Download - Seven Problems


宿迁 2015年 3月



Model Aircraft Colloquia

3.27.2015 Friday

Millennium Prize Puzzle

Jun Steed Huang

[email protected]

宿迁 2015年 3月

宿迁 2015年 3月



Millennium 7 Prize Problems

1. P=NP Can the dispatcher be lazy ? 1970s

2. Hodge Can high dim space be decomposed ?1930s

3. Poincare Apple is not same as donut ! 1900s

4. Riemann Is prime distribution regular ? 1850s

5. Yang-Mills There is always a ghost !?1950s

6. Navier-Stokes How many solutions ? 1820s

7. Birch Swinnerton-Dyer : Only oval fly! 1960s

宿迁 2015年 3月



NP up bound \NP/ != P

1. P=NP? Can the dispatcher be lazy ?

If there is an algorithm (such as a Turing machine, or a LISP or Pascal program with unlimited memory), the correct answer can be given for a string of length n inputs in the most n ^ k steps, where k is an independent In the input string of constants, then we call the problem can be solved in the polynomial time, and it is placed in class P. Most computer scientists believe that P ≠ NP. No one can find a polynomial time algorithm for a non-deterministic (non-deterministic) Polynomial complete problem.

宿迁 2015年 3月



NP lower bound /NP\ = P

1971 by UoT Professor Stephen A. Cook et al

宿迁 2015年 3月



2. Hodge Can high dim space be decomposed ?

Whether the shape of a given object can be formed by bonding a simple geometric building block with increasing numbers of dimensions. In this promotion, the geometric starting point of the program becomes blurred and must be added without any geometric interpretation of the parts. Hodge's conjecture that Hodge's closed-chain components are a rational combination of geometric components called algebraic closed chains for the particularly perfect spatial type of projective algebra clusters.

1935 by W. V. D. Hodge

Shinichi MochizukiIUT \HC/ != Q

宿迁 2015年 3月



Shinichi MochizukiIUT /HC\ = Q

宿迁 2015年 3月




3. Poincare Apple is not same as donut !

In 1904, Poincare put forward a seemingly simple topology of the conjecture: in a three-dimensional space, if each closed curve can shrink to a little, then this space must be a three-dimensional ball. But in 1905 found the error, modified as: "Any n-dimensional spherical with n-dimensional closed manifold must be homologous in the n-dimensional sphere." Later, this conjecture was extended to more than three-dimensional space, known as the "high-dimensional Poincare guess. "

宿迁 2015年 3月




More than equal to the five - dimensional Poincaré conjecture proved by Stephen Smell;The four-dimensional Poincaré conjecture was confirmed by Michael Friedman;Three-dimensional Poincare conjecture proved by the Russian mathematician Perelman;They were awarded the 1961, 1986 and 2006 Fields Award respectively.

亏格 0 1 2 3

宿迁 2015年 3月



Our Integel Complexity\n/ > /n\ > log2(n)

4. Riemann Is prime distribution regular ?!

German mathematician Riemann (1826 ~ 1866) observes that the frequency of prime numbers is closely related to the structure of a well-constructed Riemannian zeta function ζ (s). The Riemann hypothesis asserts that all meaningful solutions of the equation ζ (s) = 0 are on a 1/2 line: Root line!

宿迁 2015年 3月



Prime FibonacciP(F) = 1 mod(4)

宿迁 2015年 3月



Space is not empty where ghost particle hide

5. Yang-Mil ls There is always a ghost !?!

In 1954, Yang Zhenning and Mills proposed

Yang - Mills norms theory, put forward the theory of gauge field. The theory will produce particles that carry the force, with charge but no mass! However, the difficulty is that if the charged particles are of no mass, then why is there no experimental evidence? And if the particle is assumed to be of mass, the normative symmetry will be destroyed.

宿迁 2015年 3月



Space is made of ghost mass


宿迁 2015年 3月



MH370 \Ns/ != S

6. Navier-Stokes How many solutions

French engineer Navier and the British mathematician Stoke, the sticky items are also taken into account is the Navier-Stoke equation. Since 1943 the French mathematician Leray proved that the solution of the whole time after the weak solution, is the solution unique? The result is that the strong solution is unique. So this question becomes: the whole solutions? Is it proof that the solution will burst in a limited time? To solve this problem contribute to the navigation project, especially turbulence killed MH370 (turbulence)!

宿迁 2015年 3月



Fractal /Ns\ = S

Navier - Stokes is currently only about a hundred special solution is solved. The nonlinearity is due to convection acceleration (the acceleration associated with the point velocity change), so any convection will involve nonlinearity regardless of whether the turbulence or not.

宿迁 2015年 3月



All Ellipses \Key/ = 1/0

7. Birch Swinnerton-Dyer Only oval fly ?

Refers to the rank of any elliptic curve on the rational domain, where the L function is equal to the order of the Abel group. When the solution is an Abelian point, Beech and Sternon - Dell guessed that: the rationality of the group size with a related Zeta function z (s) at point s = 1 near the state: If z is equal to 0, then there are infinite number of rational points (solution), on the contrary, if z is not equal to 0, then there are only a limited number of such points. 1960s.

宿迁 2015年 3月



ECC /Key\ = p/q

Elliptic encryption algorithm (ECC) is a public key cryptography system, originally proposed by Koblitz and Miller in 1985, whose mathematical basis is to use the rational points on elliptic curves to compute the computational complexity of elliptic discrete logarithms on Abel addition groups The

宿迁 2015年 3月



航模 Colloquia

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宿迁 2015年 3月