



Submitted to the Board ExaminersinPartial Fulfillment

of The Requirment for Literature Degree

at English Literature Department



NIM: AI.140231













لحت يهديهم ربهم بايمانهم تجري من ان الذين امنوا وعملوا الص

تحتهم النهر في جنت النعيم

دعوىهم فيها سبحنك اللهم وتحيتهم فيها سلم واخر دعوىهم ان الحمد

العلمين رب لل


9. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal saleh,

mereka diberi petunjuk oleh Tuhan mereka karena keimanannya, di bawah

mereka mengalir sungai- sungai di dalam syurga yang penuh kenikmatan."

10. Do'a mereka di dalamnya ialah, Subhanakallahumma, dan salam

penghormatan mereka ialah, Salam. Dan penutup doa mereka ialah,

Alhamdulilaahi Rabbil 'aalamin1(yunus ayat 9-10)

1 Al-‘aliyy. Alquran dan terjemahan.yunus ayat 9-10. Cv penerbit:diponegoro. P. 166





Firstly I want to say thank you for Allah subhanahuwata’ala who has

given me favour and blessing to finish this thesis. Also sholawat and salam I will

send to my Prophet Muhammad shallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam who has brought us

for the darkness to the lightness.

I dedicate this thesis to my lovely family especially to my beloved parent.

For my father (Khoirul) and my mother (Supriyati), I cannot say one by one the

thing which you have done for me during I arranged this thesis. You always be

there for me. For my brothers are Dodi Kusuma and Muhammad Azza Alfajri and

for my sister Tri Fra Tiwi.

Then to, Mr. Samsul Huda, M.Ag as my first supervisor, Miss. Ulfatmi

Azlan, SS, MA as my second supervisor before she go to next study abroad and

Mr. Firdiansyah, MA as my change second supervisor, for their patients as long

as guided me to finish my thesis

And do not forget to all my lectures who always guide and advise me

during my study in english literature department and also all of my friends in the

english literature department that always inspire and share many things for

approximately 4 years together through the period of education.




I would like to say Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all the prise to Allah

subhanahu wata’ala the lord of all creatures, because of His Blessing from the

starting point of my study until now at the end of my study. And let me flow

easily in accomplishing the thesis entitled Safety Need Reflected in the Valley of

ShadowsNovel by Dorothy Daniels a as a partial fulfillment of the requirement

for undergraduate degree (S1) in English Literature Department The State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.Peace be upon to our Prophet

Muhammad shallallahu‘alaihiwasallam, hopefully we will get His syafa’at later

at the last day.

To accomplishthis thesis, I would like to give one great deal to many

people. I would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Dr. H. Adri Hasan, MA as a Rector of Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The Deputy of rector, prof. Dr. H. Suaidi ,

MA, PhD, Dr. H. Hidayat, M.pd and Dr. H. Fadilla, M. Pd, who

allowed me to study in the university.

2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pdi as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty,

the Vise of dean, Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, Dr. H, M. Fadhil, M. Ag, and Dr.

Rudhoh, M.Pd. I



3. The Head of English Literature Department, Ulfatmi Azlan, SS, MA.

And The secretary of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa,


4. All the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, cause of

the contributions and assistant during studying in Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. The Head and officers of the library UIN and public literary of Jambi


6. to my supervisors Samsul Huda,S.Ag,M.Ag, Firdiansyah, MA and

Ulfatmi Azlan, SS,MA who have helped me, guided, supported and

suggested me in writing this thesis.

7. To my beloved mother and father, the deceased Supriyati and Khoirul.

They have supported me without dissent for the full of my life.

8. My beloved brothers M. Azza Alfajri and Dodi Kusuma and my sister

Tri Fra Tiwi

9. My kindest friends Liani Ekawati, S.Hum, Qori Ade Suri, S.Hum,

Irma, S.Hum, Dhinda wulaningtyas, S.Hum and also my cousin

Galang Frameswara S.Kom and my cousin in law Rani Wulandari, SP

10. To my classmate ELITE 2014 who have given suggestion and support

to finish this thesis.

This thesis is still far from perfection. As the writer, I need some critics

and suggestions, so this thesis will be more perfect. Finally, I hope this thesis will






Nurcholis, Fitri 2018: Safety Need Reflected in the Valley of Shadows

Novel by Dorothy Daniels. English Literature

Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, UIN

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor : 1. Samsul Huda, S.Ag, M.Ag

2. Firdiansyah, MA

This thesis analyzed about the Safety Need Reflected in the Valley of

Shadows Novel by Dorothy Daniels. The purposes of this research are (1) To find

out the main character life reflected in the Valley of Shadowsnovelby Dorothy

Daniels (2) To find out the way of main character fulfill the safety need in

theValley of Shadowsnovel by Dorothy Daniels (3) To find out the effect of fulfill

the safety needtoward the main character in the Valley of Shadowsnovel by

Dorothy Daniels.

The author uses the hierarchy of basic human needs according to Abraham

Maslow and the psychological approach of Sigmund Freud and also researchers

using various characters according to Bernando to support the writing of this

thesis. This research model uses qualitative methods to explain the answers to the

problem formulation. For data collection techniques, this study uses

documentation techniques to collect data and descriptive analysis for data analysis


The results of thisthesis are; (1) Nancy Keith's character in the novel is a

protagonist and can be described as the life of the main character from life in the

village of Sycamore, living in a cabin, she is a great teacher, a condition that is not

good in Nancy's life; (2). there are two ways the main character fulfill her safety

needs, thay are : 1. Commitment: a. she safe her identity, b. she gets a safe place

2. Making a good relationship: a. asking protection from her aunty and her friend,

b. she wants trust from others; (3) there are some effects in fulfilling Nancy's

sense of safety,they are: 1. Self-confidence: a. freedom, b. confidence, 2.

Happiness: a. Happinessb. Satisfaction.




Nurcholis, Fitri 2018: Safety Need Reflected in the Valley of Shadows

Novel by Dorothy Daniels, English Literature

Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, UIN

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor: 1. Samsul Huda, S.Ag, M.Ag

2. Firdiansyah, MA

Tesis ini menganalisis tentang Kebutuhan Keamanan yang Dicerminkan

dalam Novel Valley of Shadows oleh Dorothy Daniels. Tujuan dari penelitian ini

adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui kehidupan karakter utama yang tercermin dalam

novel Valley of Shadows oleh Dorothy Daniels (2) Untuk mengetahui cara

karakter utama memenuhi kebutuhan keamanan dalam novel Valley of Shadows

oleh Dorothy Daniels (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemenuhan kebutuhan

keamanan terhadap tokoh utama dalam novel Valley of Shadows karya Dorothy


Penulis menggunakan hirarki kebutuhan dasar manusia menurut Abraham

Maslow dan pendekatan psikologi dari Sigmund Freud dan juga peneliti

menggunakan macam-macam karakter menurut Bernando untuk mendukung

penulisan tesis ini. Model penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk

memaparkan jawaban dari rumusan masalah. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data,

penelitian ini menggunakan teknik dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data dan

analisis deskriptif untuk teknik analisis data.

Hasil dari tesis ini adalah; (1) Karakter Nancy Keith dalam novel adalah

protagonis dan dapat digambarkan sebagai kehidupan karakter utama dari

kehidupan di desa Sycamore, tinggal di kabin, dia adalah guru yang hebat, suatu

kondisi yang tidak baik dikehidupan Nancy; (2). ada dua cara karakter utama

memenuhi kebutuhan keamanannya, yaitu: 1. Komitmen: a. dia mengamankan

identitasnya, b. dia mendapat tempat yang aman 2. Membuat hubungan yang baik:

a. meminta perlindungan dari bibinya dan temannya, b. dia ingin kepercayaan dari

orang lain; (3) ada beberapa efek dalam memenuhi rasa aman Nancy, mereka

adalah: 1. Percaya diri: a. kebebasan, b. kepercayaan diri, 2. Kebahagiaan: a.

Kebahagiaan b. kepuasan.




PAGE OF TITLE ...........................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ...................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... ii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION ....................................................................


ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ...........................................................

......................................................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGE .........................................................................................

........................................................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... x

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................

........................................................................................................................ xii


1.1 Background of the Problem...........................................................

....................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problem ..........................................................


1.3 Limitation of the Problem .............................................................


1.4 Purpose of the Research ................................................................


1.5 Significance of the Research .........................................................



2.1 Human Basic Needs Theory ..........................................................

....................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Safety and Security Need ..............................................................

....................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Psychological Approach ................................................................

....................................................................................................... 13

2.4 Definition of Character...................................................................

....................................................................................................... 15



2.4.1 Kinds of Character ...............................................................

....................................................................................................... 16

2.5 The Ways to Fulfill Safety ............................................................

.............................................................................................................. 19

2.6 The Effects of Safety Needs ..........................................................

.............................................................................................................. 20

2.7 Novel...............................................................................................

.............................................................................................................. 21

2.8 Review of Related Research .........................................................

.............................................................................................................. 22


3.1 Design of Research........................................................................

....................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Source of Data ...............................................................................

....................................................................................................... 29

3.3 Technique of Data Collection .......................................................

....................................................................................................... 29

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ..........................................................

....................................................................................................... 30


4.1 The Main Character Life Reflected in the Valley of Shadows Novel


34 ..........................................................................................................

4.2 The Main Character Fulfil the Safety Need in the Valley of Shadows

Novel by Dorothy Daniels ...................................................................


4.3The Effects of the Main Character Fulfil the Safety Need in the ...

Valley of Shadows by Novel Dorothy Daniels .....................................



5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................61

5.2 Suggestion .......................................................................................62











1.1 Background of the Problem

Literature work is a tool of communication between writers and readers.

Through literary works the writer, write their own ideas with many expressions.

Literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction

that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact

sense of the word.2 The main function of a literary work is to describe, illustrate

and reflect human life itself at the time. Besides that every work of literature have

their own genres, and to analyze it there are various theories to analyze. Literature

has also analyzed to yield leading ideas and has been treated as a document in the

history of ideas and philosophy.3

There are some kinds of literary works, they are poetry, drama,

autobiography, short stories, and novel. From those kinds of literary works above,

the writer interests to discuss about novel. As we know some of authors have the

different definition about novel and some sense. According to Alex Martin and

Robert Hill,novel is a long written story, about imagery people and events.4 In the

novels, there are many characters and support the events which in the story. The

character itself develops differently. There is a hero, villain and other supporting

characters. It means that novel is literary work that has many characters and

2 Klarer Mario, An Introduction To Literary Studies, (New York: Routledge Taylor and

Francis Group, 2004), Second Edition, p. 1 3Rene Wellek and AustinWarren, Theory of Literature, (New York: Harourt, Brace and

Company, 1948), p. 138 4Alex Mertin and Robert Hill, Moderen Novel, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1996),12.



supporting characters from experiences of authors life, and create based on

feelings, and through of conditions or certain situation that has meaning to the

authors himself by writing it, he feels satisfied with his creation.

The writer is interest to choose the novel in this analyzing, because the

writer knows that novel is literary work that describe the behaviour of novel based

on feeling and experience of life and novels can make readers imagine more

comprehensive and novel explains the character of a character with more deep,

especially the main character always expose the minds or words that only exist in

their brains. The writer interested in choosing novel Valley of Shadows by

Dorothy Daniels in this research for some reasons: First, this novel tell about the

town’s people had called Nancy Keith’s father when they lynched him many years

ago. Now the beautiful schoolteacher had returned to the town of sycamore, she

wanted to find out the truth for the death of her father a few years ago who was

killed by them inhabitant because of the stupid thought of those who believe in

superstition who thinks his father is a devil worshiper. She would prove he had

been innocent and that men who hanged him were murderers, she is Nancy Keith

come the village and hide his identity as a child of Jack Merrick to make her feel

safe and no one will hurt her but she has to face attacks from someone.

Yet evil still dwelt in sycamore. Lurking in the shadows, waiting for the

right moment to destroy Nancy Keith. And if not for the loving assistance of

David Jordan, Nancy might have given up altogether, she try to fleeing from the

terrifying threats on her life, the brutal stoning, the threats from someone with a

rifle, someone give her coffee a stimulant to fight sleep then she unconscious. But



could David protect Nancy from the wed of horror that was slowly entrapping her,

this is where there is a need that is not fulfilled by him, it is the need for safety,

she need a protection, a more peaceful and peaceful life and someone who can

protect it. She did various ways to meet the needs of that sense of safety, and

Nancy’s sense of safety was achieved by the help and protection of David Jordan

and the people who loved and trusted him like aunt Margaret is younger sister of

her father and Jenny her student. Second, this novel tell about the women who

feels fear, anxiety and worry in a village, because memory of the death of her

father, and she gets the attack and terror in the village by someone and she get

slander, so all the residents hate her, this condition makes her difficult to achieve a

sense of security and get a sense of security living in the village of sycamore. so

why the writer choose this novel to be object of the research with the theme of

safety need because the writer want to know the safety need of the main character

in this novel. This novel is very interesting and give the moral massage that is

reminded us not to slander because it will cause unrest in the community and it

will harm others and it will be misery for slanderers or got slander.

The writer interested in conducting research about hierarchy of human

needs of the main character in the achievement of a sense of safety, and by using a

psychological approach. This novel has an issue about a character who wants to

fulfil her needs. This research analyzes the safety needs of the main character,

Nancy Keith. Hierarchy of human needs theory is used to know more about

human needs, especially the second level of the hierarchy that is the safety need

that discusses about how Nancy achieve it and how she get it for herself.



Abraham Harold Maslow explains that humans unconsciously fulfilling

their needs because they are motivated by something that makes them do an

action to fulfil those needs. Maslow theory of human motivation is based on the

assumptions that human’s basic needs are innately given and are related to one

another in a hierarchical arrangement. Especially, Maslow conceptualizes the

following five levels of needs, arranged in a ladder starting with lower need and

moving on to higher needs: in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs when the

individual has been able to fulfil his first need, physiological needs, then he can

desire the need lying on it, that is, the need for safety. After the need for safety,

the need to affiliate and socialize with others as a member of society dominates

over other needs. Then the need for self-esteem has a dominant power among

other needs. Then the need for self-actualization occupies the most important

level. 5

There are some problems that occasionally happen related to safety need in

the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels. It can be seen in the quotation


I knew I would have to move with caution. What these people had done

once, they might to again. Especially if they knew my full name was Nancy

Keith Merrick. I must exercise extreme care that they were kept unaware of

that while I attempted to wipe out the ignorance of superstition that had bred

only evil.6

The quotations above tells about the main character needs to get save

because she was afraid when the people know about her, so she needs to keep her

5Anastasia Sri Mendari, Aplikasi Teori Hierarki Kebutuhan Maslow Dalam

Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa, Widya Warta Vol. 34. No. 01 / Januari 2010 ISSN 0854-

1981 6Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, (America: American Library Press), 1980, p. 11



identity. In her mind she feels if she wants to get out from her situation she wants

to live like normal people that is why she is asking David Jordan to her. Finally,

based on the reasons above, the writer will analyze this thesis entitle “Safety

Need Reflected in the Valley of Shadows Novel by Dorothy Daniels”

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the

formulations of the problems are arranged as follows:

1. How is the main character life reflected in the novel Valley of Shadows by

Dorothy Daniels?

2. How does the main character fulfil the safety need in the Valley of Shadows

novel by Dorothy Daniels?

3. What are the effects of the main character fulfil the safety need in the novel

valley of shadows by Dorothy Daniels?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Actually there are many aspects that the writer can analyze in the novel, but

in this case the writer will investigate the safety need reflected are faced by the

main character Nancy Keith in the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels.

Therefore, the data are chosen from Nancy Keith as main character.

1.4 Purpose of the Research

Based on limitation of problem above, the purposes of this research are:

1. To know the main character life reflected in the novel Valley of Shadows by

Dorothy Daniels.



2. To know the way of main character fulfill the safety need in the Valley of

Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels.

3. To know the effect of the main character fulfill the safety need in the Valley

of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels.

1.5 Significance of the Research

In this research, the writer would like to find out the safety need are faced

by the main character in novel. The writer hopes this research will develop the

strategies to solve the safety need, writing ability and give additional information

and knowledge to the writer and the readers, especially to the student and lectures

English Literature Department wants to read the novel and even who wants to

analyze the same novel. The writer hopes this research will make other people

easier to identify the safety need and takes the positive side of this novel





2.1 Human Basic Needs Theory

Human beings have certain basic needs. They must have food, water, air,

and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans

cannot survive. Abraham Maslow stated that: “Basic needs are similar to instincts

or standard of human life and play a major role in motivating behaviour.

Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs (also known

as D-needs), meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation”.7It means the

every human need to fulfil their needs for life in the world, because it is the

standard of human basic needs.

In this research, the writer wants to use the Abraham Maslow theory, this

theory is very suitable to use for making this research become clear, which the

object is personal life. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs starts at the

basic physiological needs we need just to stay alive.8 Once these are made we

have a need for safety, then we want love and affection. Within our group we

want to have self-esteem. Finally we have a need of satisfying our full potential

that Maslow calls self-actualization.

7 Kendra Cherry “Hierarchy of Needs The Five Level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need’s” (accessed January 24,

2014 at 10.32 am) 8Maslow,Hierarchy Needs. (accessedMay 20,

2014 at 22.55 am)



2.2 Security-Safety Needs (security; protection from harm)

If the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges

a new set of needs, which we may categorize roughly as the safety needs(security;

stability; dependency; protection; freedom from fear, anxiety, and chaos; need for

structure, order, law, and limits; strength in the protector; and so on).9Which

meant by Maslow with the need for security is something that encourages

individuals to obtain peace, certainty, and order from their environmental


This need can achieve by affects perception, job talk, deprivation and

pathology. Adults have little awareness of their security needs excepts in times of

emergency of periods of disorganization in the social structure. Children often

display the signs of insecurity and the need to be safe. Adults’ safety needs

perhaps more efficiency by observation of infants and children, in whom these

needs are much more simple and obvious. In infants we can also see a much more

direct reaction to bodily illness of various kinds. Sometimes these illness seem to

make the child feel unsafe.10It means that, safety needs in adults can be more

fulfilled than children because children have a greater need to feel safe.

To define the safety–security needs, it is necessary to identify the types of

threats that could reduce the safety–security response and the conditions that

satisfy these needs. Because this level of need is conceptually higher than the

9Abraham H. Maslow.“Motivation and Personality” Third Edition, New York:Harper

,1954, p, 18.

10Abraham H. Maslow.“Motivation and Personality” p, 18.



previous level, the terms used as threats to safety refer to both concrete and

abstract things, such as wild animals, criminal assault, disease, war, anarchy,

social chaos, natural catastrophes, and, in more peaceful times, the lack of such

things as job security, financial security, medical insurance, and retirement


Maslow also gave examples of things that could satisfy the safety–security

needs, such as a place where one can feel safe from harm (e.g., a shelter such as a

house that gives protection from weather disasters), a guardian, or someone who

can be relied on for help (e.g., a reliable police force), an ethical legal system, or a

trustworthy government, and more abstractly, stability or structure in one’s life.11

It means that, security can be achieved by identifying the type of threat and to

ensure safety needs which are lack of protection so that we are able to know what

things are done to meet those security needs.

From these and similar observations, we may generalize and say that the

average child and, less obviously, the average adult in our society generally

prefers a safe, orderly, predictable, lawful, organized world, which he can count

on and in which unexpected, unmanageable, chaotic, or other dangerous things do

not happen, and in which, in any case, he has powerful parents or protectors who

shield him from harm. It means that, security needs are often expressed primarily

11Robert J. Taormina and Jennifer H. Gao. Maslow and the Motivation Hierarchy:

Measuring Satisfaction of the Needs. American Journal of Psychology Vol. 126, No. 2 pp. 155–

177 / Summer 2013



in seeking safeguards or shelter, or strong people who can be trusted. So Nancy

Keith asked protection from David to make she felt safe.

Maslow further stated that, the neurosis in which the search for safety

takes its clearest form is in the compulsive-obsessive neurosis. Compulsive-

obsessive try frantically to order and stabilize the world so that no unmanageable,

unexpected, or unfamiliar dangers will ever appear. They hedge themselves about

with all sorts of ceremonials, rules, and formulas so that every possible

contingency may be provided for and so that no new contingencies may appear.

They try to arrange the world so that anything unexpected (dangers) cannot

possibly occur. If, through no fault of their own, something unexpected does

occur, they go into a panic reaction as if this unexpected occurrence constituted a

grave danger. What we can see only as a none-too-strong preference in the healthy

person, e.g., preference for the familiar, becomes a life-and-death necessity in

abnormal cases. The healthy taste for the novel and unknown is missing or at a

minimum in the average neurotic.12 It means that someone who feel anxious and

over-worried will cause someone to do everything they can to make their life

stable and avoid threats.

Security needs in any form of security needs are all important needs for

human survival, for physically and psychologically, they achieve it for a positive

goal for themselves, for happiness, satisfaction, freedom, stability and for a better

life. According Maslow’s theory, the more the physiological needs are satisfied,

12Abraham H. Maslow.“Motivation and Personality” Third Edition, New York:Harper

,1954, p, 18.



the more the person will attempt to satisfy the safety–security needs.13This implies

that two contiguous needs could be positively correlated (especially if large

numbers of people are sampled). Therefore, an increase in the satisfaction of the

former (physiological) need should be associated with an increase in satisfaction

of the latter (safety–security) need. The more the physiological needs are satisfied,

the more the safety–security needs will be satisfied.

The writer needs a reference Maslow to know basically of needs and the

writer focus on safety need in this research and also to compare this reference to

the situation. This theory will help the writer to know perfection, love, richness,

honesty and happiness in the novel.

Based on the quotations above, it can be concluded if the safety need can

be applied in making dream come true and also relationship to every people we

can get better life and happy forever. In this thesis the writer will use the

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory because this theory was more close to the

problems so the writer needs a reference Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to know the

main character to fulfil safety need in the main character in this research and also

to compare this reference to the situation. This theory will help the writer to know

the main character fulfil the safety need in the novel Valley of Shadows by

Dorothy Daniels.

13Robert J. Taormina and Jennifer H. Gao. Maslow and the Motivation Hierarchy:

Measuring Satisfaction of the Needs. American Journal of Psychology Vol. 126, No. 2 pp. 155–

177 / Summer 2013



2.3. Psychological Approach

The writer assumes that the most suitable way to analyze the character of

Nancy Keith is using Abraham H. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory. The

theory is part of psychological approach which is usually used to identifying the

mental state of character in literary works. Sigmund Freud’s work and theories

helps shape our views of childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy.

Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behaviour.14 Psychology is the

study of human and animal behaviour with the object of understanding why living

beings behave as they do. It is a study of all human affairs, mind, situation and

condition also behaviour and action deal with human daily activity. Psychology’s

most famous figure is also of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the

twentieth century. The character’s behaviour in the story may indicate it is

psychology condition.

“Bahwa didalam fiksi psikologi yang mana dilukiskan, tidak hanya

sebuah peristiwa tetapi merupakan tingkah laku dan tindak tanduk para

tokoh utama cerita. Dimana seorang tokoh mengapa begini, mengapa

pendirianya begitu, didasarkan pada latar belakang kejiwaanya”.15

According to Freud, id as important part of our personality human’s

psychology state is basically drive from people personality and thus people acts

and reacts to what has happened to them from their thoughts, emotions and

behaviours, because everyone in the world has different one and another. Freud

provided convincing evidence, through his many careful record case studies, that

14Steven Pinker, Introduction of Psychology. (Fall, major approach to psychology, Journal,

2001), p. 1 15Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological. USE California, 1990, p. 51



most of our actions are by psychological force solver which we have very limit

control. Generally psychology by Freud by has three kinds or parts of psychology.

There are id, ego and superego.16

“Teori kepribadian menurut Freud pada umumnya dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu:

id atau Es, ego atau Ich and superego atau Umber Ich. Id adalah dorongan-

dorongan primitive yang harus dipuaskan, salah satunya adalah libido. Id

dengan demikian adalah subjektif primer, dunia batin sebelum individu

mempunyai pengalaman tentang dunialuar. Ego bertugas untuk mengontrol

Id. Sedangkan superego berisi kata hati.”17

From the writer above it can be concluded that definition about id, ego and

superego. Id is a component that contains the personality, where the system works

with the principles of fun “pleasure principle”. Freud’s seminar work on

personality provided a modal with three components.18 They are:

1. Id: a basic, intrinsic force which express itself either as Eros, the love instinct

(with an energy referred to as the ‘libido’), or as Thanatos, the destructive or death


The foundation of Freud’s contribution to modern psychology is his

emphasis on the unconscious aspect of the human psyche. It can seen on the

Handbook of Critical Approaches to literature is the reservoir of libido, the

primary source of all psychic energy. It functions to fulfil the primordial life

principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle without

consciousness or semblance or ration order, the id is characterized by a

16WilfrendElguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature,fift edition. New

York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157 17Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori,Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra,cet. ke-III edisi revisi.

Yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar,2011, p. 62-63 18WilfrendElguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, p. 156-157



tremendous and amorphous vitality. The id is, in short, the source of all our

aggressions and desires. It is lawless, asocial and amoral. It is function is to

gratify our instincts for pleasure without regard.19 From the explanation above,

that is the attitude heedless of consequence without consciousness. It is the

dangerous potentialities.

2. Ego: this part of the personality tries to keep a balance and sits between

instinctive forces of the superego and the id. The ego is protected the individual.

Ego is unconscious: the ego never the less comprises what we ordinarily think of

as the conscious mind.

3. Superego: a basic, instinctive force which is a drive towards the individual’s

ideal self. This super conscientiousness is as extreme as the id.

From the explanation above, from the Freud’s three components, can be

seen that the id is dominated by the pleasure principle and the ego by the reality

principle and the superego is dominated by the morality principle. We might say

that the id can make devils, that the superego will have us behave as angels and

that it remains for the ego to keep us healthy human beings by maintaining a

balance between these two opposing force. In the simple, three components that

Freud provide is all to know about id the source of libido or negative

characteristic or full of the devil and ego is moral concerning base on

environment, and ego is the positive value that have in human mind. Sigmund

19Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifh edition. New

York: Oxford Universitypress, 2005,p. 156-157



Freud divides the using of psychoanalytic approach to literature into four object,

they are:20

1. The author

The theory is used to analyze the author and his or her life, and the literary

work is seen to supply evidence for this analysis. This is often call


2. The character

The theory is used to analyze one or more of the character; the

psychological theory becomes a tool to explain the character’s behaviour

of motivation. The more closely the theory seems to apply to the

characters, the more realistic the work appears.

3. The audience

The theory is used to explain the appeal of the work for those who read it;

the work is seen to embody universal human psychological process and

motivations, to which the readers respond more or less unconsciously.

4. The text

The theory is used to analyze the role of language and symbolism in the


In this research the writer chooses on the character on the novel, this

approach to reveal the psychological dimension inside of the character including

her behaviour, psychology, social, environment, motivation, role and conflict.

20Sunaryono, The Analysis Of The Consequences Of Willy’s Frustration In His Life Toward

Himself And The Plot As Depicted In ArtherMiliter’s Death Of Salesman drama: A psychoanalytic

approach. (Jambi: Adab Faculty The State Institute For Islamic Students Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin

Jambi,2013), p. 17



2.4 Definition of Character

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work,

who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral,

intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and

their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue—and from what they do—the

action. The grounds in the characters temperament, desires, and moral nature for

their speech and actions are called their motivation.21The character plays

important role in novel, the story in novel will be blank and uninteresting without

character, in a novel there are so many characters until each character had

different personality defend on the family background, education, region and

setting that can differentiate between one character and other.

Generally, the story happened to people, it meant that the character in

fiction is usually people. If there was ever a story chiefly concerned with a tree, or

a stone, or an ape, the story will exist only because these things will treated as

they were human rather than as what we know they are in nature.22

21M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms, (USA: Heinle & Heinle Thomson

Learning, 1999), P. 32

22Robert W.Boyton and Maynard Mack, 1968, Introduction to the short story, New York:

Hayden Book Company, p. 26



2.4.1Kinds of Characters

There are fourteen characters in the film based on Bernando stated that:23

1. Major or central characters are vital to the development and resolution of

the conflict. In other words, the plot and resolution of conflict revolves

around these characters.

2. Minor characters serve to complement the major characters and help

move the plot events forward.

3. Dynamic - A dynamic character is a person who “changes over time”,

usually as a result of resolving a central conflict or facing a major crisis.

Most dynamic characters tend to be central rather than peripheral

characters, because resolving the conflict is the major role of central


4. Static - A static character is someone who “does not change over time”;

his or her personality does not transform or evolve.

5. Round - A rounded character is anyone who has a “complex personality”;

he or she is often portrayed as a conflicted and contradictory person.

6. Flat - A flat character is the opposite of a round character. This literary

personality is notable for one kind of personality trait or characteristic.

7. Stock - Stock characters are those types of characters who have become

conventional or stereotypical through repeated use in particular types of

stories. Stock characters are instantly recognizable to readers or audience

23Bernando, Karen,, (accessed July 03, 2018, at

09:54 am)



members (e.g. the femme fatale, the cynical but moral private eye, the mad

scientist, the geeky boy with glasses, and the faithful sidekick). Stock

characters are normally one-dimensional flat characters, but sometimes

stock personalities are deeply conflicted, rounded characters (e.g. the

“Hamlet” type).

8. Protagonist - The protagonist is the central person in a story, and is often

referred to as the story's main character. He or she (or they) is faced with a

conflict that must be resolved. The protagonist may not always be

admirable (e.g. an anti-hero); nevertheless s/he must command

involvement on the part of the reader, or better yet, empathy.

9. Antagonist - The antagonist is the character(s) (or situation) that represents

the opposition against which the protagonist must contend. In other words,

the antagonist is an obstacle that the protagonist must overcome.

10. Anti-Hero - A major character, usually the protagonist, who lacks

conventional nobility of mind, and who struggles for values not deemed

universally admirable.

11. Foil - A foil is any character (usually the antagonist or an important

supporting character) whose personal qualities contrast with another

character (usually the protagonist). By providing this contrast, we get to

know more about the other character.

12. Symbolic - A symbolic character is any major or minor character whose

very existence represents some major idea or aspect of society. For

example, in Lord of the Flies, Piggy is a symbol of both the rationality and



physical weakness of modern civilization; Jack, on the other hand,

symbolizes the violent tendencies (the Id) that William Golding believes is

within human nature.

13. Direct presentation (or characterization) - This refers to what the speaker

or narrator directly says or thinks about a character. In other words, in a

direct characterization, the reader is told what the character is like. When

Dickens describes Scrooge like this: “I present him to you: Ebenezer

Scrooge the most tight fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A

squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner”

this is very direct characterization.

14. Indirect presentation (or characterization), this refers to what the

character says or does. The reader then infers what the character is all

about. This mimics how we understand people in the real world, since we

can’t “get inside their heads”. In other words, in an indirect

characterization, it's the reader who is obliged to figure out what the

character is like. And sometimes the reader will get it wrong.

From kinds of characters above, it can be concluded that there are

fourteen characters in the literary works. The writer will use this theory to find

out the main character life reflected in the novel Valley of Shadows by

Dorothy Daniels.



2.5 The Ways to Fulfill Safety

There are two ways a person to fulfill the safety in life, it can be seen in

human behaviour, Maslowstated that:24

2.1.1 Making Good Relationship

Making good relationship is the activities that always near with other

and they will be family who will take care of us.25 By making good

relationship with people around us, it will make us easy to fulfil the needs in

life, because when people can fulfil it they will feel happy in life and will not

feel disappointed. 26

2.1.2 Commitment

Commitment is a promise or agreement to do something. People will

do their wanted to have because they have commitment in life, because

success in any aspect of life starts with good mind set.27People must make the

decision at a core level to hold nothing back and people must take a good look

at life and decide that nothing is going to stand in the way of success. It means

that commitment is goal, focus on what’s important and hold accountable.

From the explanations above, it can be known that there are two ways

a person to fulfil the safety in life, such as making good relationship and

commitment. The write used this theory to find out the main character fulfil

the safety need in the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels.

24 Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), p.

125 25 Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, p. 126 26BAARD, “Intrinsic Need Satisfaction: A Motivational Basis of Performance and Well-

Being in Two Work Settings”, Journal University of Rochester, p. 6 27Baumate and Blaury, “The Need To Belong: Desire For Interpersonal Attachments as a

Fundamental Human Motivation”, Journal of Psychological Bulleti, 2011, p. 3.



2.6 The Effects of Safety Needs

There are two effects from the fulfilment of safety needs when it had done.

These effects gave positive side if the person could fulfil it, Maslow stated that:

2.1.3 Self-Confidence

The effect from safety is self-confidence because it can make people

braveness and believe that they can solve their problems in. The effect of self-

confidence is commonly come from one’s personal judgment, ability, power,

etc. One increases self-confidence from experiences of having mastered

particular activities. Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is

an evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas self-confidence is more

specifically trust from one’s ability to achieve some goal.28

2.1.4 Happiness

The people who can fulfil the safety they would feel confident and

capable in life. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which

can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from

contentment to intense joy.29

2.7 Novel

Novel expressed something which is felt, more detailed and more involved

some complex problems such us element that built the novel itself. Literary work

has two parts in literature, there are written and oral. It is composition designed to

tell the stories, dramatize situation to several think and emotion, to entertain,

28Lianto, Aktualisasi Teori Kebutuhan Abraham M.Maslow Bagi Peningkatan Kinerja

Individu Dalam Organisasi, Jurnal, SekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiIdyaDarma Pontianak, 2011, p. 2 29Lianto, Aktualisasi Teori Kebutuhan Abraham M.Maslow Bagi Peningkatan Kinerja

Individu Dalam Organisasi, p. 3



broader and enable readers. Story in a literary work reflects every sides of human

being, good or bad sides. According to Alex Martin and Robert Hill, “Novel is a

long written story about imaginary people and events. Novel is more complex but

short not, novel many event, many time”. 30

It means that novel is an imaginary story that has some characters in the

story and usually the story is about the author’s life. From those definition of the

novels, the writer conclude that novel is a long written which it has plot and

unlimited story and usually it comes from the author’s life that through in the

story of the novel for example about the experience of author’s life. A long and a

brief definition of novel is a long, written story, about imagery people and events.

A novel can make everyone and reader cry, laugh, happy, sad, think or all of

them. A novel can be tragic, comic, satirical, romantic, a combination of these

something difficult to defined with just these words. According to Mustafa,

“novel adalah jenis prosa yang mengandung unsur tokoh ,alur, latar, rekaan

yang menggelarkan kehidupan manusia atas dasar sudut pandang

pengarang.“31It means the novel is kinds of prose that consisted of character, plot,

setting and point of view in it.

From the statement above, the novel has the factors to build the novel such

as character, plot, setting, theme in the story and point of view. In the novel, the

author has important subject to make the story. Novel is the most complex and

develop genre of literature which are needs the precise, correct and complete

knowledge of history of religion, mystic, culture, politics, economics, socio

30Alex Martin and Robert Hill, Modern Novel, (Prentice Hall International,1996),p.12

31Nur Itsna shulbiyah, The Analysis of “A” Symbols In Scarlet Letter Novel by Nathaniel

Hawthorne, (Jambi: Adab Faculty IAIN STS Jambi,2008), p.9



psychology and each other. The real novel wrote as an impartial depositor, honest,

responsible undertakers of the highest values and measure of humanity and

pointing the main problem and paradox of the society.

2.8 Review of Related Research

In this thesis, there are researchers that have been found by the writer who

have discussed about fulfill the need they are:

First, Muhamad Yanuar Arifin from English Letters Department Faculty of

Adab and Humanities Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta 2007

by thesis entitled “The Character of Neil Perry in Dead Poets Society Novel Seen

From Abraham H.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory”. The researcher used

Hierarchy of Human Needs a Theory, this research discussed about the character

of Neil Perry has undergone psychological disorder or in other word is

psychology, because the character jumped the needs portrayed by Abraham

Maslow. The character actually jumped three needs below the self-actualization

needs, which state at the peak of the pyramid, first, the need is safety needs,

secondly is belonging needs and the last one is self –esteem needs.

The writer also finds that all the needs that Neil Perry jumped off are caused

by his father’s treatment to him. He educates Neil too harsh and gives his soon a

very heavy burden. Almost every moment that the character spends with his father



is always bad memory. Obviously, from the data obtained Neil cannot fulfil all the

needs because of his father.32

Second, Syifa Fauziah from English Letter Department faculty of Adab

and Humanities State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2014 by the

thesis entitled “Hierarchy of Needs Analysis of the Main Character in You Again

Film”. The researcher uses the theory of Hierarchy of human needs of Abraham

Maslow as the basic concepts and frameworks of thinking. The analysis focuses

on the female character namely Marni Olivia Oslen. The object of the study is to

show the characteristic of Marni. The aim of the study is to show the main

character in fulfilling her needs viewed from Abraham H. Maslow’s theory. The

researcher employs qualitative descriptive method. The researcher uses the theory

of Hierarchy of human needs of Abraham Maslow as the basic concepts and

frameworks of thinking. The conclusions show that the main character can fulfill

five needs; physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs,

esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.33

Third, Cut Muthmainnah in 2009 of English Letters Department Letters

and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta by

thesis entitled “A Main Character Analysis of The Zahir Using Hierarchy of

Human Needs of Abraham H. Maslow’s Theory”, the researcher used Hierarchy

32Muhamad Yanuar Arifin, “The Character of Neil Perry in Dead Poets Society Novel

Seen From Abraham H.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory”,Jakarta : the English Letters

Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities SyarifHidayatullahState Islamic University Jakarta,

2007, p.3 33Syifa Fauziah, Hierarchy of Needs Analysis of the Main Character in You Again Film

Jakarta : English Letter Department faculty of Adab and Humanities State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (2014)



of Human Needs of Abraham H. Maslow’s theory. This research discussed about

the way of fulfilment of the main character’s needs in The Zahir. The writer

identifies the problem of the main character needs which are revealed in his

searching for his wife and how the main character fulfilling his need is.

In this research, Hierarchy of Human Needs Theory of Abraham H.

Maslow is classified into five subsidiary sets of needs. The needs are

physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness, esteem needs, and self-

actualization needs. At the first level, physiological needs, the main character

In The Zahir can fulfil the needs easily. But at the level safety needs, love and

belongingness, and esteem needs, he gets the challenge in fulfilling the needs

because his wife leaves him. The condition gives him spirit to fulfil the needs.

That spirit make him can pass through the process of life. So, he can fulfil the

needs very well. Finally, at the fifth level, self-actualization needs, he can fulfil

when he meets his wife in the end of the story. As the conclusion, the main

character in The Zahir can fulfil the needs from the lowest until the highest.34

Fourth Nurhikmah in 2014 from English Literature Department Faculty Of

Adab And Humaniora The State Institute For Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi by thesis entitled “Social-Love And Belonging Ness As Reflected

ByThe Main Character As Seen On Romeo And Juliet Film ”The researcher used

Hierarchy of Need Theory by Abraham Maslow and psychology approach

34CutMuthmainnah, A Main Character Analysis of The Zahir Using Hierarchy of Human

Needs of Abraham H. Maslow’s theory, Jakarta : English Letters Department Letters and

Humanities faculty state islamic university hidayatullah(2009).



Sigmund Freud. The problem of this research are the factor influence the main

character Romeo And Juliet to fulfil social – love and belongingness need, the

main character in fulfil social – love and belongingness need and the benefits

from the main character to their family in the Romeo And Juliet film.

The result of this thesis show that (1) love come directly to them, no one

else can stop their love. They are loving each other, even though their family do

not agree both of them. They decided to get married quickly, they hope after they

are getting married it can change the situation both of them. (2) Romeo And Juliet

have a nice love and they wanted to marry. Relationship between two family

become worse after they were married and Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt

killed Romeo’s family. At last Romeo must be going from Venora city. (3)

Romeo and Juliet’s love make family both of them being peace, and from that day

everything change there were no more fight the city becomes peaceful.

The above related researches are some examples of research on films with

similar topics that are about the fulfilment of human needs by using the theory of

the Hierarchy of Human Needs Abraham Maslow. However, this research differs

from previous studies in terms of unit analysis and focus of the hierarchy level of

needs. This research focuses on how the main character life is reflected, how the

main character meets her needs and the impact of the main character in fulfilling

her needs, especially to meet the safety needs of the novel valley of shadows by






3.1 Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method and

descriptive research that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative

research may be in descriptive form. The data were collected in the form of words

as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of the research contained

quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive

research is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on

the characteristic of research.35 In this thesis, the writer will use qualitative

research, where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistic

analysis.NyomanKuthaRatna stated that:

“Metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data

dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaanya. Cara-cara inilah yang

mendorong metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multimetode sebab

penelitian pada gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala social yang

relevan. Dalam penelitian karya sastra, misalnya, akan dilibatkan

pengarang, lingkungan social dimana pengarang berada, termasuk unsur-

unsur kebudayaan.”36

35John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America:

California 1997), p. 15. 36Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi

revisi,(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p. 47.



Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research can be used in this

research due to the qualitative method did not only involves the intrinsic aspect in

literary work. But, it can be related with the extrinsic aspect in the literary itself.

So, that is why, the qualitative method also can be said as multi method. Because,

the relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary itself.

Descriptive is “Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar dan buka

nangka-angka, hal itu disebabkan oleh penerapan metode kualitatif.”37

Qualitative research in research procedures which produce descriptive data

as spoken words of the person or behaviour being researched. Moh Nazir stated:

“Metode deskriptif adalah ini bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran atau

lukisan secara sistematis, factual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat

serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki”38.It makes easy the research to

get the right data. It means that qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive

data are used documentation in this research, by using this qualitative method, the

writer felt easy to analyze the novel.

Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research

analyzes about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation of

the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using

qualitative research the writer will get rice answer about the question in analyzing

the problem in the main character to fulfil safety need of Hierarchy of Needs in

the Valley of Shadow novel by Dorothy Daniels.

37Hartinis Yatim, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan Sosial Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif,

(Jakarta: Bogor Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2009), p. 191. 38Moh. Nazir, Motode Penelitian, (Bogor: Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2011), p. 54.



3.2 Sources of Data

The main data in this research are directly related to the discussion of the

thesis. In this research the writer takes the data from Valley of Shadows novel, a

novel which was written by Dorothy Daniels in January in 1980, with the page


3.3 Technique of Data Collection

In an effort to get the data and fact, in this research the writer uses

qualitative research, the techniques in qualitative research. The writer uses

documentation and Sugiyono stated: “Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa

yang sudah berlalu dan dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertulis, filim ataupun dari

record yang dipersiapkan karena adanya permintaan seorang penyidik”.39

It means that in qualitative research, the writer uses some documents that

have correlation or support the problem of the research, because this research is

descriptive that is why the writer describes and analyzes the data that has been

found in the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniel to answer of the

problems that has been formulated in the formulation of the problem.

The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this

research more specific. The steps in collecting data:

a. Collecting all data from the novel that had been taking from novel and other

sources which are closely related to the aim of the research and also

watching repeatedly and comprehensively for some senses and statement

39Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,

2009), p.9.



that exist in the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels and articles in

the cyber data as many as possible which show a form of problem.

b. Reading the data repeatedly, read the novel repeatedly until understand.

After getting all important sources, the writer reads it to make sure that the

data are correlating with the research.

c. Marking on the words or sentences and all the important statements and

information, as well as afterwards, making a note of data. After reading the

sources carefully, the writer marks any important statements to make the

writer easier in the analyzing process for the research.

d. Identifying and classifying the data, after finding all the data completely, the

writer processes the data to analyze them. Finally, the writer makes a good

arrangement for the thesis itself as the last in finalizing research.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative

research, technique analysis data are used to answer the formulation of the

problem in analysis data, the writer used a technique of data analysis. The writer

has several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this research more

specific. According to Susan Steinbeck, “Data analysis is critical to the qualitative

research process. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship

and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertions can be developed and

evaluated.”40 Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated:“Sesuai, dengan namanya analisis isi

terutama berhubungan dengan isi komunikasi baik secara verbal maupun non

40Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,

2009), p. 244.



verbal…41In line with this statement, the writer uses the method. According to

Nyoman Kutha Ratna:

“Isi dalam metode analisis terdiri dari atas dua macam, yaitu isi laten dan

isi komunikasi. Isi laten adalah isi yang terkandung dalam dokumen dan

naskah, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah pesan yang terkandung sebagai

komunikasi yang terjadi. Isi laten adalah isi sebagaimana dimasudkan oleh

penulis, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah sebagaimana terwujud dalam

hubungan naskah dengan konsumen.”42

In this research, the writer uses technique descriptive analysis because this

research is descriptive. It was way the writer describes, analyzes the data that has

been found in the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels to find the answer

the formulation of the problems that have been formulated. The writer has some

steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research more specific. The steps


a. Identifying

The writer identifies all the data needed in the study based on the problem

b. Classifying the data

The writer classifies the data based on the events which has correlation with

the safety need in the main character as seen in the valley of shadows novel

by Dorothy Daniels and from all data needed to answer the problem of

number one, two and three

c. Analyzing

41Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra,cet. ke-III edisi revisi.

(Yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar,2011), p. 48. 42Ibid. p. 50.



The writer analyzing data that has been collected detailed and already

classified base on data needs and problem. The writer conducts research

analysis, research using Maslow’s Hierarchy of need theory and

psychological approach that is already in the study and concluded.

d. Making the conclusion

After all the data have been analyzed, described and explained in the

research, the writer will make the conclusion of the research.





This chapter represent the finding and analysis of the data, analyzing

through the words mean analyzing the words of the text of a story, another

principle of analyzing the character are the actions of each characters to behave

according to their characteristic in the story in this study he writer chose the

theory of Human Basic Need theory and psychological approach for this study

discusses. Based on the findings of the data, exposure data obtained, and based on

the discussion in accordance with the theory, it can be concluded the following


4.1 The Main Character’s Life Reflected in the Valley of Shadows Novel

The main character Nancy Keith is a beautiful teacher, she did not believe

superstition, her father has died because murdered by people in Sycamore village

because all people there has slander him that he has worshipper, because that

Nancy hated superstition. Nancy falling in love with David Jordan because David

is the men who always take care of her. She never surrender although so many

attack to her from someone there, Nancy Keith felt fear, anxiety and worry in a

village, because memory of the death of her father, and she got attack and terror in

Sycamore village by someone and she got slander, so all the residents hate her. In

her mind she felt if she wanted to get out from her situation she wanted to live like

normal people.



1. Protagonist Character

Protagonist character is a character that supports the story, usually there is

one or two main protagonist figures who are assisted by other characters involved

in the story. This type of character is usually of good character. The writer found

Nancy is the protagonist character because she is a main character who appears in

most of the storyline and she has a goal that must be achieved in the story and a

character that fights evil characters. This is reflected of character life in the valley

of shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels:

a. The Unwanted Woman

Sycamore was a remote village inhabited by superstitious residents; Nancy

came to Sycamore to teach, first came to Nancy village to meet villagers then

introduced her and conveyed his intentions in the village of Sycamore to the


"I am Nancy Keith." I gave my mother's maiden name, which was the one

I had chosen to use here."I have been assigned to sycamore by the country

school authority. I hope I will be able to do some measure of good

here."“Reckon.” She said. “ I be Mary Osgood. We ain’t had a

schoolmarm here in there, four years now. Chillun sure in need o’ teachin’.

”I’ii do my best.”I said. Her sharp eyes seemed to dispute that. “you aimin’

to board with one of us?”43

From the dialogue above Nancy Keith came to a village which called

Sycamore to teach the students in the village. She had been picked by the state

43Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 4



school authorities to teach in there, so Nancy introduced herself and conveyed her

purpose to Mary Osgood.But Mary Osgood didn't show a pleasant attitude.

When Nancy met them she felt that they were not like to her, and they

looked unpleasant and ignorant, even so Nancy remained in her goal of living in

the village of Sycamore. It can be seen in the quotations below:

“I was about to establish a man standing directly behind her. He gave no

sign of exhibiting authority, yet I had the feeling he was someone the

inhabitants of the village either feared or respected. Quite likely, it was

both. He was ruddy faced and of moderate build, with thin, scraggly hair

atop his head. His eyes were deep set and far too small for the roundness

of his moonlike face. I did not like the look of his mouth. The lips were too

thin and drooped at the corners in what appeared to be a perpetual scowl.

He excellent a quiet authority, while the women who was now facing me.

Exhibited hers in a stern, uncompromising voice and a rigid, arrogant

attitude, she doesn't show pleasure...Willy Joe did not look like a doctor,

and my surprise must have been apparent enough for him to take note of. I

quickly recovered my composure and addressed Mrs.Osgood and Willy


From the quotations above for the first time she came to the village of the

main character of Nancy Keith met with the people in the village. That is

Mr.Osgood and Willy Joe, Nancy Keith see Mrs.Osgood she was stiff and

arrogant being Willy Joe, Nancy felt Willy Joe did not look like a doctor. It was

the first met with that People with a sense of discomfort at the treatment they were

a little bit intimidating Nancy Keith.

44Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 3



b. The Memory of Father in Cabin

In the sycamore village Nancy decided to live in an empty cabin which

uninhabited, residents believed that the cabin was inhabited by evil but Nancy was

not superstitious and still wanted to stay in the cabin because she had decided to

stay in the cabin. It can be seen in the quotations below:

“The cabin had been well cared for, without the slightest odour of

mustiness or dust. The furniture was the usual handmade, rugged type, but

some chairs were padded and looked comfortable. There was a large

fireplace in the parlor, which had also been evidently served as the dining

room, for there was a long table in the centre of it. The walls were

plastered and papered, an oddity in these parts, I knew.oil lamps were

placed around the room and there was a spit the fireplace for roasting. The

kitchen was small. However, a black iron stove contained a spacious oven

and, behind it, a water heater, also something not for the mountains. The

bedroom was of moderate size, but with only a single bad. It seemed quite

satisfactory. Two chairs and a bedside table were the other furnishings.

The bathroom was adequate and there were two small bedroom closets. all

I required.”45

From the quotations above Nancy felt comfortable enough to live in a

cabin that she occupies, with a cushioned chair, a large fireplace and all the

necessary home utensils for her needs, according to Nancy Keith cabin was very

sturdy. She felt comfortable to stay in the cabin.

Although Nancy was happy to stay in the cabin, Nancy felt sad because

the cabin reminded the dead her father being killed by residents and hanged in an

eek tree near of cabin. It can be seen in the quotations below:

“I removed my coat, then selected a chair from the kitchen and carried it

out to the oak tree and the branch from which a bit of rope dangled. I

45Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 9



stepped onto the chair and from that perch i managed to reach the branch.

I found the ragged - ended rope too tightly knotted around the branch to

be untied, but I had prepared for this by bringing me a knife I found in

the kitchen. Using this, I sawed off the rope. I held it in my hand for a

moment or two, and then with a shudder I threw it as far away as I

could. I did not intend to have that fluttering thing in the breeze. Once the

missing end of it has been around my father's neck. I needed to reminder

of what had happened to him. It was why I had come back here after all

these years. I had been told of the circumstances of my father's death

once I was old enough to understand. I had then made up my mind to

become a teacher, to somehow”46

From the quotations above the cabin that Nancy Keith lived in was where

she lived when Nancy Keith was little and her father was alive. Although Nancy

Keith has been comforted by living in the cabin but it cannot be denied that her

feelings were so devastated at the memory of her tragic father's death, the feeling

was very unpleasant for her, how had not her father been unfairly murdered by the

villagers who had been devastated in cabin.

c. AmbitiusTeacher

Nancy came to Sycamore to teach, Nancy had been sent by the country

school authority to the village to teach. It can be seen in the quotation below:

"I am Nancy Keith." I gave my mother's maiden name, which was the

one I had chosen to use here."I have been assigned to Sycamore by the

country school authority. I hope I will be able to do some measure of

good here."47

From the quotations above Nancy Keith came to a village which called

Sycamore to teach the students in the village. She had been picked by the state

school authorities to teach in there, so Nancy introduced herself and conveyed her

46Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 10 47Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 4



purpose in the village of sycamore to residents. Nancy Keith has good intentions

for the villagers she hopes to do something good in the village.

Then another case showed that Nancy was very enthusiastic to teach

children in the village. It can be seen when Nancy prepares everything to teach at

night before teaching tomorrow. It can be seen in the quotation below:

I walked with her how to move with a light, graceful step down the road.

Thought there was bereaved three years difference in our ages, I felt like

a surrogate mother. Jenny presented a challenge to my skill as a teacher,

one I was anxious to meet. I spent some time by lamplight, making up a

schedule for my classes, writing brief notes of what I wished to do.

Without textbooks, I would have to use my ingenuity. I would do some

teaching, then encourage the pupils to tell something about themselves.

Get them to think about their future. Talk to them about the world

beyond these hills. Stir their curiosity.48

From the quotation above although the main character of Nancy Keith

strongly dislikes the treatment of villagers who strongly believe in superstition,

but Nancy Keith has a strong determination to teach in Sycamore village, teaches

her students in the village because Nancy Keith felt by teaching them they can

leave their superstitious beliefs.

d. The Undesirable Moment of Nancy

There was someone hate Nancy Keith in village Sycamore, it starts when

someone tries to hurt her and tries to kill her by throwing her with stones, it makes

her live with threats and fear. It can be seen in the quotations below:

I said, "do not be sure, Mrs.Loomis. David Jordan is the name of the

doctor who operated on Alva. He will be here to see how she is, once she

gets home again. it might be wise for any sick people here to ask for the

48Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 26



doctor. It is very dangerous to depend on Willy Joe. "They were arguing

the point when I walked out of the cabin. I resumed my walk to the

schoolhouse. Nearing I, I will Willy Joe seated on the front steps. From

the beginning, I suspected that what had happened to me along the road

to sycamore was either led by Willy Joe, or planned by him. He remained

seated so that I would have to walk round him to reach the door and he

looked up at me with an almost gloating expression..49

From the dialogue above Nancy had an assault stoned from someone

when she returned to Sycamore after helping Mrs.Alva go to Tilletville village for

treatment, because she believed the treatment of a hospital doctor who had studied

school could save her, it show that Nancy very care with peoples in sycamore.

Nancy believed that the doer is Willy Joe because she felt Willy Joe did not like

her and her actions.

Then at a different time when Nancy went down the village through the

woods using a horse-drawn carriage with David, Nancy and David got an attack

from someone unknown. They were stoned as Nancy had experienced before. It

can be seen in the dialogue below:

“We have got to find cover. Someone is trying to kill us!” we fled across

the cleared area of the plateau and entered the scrub alongside it. There

we again crouched down.“Dave ... what in the world ...?” I began. There

was a hissing noise above me and something struck the trunk of a small

tree with a great impact. “We are under some sort of attack,” Dave

whispered. “Don’t move! Don’t give away our position.”“Attack?

How... who..? “I wish I knew who, but I can tell you how. It’s someone

using a slingshot.”50

49Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 50 50Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 84-85



The dialogue above shows that this is a conversation between Nancy and

Dave, this is a situation where they got an attack from someone, they tried to seek

refuge to avoid an attack by someone they don't know, Nancy realized someone

pelted them with stones and slingshot.

Nancy know that she was not safe condition, because of that Nancy effort

to make her safe, for that Nancy tried to find out someone who did bad things to

her, Nancy suspects that Willy Joe doesn't like her. Nancy Keith believes who has

terrorized her and who has wants to kill her that was Willy Joe, because Willy Joe

was the one who obviously dislikes Nancy Keith being in the Sycamore village,

but Nancy felt not only Willy Joe who has done it all to her there was other who

want to kill her. It can be seen in the quotations below:

“I walked out quite confused, because in my opinion the man using the

slingshot had to be Willy Joe. I knew of no one else in the village who

hated me enough to try to kill me. Still, I have to believe the men who

testified that it could not possibly have been him. At least now I know

there must be someone else to be guarded against.”51

From the quotations above show that when Nancy Keith found terror,

even that she was on the road to go home using horse-drawn carriage she found

someone stoned stones which caused her and Dave wound to the beginning she

suspects Willy Joe who has done, so she found out where Willy Joe was going,

but the fact was that at the time it turns out that Willy Joe in the salon being

drunk. For that Nancy Keith realize that someone else was doing terror and

wanted to kill her but she does not yet know who that person was for sure she

know that it was not Willy Joe.

51Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 94



One day Nancy wants to killed by Mr.Brierly after all people known that

she was daughter of Jed Merrick, which Mr. Brierly was husband of a dead

women whose inhabitants accuse Nancy’s father who killed her.

"Why did you come?" I asked."Is not saying nothing to you," he replied.

You really believe I'm a witch, or a consort do not you?""Is not likely

you are anything else, knowing I was here, getting a gun from no place

..."Why did you come?"I repeated my question more forcefully. David

said, "I had answer her if I were you before she puts a spell on you.""I

come to kill you, "he said. David held up the rifle."With this?"52

From the dialogue above Nancy’s life is increasingly threatened after all

the inhabitants know she was a Jed Merrick’s child and Nancy got threats one of

them Nancy wants to be killed by Mr. Brierly. When All residents has know that

Nancy was Jed Merrick’s child including Mr. Brierly, which is Mr.Brierly is the

husband of a dead women whose inhabitants accuse Nancy’s father who killed

him so much as Mr. Brierly knows it, Mr.Brierly came to kill her but Nancy can

save herself from the threat because Nancy rang the gun and there was also

David who helped her.

Nancy felt she had to find out who had slandered her and for what

purpose it was done to make her life unsafe because she wanted a comfortable

and peaceful life.

"What do you think we should do?""It might be drank too much," Dave

raised his voice."Jenny, how often did Willy Joe get drunk?""Jenny

stepped to the doorway."Most every week or.""Do you know where he

lives?""Suredo. Got him a cabin down the road fire. Is never got merried.

Reckon is not no woman had have him. "We could go the cabin," David

said."If we find his clothing and personal possessions gone, then we can

be certain he left the village. I think we should make sure. ""I will fetch a

52Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 119-120



wrap. Jenny, "I called out," you will have to show us where Willy Joe

lived."Ready in a minute," she replied.53

From the dialogue above when Nancy go home to found out the truth

because Nancy felt Willy Joe one of the people who play roles in committing

crimes against her and her father an insane. But Nancy has found that Willy Joe

has died poisoned by someone, Nancy felt someone like to cover up her crime

because Willy Joe knows for sure who that person is and Nancy found Willy Joe

savings with lots of money, Nancy felt that someone has given money to Willy

Joe for cooperating doing evil, Nancy felt that Willy Joe was paid criminal.

Nancy Keith was brought in for trial Nancy just felt fatefully because the people

already know Nancy was daughter of Jed Merrick and they all accuse Nancy as

devil worshipers, Nancy Keith was close to the truth and there are many that she

suspects and Nancy continues to found out.

But the terror came back, in a different case, Nancy was sedated and

made her unconscious, someone tried to manipulate it and slandered her. Nancy

Keith was out of unconsciousness and naked in a circle of fire, residents

believed that this showed Nancy was a devil student. It can be seen in the

dialogue below:

“It’s unbelievable,” he said. “Are you sure you feel well enough to hear

me out?”“I’ll be worse if I don’t. Please tell me. It’s so hazy and I’m so

dizzy… I almost feel ill.”“I’m sure you’ll be over it soon. Last night,

Nancy, someone in the village saw fires about a quarter of a mile beyond

your cabin. Whoever went there to investigate-I haven’t had time to find

out who it was-set up such a hue and cry he awakened the entire village.

53Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 137



They flocked down there to find a ring of fire, emitting a strong smell

of sulphur-and you were lying in the center of the ring . . . without any

clothes on.”“Naked?” I gasped. “I was naked?”54“Jenny and I took a

walk before going to bed,” I recalled. “I didn’t lock the cabin. I never do

unless I’m inside. Someone must have entered and whoever it was placed

some kind of drug . . . in the milk. Jenny and I both drank milk we’d

bought on our way back from the churchyard cemetery. You were there.


The dialogue above show that Nancy had been made unconscious by

someone and made her unclean and Nancy realized that someone put something

in her drink, the milk she and Jenny drank before they fell asleep, causing her to

lose consciousness.

Then all people in Sycamore hate to her and they think that Nancy was

worshipper of Satan, but even so Nancy did not want go from this village

because she want to know who did this and find out who did this and why. I can

be seen in the quotations below:

"No," I said."No, I will not go. Whatever happened have been done

deliberately. An evil scheme to get at me. To revile me, to make me out

in the worst possible light. But I'll not go until I find out who did this and

why. "56

From the quotations above when Nancy found someone intentionally

made unconscious where the behaviour of people think she was Satanist and

everyone hated her and wanted to judge her. But Nancy still want to be in the

village sycamore and reveal the truth to villagers because Nancy notice there

54Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 155 55Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 157-158 56Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 157



was someone evil behind it all. Because Nancy felt if she goes then she did not

feel comfortable in psychology or feeling because her goal of unravelling the

truth to the population has not been reached but Nancy realize it will make it

physically safe.

In other situation Nancy was taken by residents to be punished for

mistakes she did not commit. It can be seen in the quotation below;

“I feel like someone being led to execution as I walked up the street

toward the town hall. Behind me most of the villagers marched and

yelled imprecations."They're going to grant you a trial," Reverend Haven

assured me."I got that much out of them. We do gain time."Thank you," I

said listlessly. Time was moving too fast, running out on me. I entered

the town hall between lines of people who jeered and shook their firsts at

me. They have been ridden to a point where any kind of violence is not

only possible but quite probable.”57

From the quotation above Nancy Keith realize when she decides to stay

in the village of Sycamore and found out what happened and found out someone

who had committed a crime in the village against her and her father she realizes

it will got messed up in her life and it will harm her, but Nancy still chooses to

found out the truth until finally Nancy Keith had to surrender when brought by

the villagers to be tried on charges and slander against her. when it lasted Nancy

just felt surrender because the inhabitants already know that Nancy was daughter

of Jed Merrick and they all accuse Nancy as a devil worshiper, Nancy felt very

scared when brought by the inhabitants.

The main character realize that she needs someone who can help her and

give help to achieve security because Nancy felt not safe, for that reason, the

57Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 162



main character asks David Jordan. Maslow argues, security needs are often

expressed primarily in seeking safeguards, or strong people who can be trusted.

It can be seen in the dialogue below:

"Let go of me!" She screamed."Let go of me so I can make this terrible

woman tell me what happened to my Jenny. Where is my daughter?

Answer me, you woman of hell!"Mrs.Loomis, "I said," Jenny is on her

way to Tilletsville to bring Dr.Jordan back here to help me prove I'm

innocent of all these charges."58

From the dialogue above when the main character tried to met the

security needs, and wants to gain the trust of the citizens, when Nancy was

willing to be punished by the population for mistakes she did not commit. So

Nancy asked David to come help to explain the truth and who the real criminals


In other situation, in the end Nancy found evidence that Willy Joe had

slandered her and her father, thanks to David Jordan Nancy being able to reveal

the truth and show all to the population. It can be seen in the quotation below;

"If I believed in Satan," I said slowly, "This is the place where he'd find

his kind of sport. I want you to take me away from here today. I want

Jenny to come with us. It's no place for her. Perhaps the village will

change, but for me it never could. My only satisfaction is that they are

innocent man after being deluded into Willy Joe's believing lies."59

From the quotations above Nancy was so satisfied with the enormity that

it was revealed that the inhabitants had killed innocent people after being tricked

into believing Willy Joe's lies, Nancy decided to leave the village because Nancy

realized the village might change but she could never, she could not forget the

58Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 160 59Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 168



bad thing that happened to her and it will keep her heart for it Nancy decided to

go from the village with David and Jenny to start a better life.

From the explanation above it can concluded main character life reflected

in the Valley of Shadows Novel by Dorothy Daniels is Nancy Keith's character

in the novel is a protagonist and can be described as the life of the main

character, The Unwanted Woman, The Memory of Father in Cabin, Ambitius

Teacher and also The Undesirable Moment of Nancy.So she must try to achieve

a sense of security that shows that her difficulties in meeting the needs of


4.2The Main Character Fulfill the Safety Need in the Valley of Shadows

Novel by Dorothy Daniels

Nancy needs efforts to fulfil her need. Someone who feels anxious and

over-worried will cause someone to do everything they can to make their life

stable and avoid threats. Nancy Keith gets problem in safety need because she

have threat in her life, she gets in physic and psychology so that why Nancy has

tried to fulfil her safety need. There were two ways Nancy fulfil safety need


1. Commitment

Commitment is based on personal desire for better things. This

commitment is basically a self-ability to link between intention, determination,

and action. The writer found Nancy Fulfil the Safety Need with commitment



because Nancy is committed to making her feel safe and live a better life. This is

example in the valley of shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels:

a. The Concealed Identity

There are some problems that occasionally happen related to safety need

in the Valley of Shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels. Nancy hide her identity so

that there was no one know that she is daughter of Jed Merrick because Nancy

thought it make she felt safe to live in sycamore. It can be seen in the quotation


I knew I would have to move with caution. What these people have done

once, they might to again. Especially if they knew my full name was

Nancy Keith Merrick. I must exercise extreme care that they were kept

unaware of that while I attempted to wipe out the ignorance of superstition

that had bred only evil.60

For the first time Nancy come to Sycamore village she has decide to hide

her identity. Nancy needs to get save because she was afraid if the people know

that she's a child of Jed Merrick she will be treated like her father for that Nancy

Keith felt with hide her identity it will make she feel safe. So she needs to keep

her identity.

In other case, Nancy Keith also tried to hide her identity from

Mrs.Loomish. It can be seen in the dialogue below:

You are very kind, Mrs. Loomis, “I said. “Thank you.” “shuck, that ain’t

nothing’, ma’am. “She squinted at me, learning forward in her chair. “I

declare, ma’am, you shorely remind me of somebody. I ain’t shore who it

60Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 11



can be.” “I’ve never been here before, Mrs.Loomis.” I laid, a mild

falsehood made necessary because of the circumstances.61

From the dialogue above when Nancy Keith came to Jenny’s house and

met Jenny’s mother that is Mrs.Loomis, even that Mrs. Loomis suspicious to

Nancy because she felt familiar when she saw Nancy, immediately Nancy lied to

keep her identity. She said that she never came to Sycamore village before.

b. Feel Safety

The average adult in our society generally prefers a safe, orderly,

predictable, lawful, organized world, which he can count on and in which

unexpected, unmanageable, chaotic, or other dangerous things do not happen. In

the main character effort fulfils the security needs, the main character went to safe

place that make her felt comfortable, put its afraid as a refuge. It can be seen in the

quotations below:

“The cabin had been well cared for, without the slightest odor of mustiness

or dust. The furniture was the usual handmade, rugged type, but some

chairs were padded and looked comfortable. There was a large fireplace in

the parlor, which had also been evidently served as the dining room, for

there was a long table in the center of it. The walls were plastered and

papered, an oddity in these parts, I knew oil lamps were placed around the

room and there was a spit the fireplace for roasting. The kitchen was small.

However, a black iron stove contained a spacious oven and, behind it, a

water heater, also something not for the mountains. The bedroom was of

moderate size, but with only a single bad. It seemed quite satisfactory.

Two chairs and a bedside table were the other furnishings. The bathroom

was adequate and there were two small bedroom closets. All I required.”62

From the quotations above Nancy felt comfortable enough to live in a

cabin, which cabin with a cushioned chair, a large fireplace and all the necessary

home utensils for her needs, according to Nancy Keith cabin was very sturdy. She

61Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 21 62Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 9



felt comfortable to stay in the cabin. It can be seen when Nancy first came to the

cabin and see the house fixture.

Another case, when Nancy and David stoned by someone, they tried to

seek a safe place to avoid attack from someone. It can be seen in the dialogue


“We have got to find cover. Someone is trying to kill us!” we fled across

the cleared area of the plateau and entered the scrub alongside it. There

we again crouched down. “Dave ... what in the world ...?”I began. There

was a hissing noise above me and something struck the trunk of a small

tree with a great impact. “We are under some sort of attack,” Dave

whispered. “Don’t move! Don’t give away our position.”63

From the dialogue above which the situation Nancy and David even that

are they have attack from someone, this people stoned to them. This is

conversation between Nancy and David, this conversation told about they tried to

go safe place so that stone will not come to them.

Another case Nancy and Jenny went to church for met Reverend Haven,

Nancy thought she will safe in church and she felt there was no one will hurt

them. It can be seen in the dialogue below:

“I guess,” she answered sombrely, “I’m scared they’ll throw stones

at us,”“we will be in church, Jenny. If we have faith, we know we

will be protected there, and afterward revered haven will see that no

harm comes to us,”64

63Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 84 64Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 130



From the dialogue above Nancy Keith went to church with Jenny for

protection from peoples who try to hurt them, Jenny felt afraid but Nancy thought

that church was safe place to haven for them. Maslow argues, people who feel

insecure will automatically seek stability and will try hard to avoid things or

circumstances are foreign or unexpected.

2. Making Good Relationship

Making Good Relationship is the basis for providing assistance. The

purpose of human relations is to achieve a harmonious life that is each person

works together by adjusting to one another. The writer found Nancy Fulfil the

Safety Need with a making good relationship because Nancy is a person who is

not self-conscious and cares for others. She is very patient with the villagers until

they can believe her; Nancy also has a good relationship with David and her

family so they are able to provide protection to her. This is example in the valley

of shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels:

a. Need Protection

Maslow argues, security needs are often expressed primarily in seeking

safeguards, or strong people who can be trusted. So Nancy Keith asked protection

from other to make she felt safe.

In this case Nancy need aunty Margaret to make she feels comfortable and

safe. It can be seen in the quotations below;



“But two be on the safe side, I sat down and wrote a long letter to Aunt

Margaret. I did not go into details, but I did say that there was an

unfriendly element in sycamore and that I was learning some of the details

about my father's death. If someone else, event aunt Margaret, know of my

predicament, whether I imagine it or not, I would feel better and a trifle


From the quotation above Nancy felt she need someone to tell her problem

and Nancy wrote letter to aunt Margaret to explained her problem and her

condition, for that she need aunty Margaret to gave her peace. It was seen when

the main character of Nancy Keith got physical threat of danger, she got a rock-

throwing terror from an unknown person who, for that she recounted a life-

threatening event to her aunt Margaret, she was the only one family Nancy have.

She felt safe after she told her condition and felt a little safer.

In another case, the main character realize that she need someone who can

help her and give help to achieve security, for that reason, the main character asks

David Jordan. Nancy felt David can help reveal the truth, because of that reason

the main character trying to found David and brought him to her. Maslow argues,

security needs are often expressed primarily in seeking safeguards, or strong

people who can be trusted.

"Let go of me!" She screamed."Let go of me so I can make this terrible

woman tell me what happened to my Jenny. Where is my daughter?

Answer me, you woman of hell! ""Mrs.Loomis, "I said," Jenny is on her

way to Tilletsville to bring Dr.Jordan back here to help me prove I'm

innocent of all these charges"66

From the dialogue above show that Nancy ask Jenny to met David Jordan

and brought him to her, the main character tries to met the security needs and she

65Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 33 66Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 160



need the trust of the citizens, when Nancy would bring to punished Nancy know

that she need David to help her, So Nancy asked David to came help to explain

the truth and who the real criminals are.

b. Need Relience

The main character tried to meet the security needs, and she wanted to

earn the trust of citizens, when Nancy would be tried by the population due to

assume Nancy Satanists. Nancy effort to avoid the problem but the problem

always came to her life, Nancy realized that she needed the trust of the residents

to her, because then Nancy found it easier to live a more stable and secure life in

the sycamore village. As the dialogue below:

"I am sorry, "I said. "Iwill speak more simple terms. Alva had appendicitis.

You all know what that is. Too many have died from it. The sickness can

not be cured except for an operation during which the appendix is cut out.

Hat is the treatment Alva needed, not poultices of any kind. "How do we

know she is not dead right now?" A man besides Willy Joe asked, do

doubt inspired by Willy. "The last I heard, she was doing well."67

From the dialogue above when the main character of Nancy Keith intends

to help Mrs.Alva, Mrs.Alva had appendicitis, Nancy brought Mrs.Alva went to

the doctor in the village of Tilletsville to get treatment and surgery, but it later

became a disaster for her, even accused her of alleged harm. So this was the time

for her to think about the problem she has done in her life. For that reason Nancy

gathered the population for deliberation and talked to explain to all the inhabitants

the real thing that happened, because Nancy felt it would make the residents able

to hear her and trust her so that Nancy felt free from restlessness.

67Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 62



Another case, Nancy thought that she needs a lot of people to support them

to remain in the village Sycamore to go can be achieved and she realized when

she earn the trust of others then she will got more protection for that Nancy Keith

need trust of Mrs.Loomis. It can be seen in the dialogue below:

Mrs. Loomis looked up."I do not mean for no hurt to come to you, Miss

Keith""Merrick," I corrected her."My mother's maiden name was Keith. I

look that when I came here. I want only to clear my father's name and to

help everyone in the village who wishes to be helped. But I must have

some cooperation. Will you answer a question I need ask you? Then I will

leave at once and no one has to even know I have been here. If it worries

you that much. "68

From the dialogue above when Mrs.Loomis be aware that Nancy child of

Jed Merrick who had died of being killed by a resident whom they believed that

Nancy’s father was a devil worshiper and Nancy’s father played an important role

over the life of Jenny. For that Nancy met Mrs.Loomis to acknowledge who she

was and explained her purpose in village to Mrs. Loomis for Mrs. Loomis did not

misunderstand her.

From the explanation above it can concluded that there were three ways

the main character fulfilled the safety need in the Valley of Shadows novel by

Dorothy Daniels they are; She did not show her identity because Nancy did not

want people in Sycamore know that she is daughter of Jed Merrick because she

realize it will endanger her. Nancy tried hard to avoid things or circumstances that

are unfamiliar or unexpected for that Nancy looking for a safe and comfortable

place to shelter and be occupied like cabin and church. She asked protection from

others because Nancy realized that she need people who can help her because that

68Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 115



Nancy asked David Jordan to her and she tried making inhabitant trust to her. She

wanted the trust of others because Nancy found it easier to live a more stable and

secure life in the sycamore village.

4.3The Effects of the Main Character Fulfillthe Safety Need in the Novel

Valley of Shadows by Dorothy Daniels

When the people feel safety it means that the people feel stability, health,

well being, freedom, and etc. Nancy has got her need especially safety need are

fulfilled the security of her physical and psychology. So there were two effects

from the Main Character Fulfill the Safety Need in the Valley of Shadowsnovel by

Dorothy Daniels:

1. Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is self-confidence so that it is able to handle all situations

calmly, this is a positive attitude towards a person including the ability to face the

environment and trust in decisions, confidence is more related to one's

relationship with others. Do not feel anxious, afraid or awkward facing many

people. The writer found Effects of the Main Character Graphic the Safety Need

is self-confidence because she has been able to handle the situation and face the

environment calmly and not worry. This is example in the valley of shadows novel

by Dorothy Daniels:



a. Freedom feeling

Nancy did not feel worried and afraid again because Nancy has come to

the attainment of her sense of security so that it affects the psychology that at first

Nancy feel afraid, worried and anxious because her security needs are not met

now she was free from fear and she has free to think about her future because her

sense of security has been fulfilled. In this case Nancy go to her father grave

without fear of the population It can be seen in the dialogue below;

I said, “Jenny, will you please fetch the carriage and drive it to the cabin?

We’ll pack up as soon as we can. David, I want to stand at my father’s

grave for a few moments and then I’m through with this village.”69

From the dialogue above show that Nancy has gained her freedom to do

anything without worrying and afraid to villagers again especially going to her

father's grave without fear of the villagers like before, so when things are getting

better Nancy Keith decides to go to her father grave.

In other situations Nancy feels free to think about a better future without

worrying about the threat It can be seen in the quotation; “I’d find myself too busy

for that, married to David, seeing to the proper education of Jenny, and raising a


From the quotations above show that Nancy has could to think about her

future, Nancy was trying to foster a better life in the future and Nancy was free to

decide what she would do for the future because her goal has been proven that her

69Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 168 70Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 168



father was innocent, so Nancy realized not to go back to thinking about the past

painful. Nancy is confident to think of a better future.

b. Confidence feeling

there were several things that make she felt confident, when Nancy got

help from David so she felt confident, and then when Nancy has achieved her goal

of getting a sense of safety in her, because she felt free from slander and

accusations by residents on her. It can be seen in the quotation below:

“David grasped my arm before I could return to my chair. His arm

enclosed my waist. I even found it possible to look back at Jenny and to

smile with assurance.”71

From the quotations above show that Nancy got self-confidence when

David gave take care to her and David helped her in solve her problem she was

able to smile and that made her little confidence to face peoples who judge her. It

can be seen when Nancy in the place where Nancy was in the crowd of people

who would put her to punish and she was anxious condition but David came to

help and it made her feeling a little better.

In another case when Nancy was no longer afraid to confront the

population, Nancy walked confidently in the village without avoiding anyone. It

can be seen in the quotation below;

71Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 164



“Shortly afterward we walked slowly down the street, arm in arm. No one

came out to greet us, to wish us well, to apologize or confess their sins. We

were like two people along in a deserted village.”72

From the quotations above which Nancy Keith felt no worries anymore

because she walks without fear to the people around her because she has gained

her confidence back after she proves that she was innocent as people have accused

her of. It can be seen when after Nancy free from slander because she had gave

evidence that she was not wrong, which it was helped by David Jordan.

2. Happiness

Happiness is a positive psychological condition, Happiness or excitement

is a state of mind or feeling that is characterized by adequacy to intense pleasure,

love, satisfaction, pleasure, or excitement. The writer found Effects of the Main

Character Fulfil the Safety Need is Happiness because she leads to a better life,

satisfaction with achieving it in meeting her security needs and planning a better

life. This is example in the valley of shadows novel by Dorothy Daniels:

a. Happiness feeling

Effect of Nancy Keith when she has get her safety need or fulfilment of

her safety need that was happiness because she has achieved her purpose. Nancy

feels happiness when imagining a beautiful future. It can be seen in the

72Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 168



quotation;“I’d find myself too busy for that, married to David, seeing to the

proper education of Jenny, and raising a family.”73

From the quotations above, Nancy was trying to foster a better life in the

future and Nancy was free to decide what she will do for the future because her

goal has been proven that her father was innocent so Nancy realizes not to go

back to thinking about the past painful.

Then Nancy also felt happiness because she had been able to organize a

better life with David. It can be seen in the quotation below;

“It had been a nightmare, but it was over, David fell into step with me and

we walked a little faster, a little more joyfully and happy in the

contemplation of our future.”74

From the achievement of its purpose in meeting the needs of his sense of

security, so Nancy can feel happy. This can be seen when it is revealed to the

villagers that Nancy was only slandered as a devil worshiper who causes her to be

treated unkindly and as well as to be killed from all villagers as well as

individuals who felt resentment towards her father who was voiced to her. So in

the end Nancy felt happiness and Nancy wants to start new life with David and go

away leaving the village for a better life.

b. Satisfaction feeling

Satisfied is a feeling of pleasure, relief, and joy and so on because the

desire of his heart has been fulfilled. Nancy was grateful that she was free from

73Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 168 74Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 169



accusations thanks to the evidence they get, the gratitude that Nancy said show

that she met her freedom and was steady in what she felt.

In this case Nancy was grateful for getting evidence for the crime of

Reverend Haven and Willy Joe to residents, for herself and her father. It can be

seen in the quotations: “Thank heaven the old doctor left a record of it,” I said.75

From the quotations above show that Nancy was thankful that she was

satisfied with her fulfilled goal of being free from accusations and free from

threats, when David has given evidence about crime of reverend haven so that she

was free from the accusation it makes Nancy felt grateful and free.

In another case, it can be seen in the quotations;“My only satisfaction is

that they now know they killed an innocent man after being deluded into made

believing the lies of Willy Joe.”76

From the quotations above Nancy felt satisfaction because the population

knew the truth that they had killed her innocent father and Nancy had shown that

Willy Joe was a liar, and all that truth made she safe. And then Nancy also

expressed her satisfaction with her achievements. It can be seen in the

quotations:“I was satisfied, but in my heart there was no sense of triumph. There

never would be.”77

From the quotations above Nancy felt satisfied because the goal has been

achieved, but even so Nancy did not think that made her feel triumph. So finally

75Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 167 76Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 168 77Dorothy Daniels, Valley of Shadow, p. 169



Nancy Keith felt calm, peaceful and peaceful because it was not prosecuted by

citizens and free from charges.

From the explanation above it can concluded that there are psychology

effects include four effects of the main character fulfil the safety need in the

Valley of Shadows Novel by Dorothy Daniels such us; Nancy Keith felt free from

threat after her safety need has fulfilment, she felt free in act without afraid to

inhabitant of Sycamore, she free from slander, and she felt free to think about

better future. Nancy felt self- confidence even that David came to give protection

and Nancy felt confidence after free from slander. She felt happiness when she

take through for future with David and Nancy did not want to think about bad past

and Nancy felt satisfied after her purpose had fulfilment.






After analyzing the data collection from valley of shadows Novel by

Dorothy Daniels, the writer concluded as follows:

The reflection life of the main character in the valley of shadows

novel by Dorothy Daniels, Nancy Keith's character in the novel is a

protagonist becase Nancy is a good character, Nancy has goals to achieve,

and also Nancy is a character who fights villain charactersand can be

described as the life of the main character from life in the village of

Sycamore, the unwanted woman, the memory of father in cabin, ambitious

teacher and also the undesirable moment of Nancy,so she must try to achieve

a sense of security that shows that her difficulties in meeting the needs of


There are four ways Nancy Keith fulfill her safety need such as;

she did not show her identity because Nancy did not want people in

Sycamore know that she is daughter of Jed Merrick because she realize it will

endanger her. Nancy tried hard to avoid things or circumstances that are

unfamiliar or unexpected for that Nancy looking for a safe and comfortable

place to shelter and be occupied like cabin and church. She asked protection

from others because Nancy realized that she need people who can help her

because that Nancy asked David Jordan to her and she tried making



inhabitant trust to her. She wanted the trust of others because Nancy found it

easier to live a more stable and secure life in the sycamore village.

There are psychology effects include four effects of the main

character fulfil the safety need in the Valley of Shadows Novel by Dorothy

Daniels, such as; Nancy Keith felt free from threat after her safety need has

fulfilment, she felt free in act without afraid to inhabitant of Sycamore, she

free from slander, and she felt free to think about better future. Nancy felt

self- confidence even that David came to give protection and Nancy felt

confidence after free from slander. She felt happiness when she take through

for future with David and Nancy did not want to think about bad past and

Nancy felt satisfied after her purpose had fulfilment. This shows that security

needs have been fulfilled after Nancy has done various ways to achieve it.

5.2 Suggestion

At the end of this thesis, the writer wants to give some suggestions

for readers about how important safety need in life; First, a sense of security

is an important condition for us, it is an absolute condition for the upholding

of welfare, if it is not fulfilled, chaos, anxiety and fear will be felt by us, so

we should keep our security as well as possible. Second, in achieving their

own sense of security, never give up, do anything to achieve it because there

is always a solution in every problem, God will help those who try to help


The last, the writer hopes this thesis will give contribution and add

the knowledge of readers especially to the student of English Literature



Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty about hierarchy of needs

especially safety and security need, how to fulfil safety need based on

Abraham Maslow’s theory. The writer hopes that junior of English

Literature students will continue this research with another subject and this

thesis will help them about the theory.

The writer realize this thesis was not perfect yet, this thesis has many

mistakes, therefore the writer expect to the reader for give some critics and

suggestion for make this thesis better



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1. The Main Character’s Life Reflected

No Dialogue and words Page and line

1 "I am Nancy Keith." I gave my mother's

maiden name, which was the one I had

chosen to use here."I have been assigned to

sycamore by the country school authority. I

hope I will be able to do some measure of

good here."

Page 4

Line 5-8

2 I was about to identify myself when I

noticed a man standing directly behind her.

He gave no sign of exhibiting authority, yet

I had the feeling he was someone the

inhabitants of the village either feared or

respected. Quite likely, it was both. He was

ruddy faced and of moderate build, with

thin, scraggly hair atop his head. His eyes

were deep set and far too small for the

roundness of his moonlike face. I did not

like the look of his mouth. The lips were

too thin and drooped at the corners in what

appeared to be a perpetual scowl. He

excellent a quiet authority, while the

women who was now facing me.

Exhibited hers in a stern, uncompromising

voice and a rigid, arrogant attitude. Willy

Joe did not look like a doctor, and my

surprise must have been apparent enough

for him to take note of. I quickly recovered

my composure and addressed Mrs.Osgood

and Willy Joe.

Page 3-4

Line 31-34

3 The cabin had been well cared for, without

the slightest odor of mustiness or dust. the

furniture was the usual handmade, rugged

type, but some chairs were padded and

Page 9

Line 25-40


looked comfortable. There was a large

fireplace in the parlor, which had also been

evidently served as the dining room, for

there was a long table in the center of it.

The walls were plastered and papered, an

oddity in these parts, I knew.oil lamps were

placed around the room and there was a spit

the fireplace for roasting.

The kitchen was small. However, a black

iron stove contained a spacious oven and,

behind it, a water heater, also something

not for the mountains. The bedroom was of

moderate size, but with only a single bad. It

seemed quite satisfactory. Two chairs and a

bedside table were the other furnishings.

The bathroom was adequate and there were

two small bedroom closets. All I required.

4 I removed my coat, then selected a chair

from the kitchen and carried it out to the

oak tree and the branch from which a bit of

rope dangled. I stepped onto the chair and

from that perch I managed to reach the

branch. I found the ragged - ended rope too

tightly knotted around the branch to be

untied, but I had prepared for this by

bringing me a knife I found in the kitchen.

Using this, I sawed off the rope. I held it in

my hand for a moment or two, and then

with a shudder I threw it as far away as I

could. I did not intend to have that

fluttering thing in the breeze. Once the

missing end of it has been around my

father's neck. I needed to reminder of what

had happened to him. It was why I had

come back here after all these years. I had

been told of the circumstances of my

father's death once I was old enough to

understand. I had then made up my mind to

become a teacher,

Page 10

Line 3-20


5 "I am Nancy Keith." I gave my mother's

maiden name, which was the one I had

chosen to use here."I have been assigned to

sycamore by the country school authority. I

hope I will be able to do some measure of

good here."

Page 4

Line 5-8

6 I walked with her a ways from my cabin

and watched her move with a light, graceful

step down the road. thought there was

bereaved three years difference in our ages,

I felt like a surrogate mother. Jenny

presented a challenge to my skill as a

teacher, one I was anxious to meet. I spent

some time by lamplight, making up a

schedule for my classes, writing brief notes

of what I wished to do. Without textbooks,

I would have to use my ingenuity. I would

do some teaching, then encourage the

pupils to tell something about themselves.

Get them to think about their future. Talk to

them about the world beyond these hills.

Stir their curiosity.

Page 26

Line 7-19

7 I said, "do not be sure, Mrs. Loomis. David

Jordan is the name of the doctor who

operated on Alva. He will be here to see

how she is, once she gets home again. it

might be wise for any sick people here to

ask for the doctor. It is very dangerous to

depend on Willy Joe. "They were arguing

the point when I walked out of the cabin. I

resumed my walk to the school house.

Nearing I, I will Willy Joe seated on the

front steps. From the begining, I suspected

that what had happened to me along the

road to sycamore was either led by Willy

Joe, or planned by him. He remained seated

so that I would have to walk round him to

reach the door and he looked up at me with

Page 50

Line 27-39


an almost gloating expression.

8 “ we have got to find cover. Someone is

trying to kill us!” we fled across the

cleared area of the plateau and entered the

scrub alongside it. There we again crouched

down.“ dave ... what in the world ...?” i

began.There was a hissing noise above me

and something struck the trunk of a small

tree with a great impact.“ we are under

some sort of attack,” dave whispered. “

don’t move! Don’t give away our

position.”“ attack ? how... who ..?“ i wish i

knew who, but i can tell you how. It’s

someone using a slingshot.

Page 84-85

Line 31-40 and


9 I walked out quite confused, because in my

opinion the man using the slingshot had to be

Willy Joe. I knew of no one else in the village

who hated me enough to try to kill me. Still, I

have to believe the men who testified that it

could not possibly have been him. At least now

I know there must be someone else to be

guarded against.

Page 94

Line 28-33

10 "Why did you come?" I asked."Is not

saying nothing to you," he replied. You

really believe I'm a witch, or a consort do

not you?""Is not likely you are anything

else, knowing I was here, getting a gun

from no place ..."Why did you come?"I

repeated my question more forcefully.

David said, "I had answer her if I were you

before she puts a spell on you.""I come to

kill you," he said. David held up the

rifle."With this?"

Page 119-120

Line 38 and 1-


11 "What do you think we should do?""It

might be drank too much," Dave raised his

voice."Jenny, how often did Willy Joe get

drunk?" "Jenny stepped to the doorway.

"Most every week or." "Do you know

Page 137

Line 9-22


where he lives?""Sure do. Got him a cabin

down the road fire. Is not never got

merried. Reckon is not no woman had have

him. "We could go the cabin," David

said."If we find his clothing and personal

possessions gone, then we can be certain he

left the village. I think we should make

sure. ""I will fetch a wrap. Jenny, "I called

out," you will have to show us where Willy

Joe lived."Ready in a minute," she replied.

12 “It’s unbelievable,” he said. “Are you sure

you feel well enough to hear me

out?”“I’ll be worse if I don’t. Please tell

me. It’s so hazy . . . and I’m so dizzy… I

almost feel ill.”“I’m sure you’ll be over it

soon. Last night, Nancy, someone in the

village saw fires about a quarter of a mile

beyond your cabin. Whoever went there to

investigate-I haven’t had time to find out

who it was-set up such a hue and cry he

awakened the entire village. They flocked

down there to find a ring of fire, emitting a

strong smell of sulphur-and you were lying

in the center of the ring . . . without any

clothes on.”“Naked?” I gasped. “I was

naked?”78“Jenny and I took a walk before

going to bed,” I recalled. “I didn’t lock the

cabin. I never do unless I’m inside.

Someone must have entered and whoever it

was placed some kind of drug . . . in the

milk. Jenny and I both drank milk

we’d bought on our way back from the

churchyard cemetery. You were there.


Page 155 and


Line 1 and 39

13 "No," I said."No, I will not go. Whatever

happened have have been done deliberately.

An evil scheme to get at me. To revile me,

to make me out in the worst possible light.

But I'll not go until I find out who did this

Page 157

Line 37


and why. "

14 I felt like someone being led to execution as

I walked up the street toward the town hall.

Behind me most of the villagers marched

and yelled imprecations."They're going to

grant you a trial," Reverend Haven assured

me."I got that much out of them. We do

gain time."Thank you," I said listlessly.

Time was moving too fast, running out on

me. I entered the town hall between lines of

people who jeered and shook their firsts at

me. They have been ridden to a point where

any kind of violence is not only possible

but quite probable.

Page 162

Line 21-32

15 "Let go of me!" She screamed."Let go of

me so I can make this terrible woman tell

me what happened to my Jenny. Where is

my daughter? Answer me, you woman of

hell! "Mrs.Loomis, "I said," Jenny is on her

way to Tilletsville to bring Dr.Jordan back

here to help me prove I'm innocent of all

these charges."

Page 160

Line 23-33

16 "If I believed in Satan," I said slowly, "This

is the place where he'd find his kind of

sport. I want you to take me away from

here today. I want Jenny to come with us.

It's no place for her. Perhaps the village will

change, but for me it never could. My only

satisfaction is that they are innocent man

after being deluded into believing the lies

of Willy Joe."

Page 168

Line 12-18


2. The Main Character Fulfill the Safety Need

17 I knew i would have to move with caution.

what these people had done once, they

might do again. Especially if they knew my

full name was Nancy keith merrick. i must

exercise extreme care that they were kept

unaware of that while i attempted to wipe

out the ignorance of superstition that had

bred only evil.

Page 11

Line 1-6

18 You are very kind, mrs. Loomis, “ I said.

“thank you.” “shuck, that ain’t nothing’,

ma’am. “ she squinted at me, learning

forward in her chair. “I declare, ma’am, you

shorely remind me of somebody. I ain’t

shore who it kin be.” “I’ve never been here

before, mrs. Loomis.” I lied, a mild

falsehood made necessary because of the


Page 21

Line 11-18

19 “The cabin had been well cared for, without

the slightest odor of mustiness or dust.The

furniture was the usual handmade, rugged

type, but some chairs were paddedand

looked comfortable. There was a large

fireplace in the parlor, which had also been

evidently served as the dining room, for

there was a long table in the center of it.The

walls were plastered and papered, an oddity

in these parts, I knew oil lamps were placed

around the room and there was a spit the

fireplace for roasting.The kitchen was

small.However, a black iron stove

contained a spacious oven and, behind it, a

water heater, also something not for the

mountains.The bedroom was of moderate

size, but with only a single bad. It seemed

quite satisfactory. Two chairs and a bedside

table were the other furnishings. The

bathroom was adequate and there were two

small bedroom closets. All I required.”

Page 9

Line 25-40

20 “we have got to find cover. Someone is

trying to kill us!” we fled across the cleared

Page 84


area of the plateau and entered the scrub

alongside it. There we again crouched

down.“ dave ... what in the world ...?”i

began.There was a hissing noise above me

and something struck the trunk of a small

tree with a great impact.“ “we’re under

some sort of attack,” dave whispered.“

don’t move! Don’t give away our position.”

Line 31-40

21 “I guess,” she answered somberly, “I’m

scared they’ll throw stones at us,” “we will

be in church, Jenny. If we have faith, we

know we wi’ll be protected there, and

afterward revered haven will see that no

harm comes to us,”

Page 130

Line 34-38

22 But two be on the safe side, i sat down and

wrote a long letter to aunt margaret. I did

not go into details , but i did say that there

was an unfriendly element in sycamore and

that i was learning some of the details about

my father’s death. If someone else, event

aunt margaret, knew of my predicament,

whether i imagined it or not, i would feel

better and a trifle safer.

Page 33

Line 23-29

23 "Let go of me!" She screamed."Let go of

me so I can make this terrible woman tell

me what happened to my Jenny. Where is

my daughter? Answer me, you woman of

hell! "Mrs.Loomis, "I said," Jenny is on her

way to Tilletsville to bring Dr.Jordan back

here to help me prove I'm innocent of all

these charges."

Page 160

Line 23-33

24 "I am sorry," I said."I will speak more

simple terms. Alva had appendicitis. you all

Page 62-63


know what that is. Too many have died

from it. The sickness cannot be cured

except for an operation during which the

appendix is cut out. Hat is the treatment

Alva needed, not poultices of any kind.

"How do we know she is not dead right

now?" A man besides Willy Joe asked, do

doubt inspired by Willy. "The last I heard,

she was doing well."

Line 38-41 and


25 Mrs. Loomis looked up. "I do not mean for

no hurt to come to you, Miss Keith"

"Merrick," I corrected her. "My mother's

maiden name was Keith. I look that when I

came here. I want only to clear my father's

name and to help everyone in the village

who wishes to be helped. But I must have

some cooperation. Will you answer a

question I need ask you? Then I will leave

at once and no one has to even know I have

been here. If it worries you that much. "

Page 115

Line 24-32

3. The Effects of the Main Character Fulfill the Safety Need

26 I said, “Jenny, will you please fetch the

carriage and drive it to the cabin? We’ll

pack up as soon as we can. David, I want to

stand at my father’s grave for a few

moments and then I’m through with this


Page 168

Line 33-40

27 I’d find myself too busy for that, married to

David, seeing to the proper education of

Jenny, and raising a family.

Page 169

Line 3-5



28 David grasped my arm before I could return

to my chair. His arm enclosed my waist. I

even found it possible to look back at Jenny

and to smile with assurance.

Page 164

Line 21-24

29 Shortly afterward we walked slowly down

the street, arm in arm. No one came out to

greet us, to wish us well, to apologize or

confess their sins. We were like two people

along in a deserted village.

Page 168

Line 37-40

30 I’d find myself too busy for that, married to

David, seeing to the proper education of

Jenny, and raising a family.

Page 168

Line 3-5

3 It had been a nightmare, but it was over,

David fell into step with me and we walked

a little faster, a little more joyfully and

happy in the contemplation of our future.

Page 169

Line 6-9

32 “Thank heaven the old doctor left a record

of it,” I said.

Page 167

Line 23-24

33 ;“My only satisfaction is that they now

know they killed an innocent man after

being deluded into made believing the lies

of Willy Joe.”

Page 168


34 I was satisfied, but in my heart there was no

sense of triumph. There never would be.

Page 169

Line 1-2




Nancy keith was schoolteacher she went to the sychamore village

because she had assigned there, previously Nancy lived in the city with

aunt Margaret, the fiirst time in Sycamore Nancy met willy Joe and

Mrs.Osgood, Nancy live in the cabin in Sychamore village, In fact that

cabin is have her own family. her father was death in that cabin because

murdered, he killed by people there.

She did not show her identity because that she did not use name

her father but used name her mother so that the people did not know that

she was the daughter of Jed Merrick and she become teacher there. First

day in the school she met Jenny, Nancy helped Jenny to study and care

with jenny.

One day when Nancy walk slowly in the road in the night,

suddenly she saw Willy Joe went into cabin hurry and she follow him and

she went into cabin, it turns out there was women who groan in pain while

holding her stomach. Nancy wanted to take her to the hospital for help her

but did not allow by Willy Joe because Willy Joe Want to treat her. But

Nancy requested permission from the women’s husband and they brought

Alva to hospital by train.

Nancy met with Dr.David Jordan in the Tilletsville Village and

Nancy become very close to Dr. David they many told about each


other,after that Nancy returned to the Sycamore village using the wagon

lonely. But on the trip she was stoned over and over by someone who

caused her to get hurt.When she walk to school and she met jenny’s

mother and two other girls, they think that satan had do that to Nancy but

Nancy did not bealive it she bealive that Willy Joe had do that because

Willy Joe hated her.

Therefore she invite the parents of student to meeting and they too

invite Dr.David Jordan too . meeting went well. After that Nancy got so

many attack from someone, there was someone want to kill her and she

was slandered so everyone hated her. When all people in Sychamore now

that she was daughter of Jed Merrick and people there so angry and then

do something bed to her. And Mr. Brierly want to kill her. Eventually

when Nancy want to find out the person who has committed a crime

against her she met Willy Joe but Willy Joe was died in his own room with

poison. And then Nancy know that Willy Joe was accomplice someone.

Nancy was poisoned by someone who caused her to be

unconscious and the person doing it made her act as if she was performing

a ritual, Nancy put in a circle of fire so that it all made the people think

Nancy was a devil worshiper and when everyone knew that she was Jed

Merrick's child, they tried Nancy, but thanks to David Jordan's help. David

came to help reveal the truth so it was revealed who had slandered against

Nancy, he was Reverend Havend and also Willy Joe as accomplice, they

also caused the chaos in the village. In the end the people know it all and


get Nancy's goal to make people aware that what they believe were wrong.

Nancy decided to leave the village and live a better life with David Jordan

and Jenny.



Fitri Nurcholis

Student of the University of Islamic State Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin



Nationality Indonesia

Place & date of birth Jambi , 18-01-1996

Sex Female



Year Description

2008 Primary School SDN 10 Muaro Jambi, Indonesia

2011 Junior High School MTS Riyadhul Amien Muaro Jambi,


2014 Vocational High School MAN 4 Muaro Jambi , Indonesia