Download - Ruby Time!!!: Una Introducción a Ruby

  • 1. RUBYTIME!!!Kevin Martnez

2. ...I want to minimize my effort inprogramming.Yukihiro Matsumoto 3. P . O . O.(Todo es un objeto) 4. 10.times{ puts hello word}hola, soy una cadena.length[8, 3, 4].sort 5. Azcar(Sintctica) 6. saludo = trueputs hola if (saludo == true)edad = 30p (eres mayor) unless edad < 181.upto(5).each{|x| puts hi + x.to_s}(a..z).to_a 7. CODINGKATATIME!!! 8. Fizz Buzz(Stage 1)Return fizz, buzz or fizzbuzz.For a givennatural number greater zero returnfizz if the number is dividable by 3buzz if the number is dividable by 5fizzbuzz if the number is dividable by 151 -> 1 5 -> buzz2 -> 2 6 -> fizz3 -> fizz 10 -> buzz4 -> 4 15 -> fizzbuzz 9. Fizz Buzz(Stage 2)A number is fizz if it is divisible by 3 or if ithas a 3 in it.A number is buzz if it is divisible by 5 or if ithas a 5 in it31 -> fizz 52 -> buzz 35 -> fizzbuzz 10. Ecosistema 11. Documentacin 12. 13. Gracias@n4utilius