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QUIZMEETQUIZPrelims: AnswersPrepared by:Ayush MalviyaMayank Aggarwal

Q.1 Identify this programming language.Only integers allowed. We never do anything halfway.All programs must end with _______ is great.In its raw form, X is not compatible with Windows, because we dont believe in PC (pun intended).The language is completely case insensitive.If the running computer is from China, it will not compile.Easier to type with small handsInstead of True and False, we have Fact and Lie All numbers must be greater than 1 million, we dont care about the small stuff.

TrumpScript. Make Python Great Again

Q2. This is the November 28, 2016 issue of the TIME magazine (image on next slide). This marks the fifth time that TIME has departed from its usual style of magazine cover, the earliest instance of this being the one released after the 9/11 attacks. What makes these 5 covers different from the usual ones?

TIME Magazine cover without the red border

Q.3 According to the creators, the design for this was inspired when they came across an illustration of a cocoa bean and the idea stuck because of its elongated shape and distinct ribs. Later due to marketing reasons, they gave another name to this design, called the Hobble Skirt which was a popular fashion statement among women (pic next page) during the early 20th century. This is the reason why many people misinterpret it as the origin for the said design.


The Coca Cola bottles.

*Q.4 These were the original members of a particular (bigger) group since 1935:

Top HatIronShoeBattleshipCannonThimble

While some of them have (recently) retired, many more have joined them, and even more of them are still struggling for a place in it, like Hashtag, Monster Trucks and Flip-flops. Which famous group?

Ans. Monopoly tokens.

Q.5 Mashup of what two entities?

Ans. The ScreamALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Q.6 We don't yet know theexactformat of the show, but given it's a competition about ____, it can't hold too many surprises. ThinkShark Tankwith fewer sharks and more viable product pitches. Or an episode ofThe Bachelor,where instead of wooing an eligible young beefcake, contestants will compete to impress Eddy Cue.

This is how a popular news website described an upcoming reality TV show X, whose name is a pun on a famous sci-fi movie. Famous celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gary Vaynerchuk will act as mentors to the participants, who get to perform while travelling down an escalator.

The idea for this innovative show itself was conceptualized by Y, which has always been admired for the same.

Give X and Y.

Ans. X- Planet of the Apps. Y- Apple.

Q.7 The Washington Post awards these ratings. These are most often seen on entries in a Post column called Fact Checker" run by Pulitzer-winning journalist Glenn Kessler. This blog checks facts on various topics, and has been particularly busy during the US Presidential elections. Both sides fib a lot, and so these ratings are awarded depending on the extent to which they have been economical with the truth. In what units are these facts rated?

Ans. Pinocchio.

*Q.8 We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. - The Carters

Who are these Carters? And where would you see this quote?

Ans. Beyonce announcing her pregnancy on Instagram which became the most liked picture. The Carters are obviously Jay-Z and Beyonce.

Q.9 This company was started in 1945 by two business partners. Due to some reasons, one of them left the company and entered into politics and the other guy retained the ownership.

Since their products already contained the initials of both the founders, to minimize the losses occurred due to recalling the products, the owner changed the name instead.

Give the name of the company.

Ans. Mahindra & Mahindra.

Q.10 What famous organization released the following statement, after it decided to move its servers to the cloud?:

Slowly and steadily we are getting rid of our earthly form and ascending into the next stage, the cloud.The cloud, or Brahman as the Hindus call it, is the All, surrounding everything. It is everywhere; immaterial, yet very real.

Ans. The Pirate Bay.

Q.11 It has been speculated that sailors who often went above and below deck might have needed to keep one eye adjusted to the darkness below decks. The strong sunlight while above deck on an oceangoing vessel could require minutes of adaptation to the dim lighting below deck. With virtually no light sources below deck, sailors would have to rely heavily upon their eyes to adjust. In the critical moments of modifying the rigging, navigating, and especially during battle, those minutes were too precious. This is the reason behind a popular culture happening. What am I talking about ?

Ans. Pirates wearing eye patches.

*Q.12 Tangerineis a 2015 Americancomedy-dramafilm directed bySean S. Bakerand written by Baker and Chris Bergoch, starringKitana Kiki Rodriguez,Mya Taylor, andJames Ransone. The story follows atransgendersex worker who discovers her boyfriend andpimphas been cheating on her.

While the film received positive reviews during its release in the Sundance festival, the production faced many hardships, mainly due to budget constraints. This could be the reason why it became the first wide release film to do so.


Ans. First commercial film made with an iPhone.

Q.13 What has been blanked out?

Q14. In the sport of Horse Racing, jockeys need to keep a tight rein in order to encourage their horse to run. If one is far enough, he can afford to slacken off and loosen the reins and still win the race.

This is supposed to be the origin story of a popular phrase. What?

Ans. Winning hands down.

Q.15 A changeup is a type of pitch in baseball. It is thrown with the same arm action as a fastball, but at a lower velocity due to the pitcher holding the ball in a special grip. It is analogous to the slower ball in cricket.

Shown in pic (next slide) is Ian Kennedy, currently a pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks, throwing aXChangeup.

X ?

Ans. Vulcan.

*Q.16 Who wrote these poems?

Ans. Googles AI.

Q.17 X is the practice of offering people the right to freely distribute copies and modified versions of a work with the stipulation that the same rights be preserved in derivative works down the line. We all have heard the chiral version of this word. What is X?

Ans. Copyleft.

Q.18 Identify X.

Xis sent from the County Clerk Office in Texas to the International Space Station.

OnceXhas been received at the International Space Station, it is utilized for its purpose and sent back to County Clerk Office usually within a day.

The County Clerk Office is the only place on earth capable of sendingX.

Xis usually sent once in 4 years.

Ans. Presidential Ballots sent to the ISS.

Q.19 What is being talked about?

Ans. Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport.

*Q.20 Much like his positive-matter counterpart, the Riddler, the anti-matter universe'sEdward Nashtonwas fascinated by puzzles and games from an early age. He was academically active - at one point considered one of the smartest men on his Earth - and naturally inclined to altruism. He also operated as a crimefighter under the moniker "the __________", eventually becoming a founding member of the Justice Underground.His trademark weapon is a staff in the form of an elongated question mark.


Ans. Quizmaster. :-P