Download - Rent your car and profit

  • 1. How to Rent Your Car & Profit You Dont want to miss this. So put the babies bed! This is what you been Waiting for! Now its here

2. In This Video You will discover how I was introduce to an AWESOME Site that allows anyone aka (ME) to rent real peoples Locally Owned cars as well as list their OWN car and profit. Without the HASSLE! 3. 3 Go Hard or Go Homeless Jeff Maserati Trills INNOVATOR Motivational Speaker Fashion Designer Former Boutique Owner Music Industry(Def Jam Recordings) IPAS2 Coach Lover of CarsI Love Love Love them My Passion is help Average people & the Underdogs to Win Big! To Live the Dreams They Never thought was Possible 4. People have been telling for a longtime that i should write a book or a video course about on all the Things i know.. and i thought about it but never really took it serious, Until now~ So here is your chance to Tap into MY Resource Rolodex Gold- MIND Resource Rolodex GOLDMIND REALLY!!! 5. The Problem 5 I Just Moved from Nyc to Atlanta on a Spear of the moment type of deal and Quickly Realized: The Train and Bus System out here SUCKED..SERIOUSLY. I Needed a car and I needed it BAD I didnt have 2 Utility Bills, Because I just moved here Uhh Duhh I didnt have a returning plane ticket back to NYC, or a $500 deposit to put down on $40 a day rental for the weekendSMH I was also surprised at how so many people out here had to have 2 jobs just to make ends meet and STILL be Struggling!!! But almost everybody had a car that was not being used until they had to go to work and come home So I said There Has to be a Better way.. To rent a car without all the Hassles And make some extra money to relieve some of the struggles like, car note, food, gas.. You get my point! 6. 6 Here is what I Realized If I Didnt get a car it would have been so hard to do pretty much ANYTHING out here.. Especially if I had to work late. And if someone could rent me their car on the days they stood home due to Work Exhaustion. I Knew this could be a win win.. They get paid for their car and I get to use the car for my Purpose..!! BING!!! 7. BUT WHO In their Right Mind Would Rent Their car to me? I Had No Insurance Im a total Stranger Thats Just Unheard Of RIGHT? 8. Thats what I thought.. Until I ask my Friend Nicolla if she knew anybody who would rent their car to me. She didnt just tell me one person. She showed me a Company that specializes in Renting local Peoples, Personal Vehicles to people like me! 9. I was SHOCKED And said why doesnt everybody know about this company? She said because there isnt a way for people to get paid for sharing this site. So they keep it to themselves and their close friends! 10. AHHHH HAAA (In My Eddie Murphy Voice) I Had An Moment 11. Thats when it Hit me All the years of Training ,Applying and Build my Massive Resource Rolodex Mind Came together! To Create 12. 13 Who Can Benefit? Average renter with No car and No Credit Business Owners Affiliate Marketers Network marketers Eco Friendly People Realtors/Investors College Students People with 2 or more vehicles People who work from home Club, Party or Event Promoters Dealership owners Brick and mortar Stores that wants traffic Any job that pays you a commission 13. NEED TO RENT A CAR? Without the HASSLE! 14. Now when I say Without the HASSLES! Here is what I mean! 15. No Utility Bills Credit Cards Only Large Deposits Crazy Taxes & fees Surprises Then your in the Right Place! 16. I will Show you how to get access to the information to not ONLY Rent a car Without the Hassle. But also Earn some Cash while your doing it. So Stay Tuned 17. THE RENTER 18. ITS TIME TO TAKE A CAR-CATION! 19. CAR-CATION!-A PAID VACATION FROM YOUR CAR 20. In Other words let your car go to work, instead of YOU!!! 21. As Low as $20.REALLY! 22. O.M.G Jeff What do I have to do to get access to this info and start renting my car tomorrow? 23. Marketing Strategies 24. FACEBOOK NEWSFEED AD Example 25. BONUS Access to social cabbing sites Access to sites to sell un wanted clothing to people who do Access to the training vault.. On how to sell window space Your results will be part of the testimonials and case studies Access to the cash by marketers members area and get paid by fellow marketers to advertise on your windows business card (back) and flyers Access to the Rotator( for gold members and above) 26. The first info course that shows it all