Download - Rancher, l'orchestrateur qui vous veut du bien -- BreizhCamp2016


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BreizhCamp 2016#BzhCmp


BreizhCamp 2016#BzhCmpRancher, le (petit) orchestrateur qui vous veut du bien

Christophe Furmaniak - @cfurmaniakYoucef Yekhlef - @youcef_yekhlef

/us /me

Christophe FurmaniakTwitter: @cfurmaniak

Github: looztra

Consultant Architecture et Culture DevOps chez Zenika

Ex Atos Multimedia Atos Worldline Worldline

(Trs) Intress par la Gestion de la Configuration, les mtriques, le cycle de construction, livraison et dploiement des applications

Adepte de la tonte des Yaks

Yak shaving: Any apparently useless activity which, by allowing you to overcome intermediate difficulties, allows you to solve a larger problem.Note: j'ai l'air grincheux, mes slides ne sont pas trs esthtiques, je suis au courant


Le contenu de la prez

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')

L'application Guestbook

Inspire de l'exemple kubernetes / guestbook

Un stockage de donnes base:D'un redis master (write)

De deux redis en mode slave (read)

Une couche API service base de SpringBoot

Une couche Front base html+js dans un nginx

L'application Guestbook

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')

L'application Guestbook


LB FrontLB MiddleLB Back(read)Front



Docker en mode 'de base'

Containers lancs avec ansible (par exemple), ou avec des scripts 'maison', voire la main (ouch)

Pas de communication entre les containers hbergs sur 2 hosts diffrents (ex: pre-docker 1.9)Port mapping en dur

docker run -d -p 8000:80 ns/frontend

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 ns/api-server

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 ns/redis-master

docker run -d -p 6380:6379 ns/redis-slave

Docker en mode 'de base'

Affectation manuelle des containers sur les hosts

Comment bien grer la monte en charge?

Comment bien redmarrer les containers en cas de pb?

Comment grer la maintenance des hosts?

Au dmarrage, 7 containers + 3 loadbalancers grer:et si l'application se complexifie?

comment grer les mises jour?

Et vos ops dans tout a?

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')

Un orchestrateur?

L'orchestration:Scheduling (Affectation)

Gestion des erreurs

Provisionning des hosts

Services:Load balancing



cf blog Octo: la bataille sanglante des orchestrateurs

Autrement dit:

Un orchestrateur :

permetde scaler lutilisation de docker dans un environnement plus consquent

apporte des mcanismes de rpartition de charge et des rgles de gestion:le container A ne doit pas tourner sur le mme host que le container B

le container C doit tourner sur tous les hosts existants qui portent le label front

permet de redmarrer automatiquement le container D sil nest plus fonctionnel

ventuellement: grer la communication rseau entre les diffrents containers des diffrents hosts

Des orchestrateurs

Fleet (CoreOS)

Docker Swarm




Marathon (Mesos Framework)

Titus (Netflix, Mesos Framework)

Nomad (Hashicorp)

Deis (Heroku like)

RedHat Openshift V3 (Kubernetes)

Tectonic (CoreOS/Kubernetes)

Mantl (Mesos & Kubernetes)


O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')

Rancher par RancherLabs

RancherLabs( @Rancher_Labs):Cre par des anciens de Citrix Systems

Cupertino (Californie) + Mesa (Arizona)

Rancher? Cattle vs Pet paradigme

Premiers commits sur GH en nov 2014

2 produits: Rancher et RancherOS

Rancheris a complete platform for running Docker applications in production

RancherOS is a 20mb Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers

Rancher: fonctionnalits

Communication des containers cross-host (overlay network utilisant un tunnel Ipsec)

Container scheduling

Enregistrement/Dcouverte de services


Service DNS distribu + Service Metadata

Healthchecks (tcp connection, http 2xx/3xx)

Haute Dispo des services

Mise jour de services ('rolling upgrade','Blue/Green')


Sidekicks (=~ pods kubernetes)


Rancher supports cross-host container communication by implementing a simple and secure overlay network using IPsec tunneling. To leverage this capability, a container launched through Rancher must select Managed for its network mode or if launched through Docker, provide an extra label label Most of Ranchers network features, such as load balancer or DNS service, require the container to be in the managed network.

Under Ranchers network, a container will be assigned both a Docker bridge IP ( and a Rancher managed IP ( on the default docker0 bridge. Containers within the same environment are then routable and reachable via the managed network.


Rancher adopts the standard Docker Compose terminology for services and defines a basic service as one or more containers created from the same Docker image. Once a service (consumer) is linked to another service (producer) within the same stack, a DNS record mapped to each container instance is automatically created and discoverable by containers from the consuming service. Other benefits of creating a service under Rancher include:

Service High Availability (HA) - the ability to have Rancher automatically monitor container states and maintain a services desired scale.Health Monitoring - the ability to set basic monitoring thresholds for container health.Add Load Balancers - the ability to add a simple load balancer for your services using HAProxy.Add External Services - the ability to add any-IP as a service to be discovered.Add Service Alias - the ability to add a DNS record for your services to be discovered.


Rancher implements a managed load balancer using HAProxy that can be manually scaled to multiple hosts. A load balancer can be used to distribute network and application traffic to individual containers by directly adding them or linked to a basic service. A basic service that is linked will have all its underlying containers automatically registered as load balancer targets by Rancher.


Rancher implements a distributed DNS service by using its own light-weight DNS server coupled with a highly available control plane. Each healthy container is automatically added to the DNS service when linked to another service or added to a Service Alias. When queried by the service name, the DNS service returns a randomized list of IP addresses of the healthy containers implementing that service.

By default, all services within the same stack are added to the DNS service without requiring explicit links.You can resolve containers within the same stacks by the service names.If you need a custom DNS name for your service, that is different from your service name, you will be required to use a link to get the custom DNS name.Links are still required for load balancers to target services.Links are still required if a Service Alias is used.To make services resolvable that are in different stacks, you will need to link them explicitly.Because Ranchers overlay networking provides each container with a distinct IP address, you do not need to deal with port mappings and do not need to handle situations like duplicated services listening on different ports. As a result, a simple DNS service is adequate for handling service discovery.


Rancher implements a health monitoring system by running managed network agents across its hosts to co-ordinate the distributed health checking of containers and services. These network agents internally utilize HAProxy to validate the health status of your applications. When health checks are enabled either on an individual container or a service, each container is then monitored by up to three network agents running on hosts separate to that containers parent host. The container is considered healthy if at least one HAProxy instance reports a passed health check.


Rancher constantly monitors the state of your containers within a service and actively manages to ensure the desired scale of the service. This can be triggered when there are fewer (or even more) healthy containers than the desired scale of your service, a host becomes unavailable, a container fails, or is unable to meet a health check.


Rancher supports the notion of service upgrades by allowing users to either load balance or apply a service alias for a given service. By leveraging either Rancher features, it creates a static destination for existing workloads that require that service. Once this is established, the underlying service can be cloned from Rancher as a new service, validated through isolated testing, and added to either the load balancer or service alias when ready. The existing service can be removed when obsolete. Subsequently, all the network or application traffic are automatically distributed to the new service.


Rancher implements and ships a command-line tool called rancher-compose that is modeled after docker-compose. It takes in the same docker-compose.yml templates and deploys the Stacks onto Rancher. The rancher-compose tool additionally takes in a rancher-compose.yml file which extends docker-compose.yml to allow specifications of attributes such as scale, load balancing rules, health check policies, and external links not yet currently supported by docker-compose.

For more information, see rancher-compose.


A Rancher stack mirrors the same concept as a docker-compose project. It represents a group of services that make up a typical application or workload.


Rancher supports container scheduling policies that are modeled closely after Docker Swarm. They include scheduling based on:

port conflictsshared volumeshost taggingshared network stack: net=container:dependencystrict and soft affinity/anti-affinity rules by using both env var (Swarm) and labels (Rancher)In addition, Rancher supports scheduling service triggers that allow users to specify rules, such as on host add or host label, to automatically scale services onto hosts with specific labels.

For more information on Container Scheduling and comparison matrix of Ranchers scheduling and Docker Swarm, see rancher-compose


Rancher supports the colocation, scheduling, and lock step scaling of a set of services by allowing users to group these services by using the notion of sidekicks. A service with one or more sidekicks is typically created to support shared volumes (i.e. --volumes_from) and networking (i.e. --net=container) between containers.

For more information, see sidekicks with rancher-compose.


Rancher offers data for both your services and containers. This data can be used to manage your running Docker instances in the form of a metadata service accessed directly through a HTTP based API. These data can include static information when creating your Docker containers, Rancher Services, or runtime data such as discovery information about peer containers within the same service.

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')


Rancher+ containers en mode legacy

Objectifs:Installation de rancher

Visualisation des containers existants (non grs par rancher)

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')


L'application Guestbook v1 dploye avec Rancher

Objectifs:Un guestbook v1 dploy manuellement

Note: DNS en round robin pr-configur sur les 2 hosts front

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')


Objectifs:Mettre jour le service API

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')


Objectifs:Mettre jour le frontend en mode Blue/Green

O en est-on?

L'application guestbook

Des containers en mode 'de base'

Level Up: utilisons un orchestrateur


Dmo: Rancher+ containers en mode 'de base'

Dmo: Guestbook v1 powered by Rancher

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 1 ('rolling upgrade')

Dmo: Upgrade de service mthode 2 ('blue/green')

Des liens!!!



Dmo rancher-compose

Dmo catalogue