Download - quiling comb

  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    quilling comb

    I saw this exact design in the quilled creations galleryand wanted to try it.We need a quilling comb to createthis pattern. I have used an ordinary comb to make

    this flower. I used this colour just to try out thetechnique but liked it and so have used it in my card.Its right for craftyJC challenge I think.

    To make one petal take a strip of 3mm width quillingpaper.According to the length required loop it aroundthe teeth of the comb as shown.

    Stick at the bottom now loop around a tooth lower

    than the first ( I have looped around the very nextone) and stick at the bottom to keep the shape.
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    Bring the loop to the alternate side and insert insidethe gap between the two teeth to form a loop on theother side.

    This way alternate the loops on both sides and stickthe end to the bottom of the petal when you are done.

    Now slide off the petal from the comb .All the while besure not to stick the strip to the comb.
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    I have stuck three strips two yellows and one red inthe middle and have made a tight coil for the center.Posted by SUGANTHI at 5:55 PM 23 comments:Labels: cards , quilling , tutorial

    Sunday, July 18, 2010

    multiple loops
  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    I have made the flowers by looping with multiplestrips. I have used three colours , white at the centerand light blue and navy blue.

    Take three strips of different colours stick themtogether at one end. Loop them around a cardboardstrip for the first loop, (just so we can make all thepetals of the same size).

    Pull the inner strip to make it one thirds of its length

    and then pull the middle strip to make it two thirds of its size.

    Now instead of alternating the loops ,bend the stripsand loop it in the same direction ,make this loop a littlebigger than the first as this will be the middle of thepetal now pull the two inner strips to bring them to therequired lengths.
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    Next loop again the strips in the same direction andpull the two inner strips to make the third loop whichis the same size as the first loop.

    Stick the strips at the base to hold them in position,

    Bring the three strips around the loops and stick allthree at the bottom of the petal , we can also cut twostrips and bring one strip alone around the loops.
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    Cut the extra strips of paper , this will make one petalof three loops with three different colours.

    For this flower I have used two strips of pink andyellow strip in the middle , This flower I did as shown

    above, but with alternating loop technique as the inneras well as the outer strip are of the same colour .
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    Posted by SUGANTHI at 8:14 PM 19 comments:Labels: cards , quilling , tutorial

    Tuesday, June 29, 2010


    For this card I have cut the leaves and the vines. Iwanted a light background for the bright flowers ,butthe vines looked very dull, so I painted it again withwater colours and since I painted after sticking it tothe card, I am not very happy with that colour.But Iam happy to have tried paper cutting , I don't have aproper blade , but I could learn to like paper cutting asany other paper craft.Here I have cut white paper and water coloured them.

    For the rosette, take a strip ( I have used 1 cm width
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    quilling paper) of about 20 cms.

    Accordion fold it from one side the entire length of thestrip.

    The length and the width of the folds can be alteredaccording to the height of the rosette required .

    Stick the two ends of the strip.
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    Gently bring the top of the strip to lie flat at the sametime forming a circle as shown. I have stuck a smallpiece of quilling paper to the bottom to keep theshape. I have made a tight coil of blue colour strip andstuck it to the center of the rosettes.Posted by SUGANTHI at 7:10 PM 3 comments:Labels: cards , paper cut , quilling , tutorial

    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    dragon fly
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    The flowers I made with eccentric loops .I realizethere is so much more that I need to learn aboutquilling. I see so many different styles of quilling onthe internet and I want to try them all.Tomorrow I am going to Bangalore to visit my mom . Iam going to miss all the wonderful blogs I am so usedto visiting every day .Here's a tutorial on eccentric loops.

    Roll a strip of required length and make a loose coil.

    Use a circle sizer to get the right size of the coil.

    with the help of a needle gather all the curls in theloops to one side and place a drop of glue . Wait untilthe loops are glued together.
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    We get a coil which looks like this.This is called aneccentric circle.

    pinching on the side opposite to the glued side we geta petal.

    Posted by SUGANTHI at 12:48 PM 2 comments:Labels: quilling , tutorial

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    twisted loops
  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    I came across twisted loops as one of the techniquesin quilling. I have usedone centimeter width quilling paper for the flowersand leaves. I have mounted it all on a shadow box .

    Take a small strip of paper of any width.
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    Twist the strip and stick the two ends of the strip oneover the other.

    Cut the extra piece of strip from both the ends.Thiswill be one petal and the same for one leaf.

    Stick the petals to form a flower. For the lower circlethe petals are stuck flat, but for the upper circle thepetals are stuck with a slight elevation. It tookthirteen petals to make one flower .Seven for thelower circle and six for the outer.
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    Posted by SUGANTHI at 7:33 PM 5 comments:Labels: quilling , tutorial

    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    valentine's day box

    .Cut out a heart shape from a thick cardboard paper forthe inner box. Cut out a strip of thick chart paper andstick it along the edge of the heart shape, this will bethe side of the box.

    Next cut strips of thin white paper of width about acentimeter more than the height of the box(tissuepaper or newspaper will also do) ..Mix glue with waterand stick the thin strip along the sides of the box allthe whilesticking over the edge of the card board and the jointbetween the base and the side . Apply glue (mixedwith water )with a brush over the strips as you stick.Stick as many strips as you think is required all around
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    so that the edges are covered so also the joint at thebase.The paper and the glue together will make thebox strong.

    Now let it dry and then decorate with wrapping paperor colour paper.( I have used white chart paper for thesides and a gold colour paper that I have cut out froma old wedding card, on the inside of the inner box andthe top of the outer box)..Follow the same for the outer box .Obviously the sizeof the heart for the outer box should be a little bitmore, for the inner and the outer box to fit.

    I have decorated the outer box with a quilled flower.I think it will be a wonderful valentine's day gift.Posted by SUGANTHI at 2:17 PM 4 comments:Labels: box , quilling , tutorial

    Wednesday, February 3, 2010

    paper roses
  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    I have used chart papers to make these flowers , Theleaves are artificial.I was surprised at the result. these flowers are tooelegant considering how easy it is to make.We don't even have to be precise, while cutting out theshapes. It gives it a natural look.

    My friends ask me how I did these flowers without apunch so I thought of adding a tutorial.

    Cut three circles of equal size.
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    Fold the circle into half , then again fold it into onefourth and again into one eighth.Repeat this with allthe three circles.

    Cut all the three folded circles into a petal shape as

    shown in the picture.

    Unfold the three folded circles now they will look likethis.
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    Cut one petal out of the first circle, two petals out of the second circle and three petals out of the third.

    Apply glue on top of one end petal as shown.

    Stick the petal on the other end on top of the gluedpetal. Repeat this with all the three circle.
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    Curl the petals with a pen or a refill like I have, repeatthis with all the three circles as well as the petals thatwe have cut.

    Just apply glue inside and stick them all together asshown.

    You get a beautiful rose, this way we can make rosesof any size.Posted by SUGANTHI at 2:44 PM 15 comments:Labels: paper flower , tutorial

    Monday, February 1, 2010

    gift bow
  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    I had seen this in the site folding trees .Very easy to

    make but looks elegant.

    This is a beautiful gift bow can be made in a fewminutes with any paper even colourful magazinepages. can be used while wrapping gifts.

    Posted by SUGANTHI at 7:25 PM No comments:Labels: paper craft , tutorial

    Saturday, January 30, 2010

    box This is an ideal way to recycle old greeting cards or

    wedding cards.
  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    Both the boxes are made from square sheets with thesquare to make the inner box slightly smaller than thesheet to make the outer box ,so that it fits.

    I have taught this box to summer class students andalso to lot of my students I have made a lot of theseboxes over the years to box small gifts for my friends.

    To make this box, take two square pieces of paper thepaper for the outer box should be slightly bigger thanthe inner one. I have used an old wedding card ,I have

    made sure that the picture is at the center of thepaper.
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    Turn the paper around and find the center .

    Fold one edge of the square to touch the center.

    Fold again the folded part as shown below.

    Unfold ,
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    Repeat on all four sides,

    You can see a triangle on each edge of the square.Nowmake a cut starting from the base of the triangleuntil you reach the large square in the center(where Ihave marked ) on two opposite sides.

    Fold the uncut edges along the folds that we havemade earlier in such a way that the triangle lies flat onthe square in the middle , Stick the triangles with glueto hold it in place.

    Now fold the cut edges over as shown.
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    Stick the triangles of the cut edges too on the squareat the center.

    The picture is at the center of the box. This will be the

    outer box. Now repeat the same procedure for theinner box .

    An onion holder looks like a hair pick - the kind used by people withAfro hairstyles. In the technique of combing in quilling, you can usea regular comb, a pick comb, or an onion holder - they all workequally well.

    Originally, an onion holder is used to hold an onion as you cut it.The metal tines (prongs) dig into the onion layers and allows you tochop the onion without endangering your fingers.
  • 7/29/2019 quiling comb


    Shown from left to right are shapes you can make with combing:- leaf-like shape (called spreuer),- spreuer made with different color paper,- single-sided spreuer,

    - flower made with 5 spreuers,- flower made with 5 single-sided spreuer.

    In quilling, a strip of paper is wrapped around the tines of the onionholder. There are at least 3 ways to use an onion holder:- make flat, leaf-like shapes- make evenly shaped petals- make exotic, filigree leavesLet's start with making spreuers...

    Making Spreuers: flat, leaf-like Shapes This technique of combing is also called "spreuer" after the Swiss artof wrapping straw into flat, leaf-shapes. See an example of Swissspreuers here. The term "straw" means "hay" or "dried grass", itdoes not refer to plastic drinking straws.

    1. Start by getting an onion holder or a comband a strip of paper. In this example, thequilling comb had 15 metal tines (prongs).The paper was 1/8" wide.Fold the tail end of the paper so it forms ahook.
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    2. Hook the paper onto the bottom tine so the hook is in front andthe paper is behind the comb.

    3. Weave the long end of the paper to the front of the comb. In thisexample, the paper is weaved between tines 6 and 7. Add a dropof glue on the hook.

    4. Pull the long end of the paper down towards the hook. Press thetwo layers together and hold for a few seconds so the glue canset.

    5. Bring the long end of the paper up behind the comb. Weave thepaper to the front between the tines that are just one below. Inthis case, the paper passes between tines 5 and 6. The paper willbe offset a little.

    6. Place a dab of blue near the base of the paper where the hookwould have been.

    7. Pull the long end of the paper down towards the base. Press downfor a few seconds so the layers glue together.

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    8. If you are making a double sided spreuer then repeat steps 5, 6,and 7 but on the left side:

    9. Pull paper up behind the tool, weave it between tines 5 and 6,

    add a drop of glue at the base, then10. bring the paper down and press until glue is set.

    11. Continue in this manner: wrap the paper around the tines,alternate from right to left; move down one rung at eachiteration.

    17. When done, cut off excess paper and glue down the loose end.

    18. Slide the completed leaf-like shape (spreuer) off the tines.

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    Shown are (from left to right):- leaf-like shape (spreuer),- spreuer made with different color paper,- single-sided spreuer,- flower made with 5 spreuer,- flower made with 5 single-sided spreuer.

    As you might imagine, these flat shapes can be used for manythings including the wings of birds and butterflies.