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Rob Toth Interview On How To Flirt With Your Prospects Like Gifted Casanova

Speaker 1: Something’s coming that’s going to happen for $40 only. It’s

going to be cool and you’re going to meet … Do you want to be part of it

because it’s massive this kind of value?

John: Hey, podcast listener. You’re about to discover insider tips, tricks and

secrets to making more sales and converting more prospects in the customers

with e­mail marketing. For more information about the e­mail marketing

podcast or to order this wanted guy, go to

Hey, everybody. It’s John McIntyre here, the auto responder guy and it’s time

for Episode 16 of the e­mail marketing podcast where we talk about the top

tips, tricks and secrets for making more sales and growing your revenue with

e­mail marketing. Now today, we’re going to talk about sex. Yeah, baby.

That’s it. That is how to flirt with your prospects like a young Casanova and

get them to buy more products. Does that sound good? Now really it’s just

simple but effective pre­selling strategies to get people to buy more. Now,

this is stuff like how to pre­sell webinars, events, conferences, sales, product

launches and more and the secret is really just knowing how to flirt with your

prospect and we’re going to get into that.

We’re going to talk about how reminder e­mails like webinar styling in 20

minutes are a complete waste of time and space and what you need to be

doing instead. Now, this can really set you apart from your competitors. So

stick around for that and affiliate recruitment tips that you just don’t hear

from mainstream guru guys. So basically, a whole bunch of stuff that’s all

related to pre­selling. It all can be done via e­mail. You can do it via direct

mail as well. Like a lot of these strategies and tactics can be applied to your

marketing everywhere, okay?

Now, to get the sure notes for this episode of the e­mail marketing podcast,

go to and before we get into it though, I thought you

guys might like to know how the Drop Dead Copy list is going. So I have a

daily e­mail list that you can sign up at That

wasn’t always daily. About two, three or four months ago, I switched to daily

e­mails. I didn’t know how it would go and I also sell in every single e­mail

including the first one which is the McIntyre method. Now, a few people

have asked when the McIntyre method is going to open. At this stage, it’s not

going to be for at least two to three months.

Now, I had the results of daily e­mails and selling in every e­mail which is

sending more often than most people have the balls to do and also selling in

every e­mail which a lot of people just don’t like doing. It’s working

fantastic. The interesting thing though is that 25% of people are not

subscribing. So one out of four people unsubscribes from that list, but the

people who stay are extremely excited about what I’m sending them and

they’re much more likely to buy the McIntyre method and other things I

suggest. So it’s been a great experiment. I’m going to keep doing it and so if

you want a good idea and you want something to do, start sending daily

e­mails, either broadcast or load them up into your auto responder and sell in

every single e­mail.

If you want to know how I do it, go to, sign up to

the list there. Do it now. Let’s go talk to Rob Toth about how to flirt with


It’s John McIntyre here, the auto responder guy. I’m here with Rob Toth, a

web marketing specialist with seven years experience in more than thirsty six

nation markets and now, Rob comes highly recommended from a number of

you. And today, we’re going to talk about pre­selling the shit out of a bunch

of stuff including conferences, webinars, events, Christmas sales and product

launches. Now, it’s not all specifically related to e­mail, but you can bet

there’s going to be a ton of stuff that you’re going to be able to apply in your

e­mail marketing because e­mail, it’s a fantastic medium for pre­selling and

anyway, I’m sure a lot of you do webinars, conferences, all that sort of stuff


So even if it’s not specifically about e­mail, it’s going to be very relevant and

interesting stuff. Rob, how are you doing today?

Rob: John, pleasure being on here with you. I’m doing great, good myself

over here in Canada.

John: Cool, man. It must be cold out there, huh?

Rob: In the summer? No, sir. We got our stuff. You guys have your winter

right now but we got our summer. So it’s a … No complaints at all.

John: Okay. That’s nice. Cool. Okay. So we’ve been through pre­selling

before we get into that, tell us a bit about yourself and who’s Rob Toth?

Rob: Sure. Yeah. I guess I’ve been kicking around for seven or eight years

now doing primarily information products, info products, the internet

marketing space and so forth via different clients and kind of rep share of

opportunities, we’ve expanded beyond that into different niches, some really

cool, interesting ones like ghost hunting, everyone comments on that one. I

know you obviously hold the gambit of the popular ones like dating and

weight loss and so forth. So played in different spaces now at this point, run

my own conference kind of marketing somewhere which actually as of the

time we’re of this call is actually, we’re just finalizing an idea that’s being

sold off, but yeah.

I mean, it’s just been basically about seven or so, eight years I guess doing

online marketing in different capacities, had some bigger launches, had some

fun projects, been able to kind of kick around the different parts of the world

to meet up with some business contacts or just kind of explore things. So

been down your way, down to Melbourne actually for three weeks as well

once, but I don’t know. It’s a whole … Just sales copywriting. I think that’s

what kind of brought me into internet marketing world as initially was I did

all … I was kind of doing contract and sales copywriting a while back, but

then kind of relates to that …

I was kind of passing up a lot of cool projects that I was writing a copy for

but I really wasn’t kind of taking forward and the rest of the bells and

whistles which I really enjoy, so that kind of expand it from there. So …

John: Awesome, man. So it sounds like you’ve really done a whole bunch of

different stuff, not just one thing.

Rob: Yeah, a variety kind of … I think most of us have the same kind of

[inaudible 00:05:20]. Nowadays, I’ve kind of got that under control pretty

well which actually is one company, one focus and so forth, but in initial

days, like let’s do this. Let’s play with that. So it’s a … Yeah. I kind of had

my hands in a lot of different [inaudible 00:05:33].

John: Nice, man. Okay. Okay. That sounds cool. So we already talked to you

about how you went into that pre­selling stuff. So before you went into the

actual, the nitty­gritty stuff, tell us … I think some people are thinking, what

the hell is pre­selling but give us a little bit of background on what is it …

Why is it important and why is e­mail and doing kind of follow up kind of

stuff, why is it so useful?

Rob: Sure and you mentioned in the intro that this might not be all related to

e­mail? Certainly pre­selling is done in many different ways, but what I

actually had in mind was we do a lot of our pre­selling and I mean, we do …

We use, sometimes we use direct mail and sometimes obviously, your web

page can do pre­selling as well. But a lot of it is actually you’re doing with

e­mail because it’s so versatile for that. So pre­selling essentially just flirting

with the prospect that the way I kind of put it before you try and get them into

bed with you, so it’s not trying to go up to the girls saying, would you like to

buy or here’s a conference and they’ll come out and attend or here’s a

product we just launched and therefore, buy it. It’s something that …

I think inherently everyone who is as, even Basic Marketing 101 knowledge

knows that they should be somehow pre­selling, but I think either how

they’re approaching it or just the fact they’re over … It’s an oversight where

they have so many other things on the go with even for webinars. It says

pretty popular these days. A lot of people are not even properly signed to

webinars, didn’t announce them. One thing I see with a lot of guys, even big

guys, they’ll run a webinar, they’ll … Bad ass webinar, tons of great content

they’re going to put on there but all they really do is they keep selling,

sending you the notification when the webinar is. That’s not pre­selling.

That’s a reminder. That’s just … That’s not a tactic.

That’s just a mechanical task reminding someone when the event is. Same

with conferences, I have friends who run conferences. Obviously, I run my

own as well and often, all they put out is the reminders that hey, on this date,

make sure you get a ticket because we got the conference coming up. And

there’s no … Pre­selling is the part where you kind of massage and you get,

build the anticipation, build understanding of what’s coming up which is

obviously, it is pretty popular with launches.

I mean, to me you can’t really do a launch without pre­selling otherwise, it’s

all you would be doing as a grand opening that nobody even knows it’s a

grand opening. But yeah, pre­selling is kind of that factor and then once we

dive in, I like to maybe bring in a couple of examples of how we did that

using e­mail as well.

John: Sure. Let’s do it, man. Let’s dive right in. So let’s get into it.

Rob: All right. Cool. Well, let’s take a look at … First of all, the conference

because that’s what’s fresh on my mind because actually as I mentioned right

now, I’m closing some shop and some items and one of that is just kind of the

marketing summit that I used to run that’s actually being closed down. So the

world of kind of marketing has kind of been circling in my head and when I

looked at was what we did, what I think a lot of conferencing don’t do,

certainly some of them do, but I think everyone should do is we sent out

profiles about the speakers that were coming up.

So essentially, we get almost like a baseball card worth of a buyer, the photo

and their cool bio bits and then some description and probably even we do a

short interview with them, two to three questions kind of bullet points, not a

full podcast or training and then we’d send that out or in some cases, of

course, we’d also host a teaser call. So kind of the pre­call so where before

you even get to the event, you can hear a bit, a fifteen, twenty minute call or

short webinar with the person and those are relatively thought of. But what

we did was we actually loaded up the e­mails as well as … I used to take, get

detail bios from each of our speakers.

I’d even have my assistant research the speaker in more detail because a lot

of speakers just send over the same three paragraph, cut and paste that they

use everywhere, but there’s really not anything too sexy to it. But anyway,

we would send that on e­mail so before you even get to the event, it wasn’t

just harping on hey, buy your ticket to come to the event. It was … We were

essentially making each speaker cool. Here’s a content that’s … It really

made you think. Here’s some of the best juicy pieces that we just sent you

over via e­mail. Here’s what’s kind of unique and cool about their

background and so forth. So before you even thought about the whole event,

you … I really want to meet this guy. This is the person I’m reading about

right now.

That’s the person I want to get out, too and meet up with and so we did the

pre­selling for speaker bios and anything else, that was unique as well, like

we had bonus days and so forth. So we pre­sold why you should buy the up

sale. So before the card had opened for you to buy and register your ticket

and then the up sale to that was this bonus day. Before you’d even get to the

opportunity to buy that up sale, we’d let you know what we did the previous

year and how cool that was and some testimonials and here’s some photos

and here’s a blooper footage and here’s what we’re doing this year and it’s

going to be even better because here’s what we’re going to do and

essentially, it’s … You can’t buy at that point.

So that point wasn’t really to sell you right then. It’s just a plan to see …

Hey, man. When we get this thing live, when we get the order buns live, you

better be ready that we’re about to have the new quantity for the up sale, you

better be joining us for that. So for Canada, market selling is the end and I

think the third variant of that was the short tips. We’d release whatever the

topics were, we take a look at what my speakers would be speaking about and

whatever topics were being covered, I go find or whether … Obviously, if it’s

something that’s my expertise well, I just write up, but basically we create

this kind of punchy three to four bullet point teaser content pieces on the

topic. So essentially, our pre­sells were a variety of things.

It was mostly though featured on the speaker. So pre­selling why you should

come see the speaker even before the event ticket goes live and then also, the

topic of why whatever it is, like Facebook advertising or video marketing or

whatever, just bringing out some … Not the mainstream stuff that everyone

knows but some cool things that you can apply in your business and then

providing those content, but that gets the person excited about … Oh, wait.

That’s a tactic we could apply. Let me go attend this conference so I can

learn more about it and that’s another way to kind of get people excited about

the topics and the speakers before even the opening of the card for them to

come register their tickets.

John: Okay. Okay. One thing that I think is really important here is that I

want to draw around … It was really useful when I thought, realized this is

that if you don’t do this type of thing, if you don’t pre­sell people and really

go to your best efforts to make them buy something, you’re doing your best

prospect a disservice because they might really need … Yeah. I would get a

lot of value out of the conference, but if you’re not pre­selling them because

you’re too scared or too hesitant or you don’t want to sell anything, you’re

actually going to make it hard for them. In a sense, you’re taking away the

value that they could have had, which is why only pre­selling can be so

important for the business and also for the prospect as well.

Rob: Absolutely and to me, that was … That’s one thing even though in the

world of affiliate marketing for example, I’ve had affiliates who joined up to

promote something and they typically … I mean, I used to be affiliate

manager as well. I mean, that’s one of the … And I did that for a couple of

years for probably a couple dozen of projects. So I saw the kind of the

background of the members of what an affiliate can actually accomplish and

pretty much like across the board. It wasn’t the guy with the big list that was

making the dollars typically. I mean, of course in some cases, but typically,

what was pulling the results was the person who was using anecdotes and

using multiple e­mails for the same offer instead of the shotgun approach of

the one e­mail that goes out.

And I mentioned that because there’s an affiliate or a merchant from the UK

that … I won’t mention his name right now, but I was affiliate for and when I

did a promo, I think we pulled in about 22,000 and my list compared to their

speaking at that point was not that large. It was not significant but I was one

of his better affiliates for the promotion but the reason that that worked is

because even before the promotion, even before I sent out this kind of pitch

about hey, here’s this guy and you need to buy his stuff. Here’s a link. So

before those e­mails went out, I did an interview with him. So and the

interview was there’s no one selling.

It was essentially content, short, 30­minute; I kept it short as well because to

make it too long, no one’s going to listen to it. So I cut it short because we

don’t have attention for that. So I kept it short and so, it was like a 30­minute

of meeting the guy but all with content and then I followed that up with a

pre­sell with my story of the guy, how I met him, what I think of him in a

sense. Like it’s just basically the story aspect but that e­mail also didn’t pitch,

but it left a lingering where it said, a PS, tomorrow, I’ll let you know about a

couple of things that he’s doing that I think would be right for your business


And then, I did a two or three shot e­mail promo actually pitching the offer,

but it was two steps before that when it was first an introduction of warm up

to who the person is because if I just did a blanket mail out, or just a shotgun

a mail out of here’s this guy and here’s his product, it’s awesome. Go buy it.

It doesn’t matter how it’s worded and obviously, that wouldn’t be the

wording but point is, it’s a one shot deal then just like you said, I think I

would have done disservice for a lot of people because it was high value

stuff. It wasn’t just about selling crap. He’s got some value stuff.

So instead, if I’m trying to make him, most money, I’m trying to make

commissions for most commissions for myself, and I’m trying to get quality

products into the hands of my subscribers, then doing a one shot deal is just

insane. So even there, the pre­selling concept comes in play of how can I take

the best points and before I even introduce the order links, how can I get

people excited about this person and all his stuff.

John: Okay. Okay. Cool. So, skimming down the list, but what about


Rob: Webinars, that’s actually one I’ve got coming up here. I’ve got series

coming up on a Rob Toth. I don’t think it’s okay to mention, …

Irrelevant. Pont is, we’ve got a web class here coming up and I think that’s …

What’s being done for that a little differently than again because anything …

Any time I step into a new arena, what I do first is I kind of just spy on

everyone who’s doing it right and then probably even a lot of people are

doing it wrong. And so, I think that basic intel is something that we all do or

else should do and so I’ve been taking a look at for the last couple of months,

I’ve been taking a look at who’s running what and how.

And again, it’s just this lack of … I get about eight notifications of some of

the aggressive guys about make sure you know the time and this event’s

going to be held in. I mean, you didn’t sell me on that. All you did was you

reminded me that it’s 8 PM on Tuesday or whatever.

John: Right.

Rob: So what we’re doing differently is we’re actually bringing in case

studies because what’s being sold and I guess the … I mentioned briefly

because it kind of ties in what the pre­selling is. When people join a web

class, my web class format’s primarily content, a very short pitch it in and it’s

a chance for them to work with me on a group setting and group coaching or

whatever. So reason I mentioned that is the pre­selling or things like social

proof, testimonials, proof from actual snapshots from previous stampings,

case studies, all of it weave into content.

So even before you get to that specific web class, instead of me just saying,

hey make sure you show up at 7 PM on Wednesday or whatever it is, you get

actual content with a case study or something that essentially makes me look

smart because that’s the end goal. And essentially taking some specific that I

did, some social proof, some testimonials as well, but woven into a content

piece and you’re going to get about five of those and again, each of those

e­mails will also remind you of the time slot of when everything is but you’re

going to get about five of those before the web class even occurs and then

you get on a webinar and then of course we have our follow up process which

is a whole different story, but one is …

We pre­sell you because you might now know, it’s just like on here, you’re

just probably plenty of listeners who never heard my name before and even

all those who might have heard my name, they don’t necessarily know my

details. So it’s … If I want to have a better shot of you kind of coming to this,

the webinar and first of all, it also helps with making sure more people show

up because not only am I selling you the value that you’re getting this much

free value from me before you even hold the web class, but on top of that,

hopefully, you’re getting so many good insights, you’re like … Wow. Who’s

this guy but he’s got some good stuff. I got to be on his trainings.

So again, it kind of pre­sells you on the fact you need to listen to what I’ve

got to say because I’m here to deliver some good content. So even before a

webinars, typically case studies filled with content leading up to the webinar

is something that I would also invoke there.

John: Okay. Okay. So what we’re really doing here is we’re pre­framing

whatever we’re trying to sell, conference or webinar, product, sales, that kind

of thing … You’re basically trying to control the frame and you just send that

… Don’t forget to shop on Wednesday night at 8 PM. When you give out this

content, you’re basically just setting up this frame where whatever the

webinar is, it’s going to be amazing. So when they show up on Wednesday,

and when they keep hearing a time of that, you’re controlling the context of

what’s going on here. You’re controlling … They think the guy’s an expert,

that they want to be there. That’s good information and they want to hear

about this, that it’s relevant to them and that’s … And someone like that.

So there’s a lot of frame control here. It sounds like a very advanced concept,

but really what it is, it’s like just dropping things, kind of concepts in the

prospects brains. So when you finally introduce the product or the offer to

them, that’s kind of … They understand the offer in the context of everything

that’s come before that.

Rob: Yeah. Actually, that’s a very good point, too but it’s … By building up

the content or I guess tearing it down into multiple or smaller pieces, you do

get them into a better understanding form as well and that’s exactly it and

beyond that, just the fact that you’re selling them on the so­called expert or

selling them on the topic or selling them on actually being on the event, even

if it’s a free event, that here is not a mistake I find is people assume it’s a free

event, so therefore, people just come, but that’s obviously not going to

happen. What if … Whether it’s a free conference, free webinar, free

anything, it’s free for money in just terms of just free from monetary cost, but

it’s not free from time and people still have to watch their time.

So you need to kind of sell them on why do they need to invest their time and

actually listen to you or come to the event or come to the whatever. So that’s

where this kind of comes in. And honestly, even for affiliate recruitment, I’ve

got this kind of what I call the six step approach which I won’t go into

because it’s not really relevant right now, but when I do affiliate

recruitments, here’s our offer and here’s your link. Come make a ton of

money with us which is just the stuff that I get in my inbox on a regular basis.

What we typically do is especially if I don’t know …

Like if we go into a market where I don’t have a relationship with that

merchant or we’re just simply cold approach on some top flares that we

haven’t really worked a relationship with, the first two messages and it’s

actually one’s an e­mail, one’s a direct mail and six steps process, but the

point is, the first e­mail that goes to them is a warm introduction. There’s no

link. There’s no you’ll make 66% with us on launch. There’s no click bank

idea or any of that crap. It’s just basically says here, here’s why we’re

approaching you because we saw this and looks like it’s a match. Here’s what

we are coming up and we love to chat a little more if you have any questions

right now, definitely reach me by phone or Skype, by e­mail or next week,

I’ll send you a little more details.

Hope you’re well. Take care. It’s worded different then, but that’s essentially

the theme of it, but point is, again, we’re … I guess as a [framing in

00:20:21] so maybe that’s a little more accurate but we’re basically setting it

up to know that, hey, we’re about to send you an affiliate page. We’re about

to try and solicit you to come into our affiliate program, but before we do

that, here’s why good people and here’s why we think you’re a good fit and

here’s what’s up. So there’s a bit of a warm up there, too. So a bit of a

flirtation process rather than just going in for the kill and saying, hey, join our

program, sign up and make a ton of money which I think a lot of affiliate

merchant or merchants do that with their affiliate program. So that’s another

thing there.

John: Okay. Cool and you got something written down here about follow up

e­mails to a webinar. What are you sending there to a conference, to an

event? How are you following up? You’re pitching products out to them?

Rob: Well, yeah. I mean, certainly the idea is just to close them but I do a

courtesy call. We do direct mail piece and we do a courtesy follow up. First

of all, courtesy follow up by e­mail from my assistant, then she also lines up

a direct mail piece that goes up that essentially says, thanks for having

attended. Just essentially resell them on here’s why limited time or limited

quantities, opportunity to work with Rob and again, it’s worded differently

but the point is, it kind of just sets up this message of here’s what’s covered

and here’s why we’re glad you’d came and here’s by the way, don’t miss out

on the offer.

So the e­mails you send, the direct mail piece that goes out and then later,

when we send a courtesy call, all has the same kind of message of just

building some merchants and so forth. But that’s a bit of a more follow up

tactic rather than obviously a pre­selling but I mean, that’s … Once you’ve

got someone, to me, it’s just like anything else. I think we all kind of know

that the more touch points you can have or the prospect, the more option you

have to sell to them and the more gestation period you give to them to

actually understand what the offer is and understand the value of why they

should dive in. It’s never … It’s certainly I would say a minority of cases,

especially with the higher ticket offer where it’s a one shot deal where they

heard about it and say didn’t pay up.

And especially we’re talking about … If it’s a thousands of dollars price tag

versus a ten­dollar knick­knack; it’s not going to happen for one shot deals.

So that’s why the pre­selling or pre­framing, setting that up so that they’re in

their right minds, sending in a bunch of values, then they’ve come to a live

audience where they … You build up rapport and then we do the follow up

which is a separate deal but essentially there, then we have a multi­step

follow up and it’s a multi­medium follow up as well on purpose. So we do

e­mail, direct mail and voice. That I think goes a very long way for the


So, but again, it really starts with before you even come to our event, now

that you registered, how can I keep kind of selling you, encourage you or

make it exciting that you need to be on this thing? You can’t just … Because

registering is one thing, but typically on a webinar, 33% I would say is fair

average with your across the board blank statement. About a third of the

people who register will actually attend the webinar and so, if you want to

maximize that to get it closer to the … You will get 100% but if you want to

get closer to 100%, you need to kind of give them the bullet points and the

reasons and incentives and the value and so forth on why they need to be on


John: Okay. I think what’s helpful there is to kind of pull out the main

concept that’s going on and it’s really … Whether you’re selling an event or

a webinar or product launches or follow up e­mails, what’s really going on is

in any relationship, there needs to be multiple touch points and the more

touch points in the relationship, generally, the better the relationship is going

to be. But what most people do is you just sense kind of like, for the webinar,

the webinar is coming up.

It’s coming up, it’s coming up, same for the event rather than making this

really high quality touch points with contents and stories and some really

great marketing and buzz building stuff. If you’re trying to sell anything,

pre­selling is just about start flirting with the prospects, same way you’re

going to a bar and you know [inaudible 00:23:59] to sleep with you. You

spend a few hours chatting with her and getting to know her and that type of


Rob: Right. I was going to throw in a couple of sell in games real quickly if

we have a few more minutes here. Talking about Christmas sales, birthday

sales and the kind, I mean, birthday sales I run all the time. They’re not really

applicable if you’re … I guess maybe a merchandise or brand that if it’s not

based on an expert so to speak, then birthday sale won’t go far. So if you’re

… We’re a or something, we sell cat gear and the owner has a

birthday and nobody cares. So it won’t work, but if you are, build yourself up

as the voice or the authority that an entire subscriber­base or client­base

listens to, then using a birthday sale I think is great.

But also Christmas sales and the logical other sales or any time you do a sales

promotion and obviously launches but to me, launches are such a gimmick

that I didn’t need the feel to cover them and you can’t … Maybe we’ll go on

just a quick second on that. You can’t really do a launch if you have a brand

new product coming out without building up anticipation. Otherwise, it’s just

flat out not along within the terms of doing an event­based promotion launch,

you have to have a pre­sell process. You have to have just like a movie

coming out; you have the trailers and so forth coming out.

Transformers state doesn’t open in theaters tomorrow without notifying you

six months in advance that’s coming and showing all the glitzy actors and

then their special effects. So the same thing here, you need to be ready for

that or you need to be doing the pre­sells. But for sales, which a lot of people

don’t tend to do which is surprising is … Because I love them. It’s just like a

sale in the department store, retail stores; everyone has sales, online, offline,

even … Amazon has it. You signed up to it just by in kind of service, people

on sales that’s typical but when you come into I guess more on the info

market space that I’ve had most of my experience in, that kind of just this

thing that you don’t really do.

You do launches; we don’t do sales which doesn’t make any sense. So you

should do sales in my opinion, you should do at least one sale but I would do

like the major events and again, birthday sales if it’s applicable to your

business model, but even in those cases, what we do and I actually code …

Well, we actually not program, but once you’re speaking with auto

responders with our responder guy here, into our auto responders, we’ll set

up a … What I typically do is a six­day sale format which is a $40 sale but

it’s the four days leading up to it is a pre­sell. So essentially, six …

Those six e­mails will go out like at day sixth or whatever working

backwards or day one and then it will tell them, hey this sale’s coming up and

here’s why it’s cool going and so forth and they do maybe some contents,

there will be a PS that reminds them that the sale is coming up. Day three,

same thing content, whatever, so they keep this process go on day four, we let

them know, hey tomorrow goes live and it’s only four hours, make sure grab

it. And then there’s two days when it’s actually the sales happening so there’s

e­mails that go out on those days and it sells them.

But again, a six­day promotion, $40 sale or six e­mails in a promotion, $40

sale, so 2/3 of the promotion or at least the way I’d run it is actually

pre­selling because you can’t order that at that point yet. It’s just setting you

up for the fact that, hey something’s coming. It’s going to happen for 48

hours only. It’s going to be cool. You want to be part of it because it’s

massive discounts, high value, but I’m going to spend four days on the

pre­sell and where I’m only going to spend maybe even two promotions on

the sale because by the time I got you all warmed up, all you need to do is get

the details of where to click and go order.

So even for Christmas sales and whether it’s for an auto responder sale like I

just mentioned or whether it’s for you have a birthday sale coming up, I’d do

the same thing. You have a birthday sale coming up. I’m running this special

before 48 hours, but again, I would do several e­mails before that just to lead

you up to the sale and same thing with Christmas sales and so forth.

John: Okay. Fantastic, and then the last thing you’d written down here is

interaction engagement in pre­sell … Should we begin if you would have

replied back to e­mails?

Rob: Yeah. I mean, again we’re going to come back to the conversion point.

The thing is that it’s kind of come down to, if you’re selling a $7 thing,

you’re trying to sell 10,000 copies of, then having a bunch of people reply

back … Unless you can actually … Even there I facilitate. I bring in some

sort of customer support person to help with this. So even there, it’s

applicable, but certainly even more so for a higher ticket, multi­hundred and

multi­thousand dollar products … As much as possible, you want an open

dialog. To me, that’s just Sales 101. That’s not really piece on, but the reason

I added into the course here is when you do send out those pre­sells, whether

it’s like for web classes within the case studies,

I typically have a question or an open­ended or some board that says reply

back especially if what I’m selling is me because if I’m trying to sell the fact,

you get to maybe have a chance to work hard and we’ve done some cool

things and here’s some campaign numbers and I’m a big deal and so forth

and I’m not … I’m not really arguing, but the point is, whenever I try to

package myself, let’s hear someone deal with, then if the end goal is for you

to get to or work with me, then one thing I want you to know is that I am

available. I’m a real person. I am available to answer your questions. So I

might … Into the case studies and to those pieces, I will always throw in

things like …

Essentially find out what they thought about questions like what did you

think about it because it’s too hard to answer that. So it’s a … If any time you

need to make the prospect think, they’re not going to respond. What you want

is the nature of responses of … If you could implement one of these three

[inaudible 00:29:17] I covered, which ones are most applicable, right?

Because I never won because we can make a ton of money or whatever, so

that was kind of reflex response. Is that what you’re looking? And it says,

now you got this kind of short list that would say people you could follow up

with, and I would save their e­mails and just check, hey did you make it to

web class school? Was that useful or not?

And now you have engagement but the point is, by them interacting, by them

responding, because if you’re already kind of pre­selling, you already have a

perfect environment to create this kind of discussion before the event of

where there’s a conference, whether it’s a web class, whether it’s a sale. So

before that, the more prospects you can kind of have this kind of interaction

engage with or even the ones that don’t reply but they know that you’ve set

up an opportunity for them to reply to you, that just makes it more real.

Because they know it’s not … Just some blind name or whatever in the


They know it’s a real person and they can reach you if they wanted to even if

they don’t take you up on offer replying to you, it does create this kind of

engagement opportunity and that goes along with to kind of building up

rapport and converting some of the sales as well.

John: Cool. I love it, man. This has been super good. We’ve gotten along

here, but I’m totally cool with that. I like [inaudible 00:30:26] talked about it.

So before we go though, give yourself a plug, man. Where can people find

you and then we’ll say goodbye.

Rob: Vancouver, BC right now so come say hi., I guess. R­O­B

T­O­T­H dot com. There’s really not much on there right now. The web

classes will be rolling out and I certainly invite anyone if you want to come

poke around. I do deliver some good content and I would say, and be happy

to host anyone who wants to drop in on those.

John: Fantastic. Well, thanks for coming on.

Rob: Thanks, John.

John: Hey, everybody. Thanks for listening. If you want to discover more

insider tips, tricks and secrets about driving sales in e­mail marketing, sign up

for daily e­mail tips from your auto responder guy. Go to, sign up, confirm your e­mail address and I’ll

send you daily e­mails on how to improve your e­mail marketing and make

more sales via e­mail. You find out why open rates don’t even matter and the

seven­letter word that underlies all effective marketing and much more.­toth­on­how­to­flirt­with­your­prospects­l
