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Page 1: Roddie Wyatt's Poem

Water: Friend Or Foe?

It was a quiet autumn day, the sun was low in the sky and there was a slight breeze over the Minch; this would have to be the last day this year for setting a net, as the fishery cruiser wouldn’t be in Gairloch for

at least three weeks.

As Matthew pulled back the dusty tarpaulin on the Alibel, his gaze landed on a frayed piece of paper. It was a poem he had written last winter when he went out in the boat, by himself.


Deep, green, cold,

Cold, glassy, treacherous,

Treacherous because beneath the calm,

Glassy surface lies the potential to chill a man to death;

Death by drowning, or death by chilling.

Chilling, choking, calling, drowning.



a sleeping tiger calm and placid,

until roused into a storm by teasing winds,

she spits in our faces and

tosses our boats in her paws.


a cruel cheat,

we set off with high hopes,

for huge fishing,

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only to return empty-handed,

and hungry.


Deep, blue, bitter,

Bitter, unforgiving, treacherous,

Treacherous because beneath the calm,

Glassy surface lies the potential to chill a man to death;

Death by drowning, or death by chilling.

Chilling, choking, calling, drowning.


How different this year had been.


calm, kind, cool,

cool, clear, refreshing.

A beautiful and generous companion,

A rich and bountiful supply of resources.

food, power, pleasure.

A gateway to the world.

Just as Matthew was finishing his poem, he saw Roddie coming down the road. “I’d better hide it better this time. I wouldn’t want Roddie to know I like writing poetry,” he thought. “What like?” he said.

“Nae bad. Yersel?”

“Well, we had another lamb die last night,” replied Matthew. “Will you give me a hand launching the Alibel? I want to take her out one last time before the winter comes.”

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