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Resumen con los contenidos de la Prueba Global.4º BásicoVocabularioUnit 5 At the Circus.

Lions: leonesEat: comerMeat: carneRingmaster: presentador de circoWorks: trabajaSay: decirCircus: circoMagician: magoWears: usaHat: sombrero

Make you laugh: hacer reírChimpanzee: chimpancéMagic tricks: trucos de magia.Sell: venderHamburgers: hamburguesasVendors: vendedoresFood: comidaPopcorn: cabritasMovies: películasClowns: payasos

Parrot: loroOrca whale: orcaEagle: águilaZookeeper: cuidador del zoologicoBathe: bañarStart: comenzarFinish: terminarWake up: despertarseBreakfast: desayunoLook after: cuidarFeed: alimentar

Unit 6 Countries and NationalitiesCountries: Países Nationalities:

NacionalidadesLanguages: Lenguajes

The United States: Estados UnidosPeru: PerúGreece: GreciaGreat Britain: Gran BretañaFrance: FranciaMexico: MéxicoJapan: JapónChina: China

American: AmericanoPeruvian: PeruanoGreek: GriegoBritish: BritánicoFrench: FrancésMexican: MexicanoJapanese: JaponésChinese: Chino

English: Inglés Spanish: EspañolGreek: GriegoFrench: FrancésJapanese: JaponésChinese: Chino Speak: hablar

Unit 7: A sports ChampionSport:School:Has, have:Like:Gold medal:Train:Volleyball:Fun:Basketball:Gymnastics:Karate:

Uniform: uniformeBaseball: pelota de baseball/baseballSneakers: zapatillasTennis: tenisSwimsuit: traje de bañoBoxing: boxeoDiving: calvados (deporte)Swimming: nadir (deporte)Ping- pong: ping pongRunning: corer (carreras)

Run: correrDive: clavar ( de nado)Ice skating: patinaje sbre hieloIce hockey: hockey sobre hieloAmerican football: fútbol americano

** Revisar el libro en caso de que falte alguna palabra en el vocabulario.

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*** Para mejor comprensión del vocabulario, estudia con tu cuaderno.

Contenidos de las Unidades.

Unidad 5. At the zoo.

Preguntas con WHAT: cuando hacemos estas preguntas tenemos la intención de conocer más sobre lo que estamos preguntando.

What do lions eat? They eat meatWhat do ringmasters say? Ringmasters say “Ladies and Gentlemen”What do clowns wear? Clowns wear big shoes, hats and red noses.What do Magicians do? Magicians do magic tricksWhat do circus vendors sell? Circus vendors sell pop cornWhat do clowns do? Clowns make you laugh

Time: hacemos preguntas con WHAT time para saber información sobre un horario específicoWhat time do the chimpanzees have breakfast?

What time do you start school? I start school at 8:30What time do you finish school? I finish school at 3: 55

Unidad 6: Countries and Nationalities.Para decir de donde provienen varias personas decimos: THEY’RE FROM….

They’re from Japan

They’re from Greece

They’re from PeruThey’re from the United Status of AmericaThey’re from Great Britain.They’re from ChinaThey’re from

Para comentar en que idioma hablan esas personas se dice: IN____ , THEY SPEAK ____In Japan, they speak Japanese.In Great Britain, they speak British.In Mexico, they speak Spanish.In China, they speak Chinese.In Peru, they speak SpanishIn France, they speak FrenchIn United States, they speak EnglishIn Greece, they speak Greek

Unidad 7: A sports Champion.

Preguntas con Do y Does.Usamos DO y DOES para hacer preguntas en las cuales necesitemos obtener alguna información específica sobre algo o alguien. En este caso DO Y DOES no tienen un significado en español, solo indican que se trata de una pregunta porque aparece al COMIENZO.

Cuando queremos preguntar sobre una persona sea ÉL O ELLA usamos DOES al comienzo de la oración. Luego he/she, el verbo y finalmente lo que queremos saber.Ejemplo:Does HE have a ball? ¿Tiene él una pelota?Does SHE play the piano? ¿Sabe ella tocar el piano?Does He jump on a foot? ¿Salta él en un pie?Does she do gymnastics? ¿Hace ella gimnasia?

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Para responder, en caso que la respuesta sea SI, decimos: YES, HE/SHE DOESEn caso que la respuesta sea NO, decimos: NO, HE/ SHE DOESN’TEjemplo:Does she have a doll? Yes, she does

Does he wear a red uniform? No, he doesn’t

DO… Usamos DO en preguntas cuando la pregunta va dirigida a Mi.


Do you match movies? ¿Ves películas? Do you play tennis? ¿ Juegas tenis?Do you have any medals? ¿Tienes alguna medalla?

Para responder, en caso que la respuesta sea SI, decimos: YES, I DOEn caso que la respuesta sea NO, decimos: NO, I DON’TEjemplo: Do you play tennis? Yes, I do Do you do karate? No, I don’t


1. Write the word that corresponds to the image.

A)___________ B)_______________ C)______________


E) ____________________ F)_______________

G)_____________________ H)_______________________

2. Read the answers. Write the questions.


A) ___________________________________eat? They eat meat.B) ___________________________________say? They say “Ladies and Gentlemen”.C) ___________________________________ do? They do magic tricks.D) ___________________________________ do? Make you laugh.E) ___________________________________ sell? They sell food.

3. Answer the questions about your school.

1. What time do you start school? ________________________________________2. What time do you finish school? _______________________________________

4. Match the flags to the countries and write the nationalities.

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1. Japan/ _______________

2. United Status of America/______________

3. Great Britain/_________________

4. China/___________________

5. Mexico/________________

5. Unscrumble the questions about Libby Taylor.

1. day train Libby every Does?_________________________________________? Yes, she does2. to time she What gym does go the? _________________________________________? At seven o’clock.3. does What eat she?_________________________________________? She eats pasta and salad and a lot of fruit.4. medals she Does have any?_________________________________________? Yes, she does.

English Global Test Units 5, 6 and 7

Name:______________________________________Date: ____________Grade: ______________Score test: 41 points Score student:____________ Mark: _______________

Objetivos: Responder preguntas con auxiliar DO y DOES. Reconocer país y nacionalidad. Asociar idioma al país.

Reconocer vocabulario de las unidades.

1. Write the word that corresponds to the image. (8 points)

A)______________ B)_______________ C)_______________

D) _______________

E) __________________ F) ___________________

G)__________________ H)_______________________

2. Read the answers. Write the questions. (5 points)VENDORS – RINGMASTERS – LIONS – CLOWNS – MAGICIANS

a) ___________________________________ do? Make you laugh.b) ___________________________________eat? They eat meat.c) ___________________________________ sell? They sell food.d)___________________________________say? They say “Ladies and Gentlemen”.e)___________________________________ do? They do magic tricks.

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3. Answer the questions about your school. (4 points)

a) What time do you start school? ________________________________________b) What time do you finish school? _______________________________________

4. Match the flags to the countries and write the nationalities. (10 points)

1. Japan/ _______________

2. United Status of America/______________

3. Great Britain/_________________

4. China/___________________

5. Mexico/________________

5. Unscrumble the questions about Libby Taylor. (8 points)

1. day train Libby every Does?_________________________________________? Yes, she does

2. to time she What gym does go the?

_________________________________________? At seven o’clock.

3. does What eat she?

_________________________________________? She eats pasta and salad and a lot of fruit.

4. medals she Does have any?

_________________________________________? Yes, she does

6. Answer these questions with YES, SHE DOES / NO, SHE DOESN’T (6 points)

A) Does she do Boxing? _______________________

B) Does she play tennis? _______________________

C) Does she like American football? _____________________

D) Does she have a swimsuit? ____________________

E) Does she wear snickers? ______________________

F) Does she have a karate uniform? ____________________

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