Download - Randi Glazer - The Benefits of Earning an MBA


Randi GlazerThe Benefits of Earning an


Randi Glazer

Earning an MBA isn’t an easy, or cheap endeavor. Just ask Randi

Glazer, an insurance professional at RM Global Risk Management, LLC.

With fees that can reach six digit sums, choosing to enroll in an MBA

program can be an enormous decision.

Randi Glazer

Here are some reasons why you make the decision to pursue your MBA.

• With an MBA, you can expect to see a substantial increase in your

salary. According to the Financial Times EMBA Survey, those with an

MBA can expect to see an increase in their salary by 53 percent, just

three years after graduation.

Randi Glazer

• You will gain leadership skills that will help you advance your career.

During the course of your studies, you will gain an excellent

overview of the realities of the business world, which is attractive to

potential employers.

Randi Glazer

• With an MBA, you will see an increase in career opportunities available to you.

You will have a higher chance of landing a high-level management position.

Randi Glazer

• You will enjoy an increase in networking opportunities. Pursuing

your MBA gives you the chance to build a strong network of

connections with alumni of your program and your peers.

Building a strong network while still in school opens the door for you

to secure immediate employment after you graduate.

Randi Glazer

Pursuing an MBA is not an easy decision to make but as Randi Glazer

knows it is well worth the time and effort and cost.

If you want to advance your career and be given greater opportunities

in the business world, earning your MBA is a great way to accomplish


Randi Glazer