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تيسري األجرومية

Simplifying Al-Ajaroomiyyah

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���א��א��א������ �� �

�������אع��א����م� �Types of Speech

���Wא����م�א����م�א����م�א����م�����Kא �"*�+�� *(���)�'�}�%����א�$#"!��א �� �Speech: Is the composed saying or utterance which is beneficial in

its placement or composition.

�Kو�����<�4=�(>���*��7;:9}�و�8*46�7}�א*�W4��5و����2��(��0�1/��/�.- �And it is divided into three groups: Ism (noun), and F'il (verb), and

Harf (a preposition which conveys meaning).

�>���7�?����5@)8�W�A"�B�)* {���?���;�Cو�א�$#(م�}�و��א��*D*��Eل��א���Gو��د�� �So the Ism (Noun) is known by Al-Khafdh (the acceptance of Jarr), and At-Tanween (a mark which indicates indefiniteness), and the

acceptance of Alif Laam (the definite article).


� � and 'AnF9���JE�and Eelaa�F��*1E And the letters of Khafdh are min � �

and FQL�ME and RubbaFI*8E and Fee F9�$�KE and 'Ala F���KE� � �. Fل�E and Al-Laam FRE and Al-Kaaf FبE Al-Baa� �

�����S�و������و�<�א�{�I*%و���Wא���אو�{�<)�N�و��א�{�<)�Cو��א�K� � and Fو�E� And the letters of Avowal (Pledge) are: Al-Waaw � �

. FTEand At-Taa �F*LE� Al-Baa � �� �

�*;�.*}������Uو��א}�?����7<�� *�S+�و��א�"*�6�7)��V��*�W*�א��Cא��*<)�Xو�����5<��و��K� �FسE� and As-SeenF�+�2E� Qad� And The F'il (Verb) is known by� �. F�TE and At-Taa At-Ta'neeth As-Saakinah F�>���5E� and Sawfa� �

� �


��6Kو��א�\���<��$�[�?�@�)�1���0�7�1��Zد��*����6א@*����5و��@�د��*����6א�"*�7 �And the Harf (Preposition) is that which does not accept any of

the Ism (Noun) or F'il (Verb) indicators or signs. � �� �

*Lא���K�]א��L)� � �The chapter of Grammatical Analysis

���%��Lא���K�]א�W*Gא���*�������و�אG*���א���$*���@C�G*�<*�א���7�א1*��6א�+ �Xא��?*+S�Xو�����)`"���)�a���$�K�*.�$K� �The Grammatical analysis is the changing of vowel markings at the end of words according to the addition of specific helping words

.F4M�+�S�1E� or prepositions whether they are written or supposed� �� �

��7.-و����2��(��0�1�M���W4'8�M�{4��و��=��bم4}�و��4A"�G}�و����]� �The categories of grammatical analysis are four:

F4م�b�=EJazm �and�F4A"�GEand Khafdh �F4��[��ENasb �and�F4'8�ME�Raf'

� ��'8���}��5�e*$�8�(>*�1*���ذ��*��cא���[��(و��@�=��bم���a�*8}�و��א�A"�B�}�و��א�; �

F�A"�B�אEKhafdh � andF���[��E Raf' � So for the nouns isא���E�, NasbF�'8א�; �not included.�Fم��b�f�אEJazm �with� �

� ��'8���}�و���*�78�e(ل��1*���ذ��*��cא���[��و��@��a�*8��A"�G(}�و��א�b�f�م�}�و��א�; �

Fم���b�f�אEJazm � andF���[�� � �'E� And for the verbs is Rafא���E, Nasb F�'8א�; �� not included.F�A"�B�אE with Khafdh � �

� �*Lא���K�]א�*T)�1���K�*.�8���7�1��L)� � �

The Chapter of knowing the signs of grammatical analysis

gT)�1���K��'� �M����'8��$*��W�.��hو�}�و��א���אو�}�א��D*��Eن�}��א��j;و��א�K� �There are four signs which indicate the condition of Raf': The KFنE,

and the Noon FאE�the Alif�,FوE, the Waaw F�kkkEDhommah � �� �


�.��hא��)�1�W�8�W*"��د�א@����5א��I*8��'*(�7.*����1א� �M���I*8��'8��$*��.�1���Kن�������C�8�{��'��=و������*���Cא�{��*�)��V*�א����l��'��א�4}��و��=�<I�m�*n��*Go* ��6*[�C�?������pq#ع��א��M)�h��و��א�"*��6�7אK� �

Then it is an indicator of Raf' in fourWF�kkkE�Dhommah�As for the

Instances: 1. The Singular Noun 2.The Broken Plural 3.The Sound Feminine plural 4.The present tense verb which has nothing

attached to the end of it.

�1.��*$���W�����7*(���1�I*8��'8و����1�(�א���אو����Kن�������C�8�W�*<)��5�Eא�I*8و�����*�)��*���א���q��א��'��=�I*8*.����B�א�{�I*%و���W�R�� ���{�R��Gو�����{�R��و�����{�R��8و��1(لو��ذ�}�و��K� �

Then it is an indicator of Raf' in two cases:WFو�E As for the Waaw� ���1.The Sound Masculine plural and 2.The Five Exceptional Nouns� �

,F�R����E, Hamooka F�R��G��E, Akhooka F�R�� ��E which are: Abooka � �FKذ�و��1(لE, and Dhoo Maalin F�R��8E� Fooka� �

� �)��1.��*$���WI*8��'8א��D*��Eو����1���Kن�������C�8.�s)�G�*<)��5�Eא�*.��*;�t�X�K� �

, Then it is an indicator of Raf' specifically in�FאE��Alif�As for the� �the dual forms.

)��1.��*$���I*8��'8א�"*��6�7א���M)�hع��Wא�;��jن� و����1���Kن�������C�8�{g.��*;�t�X�����*�(�*0* ��6�[�Xذ�א�א�J�{و��������*�( '��=�{*.�N*u)�B��א�*.�t���l��*�����אو��)���K� �

�, Then it is an indicator of Raf' in the FنE As for the Noon � �present tense if it is connected to an attached pronoun of duality,� �an attached pronoun of plurality, or an attached pronoun used to

address the female gender.� �� �

gT)�1���K��v��G�*��[���Kو�����q<��א�;��jن�}�و��א���(>�}�و��א�������w�}��א�D*��Eو�}�.�א�"��W�\�Cو��*$; �,F�kkk�EAnd for the condition of Nasb there are five signs: the Fathah� �

, and the removal of theFpE�the Yaa�,F*kkkE�the Kasrah�,FאE�Alif�the� �letter Noon.

� �


�.�\�C�"�א�)�1�W�8�W*.�/���/�I*8�*��[�;$*��.�1���Kن�������C�8�'*(���1א��W*"��د�א@����5א��x�{��'��=و������*���Cא��{�$�K��6�Gذא�د��Jع���M)�h��4و��א�"*��6�7א<�I�m�*n��*Go* ��6*[�C�?�4و��������*s)���*0��K� �

, then it is an indicator of the state of Nasb in F�kkkE�the Fathah�As for� �three instances: 1. In the Singular Nouns. 2. In broken plural forms. 3. In the Present tense verbs if a Naasib (subjunctival) precedes it and there is nothing attached to the last letter in the


�D*��Eא�)��*��I*8א�Wو����1�[�;$*��.�1���Kن�������C�8*.����B�(>*�א��5�E�{����\��F�R)�Gو������R)� ����y�?���M�Eو���c*��0ذ���N�m���)�1K� �

, then it is an indicator of the state of Nasb in�FאE�Alif�As for the� �F�R)�Gو������R)� ����y�?���ME� the Five Nouns. Like the following example:� �

And whatever resembles this.

)��*��WI*8א�������w� و����1�[�;$*��.�1���Kن�������C�8��*�)��V*�א����l��א��'��=�K� �, then it is an indicator of the state of Nasb �F*kkkE� As for the Kasrah� �

for the Sound Feminine Plurals.

� ���t;*��.*�و��א�f���W�'و����1�(�א���(>�Cא��I*8�*��[�;$*��.�1���Kن�������C�8K� �

, then it is an indicator of the state of Nasb�FpE�the Yaa�As for the� �in both the Dual and Plural Noun forms.

)� *T)�N�t*�א�;��jن���q��W<��א�;��jن��و����1�)�a�78�M�I*C#א��*.����B��78(ل��א�Eא�I*8�*��[�;$*��.�1���Kن���������8K� �As for the removal of the letter Noon, then it is an indicator of the state of Nasb in the Five Verbs when the indicator of the state of

Raf' is the fixedness of the letter Noon.

�w�������و��א���(>��}א{�\�C�"�و��א�.K� �.F�kkkEand the Fathah �,Fp�Ethe Yaa�,F*kkk�EThe Kasrah� �

� �gT)�1���K��z���/��A"�B$*و��W� �

And for the condition of Khafdh, there are three signs.� �� �


�1�W�8)��w�������אW��A"�B$*��.�1���Kن�������C�8�I*8��'*(���1א�*.�/���/W�*>���[�;��"��د*�א�א@����5א��x�{���*�����و�C'��א��;�]���<*�=��و��}א��I*8��*�)��V*�א����l��א��'��=�K� �

, then it is an indicator of the state of KhafdhF*kkkE� As for the Kasrah� �in three instances. 1. The Singular Noun which has vowel

markings that can be changed. 2. In Broken Plural forms where the vowel markings can also be changed. 3. In the Sound Feminine


��t;*��.*�و��}א�5�E�(>*�א�B����W�x�*./���/�.*����1א)*'����C�8��A"�B$*��I*8���ن���W.�1���Kو����1�(�א���(>�Cא��I*8�{�'��f�و��אK� �

, then it is an indicator of the state of Khafdh in�FpE�the Yaa�As for� �three instances. 1.The Five Nouns. 2.The Dual Forms. 3. The

Plural forms.

� �)���I*8Kא@*����5א�#��C��>���[�;�?��@�p*q���ن��W��8�A"�B$*��.�1���Kא�"��C\�.��و����1 �

, then it is an indicator of the state of Khafdh F�kkkE�the Fathah�As for� �for the Nouns which are fixed and do not change their vowel


��q�\K<�و��א�}�א���j���ن��Wو��*$�b�fم���C�1���K(ن� ��Fk�kkE� And for the state of Jazm, there are two signs. 1. The Sukoon�� �

2. Removal� �� �

)�1�W�8ن������j�א�W�I*8م���b�f$*��.�1���Kن�����ع������8�M)�h��א�"*��6�7א ��*G{א��Z��*\��Kא�] �, then it is an indicator of the state of Jazm Fk�kkE� As for the Sukoon�� �

in the Present Tense Verbs which end in a sound letter. Any letter .Fp{א}وE other than � �

� �)�א�78�E(ل���و��I*8}��א}G*���א��U6�C�7א�"*��6�7א���M)�hع������8���ن���b�f$*��.�1���Kم��W�I*8א�\��q<��و����1

�N�t* �)�a�78�M�I*C#א��*.����B�ن�א��j;א��*T)K� �As for Removal, then it is an indicator of the state of Jazm when �

and it is also�Fp{א}وE� the last letter in a present tense verb is weak�� �


an indicator of the state of Jazm in the Five Verbs when the sign of the state of Raf' is the fixedness of the letter Noon.

46�[�8�W�T)� �א�����7 �Section: Words which contain vowel markings that can be changed

��(�W*Tא�����7 �(2��T*���(ن����\�)* ��L���7�?�4���*2�{و�<*�و����\�)* ��L���7�?�4���*2K� �The words which contain vowel markings that can be changed are divided into two groups. One group is identified by diacritical vowel markings while the other group is identified by way of


p*q#�)�8אع����������7.� �M���*T)�����\�)* ��L���7�?W"��د���و�}א@����5א������*���C'��א��}=���و��=��*V���l��א��'��*�)���6 *I�m�*n��*Go>4}�א��*[�C�?������pq#ع��א��M)�h��و��א�"*��6�7אK� �

So the group which is identified by way of vowel markings contains four types of nouns. 1. The Singular Noun. 2. The

Broken Plural. 3. The Sound Feminine Plural. 4. The Present tense verb to which there is nothing attached to the end of it.

*.��h�)* ��'�8���X�)�a|$�� *(�"��C\�.*}�و������[�;�Xو���{*w�������)* ��A�"�B�Xن�}�و������j��)* �Kو���b�f�Xم�� �In all of the previous nouns the condition of Raf' is indicated by a ,

F�kkkE�the condition of Nasb is indicated by a Fathah�,F�kkk�E Dhommah�� ��, and theF*kkkE� the condition of Khafdh is indicated by a Kasrah� � �

.Fk�kkE� condition of Jazm is indicated by a Sukoon� � �� �

�<)���m����.�/���/��c*ذ������Kج�����Gو��W��א��'��=��*�)��V*�א����l��*w�������)* ���א@*����5א�#�p*q@���و�}?�;�]��>���[�;�?�*.�\�C�"�)* ��A�"�B�?�{ع��و��M)�h��א�"*��6�7א��*G{א�j6�C�7��א��*n��*G~�*>�q�\* ��b�f�?Kم�� �

The only exceptions from those are three: 1. The Sound Feminine .F*kkk�E Plural in which the condition of Nasb is indicated by a Kasrah� � �

2. The condition of Khafdh in Nouns which vowel marks do not

3. The Present Tense Verb which ends withKF�kkkEchange is a Fathah � �enters the state of Jazm with the removal of �Fp{א}وE� a weak letter�� �

its last letter. � �


� �p*q#و�<*�و��א����\�)* ��L���7�?אع����������7.� �M���W�.��*;�t�Cو�}�א���*�)��#���א���q� א��'��=��{�.����B�(>��א��5�Eو��א�{

�.����B��78(ل��א�Eو��א�{�I*%و���W���7ن�}�?�"���7ن�"�Xن�}�و�����ن�}�و��?�"�7$����7$"�X�7$*����}و��"�Xو���K� �And the group of words which are grammatically identified by

letters are of four types: 1.The Dual Form 2. The Sound Masculine andF���7ن�"�?E� Plural 3. The Five Nouns 4.The Five Verbs which are��� �

K�F����*$�7"�XE and Fن�����7$"�XE�and�Fن�����7$"�?E and F���7ن�"�XE� �� �

�.��*;�t�Cא��)�1�W�8�W�8*D*��e* ��'�8���C�{*<)���)* ��A�"�B�Xو������[�;�Xو��K� �As for the Dual form then the condition of Raf' is indicated by an

and the condition of Nasb and Khafdh is indicated by theFאE� Alif� �. FpE the letter Yaa � �

� �)��#���א���(�*���و����1�q� א��'��=W���אو��)* ��'�8���C�8�{�A�"�B�?و����� *(���(>*�و��?�;�]�K� �

As for the Sound Masculine Plural, then the condition of Raf' is �� and both the condition of NasbFوEWaaw � indicated with the letter� �

.FpE and Khafdh are indicated by the letter Yaa � �� �

1�(�و�����.����B�(>��א��5�Eא�W���אو�)* ��'�8���C�8{����[�;�Xو���*D*��e* {�*<)���)* ��A�"�B�Xو��K� �As for the Five Nouns then the condition of Raf' with them is �

and the condition of Nasb is FوEindicated with the letter Waaw � �, and the condition of Khafdh isFאEAlif � indicated with the letter� �

. FpE indicated with the letter Yaa � �� �

�.����B��78(ل��א�Eא�)��8'�� *(�;��jن��Wو����1���C�8�{)�a*8�q�\* ��A�"�B�Xو������[�;�Xو��K� �As for the Five Verbs then condition of Raf' with them is � �

.FنE indicated by the establishment and firmness of the letter Noon

Both the conditions of Nasb and Jazm are indicated by the� �.FنE removal of the letter Noon � �

� �� �


�(��Lא�78�E(ل�� �The Chapter of Verbs

� ��Kو��א)����L}�و��?��L���(�{�L���h}���\���}�و����4��1}�و���M)�h�1ع4}��1(ض�Wא�78�E(ل��/���/�.� �

The verbs are of three types: Past Tense, Present Tense, and � � He hits,F��L���h�?�EHe hit,�F�L���(E� Command Form. For Example:� �

Hit (him or it)! F�L���(אE and � �� �

�'��א�#�f�?�I*C�����2�)�a�7��W�1��cو��א���M)�hع��M�Eو�א�*+*�א�bא����+���J�*0*����(ن�����I*8و�)F�y�������E����%و������4و��=�(ز�م4}�8���1���ع���4 �+א*s)���*0���$�K��6�G�+�?�9�C��K� �

The Present tense is preceded by one of four extra letters which and the present tense isF�y������E� are gathered together in the word� �

always in a state of Raf' until an article of Nasb or Jazm enters upon it and alters its vowel marking.

-w�����K���*sא���;�)�8�{�I*%و���Wذ�ن�}و������}���ن��Jو���{�I����f��{9\���د*و��@�م��א}�و��@�م��و�����I}��و��Cو��}�و���� *(�"�(>*�و�א���אو���Lא���f�و����و�}�אK� �

F�I��E� andFذ�ن��JE� andF����E and Fن���E The Articles of Nasb are ten:

Fو�א���אو��*<)�"�)* ��Lא���f�אE and F9�C��E�and�F*د���\�f�م��א�@Eand �F�I��� Eand@�م��و�� �. Fو���E� and� �

� �F@�E�I*8و��}�و��@�م��א����1�Eو��א�+�Kj(>*}�و�������(}�و��������}�و�����(}������Wو��%*�I}��א���f�אز�م��/��(�*��.�������Kو�

*<)�Kj+و��א��I�a�و��}�و������9}�و����?����و����?�(ن�}�و��9�C�1}�و����jp}�و���Jذ���1(}�و���Jن��و���1(�و������1و���a�1�(}�א�;)��t�����{)��"�����.א�I*8و���Jذ:}�و��s)�G����7Uא���K� �

F)�����E� andF������E� andF)���E and F����E The Articles of Jazm are twelve: � � F)��a�1ن��و���1(�و������1و���JE�and�FF@�E*<)�Kj+و��א��I�a�� Eand@�م��א����1�Eو��א�+�I*8Eand �F*<)�Kjא�; �

F��)��t��E�and�F9����Eand �Fن�)�� �JEandذ����E and F9�C�1E�and�Fjp��Eand �F)�1?����و����? �when it is used specifically in poetry.�Fذ:א�JE� andF)��"����E and � �

� ��L)� *<)��5�Eא�*T)�K��8���1�� �

The Chapter of the Nouns which are in the state of Raf'


��K)�8*$��0}�א�"�(�W�6*Kو��%*8�{�I���7�N�5��T)�K.-���א�����?������p*q#"���7ل��א��و��א��{���+�C�N��و��א�{�n���N�Gو��}�و����(ن�Fא����5�E*0*Xא���Gو�����{����N�Gو��F� *'���*$���8��ع�}�و�������Gא�J�E*0*Xن)�Cو��א��{�<)���m����.�7� �M������%و���W�y�7�}�א�;

�D��7�א�{�+��*����Cل�}�و��א��+�N�و��אK� �The Nouns which are in the state of Raf' are seven: They are

F�0�$*K)�8������?������p*q#"���7ل��א��א�E�� verbal subject (doer), and theF��6א*K)�"E the

Nominal Subject,F���+�C�N��אE� subject in the passive voice, and the� � the Noun of Kaana Fن��)��� �E�Predicate, and�F��N�GE and itsو�������GאX*0*א����5 �

the Predicate of Inna and her F����E� and her sisters, andو�������Gא�J����N�G*0*Xن � the follower of something in the state of Fع���8���$*���'* )�Cא�E� sisters, and� �

conjunction, �F�D��7�אE the adjective, F�y�7��:E� Raf' which are fourא�; � substitution. Fل��+�N�א�Eemphasis, and�F�+��*����Cא�E� �

� ��6*K)�"�א��L)� � �

The Chapter of the Verbal Subject (Doer)

���%��6*K)�"�א�W�2��M����q��ع��א��8���8��0�$*$�7*0*א@*����5א��NK� �The Verbal Subject (Doer) is the Noun in the state of Raf' which is

preceded by its own verb.

4}���(%*��K�W4$�2�9*�������%���و���*�h�1و��K� � Implicit.F4�*�h�1E� Apparent, andF4�*%)���E And consists of two types:� �

� ��)�8�2����\�����*%)#�c*����W4+�?م��ز�?�+4}��2(م��ز���S�?אن�}�و���+�?�bم�}�و���2(م��א���S�?אن��و���+�?�bون���2(م�و��}�א��+�?�bא��{

�?�+�ون��و��?�S��م�bل��2(م�و��}�א�)�=Uم��و�}��א����S�?ل��)�=U�24(�1و��}�א��+�;*%��y�{4+�;*%م����S�X�2(��1و�}�و����y�و��S�X��م�}���yא�a�;��د��2(��1و�}�و��S�X��م��א�a�;�+�א��y�{�Tא�a�;�+�א�2�T(�1و��}��a�;�+�אن�S�X��م��א�و�}�א�a�;�+�אن��Kو����0�N�m���)�1ذ��*��{�c���S�?�I*1��م�و��}�������2I*1(م��و�}�و��?�S��م������R��G}�2(م�����R��Gو��}�א�a�;��د� �

So the Apparent Verbal Subject (Doer) is like the following:� �and �Fאن��+�?�bم��א���S�?E�and�Fאن��+�?�b�2(م��א�Eand �F4+�?م��ز���S�?Eand �F4+�?�2(م��ز�E� �and �Fم���S�?ل�)�=Uא���E�and�Fل��2(م�)�=Uא���Eand �Fون��+�?�bم��א���S�?Eand �Fون���2(م��+�?�bא�E �� �and �Fאن��+�;�a�م��א��S�XE�and�F�1)�2�א��yאن��+�;�aEand �F4+�;*%م����S�XEand �F�1)�24+�;*%��yE� �


and �Fد���;�a�م��א��S�XE�and�F�1)�2د���;�a�א��yEand �F�Tא�+�;�a�م��א��S�XEand �F�1)�2�Tא�+�;�a�א��yE� �and �Fم�و����S�?I*1�����E�and�F�2(م�I*1�����Eand �F�R��Gم������S�?Eand �F�R��G�2(م����E� �

whatever is similar to this.� �� �

��c*����2���\��F�W�y}�א/�;�(���W�W�W�W�����Kא���h*��و����(�{)�;� �}و��)��� ��C�(}�و��)��� �y*}�و��)��� ��y}�و��)������C� ���(�{���C� �KEو��)��� ���}�و��)��� ��א}��)��� �(و�}�و��)��� ��y}�و��)����L}�و��)��� �

And the Implicit Verbal Subjects (Doers) are twelve like the � � F)��C� ���(E and F*y� ���(E�and�F�y� ���(Eand �F)�;� ���(Eand �F�y� ���(E� following:�� �

� and F)� ���(E and F�y� ���(E�and�F�L���(Eand �F���C� ���(Eand �F���C� ���(Eand �� �.F��� ���(�E andFא�� ���(E � �

� � �(��Lא���C�N+���و����N�B�א�� �

The Chapter of the Nominal Subject and Predicate

���+�C�N��א�W*.��* �K%����א@*����5א����8��ع��א����K�p�M)�7�א���7�א1*��6א�$#" �The Nominal Subject is a Noun in the state of Raf' which is unaffected by grammatical factors that may alter Arabic word

vowel markings.

���N�B�א�W*0�����J��+�;����ع��א��8���א@*����5א�����%�{��c*����2����\��F4�*�)�2�4+�?ز��Eو��F(ن��אن���2(�*�+�?�bא��Eو��Fن���ون���2(�*�+�?�bא�KE� �

The Predicate is a Noun in the state of Raf' which is attributed to F�b(ن�א��אن���2(�*�+�?E and F4�*�)�2�4+�?ز��Ethe subject like the following examples:�� �

.Fن���ون���2(�*�+�?�bא�E� and� �� �

���*2����+�C�N��ن�(א�W4�*%)���{4���h�1و��K� �� Apparent, andF4�*%)��E�The Nominal Subject consists of two types� �

Implicit.�F4�*�h�1E� �� �

�)�8�n����م��ذ*+�S�X�)�1���*%)#K� �� Apparent is what was previously been mentioned. F4�*%)��E� So the� �


� ���}و���������C}�و�������C�(}�و������y*}�و�������y}�و����\���}�����(�Wو��%*�I}א/�;�(�������Kא���h*���و���C�����{���%و���{�I*%و���{

�و�}��%���و�}�و��%��(��%�{���c*����2����\��F)����)�24�*�E�{و��Fن���2(�*����\��E�{�c*��0ذ���N�m���)�1و��K� �And the Implicit Nominal Subjects are twelve like the � �

F���C����Eand �F)��C����Eand �F*y����E�and�F�y����Eand �F���\��Eand �F)���E� following:�� ��F���%E and F���%E and F)��%E�and�F�I*%Eand �F���%Eand �F���C����Eand �� �

and �Fن���2(�*����\��Eand �F)���4�*�)�2�E�as in the following examples:� �whatever is similar to this.� �

� ��Kو����������1"��دg}��1"��د�W4א2����N�B�*���(ن��و� �

And the Predicate is of two types: Singular and Non-Singular.

�KEز�?�+�8F4�*�)�2�4(��"��د����\���� ��.F4�*�)�2�4+�?ز�E The example of a Singular Predicate is the sentence � �

� ��<)���m����.�7� �M���g"��د�و���������א��WjM)�f�א�Mو���f��و��א��{�>��# ����1'��و��א���C�N+�}�و��א�"*K)�8��'�1��6�7*$*0*}�و��א�

*n���N�G{��c*����2����\��F�W�Mא��KEو��ز�?�+��0�C�?�M)�=�4ذ�א%*�N.-}�ز�?�+�2�4(م���� ����nو�}�و��ز�?�+�R�+�;*K�4}�ز�?�+�I*8�4א�+ �The Non-Singular Predicate consists of four things: � �

Circumstantial�F�>��# ��.�E 1����fو�Mא�jM)�f�و��אE The article of Jaar. 2. Fא� � The Verb and its Verbal Subject.F*0*$*K)�8��'�1��6�7*"�אE Preposition. 3. � �

The Nominal Subject and its Predicate. ExamplesF*n���N�G��'�1����+�C�N��אE4. � � andF�Mא�� :E of this can be found in the following sentencesز�?�+�I*8�4א�+ �

.F�?ز�-.�N*%��0ذ�א�C�?�M)�=�4+E and �F�n�� �Eز�?�+�Eand�F�R�+�;*K�4ز�?�+�2�4(م���� �� �

���N�B�و��א���+�C�N���9�$א�K�*.�$*Gא� �(��Lא���7�א1*��6א�+� �The Chapter of Grammatical factors that can affect the Nominal

Subject and Predicate

<)���m����.�/���/��I*%و���W)�a�Xא���Gن��و����)���{���Kو�������Gא�a�X(�و����;�;��y}�و�������Gא�a�X(�و���Jن �The Grammatical factors that can affect the Nominal Subject and

KaanaF)�a�Xא���Gن��و����)��E� Predicate are divided into three categories: 1.� �


F)�a�Xא���Gو������y�;�;��E� Inna and her sisters. 3.F)�a�Xא���Gو������� .�JE and her sisters. 2ن �Dthununtu and her sisters.� �

� �)�1�W�8�)�a�Xא���Gن��و����)������8��8���X�)�a'��א@*���5}��{���N�B�א���*[�;�Xو���{�I*%و���Wن�)��و��}�و����9���1}�

�Z�N�s���{9�\�(و�����{�6���}و��C�8�)�1*��}��و���1(�א��"�c#}و���1(�ز�אل��}و�������M�{�vو���s(}�و�� �(�T}�و�� ������ �<���a�;*1(���\���}�و���1(�د�אم�}��و���1(���[�X�)�1و���Wن�)���و������Z�N�sو�}�و������}�و��?����ن�}� �

�Z*N�[�?�{�Z*N�sل�}�و������S�XF�Wن�)�����0�N�m���)Kذ��*�cو���K�E��1���و���v����)[*G)�mو�}��ز�?�+�2�4(�*( �, then when they areF)�a�Xא���Gن��و����)��Eand her sisters � As for Kaana��� �

added to a nominal sentence consisting of a subject and predicate� �they affect it by leaving the Nominal subject in the state of Raf' and by placing the Predicate into a state of Nasb. Kaana and her � �

andF�Z�N�s��E and F9���1��E� andFن�)��E� include�F)�a�Xא���Gن��و����)��Esisters � ��and�F�1(�ز�אل�E and F�v����E and F�M)�sE� andF�T)� E and F�6��E� andF9�\�(��E� � �� and whatever can beF�1(�د�אم���E� andF����� �)�1E and F��*C�8�)�1�E andF#c�"�1(�א��E�� � Fن�)��� �:E� extracted by way of verb conjugation likeو������}�?����ن�}� �

like that which is in the following F�Z�N�s����{�Z*N�[�?�{�Z*N�sو����E and � � and whatever is F�v����)[*G)�mو�����K�E and Fن�)���:�E� examplesز�?�+�2�4(�*( �

similar to this.� �� �


*+��*����C$*��{و����*���*Rא�M�+*C�5*�*���{و������Wن*0��*N���C$*���{و���y����IU;��C$*���{و���6�7��� ��'|2���Cو�א��IU=���C$*�K� �

Then they affect the Nominal sentence byF)�a�Xא���Gو����������JE� As forن � Nominal Subject into the state of Nasb and F���+�C�N��אE placing the �� �

� in the state of Nasb. Inna and F���N�B�אE By leaving the predicate � �F����WنE and F��*���E and F��� ��JE� her sistersن���و�������Gא�JE� includeF)�a�Xن���E� andFن �

. Some examples of Inna and her sisters can F�6�7��E� andF�y����Eand

and �F4�*�)�2ز�?�+א����:�JE� be found in the following examplesن ��F���K�E��א��JE and whatever is similar to this. Both Inna F�y����4�*G)�mن � isF��*���E� are used to express affirmation. LakinnaF����EAnna � andن �


is usedF����WنE used to express rectification or correction. Ka'anna �� �is used to�F�y����E� when expressing comparison or likeness. Layta� �

is used to express anticipation andF�6�7��E� express regret. La'ala� �expectation.� �

� �1�(�و�����;���y�;�)�a�Xא���Gو�����)�a�1"��7@�ن�����)��a�����9�$�K����N�B�و��א����+�C�N��א���*[�;�X�)�a�����8�{�I*%و��W�

�y�;�;���{�y�N*�و��}�و�����y$*G�{�y��Kو��ز��{�y�?���Mو���{�y�*$�Kو���}و���T�+�=و��{�T�q�BUXو��א�{�y$�7�=و��}�و����;�;��5�W�y�7*؛�S�X��ل��y�)*�)�2و�}�ز�?�+א���y�?���M)[*G)�mא����K�{��c*��0ذ���N�m���)�1و��K� �

Then they affectF)�a�Xא���Gو������y�;�;��E� As for Dthununtu and her sisters� �nominal subject �F���+�C�N��אE the nominal sentence by placing both the � �

predicate into the state of Nasb while making them �F���N�B�אEand � ��.F)�a�Xא���Gو������y�;�;���E nominal objects for Dthununtu and her sisters� ��F�y�N*���E and F�y�;�;��E� are:F)�a�Xא���Gو������y�;�;��E� Dthununtu and her sisters� �and�F�T�q�BUXאE and F�T�+�=و�E and F�y�*$�KE� andF�M�y�?��E and F�y��Kز��E andF�y$*GE� � �

. Some examples of Dthununtu and her F�y�7*�5E� andF�y$�7�=E�and� � can be found in the following examples: F)�a�Xא���Gو������y�;�;��E� sisters� � �

and whatever is similar to�F�y�?���M)[*G)�mא����K�E and Fز���y�;�;���E?�+א��2(�*( �this.� �� �

*y�7� �(��Lא�;� �The Chapter of the Adjective� �

� ��y�7� *'$*��4��W*0*78�M�I*8�*T��7�;א�;)�X�{*0*h"�G0*�و��*N�[ل�}�و������S�X؛�*n����*��;�X���7?�"*0*�و���Xو���W�4+�?�2(م��ز�

*�b?�}�و���Mא�?���yز�?�+א�א�7�(2*�6}�א�7�(2*�6��T�M���1א�7�(2*�6و���g+K� �The adjective follows the object of description in its Raf', Nasb, and Khafdh while also following the object of description in its definiteness or indefiniteness as in the following examples:

. F�6*2)�7�א�g+�?�b* ��T�M���1E and F��y�?א��M�6*2)�7�ز�?�+א�אE� andF�6*2)�7��2(م��ز�?�+�4אE� �� �



���م� ��7.*}�א��M�Eא�*n*q�%���*1�g+*�9و�א����J��D��*(���)�1و��K� �The Condition of Definiteness consists of five things: 1. Implicit

F�.#��1ز�?�+�4و��E and 2. Proper Nouns like: F�yو�������)���E�Nouns like:��� � 4. Nouns which areFא�q�%�{*n*q�%و���{*<�@�l�%و��E� 3. Ambiguous Nouns like:�� �

5. NounsF���م� �E� preceded by the definite articleאلE like: Fא���=���6و��א� �which are compounded with one of the four previously mentioned


�w��*�����Wو��א�;���G~0*�و�א�*+�4د�ون��* ���C�B�?��@�*0*��;*=�I*8�'*�)�m���5*א�j6�{�)�1�j6����0�N�?��S�Xو�����K\����א���=���6و��א�"���س�}�א��D*��Eو��א�#�م����Z�$�s�*0���$�Kد���Gل� �

The indefinite consists of every noun which is general in its classification and is not easily distinguished from other nouns of the same type. One might approximate that the indefinite includes

like:Fאل�Eall of the words that can accept the definite article� ��.F��6و��א�"���س��=��Eא�� �

� �*D��7�א��L)� � �

The Chapter of Conjunction

1�(}�و����م�}�و����و�}�و��/���}�و��א�"�(>�}�א���אو��Wو��%*�I}�و<��אw�����K�*D��7�-و�������J�6}�و��� }�و�����*��}�و��@�}�و�� ���A�7א����א)*'��I*8�9�Cو����K� �

�,F>E�, the FaaFوE� The Letters of Conjunction are ten: The Waaw� ��, and Laa F�6� E, Bal F)�1�JE�, ImmaFم���E, Amm Fو���E�, AwwF���/E�Thumma� � �

.F9�C��E, and in some instances Hatta F��*���E�, LaakinF�@E�� �� �

�y�7*8�Mع���8���1�9�$�K��y�"*��K���8ن���{�y�N*[���gL��[�;�1�9�$�Kو����{��y�h*"�Gض���"�B�1�9�$�Kو���}��و�����y�1�b�=وم��b�f�1�9�$�K�{ل���S�XF�W4و���Kא}��2(م��ز�?�+�4و�����Kز�?�+א�و����y�?א��Mو��}�و���g+�?�b* ��T�M���1و��

��7SKE+������?�و���و��ز�?�+S�?������4����K�{��و �So if a word is conjoined with another which is in the state of Raf' then the conjoined word also assumes the state of Raf', and if a


word is conjoined with another which is in the state of Nasb then the conjoined word also assumes the state of Nasb, and if a word is conjoined with another which is in the state of Khafdh then the conjoined word also assumes the state of Khafdh, and if a word is conjoined with another which is in the state of Jazm then the

conjoined word also assumes the state of Jazm. Examples of and�F4و���K�2(م��ز�?�+�4و��E� this can be found in the following statements:� �

.F�+�7S�?و�����������S�?������4+�?ز�E and Fو���Kو���g+�?�b* ��T�M���1E� andFא���Kز�?�+א�و����y�?א��ME� �� �

� �*+��*����Cא���L)� � �The Chapter of Emphasis

�+��*����Cא�F�W*0*"�?���7�X0*�و��*h"�G0*�و��*N�[78*0*�و�����M�I*8�*+#��l�$*��4'* )�XKE� �The Emphatic Article follows the emphasized object in its Raf',

Nasb, Khafdh, and definiteness or indefiniteness.

�1��$�7�1�g�)�"��W* �Wو��%*�I}�و�����Xא *'����=��'�}�و����=��'�}�و�����6}�و��א�����7�}�א�;�"�W�vو��%*g.�{�Iو��?����ن���'�C����{�'�C� *(���S�م��}�و����y�?���Mא���S�م����$#���a}����2�0(م��ز�?�+S�X�W"���4��ل��}و���� �]�'�}�و������T�M���1و��

����*7��=��K� ��,Fv"��E�The Emphatic state is established with the following words:� �

� and the words that can be extractedF�'��=��E and F�6��E� andF����KE� � �. Examples of this can F�'�[� ��E and F�'�C� ��E� andF�'�C���E� like:F�'��=���E from� � �

andF�0��"���4+�?�2(م��ز�E be found in the following statements: � �.F����*7��=م�������S�)* ��T�M���1E and F���a#$�����y�?���MEא���S�م�� �

� � �(��Lא�N�+�ل�� �

The Chapter of Substitution

�1�4��5K*���א*�5����و���=�I*8��0�7*N�X�6�7*8���*1�46�7*8���K�J��'��*א *�J*0ذ�א��� �+*ل��א* �If a noun is substituted for another noun or if a verb is substituted for another verb then the substitute follows the original noun or

verb in exactly the same grammatical state.

� �


��7.*���2��(م�M���9�$�K����%و���W��*1�*<�I� �+�ل��א���*<�I�و�� �+�ل��}�و�� �+�ل��א1��A�7�N�*���א���U6}�א���$��*}�א[�C�m*�(ل� و����"��I*;�7ز�?�+�4}�و������$��yא����*��$�/��D��0�t}��2(م��ز�?�+�c*����2����\��F�W�R��G���4}�و�� �+�ل��א��0�$*K�{ز�?�+א�א�"���س�و���y�?���M�E�{ل���S�Xن������Tد��M��W��y�?���M��0�;*1ز�?�+א���y��+� �W�8��y�*$� �Kא�"���س���8 �

Substitution is divided into four categories: 1. The complete substitution of something. 2. The substitution of a part for the whole 3. The theoretical substitution. 4. The Substitution of error. Some examples of the these types of substitution include: ��� �

and also in F0�$*K�4+�?ز��I*;�7�"��E�and�F�0�t�$�/��D��*����$��yא����E and �F�R��G���4+�?�2(م��ز�E� � was mentionedF4+�?ز�E� Since�.F���Mز�?�+א�א�"���س���y�?E the following phrase � �

is then mentioned directly afterwardsFא�"���س�E� accidentally the word� �as a substitution for the word which was mentioned mistakenly.� �

*<)��5�Eא�*y� ��[�;�1��L)� � �The Chapter of Nouns in the State of Nasb

�����K��.����G��y� ��1(ن��و������<�}�و��א��]�+��M}�א��"��7ل�� *�W*0و��%*�I}�א��;�]��bא���>����و�����*���b}�و��א�\�(ل�}�א����(ن�C9}�و��א��;�t�C����;�(د��}�و��א*����5@�}�و��א�"��7ل��1*�����=�$*0*}�و��א��و��}�و��א�

��(ن��و�����a*X���G(و�}�א��"��7ل���0�7�1����N�G��{)�a*Xא���Gو�������Kو��א*�J����5ن �The Nouns in the State of Nasb are fifteen: The verbal object, The

infinitive, The preposition(circumstantial) of time, The preposition(circumstantial) of place, Status(state), Specification,

The Caller, The�,F@E�Exception, The Noun of Laa� �Causative Object, The Object of Accompaniment, The� �

, The NominalF)�a*X���Gن��و����)��E� Predicate of Kaana and her sisters� �.F)�a*Xא���Gو��������J�E Subject of Inna and her sistersن �

� ���[�;�$*���'* )�Cو��א�*L�{�<)���m����.�7� �M������%و���W�y�7��*��+�}�و��א�D��7�}�א�;���Cل�}�و��א��+�N�و��אK� �

The articles which follow what has proceeded in Nasb are four: the adjective, the conjunction, the emphatic article, and the


� �� �


�L)� �*0* �א��"��7ل�� �The Chapter of the Verbal Object

� � *0*�א�"*�6�7}�א��;�]���L}�א@*�W���5و��%�����'�S�?�p*q#א��{���\���Wز�?�+א��y� �*��y�Nא�"���س�}�)����Mو��K� �

The Verbal Object is the Noun in the state of Nasb upon which a .Fא�"���س��y�N*��M�Eand�Fز�?�+א��y� ���(E� verb is enacted. For example:� �

� �4}���(%*��W4و��%����2*���(ن����h�1و��� �

F4�*�h�1E� Apparent, andF4�*%)��E� And it is divided into two types:� �Implicit.

�n����م��ذ*+�S�X�)�1��*%)# �)�8� �The Apparent has previously been explained.

����h��(ن��و��א�2*���W46*[�C�1�{46*[�"�;�1و��K� �And the Implicit can be divided into to groups: The Attached and


�����K�)�;�/��6א*[�C��)�8�{�I*%و���WI*;� ���(�{)�;� و��}�و��)��� ����(}�و��)��� �c*}�و��)��� ��c}�و��)�������� ���(�{����� ��a(و�}�و��)��� ��0}�و��)������(��{)��a� �}�و��)��� ����a}�و��)�����a� �Kو��)��� �

So the Attached Implicit Verbal Objects are twelve which include: and F)���� ���(E and F*c� ���(E� andF�c� ���(E and F)�;� ���(E� andFI*;� ���(E� � �and �F)��a� ���(E and F)�a� ���(E� andF�0� ���(E and F����� ���(E� andF����� ���(E� � �

.F���a� ���(�E andF���a� ���(�E � �� �

�����K�)�;�/;�"�]*��6א�و��א��{�I*%و��W�p)�?�J�{)��)�?�Jو����{�R)�?�Jو���{*R)�?�Jو���{)���)�?�Jو���{�����)�?�Jو��}�و������)�?�J�{�n�)�?�Jو���{)�%�)�?�Jو���{��%�)�?�Jو��)�{���%�)�?�Jو���{���%�)�?�Jو��K�� �

And the Detached Verbal Objects are also twelve which include:� � and F�����)�?�J�E andF)���)�?�JE and F*R)�?�JE� andF�R)�?�JE and F)��)�?�JE� andF�p)�?�JE� � �.F���%�)�?�JE and F���%�)�?�JE and F)��%�)�?�JE� andF)�%�)�?�JE and F�n�)�?�JE� andF����)�?�JE� � �

� �� �


�M�+�[��א��L)� � �The Chapter of the Musdar (Original Noun)

���%��M�+�[��א�W���5*@א{��L��[�;��א�"*�6�7}�א�*D?���[�X�I*8�)t*�)�/��<I*f�?�p*q#א��{���\���W��L���h�?��L���() ���(K� ��

The Musdar (Original Noun) is the Noun in the state of Nasb which is mentioned third when conjugating Arabic verbs. For �

.F) ���(��L���h�?��L���(E Example:

� �*�W�Iو��%����2*���(ن� "���{�I* "������a�8�*0*$�7*8��!"����0� ����W�2��C�2��0�Ck$�CK\���}�و�����8��p���;�7�1ن��و�א������8" �

And the Musdar (Original Noun) can be divided into two groups: The Written, and the Abstract. So if the letter composition of the Musdar agrees with the verb which is extracted from it then the

F��C�2��0�Ck$�C�2E Musdar is written like:

� ��p���;�7�1����a�8�*0* و���1(��}و��2����yو�2��2��y���$�=�{)8���7دא���W\���}�و���Jن��و�א�7�1����8;�8�9*�7$*0*�د�ون����"

�c*��0ذ���N�m��K� �And if the meaning of the Musdar agrees with a verb consisting of a different word structure but conveys the same meaning as the

F��7دא�2��y���$�=E Musdar then this Musdar is considered abstract like: �� �� and whatever is similar to this. F)8��2و���y��2Eand

� ���1(ن��و������<*�א����(ن�bא��*>������L)� � �

The Chapter of the circumstantial Preposition of Time and Place

��1(ن��%���bא���>�����W���5*�1(ن��א�bא������?*+S�C* ��L��[�;��אFI*8�Eو��א�#$��$�.�}���\����א�����م��{w+�و��و��}�و���w���� و�����0�N�m���)�1}و���*��;(}�و�����1+א}�و���� �+א}�و���1��(>:}�و���N�s(�(}�و���C�K�.}�و����+א}�و���5\��א}�

��c*�Kذ� ���The circumstantial Preposition of Time is a noun of time which is

in the state of Nasb with the implied meaning of "in" or "during" Fw���� E� andFwو��+���E andF�.�$��$#א�E� andFא�����م�E as in the following examples:


andFא+� ��E� andF:<)���1E� and�F)�)�N�sE� andF.��C�KE� andFא+��E� andF�5\��אE and whatever is similar to this.�F);��*�E� andF�1+א��E

� �����<��א����(ن��%����W���5*א�����?*+S�C* ��L��[�;��(ن��א���א�FI*8�E�1(م�������\���{�D$�Gאم�}�و���و��}�و��2�+

�Kو����0�N�m���)�1ذ��*��c}و��/����و��%�;�(}�و���S*$�X(>�}�و���*�qא>�}�و���1'��و���Jز�א>�}�و���y�\�X��{�+�;*Kو�}�و�����8ق�}�و��Mא>� �The circumstantial Preposition of Place is a noun of location which is in the state of Nasb which conveys the meaning of "in"

F�<א�Mو�E� andF��:�1��E� as in the following examples(م�E� andF�D$�GE� andFאم�2�+ � andF�<א�q*�E� andF�'�1E� andF�<ز�א�JE� andF�+�;*K�E andF�y�\�XE� andF���8ق�E

and whatever is similar to this.�F)�;�%E� andF���/E� andF�<)�S*$�XE � �

�(��Lא�\�(ل�� �The Chapter of the Situational

=�(>��ز�?�+�c*����2����\��F�W�4}�א��"������U*�(�א��1����a�N*���אT)�����a�*}�א��;�]����L}א@*�W���5א�\�(ل��%���)N*��*��y�Nא�"���س��F)=�����1و���M�Eא�M�Eو��F*�א��+�N�K��y���S���)N*��Kو����0�N�m���)�1ذ��*�ME��cא �

The Situational is the Noun in the state of Nasb which gives description to an ambiguous situation like the following: � �

.F)N*��*��y�Nא�"���س���N�K��y���S��E and F)=�����1+��א�*��Mא�ME and F)N*���E=�(>��ز�?�+�M�4א �� �

�@��?����ن�و��}�� ��X��+�7�(م��א�����م�א�\�(ل���J@��@��?����ن�و���}א�\�(ل���w��*�����@�J@��?����ن�و��.�8���7�1��@�J�)�a�N*�)�sK� �

The Situational does not exist except in the indefinite state and does not occur except after completed speech. The companion of

the Situational is cannot be anything other than Definite.�� �� �

�b��*���C�א��L)� � �The Chapter of the Distinctive (Specificational)

� �


���%��b��*���C�א�W���5*@א{��L��[�;��1*��}�א����a�Nא���)�*����U��"��א*Tو�א�qא���{�c*����2����\��F�W����N�[�X�4+�?ز�)2���KE�{و��F)�\�m�4��� ��W#S�"�X�Eو��F�\�1��L)�u)�"���4+��Eو��F)1��������?�����K��y�?���C�mא�Eو��

F.�f�7�������*7��*X��y��$�1�Eو��F) ����c�;*1م�������KEو�=��=��)a�F�c�;*1��6و���Eز�?�+���4 �The Distinctive (Specificational) is the Noun in the state of Nasb

which gives description to an ambiguous object like the � andF)�\�m�4��� ��W#S�"�XE and F����N�[�X)2���K�4+�?ز�E�following statements:�� � andF.�f�7�������*7��*X��y��$�1E and F)1��������?�����K��y�?���C�mאE and F)�"���4+��\�1��L)�uE�� �

.F�c�;*1��6��=��)a�=و��E and F� (ز�?�+���4����c�;*1م����E� �� �

��X��+�7�(م��א�����م�و��@��?����ن���}w��*�����@�Jو��@��?����ن����@�JK� �The Distinctive (Specificational) does not exist except in the

indefinite state and does not occur except after completed speech.� �� �

*<)�;�t*C�5*@א��L)� � �The Chapter of the Exceptional

و��}�و���K+�א}�و�����G}�و�����5א>4}�و������5:}�و��5*���:}�و��������}��W�@�Jو��%*�I}��/��(�*��.-א@*�t*C�5;�(>*�و������و<�)�m)��K� �

andF:���*5E� andF������E� andF�@�J�E The articles of exception are eight:� ��� �.F)�m)��E� andFא�+�KE� andF���GE� andF4<���5א�E andF:����5E� �

� �)N*=��1�)Q1)�Xن��א�����م��)������Jذ�א��[�;�?��@��* �9�;�t�C����)�8�{��\��F�Wز�?�+א��@�Jم�����S��2(م��א�Eو��Fج�����G


�1(�)��� ��J��y@��ز�?�+אFو���1�E(��2(م���J@��ز�?�+��W�F4\���}א���7�א1*�6�Eو��F�@�J��T�M���1�)�1g+�?�b* �KE� �� is entered into the state of Nasb if theF�@�JE The Exceptional with � ������

speech which has preceded it is complete. For example:� �. If the speech is complete Fא���K��@�Jس��)���2E(م��א���S�م���J@��ز�?�+א���GE and Fج��א�; �

and also negative then substitution here is permissible as well as � �. IfFز�?�+א��@�JE and Fز�?�+א��@�Jم�����S��1(��2(م��אEexception as in the following: � �


the speech is deficient then its grammatical classification depends upon the presence of other grammatical factors like those � �

Fز�?�+א��@�J��y� ���(�)�1E and F4+�?ز���@�J�1(��2(م��E� found in the following examples:� ��.Fg+�?�b* ��@�J��T�M���1�)�1E and

� �9�;�t�C��������و��א * ����f�1Kو�4M@��������}�و�����5א>g}�و������5:}�و��5*���:}�� �

are F4<���5א�E andF���5:�Eand �F:���*5�E andF������E The Exceptional with � �always in the grammatical state of Jarr.� �

� �9�;�t�C����و��א���B* �Eو�ز�?�+g}��ز�?�+א�2���G(م��א���S�م����f�?�{��\��W�Fز����]���0�Nو��=���nj}�و����(�m(}�و���K+�א}��

���א�و�� �F����و���K�E��و��و��K��א��K+�אFو���)�m)KE� ���can place the�F)�m)��Eand �Fא�+�KE� andF���GE� The Exceptional with� �

noun which follows it into either the state of Nasb or Jarr like that and Fg+�?ز�E or Fم�����S��2(م��א���Gز�?�+א�Efound in the following examples: � �. F�� �E or Fم����S���א�2(م��א� �)�m)���E and Fو���KE or Fم����S�א�2(م��א�+�Kא����K�E�� �

� ��@��L)� � �

F�@�E The Chapter of� �� �

����K�JF�@�E��M$������ن����C�Xو���������w��*���J���?���;�X������ذ�א� �(��T��*mא�; * �*Tא��*�����א�;�[�;�XF�@E��\���F�W��@�M�Mא���I*8��6�=KEא�+ �

Places indefinite nouns without the tanweenF�@E� Know that� �into the state of Nasb if it is immediately followed by another� �

is not repeated as in the followingF�@E indefinite noun and the � .F�Mא�� :�I*8��6�=�M��@E sentenceא�+ �

� ����8��M���א�X�����I*8��6�=�M��@KEא�+�א��Mو��@��אF�@�E��\��W�Fw�����1ن�������m)�N�X*��%�(�و�=����א���8'��و��و�=� �

And if it is not immediately followed by an indefinite noun then F�@Ethe state of Raf' becomes obligatory as does the repetition of � �

F*8��@�Mא� � :�M�E as in the following example=��46و��@��א�I-w�����1א�+� �


�T�M�����X���8ن��F��@�E)�a*�)� ��Jو���)�a��)��K�J�:ز�)�={��y$�2��y��*m���8ن��W�Fw�����1و��@��א��Mא�و���I*8��6�=�M��@�Eא�+�wKE-و��@��א�I*8�46�=�M������1א�+�א2W�F�@��M��J��y��*m��y$ن� �

is repeated then it is permissible for it to be used as it is F�@E So if ����� �also permissible for it to remain unused. So it can be said:��� �

. F-w�����1و��@��א��Mא���I*8��6�=�M��@Eא�+�א��Mو��@��א�I*8�46�=�M��@E as well as: Fw�����1א�+ �� �

��L)� �א��;�(د�� �The Chapter of Called (Vocative)

و��}�א�;��*��w���������א��S]��د�w*�و�}�و��א�;��*��w��א��S]��د�w�}�א��"��د��א�W���$�7�א��;�(د����G���.��������אع �>)�h��א�{*>)�h��)* �0��*N��Kو��א�� �

The Called (Vocative) is of five types: 1. The Single Proper Name 2. The indefinite Intended (Implied) 3. The indefinite unintended 4. The Compounded Nouns 5. And that which resembles the

Compounded Nouns. � ��� �

)�1�W�8����$�7�"��د��א�و�א���U��h�9�$א��Kن��)���;�N���8��wد���[S��א��w��*���E?�(�ز�?�+��X����������*1��{���\��F;���?��א�;�F�6�=�M�)�?KEو�� �

As for the Single Proper Name and the Indefinite Intended then they are both linguistically constructed upon the Dhomma without .

F�6�=�M�)�?E and F�+�?ز��)�?E� the presence of Tanween like in:���� �� �

��������@�-.� ��[�;�1��.��*2)�N�א��.�/���tو��א�K And the three remaining stay in the state of Nasb and do not


� � �(��Lא��"��7ل��1*�����=�$*0*� �

The Chapter of the Causative Object

������*���N(ن��}�א��;�]����L}א@*W����5و��%����q�?�p*q#ع��א�"*�6�7א���و�2�*��N��*��{��c*����2���\��F�4+�?�2(م��ز��(>�����7�1وF�c*8و���J�E=���@��*�7��و *C� ���c�X�+�[�2KEא �


�The Causative Object is the Noun in the state of Nasb which is mentioned in order to explain the reason why a verb occurred as

andF�2و���7*��@���=�J�4+�?م��ز�)E� in the following examples:� � �.F�c*8���7�1و��<)� *C� ���c�X�+�[�2Eא �

� � �(��Lא��"��7ل���0�7�1� �

The Chapter of the Accompanying Verbal Object

� �������*���N(ن��8����1�7*��0�7�1��6א�}�א��;�]����L}א@*W����5و��%����q�?�p*q#�6�7א�*"�{�c*����2���\��F�W�����*1�Eא��<)�=

�����f�و��א�Eو��F�.�N���B�(>��و��א�א������C�5אKE� �The Accompanying Verbal Object is the Noun in the state of Nasb which is mentioned in order to explain who participated in the enactment of the verb (action) as in the following examples:

. F�.�N���B�(>��و��א�א������C�5אE and F�����f�1*�����و��א�Eא��<)�=E

����N�G�)���(ن�Fو����1�E)�a*Xא���Gو��א����5}�و����F��م��ذ*���%��(��I*8}�و�������Gא�JE�)�a*Xن+�S�X��+�S�8*T)�K��8����؛}�א�'* ���אCא���c*��q�����S�8�R)�;�%��y�1و��+�S�X��+K� �

and�F)�a*Xא���Gن��و����)��E� As for the Predicate of Kaana and her sisters��� � thenF)�a*Xא���Gو�������E� the Nominal Subject of Inna and her sistersא�J����5ن �

You will find its mention in the chapter of the Nouns in the State of Raf' and you will also find its explanation in the chapter of the

Successors (or Followers).� �� �

*<)��5�E1*���א�*T)�(��"�B��א��L)� � �The Chapter of the Nouns in the State of Khafdh

*'$*��4��B"��ض�}�)�(�B�1*.�8"��ض�4 *([��و�}��B�1"��ض�4 *(�\���<*�Wא���B"��)�(��T/���/�.��������אع)�Xو��K� �The Nouns in the state of Khafdh are three types: 1. The Nouns in the state of Khafdh because of a letter 2. The Nouns in the state of Khafdh due to compounding 3. And The Nouns in the state of Khafdh because of Succession (Following the Vowel marking of

whatever preceded it).� � �


)�1�W�8����a�8�*>���\�)* **���Wא���B"��ض����A�"�B�?�)�1�{9���Jو���{���K9}�و���$�Kو��8*}�و��I�{�L�Mو��و��}�و��*<)�N�و��א�$#(م�}��و��א���(<*}א�{�����S�و<*�א���\* �(>�}�א�N�(>��و�}�א���אو��Wو��%*�I}�و��Cو��א��{�L�Mאو���* و��}�و��

�q�* �{�q�;�1و��K� �As for the Nouns in the state of Khafdh because of a letter then

and F9���JE and F��*1E they are whatever is grammatically affected by �� �Fא�$#(م�Eand �F*>)���אE� andF*<)�N�אE� andF�L�ME� andFI*8Eand �F9�$�KE� andF���KE

andF�<)�Cא�Eand �F�<)�N�אEand �Fא���אو�EThe letters of Oath which are � and

�.F�q�;�1Eand �F�q�* Eand �F�L�Mאو���* E� �� �

)� *(�#��م�Wو��%������*2�9�$�K�������E���م��ز�?�+�c*����2���\�;�8F�Wg}�א���B"��ض�� *([�)�(�8.*�و����1��M�+�S�?�)�1��{p*q#�)�8؛���** ��M�+�S�?�)�1م����\����و����#�)* ��M�+�S�?Fg+�?م��ز�����E�p*q#و��א����** ��M�+�S�?{����\��F�b�G��L���/�Eو��

F��5��L)� �Eو��Fg+�?*+�����*C�GKE� �And as for the Nouns which are placed into the state of Khafdh by way of compounding then their example is like that of the � �

and is divided into two groups: 1. That which Fg+�?م��ز�����E� following:� � and that which is supposedFg+�?م��ز�����E� like:Fא�#��م�E is supposed with � � �

. Fg+�?*+�����*C�GEand �F�5��L)� �Eand �F�b�G��L���/E like: F��*1E with ����� �� �

*\��+*�א�*����X� �Completed with all of the praise being for Allaah The Majestic