Download - Securitas Sentinel · In May 2009 Hong Kong has its first case of A H1/ N1 more commonly know as Swine Flu - as of 25 November 2009, there have been 32,301 confirmed cases of swine

Page 1: Securitas Sentinel · In May 2009 Hong Kong has its first case of A H1/ N1 more commonly know as Swine Flu - as of 25 November 2009, there have been 32,301 confirmed cases of swine

Issue No. 1

January 2010

Securitas Sentinel 公司通訊公司通訊公司通訊公司通訊

Securitas Security Services (Hong Kong) Limited


Content :

• Managing Director’s Message

• Securitas Family

• Environment, Health & Safety (EH & S)

• What’s New

Page 2: Securitas Sentinel · In May 2009 Hong Kong has its first case of A H1/ N1 more commonly know as Swine Flu - as of 25 November 2009, there have been 32,301 confirmed cases of swine

Managing Director’s Message


Dear Colleagues,

No doubt you would agree that 2009 has been an

interesting year for all of us. Firstly confronted with

the world’s worst economic recession since the

Great Depression in 1928, we have experienced

unprecedented changes in the business environ-

ment which has affected not only our organisation

but that of our customers.

In May 2009 Hong Kong has its first case of A H1/

N1 more commonly know as Swine Flu - as of 25

November 2009, there have been 32,301 confirmed

cases of swine flu in the city. While the first bout of

the pandemic had an impact on Hong Kong all

indications and reports are that the next wave could

be more intense – I encourage you to read the EH &

S section of this newsletter on how best to pro-

tected yourself and your family.

On a more positive note - the sale of the guarding

business to Securitas Security Services (Hong

Kong) Limited which closed on the 1st December

2009. Has ensured everyone has been busy work-

ing through all the details. The purchase was an

interesting challenge as the Guardforce name was

retain under UTC; meaning that Securitas only

purchased the company assets including in this

was the most important asset, which is “You” as a

member of the staff.

This change means that Securitas Hong Kong is

now part of the global Securitas family that has over

75 years of history - but in Hong Kong it is brand

new and has only been operating for one month-

this is an exciting challenge as we launch the brand

in Hong Kong.

I would personally like to thank you for assisting

with the asset transfer as this logistical arrange-

ment which was both challenging and rewarding.

For Hong Kong the major change for us all, is that

we are now employed by Securitas Security Ser-

vices (Hong Kong) Limited. As a standalone busi-

ness we have now recruited our Human Resource

Manager, Ms. Winnie Chui and the new Finance

Manager will be joining us soon.

Securitas brings with it a wealth of operational

experience, knowledge and know-how. The organi-

sation has deep rooted corporate values and a

drive to expand the business through both organic

and acquisitions.

Wishing you and your family a Happy & Health New


Warmest regards,

Douglas Renwick

Managing Director

Securitas Security Services (Hong Kong) Limited

Page 2 Issue No. 1, January 2010

Douglas Renwick

Managing Director

Securitas HK 榮德傑 榮德傑 榮德傑 榮德傑 常務常務常務常務董事董事董事董事 塞科利達(香港) 致各員工: 2009 年對於我們來說是有趣及特別的一年。首先我們面對著自 1928 年大衰退後的另一個全球經濟大衰退,這一次不單只改變我們公司的經營環境,同時亦影響到我們的每一位顧客。 香港於 2009 年 5 月發現首宗 H1/N1 病例 ,簡稱“人類豬流感”,直至 2009 年 11 月 25 日,已有多達 32,301 宗確診個案。當第一波流感正全面地影響著香港,同時在方間有很多報導都直指第二波的流感將會比之前更加嚴重,更加容易使人類受到感染。我在此鼓勵大家用心閱讀此通訊的EH&S 部份,那是關於如何保護您們及家人共同對抗流感。 從正面的觀察是次業務交易, 並於 2009 年 12 月1 日完成轉售保安人員業務予塞科利達(香港)有限公司 。這證明了各人在每個細節上都付出了努力的成果。而這次業務轉售比較特別,因為衞安保安的名稱仍然被聯合科技集團保留,這表示著塞科利達只是購買了公司的資產,而這亦是最重要的資產 — “你們”,也就是這個團隊內的每一個員工。 這轉變意味著塞科利達(香港)現已成為擁有 75 年歷史的塞科利達家族的一份子。由於在香港只經營了一個多月,塞科利達(香港)仍然是一個全新的品牌,在香港建立這個品牌確是一項極大的挑戰。 在此我感謝所有員工對於是次資產轉移所付出的幫助及 扶持,因為這確實是一項巨挑戰性及有效益的安排。現在對我們來說最重大的改變是我們現正是受雇於塞科利達(香港)有限公司旗下,作為一門獨立及專業保安業務,我們現已聘用了人力資源經理–趙小姐,與此同時亦將會有新的財務經理加入我們的團隊。 在保安業務上塞科利達擁有豐富的營運經驗及實際的業界知識。本集團擁有根深蒂固的企業理念同時將會透過收購來拓展本公司的業務。 祝各位及家屬有一個愉快健康的新年! 此致! 榮德傑 常務董事 塞科利達保安服務(香港)有限公司

Page 3: Securitas Sentinel · In May 2009 Hong Kong has its first case of A H1/ N1 more commonly know as Swine Flu - as of 25 November 2009, there have been 32,301 confirmed cases of swine

Welcome to the Securitas Family!


Delighted to announce Securitas has success fully landed in Hong

Kong on 1 December 2009. I would like to take this opportunity to

let you know more about Securitas.

Securitas is “A Knowledge Leader in Security”, which means that

we know our customers and their markets, in order to understand

their specific needs. Everywhere from small stores to airports, our

240,000 employees are making a difference. We have operations

in 40 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Asia,

Middle East and Africa. In Hong Kong operations currently employ

over 1,000 staff providing security services to our clients.

Securitas are committed to providing a high level of service and to

fostering and building strong working partnerships with our cus-

tomers. We are constantly looking for new opportunities and new

ways to develop our business, so the co-operation and dedication

from you is vital in making this happen.

Securitas has three core values, which run through our entire

business. They influence how we treat and value our employees,

our customers, our suppliers and the community within which we

operate. These are: Integrity, Vigilance, Helpfulness.

You should be proud to have joined and being employed one of

the largest and most experienced security organizations in the

world. Your qualification, skill and working experience will benefit

to our success in Hong Kong market. I truly hope that you will

enjoy your work and wish you every success in your career with


For more detail, please visit our website at If

you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Winnie Chiu of Human

Resources Manager at 2765 2828 or email to

[email protected].

Page 3 Issue No. 1, January 2010

What’s New :

Securitas Provides Total Security Solu-

tion for The Chinese Manufacturers' As-

sociation of Hong Kong

Securitas provides a total event security solution

to the 44th Hong Kong Brands and Products

Expo. The Expo is held by The Chinese Manu-

facturers’ Association of Hong Kong between

November 2009 and January 2010. This is the

largest outdoor Expo in Hong Kong.

This event hosted more than 700 exhibitors and

over 780 booths at the Sports Ground in Victoria

Park. This event attracted over 1.4 million visitors

during the period. Securitas has been selected to

provide security personnel service to manage

crowd control and other security related services

for the 44th Hong Kong Brands and Products


我們很高興宣佈塞科利達已於二零零九年十二月一日成功地登陸香港,我希望藉此機會介紹關於公司的一切。 塞科利達是保安業的智慧領航者,我們辨識顧客及市場需求,從而提供獨特的保安服務予不同的客戶,服務範圍由零售店舖至機場客運及貨運保安工作等。塞科利達全球已於 40 多個國家僱用 24 萬名員工,業務範圍遍及北美洲、南美洲、歐洲、亞洲、中東及非洲等地區。塞科利達(香港)擁有 1,000 名以上的保安服務從業員為多個客戶提供保安及顧客服務工作。 塞科利達致力培育員工,以提供高質素保安服務及建立穩健的顧客伙伴關係。您們的協助及致力為顧客提供優質保安服的務精神極為重要,且將會不斷為塞科利達尋找新的業務發展機會。 塞科利達的三個核心價值為:誠實可靠、時刻警覺及樂於助人,作為款待員工、顧客、供應商及社會的價值觀。 您會為成為塞科利達–全球規模最大及經驗最豐富的保安公司的成員而感到驕傲,您的資歷、技能和工作經驗將會是塞科利達在香港發展的極大幫助,我們衷心的希望您會享受在塞科利達工作,並祝福您在塞科利達得到事業上的成功。 更多有關塞科利達的資料背景,可於我們的網站 查閱。如有查詢,請致電 2765 2828 聯絡人力資源部經理趙小姐或電郵到 [email protected] 。 直擊報導 直擊報導 直擊報導 直擊報導 :::: 塞科利達提供第四十四屆香港中華廠塞科利達提供第四十四屆香港中華廠塞科利達提供第四十四屆香港中華廠塞科利達提供第四十四屆香港中華廠商聯合會展覽之會商聯合會展覽之會商聯合會展覽之會商聯合會展覽之會塲塲塲塲保安重任保安重任保安重任保安重任 香港中華廠商聯合會於 2009 年 11 月至2010 年 1 月期間舉辦第四十四屆工展會,於展銷期間塞科利達為這全港最大型戶外展銷會提供全面性保安服務。 第四十四屆工展會吸引超過 700 家參展商及提供多達 780 個攤位,設於維多利亞公園大球場參展。於展銷會期間吸引逾 140萬中外人士入場購物。塞科利達為此活動效勞,提供保安人員以管制人流及提供其他有關保安服務。

Page 4: Securitas Sentinel · In May 2009 Hong Kong has its first case of A H1/ N1 more commonly know as Swine Flu - as of 25 November 2009, there have been 32,301 confirmed cases of swine

Flight Against Pandemic


The symptoms of human swine influenza are usually similar to those of human seasonal influenza and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain and headache. Some people infected with swine flu may also have vomiting and diarrhoea.


People who develop flu symptoms should put on a mask and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Those who have been to affected places or been exposed to sick persons should tell the doctor the travel and contact history. Antiviral agents can reduce the severity and duration of illness but must be used under doctor's prescription. It is important for people not to self-medicate.


Since H1N1 swine flu viruses are very different from human H1N1

viruses, vaccines for human seasonal flu will not provide protection

against H1N1 swine flu viruses.

Members of the public should observe the following precautionary


* Keep hands clean and wash hands properly. Alcohol-based han-

drub is also effective when hands are not visibly soiled.

* Avoid touching mouth, nose or eyes.

* Wash hands with liquid soap promptly if they are dirtied by respira-

tory secretions, e.g. after sneezing or coughing.

* Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.

* Avoid going to crowded or poorly-ventilated places. If you must do

so, step up personal hygiene and put on a mask.

* Do not spit. Always wrap nasal and mouth discharges with tissue

paper, and dispose of the tissue paper properly in a rubbish bin with

a lid.

* Wear a mask when respiratory symptoms or fever develop. See a

doctor right away.

* Do not go to work or school if you develop influenza-like symptoms.

全民抗疫全民抗疫全民抗疫全民抗疫 病徵病徵病徵病徵 豬流感的病徵一般與人類季節性流感相似,包括發燒、咳嗽、喉嚨痛、流鼻水、肌肉痛和頭痛。部分患者可能會作嘔、嘔吐及腹瀉。 治理方法治理方法治理方法治理方法 如有流感樣病徵,患者應戴上口罩並及早求醫。若曾到受影響的地方或與病者接觸,應將外遊及曾接觸人士的紀錄告知醫生。雖然抗病毒劑能減輕病情,但必須經由醫生處方,患者切勿自行服藥。 預防方法預防方法預防方法預防方法 由於 H1N1 豬型流感病毒與人類 H1N1 病毒非常不同,所以季節性流感的疫苗不會為人類對 H1N1 豬型流感病毒提供保護。 市民應採取以下預防措施: * 用正確方法洗手,保持雙手清潔。如雙手沒有明顯污垢,可用酒精搓手液消毒。 * 避免觸摸口鼻或眼睛。 * 如雙手被呼吸道分泌物弄污,例如打噴嚏或咳嗽後,應立即用梘液洗手。 * 打噴嚏或咳嗽,應遮掩口鼻。 * 如非必要,避免前往人多擠迫、空氣不流通的地方;否則,必須加強個人衞生,並佩戴口罩。 * 不要隨地吐痰,應將口鼻分泌物用紙巾包好,棄置於有蓋垃圾箱內。 * 有呼吸道感染徵狀或發燒時,應戴上口罩,並及早求醫。 * 若出現流感樣病徵,切勿上班或上學。

Page 4 Issue No. 1, January 2010

What’s New :

The Professions Sevens 2009

Securitas recently provided a team of 25

elite security personnel to help secure

the 2009 Savills Professions Sevens

rugby tournament. The tournament, held

at the Stanley Fort on 13th December

2009, is one of the most prestigious

annual corporate rugby tournaments in

Hong Kong, attracting more than 2,500

audiences to watch the games.

Environment, Health & Safety (EH & S)


直擊報導 直擊報導 直擊報導 直擊報導 :::: 2009200920092009 專業專業專業專業 7777 人橄欖球錦標賽人橄欖球錦標賽人橄欖球錦標賽人橄欖球錦標賽 塞科利達最近派遣一隊為數二十五人的保安精英,為 2009 年度第一太平戴維斯專業 7 人橄欖球錦標賽提供保安服務。此項比賽各中外公司為本港員工安排在港舉行的重大活動之一。比賽於 2009 年 12 月 13 日在赤柱炮台舉行,比賽當日 吸引了逾 2,500 名觀眾進場欣賞這項橄欖球比賽。