at the hu-.t ii.uiV.cs, and it was siuco thou I waaassatiltet! by Iho prisouor.

Joint Lyons, one of tho companions of Powor, do-posed ho saw prosecilior going to his brother's housowith Aliiiy Kaldwiii ; lic.wctucdto bo veiy bad ; witneijwent with him aud iu tho houso took off his shoes Budput him to bed. • ¦ • •

Dr. Ciciu-go Walker deposed ho attended PatrickPower ; l'otver waa iu bed al tho tlino ; mado an ox.ainination , and found him aufforiDgmuch from internalinjuriLs of tho nbdomou; found no extoronl mark ofa wound. :: , - - ' ; : .

The stono with which the injury was alleged tohave been committed waa hero brought in by twopolit-ciii ' n; it soomed to bo not less than half a weight, and, in reference to it, Dr. Wnitor, to Mr.Mr. Curtis, said it must baro beon laid down gentlyon tho prosocutor or elso ho wonld havo recoirod veryHevero injaries. ' - - : ; '. . • .

.Mr. C-urtiR replied hero for tho accused, nnd put npsi brother of the prisonor, named Uiohard« Powor, i.prnre an alibi. Witness sworo ho wns with, tho pti-isuuer all that day, and that the ooousod coaLl, nui.uutl wus uot ut ttie placo of tho assault thst ireuiug,¦ • ' :- . !':ro "jri i .

Page 4: · 2018-07-11 · !\H K WATJCKKOKU NEWS I VRfiRT IIU( IIATIIIN IX TIIK Mil HI OF IHKI.ANK. p.,lh,l>-'l

'': isoncl- :iml witness dined tha t day together ill wit-MOMa's lionsr, an,| ,H, 1 not |i..uvf it, thai evening. -mult itude of incident;; were dc|«>scd to by witness to'"stain his evidence, ntlu-r -vm cross-cxaiiiinn-lion Iiy Mr. O' Dnmn-ll , that {In- prisoner, same even-ing, shaved :i inau .vlm gavr t]|.. in a call dnrimr. thoevening. Ulinni K i l m nr l i t i , an old man , deposed liew;is w i th tin: prisi iin-i nudano the rmannamed Pa t rickHaves tha t evening between two an.l th ico going tothe house of a man of tln> name nf Uelanv.

John l'.iirk , l iv ing :u (' ai-rigi-n , .-wino 'lie saw th"prisoner in his la ther's l:nu<e on the evening "I' ''"'l :l ih March as the clock struck four; In1 iuiii i i ini. ilt he reun ti l a f te r live.

Mr. Curt is having spnkon to- evidence for the de-fence, was rep lied to liy Mr. O'Donuull , (J .C., Toi- thecrown.

Al te r a lengthened charge from his lordshi p, 11"'jury reliivd , and having been absent for ;il)unt halfan hour , l i- l i i rucd ;i verdict, of nor. i ru i l iv .

•\ss .\n.T.--Ci-' ¦ ¦•./• • .!'¦'"./', nli'..« /.'.I HII'I, was iinlicl'ilfor having, on lli" - 'i i l i June , lst ',7, nl l ia l l i i r .unonn,i'l t h i s county , as-aiillcd one Johanna Power. It np-I rril frniuYhe crown evidence. I hut aroused wasI':i.-- =:ng t l ic house when- comp la inan t and her sisterlived , and from some luoiive , bi;isi inln il , alarmingtin; t wo women , "in' of win.m , Kl lrn , made till' foriiwaiin', ivi ih irli.VI. sl,e .-piiiliiv relni' iicd , andre-rncd I HT x r f i i - r from Rabbit . 'I 'lii! evidence nd-due.-d was nut ( ¦¦•uclusiv:- n - n i i l i < - iil. i i i i i y of iVpri -oner. anil he was un |u i t t r d . Mr. l.over, iustruelcdby Mr. T. J". Snniigr, defended., linbbil was Immiv.-ing in t in 1 iiiiiiiiiiain.s since 'i\7. ami was onl y rei-entlyc*:t | i luriil In- llr:id-i'oii>l:iba' l iu-rv.

l.'nr.r.nn". — .lie '..' i /;.I , ,-.I, 17°, W.IS indicted f i rstealing a h-'ifcr fri-m l in l i iuaco i i r tv , ;h" property oflini'i-r' .M'l i r . i i i t l i - x ' l t h . . fJ i i i i r . Th" W wasproved liy Mr. .U't.'ralh , who also idi mil ied I In- h. il 'erin Cni-rick , win iv il was finly proved ihu pi-isoni'rsold ii. l-'icnu l gu i l ty , anil pal hark.

*l 'iir court adj ourn 'il Hi leu next morning.WKIJXI -SD AY.

Mis [,onislii |> xii this morning al li-n o'clock , andresumed I hi - in-ar i ie- of the

( I I I i:i.l i i l i . X l l l n V I M S

The jurv panel was ivl l- d over liy W. .1. IVn::t:liv ,K-i| . . rii-rf: olVrow:i , liy dmi-M ous of his I , ii-d:.!ii p, onlines ol d". A number did no' aiip i -ar , anil ri"> a i i . 'V:i% r«nl. Or. t i n - r - i i J in 1: to I 'M - lionk . M:vi -rn l wi n- orili-iTiIby lh- rrowu l o M i i i n l »<vh; na l lu' ]0<-a tha t , l i n yJiail srrviil on lunnr r jura -;;, ami the l'u l luwii ig WITU

iin|mmit' !loit :—l-:,;r. k .\-..:|. A ., y, .|..!m M,. .,!, ., I-'ii.].•¦ i ,k K™i, l ii . i s . '

K > l l v , .l ii . i i l'"i: / . i i r . l l, S.iu- i , -'. Ki-ir , TH -M I I - l"'!l , I'l n l-p

I'.iu l"

1' iiiT, 'I 'll. HM- I' -» IT, Tli-i- . I I . fi i : : i -, l i o r i- t Mi- .,.;- ,t , r. r • <¦ (''a7',i:':.,-r .*.

U I K l *A> l : HI J \ M K S M l . M l ! l ; t \i . l o V .

.' ....., • /;. '/.. •.•.•,•;.•¦'•¦.. si ir:' i- : i i l- r '<l on l i a i l I t i ii i i'Wi-r

an i n- li r i i i i' - in for l i . i v in; .'. mi T l i t . i v liiy , l^-bn inry . '1 1 ,

" NT". !H . M i r l m r l -st i v :. In .¦li!:a;;iii in a riot , a m i

i i^ a i i tt i i i ^ c i- ! i lwai i l i> i i ' j -_'at i . j M l i ' l i i ' a i i , l i . J ly l iricki 'n.

' .'n i l i i .- '- l n :'t : l r i l as '- I ' I I ' I IK I i :>u I'- ir l l u ' c rown j in isi- .

oi i l n l : Mr. I ' I IMII . i n - l n n : n- i ! i i v M'v - r .--. .1. W. l l i . v v .- i . ;

a n.I K . I fe imin. ¦!.•(•- i . .] • •¦ I.

f.'i l i . a r .) l'j| ;-!pi« f x nm l t u- 'l l iy M r . I I 'Dni iwJ/, ','• '"•— l!rnvml"Ts I I n ' p i i M i ii^ May ol l:' <! I ' lir l i n n : wii- in

a I'ovi-I'i 'il car •¦.n i l i^ t o t i n - p o l l i ng l i .i .nh in t i n - S m i t h

AVanl : .lohu li yan w . '-- \ v i l l i h i t i i : saw I l . -t l i < - t -h : > ; l ' > t i

aii i i i n i t . : r :y ya n l.: ir.isMl a r n ; i ! i i i n-_-a l n-r it w i l h

a la i- L'i ' .•:»•!: in l'i ' ha h' ; ; l i.- i;,,'. i , | . I . , t h ... ,-a l : I h i' i v

WCIT l »!i u i i> at l l v ' k , , J * ; ; ,.- ,-,;¦ « I;!, a - Mi a H slia« 'i*

np i'l i : l [ r i ln -r i i ir " i' i In p. n t h e b l i- ..|- , M :M!; I '.| i:.,i i l i ' l I I II I I; l l n ' t h i i -k r m l i . ' a . l i . -'; a:nl ;;.- !v i • plo.-. c i l l u r

a f iuorh ri t.'/n i i i . r o J l i ' * i:. . - i i i j i f !..(!'>--J;!')^' J:i . : Mvn i ij ' i - i r

l i - l h on; : l . i - saH •' I ' l l k i l l yon . :i!iy ho-.v." ai i'l .-:'.1P.'

mil t o i l i r rn.v. i! . •' K..;.-.-. !,. n-':: D II L - M I I" ; t l i- c rowi l

Ci i l l i-i l oi l l lo p u l l h i m (!' ir.;L--:n) n u i : i l i ry t h r u ran

no a m i t i i ' - i l lo < l r : = r !ii::: ,¦:.! ¦. i i rn .¦.•!.:.,r ~-u: li. -'i in.!

l lv a u in i h t car : l!i-y I n:-.- : ;< M :I ,. ¦(! ..;i h i< I'.tr i . a .v . l

ha ials : ..-.• ..¦ ; w<-r , - i l u : . -.' a: p'.vs lo r, i-.n-l l l c:h"i' -

int ; : i»l i hi : I i i a i ii: i l l 1' ln »tu ! ; . - M l i l i i t i -,' l ;is l i j ,;, a i . -i

k ii.«-k:n i- l r i c k f v o i.r i . i^ I. ¦•.•.¦¦•:• !i

'i :h : :«.. i.f l!.i-1!:\ : .

pioli.-- savs 'il li l u i !<- : • : > - > - : - : ;.¦:! : . i i r i : : t •- .-. :.!:¦! l l i .- a i Si . -.v

lia-l t o II v !v::i i l l - : ia i . ,!. , :• ,„¦¦

.-!.,:¦,• -¦ '.',, [ : . - a: i l . .. |i i


l l a - wi i i .f i . v . ¦:!' > ::¦¦ •¦:;• ¦ ¦.¦;¦¦.; ¦ i.v.-1- .- i: v : l h'.--t i . -k < :Hi i l

sto r a - -. :.i:ii ; i i : i i ; i i i'r V-- 1!, v v.a.- lln i.:' in at h i m : h i -

took i:j i a ci:-V"M :o il ] \:: ii i n i m a t of l i i m : s i-vr ra l

C.Hl li' t o l"l l l h i l ' i <'a : oy l l a ' i. X ' : p:-o--ci-i | lo:- I i . .;; i,:M

:i I n i li '. ai.i l cu t l!' .-m ¦:: l i t: :¦ .-i ii - in l! i l. aail s : l l . i-

i ; i r v.'-.- -i'^' - : . .j .j M ^t i - !. , !y . l .' i' . a n i [ ir- - c c cr ' t i -p u l

oi l - : !:i" Ava - !i .< •! ' '"li 1.:!. " i > v :*.i > i men l'\ ' ] ' i>' l l i r n i i :

a lari' i* aii iab:-- r !!M I I I l i i r a -.v; ' !i >l !'•!..s..r .'. a i l IT I .•!:. > !• .- :t o i l i- lc i-.! l i ii :^" ; i ! ••

; ¦:: !.i- i- a i !i :• :¦;• l . i i -.i w i t h I .I I C

ha i. il , :.i. :l M .I V I -! > '•• l :n . .''.- i:: i l l . - i- : l, i :; :..-.:i: !. • ;:¦•:

on', i !' t!'" i- . i i -v i l : L- ' >< ¦:, il . .> ¦¦•!; !•>¦ I ! ¦ -i. i-; i .' i'.- . M i c !:.

:i i' !- . ;r n : . i. ¦;.":! n i' .' .v. > . .i :;,¦¦ i: .,,.. ; , i ; i j :!,¦¦;¦ ..a

1 I n- l e t : .-:•!¦- . < II :I - i'lui:! a : 1 ;uk :,:••! !!•!• o l i n'r I f . P I :,

.-!'i:!i- : I n - M -i i r i y !'i - ! i :n I I I " ;j : t .! ;: i i l i n . M l 11:.' i i!".-•: - ..!

t i n .- .- I r , W- . I m i .'. C' I V I - I - i a ' Mr . >' :;!. IT' - : w, n ! on .

ion! Mj .p - i . it i - ! ' :: •.•!•! i!" ¦;":! : h- ' .-.- n i-h . • ...:!¦.-,- |,.-,vv

l ll i .w i,n l ! . '- I • •.'!• • k n e : !;.- ;:• •: ' .:¦

-. \\ ;; I ' .,: l.'. ,a . :a iaV

lio i i ,-c in I V - ..n|.,: i . -. I : i!. - .::¦ ' . !'oi:..w i- i l I . i n ; ;•!! :!ic

\l : iv. am! i n'a l I i i l l :-V i ' : i ;:i l!i" . ' :• ] •: i ori .'il h i- .w . l>

\>: t l i i - ..:iv h l l a - ¦.'.:¦:..I i lo'i r . a n . l -.,: i - -:"u- .- : - '- -i l ..-. :l i i.

lir .-l l a ml i ii:; !n.;n " ¦ •¦ '.'.-¦ ¦. : I. - r I :h. ' c..>-. i! i...,:.i: •;

f>.r h; i : l . i l iaM . i w ,, :. up :• , :!:• • ¦.- .•:i.: l::!i !:n:: : «¦-.:'

i n t . i a i 'oi . l i i . .-.:; on a c! a::', a::': i .i '.- . : • ¦'. i. |] : I I ;-. C: ivi- ;

c o n .' a !t i I - V . . I i. . :- : i ' l . i t . - <•; ! hi . ; V. . .t i - , - '-.

l .'i^s.-cv : : .' ! l.v M i . C,.:.:. I f i: :¦.: ¦.< . , ,: '¦,: ¦

l l i::ll. |-; :.'.!..;: i: : . .-c.'l|- .,'.-l l .- l i . •..• • ! !. •-' . l l M o i V, . I . i = . .- . |

t l i r o i i .-h l ! iv i-r n v ! : !:¦.., -.¦ : t r . - L - .t- i- ." :..- .m i .- ':¦.•¦¦

'¦ iv::.

noil I n - l l n .- i;: ":!! t i . i v > i- •• . \\ . :- ili ! i.. - i ! i - - I:.-: \> :¦ .- •:

M t i - i W' .'l ' i !: : \- ' ;¦ - :-n !v-; !I ;..I : . .. .i l' ' .- i i l ' .ra ; il i- i a .-*

a l i- .n t t i i" if . m s i i - ' i - . M .

T in- ii .f.i l 'r i i i : !¦¦:.- V.'":-.- i,. , - :¦ - i . i ;.' : '¦ . ir.- l ::: !M|-.l':r:n , :i;i i J . I '¦ i i:'.-' :

¦ u:i t - i * .—.-- . . i - i i i r- .! a. . . 1

i l i i' i ' i : I t . ' i- i 'i i H i "i : .:y I"-', m a ny »'. ;¦ ¦ i l i r . r . v i i ..

s' -.n. '-- a l i i i a i . !•::! a li . i. :- .ov!*i:l v..: ¦¦ il l!;^ i a l- i : !.i - r . i :- .

a n i l .- i .ia i i.r : l :"l l l V, . ; c | i i n c a i : . | a h . i i l' po'll l . '. H . ' i ' ^ l i l :

1I.M I, OII -I I ! l.c > v-u i : . | I, .. '..' ;.- ..; ,..,, ;¦• a i . l JV.,.11 i i i -

p-.l i .- i-, ln ;l lh" li . -l j i i n - n iv * 11 v . . i - !V..m i h < - I w .1

i l r av "i ?i- , MM " nl' wl i i iii i v a . a;: .i l '.ii1 ¦:, I m l l ! r ¦•• had t o

l lv l'..i- l l i .- i r I'V".

I l l- , . lain.- .- ( M V .'I <" .i .!nii ..'d l iy M r . ( •• -• I - a

]il iy : ¦¦¦•:••¦ U l l' l ' i r .'- i'i i ; a i ; i i- . l d l. i. n « i ; i u- . s l l i . i t

cvc] : i l i' * h"! \V' " l l V a i a l \ O'..:- .- - A : | . , ; i .'l h i l ' i l y i i i '.T n i l

h i s li. .- l ; i:t •.'¦- ..¦ -i - - 1 1 w a k m - ', c- iv.-iv.l n i t h l iiu u 'l ,

a i i'l a ;i j ' .iri '. :!\ . :!•.'-. i n u ' ; h i s li j i.-: wciv rill. ; soinc ol'

In- .'O 'M :!- :¦¦! -h w:r l:ci,t!;.-ii hai l., a:»l t iro of tin."11 :.jt "i- HI • r .h r . 'k . "i ..ii * : h .MVa.. mach !r'ati*!i a l luuLt!i. - li '- .i . l j i i . ! !i..i!y : had t ,i .M t •!• hi.- - lower li p ; 1 lieman sul len d v.-ry i i i i i r h ; ii'.i-.nicd l i im Im* it 1:111:11 iior six wi- .'i:.- : I 'm' m a n ivas verv >eve:- .-l y i i ij i i i i - . l .'I 'ho w i t l:e --.* was 11 Jt. cr.i-:s-' x nui;:o 1, and ti:t.' urownc.l><' elo-i-d.

Mr. (.'re:"i .•¦|.'"';i- M ev' .h ii e.'. I n t l :".' first placeCiaii .-i-l ur;:i d ih::l Hi- w a y i la - e u i : a i l : s ii i ' l ln ji-iinn-invi- '-l .i : :I IP tj j : i. - j j j " i . : i .- n-!: w.i ; um i h-j ii\va-- o l l i t i ' po- .'-ih' i ' I h l '.f^a n l . i i \ l:: .v- - 1."—n l : : i- :akcl lils 10 l le t l . i l i l r r i o u h i ; ; ii.^ 1:: II :. an i i , a; i :ia , !)n;:::anll"iie^ in an ".".-i l l 1.' s:;-l .-. :.': J :':¦ an i-:.'.'i ;.-d i .Ti.i vd . ir>RI , iinji . ; .'i-i !>!c l !:al li'.'l-nul i! i' • :'l:c '!:ale :•--" In l l e t l i i' r -

in^ ion at. ail. I 'min-';'! 1:0111!.r n i .-d rco :i ;_-:-.- HI : i l i cilb.-elice of K'yan u-Jio w;:.-- w i l i i l )u r .'-.i :i. 111. -I .-a id t h a ti l 'K v a l l 's evidence ci.ald l.ave > -i~ ' .i:i.'.".l l )u _'4ail , lieivould have I II .-VII pro.lile.'d liy t i i i .-c rown. Tile l ea lia-di^vntl ' inuli ar,'ai;i cnli iplaiueil ol'jur ..:- .-' li e - i : r_- > --t a- i i i "

liv t l i ( ! ( i:i t h i s c ise , a c> . i : - e II !' p i i i i .-'edii:-dl-cidedl y iiL'.'i in .-t Il.e linia'i pl. ' i .l' l i i - I '. rU: .' '., r .r. : i -

tm '"'i , w!i:eh f-ays il 111:111 lul l ¦• l.e i i led l.y :.v !-.- • •

K<»ii l m.'ii i i i . 'i i l - '. i e i i l l y cl.u-.'u. V.' i t i i i -ve i -y n-p i tl

lor t i n-j u ry I" ' hi i i l t hen t i n - le.ii":' i.f n - l li -in;.- l l . i v

would , he wst r i', 1:!. a : i y .«••¦: I hi I ll.ey v. i iv ..-. 'iml i l fi 'i v i ii l y tlio.-. 11. l i e \ \ . . uM n>.v.- pr ..- 'i:ce i -v i .

donee to .-.':,o>v l l ii ' l t i n - l i ave i s i r i lM no:, coiamit t i n '/j lfenci'.s char-ed .—,'iiiu.-: hi t,1.

John l "orcora:i ex-i i i . In . ' i l l.y -x .r. I r i a n 1. 111-

In-rs t h i n d i iy : ,-.iW t h e i-ovi p-i l .-:.,[ .j .. . I : Irnnw..

l l i - t l i i ' l i u i l 'ou : --:i« i l . " car - !. .p :.- I l.y :i ial-e I I I '.I I ;

Was m:i e!o--c In il a t t h e t i i n ' - , l ial -a '.v per.mis 111 :ir

tu ii a! t i n - l i n i " ; i"J - ¦••' l lin.".':iu si ria-1: in t h i : -,pi iiH-lu'd w i t h a lal-e l> la t -k t ! i - . r : i s ii ' l. i:i l l . .- i i i . . u :h :

Jlel l ter iai ; tii!i Wii- .-¦¦l . i i idi i i :,' !r.' '.Wl f . — '.s .-.'de :i ' i l l '-

l i me : l l e il i i- r i n- j i o i i was not i!e - 1:1:01 '.>».. - i r i a- k

llie blow : would k i in iv the 111.01 »•!... did .-.1, if ',•¦¦ .-nv

I l i l l l : was w i l h l |ea:he|-ili '.;lna al....ii i.a i...i:r U-fori-

this, and nn i a i i n -d w i t h h im up in .-ix- in :l. ..- . v .-oii.^ :did not S'-i! H - l hi T i l i - l- i l i l!ir. i '.v .1 ?; :IH !I: -:ol.e ; >aw

J) n in i;il! u u lo f Ihe car v.-lu -n i i K .I .- u p — : .

( Vo.-s- C N a min i ' '. '¦»• --I "' . <> '!' M i U ' - i : . < ,'.C. :-aw .- : nuv

ami .- t i c k s I ha 1-¦!.">¦ : -aiv -li;- !:.* .- : r ik i ".4 : v.-im.- s ; ii id

Ids kinds in h i - p-'ck '- ls : w iin c -.: ll .iiy have "iv. 11 a

,!,..u t. in i l i i' i ' v c i i i u^n l ' " ap H i i h Sa i y t l i :" a l l hccnld

')o for St n v tl i he would i lo; !o!iiiwi:il llii! crowd .'.own

bv I ' l.a i m i ii - '¦¦; 'I'"' i" l!- ''¦¦'' I' i 'V« i>n "nii;^ i l l ih ' -re :

slvv t|,,. ,.ar .- u u e k w i 'h .. t u r n .-, and I he 111:111 In- i l l ; . ;

b iNi l f .-n , bu t d id no:hi:i«.

J I'1'iii...i h v S u l i i v i i i i . i- .M in i i i . " il liy Mr. I rca' • Krows

M i- ll:i-,'"n i : iv i i ic inbi 'i's Il ic p i i i i n j f i lny ; -:n>- !) :iL'-

•••111 liein^' In-i l le l i ¦ lh. l'i wi re t w o or

I l l l - .-L- l i l ll . l l l i-d

IL- I II 'I - - i l i -Mil 'h e ca ra t I 1 I I - I ! I I H' h" ua.; bcin/ heal i-n :

l,w a «< ; . -k pal ie la .'d in l l . . . . i i " l i t h e i-iir al. l l i i '.'iii :

w;.s v . i l h i li t h r rc or r . .; ;r ya i. ; . of ih- ca r : i inows II.-

thcrine !.,.! w.- '.i ; saw oiu i :'. .: il..y •¦'-¦": I'v or ¦-:' .

y ar d s hehir .d Ih - c r u r : i!i" .-T. -i . »' . ii.-.< : - u- r¦t h e c a rt h a a l le t h mt . i ;:.. . .: i - m M i.ot .-a;- t i c i . .a- i

U-I.M pil-I.ed in t!- e .-lio., b . l t i.- ) "- i ; .VC II V.. :> i|..:

lIi-l l iwi: iK'ui '- .. , bv Mr. l "o-.i- '' ¦¦"M I" '• •"' • l l" '

1KIIIU- .- ol i'-l.y ''•"¦ who t i n . v. ..1. l l . a t .!.,>• ; »o te I

lor .Mr. Su ;y lh day , ami w: i - p.i sHM;.; l !io.c!-. l .

«-ln:ii in' si« ll"' u:"' "iopl'ed. : reni-i i i .cd lo M".: whar .would li->l 'i" l l : w '»- "-'» kle-lV S t i i a t he (n- i° l i i i - - - l is

cliar.-cd w i lh 1 •• -i• ¦ ^c in a r iot i .u% moll tb u - i l . iy . but

thill "chi.i^c i.- o .iws li . ne : l l a n-a l ll.i : lln.j ; ...i.s.

•in'il >:i"' ' '" ''" '' "I1 ' ' ' ''"l "'"' ""'' *"'" '"! ''¦"' I' ' ''"' :

',.., | a '.icr ll " ' i'i "W'l towards f. 10,> '.--, l.,i: did

>.,!v -isk l l l -.-m l " » l - . i > : w : i n . f < -- h . d mi l a »ku II ..-¦- ..< -I.. ;

V l!e!e-..,:.i:^l >.y Mr. ( Vcao- l. i . . .,.„ ,.,-a , .y p,li.-

• .I. , . ., ic- I. a t I h i l l l i l l li ' ; : - : i w . l ia ,'.."l!s l i a r. .ill 1 •¦! • 1 , 1 ;.l i... 1. ...1 '' .; t -r,:v» ,..:.><^.a'd 00 ,!,- ec,d",.,:" ,.. „,,., ,.„.., ' I mid lir"':) t hu t It c'.-ail y .ih.e.i.-l ll., ».a . u a s

ITt u. iicti.-.-r :.. .:. |..«i.«!;»« '«¦•; .;. .!. -• ... .=. _...-. 1 ' i'k i- «• •¦: r . ll dly c'-ar l l . i .1 • -.'.'.is m i s .

wi " ' " --l, , .Ll- trilv«.;c.- i, it.:n !;) i i m « i l h l l . . - Mi . . . ...

unX:: ;;;--¦- u^w >'* ** *'¦¦><

^M .hiiMhr --'-:, ;1.;': ;'.

1 ',, ,,„ . ,,.;,,,,„, . .,„Iho i.»«i. shen r. ^iJ ,„„,: „ .,.„ ¦:„.

t : r:zS-::¦

::;:,£:¦ZZX : ~:<^-r:// "" '"""""¦,^,i-r . w i ll""


.•¦'• : ;

; > ',

• „ , :., ;., .„ » . „• .;.. ¦¦¦> - .¦'.,

iii < i;,,p .,.:; .r-;;

v;' .n lli,.]i l .s, in,1:,,,t

the •Tid .'W"I '»• '"¦»'' ''

said it wa.s much lo he regretted that men cannot 110ailuwcd to exercise thei i- l.> :;itiumt.n rights at. allo'cclio i , i-ui iui i i ' ; tho ri.'k of bfing b r u t a l l yniurdcrcd. Wh y t he poliri. ilid nut interfere, hocould not, :"iy ; probably Ihev wen: elsewhere on duly,but all he knew was the riul. lasted a l n n^ ' t i n i n wi l l imuch violence, ami tha i twodraeoous had 10 lly fromils niidsl to save the i r live .- . I t was a melanchol yi l ln i -tn i l ion of t he so---:l!led union of Irishmen. Ifthey h '- .'iei'ed C:e evi.f'aeo of Mr. DliiTi^m , tlii'l 'Odiuli l mil be any i l imbl r.s in I In- assault, brine; 1:0111-m i i l i 'd by tii " t t t i -.vr.-r-r, but then they Irnl t h e evi-dence I'iir the di 'l'enee. 'I ' l i ir . eviileiiee showed tha tIlelheri lirj-ton did not. punch w i t h the slick , and il t hejury hud a tjou bt as ti> t ha i a.rl bt -in- done by him. itu-as- c(|t;allr open to them to havu il doubt as lo t heMow alle-cd against him of the .stone. If they believedil ic travei-ser was in t he mob , aiding and nbei l in";them, no n:.-|tlcr hyu- l i l l l o he inav have takenin it , li" WIK ^u i l ly of t i n - riot char-ed a^ .iin.d

him ;

bill if they l iel i-ved h i was (hi re a-: an , they -.-..laid then acpii t him. Al 'ler anhi .-ir. t he y > \ry i . -t i . i u c d in thei r b:i\ w i t h a verdictof gu i l t y 011 b-.i.h eo::':. -. 'flic tr.iv.-rse:* was takeni n t o eusiod y. 'I he t'l i llou-in^ wive ihen iiupannciled ,t!iu--e oa Dillon 's j ury, *\ ho were c.iih-d , bcin , told In.- lam! aside by the cioiv n :—

.M iirli.i-I !..v,. Tl, ,..,, „¦ !•„., .-, .Vi..|(.,'.-, « ll.illy, l::i-l..i :-lI i nidi!-, 'I'll ." as P.M-O , iM i -iiM. -l i i i i . ), .Mi .-l .i- i S.M I I '-, i; .l i 1. ¦:.'.'. .1 -l ' i i P-. M-. I-, iT u.l...| ir.r:: H i ir i l M r l b i i l i ,(i '.,..' :,.: ..: l-i .-i i . - l : .l.aii. - li . -r.-f.ui l , I' .i: ¦ ii-U K.-;l,-, .I.I 1.,\v ,:;;.,.,. or.-.

I I H : C.\- I : oi 1'\ I I :!I K -|{ti::v A N t i n::\is i : i : i r ; *iN .

/ '.i ',.'.-i'.- 7" ..'--".i mi l l /> ¦• .;.. l.'.- .Vr.'.. weri ! iui l icLed foi'

havinu ', same evening .', bcin^ en'j:'. eil in a riot , amias . iai!in :r Kdv.ard Nomian. '

Ivlward N'oonan examined by Mr. () '|)ii:inc!l , <> .<!.—lt"meiu!irri < t in- rvcui iuj of tli " hist eleel ion : knowsM;-. O-.veii l'owcr'.s .- l .' i -.i in (ii' .ii',re' --sliccl ; waslhcrelhal evening in < h:ir^e of th i s r t iuv ; iibniil l"u o'clocklhal r.i hl. witness saw a crowd cotniu^ fr .iui th e di-nrl iou of Kili ' ;-slreel ; Ihe mob slopped at Mr. .las.Mc l i i a l h ' s, ami smashed his windows ; whe:i theycatne opposiie .Mr. Oweti Power's house in tleori;e s-sli -eiM , they eoiniiiiiieed liriii!? stones ill il , and ll i ' -nabiiiu th i r l v of 1 !n.- ii t l urii i'd i-oniid lo the store ; thet ravei -e is came delib.-ra 'ely and lmr.«t opi'll t he s i .nedual- iiv k iek in -.; it, ; wi lne-s was llicil at the d.i.irj.-iinb : a l i l l l e buy i-u.-ln < i| in. Im.k out snme cups andsaiu-ersand th rew l ln - i t i on ihe ;.rr.nind ; thn bi.y w:iscoining t h e second time wln-n witness pii'vi-ulcd him ,and whilst l ining so t i l - tniver.iers tried to ;.'el in ;they did 11.11 sue.- I , and thciiTobiii ilrajr L'cd wit missout of t h e iloor : w i : n i . .«s r.enl. f..r t he poli. -e, roundbv Mr. ( la l l v .e v's, and when In' came back he foundt h e store 011 tire : t h i s was about a .|ii:irlcr to ten.t i n ir r i 's s-ex aii i i i iat ion by M r. CIXMII, witness said hewas 1101 in t i n . s toic u n t i l the t raversers brokn : lh-11 went i i l i .1 Mm ha l l to prevent l ln ' l l l Ur l -l i 'ni' i l l . elo- .-i l the i!".ir aud p ilt his lv.-k 1.1 il inside :I he police Mere l l iej- . . wh"n w i t n i - S i went to rai .-etl ,e i i i .na: : iviunicd w i i h !iie ]n»lice in abwul. sevenor e:;,-' .l. a i i u i i r e .- ; nc-ni-ed .-evend in ihe i-rowdat ;h" l i in - r : lo!d Mr. I' .irrer next morn ing i i i a t lhi!ti - .i vei-.-/-rs ivi'tr t l if Ivro men w.'.-o br. .k-e n."rn l/i'.1.-tore .

l |eail-"Mll ..l:.b!i: l lr l i r y -;.ive evidence of ihe e .ell r ' .

n icu l o! i h e mnb it i I i-. ,:¦_•!•'.; ¦: 1 1 , and as lo l l - 'si.n-e be i i iL ' b . i ; -ni i i '.' w hi -n ii" c:itn- il'j w i l h h i ; i iu-u

from Ki -oad slice!."i": ic i-r ov.-ii c;i.'i! lu re r '.iwd, "i d Mr. C'-an repli-l

for l!ie | i-avcr.-.'i- -. c in -a i i nv n-i i he fa.-I i l i a : t i n :

in . I y wi il .e-s produced I'm- ihe Ju-oM'l.'l i t i o i i , Si an ,W;. s ."" i."."'re.led I ' l l , V ,-ind . llein.r il ivirol l^ lo show

j h:s i i i i i ' l i - l - his ••Ilicieney, h • f a- : e 1 M! Ml"-" meni for t h a t p :lrp ...-e. I ns uiicor.-ob. .tt.H'il t .-.t i l i l ony

I oie.-h: I i . !i" i-'c-lv.-d w ir li in:..-!, c.m t i i i l l , n m l he woil id! |i;- ,.d 'ic <- -.-.;'! n e - .-e.- i - i .-li..\v t h:1*. the traveiv.-r ; we;e

j not t !:'- i - ' - a! Ice I i:.l" a ' a l l .: I'alric!; ii caovan e-.a l i i i i :- -d by *Mr. C' reaa-—-Xu'.v.-s

; t i n 1 I r ave i ,-. T.- : w: ' : i' - -r ; i s i a-roon a c r n'V i s i l M i n r .-hS :. 1.11 i 'a" .i-.- 'ii ..f i h e b ' l i - i i i i : - . w a s in Mrs. f a r r i.-H' s

; pllblii ; !:> .i:.- e in .h.l i j j .- rj - ee! :'t ha i l'-p i-t. t e n o'cloc!; ,

I a M < i I '." I ravel .-•¦¦ !¦» w.-re il ie re U j i 111 l ive m i n u te s be.

[ cii vei: , t l . ey w,- ;e ll .er.; when w i l n e .--.* wen t I'M .¦ (¦ io. -- -.t:\ ::'..i in i -d by Mr. ( l ° l ) :.iiui.ll , t ,:.l '.--S:iw by t he

| I'o i i i ' l . ' i i i ciocii in John si reel l h a l i'. w:.s hi 'l f pa -i t en

; when he we ' ; I in i o I'an' i i l l ' s ; t ! r se li l '- l l w e r n d r i n k i ng

; in I 'II - r w!:'-ie w i t l i ' - .-s w:: • ; w:.ik-.'d w i i h ' f n b i i i¦ to the <;..:•;:.- ,- ..I* Sl.- |,!:.'u .-n.-ei. when li-ey lei';,'¦ hoi..—. 'I'.i M r. ':• :. '.b:e. jii i-nr: '.VIM-M I we:.; into¦

Carro i lV I d id n- • I- . - , .,!' i h e -lore !¦¦ in r .' oil l i re , n. -r

. d i-l i . i.t b '-ar i . i' i! . - i i : ! : '.*, -¦;• eieveii o'clm k t l i . II n i- ; : i l .

1 i J .i v i= 1 !i:i::ae t !- •¦: -¦ . ;.i .Mr. ( Y'- .n i. r i i a i .':¦• a:.-I

j T- »1iii (i- .v-r-r) »-.. . ., ¦ H, 'o C.n - yxUW r ^im: •• :.i' t i i t , ' * t 'i:.! :ij;;!i:. :i- S IH ^V M I I V M H - {i t i ut t : • hi r U n-k : :!;"

1 •*: I t - •:• n::v-r. :«- i- | (« i * i t ':i i i ) «•;:-: i i ; ih 'T" l j "!'H#" l!i"!M :¦

i l i - y .i l l p .m : . i i i»« l up !.. f l .-v i' i i ./«-i<.i:1.- ? m u l H r l l l i n• i v r r i l i u i i n - \ \ i -.i i \v i :nc ;- ; t ij Su*j i! ;* 'r i M r r - - : : l l i - v I * - f "r'. 'I V ' t i n : i f' i . i* l i ; - -:n : < ! i < ! h"t . l i cj i r u n t i l : i-- \ < i n n r i i i- it: "1

I' .T .VI r'.- - l- . 'V \ r- \ l . -r ic ni i^ i l . U:i i .'i'.r v-.i \ : ' i l l i l l l ! i ' l ' l

. h : M i*. ( * - ' i '• ¦. wi"!" ' . f'*::ri !•!''• I l i : in :- i I i i ¦ i*i :»!••: .n 1.'

.J .mt.-s I\ . M ;J .\ i n M r . I ' I VI I I I . .|..|...v.| l u' k n .'W l ! i .>

I I M V -I . - . - - . IV ! I .I : I I li" .-.".v ;.l ( '. .t l - . » l ! 's l l i :i l r . iu l . i : i. -: "*

.1: li 1!:' [- .I-! !•••:. an -1 !ml l i r i - i i i ; t ; i | i' « > ; i i ' i*r S i i n i ; l lv < - -

h i Sj i r i i iy ( J i r i ! " i i .M!'-y. :i:nl I !I Ti'Si-r .- I P u i ' l .«¦ ••• l i : i '

ci iicl; JI .- 'if w.- i . 1. !':»•:!! Cir n -nl!'.- ; u i i l r. - .* : • > .','< » ! . , i l n *

V; IH I. il . . - U-;i\X!V» 'fs lir v .-r 'if; l||.« r .c i l i i : V,i i-i hi l j' -i |

•. vl i ' - i i ;i * I i -M f t l \\v l i' *-* . S 'I s : ( ': i iTM:i' ^ i ! < i \ f r a i i m : i -

. K-..M ! V ;tr I - I'i-f : . \v l l":*': l : i f >i'»;*f v.;.S i i! i I t i '.'.

.-.:u V i i i i' i . * l \' ** :::i"lv hi M:\ (' rc:iii t l vp 't .-i .' i l - I n * U";i c

i!i J .t 'i i i . - t i'vr: : i n * n i .- 'i 1 t . t " i l l -.- I'l l ' - ; -'.(• • uuM N\ i"ii:m

;u - I t ' I i : : •-; ', i ! i i f 1:: ' 1 c :, ' ii - n : 1 ' i.-v : v- : r • \ :<> «\ - .-

Jlf .'l :.-|! I , i l' if I ' l ' :¦¦' '¦ • !) • ¦ ¦ • ; ) l . .> ; j l |',, -.ViT*S I J l r ; X o nJ i M I

*v.w ;, . - .:;,/. :,;. - ; |t. ;.ni .- \U- l a i U !¦•• :.¦ !;• ••! u lio .* llr. -i: \v: i - : 1 ;,. •;.* .-;t i.| IN n v t - : ' ; ; ii" :i- *< i ' l w ;>-: i; O.-. rnl*n « > r* -*, in Urn ' .;«•' ¦•.-: i t ¦!•'. : t!:« v >;.i 'l yr . i; \v l i : ' 11ITH ¦¦!!'. ii i . t ) ui : i i c .-» l i ni h i ) , It- i t l i l . . \ v . i ! t l i I'-r.ur's;l i p ' I'laC" v . a - »- I I |1|-.' \v!n-H |!M V f ;. t i l«iU -li : S'II J . ;i\vX 1:111 k.'fl; 1:1 i l : i* i l t i ir ni ' t . H - sJun 1 : w l n - i i I"' if i ' lt l p i i In* n.uki*:! iuviiv I I « H V I I ' 11 •«ir;n• ',-..-sr i ' i - i ; 1 l i i - i f w:< ,a i- f . il i - ai 1 !['• ^i i iv M I I l i j - i- al. i l u * 1 \ :w- : kmi.v.; N M U i i a n :In* liw -i v. i: !ii:i :;1'I I I M 1 l i i r ty van Is nf li'T l i ' -u ^ i - . Onci*'i.-- .- . r\a>i . i ; a:i.iii by Mr. O u n i -*, wi l u 1 .--s t l« - ; i - i .-i i l > !nwas i:i .I- . ! n « •! l l t ;i. n i^ l i i , at 1I1U !i'!i" , nn a in:* .,sai;** !nr I HT i ; u i i ii 'T ; \v i - n i ' • i \\i\< [¦ i- \\ tv i* it. \va » i n iW I J.-II > !ir i iu-L Nt> 'j i i ;u i j Ic- .n- .l i i i> - firu-lii-!l.s aL a c |ii,ir-ti;r p:i.-i t n i .

jlr. Juchard J'owc!*, i-oa { i i i r r f i i a nl , cvi i i i i inc'I I JV

Mr. l.'reaii Ir i v i .'.s m-ar M r s . C a i r n l l' s in John-n t r e f t,fn:- li:':r l l ian C'a r m t r . s IVoai -Mr. Owrn I'nwrr's; was011 ill '.* .slrri'1. al a i |u:uu-r past, li- ii , ami i l i ' l ii'ii ln-m*111-.1 l itV'l j c lU ; < l i t l uul hear of ilic lire utu . i l m*;;iiiioriiiui;.

N t 't j iian , n-calli 'il liy M r . O'l J o n i i c l l , :>\voi': I l in t u'JiafMa ry Ai i ! ;< ' fv ini'-i l y swun* n u u i i t iiMi ».' ! i iiy h im in, )u i iH- .- tr « 't 't t h a 1 !>i^ !;i t his sp":ikin t r > t ;vo w ct tn i 'ii ,ar i ' l I i i -; kJoi.ii:*,' in t i n * x ul >r «»( ' On: s t t n t ; iv:i»- n n l r' i ' 1.11 M y !.i»r.l ,

:.' s:ii«l \v i :m -s, " il' I 'm nttt. pron-clcd •_r"»

* i: '-rto my turn!.; I u iusi ,<ni m-iiv ;il>n ;il it , all for pi o v i c .t i n -.- my in."..- t c r 's ( i r nj n -r ty . '"

Mr. (.'n u n —A ye, ytmr ma-Ur r 's prup.'-Wv . Si I. i luwnl!i"n'. A:-: ym i w i t h your IH . I . - UT ;» t i l i ': W i i i n ' -s :I i t i ' i. l\*»'M' VI «I in • ft i i t i io ti vu t J i a i iii-_' !tt ; ' '.'••.- , (l ivi r l l i '- n 1. A m i : l i -i u^ a l i r - l i : t ; was 0111/ on you wont:i\v;*y : ymi r a u l I-- t ii I m r i i away ': U'liat . c.iil.1 j i lu :¦

{.1 :•.: 1 ¦¦>• >¦.: nmvuniv ut ' i- \f t ; r . i i l n n Jn.-rc I J I I IVI ih mi t ) m

v-. - u - - .i\\: - vy ) . ( ' .u ins- . -l : I)., y,,n .say a l l ih;.t. «ir|yv . u r c is r.*I 'i- > \V t; ::. s- : I < lu (i- .vcx r . i t inn mi r \v i-t l ) ,

'!'-i .M r. T. i' .i u' -r (:* !i :i!i;n*!uM' *)-'- 1AV!iL b:.i;k tu L !H :Jir ; - v.v h i|;c j . i . i i i v ; ii-.r. m.t know tin; nnii ; * 'S »f ;.ny

S. 1. .! >Im Caulii i .-h l .lf* ,.) .- »l ii ivas K i lk n my li i ' -n\v\ •'.:. ? < > i l r - l i nr al t i n ; s tt .n t ha i 11H1I.

M:\ I 'M - .IH IUT" y i i i imi' - i l i;}» i h u i tv i 'lrnci r h'> h:nl|ir- l i :c 'i | , ;UM | t;i,i; ' i M , f v ' l :L w i t h ll i<; t< .'.st i t i i t j r i y of ' t h a rn i t i 'i v ; i : ! i i i i i t ;\ cut¦• ¦idi r-- - i h a L .-c.- .r- '-cr.jvv , Xi .-n i i ' i i(\{ '\\f i -) - —i.w\ : i- k i - i j t i n *j u r y wln'ci i i i ; cv w m i l i l li".in*vi* : c i i i l . l i l i - y r mli l Xn'j i ian , ais i l nu :n* tc ; i l i i-c n n-c'.:i-i'in l i ta l . I 'ni i'f .. i i:u>M .'.i iuul gu i l ty uf w i l l 'ula i i'l r u n ny : j .'-ij: - v ;¦

Al ':< *ra \--t/ .y I'n.m Mr . •. rhnimu !!. i ti .( ' .. hi..-. ionl. O iiiirh i i f ;j":/. 'I 'U r i.n y . u l i r r Ii;i!t ' ,i n ii'mr '.s :tl*.-c:i.c' -', n*.1 Mi -mi l ;i v i-n l i i ' t ui' ii r- j ;!!; ta! t at a l t n:vi:i s. rs wt-ro tli.*.i' i . :ir-'.- .|.

i i : t \ : . A M 1 A > *y- '• 1 1 \t . i i r M I ;, r r . in : i : . \ \o .Ti.i: ii'v;i ra-i ; L'tj t i i 1 i : i iu \\ a- ; t ; i : t i u|* IVi i-r (,'l a in -v ,

a n< l in t ! i i ' i : i i | > a t i i i t - I l i n ^ of ( l a * j iU'v t!.c r .ani "^ < ¦(

.M i*.Th"i . K i - .'i* an*l .Mr. ' J iiunn- i I' li rr r l l \w-vv f al l ' - i l .Mr. Puvrr-r n!'i*-rT ¦ « l . mi lite u ;r t iu i i ' l ul ' l i v i i i :' " 111 t i n : n ' v ,ami .Mr. Ti i iu i i . i - * !'ii i f«* !l t h a i his t w o I M - I I - I .S wn-'\ rrckr.l . :ii"l il uua l i l i i ' i t h:* f a i r i n i l l * 1 t r a v-a .-u r Inhaw h i m tin l ln j ' t ry . J l i s l.-ml . -Ii i p ^ai «l t h < - nbj"ci imiwas vi*ry fair, ami rxciiM'il h u l l ) . 'J 'lit: j "iry was t hr u-win n as fnlidW.*:: —

l'.iMi. k Mu ll - v . r h . y , 'I n i . t M«-»-l . -s .L.I MI M O.!.-, \\ K, mJ .I. h Y .i ;•¦! .V-, :..u.i i . | Km *. .1 , NiiJ .ni . ll»-.:,1...i ; . n . i- m- ., iv i. p i * . I* -,. , j - t au N . u u i' i i , TI IDI IMN 11.C - n t i N li- .T'! I'¦'¦.:. .-.

}' . '. .- i'h * ¦¦' >i v:a< t I r 11 pnl . fn rwan l, c!»arL*'- ( l w i t h ano! M I I I h e ^ l l h l-'i-l i . , a w i l h u.". a i i l l i i' !j Mri ilu 'd.K l v n n . a i m * r h i v .

M r. AI l ' i u l N i i i...! .. .:i a 'l in*,. ! I.i Mr. O *l> v . n . l' ,( i .f .- - I I ¦!.•:'¦» '-!'¦- • iv. I ) " t i i iv '.- t. 'Ahw hi *,*••• i- n-.-Jr'-- ! .*w:i -4 :' i - 1- ih - i'v n i i v r .r i h . : ,. ,'X;, :<; a t a '-r n i t In i i rI. *. ; - ¦¦! h - > a» a I - J -.V.: I t l . f i ;¦: l.ii .-.v -• 1 !n- 1 r.w r.-i r w l! ;s:nv !.i:u in a • •f f A i ! I HU r.m-M i,..' -;.y u.i ; il :¦'. t h n - < -MI * I - n i " : Wi *l I:"' i:i- :n I i i t n - iy a i i v t hfn : ; ; a '.'n-al c r i n vof t hi ' •n'i ' ' hvl - i i * l.s : ¦ Maucy ha> l 1.1. IH - ; ih'*\* w t ii•il ' i ir.* K i n '.'- i r i T t ai il I I ' - MIV'S-— !•<¦¦•» : w ! t i i "> < I'u l .Ju '.vi-' i i h - 1 1 : i h t - i n - i l l .- Inp p *•) npp 'i . i t • (I w r n |'i - WIT'Sn ii'l s!.|j : i l ' ' |f ; --au* u tn - »». * I V.M st u i i f^ t h i u v v u at -1'niV'T

1.-1 : :.'«' I 'h tn ry lh»Ti - a l | | ;<- t i ' ) ) - ' ; wln-li l l f i ;

<:n»v..! ^h i .u l f . M' l a t .fy In - .k u!) In li :i | a m i w.i VrA i t ;l n* i--.:iH ti"! .-ay i l i -1 !»¦• .-1.nn : (' ! m< *v wa.s in l l n ;r r n t i ' - n f : ! .- ci- .w. l :i «, ih- t h i n * .

(Y..- < t - v M i n i i : ' 11 hy M r. *' i -..a:i S;iw rrnwil . * al lI n ,n . .- u!' t h - 'I i v : O.iiry w:i*4 t , . t | v . i t h 1 ln -r i :J1 : oiiir

s r.v h i u i '•:: a r.iv a p |M i i n i l y h i i n f i l l .; up vo'.< - i>- ; lha t-«¦: . -¦ ll . '- Ii ; - ' t i i . i ' * w i l nf ¦» :;u* l i J i u ' l i a t t l a v : t i n * I I 'W L

t t an - If y . t v : h i n t ai t h « * « n - ln f Kin ; /..-' iv c! : th ' -n - wa.sii.. '.V"ivn i" rM ' i l l w it h h i m : t h ' -K * win* .-ih.iu i1 ".' I « r L'I M I l i i f I" htiv ** ami L' i r ls who wi n* w i t h '.'iancvih'-n , ¦.- r n '.' l ' .-.v.i ' i l - < ''< "¦¦ •••"'-> I f t - f t ; «IM l;«.| •*¦-*• a: im l n h an :nii 'j - ' t i n - i a i ( - | : in i *y may have l>-cii ^nin" miv i t ;vas .; l i n n ; r i t n* »» ; ' I h i r l i ! t In huys t h n-w a .-:!oi*e •t-uw I ' l a i u'V i t i . l v M t u - i - \v iv i * h i > hat ; th'*:*' * was MI ;.-r ln - IT , r a i l . '1!- a »- <ii l i iniM.i- . r\t* -» r IVfitn t h e t ( > n \ i |{'ii 'insci : Wh.i i i!i- 1 ymi cuati! I n prnvi 1, Mr . . \ i--hol-MI :I ; 1 l i i n i ' 1 h' r a i i - t * I w.i« Mi i i in i ' - i i .- tn l : u a - "a|Vi- t :< ! nl' "r- t ; i - M y - ¦• : t j | t h i s f - i ' - l '-.t. : l;;i*| l:u 1. *;iJ.j .' I i i .^ '« . i i ; wi:l: C ia r ry ; v i t n i - .-s h. 'iU. i i-l i.f t i n * f.:*i'wn-i mil i i r '1 l» I ' l i i : In* w i» '! !¦! i.i.t i f i '.v app ear :.•_••• in 1,h im : ha .i m« : -A. i -.l y a. r.- *Iin^ nl' .-p ii " . Im: h -* l . : t<l aUi ' n l uf i:-'M If . liir; lowav - l ^ C!:;i.,y. '!'n I ' u'.ir; :C:;.|.-;. I. " :. - ¦ :• I - : : i n : t . i A i r . > ;., l -y

', j .-.v. •(« ¦. '. : •? . !

V. . T.'i M ,- ;!:¦ !.! ' |. : ••n v . ! n « M , i i || t ' lj i n -.' |.... |.. i- iy

M:s. I'. I ' lv i i i i rx iimii iL 't! hy Mr. L'uatw — I .- iii.urif.l

to Vrtcv Kf y uii , ant! lives on tin: Quay ; on tho <lny oft lm rli'ctio'i ww in ln»r hmisr between two and three ;Ji"j* li i i . -b:inil cami* i n t n tht* hoitsc ; liis head was cut ,ami .-sliiMvas bi i lhin^ it in t hn parlor n l ftho aliop,wht ' i i C'lancy rntrrct l the shop ; sho saw himthroa^'h the

^la.-£ door; .sho catm: out into tlio shop,nml (Jlancy saiil , wr want your husband lo come votofur Smyth : wiliuvx s-iid, "550 on , Clancy ; ho has gotq u i t i ' cntmy h ; he's in a bl -M- ilini; state, and you can 'tsi'r ])iui ;" IK; said In* x liniild srr him , :unl jx i^lii'd l»orvinlcntl y IV'iin t in* parlor dunr , and rushed in where*lu-r lr.i<h.Hi 'l t h t n w a s - (Mancv was nut ( |U:to aini iuuc i i is i th* , when In- oanu* out in a viuli 'uti state,say inir , " lln; d—1 cm this throa t out of y ou; hi/.s atrai tor ; ho'.-: an 1 JsbnnuU' : tin* nn him , boy.* ;" then)wciv about, two hunt ln ' tl outy idt- t h o tlo»r ; t-iiey couldhra r what he said ; Kit up w i t h hi* (i>t and broke the¦irla-- ca -=f , mid told t i n * mnli to (ire on him ; \wv hus-band is a boot and slmcmaker : there wnro sonu1 gooilrfin th i s ;;las* casi- at, i h t M i m r *; the people uutsido thenlirok:* the shop windows, those, of t h e drawing-room,ami b*'d rooms wi th stones; witne.-s and IHT husbandwen: ih'ivi -n out. of the shop w i t h the stones; Clancywi*n l . d '.viiy then , and the mob folhnvci) him ; ftiw hima*_'ain bi'tv.vcu live and **ix\ at her hal l door j slm said ," Clruii-y, for what, you di< l tome, I wil l punish you bylaw tor 'it ," and heVaid , " thanks , ma'am , but you 'll¦• .•l. niori 'of it lo-nii;lit- ;" at. l O o *clfM:k ,thi! stones cnim-a ' fa in* t t .h' * hou.-c a/ ;iip , and wi 'iv continued duringti :n j i iy l i t up It- lom* in I l ie tnnruing ; there was more•;I: »« JS brokn:.

( lni---i'."vaini i i i -d by ^1 r. (!i n-—Knows Clancy forthe past I n . , ycais : ho lived next door; her husbanda;al I'lancy were always iVirntll y ; km'tv what t.'la:u'ywas coming; IV T, and told him to j ;o away, thrro wasno u»l, thai , her hurbau t l was afler voting for .Mr.(Minnie : ihe ]v>ph- nea r Iht! dom* ln-ard wlutt- sliesaid 10 Clancy ; heard him say, '* conn* away, hoys,he's af'er voiiii " ; lor Osborm; ;" llu ; people then bewailt i i rnwin g stom.'s, for Clauey told them to do so ; usthe >({.t ies c'lino in , witness reJJml tu the parlor.

Witness , to court .—M y lord , allow me to say, Iwould wish lo forgive him. To Mr. Creau : 1 wouldwish to forg ive and forget , and would n»»t v.'isliCliiiicyto j fi.'t iH itii. 'hmi'iit. Wh- 'ii she* sa it I ihal. Clancy toldth '.: cro-.vd to come uway, lha t lu* (Kiynn) was afiervoting ibr O.-horm* : lha t «as a mistake* ; what shoni":iat* was lhal I 'laney said , " Iirn away, boys."

Mr. IVl 'M* r lyuu deposed lit! rememberetl thisoveut; was- in t in? parlor i,'i.-l t in ^ his hea d dressedwhen ( ' fancy came into the shop. Wilue. -s enrroho-raleil his wilt* a-: lo what - nreunvd betwi 'en I KTSP II 'and Clancy, and a.iiled , t ha i when Mrs. l-'l ynn said ,Clauey . lit* has -jrol enough of ir , Clancy said , he'll jj etiniiri ' <> !' ii , and pu.-hed inln the parlor ; he askedwit( ie.-.s lo come vole J}«* Smyt Jj ; wiim'.v-- >aii| lie hadvo;,rd for Osborne , and t'lancy tlasheil into the slnt p.-aviii ":, the d—I <:ut the throat out. of you : as Clancypa-*scd Ihe irlass case in ihe simp hu broke ihe ^'lasswii.h his 11—I ; ht! tnld i lm i:iob lo lire away, tha twit.ness was an Orsbornile , a t ra i tor ; t in* molt thenfired stones at . his windows mid door, and broke all.On i ro--.---i\vn init ial inn by .Mr. t .'rea n .wit ness saiil lie and("ai i '-y wei" always triendl y ; l.e came in this t a v*:ii*in^r Jo

'.viJ *M - .'S to eanra.-s him for ) I ',A vole; did m.tIn-ar Clancy my aiiyil i iu *; to i t ic peopii - out. -ide thei hl* 1!*.

S,,!,-..-.,i^l."l.!" r.-ilri < -l; D.iy l-. In ?.Ir. (.'..;,I.v, .li.|i..s.'.IIn - ;--; i \ V I r ;ni-l -.- - -l- :ll l l i i lf- | ' : i .-:f i - i -^ l i l , :il t l i c lli .nl l l i l l( .;i!.-. - : i-s:r i' i 'l : s:iu- l i i m :il. l i a l l '-j i . i^ l . two inuiv l i i i iv ' iii ' .-l i m i i i ; e i i m-y ¦¦:¦-¦ MM s lu-k ', Imi . l l m ni.i l iSail , u n i t l i n -y WIT.' .- l i i m : i u r/, up wi t l i S i n v l l i , :nuli l uwn w i t h O-b-n ili' ; <;nv h im a^niii at 1'in i i - in 1,111.-. 11->l:-"i-l :il l l i < ; li. ';i'l o!' t in : mnl i , v.-|in n-.-rc Il i iu r i .- l i i n^,< : i t- I : -- ; cmiM h i t s:iy 1 • 1:11 ('hnu-y was I ' l n r t i i i '.M.U ' i i 'UI I I T - I U . I 'I : t l r i ' l i ' w:i'i ; i i in l l i i. | - 111:111 P :'.II |I -.I M II -I-I : wi l d( ' l ain".' : wih i 'vs li - ! il M. IMI -I - lo l ak . .- ; : -.\ ay l l u * ico'i ,:i:i'l .M LOI 'IM H I I '¦:•- l.r-l :., ilo .-.,.

Tli" ^^ t)^vn ca.-i: In-n: cio-.-il , an i l ?- fr . Cri-a n a<I -.i ii-y - ril l l i ' - j u r y for 1 In: il.- i'.-mri' . Mi- . C!.-. ucy In i ' la !:.-;-;i-.- '. -.'.'u'ln l ' i i' .niv:..i .< [or l i i»- fi-i» :u!, ;m.l if ,-i n mljfii!l o'.vf - .l l i i iii wi ; l imu. l i i ^ s a n i r t i m i . h- - i n n-'r not In;li ' l l i'.' -- |i i i : i - i l i l i ' I '.ir 1 h f - i - iln in;; so. I I . . WIMI I i m oI 'l yaa t 'l-r i l l" |iur| o!V.niva--it ii : i i i m lor lii-; volf ,w i l l , no i l i l i ' l i l i ' l l i oi 1 J i i i l l i i i ^ ' :m i iv . r iu l l , an.l i l i i lnot iio .- -i. 'I'll'- niol) l i . -un l l i i m ,<- i v , roui... aw ay liov.- ,h- v i l i - i l lor H.-l ior i i . ', aii.l ll ,; ,l a l l i ' i - l!,. y h.-a'nl l h a ll l . i : v ioini l 'i ' rniimi- 'l if". !. 11«- w m i l i f pruvt ! l l i : - l1 !>:•- -•• w i- i i ' '. In - w i n -I s In - u-iril an i l not " |i n- aw.iylioy.--,'1 .'I'l'l I I I . I In- I 'I H I M m> | !)'.' l:i-li!:it-i-imi!l:ili !i. fill-l l , . . ,- H -I - i.i ' in . - mnli . •I 'liu i rv i ' l i-m-u i ' l ' ill ..- ron.-i la l i l ' -,-;l:., -.•..-¦I l l ia l Llu' t :- :iv.-rsi-r n a .; il .r i n^ n o l l i i i l^ bi l lv. li al wis I. .-i t i n i a J i - . l':p l In ' i - |u-ovni (j v i l n - J *:i:; i i l i a lwlii -n C.III.-- I .I I I ! I . l loy li- i .-k.-il .M.I..I -.-,

"W|I.| <r.-i -i -.v i i l i

t ! t i ' n i ' : l i , lo li.ivi 1 i l i c i i i I' . -m or i'i l , t l i a i In- i l i i l ^o alI I :.C". ('. IM P :¦! i!i i ..n |II > II I I ILI 'I ! tl:r li.] |in-. ; i i'.- i -v i -il.' ii,-.- :

¦I n l i i i l.y: - :- i!in!i. ..l I n- Air . 1 n -ar i -l \ i ..i«- .< l l i ct f a \'.- l-i r ; n-;. ¦* w i l li lu'ai 11,.- .Jay oj I li" [l o l l i ng : r i i - - li i : s i ¦ 1 h i l l 111. .: .: :ii a ¦ |.ii> ¦- :••¦ ¦ ]i.i.~-t H-n. :;:M w n - w i : l ili i io n ;i l - i i -a i l ' ;> :..-' l v . . .. l i i- i n^ - i i i ^

u j , vo - .-r.- : i-row-l.-

r,,:!..-.v.-il l ln - l .'i ::l! .|:.y. si- l ;mrj- 1 j u . ,i:,|.. .,( ' |!i,. p , l i :11: y i'l- .- p i. -i i - l y i .i . ¦ - I I - II 1 it 111 •,\ i ;i.|. vs a m i < ' ! ;. ;n -\ ¦ w i l .It . - -.-: .*.:i.| ri:,i- .-y l i r- .i w.-n l 011 loot . a m i : l:.-n I !:,-v I....1;a car ; L l i ' -y l i rm- .; In }!r. l-"\ n i l 's ln.a-. - a!, .- i l l - n i l :>i |i , a r i iT lo {onr 1.1 ^ .-i l i i m i n v o l i - : w i t in ' -- - a m i ( .' lai .-va m i o l i i ' - :- - w. M I i u l n Ki yi,!, '•:, C l . in i-v ^-. .in -.; in l i i -~i :v.-i l n — • - i..-a:-.l M l--. I 'ly i m siv ;!,al I M - I- i .i i - l i . i i : . l li i .lv. M. - . i l- .r Mr. U-lioi-i , , -': n .ui -

'm- l i v r i l i - n ran up, li ;-. .1

a > , an i l i - a i l i - l I - I :: , ;- I ' l v i i i i , v oa i-oli:,!.-r , vonvol.-.l (o -. n-l,..,-,,,. :'' wil , , ..> ..-|:-i

'i - i l ! ll.. r :'n l n i l i i - s


v. K-- ii a >Lo:i >- w a-- (ir. '- l . a-; ll '- w;-.-- a lVai- t to "n 0111 :w!i- :i I'l .v .m - i M li- I . . ..I l-.. > . -l I'.i :- I)-!,...-II .- . I


.-i.ii .! , '* 'I ' l l ' 'I I '.- r i l l . - I r i \ 0:1. yon I111, !... voill - v .on lw- r i : n r- ' : l ! .:y l ! i' -i i a l !. in.- lii .n'nu ' t 'i f . y v, l. - .'l : in:> 'i.. |.: -. \ ; l n . .- i i i - l , a< In . l-l 'i , " I I . - '.. i' li

' I i ..lii .rni!cliiiv: I I I \ ^. i- ' i - l-- a\-.ay ' : .- i i « l I ha t lo al i i ia l l w i- u r v o rl l . i i r y w i m \v- - ri- i l l . -iv oiK-i.!. - : a-,- l l i -y ;i- !':. l l u - > in .p.;. I ::I -.* wi 'i i ' r-iiM'.vu liy i ln - l i s i . '.i a rj i i n s. llu : l iou.- i - ;i l i i l i.-«i : lii'.-ir I 'b.-i.-y .-.iy .-my dii nr," I" r I i r - mnli ; >li i ll i- . l l.'.- .ir l irn i -ay, "I i r . : away , li iv .-s ; In- '-- .1 l i - . i i l o r, a n( I . !. ,! n i l - .

1' ::- l l i i -y wi-rr ^'oi1.- m i l : il w a - w i u n v ss::i.|, '• li. -':i : . : i I l -!,ornil . /' : Cl .in i -y i l i l !;.,: l,,.-:.l; a nynl ' l l i : - ;^ 'a.-. I'.i l i i - f1. -:;i ; l i t - coi il -l u> . : i|o M I w i l l i o n tv.-i l r .i '.- .- "-i 'iu;: h i m : ri ar .iry i l i 'l ii' .l l;i.-l; anv liools(.-Ml ¦.:" I l - .-i |..|i i ni o i l l . ' .-t i i - i - i : Clani -y i l i ' l

' nol. > |.i

n:iy in jury -.v l ia l -v .-r in I In- >!...;. : li. - l ' i a u i.-y n i lt in- luoli , " I!" i | l l ii l , lmys, wi:'n: ahra i l ."

(.Y.;-i- .'.v.- ii ,>i.- ii- il \iy M r . H'vuiua-il, t t .C. ••- JJ . - .-rulClancy «iy . s -vi'la l l i i :n-s i l i i i- inx t in : day ; i l i i ln..r. .-..— a K1:I >< - I .-:I«- in l l i - simp l n o',:i.u ; coiiM milnol :i .-i- l l n v l l i i l i^ I In: way t i n : .-lon.- .< wi-n- l iril l";,

.I11I111 I I I I ^ I II .- < i.'.sa:ni::i'i| liy .Mr. (' rr a n — K i'Mi .- inliorsliiv p ;'ilin-,' 'i :iy ; kimw.s (.'la iicy : w;..-: canvav-in;,' wi l hh i m lli:il 'li iy ill. I 'l y n i i '.-- : Clau i-y lol ' l w i l i n- s s l-'i ynuli aM pimni.-.i 'il Mr. .Mn-l-v to vo:- lor S m v l l i . .-ini 'l In-(CI- ii M-yJ i-\p- i :n-i l h is "v,, i |. ; |,, : ,r , l i h a i Mo.-!.-v i ^l-'!yi ::r.< la i i .H onl -. w .-u l i n t o t ¦¦¦> shop -.vitl i I ' l a i u-v :siiv Mix . l-'ly n n l .V-p - ; -!i- |.||,| Claii -i- in St, i i iniv,I h u ! I ' l y i i n l. 'i- l V''i: i - i i i i a '.-,li or : t ,-l,:i -Ju:\v . i - :a l' i i r v oli:i ,'for U-liorn:* : ( .'I.-nt i-y .-a:M n o t i i in - :„ |J:- : p i'oj .l i- ail lu r (lour ; Oa 'ary «I£ > 1 1:01 I j i-a l; a ny i h i n- in ; i n - ihop ;hi- cui ilil nnl. I I' I M I w l l i i o i itw i l i i i ' -- .<i- fiii! { i i in : ; ( .'I .u i i rvs.-.i 1, C'IHII 1 ii»' .iy, li. ..'.< a.':.-r vi. i inj f lor, .'mil 10j fo In l.i.'iMv 's ; t l i t -r i : wa ; a l l i u i n i '- : i - i - i -ruwl a t I hi !i l imr o'.i lsi i l i - : ( .'lancy wa.s .-ii^ . r.—d l h a l. il ay l i r iny iu^l l l i S l l i y lh' .- Vulrrs : t l p -y ivrnt In I l i - i l - l y'--.

Tl.i ! rrniv .-n olij .-ul. .1 in l ian- - l a i i- i l wha t p.i.-si-i l :.ll!i .l.h' 1.--, tu. il t!:- ol.j .-1- li . .n wa- :.:iinv, ..|.

(.'ri:;..---x ::mi!ii-i | l iy J! :•. Coali - .i — A as wor!;iu^ a l l l h a t .il ay I'm- Sfn y l h :.-, . iwa up.I: in C-nrjj i'V-l., w i t i i s l i i .-k. -,l i i i i ix- l i inr/ up a i i ' l 1I..WI1 l i n t .-ai i l n o t h i i :0' lo l l i . -m : l l n :moll wi-l - i: l i r i n^ slo:i".( a l l l i r uppi-r wi:n!n-.v.-i oll-'h-nn 's w h i- l i w i rn -s - wa-: l^r i ia -^

' in 'o i ' l v u u 's .-i mpI'm- hi. ; vn i i - : t l u i .-i' wrri ' S i n v l l i '., IVi inu l s ; no 0111:tnMi h i - mnli t l i . l t l- 'l yn i i I n .-I vn i i - i l I'm- ( l .i l i i i i - i i i . . L'oini.-i ' l :l lj y- .u ni"an lo say t l i a t S m y t h' s Tru-mls i- .\pi-i;l ii.j^m ;.'r t. l-'lyn n 's vo:-, •vouhl Iir- on his hnu .-i: I H -I'.II -I -t in-;,- k m r w li ow hi' ha.I vol-il ': Wilm.-s.-i : 'I'ln-y ni i y lnhavi .- K i i i iwn limv lii! ha i l vot i' . l .

'I'D Mr. (.'i-ca n —'I h- |n-u|i!i ! out -i'l- i.-nu l i l h n v- h-a li lM 1 - . I ' l y i 11 t i l i (.'iaucy l h a l lii r hu l i an i l ha i l v u l i - i lio/ -O .-rbonii', hui-alls..- l l i cy wi-ru C:I M V I I I :I! I- I U I U . I ihi:iloor.

l-'or-l.l in (\ .i .M in.!, sunn- pi-ivon ivho li- a n l I 'l y i invoii - ; o ani l t i r l l l l a - inoh inr .v hi* vtr.i-il hcl'onr youCain- In his l ion.-- ;• Wi l ui -^ s : \r-i.

Mr. l . r i r .- l. .Moi i ry ( .-on 10 Mr. Mo-l-y. j , :wi:llcr.l l iu i y ) (A i i i n i i n il liy Mr. Cr-aii Was in l ' i \ 'u n '.s .-hopwi l i i t ' i am-y ¦ :i l ! ,. - i!av i,|' po i l i n^ ; Mrs. 1'lyim >:\\i\I I I (."n iit-y, " Ha. I'm- Co.l' s .-i .-i l ; i- ,

' li- i h im a i , , Mr .

Cla in-y , i i i 's ;;ol- i. n. 'i l'.rli nl ' i l ; In- h a-i vot i-l I'm- Mr .(Jshui'in- ;" wi i m- .-a w. i lk nl Ui I-'lvm i'a j i l i-.l nu l .- -c-Clancy break any -l:u;s ca.ii-s in I In: shd'i , n r a n v w i n -ilnw> ; i l i i l not. .-1:1: h im n l lu i- any viulunci: to Mrs. I-Tyn i i ,nr kicl; l iny bun's or flioi-s i n tn ilic sln-ci; ivas w i t h(":11:1V a l l 1 I n - l i nn - hi- was in Ihf shop, ani l h-l'l. it w i t hhim : i l i ' l nn: ln-ai- (Jlaui-y my anyl l i i i i to ihu inob •i l i ' l nn: lu rai - any mi' -say a n y l l i i n ' in i h i 'u i .

Cro«.i '.vii i i i i i i ' i l by .Mr. D D nuni' l l -Wall.-i.-il w i t hClanry In 1' iu in 's: ( .' l a n r y mis mil nn ;•. car f,'oiu",lo I 'l vim's ; l i rii i i l ( ,' l an ry .<ay In l-'lyini at t l iu parloriloor " I i-mi l i i l i - you r Min i to t i n : '1 —1 , sine- you lu-uk.-yf .n r uoi-tl to in- j '1 In- ili 'l nof. M-i ' tn a uc rr ; t i n : s ton-i h i .n v i n -.- <-o:i|.:i"iii-i 'il i i u i i n - i l i .- i l i ' l y t h a t i 'i an i-v caiui 'in :l a t Ih" il • ; i!i l nol h ra r Chu icy my la: (I ' l y u n )H- ii. i a I r a i i o r : !• I t t i n : I.oil. 1: w i l h lli-. l r

'i i-n i l . ( /oi in.

M -I : I l i i l I In- 1110I1 l-avi: Inn .- W'i lni-s s ; \n. Cnuns.-I :Wh y : l ii'i '- .u-i ! l lu-y hail not l in ishi-i l ( l a i i^ h t i - r ) .

I n ii'p ly t o Mr. ( mm, wilu-ss x :ii.l h- mi-i Clanrya l i o n t l ln-i 'i ' i n in i i l - s1

walk Croni l-'l yun 's ; l l i i r.! was ai.-. ir i l i i-r - , bil l . Clancy was not un i l . I n a i i-wi -i - In.Mr. '> ' |I I »I ;II -JI. i v i i n i' .-s .--.-nil h».> mri C!;,m.v ;„ ij , . iHl.ii:!; ; w.-nt wi lh h i m to l l m Shaiul.!- .-!. wl n-n:Clani-y wi-nl i;i lur voli .-l-.", ami l l icn walkr.l w it h h i mIn l-'ly im '.-'.

Da v i i l l . a i l . i n i|-posiil hi- wa-- mi a i-ar w i l i i Cl iincyi-anva^ sin-; ; v r n l tn ]-'lynu '.s wi l h h i m . l .'oi rnborali.-ilw l .; l ih i : p l i i -r i l i n^ w i l l u - .ss lia'l .-a i i l as In wha tnf: i-i ; i r i" l i n l i . i : shop, ami .-u'ul'i: l h a t Claucv brol.'ri i i i ih; i i j( . 'lo Mr. Cual rs : Was 011 t i n t car w i l ) 1CJa.-i' .-y ; ^'"i'ii,r ilnwi l Ki-yzi'l-'s-stri -i- l , I ho mob v.'crib ri-:il.'iii-< i l l - L-la.-s, ani l w i l t i i' -w mi l l C l an rv ^nl oilt h i - i a r ; I In-y l l i i -u wi-ut. i n t o l-'l ynu 's; a i l l n 'v wi:n:"»niii!; i» . tl"' ''"'I' s:'i 'l . " i ln i i 'l no in Ih i' i '- , hir 's i i fn-ivn l i i .n I"1' "-i'"i"i'i ' i" wi ini-.s anil hi.-i IVii-ui ls cl iti not1,'¦:-:.•>- t iii- i 1 wi'iit iii.

M r - , l-'l y nn , rr - i-xau i in i 'i l by Mr. I I ' I I . .n i i i - i l , amril li a r noil- nt t l io -u witui's -i i -s wi-rr in t i n * .--Imp w h e nt in- r^ '-:l-i' "'i-' brnk.-n. 'I n Mr. Cri -a u : Them w a -bi l l on- mal l in I I n - >l 111] 1 w i l h ( ' la 11cv tha t i l a v .

.Mr. I 'lyni i . ri -i- .va inn i i' i l hy M' r. Cunti 's , m a i l u a .-1milii i' c t i n l n i i l i L M i i m n-^anl in^

all llm wiimr ssi:.!, -\.

ci pt U v i i i i : Kyan was tlii:i*u w i t h (.'l a in rv .'l'i, Mr . Cn-aii Wli i ' i i Clancy cimi'! in I wan in t i n

|, l |- :<.r , a i l- l 111}' wid : ba th ing my lil .-a:! : wh-ll t i nknn;-i; caiili- t i l l i a r iloor, I looke.l mil lun l >aw nn i n n; h . - l< - bill Clancy ; hav ing eon n: t o Iho pailt .r i lnol ', wil

nc-.s saw Ityuu alundiiit' iiuicUy ul> tlic shop door.

Mr. Cre.-iii Hummed up, flud 81UV that unless thojury believed his rcspcctnblo witnua.ics t» bo perjurers,thuy Rlinulil acquit the trai-oi-dnr. Thuro wns nnpninf whatever of tho assault cm Mrs. Flynn , ami boconfiiloutlr left tho issuo in tin; Ii.iurln of the jury.

>lr. O'liomicll , in reply, snbniittoil that the rushingagiiiii ft Mfs. Flynn by Ulmicy at tho purlur iloor Wiusan assault anil was abmulantl y provi.-i l.

His F/onl sbi p then mldresscil the jury. In iloiu^ soho put out of cousiilomtion the evidence of Xicliulsounml the sub-coiistabl i' , anil told them the case againstthe traver-i -r rested solel y upon the evidenco ^iTCnby Mr. and Jim. I'l yiin. INs Lordshi p thcu wentthrough rhi'ir evidence , and then commented on thodirect contradiction existing between the Fiyiiim onihe one side, and tho witnesses for the defence on theoilier , niil i respect to tho allegation by tho formerthat there was no one in the shop with Clancy butItyan , nml by the latter thej (the witnesses)ivere all in the shop with tho travcrser at the time.That was a ipiosliou for thn jury to decide, and by thejury was also to lie decided ihe contradictions in theswearing between the pnrliiM as to ivliat was said andwhat wiis dnno by Clauey, contradictions of a wrymaterial nnt i t rn

I he jur y l-i-tired for a inuuile nud a half , and thenreturned with iheir verdict. On ihe issue paper beinghanded to the clerk of the crown , the finding wasse-u by Mr, Amiersim , cruwu soltcimr , whereuponthat ollieer , raising his voice in the direction of ihopeople's gallery, nud assuming the functions of .slim-ill',eall-d nn the constabulary to any one therwould liml cn.'iiliiig a distinbancc on the piiblicntinnof the vi rdicl . Tins extraordinary order, coming inthis exti-aordiuary «-ny, from so extraordinary afouice , of course revealed the lin.ling, and llius Mr.Anderson indirectl y assumed the position of clerk idtlie crown , 011 whom , alone , such a function devolves.Hiiro ly were the -.voids " not guilty " proclaimed ,when a shoutof exiiltiition burst through the building,fniui :ls lli.'nsi' nn :inilir>iire as .-vpr wti< <i..«ti w i t t i i n ilsprecincts on the nominat ion day nl" a enntesled elec-tion , again and again reiteraled , desp ite the repressiveexiTiiims of the constabulary, v.-ho made no arrests.Oulsido, the cheering was most emlmsiastic, umf i h epeop le , ai l massing togctln'i-.gave Jir. Clancy a perfectir.'aliim as h<» proeeedi.-d homewards wi th his fnl' streets along the route to the gaol were tlii-oni.'edby immense masses of people, who warmly testifiedtheir joy at the re-ailt , but -all did so in the mustorderly ami peaceable manner. l\ .1. Smyth , Ksi|.,t he peoples' iiu'inbi'i-, was constant in the grand jurygallery during tho hearing of thnsi) cases, being ne-cessarily here as a witness in 0110 ea>e which was mill i - i in l . On I In 1 motion nf Sei-geani Armstrong, tins re-inaind-r nf the h-:ivei-sors were allo\veil to .-utiid nut.oil renewing the i r reeogcizaiiees. The cimrl ail -iuilrued .shortlv before seven.

VKSTKi'.DAV.His Lordshi p sat al nine o'clock , and proeeeiled In

1:1 1.K 1 in: lamKs ../.n.1.-.-• / '..i '-.- .- I'oiind guili-y of sheep maiming, four

e.'lleiular montlis al hard lab. ;ui-.( I'.IC-.-/ ]'..../..•, who pl-:.i|ed guil ty to a comiunn a-'-

.--.•lull on a man named J-'it^.-rald (ili - ii plea being ae-uepi .r.l by 1 he crown), t hreeeali 'iular 1111111I hs al hardlabour . The row, ill t he eniirs': nf wliieh ibis assault,took plac, coii:|iri- .i| .-ome four or live parli-s, andha.1 nearl y led fa ta l l y. Tnii!- ask-.'d l-'it/.gi-ndd fora tnatel i in l i r ^ l i t h i s p i p-, and as his re ipn -sL was be-iie.' cnmp lieil wilh h<: look a slime nut of his pock-l.and .-1 ruel: the other :ui uglv iilow wii l i it on ti.elieail , l- l l ing him 10 the ground. Whilst down T.iolekieked the J H K I I - man vrry severely r.boilt. the boily,injuring him vi .-ry liiueh. Uv t h i s l ime a geuei-:il ni '.vhad en.-il '.il between '!'o*>li: 's fi'i-nds and :-nino olle- :' --1.bill on I In .' cry nl ' police Tooli: and li i s gmg made nil ',ami \vi -re el-verl y arri' .steil soine liir— miles a-.vav atone o'elnelc in ih- morning bv (,'nnst.ibl i: Ciiuiminsami party of Carrii.-kb.-g. Twn of Tool-'s i.-oinp anioii -*wer.Mliseliargei! al pel ly ses.-ioas , and lln: third , whowas put under bail wilii prisoner , absi-imiled. Hislord-hi p tnM Tool- he mi ghi ihau!; ils being his lir.-lolfeiit :!.', and he receiving a goo-l ehanurler , for nothaving a In :ivier s-nlenee impo-ed on him.

M f hf l in.-.-'i , slealiuga heif-.-r , .--i:; nioli lhs at hardlabour .

.1/. -/ I ( '. "I' I I . who plead.'d gui l ty in having arm-iu a prni r laiined districr near Duiig.irvati , ni-.c nion: liwilh.ill I. hard labour.

, ./¦¦/. .. /'/"';>/ .", found -.riiilly of a common as-'ault , onWil l iam M 'Carlh y on i-'i .-bi -nary J 1, ami ae.|iiille.l ..Il ln! rim., Ihr ei-ealeui lar mii iuhs al. hard labor.

./.' .... .- ll- il.. , ¦;,..,/..,., foi iinl gui l ty oi' a ri .it. and :w-sa-il l on I '.dwaid l) ll -_-u'an saino day. ei-hl ealen, ',..rmoi i ihsa i . li - i i - il labor . In passing seuleuc- hi -i l .onl .shi p .- a id— Your ea.-e dil l i rs liirile i- ially fiiiin t ha t oltin: pl-i-oii -r who has j ti st . gone d.i-.,-u. You have he-11provi d lo li- a ringleader of a mob, inc i t ing them 10allaek Mr. I) .e_-L'an. when h- was n:is .;iie' down 1 :1-.--ireel on h i > l a w f u l l.-u- i i i .*..- on t in : dav of el .-i-iioti .Wen il not, for you il is pl-nb.ihV Dug'.'au would I I I M !

escap'-d a l i i i g i - i l i iM- : bul you caii-d (.11 ih- nio'i andh- v.a^ alla. ;l; .'il w i l h M -rio as vii.l-u—. I I h i n k lb- 'v-r.lie: of ihe ju ry wns e.n-r-ei in l in .l in if -a-. ilynf rio: and assaul t , and you havi- n o l h i u g in yo-.-.rfavor t h a i n i ln -m had. You are a man of in i: urey.-a r- , a:id have no :, t i n - i-\ -n<- of yoi i lh and eveite-111. - l i t . I t i - a tn- lai ichoiy 1 h iug i.liat . an e!-i:tion inI I I I N piae- wi l l no!, be allowed to go on w i t h o u t vio-leuee , and l l i a l 111-11 eauiiot pass I luimgli I In: sli-enwvl l io in iiein-r as>aillled iii l i i i. wav . ibMh . -f iu r^ ioM .who «as u - l i dress—I , and wore All -. P."ru:i! t J-boi-u- 'shorrn r . a ¦_o—1, necktie , was •¦aim ami eolh-eli-d li-1'..rea:id at'le r 1 h -- .-eiitelice. Tin's ti.-rii i i i ia.eil tin.' as.a/.--sfor lli- cnani v.

CITY ( 01. I !T—M I I M.U .

> .n : \1 \1 . 01 ¦ 111: 1 O \ I M I -..O\ — I H V I .K .U I i . \ i m \ mTI !K J I I 1 1 . 1 : .

'I n Mimdi iy . at three o'clock , th - 1,' igli t . I I . in . . l\ > n sA M IIU M I , \ U - OV inok his se:>; on t h e b i-iu -h in t h i scnuri , aeenuipaiii-d by the High Sh-rilf . N M'I I I .I O V

li . W-, si: , K-i|.. D.I,., and bv the l i in l i t Worshi pi'iilT u n ' l As \V M .> I .\ , .I.I' ., Maynr'of Walei-ford . who waseseorl.-l l o i i i e Ciii ir bv l l ie j lap iagh eniisiabl-s,Ih- Mae-.bea rer, and t h e 'STTonl-liear- r, wilh I In .'Swnrd and Cap ni' Maintciiain-r\ I , \ l l.-KM 1: .1. 1>:'.'.-M:IH , l'.'si|., acting elirrk ol' t l ie crown , having readthe euinmi.--sion , it was handed 10 the Mayor to whomit wa.- direeu-d in the instanci' , and then the fol-lowing were re-sworn on

Tin: i ; l : v \ - i i .iri:\- :Mr I!. .M..I:I:IS, ll .i.., Tin- .Midi, f.ii- .-in:iii :

.\lir.ili.i:n ll.-nie- . .1.1' . I .M IM -II -t. I'. K. li i - ii l, .1.1'., •Iniii -ii .:<tii 1! .Wi n. .!.,:i::-'.n. -I .I* .. N I -W I .I W I I . I' . Ki-il y. .1.1'., li.'i.r-.-, '.-.sli-, . I .I' . A. I ...-.V.-I- . .1.1" .. ll . - lvi -I . I- . iTIr.aia^f .S-. ::.-. T..I .I 1.. l,lu;iv.J.-I III .'.In. -!., -v . .1 .1' .. Tin- ihill. I'll 1- .M!ii-;.liy. i'.nnrl...!. 'T. I 1.. l' i-.— '.I- . .1.1'.. .1... ;.1..a.j .!i I ' i^ li . r. i ,iii-i y.l.,ii.-.T. W. .l.i . - . li . .I .I ' .. I I I I : I I - . i l i i i r t - I, ..- . 'I. i '.. r .nn i l -^ln .'* .Siii i . i i -I M:iiTi. - . n :i,-..!,.-'i n . i . A. I' .' M ,l i .r . U'U!i.n.i-'.i . . 1.ll-i u-y H 'l ii l . ' . i'.ii' .i.l.'l .ln.i. - . |.,-.-|i!i I;. To'iiii . t l n a v .f. II. W:il.-i, , .1.1'., l( iv.-rvi..,\- . .l,.ln, \'.*it-.ii . II..II.. .,.-( r.-. II I .!.v. -y, .l.r., I r.:>-'s-t. I., l-'n - n n n , T.I' ., K. y/.-i '- ...J..I111 .M.-.h '. r , l:n.:i.l-li I. ::.l»:ii.l I .'.III rl. iniy, Kia -j - .-l.

H i s l.ord.-1-.i p. addres.'iiig ih- gi- :iinl jury, said—.Sir lleuj amin Morris , and genih-inon of i ln : grandj ury of liie eiiy nf Waterford , ii. allbrd s me greatpleasure on l l u ' o-casioil of my li ;-.-t . baving i h e h i m n u rIn appear h-rc as one of her Maj esty 's going judgesof us- iz-, to be able to congra tu la te you on lln: p i e lu iewhieh t h e calendar jj ivi s n!" tho .-!.i!e, at preseni atleasi , n f y o i i r ciiy. '1'here is but mii: olli'iico which i<nf a >-rinus i.-hara-Ier , in ..vhieh a mail lost his l ife ,by a wound in l l i i ied. as I uudeis taml , in a drunkenbrawl. I am iiifoi-iiied Iheerovv n dn not intend In sendup a bil l for l la* inure seriutis crime nf murder , but tnindict t he pi isntier for luanslatig hier. I f ihe fadsare sworn b-.-l 'ore yon , as in t he information, il wi l l hey n u r d i l l y lo liud a bill. W i l h the. evcepliiill i i f lha l .i.'ase, I am not aware there is any mai ler 1.11 go befori:you. I prc-ninn: your liseal bu.-iuess is completed ,and as s o n na -. you have foiii.d t h a t bil l , I wi l l havegri'ai. pleasure in dischargingyo ii , unless you haveauyi i ther niai l i - i* lo bring before me. 'flic bil l wi l l nowbe .-'-in up to you.

Sir l!e:i::iiuiu Morris- liefore we ret i re ., I am d.:.siri-d by 1 In: gi-aud jury, as their foreman, to cxpi-i.- .-sin your loi- i l - h i p I he great gratification il allords them ,and every citizen of Walerfoid , lo see your lordshi pl i l l ing the high nllice you now .so ivorthil y oi'clipv. now PHI years sineo the bench has been occup iedby a citizen ol Waterlbl-d , and it. is a mailer of great,satisfaction to 11.--, nml a fact of which your fellow-•:iti:'..-us are proud , lhat the choice fot- so high a posi-tion has fallen on yon. Your lordship1

* predecessorson the bench the last time a citizen of WutRrftnil a:in ihe j udicial chair, were ancestors of the families .-('Sherlock and Wyse. The Secretary will now read toyour lordohi p the address of the grand jury.

I h e Secretary to the grand ju ry read the atldres?,whieh congratulated the jud ge .011 his first nllieialvisit , to his na l i v i : city, and tendered to him u cnui-pl i ineutary dinner, at any linr: his lordshi p wouldname, if ho would be pleased to aeci'ptnf it. lu com-mon wi ib ih- i-iiiz-ns gLMiera lly, tlu-y had wateh-dwi t h pride and pleasure his lordshi p's distinguishedcareer, and were glad t in t the />/ ..-¦ /../.I . I .I pro-din.*.-d line so di.-t i i ig i i i > lu - d and so gifted. His dis-t inc t ion relief ii- . | i t se l f upon his nat ive r.- i ty , and insay ing ib is t h e grand ju ry conveyed the feelings ofl l ie ir fellnw-eii i /ei is .

His r.ortl -hi p said—Sir llenjainin Mnrris and gen.llenn-ii , I feel ih-ep l y Ihe ciimp lilnenc y .ni havo ]iaidnn- , ami il has always alliirded me ]ileasuri: and salis-faol i i in In v;,y ||,.,|, | was hunt am) educated in Water-ford . I fee l much pleasure in being amongst youagain , and in seeing around me so many of the facesof my friends. I shall never fnrget my connectionw i l h l.his ci ly, and shall be alway s to hear of ils|iro.|ierily. "

I I H : MM.i i im s iN. i r i i iKs- - in rv mi: t r .w r.usi: \\ \sM I I :i- 01:r.

Mr. l'nphain said he had been instructed by sonicralepayei s to ask his lordship to rcfusn liU .i' iif to alot nf presei i tmenls which were lor malicious injuries.

11 is I .oriWii p— Have they been traversed ?Mr. Harris , <}. {' .¦- M y lord , there are a great inniiy

of these pi 'c-"iiimcuis, and we ivnuld a.-k if i t is in-tended to traverse to eaeh one scpaialel y, nml tha tt h e i .ther "id- shoidd Main who tiro the traversers, inorder that W II may l.iiow who lo look to lor costs.

Mr. I'npham said he ap- ieare'l for Joseph Clampett..Inliii Kcn u'ng, and Ki'eha r ! I'ower. The <|ucstioiiu'as, whether t/ iu proper notices of application hwlbeen po-teil and served. He appeared before ihogrand jury, but they ilceidi'd not to hear any 1110.f—sional men. lie understood that al the pre.-eiit-i- i . ii L - is.-iioiiK they were never proved, lie wouldlab) In'.-: lordslii |i's ruling, whether hu sliould traversein every case, or whether bid lordship Would allotv

him to take ono caso, and have tho others stand over.Mr. Harris, Q.C., said ns tho objection was auch a

captious one, they would ask ft travorso in over}' caac,so that they .should Imvo some security for costs.

Mr. Topham : Will your lordshi p nllow 1110 totraverse in 0110 ease ? Jud go: Yes, you may do that.

Mr. Harris—That 's just what we object to, toy lord.Mr. Popham—Who do you appear for ?—Owen

I'ower or lloaly. Mr. Harris : No.Mr. Popham—I would wish to try tho question _m

0110 of the largest cases—say Owen Power's, for in-stance.

Mr. Harris—Wo object to tlie ruling in one, casegoverning tho rest. There may bo matters i» onewhich do not apply to the others. Jiul go : Which casewill you tnko, Mr. Popham ?

Mr. fiilwon—Ifo linn a sort of roviug commission ,my lord (laughter).

Mr. Popham—Mr. Harris drclinns to state who hoappears for. Judge: Ho ought to tell.

Mr. Popham—I)o you appear for Xo. 17, -'S '" •Mr. Harris : I shan't give an answer till I speak toMr. Thornton.

Jir. Popham—Wo now see who lian tho rovingcommission (laughter) . Tie would ask to be allowedto oppose in one case, so that lie could see howtnattom stood.

A considerable pause hero took place, tho counselconsulting wilh the attorunys, wlwu the jud go saidhe could not keep tho business waiting Ho directedMr. Popham to band it ij tlin names of those he intendedtn travcrso to the secretary of the grand ju ry, andho would take them up in the morning.

Mr. Popbam proposed to traverse 17, Thomas Down ,at present ; and Mr. Gibson said he had just been in-siructed to app ly to havo Xo. III! increased. Hisl,oi-dslii p, however , allowed all to remain over tillnext morning.

T.IK 1 "ASK of; nx Tt tK OlMY.Ph ilip .l yl'i'i'.-.' was indicted for thn manslaughter

of I'eter Kane, o'i the l'Jth of March , 1670, in a pub-lic house on tho (^uay. The prisoner pleaded guilty,and throug h his counsel , Mr. S. I*. Curtis , instructedby Mr. T. ]•'. Strange, appealed to the mercy of thecourt , on the ground of absence of premeditation. Xopet-son regretted more than he did Ihe lamentableresults of tlio blow, which ivas struck in a row overa game of cards in a public house, and ho deeplyregret ted it. Thn jud ge ordered him to be put asideuntil he would have time to read th e informations ,and consider the sentence. Nex t morning I I -J wassentenced to seven years1 penal servitude.

TUKSIUY.His r.iin ls l i i p look his sea t on the bench Ibis ninrii-

inu', al. t en o'clock , accompanied , as on ihe previous•l.iy, by tin: .Way/ir and the I f igli Slicri/T.

TI1K I.-ITV I 'UKM -.XTMKXTS.Mr. r.iphaiii , instructed by Mr. Delandre, said he

proposed lo take the casn of Thomas linwe, as Ihelirst be would, and when ;he ju ry were beingsworn ,

Mr. Harris, () . (•,.t with him Mr. Cibson , instructedby Mr. Sl.range. objected , on t h e ground l h a l nol icehad mil been M'l-ved oil the Clerk of i he IVac:: wil bintwo days afiei- the pre.soiilineji). w.'ssi'in.-.. Al t e r eon-niilernhti ! leg:il argument- , his l.or.lship held w i l h .Mr.Harris , and ordered the pre-eui in.-ni s 10 be Mated.

Mr. Cili-'im then npp liml to )<a vi. t l i - am-iunl ofeompcnsai.ion (i; l ,l r i l l ) in \o. iv; (Mr. O.ven I'.iwrr)inereaied to the original sum claimed , when

Mr. Pnp hani nun!- l.he samu iilij - :ci.i<m as M r . l larr i - i ,l .l .C, waul of noli . -e , and ill- sum: rule app lied. Hisl .mii- di i p Ihen discharged the grand ju rv .

Hi :i'flllJi .s -Til,--: un,|||- w, -||i f; <,- , s'||i||;|:.;/¦ .'.- ./ x . .•; ;;.- .,/ ,•;..,-. , ,,/.,;., 1;,; . /,.,,......,...- /i. .....

•' ', •'•/-..-'.-.-' .— This wa-" an a-liou for C l i l ' i i l a i n ig- .'Sfor I re-pa ss on i h e lauds of the p laint ill' al l ianuow,in l.he cni in iy of Wexford , and for i lu : purpose nf as.s-rliug a ri ght, to tli- siv.wei.-il , and 1,1 her wai l 's andsir.iys which wash 0:1 shore mi ihe lauds of pla inti lf .

Sergeant Ai'msn-ong, I .I.C, Mr. , ( ,I .C idMr. li y lani!. iiish-ii-ted by M-ssrs. Dubbyii and T.- . inlv ,Waiei-rori l, for pla in i i l f .- Mr . l lemjihi l l . l.i.C, and Air.( l i l m n i , instrucLeil by Mr. CUT, New lioss, ileleinh'il .

The fol lowing so-eial jury uf tin: enun ly wa ' swornto try til-.: c.isi;:—lohn A. D'Keell'e, foreinau : Wil l iamSlnlford , Michael A. A u l h o i i v , Thomas O' U.iiiiillil " ,Mark Wal pole, Kdward (ieor-e IV.-i , John l'.iwvr, I' .l\. liei .l , I'M nil l'nwt-r , Jai iH ' -i I'ower, liei ij amiuli'ii/ibiiry, .'mil l lntrv (..iJhver.

.Mr. Ky latnl npen.-d lln: p leadings. 'I'he p laintillcomplain.-d nf tri-<|i.i-s 1111 land 011 the foreshore .-eii high and low water mark , I'm- seaweed , and alsnfor tie-pass 1111 laud above high water m i l k -. and thed-l'enees were, a denial ul' l l iu aels alleg-.l, and a righl.of preseri p i inn and usage.

Sergeant. Arm-'triiiig ii[ieiiei | lln: p l a i n t i f f ' s ease.He eoiiip laiu-d Hut t h e defendant, had entered on hislands , eul and li.i- l: away seaweed , and tha i he hadal 1.11 up hold his trespass by threats of violenee.On l ie- .|il ••¦l inn of usage and prescri pt ion , the l-arm-il.—rg-.-ie: sa :d it evi-led onl y w!i-re the p.-rsoii in whomt l i i .-; ri ght lay had f n : power of giving the pr ivi l i ",'- toanother , and who had a righl to wreckage on tli-c-ia this .-as. - tha i right. hadr\i>l"d from i.iiu- iiiiiiiemo.rial in i l l . .- hand ; of t he p laint ill' and his family : andthe gi ivornmeni , 10 whose servants he had nf late de-legated th- ilMties of e:»l!erting wreckage oil the prn-p-rly, ha 1 chargi .-d him wi th 1 he salvage and regularlyaeeouuted tn him for the remainder of the properl v ,l l ius recognising bis r igh ts , in the ni 'o-a plain and eni-pl ia l i e manner , to lln: 1'orcshme (,f |),,. properly .

Mr. l!ol|.:i-t llobbyn , solicitor, agent to the lliiycee- ta ie since l-N.V .i , was examined l.y Mr. SergeantA r i n . -lroug, and produi'i-d t in* 1 ille deeds and le-tses tot i -uau l . i frinii th- ISnyi;i! family, (-oiiiin-iii -iiii . f in M i v ,17- ", in wl i icl i lea-' .'.-1, w-re reserved all w.iifs of ihes-a , weeds and sands of the sea shore : in J-S'M, new!-a<-s wei" made, in which the sea .-diori! was notg iven tn t i n * t enan t s , llieir boundary IK iug the dill's,t i n - s t rand being retained ill i l l ".' possession of thelandlord, l-'or t h- d-l'-uee, a t i i n i ther of witnesseswen- I' .vaiuini -d , priuei pallv ihe n -nan i s oil t heColcloligh i-'l ile , w i t h l ln: view of showing ilia!, theylh.:iil .—Iv.:- , and lh-ir father.-: befori : llu had beenin lln: habit of t a k i n g th i s seaweed for uia i i t i i i .' (ort ln - i r land .bul I h-y admil led thai severa l o f l h e i l l hadbeen .Mii i immied and lined by ihu re[irescntativcs oltin: llnyee family. The case occup ied the remainderi'l ' the day, and a good portion of Wednesday, whena verdict was given for p laintitf , with IDs. damages,thus establi shing the plaintit T .s exclusive right lo thesir.unl and all its waifs. His Lordshi p also cerliliedInr co.-ts.

A I I I I I N mi; i.s . i rui o\ i;o.\un A S I L A M K K A T T I I K<l' A V .

T'- .-: /;- ¦'-. v. •'.'.. 1.'/.,¦'¦• Sh;,.,.;,,., r,,.,,,..i .,i,.._'I 'hi.- was an action to recover damages In:- injuriesreceived , as all-ge.l . by the neg li gence nf defendants,who allmved l ln - h. i :cliivay of 0110 of their vessels,t in : i\'.'..-- - i /. -, lu be improperl y open , whereby hn felldown in t h e hold , and was seriously damaged, forwhieh he claimed CI ,I H I I > damages. Coun.-el furpl a i m i l f : Messrs. l l e mp h i l l , (J.l!., wilh Mr. Audersim,inst rucied by .Mr. T. K. Strange. l-'or defence :Sergeani A i'nistrnug, .Mr. Charles I I . Tand y, IJ.C, ami.Mr. Theodore li y laml , instructed by Messrs. Dobbynand Tand y. The following c:ity jury was sworn :—Tlininas Ha ln i lmn , t^uay, foi-euiau ; Thomas Kiusella,Michael O'Shea, Patrick Kinahan , Kdward Crowe,.lames l.ind.ey, .lames It iuld , I .aiinnn.'e Hol y, Hug hAl'l.ean , 'I'l as .Murp hy, IV-ter I.eckie, aiid 'fhoinadPhelan (Hrnad street).

Mr. Anderson opened ihe pleadings, and Mr. Hemp-hi l l stated I'm: ease, 'flu: plaint i l f ,

"about .'111 years ofii ge, is a married man wil h a family of a wife andfour childre n dep endent on him. f ie had formerlybeen ill the Irish constabulary, subsequently in thepolice al. Leeds, Kug lainl , and lastl y in the emp loy ofthe Waterford and l.iiueriek Uaifway Company, atabort I'l a week , as check clerk , in which capacityheweni on board i h e st-amercm the 2 :inl of Februaryla<t , and by rea-on of Ihe hatchway being open, hufell into the hold oil' the .-tage, a depth of S-t or 2 1feet , wln- .'c he lay uucoiisc oe.s for a length of time,and was seven weeks in hosp ital , .siillering from con-cussion of the spiao and a number of other in-jurie s, whieh have, comp letely prostrated himfrom being one of the strongest men in Waterfoiil,and now unable tn obtain rest unless when lying in arecumbent posture . Tin.- defences wen: that it wasnn pan nf plaini i lfs busiue.-s lo go 011 board defeiu '-auls' vessel ; thai he wai nol. pursuing his business althe linn.! of the nccidciii; thai there was no negli-gence, and ir there was, the accident was not causedthereby ; that thcru was contributory negligence ; ami'.hese wcre the issues to try. His Lordship, in hischarge, after a number of witnesses had been exam-in-.'d on both sides, directed that it was t in- businessof p lninti l l ' lo cross the deck ol the steamer to theli ghter of the railway company im t|,(, „„(,.,. si,!e, aiulthai , proper and snllicieiit, .-leps had not been taken toguard against accidents. The jury ro,ln ,{ [;„• pla,',,.t i l l — I'^.'i damages I costs, and his Lmd-ilii p de-clined m stay execution , as app lied for bv defendants'eniinsel. Tlii, case concluded the business, a t near tneight i.Ylni.'k IHI Wednesday i-rpniug, ,.,,,.| ,|,,. u-iivuetl.lud ges lefl on yi-steniay morning i',,r Chniuiel , theretn open tho comniission . We shall give an extendedreporl ol those record cases in HIM- H - VI

SlMI . t .Y-b l lAM.V Cl lV l l i n or T H K C o V K K N V I K X T . A few days ago Mr. W. P. Tliouip- .-i.ii , one of thel-'eniaii prisoners, died or eoiiMimpii brought onbycnnl i i ie inent , in Portland prison , Lmdaiid. lieforehis dcalh he e\pres.;ed n wish I,, be burried in l ie-land , his native country, n;., l i iends made an app li-eatimi for his ivmains. The Home Seeretarv aeecdedIn the rapiest. A f l .r hearing t|,.,t there was to besoine deiiioiiKtrati i in .it ihe funera l , he withdre w bisotter. Tliuiupsnn 's friends il icn pl u,| ,.,l ihcm.selvestha t there, would be no demonstration , and that thefnnenial would be a pr-vaU- mu. The Homo Secre -tary I hen agreed tha t 11,, ; l,o,|_v shuuH i 1L. K i vi.,, „.,Mill , when pivpai-aiioin were 'being made to removeit , he declined again , ami got it buried in llm prison !Had (iovernineii l a: lir- t i.fuse, !, people would nuth.ive been sui|irised ; but tho whole proceeding i,rpromising and not fu l l i l l i ng , was shabby and M I ITI IV.sliaoby in Ihe i - , -m (... " If, was p itiahle to nn-ieea grea t gnveriiineiil. (,- ,.s Mr. Mut t , said) , higgling andbargaining fi.r lern n nver tho Injd y of one of theirpoor vict ims .11

T u u 's Tin: l !i 11. -T|,(. /.'o-ini',,./ ',,,:.! /'.,</ s.iys thaiMr. liiM-ual Osb'irno expects to get a plai .-e sl.-.oril y ;Inn llu: / '¦/ ¦' mys nnihing about \ t y iv-^lL-ctiou forWaterloid. That 's the iub.

WEXFOltD ASSIZESMr. Justice Lawson, in addressing the grand jury,

of which Sir .Tohn Esmonde, Bart., M.P., was foreman,said—I: believe tboro is no county in her Mojosty sdominions whero can bo found such a peaceful,industrious and contented pcoplo an in tho countyWcxford. Amongst the six cases on the calendar was0110 case of murder, a murder committed very recently,and tho Crown were not in a position to prosecute attho present assizes. The samo remark applies toanother caao, iu which two men wcro charged withhomicide, and in these cases a bill will not be sent np.

Mr. liibson applied that Michael Fanning and ffm.Finn , charged with homicide, bo admitted to bail , theCrown not being ready to proceed with their trial.He had ruad tho informations, and there was scarcelyany evidence against tbo prisoners. Tho Crownconsented to accept bail, Fanning in JSl.OdO, and twosurotics in £500 each ; Finn in JCIOO , and two suretiesin L'riOO each. Tlic sureties wcro entered into, and thoprisoners discharged.

SI:XMXI ; .v TnitKATKxtxn T,CTTKK AT DI.'XCAXXON'.—Patrick Colfer was indicted Hint he, on tlio 23rd ofFebruary, 1V1I unlawfully write a threatening letter toMr. Edward Ban-on, directing him to discharge JohnGregg from his employment.

Mr. Tandy, O.C., iu slating the case for the crown ,read the fetter complained of, and subsequentlyproduced a picco of blotting-pa per, which had b»enfound by lload-Constablo Mildeuhall in a copy-bookbelonging to the prisoner.. On the blotting-paper wasa inc si.mV.i of the lcttei—there it was, with its badspelling. On it he fouud the words—" Ho wasbanished from (blank apace) tis Kai l for sheep steal-ing." Iu tho letter the words wcro—" Ho wasbanished from Lnftis Ilall for shcep-stcaling, theword Lili ans being spelled " Loftis." In thn letterthe wro-J " rnfidcl" is used, and it will be given in1 viilcnco that tho prisoner made use of thn word toold (Jregg. Tho following is the letter, the words" Kiln-aril llarron" boing in imitation of print : —

(II KSIGX or A i'OtT(.v)." Knu - .iiMi K.uiKox -We have come to the conclusion

to give you timely notice beforo we would put. ourdesigns into oporaiioii , and we command you to dis-possess (Iregg from your premises at o::ee, and il notmirk what will follow. Von may seem to think lit t leabout this, but don't be mistaken , wo have the loadread y for you if you disobey the command—we mustbe at our post at 'once, you must be wor.-o than an infi-del to employ tiregg—you know he was Innuhed fromLoftis -hall for sheep stealing and by Heavens we comedown on you with double vctigeanco , we will onl y giveyou :t days notice lo put. fireg g from your residence,some are deleriiiined to punish you to the lastexircmi'y if vou provoke us.—I remain ,

" li ii uy or TIIK Hi U.S."Mary Anne Doy le, sworn 1 examined by Mr.

Hyan-I am pnst inislress ;it Duiicanuon for manyyears ; 1 received the . letter 'prmhiced on tin: 21st. nfFebruary : it did nnl leave on that day; gave it tnMary Anne Magratli ; never gut iinnllicr letter in thepn<t'f>Hiee for Kdward Barron.

Mary Anno Magi-alb , sworn and examined by Mr.Ilvan — I live in Matllc Htnwn ; I know .Mr. llarron ,ami live nea r him ; I remember get ting a letler at. thepost nlli .r.! on Friday, 1Kb March : I got a letter , butcannot tell exactly whe the r that is it in- not ; I gaveit. to my mother ; never got. a le t ter before or sincefor Mr. I'a r m n ; can read and wrile.

Pa t rick .M ' l i r a' l i, brother to last witness, provedthat In- handed the let ter to K d w a r l ISarron.

IJd-.vard liarrmi sworn—I live in Ril t les lnwii : Iknow James flr-gg ; I know his sou John ; I rem-iulii rold Jem tlr. -g-,' being wilh IIV 011". Sunday ; Jniin waswith me on 'fru.-.-day; I remember Pat rick- AlagiMibbringing a 1-! ler to me 011 a Frid iy evening in .M;:veh ;whe:i 1 njii 'iied it lirs!. I threw it on 'he table in thepar lour ; ir, remained there unt i l Sunday at threeiiV'l.x-k : I :he:i gave it. lo James Cre-,",': I gave the.lett'.-r to him onlv j the .ouv.;lop: real lined on t h etab le ; John Cregg h i d left i ln : d-iy b-i'..n> I g-.t . t b - jluller : ll:- |.olin- called for t.h- eavelope and got it.

(.'ross.ev-.iau'ued by Mr. (.'i l isnu—Th : pri-'nai -r w.ismie .if tuy neighbours, and of .jood chanier er ; Ieanno:. t e l l ex .nr l l y what el!'.'.;l i l l - l- t i .'-r had on me ;I was not l.-nilied bv it : I thoug ht, il onl y a jok e.

Tn Mr. Tand y—lohu (Jregg left, me w i t h o u t anyip iarrel : he l-ft of his own free w ill.

Constable John tiearon -I remember Sunday, l :i i l iMarc h : got an envelope from Jfr. 13 UToil ; ideulili-dthe envelope ; gave il to my nllii-i-r , Mr. Kir/.gerald, 011the I I th ; 1 got tli" l.'lter from .John f^egg before Igot the envelope ; I addressed the letter to Mr.Fitzgerald and .sent it to him wilh a report by J :mes(ire:,".'.

.laiin-s Hregg sworn -I live, iu IV.r.e-'ui j .h : amMii innoi i * .server at. A r i h u r s i n w t i : l a m caretaker finLonl I'.ly and l.nrd Teuip leue.i-e ; 1 kunw Pitr ickColfer; 'he lives wi th his l a th- r , two sisters andIn -oi li-i- : f t -euieinliei- .'."t t i i i " a h'tti.-r I'roui M r , on .Suiul.-iy, the l:it l i of .March last- ; I b:oii-.;!:til home; I gave il lo Constable (I i - a r iu : ll" gave tn- aleiiei- afterwards, and I brought ii- and gave il loliead-Cou-lable Mildi -nHII ; did not know it. was thelet ter l ln l i l . l had delivered it ; on coming home fromMa-s on Sunday, the l:i th Mareli , Pa t rick Colfer cameup and said , " my old lad , you sent a complain t toAir. I lai - i! against the tenants';" 1 said it was false : hewalked up to me wi th a ci-;:wd , and said , t( I will -eeyon jf or it ,-" a young ehap camu up to me, ( l o h nUos-:i:-r) and said it was a shame to b- at tacking anold man l in t w a v ; .Mr. Hare is agent to Lord Klv : afew ..'Veilings after t h e Kllli 1|.- .-'linilted , " li .irri i 'in :,It il i 'M , and Judas"; I showed t h e l-'.tcr 10 mv sonJohn.

( ' ro=.--exaiuiued by Mr. Cib-inn -I livi: ah i; i ta f |ii.-i r-ti .-r id' a mile fnnii t h e es ta te; mv duty 011 the estaiebrings me in connection with ihe t enan t s ; I serveprocesses and notices on other estates ; people do notl ikeM) receive these tint ices ; a good number of peoplewen: present on the mad al I he l inn - Patrick Ctilf-rsaid thnse words lo m e ; the crowd did 1101. seemfriendly lo m-: I did not deserve lli.? t reatment theygave to me : I knew lln: prisoner always to be :•. wellconducted man.

l.'nu.ilalil- Dunne examined—On the rind of Junelast arrcsied the prisoner ; search"'! him. and fnur.d akey, snx bull- is , and a p ipe, w i l h lobatcn : knew iheprisoner for siv y-a rs ; t h - r e i s u workshop ::tt:.-hi-d tothe shop; pri-oir.-r i- a e irpeaier and pa in t - r : PalColfer , wh":i al lemie , was in I lie habi: of workiar.- iuthis shop : there is a b-d iu ih- w-irkshop; :-':iw Colfi-roccupy th i s bed ; I saw a wood. 'U bo -r ai ih- 1'not olthe bed ; it was lock. -d; ll-a.l-eoiMia 'ile MM -l - i -ha l l wa.spresent at the l ime: I opem.-d ihe box w i t h ihe k-vround with Coll"-r : there was a y - l lowi -h lro->er-. inthe rnom ; 1 took t io ;hi i i -.r 0111. of the b.irc nivs-lf .

Cross-exainineil by Mr. Oih-m, Xev-i- h- .inl awonl again.-:!; the pr: ...:i. r : u-.-i* i i - '!:¦¦ \ N -I . - .pseveral t imes; the pii-o:.i-r wa .- ..i ':- -n ah .—nl fromthis , shop for ten day-, or so; never v.--n: into ihe shopunless when some person was in i t .

ilis Lordshi p examined the blotting p:iji -r thro:l:ruthe glass , and il was then handed to l l i r jurj .

Jlead-constiible .Mildeuhall—The envelopes found iutin: box and the threatening letter are of similarcharacter; il has alli > v ,erou ii ; the note piper fn:iudiu the box had a crown on il ; the same i-i 011 thethreatenin g letter.

John Colfer sworn—I am brother of the prisoner ;slept in Ihe bed in the workshop with him ; the box isnot mine; the trowsers was I'al's. To Mr. ( i ibsou :The workshop door was often lefl on the latch althoug hituue of us would be iu it.

Mr. Craig sworn—I was connected with the Hank ofIielaud for the purpose of identif y ing signatures ; wil-ness pointed out the similarity of writing in thedocuments—p articularl y the word "lead" in ihe bill ,and the 1same word m the threatening letter , us wellas three or four letters.

The jury retired at live o'clock , and returned at sixo'clock with a verdict of guilty.

His Lordship said — Patrick C\;lf..-i-, although J'« HIwere defended by able counsel , tho jury h:is found youguil ty of writing thi s threatenin g fetter , and with thatverdict I concur. The evidence against you was tracedby one of the most remarkable circumstances everwitnessed in a court of justico iu connection with thediscovery of crime, and which shows the grea t abilityof Kead-Coustable Mildenball , whoye conduct 1 hopewill be conveyed tH tlio proper quarter. Ho wouldnot pass the heavy sentence allowed by law , butwould consider the cliamctnr the prisoner h id received .He would , therefore, sentence him to live years' penalservitude.

i ' .i T I I O I C C I I r i l l : i l .Tin: Mls-itn .v AT l!<Jn Sunday last , im.

mediately after the last Mass, the Mission of tho Ke-demptorist Fathers was opened with gn'al solemnityin Hally hale, conducted by the Hev. Father llrid gett ,superior of the order, from Limerick. Mass wascelebrated by the Kev. J. Pureell , P.P., llall ycallan ,after which a procession was formed in the porch ,preceded by the Ven. Arclieeacon O'Siiea , P.P., towhoic zeal the parishioners of llull yhale are indebtedf,,r having brought amongst them those H q)y Fiilhers.Having reached the Altar , the invocation of the Hol yGhost , with the anthems, were chanted , and themissioaers having been invested , by the Veil . Arch-deacon, with full powers, tho Very Uev. FatherIhidgett preached one of those glorious sermons ofwhich lie is the |>erfect embodiment and m:islcr. Tak-ing for his text , "At th y word I will lot down the not ,"from the gospel of l!:o diiy .ho said that tbo gospel toldthem that Si. Peter and his companions were lUliiugall ni ght without success ; our hold appeared nextmoruiiigoii the bank of the lake and desired St. Peterto cast forth his nets. St. I'eter mid, " .Master, wohavo laboured all night , anil tlicro is no fish iu thispart of tho lake." St. Peter, however, having couti-denco in Our Lord , threw out bis nets, when theywere immediatel y filled , so that they were unable tocontain tho IUI I . He then compared the parish ofllally linlu to the lake or tiallilee , and said that it wasfor no interest of their own they caino there, buttbev came to bring back souls to Jesus Christ. Thechurc h , admission tu which was by ticket , was crowdediu every part.

N'K.W A LTAI:.—During the past week a sum of C-VIwas contributed in C.nliel towards the erection i>f auuiv altar iu the Unman Catholic (.' lunch of tha t city.Subscriptions have .is yot to be received from thefouii l ry portions of 1)10 parish. Since his ndvi-nl theVen. Areh-Jea-on IJuirk il has indeed \v .i i> tie- heartsuii'I alfeetiouj ol hi t very numerous [1 iri ,!iiuncTj ol a!!classes.—i-Vt-t- iVfj-i.

DUBLIN COIIBESPONDENCE.Dt-'itM.v, WBU.VKSDAV.—To-day is fixed for tho ro-

gatta, and Dublin , Cork, and Drogbcda go to tbo con-tost. Nothing definite can bo said after to Jay awork till the " tics" go to-morrow, when 1 expecttho South will come otr victorious. Wh y is it thatWaterford is not represented ? I trust the railwaysare giviujj excursions to Dublin , to allow the pcoploof tho country towns a tonr through it during thisdelightful Bcason. I know the pooplo who aro fortn-unto enoogh to livo near stations on tliolliulaud neednot long wait to havo a look aboct Dublin , or transactbnsinoss in it. Indeed it is no wondor that tho Mid-land shares bavo gono up from 73 to SO within tholast twelvo months, as its liberality to tho publicis too woll known to need comment , and tlioattention paid to it by the directors and officials, whomako it a point to Icavo nothing undone which canbenefit tlioso interested in it. Nor is there any roa.son to doubt that tho prosperity of the company fortho next year will not keep pace with tho previoustwelvo montlis. In fact, tbo prospects of tho com-pany wero ne.vcr better than at present. An ar-rangemont has recently been como to for tho pur-ehaso of tho Great Northern and Western line, for09!) year?, by tbo Midland Company. This lino ex-tends to Wes'tport, and near liallina, and is the boshpart of the country for goods traffic. If thcro wasno other circiimstanco but tlio purchase of this linnalone to benefit the shareholders, I am certain that,what I say would be realised. ]iut taking to accountthe prico of share3 nt the time tho present chairman ,Mr. Cusuek, took bis position , and contrasting itwith the present prico, it must bo conceded thatthere is a marked improvement , nud taking into ac-count other circumstances, there is no doubt that hisgreat business capabilities, which are so constantlydevoted to the coinpany 1s interests, havo been instru-mental iu the main iu bringing the company to itspresent high position. Nor ought the courteous andefficient secretary, -Mr. Heausire, and the active ma-nager, Mr. Ward , be nmittod from a notioc of thinkind. The latter gentleman was ouly appointed ma-nager hist year, and since that time he has shown byhis zeal nud activity that no belter selection couldhave been made, and it was only at a recent meetingho was complimented in the highest terms by one oftho directors, for the manner in which he had everyinformation at hand in London for the arbitrationabout, the (ircal Northern and Western line. WhenI again refer to this compauy you will find I have not.been mistaken in tho statements I now make. And1 should beghid that other companies—-including theGreat -Southern—would take example from this , iuconsulting the interests of the public. K.


'I'he following letter , which has appeared iu thei'V..'.'.»M»i , shows tho present position of this Company,iu n.'l.iiioii to a sale which a portion of the directoryare endeavoring to efl'or::, but the public bodies, andthe public geuerallv, will not permit it :—-

' • I I I T I I K K l l l l l l l : U K T I I K I ' K K K M AN .

•' Sin—Theiiir onna iiongivcn iii ilic telegraphic newsfrom Limerick relative to the action of the direeior.-;of the Waterford and r.imorick Railway, althoughcriticall y correct , is calculated to convey a false im-pression. The voting of the directors was, live f,,rthe sah:, four against it. The live who volod for thesale were the live specified in the circular of the vice-chairman as being ' :-.ll united in one close family nrbusiness connexion.' The four who opposed it arethe four independent directors. There are bul liitiii011 ihe board , ft. ought also to be known that of n'fi 7proprietors onl y Hill gave assenting answers tn thncircular advisin g the proposed sale. The line cannot .b'j sold or even leased wi thout an act parliament , andmany of the shareholders as well as the public at.large nf 1 Im districts principall y concerned arodeicrniincd to oppose that to the utmost. Alrea dy alarge sum has been subscribed for the purpose. A coin-mil Ice lias b.-eii appointed consisting both o f> h a r c -hoMersnnd repre sentatives o ft h e public at large ; byit , a working sub-comuiitlee has been appointed w i t hfull powers to act. A law adviser has been retained ,nud llii-orgatii/.aliou for opposition both in parliamentand elsewhere is complete. l>oth t in: members forthe cily have expressed llieir willingness to ;wrt iuaccordance with the wishes of their constituents.— Iremain, Ac, "J l l ' cll -V. .\'M I \> ,

'¦ lion. See. to the, opposition Cuiiiuiitie-e ."

TUB cn.vxi) .11:1:v SHAM :in r t i K K I I I I I I I : or T I I K w.vrKKrni.-i i M:WS .

l)t :.\l : Sli:—-I have read ,111 excellent article in t luilI '-.'-.vl'..' I .1/...' of Wednesday on tin; giand jury sys.inn of Ireland. It shows tl iar . last yea r considerablyover nne million pounds - ter l ing were collected in Ire-land , ia t in: shape of grand jury ce>s, and yet all th i swas dune wi thout a particle of representation. Talkof 1 he p:in:*-]aw iwp ejidiiure, about whieh wi: hear somuch —wh y il is nothing tn this. And yel il is fairrepresentation and fair taxation—comparatively speak-ing -ii" compared with the grand jury system. 1shiiuld rather call it. grand jury dehisiuu ! Why is ittha t, t 'i.! ratepayers stand ii so long ? IHiold rj :tgei i t lenun , iii ii cniirt-lioiioc chielly bui l t by the far-mer.- ' money, silling round a big table, arrangingmatters whieh concern ratepayers in general—order-ing road.-; ami bridges to be made or repaired—laying011 taxes giving out contracts—helping their friuiids¦ often '• d.iil ging '. -and g iving ihe poor unfor tuna te ,ratepayers ani l occup iers no voice at all in the matter!It is true they may look over the bar at the end ofthe 100:11, like a hin-so in a stall ; but that's all Ihevcan do. However, they an ., served right , Ij ecause. ff1 hey made the country wring wilh their grievances,they w,,uld not be treated Huts. Let them cry out" down wiih the grand j u r y system," and down it.wil l go. A \- I'v i i i i i N ' A x i lLvm-ivi - e


I) K \ I: Sir, -'I here n i rove i iM.iit li l , It oman Catholici,and 1101. ij aiti: :!.imi nf al l nther persuasions in ibiscity t'ai-cniding tn Tli i im), and yet MII the eily grandj i i rv .r.inip iia'd of i:|, there were not fever than !l IV,,.1 .' stj i iusan I i .'.-rei: un-mb.-rs o f il .-i: Soeietvol' Friendi.I also f ind 0:1 it s.-v . -n or eight app licants for money•-¦or in oi l ier word- , j in-..i-. who had lo llieir ownpre.-ent in -u i .-- : l i ' u .-.Ir -ri l l " I'I -mi ilu •• black Xorlh"formed th is ju ry v.e ,:nn:ld :> .it b ' pleased with him.(¦vrinji.ii; Ki.t.iTin:.

TO T I I K ¦.-: 1 > 11 • ¦•;: ui- I U K WA T K I I F O II D N K U 'S.SH: -In yo n- !u-i no - ii- of ihe Town Coum.-il nieel-

ing on ihe l i - i ih i ' i g ;eoj i:t. yniir repnrter stated thatt in-re were l "i n; -:11b:-:- -. of ihe council present. Thi.sis a mi.-l.i ki - . Tiiei-e were 17 present. liclicvo molie- e:li:'..-i,- are ipli.-e ai ive :., thosi: who h:m; takenan iet . -ve -i. i-i i!ns mosr desirable undcriaking, andlii i -e who have kepi aloof , if nnl ill opposition.

-V COI:.VIII.I. I,(:

OXK OF I R K L A X D ' S MISTAKKS.To I U K K i ' i i i u ; or ' i i i K 'u . . iKi i r i i i :n N K H S .

II I :U: Sit: -Ireland i i ever i r iu bo prosperous as |, sin: is governed by aiinlln-i - nat ion ; and 1,,, nationwas ever prosiH-niiK similarly governed. It i.s .simplyiinpossibhi lo be otherwi se, jj m, ther,.. ,.,n . sunn: ilfour misfortunes, owing lo ourselves, iu my opinion.Perhaps, too, th i s may be one of the results of foivi-iidominal ion. What 1 refer to is this , and it is apparent,to most people—as. soon as our mercantile or simp,keeping class save a lillle , ilioy forthwith begin t,,ape after the pinchbeck aristocracy, to the negTect oftheir own badness--after a while "thuy neglect theirbusiness, and , a l i t t l e longer, they lose it altog.-ihur •and thru what ? They become poor, aud very nfti'iiui'.'ie loafers ! And if they ,l,m't chance to fall , llieirexample to their children is so unfortunate, that tli.ilatter are " too great" gentlemen to go to businessor vulgar trades, and ivlial bi .comu's of f hem ? Oftenthey lurk about public, houses or hotels at Inune orgo 10 America or Austral ia, where they eu,l ,!„.;.,.days as porters, or horse-drivers : I assure you, .,irthat poor pride and iious.enae on the p;lrt, ,,f ' olllIpeople, an: ihe fruitful causes of much of our povertyand nhame. l.ot.K K.i;.CK

TIIK RO.VI) STKAMKR-HORSESI I K U : Sill—Kvery one in this (planer of thecountry is delighted to bear of tbo chance or.'i-ttii ,.^into Waterfbrd aud IJuiigarvan in a comroYtabloriirriage and at a cheap rate, by the ucw Ro ulSteamer. Hut , like every other good project, a,, ,,'.1 ,1timid person is afraid that it will "friken his ho-se "as if the working horns oft hn county Waterford weroso highly fed. Why sir, on the Tramore and otn™

line.--, don t hoiscs and cars inn alongside the milw.ivAnd a railway, which goes so fast , and makes "omuch noise on tho iron rails, would fri ghten Ileu ses 1great -leal more than tho Jioa.l Steamer, which wiiits gutta percha banded wheels , makes littlo or ,, 'noise, liesi. es ,t goes quiet and slow as compared toa railway. \\ by don 't artillery horses run mad wbci,big cannons, are bred oil' under their verv i.o.e "liccause thev are used to thorn S., 1 • -,, f v •

!:-:==: -*.»t,i;sassKilinact liomuH , Wednesday. v >' .ln. .


onw 's ; :r[ :?x:etm'i,vvlr ri lwk^ aud »••a» olfeiuro cominitUM ra ' 'fc i '


?TiC,tol for

I tl.i i.k it would be onlv a ™, u" rf j"1?*0 ?tocli™ >up a subscri ption for the famU V UM f° mUk°woultl bo of crc-it 11 .. t 1 • ' ¦ fl0m n"l"y


« !l . s m ' '" - , f""" 1" , on Tuesday ovcuing, MrI ! «' >' Im agrued to tho " inanity1' of' tho

i i i d i b , "lln?"ts ?

tho LaD<1 '«'• I* « baSJ l Wh'rv ' bul "hat is it now ? A mcro sham •- ATiiKfi,!!,,— I'riotEd nnd Pohli.'ued by EDWtiD S

U,";;?' ;\;'V.'r"


^""n«n,l Printing.Booi."••> -'.- «. Macamo I'.uliuic Kstabli.hmout , W u the Parish uf Tricity Within ' "*"Mn*i,