Download - Purpose of Project - 神戸大学 医学研究科・医学部 · PDF fileinterdisciplinary cooperation among world-class researchers with a variety of relevant research ... The second

Page 1: Purpose of Project - 神戸大学 医学研究科・医学部 · PDF fileinterdisciplinary cooperation among world-class researchers with a variety of relevant research ... The second

GlobalGlobalGlobalGlobal CenterCenterCenterCenter forforforfor EducationEducationEducationEducation andandandand ResearchResearchResearchResearch inininin IntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrative MembraneMembraneMembraneMembrane BiologyBiologyBiologyBiology


■PurposePurposePurposePurpose ofofofof ProjectProjectProjectProjectGlobalGlobalGlobalGlobal CenterCenterCenterCenter forforforfor EducationEducationEducationEducation andandandand ResearchResearchResearchResearch inininin IntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrativeMembraneMembraneMembraneMembrane BiologyBiologyBiologyBiology

ProfessorProfessorProfessorProfessor TohruTohruTohruTohru KataokaKataokaKataokaKataokaKobeKobeKobeKobe UniversityUniversityUniversityUniversity GraduateGraduateGraduateGraduate SchoolSchoolSchoolSchool ofofofof MedicineMedicineMedicineMedicine

Biomembranes play a fundamental and universal role in biological phenomena.The purpose of establishing this COE is to understand the biological phenomenainvolving biomembranes more precisely and comprehensively, by recognizingbiomembranes as a higher-level system of integrated functions consisting oflipids and proteins based on the wealth of accumulated knowledge from

preceding studies on their individual molecular constituents. To this end, under the banner of“Global Center for Education and Research in Integrative Membrane Biology,” we will organize

interdisciplinary cooperation among world-class researchers with a variety of relevant researchinterests and approaches, in order to carify the whole picture, as well as the underlyingfundamental principles, of higher-level biomembrane functions. In this COE, we will also establisha unique education and training system for raising young researchers who are equipped withintegrative knowledge and methodologies in membrane biology, as well as the ability to createinnovative research projects on their own initiative and engage in international research activities.Participation of these young researchers will reinforce the research activities of the COE and makeprovision for its sustained development.

This COE aims to establish two systems. The first system will promote interdisciplinary creativeresearch by organizing close cooperation among world-class researchers with diverse backgroundsand approaches in membrane biology. The second system will raise world-leading youngresearchers who are capable of acquiring systematic and interdisciplinary knowledge andmethodologies in membrane biology and the ability to explore new frontiers of the life sciences fromtheir own unique viewpoints. To this end, this COE will convert the basic principle of education andtraining from the subordinate and apprenticeship style, conventional in Japanese universities, to anew style which puts an emphasis on nurturing creativity and the ability to pursue independentand international research activities. To achieve these targets, various measures for researchpromotion, reforms in graduate school education, and a plan for supporting independence of youngresearchers will be implemented under a proper administrative management system.

In particular, a cross-departmental “TrainingTrainingTrainingTraining CourseCourseCourseCourse forforforfor RaisingRaisingRaisingRaising ResearchResearchResearchResearch LeadersLeadersLeadersLeaders ininininMembraneMembraneMembraneMembrane BiologyBiologyBiologyBiology” will be introduced into graduate school education for nurturing creativity, aswell as the ability to pursue independent and international research activities. In this course,

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GlobalGlobalGlobalGlobal CenterCenterCenterCenter forforforfor EducationEducationEducationEducation andandandand ResearchResearchResearchResearch inininin IntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrative MembraneMembraneMembraneMembrane BiologyBiologyBiologyBiology


outstanding students in their first and secondyears of doctoral programs will be selected,based on the evaluation of their researchproposals written in English, and providedwith grants for independent research andfinancial supports. They will be encouraged topursue independent research projects underappropriate mentoring and advices from COEmembers. As for training of young researchersand support for independence, the following 3-stage systems will be enforced: a conventionalpost-doctoral fellow system; “Track A” (tenure track that secures complete independence inresearch and promotion to a tenure position of associate professor based on rigorous evaluationafter 3 or 5 years); and “Track B” (intermediate positions between post-doctoral fellows and Track A,similar to research associates in US). The aim is to raise world-leading scientists capable ofexploring new frontiers in the life sciences by attracting the most outstanding young researchersand students.

■ProjectProjectProjectProject OrganizationOrganizationOrganizationOrganizationAdministrative management system: A “Global COE Promotion Committee  Eis organized withinthe university headquarters and provides systematic support in budget, human resources, facilitiesand space, as well as international collaboration under the leadership of the President. A “GlobalCOE Planning and Operation Committee  Eis organized within this COE, and coordinators incharge of either education or research will be adopted, and the committee and coordinators decideon grand designs for education and research, and organize interdisciplinary and cross-departmental education and research activities under the initiative of the program leader.Education and research activities at this COE are subject to external evaluation by an“International External Evaluation Committee  Econsisting of recognized domestic andinternational specialists, and the evaluation and advice are used for verification and security ofglobal excellence.

■ResearchResearchResearchResearch ProjectsProjectsProjectsProjects1.1.1.1. ElucidationElucidationElucidationElucidation ofofofof thethethethe mechanismmechanismmechanismmechanism ofofofof membranemembranemembranemembranemorphogenesismorphogenesismorphogenesismorphogenesisCells dynamically exhibit various morphologies, on which various cellular functions depend. Thesemorphologies are basically determined by biomembranes and cytoskeletons, which consist of alarge number of protein and lipid complexes. This COE program attempts to elucidate the fulldetails of membrane morphogenesis by identifying the constituents of the molecular complexes ofbiomembranes and cytoskeletons, and analyzing interactions among individual proteins and amongindividual proteins and lipids.

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GlobalGlobalGlobalGlobal CenterCenterCenterCenter forforforfor EducationEducationEducationEducation andandandand ResearchResearchResearchResearch inininin IntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrativeIntegrative MembraneMembraneMembraneMembrane BiologyBiologyBiologyBiology

3 ElucidationElucidationElucidationElucidation ofofofof thethethethe regulatoryregulatoryregulatoryregulatory mechanismmechanismmechanismmechanism ofofofof membranemembranemembranemembranemorphogensmorphogensmorphogensmorphogensisisisisMembrane morphogenesis is regulated by the intracellular signal transduction. This COE programattempts to elucidate the whole picture of the regulatory mechanisms of membrane morphogensisby identifying the molecular constituents involved in its signal transduction, and analyzinginteractions among these molecules including proteins and lipids. ElucidationElucidationElucidationElucidation ofofofof higher-levelhigher-levelhigher-levelhigher-level membranemembranemembranemembrane functionsfunctionsfunctionsfunctionsMolecules that are involved in membrane morphogensis are also involved in the expression ofhigher-level membrane functions, such as cell adhesion, polarization, membrane deformation, andmembrane transport. This COE program attempts to elucidate the mechanisms of these membranefunctions by analyzing interactions among individual proteins and among individual proteins andlipids. ElucidationElucidationElucidationElucidation ofofofof dynamicsdynamicsdynamicsdynamics ofofofof membranemembranemembranemembranemorphogenesismorphogenesismorphogenesismorphogenesis andandandand variousvariousvariousvariousmembranemembranemembranemembrane functionsfunctionsfunctionsfunctionsCell morphologies and functions are regulated in a highly dynamic manner by changes in extra-and intra-cellular environments. These changes are initially recognized by biomembranes, whichalso exhibit dynamic behaviors. To understand such aspects of biomembranes, this COE programattempts to analyze the dynamics of membrane morphogensis and functions using the latesttechniques, such as live imaging and computer modeling. ApplicationApplicationApplicationApplication totototo biology,biology,biology,biology,medicine,medicine,medicine,medicine, agriculture,agriculture,agriculture,agriculture, andandandand engineeringengineeringengineeringengineeringThe results obtained in the research activities above are subject to development into variousresearch fields: for example, developmental biology and agriculture for applications in generation oftissues, organs, and genetically engineered animals; neuroscience and medicine for applications indiagnostic and therapeutic methods for diseases caused by membrane abnormalities; andengineering for applications in the development of artificial membranes.

■ProjectProjectProjectProject MembersMembersMembersMembersKataoka,Kataoka,Kataoka,Kataoka, TohruTohruTohruTohru ,,,, M.D.,M.D.,M.D.,M.D., Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D. (Program(Program(Program(Program Leader)Leader)Leader)Leader)Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, ProfessorProgrammanagement,Analysis of regulatory mechanisms of lipid signaling

Takenawa,Takenawa,Takenawa,Takenawa,Tadaomi,Tadaomi,Tadaomi,Tadaomi,Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, ProfessorAnalysis of cytoskeletal regulation in membrane morphogenesis

Takai,Takai,Takai,Takai,Yoshimi,Yoshimi,Yoshimi,Yoshimi,M.M.M.M. D.,D.,D.,D., Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Professor

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Analysis of the mechanism of membrane morphogenesis through cell adhesion

Aiba,Aiba,Aiba,Aiba,Atsu,Atsu,Atsu,Atsu, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, ProfessorProduction of genetically modified mice for the study of functional membrane proteins andpathological analysis

Furuse,Furuse,Furuse,Furuse,Mikio,Mikio,Mikio,Mikio, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, ProfessorAnalysis of the mechanism of intramembrane complex formation by cell adhesion molecules

Hiroaki,Hiroaki,Hiroaki,Hiroaki,Hidekazu,Hidekazu,Hidekazu,Hidekazu, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, ProfessorStructural biological analysis of the mechanism of membrane morphogenesis

Itoh,Itoh,Itoh,Itoh, Toshiki,Toshiki,Toshiki,Toshiki, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine,Associate ProfessorBiochemical analysis of membrane deformation mechanisms

Miki,Miki,Miki,Miki, Takashi,Takashi,Takashi,Takashi,M.M.M.M. D.,D.,D.,D., Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Field of Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Visiting ProfessorDevelopmental engineering analysis of membrane transport mechanisms

Saito,Saito,Saito,Saito, Naoaki,Naoaki,Naoaki,Naoaki,M.M.M.M. D.,D.,D.,D., Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Biosignal Research Center, Organization of Advanced Science and Technology, ProfessorImaging analysis of cell membrane dynamism

Kikkawa,Kikkawa,Kikkawa,Kikkawa,Ushio,Ushio,Ushio,Ushio,M.M.M.M. D.,D.,D.,D., Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Biosignal Research Center, Organization of Advanced Science and Technology, ProfessorFunctional analysis of protein kinase in cell membrane signal transduction

Ono,Ono,Ono,Ono,Yoshitaka,Yoshitaka,Yoshitaka,Yoshitaka, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Biosignal Research Center, Organization of Advanced Science and Technology, ProfessorAnalysis of signaling networks in higher-level membrane functions

Ozaki,Ozaki,Ozaki,Ozaki,Mamiko,Mamiko,Mamiko,Mamiko, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, ProfessorMolecular physiological analysis of cell membrane chemical receptors

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Miyano,Miyano,Miyano,Miyano,Takashi,Takashi,Takashi,Takashi, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Bioresource Science, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, ProfessorAnalysis of higher-level membrane functions and application to developmental engineering

Takeda,Takeda,Takeda,Takeda,Makio,Makio,Makio,Makio, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.

Department of Agrobioscience, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, ProfessorComparative physiological research on higher-level membrane functions

Ohmura,Ohmura,Ohmura,Ohmura,Naoto,Naoto,Naoto,Naoto, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, ProfessorComputer modeling of higher-level membrane morphogenesis

Ohkawa,Ohkawa,Ohkawa,Ohkawa,Takenao,Takenao,Takenao,Takenao, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Computer Science and System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,ProfessorStructural biological informatics on lipid-protein interaction

Takeichi,Takeichi,Takeichi,Takeichi,Masatoshi,Masatoshi,Masatoshi,Masatoshi, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Visiting Professor RIKEN Center forDevelopmental BiologyAnalysis of the mechanism of tissue morphogenesis through cell adhesion

Nishikawa,Nishikawa,Nishikawa,Nishikawa,Shinichi,Shinichi,Shinichi,Shinichi,M.M.M.M. D.,D.,D.,D., Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Visiting ProfessorRIKEN Center for Developmental BiologyAnalysis of cell differentiation by intercellular interactions

Hayashi,Hayashi,Hayashi,Hayashi, Shigeo,Shigeo,Shigeo,Shigeo, Ph.Ph.Ph.Ph. D.D.D.D.Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Visiting ProfessorAnalysis of organogenesis by cell adhesion regulation

■TrainingTrainingTrainingTrainingYoungYoungYoungYoung ScientistsScientistsScientistsScientists

TrainingTrainingTrainingTraining ofofofof youngyoungyoungyoung researchersresearchersresearchersresearchers andandandand supportsupportsupportsupport forforforfor independenceindependenceindependenceindependence:: The following 3-stage systems areenforced: a conventional post-doctoral fellow system; “Track A  E(tenure track that securescomplete independence in research and is promoted to a tenure position of associate professor basedon rigorous evaluation after 3 or 5 years); and “Track B  E(intermediate positions between post-doctoral fellows and Track A similar to research associates in US). Promotion from Track B to TrackA is also based on rigorous evaluation. Candidates are recruited by international public

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advertisement or recommendation by others and subjected to rigorous selection based on theirresearch proposals and past achievements. By attractingoutstanding young researchers and students with such systems,the aim is to raise world-leading scientists capable of explore newfrontiers in life sciences in the future.

■EducationEducationEducationEducation SystemSystemSystemSystemGraduateGraduateGraduateGraduate SchoolSchoolSchoolSchool Education:Education:Education:Education: A cross-departmental “Training

Course for Raising Research Leaders in Membrane Biology is established for nurturing creativityas well as the ability to pursue independent and international research activities, which is based ona special program already instituted with the support of a governmental grant. In this course, 20outstanding students in their first and second years of doctoral programs are selected every yearbased on evaluation of their research proposals written in English, are provided with grants forindependent research (approx. $8000/year) and financial supports, which are subject to renewaleach year based on evaluation, and pursue independent research projects under appropriatementoring and advices from COE members. They take special subjects to acquire a wide range ofsystematic and interdisciplinary knowledge and methodologies in membrane biology, includingvarious fields from structural biology to biology of higher-level functions in addition to thosenurturing the ability of English presentation andwriting.

■InternationalInternationalInternationalInternationalCollaborationCollaborationCollaborationCollaborationInterdisciplinary and cross-departmental collaborations amongthe COE program members based on novel ideas and conceptsare promoted by hosting various events, such as researchpresentation meetings and advanced technology seminars, andby sharing interdisciplinary knowledge and methodologies atworld’s highest standard in membrane biology. Various forms

of research exchanges, such as research collaboration,exchanges of post-doctoral researchers and faculty members,invitation of recognized researchers as visiting professors, and joint international symposiums, arealready being promoted with the University of Washington in Seattle with a history of graduatestudent exchanges, National Cheng-Kung University, a COE in Taiwan with a history of researchexchanges, and other institutions abroad.

■PublicationPublicationPublicationPublication1. Yoshikawa, Y., Satoh, T., Tamura, T., Wei, P., Bilasy, S. E., Edamatsu, H.,Aiba,A., Katagiri, K., Kinashi, T.,

Nakao, K., and Kataoka, T. The M-Ras-RA-GEF-2-Rap1 pathway mediates tumor necrosis factor-a-dependent

regulation of integrin activation in splenocytes.Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. CellCellCellCell18:2949-2959,

2. Ieguchi, K., Ueda, S., Kataoka, T., and Satoh, T. Role of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Ost in negative

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regulation of receptor endocytosis by the small GTPase Rac1. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. ChemChemChemChem. 282:23296-23305.

3. Wei, P., Satoh, T., Edamatsu, H., Aiba,A., Setsu, T., Terashima, T., Kitazawa, S., Nakao, K., Yoshikawa, Y.,

Tamada,M., and Kataoka, T. Defective vascular morphogenesis and mid-gestation embryonic death in mice

lacking RA-GEF-1. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem. Biophys.Biophys.Biophys.Biophys. Res.Res.Res.Res. Comm.Comm.Comm.Comm. 363:106-112

4. Ikuta, S., Edamatsu, H., Li, M., Hu, L., and Kataoka, T. Crucial role of phospholipase Ce in skin inflammation

induced by tumor-promoting phorbor ester. CancerCancerCancerCancer Res.Res.Res.Res. 68:64-72,

5. Liao, J., Shima, F., Araki, M., Ye, M., Muraoka, S., Sugimoto, T., Kawamura, M., Yamamoto, N., Tamura,A., and

Kataoka, T. Two conformational states of Ras GTPase exhibit differential GTP-binding kinetics. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.

Biophys.Biophys.Biophys.Biophys. Res.Res.Res.Res. Comm.Comm.Comm.Comm. 369:327-332. 2008.

6. Ueda, S., Kataoka, T., and Satoh, T. Activation of the small GTPase Rac1 by a specific guanine nucleotide

exchange factor suffices to induce glucose uptake into skeletal muscle cells. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Cell.Cell.Cell.Cell. 100:645-657. 2008.

7. Suh, PG., Park, JI., Manzoli, L., Cocco, L., Peak, JC., Katan, M., Fukami, K., Kataoka, T., Yun, S., and Ryu, SH.

Multiple roles of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C isozymes. BMBBMBBMBBMB Rep.Rep.Rep.Rep. 41:415-434, 2008.

8. Kobayashi, T., Hori, Y., Ueda, N., Kajiho, H., Muraoka, S., Shima, F., Kataoka, T., and Katada, T.

Biochemical characterization of missense mutations in the Arf/Arl-family small GTPase Arl6 causing Bardet-

Biedl syndrome. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem. Biophys.Biophys.Biophys.Biophys. Res.Res.Res.Res. Comm.Comm.Comm.Comm. 381:439-442. 2009.

9. Bilasy, S., Satoh, T., Ueda, S., Wei, P., Kanemura, H., Aiba,A., Terashima, T., and Kataoka, T. Dorsal

telencephalon-specific RA-GEF-1 knockout mice develop heterotropic cortical mass and commissural fiber

defect. Eur.Eur.Eur.Eur. J.J.J.J. Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci. 29:1994-2008. 2009.

10. Li, M., Edamatsu, H., Kitazawa, R., Kitazawa, R., and Kataoka, T. Phospholipase Cε promotes intestinal

tumorigenesis of ApcMin/+ mice through augmentation of inflammation and angiogenesis.

CarcinogenesisCarcinogenesisCarcinogenesisCarcinogenesis [Epub ahead of print May 20, 2009].

11. Oshiro, N.,Takahashi, R.,Yoshino, K.Tanimura, K.,Nakashima,A.,Eguchi, S., Miyamoto, T.,Hara, K.,Takenhana,

K.,Avruch, J.,Kikkawa, U. andYonezawa,K. The proline-rich Akt substrate of 40 kDa (PRAS40) is a

physiological substrate of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 282, 20329-20339, 2007.

12. Nakashima,A., Yoshino, K., Miyamoto, T., Eguchi, S., Oshiro, N., Kikkawa, U. andYonezawa, K. Identification

of TBC7 having TBC domain as a novel binding protein to TSC1-TSC2 complex. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem. Biophys.Biophys.Biophys.Biophys. Res.Res.Res.Res.

Commun.Commun.Commun.Commun. 361:218-223, 2007.

13. Oka,M.,Kikkawa,U.and Nishigori,C. Protein kinase C bII represses hepatocyte growth factor-Induced invasion

by preventing the association of adapter protein Gab1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in melanoma cells. J.J.J.J.

Invest.Invest.Invest.Invest. DermatolDermatolDermatolDermatol .... 128:188-195, 2007.

14. Morita, M., Matsuzaki, H., Yamamoto, T., Fukami, Y. and Kikkawa, U. Epidermal growth factor receptor

phosphorylates protein kinase C d at Tyr332 to form a trimeric complex with p66Shc in the H2O2-stimulated

cells.J.J.J.J. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem. 143:31-38, 2007.

15. Huang, C.C, Wang, J.M., Kikkawa, U., Mukai, H., Shen, M.R., Morita, I., Chen, B.K. and Chang, W.C.

16. Calcineurin-mediated dephosphorylation of c-Jun Ser-243 is required for c-Jun protein stability and cell

transformation. OncogeneOncogeneOncogeneOncogene. 17:2422-2429, 2008.

17. Miyamoto, T., Oshiro, N., Yoshino, K., Nakashima,A., Eguchi, S., Takahashi, M., Ono, Y., Kikkawa, U., and

Yonezawa, K. AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylates Golgi-specific brefeldin A resistance factor 1 at

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Thr1337 to induce disassembly of Golgi apparatus. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. ChemChemChemChem. 283:4430-4438, 2008.

18. Hashimoto, T., Yamauchi, L., Hunter, T., Kikkawa, U. and Kamada, S. Possible involvement of caspase-7 in

cell cycle progression at mitosis. GenesGenesGenesGenes Cells,Cells,Cells,Cells, 13(6):609-21,2008.

19. Nakashima,A., Maruki, Y., Imamura, Y., Kondo, C., Kawamata, T., Kawanishi, I., Takata, H., Matsuura,A., Lee,

K.S., Kikkawa, U., Ohsumi, Y., Yonezawa, K., and Kamada, Y. The yeast Tor signaling pathway is involved in

G2/M transition via polo-kinase. PLoSPLoSPLoSPLoSONEONEONEONE 3, e2223

20. Eguchi, S., Oshiro, N., Miyamoto, T., Yoshino, K., Okamoto, S., Ono, T., Kikkawa, U., andYonezawa, K.

AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylates glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase 1 at Ser243 to

modulate its enzymatic activity. GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells 14:179-189, 2009.

21. Moniruzzaman, M.andMiyano, T. KIT-KL in the growth of porcine oocytes in primordial follicles. J.J.J.J. Reprod.Reprod.Reprod.Reprod.

Dev.Dev.Dev.Dev. 53: 1273-1281, 2007.

22. Lee, J., Kitajima, T.S., Tanno, Y., Yoshida, K., Morita, T., Miyano, T., Miyake, M. andWatanabe, Y. Unified mode

of centromeric protection by shugoshin in mammalian oocytes and somatic cells.Nat.Nat.Nat.Nat. CellCellCellCellBiolBiolBiolBiol 10: 42-52, 2008.

23. Ogushi, S., Palmieri, C., Fulka, H., Saitou, M., Miyano, T. and Fulka, J, Jr. The maternal nucleolus is essential

for early embryonic development in mammals.ScienceScienceScienceScience 319:613-616, 2008.

24. Cheng, Y., Maeda,A., Goto, Y., Matsuda, F., Miyano, T., Inoue, N., Sakamaki, K. and Manabe, N.

Changes in expression and localization of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) in follicular

granulosa cells during atresia in porcine ovaries. J.J.J.J. Reprod.Reprod.Reprod.Reprod. Dev.Dev.Dev.Dev. 54:454-459, 2008.

25. Hirao, Y. and Miyano, T. In vitro growth of mouse oocytes: Oocyte size at the beginning of culture influences the

appropriate length of culture period. J.J.J.J. Mamm.Mamm.Mamm.Mamm. Ova.Ova.Ova.Ova. Res.,Res.,Res.,Res., 25:56-62, 2008.

26. Moniruzzaman, M., Bao, R.M., Taketsuru, H., and Miyano, T. Development of vitrified porcine primordial

follicles in xenografts. TheriogenologyTheriogenologyTheriogenologyTheriogenology. 72:280-288, 2009.

27. Bui, H.T., Hwang, K.C., Kim, J.H., Van Thuan, N., Wakayama, T., and Miyano, T. Effect of Vanadate on the

Chromatin Configuration in Pig GV-oocytes. JJJJ ReprodReprodReprodReprodDev.,Dev.,Dev.,Dev., 55(4):367-372, 2009.

28. Nakao, H., Nakao, K., Kano,M., andAiba,A. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype-1 is essential for

motor coordination in the adult cerebellum. Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci. ResResResRes. 57:538-543, 2007.

29. Tabata, T., Kawakami, D., Hashimoto, K., Kassai, H., Yoshida, T., Hashimotodani, Y., Fredholm, B.B.,Seikno,Y.,

Aiba,A.,and Kano,M. G protein-independent neuromodulatory action of adenosine on metabotropic glutamate

signaling in mouse cerebellar Purkinje Cells. J.J.J.J. PhysiolPhysiolPhysiolPhysiol. 581:693-708, 2007.

30. Yoshikawa, Y., Satoh, T., Tamura, T., Wei, P., Bilasy, S. E., Edamatsu, H.,Aiba,A., Katagiri, K., Kinashi, T.,

Nakao, K., and Kataoka, T. The M-Ras-RA-GEF-2-Rap1 pathway mediates tumor necrosis factor-a-dependent

regulation of integrin activation in splenocytes.Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. CellCellCellCell18:2949-2959, 2007.

31. Ito, K., Kawasaki, T., Takashima, S., Matsuda, I., Aiba,A., and Hirata, T. Semaphorin 3F confines ventral

tangential migration of lateral olfactory tract neurons onto telencephalon surface. J.J.J.J. Neurosci.,Neurosci.,Neurosci.,Neurosci., in press.

32. Ohtani, Y., Harada, T., Funasaka, Y., Nakao, K., Takahara, C., Abdel-DAim, M., Sakai, N., Saito, N., Nishigori, C.

andAiba,A. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype-1 is essential for in vivo growth of melanoma.

OncogeneOncogeneOncogeneOncogene, 28 (17):4414-4422, 2008.

33. Kassai, H., Terashima, T., Fukaya, M., Nakao, K., Sakahara, M., Watanabe, M. andAiba,A. Rac1 in cortical

projection neurons is selectively required for midline crossing of commissural axonal formation. Eur.Eur.Eur.Eur. J.J.J.J.

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NeurosciNeurosciNeurosciNeurosci. 28:257-267, 2008.

34. Nishino, N., Tamori, Y., Tateya, S., Kawaguchi, T., Shibakusa, T., Mizunoya, W., Inoue, K., Kitazawa, R.,

Kitazawa, S., Matsuki, Y., Hiramatsu, R., Masubuchi, S., Omachi,A., Kimura, K., Saito, M.,Amo, T., Ohta, S.,

Yamaguchi, T., Osumi, T., Cheng, J., Fujimoto, T., Nakao, H., Nakao, K., Aiba,A., Okamura, H., Fushiki, T. and

Kasuga, M. FSP27 contributes to efficient energy storage in murine white adipocytes by promoting the

formation of unilocular lipid droplets. J.J.J.J. Clin.Clin.Clin.Clin. Invest.Invest.Invest.Invest., 118:2808-2821, 2008.

35. Wakamatsu, K., Ogita, H., Okabe, N., Irie, K., Tanaka-Okamoto, M., Ishizaki, H., Ishida-Yamamoto,A., Iizuka,

H., Miyoshi, J.and Takai, Y. Up-regulation of loricrin expression by cell adhesion molecule nectin-1 through

Rap1-ERK signaling in keratinocytes.J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 282, 18173-18181, 2007.

36. Minami, Y., Ikeda, W., Kajita, M., Fujito, T., Amano, H., Tamaru, Y., Kuramitsu, K., Sakamoto, Y., Monden, M.

and Takai, Y. Necl-5/poliovirus receptor interacts in cis with integrin avb3 and regulates its clustering and

focal complex formation. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 282:18481-18496, 2007.

37. Tsukasaki, Y., Kitamura, K., Shimizu, K., Iwane,A.H., Takai, Y. and Yanagida, T. Role of multiple bonds

between the single cell adhesion molecules, nectin and cadherin, revealed by high sensitive force measurements.

J.J.J.J. Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 367: 996-1006, 2007.

38. Ozaki, M., Ogita, H. and Takai, Y. Involvement of Integrin-induced activation of protein kinase C in the

formation of adherens junctions. GenesGenesGenesGenes Cells,Cells,Cells,Cells, 12:651-662, 2007.

39. Iida, J., Ishizaki, H., Okamoto-Tanaka,M., Kawata,A., Sumita, K., Ohgake, S., Sato, Y. Yorifuji, H. Nukina, N.

Ohashi, K., Mizuno, K., Tsutsumi, T., Mizoguchi, A., Miyoshi, J., Takai, Y.and Hata, Y. Synaptic scaffolding

moleculea is a scaffold to mediate N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor-dependent RhoA activation in

dendrites.Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Cell.Cell.Cell.Cell. BiolBiolBiolBiol., 27:4388-4405,

40. Ooshio, T., Fujita, N., Yamada,A., Sato, T., Kitagawa, Y., Okamoto, R., Nakata, S., Miki, A., Irie, K. and Takai, Y.

Cooperative roles of Par-3 and afadin in the formation of adherens and tight junctions. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci., 120:2352-

2365, 2007.

41. Gorovoy, M., Neamu, R., Niu, J., Vogel, S., Predescu, D., Miyoshi, J., Takai, Y., Kini, V., Mehta, D., Malik,AB.and

Voyno-Yasenetskaya, T. RhoGDI-1 modulation of the activity of monomeric RhoGTPase RhoA regulates

endothelial barrier function in mouse lungs.Circ.Circ.Circ.Circ. Res.Res.Res.Res.., 101:50-58, 2007.

42. Hisata, S., Sakisaka, T., Baba, T., Yamada, T., Aoki, K., Matsuda, M., and Takai, Y. Rap1-PDZ-GEF1 interacts

with a neurotrophin receptor at late endosomes, leading to sustained activation of Rap1 and ERK and neurite

outgrowth.J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 178:843-860, 2007.

43. Nakata, S., Fujita, N., Kitagawa, Y., Okamoto, R., Ogita, H., and Takai, Y. Regulation of Platelet-derived

growth factor receptor activation by afadin through SHP-2: implications for cellular morphology. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem.

282:37815-37825, 2007.

44. Suetsugu, S., Banzai, Y., Kato, M., Fukami, K., Kataoka, Y., Takai, Y., Yoshida, N., Takenawa, T. Male-specific

sterility caused by the loss of CR16. GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells 12:721-733, 2007.

45. Taylor, J.M., Lin, E., Susmarski, N., Yoon, M., Zago, A., Ware, C.F., Pfeffer, K., Miyoshi, J., Takai, Y., and Spear P.

G. Alternative entry receptors for herpes simplex virus and their roles in disease. CellCellCellCellHostHostHostHost &&&&MicrobMicrobMicrobMicrobe, 2:19-

28, 2007.

46. Sakamoto, Y., Ogita, H., Komura, H., and Takai, Y. Involvement of nectin in inactivation of integrinaVb3after

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the establishment of cell-cell adhesion. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem., 283:496-505, 2008.

47. Morimoto, K., Satoh-Yamaguchi, K., Hamaguchi,A., Inoue, Y., Takeuchi, M., Okada, M., Ikeda, W., Takai, Y., and

Imai, T. Interaction of cancer cells with platelets mediated by Necl-5/poliovirus receptor enhances cancer cell

metastasis to the lungs. OncogeneOncogeneOncogeneOncogene, 27:264-273, 2008.

48. Komura, H., Ogita, H., Ikeda, W., Mizoguchi, A., Miyoshi, J., and Takai, Y. Establishment of cell polarity by

afadin during the formation of embryoid bodies. GenesGenesGenesGenes Cells,Cells,Cells,Cells, 13:79-90, 2008.

49. Amano, H., Ikeda, W., Kawano, S., Kajita, M., Tamaru, Y., Inoue, N., Minami, Y., Yamada,A., and Takai, Y.

nteraction and localization of Necl-5 and PDGF receptor ? at the leading edges of moving NIH3T3 cells:

implications for directional cell movement. GenesGenesGenesGenes Cells,Cells,Cells,Cells, 13:269-284, 2008.

50. Nagamatsu, Y., Rikitake, Y., Takahashi, M., Deki, Y., Ikeda W., Hirata, K., and Takai, Y. Roles of Necl-

5/Poliovirus receptor and ROCK in the regulation of transformation of integrin aVb3-based focal complexes

into focal adhesions. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. ChemChemChemChem. 283:14532-14541, 2008.

51. Takahashi, M., Rikitake, Y., Nagamatsu, Y., Hara, T., Ikeda, W., Hirata, K., and Takai, Y. Sequential activation

of Rap1 and Rac1 small G proteins by PDGF locally at leading edges of NIH3T3 cells. GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells 13:549-569,


52. Kanzaki, N., Ogita, H., Komura, H., Ozaki, M., Sakamoto, Y., Majima, T., Ijuin, T., Takenawa, T., and Takai, Y.

Involvement of the nectin-afadin complex in platelet-derived growth factor-induced cell survival. ScienceScienceScienceScience

121:2008-2017, 2008.

53. Fujiwara, T., Kawakatsu, T., Tayama, S., Kobayashi, Y., Sugiura, N., Kimata, K., and Takai, Y.

54. Hyaluronan-CD44 pathway regulates orientation of mitotic spindle in normal epithelial cells. GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells

13:759-770, 2008.

55. Kuramitsu, K., Ikeda, W., Inoue, N., Tamaru, Y., and Takai Y. A novel role of nectin: implication in the co-

localization of JAM-A and claudin-1 at the same cell-cell adhesion membrane domain. GenesGenesGenesGenes Cells,Cells,Cells,Cells, 13, 8:797-

805, 2008.

56. Sakisaka, T., Yamamoto Y., Mochida, S., Nakamura, M., Nishikawa, K., Ishizaki, H., Okamoto-Tanaka, M.,

Miyoshi, J., Fujiyoshi, Y., Manabe, T., and Takai, Y. Dual inhibition of SNARE complex formation by tomosyn

ensures controlled neurotransmitter release. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 183:323-337, 2008.

57. Shibata, S., Nagase, M., Yoshida, S., Kawarazaki, W., Kurihara, H., Tanaka, H., Miyoshi, J., Takai, Y., and

Fujita, T. Modification of mineral ocorticoid receptor function by Rac1 GTPase: implication in proteinuric

kidney disease. Nat.Nat.Nat.Nat. Med.Med.Med.Med. 14:1370-1376, 2008.

58. Inoue, E., Deguchi-Tawarada,M., Togawa,A., Matsui, C., Arita, K., Katahira-Tayama, S., Sato, T., Yamauchi, E.,

Oda, Y., and Takai, Y. Synaptic activity prompts γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of EphA4 and dendritic spine

formation. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol.185:551-564, 2009.

59. Nripendra, L. Shrestha., and Ohkawa,T. Filtering Protein Surface Motifs Using Negative Instances of Active

Sites Candidates, Analysis of Biological Data. A Soft Computing Approach.WorldWorldWorldWorld ScientificScientificScientificScientific, pp.133-152, 2007.

60. Ashida,Y., Ozaki,T., and Ohkawa、T. Reaction Structure Profile: A ComparativeAnalysis of Metabolic

Pathways Based on Important Substructures. IPSJIPSJIPSJIPSJ TransactionTransactionTransactionTransaction onononon Bioinformatics,Bioinformatics,Bioinformatics,Bioinformatics, pp.36-45 Vol.49 No.SIG

5(TBIO4), 2008.

61. Ashida, Y., Ozaki, T., and Ohkawa, T. A Comparative Analysis of Metabolic Pathways Based on Metabolic

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Steady States. IPSJIPSJIPSJIPSJ TransactionTransactionTransactionTransaction onononon BioinformaticsBioinformaticsBioinformaticsBioinformatics, in press.

62. Tanino, T., Ohno, T., Aoki, T., Fukuda, H.and Kondo,A. Development of yeast cells displaying Candida

antarctica lipase B and their application to ester synthesis reaction.Appl.Appl.Appl.Appl. Microbiol.Microbiol.Microbiol.Microbiol. Biotechnol.Biotechnol.Biotechnol.Biotechnol. 75:1319-1325,


63. Tamalampudi, S., Hama, S., Tanino, T., Talukder,M. M. R., Kondo,A.and Fukuda, H. Immobilized

recombinant Aspergillus oryzae expressing heterologous lipase: An efficient whole-cell biocatalyst for

enantioselective transesterification in non-aqueous medium. J.J.J.J. Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Catal.Catal.Catal.Catal. B:B:B:B: EnzymEnzymEnzymEnzym.48:33-37, 2007.

64. Noui-Mehidi, M. N., Inayat-Hussain, J. I.and Ohmura, N. Analysis of Quasi-SteadyAcceleration in Circular

Couette Flow. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, in press.

65. Noui-Mehidi, M. N., Ohmura, N., Nishiyama, K.andWu, J. Improving Heat Transfer with Taylor Vortices in a

Compact Modified Couette-Taylor Apparatus. J.J.J.J. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. Eng.Eng.Eng.Eng. Japan,Japan,Japan,Japan, in press.

66. Masuda, Y., Imakoma, H., Ohmura, N., Yamaguchi, E. Functionalization of Casting Mould by Microwave

Drying Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in a Taylor Vortex Flow Reactor,AIDIC Conference Series; Selected Papers

of , Vol. 8, 203-209, year.

67. Nishioka, N., Tago, Y., Takigawa, T., Noui-Mehidi, M. N., Wu, J., Ohmura, N. Particle Migration in a Stirred

Vessel at Low Reynolds Numbers,AIDIC Conference Series; Selected Papers of the Eight Italian Conference on

Chemical and Process Engineering, Vol. 8, 243-248, year.

68. Yamawaki, K., Hosoi, H., Takigawa, T., Noui-Mehidi, M. N., Ohmura, N. Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in a Taylor

Vortex Flow Reactor,AIDIC Conference Series; Selected Papers of the Eight Italian Conference on Chemical

and Process Engineering, Vol. 8, 335-340, year.

69. Noui-Mehidi, M. N., Ohmura, N., Nishiyama, K., Takigawa, T. Effect of WallAlignment in a Very Short Annulus,

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations Vol.14, 613-621, 2009.

70. Matsumoto, T., Shikata, T., Takigawa, T., and Ohmura, N. Flow Characteristics of Immiscible Liquid-liquid Two

Phase Flow in Micro Channel Systems. TheoreticalTheoreticalTheoreticalTheoretical andandandandAppliedAppliedAppliedAppliedMechanicsMechanicsMechanicsMechanics JapanJapanJapanJapan, in press.

71. Tanino, Y., Aoki, T., Chung, W.Y., Watanabe, Y., Ogino, C., Fukuda, H., and Kondo,A. Improvement of a

Candida antarctica lipase B-displaying yeast whole-cell biocatalyst and its application to the polyester

synthesis reactionAppliedAppliedAppliedAppliedMicrobiologyMicrobiologyMicrobiologyMicrobiology andandandandBiotechnologyBiotechnologyBiotechnologyBiotechnology [Published online].

72. Eto, K., Nishikii, H., Ogaeri, T., Suetsugu, S., Kamiya,A., Kobayashi, T., Yamazaki, D., Oda,A., Takenawa,

T.and Nakauchi, H. The WAVE2/Abi1 complex differentially regulates megakaryocyte development and

spreading: implications for platelet biogenesis and spreading machinery. BloodBloodBloodBlood

73. Uezu, A., Horiuchi, A., Kanda, K., Kikuchi, N., Umeda, K., Tsujita, K., Suetsugu, S., Araki, N., Yamamoto, H.,

Takenawa, T.and Nakanishi, H. SGIP1{alpha} Is an Endocytic Protein That Directly Interacts with

Phospholipids and Eps15. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 282:26481-26489, 2007.

74. Suetsugu, S., Banzai, Y., Kato, M., Fukami, K., Kataoka, Y., Takai, Y., Yoshida, N.and Takenawa, T. Male-

specific sterility caused by the loss of CR16. Genes Cells. 12(6):721-733, 2007.

75. Yanagida-Asanuma, E., Asanuma, K., Kim, K., Donnelly, M., Young, Choi, H., Hyung, Chang, J., Suetsugu, S.,

Tomino, Y., Takenawa, T., Faul, C.and Mundel, P. Synaptopodin Protects Against Proteinuria by Disrupting

Cdc42:IRSp53:Mena Signaling Complexes in Kidney Podocytes.AmAmAmAm J.J.J.J. Pathol.Pathol.Pathol.Pathol. 171:415-427, 2007.

76. Sbrissa, D., Ikonomov, OC., Fu, Z., Ijuin, T., Gruenberg, J., Takenawa, T.and Shisheva,A. Core protein

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machinery for mammalian PtdIns(3,5)P2 synthesis and turnover that regulates the progression of endosomal

transport: Novel Sac phosphatase joins the ArPIKfyve-PIKfyve complex. JJJJ BiolBiolBiolBiol Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 282:23878-23891, 2007.

77. Yokoyama, T., Takano, K., Yoshida,A., Katada, F., Sun, P., Takenawa, T., Andoh, T.and Endo, T. DA-Raf1, a

competent intrinsic dominant-negative antagonist of the Ras-ERK pathway, is required for myogenic

differentiation. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 177:781-793, 2007. .

78. Park, SJ., Suetsugu, S., Sagara, H.and Takenawa, T. HSP90 cross-links branched actin filaments induced by N-

WASP and the Arp2/3 complex. GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells 12:611-622, 2007.

79. Shimada,A., Niwa, H., Tsujita, K., Suetsugu, S., Nitta, K., Hanawa-Suetsugu, K., Akasaka, R., Nishino, Y.,

Toyama, M., Chen, L., Liu, ZJ., Wang, BC., Yamamoto, M., Terada, T., Miyazawa, A., Tanaka,A., Sugano, S.,

Shirouzu, M., Nagayama, K., Takenawa, T. andYokoyama, S. Curved EFC/F-BAR-domain dimers are joined

end to end into a filament for membrane invagination in endocytosis. CellCellCellCell 129:761-772, 2007.

80. Delawary,M., Nakazawa, T., Tezuka, T., Sawa, M., Iino, Y., Takenawa, T.andYamamoto, T. Molecular

characterization of a novel RhoGAP, RRC-1 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. BiochemBiochemBiochemBiochem BiophysBiophysBiophysBiophys ResResResRes

Commun.Commun.Commun.Commun. 357:377-382, 2007.

81. Akiyama, K., Morita, H., Suetsugu, S., Kuraba, S., Numata, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Inui, K., Ideura, T., Wakisaka, N.,

Nakano, K., Oniki, H., Takenawa, T., Matsuyama, M.,andYoshimura,A. Actin -related protein 3 (Arp3) is

mutated in proteinuric BUF/Mna rats.Mamm.Mamm.Mamm.Mamm.GenomeGenomeGenomeGenome [Epub ahead of print].

82. Yamashita, M., Higashi, T., Suetsugu, S., Sato, Y., Ikeda, T., Shirakawa, R., Kita, T., Takenawa, T., Horiuchi, H.,

Fukai, S.,and Nureki, O. Crystal structure of human DAAM1 formin homology 2 domain. GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells 12:1255-

1265, 2007.

83. Tokuda, E., Fujita, N., Oh-hara, T., Sato, S., Kurata, A., Katayama, R., Itoh, T., Takenawa, T., Miyazono, K.,and

Tsuruo, T., Casein kinase 2-interacting protein-1, a novelAkt pleckstrin homology domain-interacting protein,

down-regulates PI3K/Akt signaling and suppresses tumor growth in vivo. CancerCancerCancerCancer ResResResRes. 67:9666-9676, 2007.

84. Nakamura, Y., Ichinohe,M., Hirata, M., Matsuura, H., Fujiwara, T., Igarashi, T., Nakahara, M., Yamaguchi, H.,

Yasugi, S., Takenawa, T.,and Fukami, K. Phospholipase C-{delta}1 is an essential molecule downstream of

Foxn1, the gene responsible for the nude mutation, in normal hair development. FASEBFASEBFASEBFASEB J.J.J.J. [Epub ahead of


85. Ijuin, T., Yu, Y. E., Mizutani, K., Pao,A., Tateya, S., Tamori, Y., Bradley,A., and Takenawa, T.

Increased insulin action in SKIP heterozygous knockout mice.Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol., 28, 5184-5195 2008

86. Oikawa, T., Itoh, T., Takenawa, T. Sequential signals toward podosome formation in NIH-src cells. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol.

182:157-169, 2008.

87. Kanzaki, N., Ogita, H., Komura, H., Ozaki, M., Sakamoto, Y., Majima, T., Ijuin, T., Takenawa, T., and Takai, Y.

Involvement of the nectin-afadin complex in PDGF-induced cell survival. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci. 121, 2008-20017, 2008.

88. Yamazaki, D., Kurisu, S., and Takenawa, T., Involvement of Rac and Rho signaling in cancer cell motility in 3D

substrates. OncogeneOncogeneOncogeneOncogene, 28, 1570-1583, 2009.

89. Fujita,A., Cheng, J., Tauchi-Sato, K., Takenawa, T., and Fujimoto, T. A distinct pool of phosphatidylinositol

4,5-bisphosphate in caveolae revealed by a nanoscale labeling technique. Proc.Proc.Proc.Proc. Natl.Natl.Natl.Natl.Acad.Acad.Acad.Acad. Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci. UUUU SSSSA.A.A.A.

106:9256-9261, 2009.

90. Sakai,T.,Tochio,H.,Inomata,K.,Sasaki,Y.,Tenno,T.,Tanaka,T.,Kokubo,T.,Hiroaki,H. and Shirakawa,M.

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Fluoroscopic assessment of protein leakage during Xenopus oocytes in-cell NMR experiment by co-injected

EGFP. AnalyticalAnalyticalAnalyticalAnalyticalBiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistry, 371:247-249, 2007.

91. Inomata,K., Ohki,I., Fujiwara,K., Tochio,H., Hiroaki,H., and Shirakawa,M., Kinetic and thermodynamic

evidence for flipping of a methyl-CpG binding domain on methylated DNA. Biochemistry-USBiochemistry-USBiochemistry-USBiochemistry-US, in press.

92. Kuwahara, Y., Ohno,A., Morii, T., Yokoyama,H., Matsui, I., Tochio, H., Shirakawa, M., and Hiroaki, H. The

solution structure of the C-terminal domain of NfeD reveals a novel membrane-anchored OB-fold. ProteinProteinProteinProtein SciSciSciSci.

17:1915-1924, 2008.

93. Goda, N., Tenno, T., Inomata, K., Shirakawa, M., and Hiroaki, H. Intracellular protein delivery activity of

peptides derived from insulin-like growth factor binding proteins 3 and 5. Exp.Exp.Exp.Exp. CellCellCellCell Res.Res.Res.Res. 314:2352-2361, 2008.

94. Inomata, K., Ohno,A., Tochio, H., Isogai, S., Tenno, T., Nakase, I., Takeuchi, T., Futaki, S., Ito, Y., Hiroaki, H.,

and Shirakawa, M., High-resolution multi-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of proteins in human cells

NatureNatureNatureNature, 458:106-109, 2009.

95. Ohnishi, H., Tochio, H., Kato, Z., Orii, KE., Li, A., Kimura, T., Hiroaki, H., Kondo, N., and Shirakawa, M.,

Structural basis for the multiple interactions of the MyD88 TIR domain in TLR4 signaling. Proc.Proc.Proc.Proc. Natl.Natl.Natl.Natl.Acad.Acad.Acad.Acad.

Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci. UUUU SSSSA.A.A.A., n press.

96. Kim, H-S., Takahashi, M., Matsuo, K. and Ono, Y. Recruitment of CG-NAP to the Golgi apparatus through

interaction with dynein-dynactin complex.GenesGenesGenesGenes CellsCellsCellsCells 12:421-434, 2007.

97. Seki, T., Takahashi, T., Adachi, N., Shimahara, T., Abe, N., Saito, N. and Sakai N. Aggregate Formation of

Mutant Protein Kinase C Gamma Found in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 14 Impairs Ubiquitin Proteasome

System and Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. Eur.Eur.Eur.Eur. J.J.J.J. Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci. 26:3126-3140, 2007.

98. Kawasaki, T., Kobayashi, T., Ueyama, T., Shirai, Y. and Saito, N. Regulation of Clathrin Dependent

Endocytosis by Diacylglycerol kinased-Importance of Kinase Activity and Binding to AP2a. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem. J.J.J.J.

409:471-479, 2008.

99. Shirai, Y., Murakami, T., Kuramasu, M., Iijima L. and Saito, N. A novel PIP2 binding of εPKC and its

contribution to the neurite induction ability. J.J.J.J. Neurochem.Neurochem.Neurochem.Neurochem.102:1635-1644, 2007.


101. Ueyama, T., Tatsuno, T., Kawasaki, T., Tsujibe, S., Shirai, Y., Sumimoto, H., Leto, TL.and Saito, N. A regulated

adaptor function of p40phox: distinct p67phox membrane targeting by p40phox and by p47phox.Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. CellCellCellCell....

18:441-454, 2007.

102. Ueyama, T., Lekstrom, K., Tsujibe, S., Saito, N.and Leto, TL. Subcellular localization and function of

alternatively spliced Noxo1 isoforms. FreeFreeFreeFree RadicalRadicalRadicalRadical Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Med.Med.Med.Med., 42:180-190, 2007.

103. Oyasu, M., Fujimiya, M., Kashiwagi, K., Ohmori, S., Imaeda, H. and Saito, N. Immunogold electron microscopic

demonstration of distinct submembranous γPKC depending on the localization of the activated stimulation

J.Histochem.J.Histochem.J.Histochem.J.Histochem. Cytochem.Cytochem.Cytochem.Cytochem. 56(3):253-265, 2008.

104. Ryo C. Yanagita, RC, Nakagawa, Y., Yamanaka, N., Kashiwagi, K., Saito, N. and Irie, K. Synthesis,

ConformationalAnalysis, and Biological Evaluation of 1-Hexyl-indolactam-V10 as a Selective Activator for

Novel Protein Kinase C Isozymes. J.J.J.J. Med.Med.Med.Med. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 51:46-56, 2008

105. Merino, E. Avila-Flores,A.,Shirai, Y., Moraga, I.,Saito, N. andMerida, I. Lck-dependent tyrosine

phosphorylation of DGK alpha regulates its membrane association in T cells. J.J.J.J. Immunol.Immunol.Immunol.Immunol. 180:5805-5815, 2008.

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106. Ueyama, T., Kusakabe, T., Karasawa, S., Kawasaki, T., Shimizu, A., Son J-H, Shirai, Y., Leto, TL., Miyawaki,A.,

and Saito, N. Sequential targeting of p67phox to phagosomes by regulated conformational changes of

adaptors evaluated by the novel monometric Kusabira Green system. J.J.J.J. Immunol.Immunol.Immunol.Immunol. 181:629-40, 2008

107. Sakai, N., Terami, H., Suzuki, S., Haga, M., Nomoto, K., Tsuchida, N., Morohashi, KI., Saito, N., Asada, M.,

Hashimoto, M., Harada, D., Asahara, H., Ishikawa, T., Shimada, F. and Sakurada, K. Identification of SF-

1/Ad4BP gene expression modulators by large scale gain and loss of function studies. J.J.J.J. Endocrinol.Endocrinol.Endocrinol.Endocrinol. 198(3):489-


108. Adachi, N., Kobayashi, T., Takahashi, H., Kawasaki, T., Shirai, Y., Ueyama, T., Matsuda, T., Seki, T., Sakai, N.,

and Saito, N. Enzymological analysis of mutant protein kinase Cγ causing spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 and

its dysfunction in Ca2+homeostasis. J.J.J.J. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. 283:19854-19863, 2008

109. Shirai, Y., Adachi, N., and Saito, N. Minireview : Protein kinase Cε-function in neurons.FEBSFEBSFEBSFEBS J.,J.,J.,J., 275, 3988-

3994, 2008.

110. Ohtani, Y., Harada, T., Funasaka, Y., Nakao, K., Takahara, C., Abdel-Daim, M., Sakai, N., Saito, N., Nishigori,

C., andAiba,A. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype-1 is essential for in vivo growth of

melanoma.OncogeneOncogeneOncogeneOncogene 27:7162-7170, 2008.

111. Ibi, M., Matsuno, K., Shiba, D., Katsuyama, M., Iwata, K., Kakehi, T., Nakagawa, T., Sango, K., Shirai, Y.,

Yokoyama, T., Kaneko, S., Saito N., and Yabe-Nishimura, C. A newly identified role for NOX1/NADPH oxidase

in inflammatory pain. J.J.J.J. Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci.Neurosci. 28:9486-9494, 2008.

112. Shibata, Y., Jan R. van der Ploeg, Kozuki, T. Shirai, Y., Saito, N., Kawada, M., Takeshita, T., and Yamashita, Y.

Kinase activity of the dgk gene product is involved 1 in the virulence of Streptococcus mutans.MicrobiologyMicrobiologyMicrobiologyMicrobiology

155:557-565, 2009.

113. Seki, T., Shimahara, T., Yamamoto, K., Abe, N.,Amano, T., Adachi, N., Takahashi, H., Kashiwagi, K., Saito, N.,

and Sakai, N. Mutant γPKC found in spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 induces aggregate-independent

maldevelopment of dendrites in primary cultured Purkinje cells. NeurobiologyNeurobiologyNeurobiologyNeurobiology ofofofof DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseDisease 33:260-273, 2009.

114. Morand, S., Ueyama, T., Tsujibe, S., Saito, N., Korzeniowska,A., and Leto, TL. Duox maturation factors form

cell surface complexes with Duox affecting the specificity of reactive oxygen species generation. FASEBFASEBFASEBFASEB J.J.J.J.

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115. Hozumi,Y., Fukaya, M.,Adachi, N., Saito, N., Otani, K., Kondoh, K., Watanabe, M., and Goto, K.

Diacylglycerol kinase b accumulates on the perisynaptic site of medium spiny neurons in the striatum. Eur.Eur.Eur.Eur. J.J.J.J.

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116. Ashida, N., Ueyama, T., Rikitake, K., Shirai, Y., Eto, M., Kondoh, T., Kohmura, E., and Saito, N. Ca2+

oscillation induced by P2Y2 receptor activation and its regulation by a neuron-specific subtype of PKC (γPKC).

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117. Nakagawa, Y. , Yanagita, R. C., Hamada, N., Murakami,A., Takahashi, H., Saito, N., Nagai, H., and Irie, K. A

Simple Analog of Tumor-promoting Aplysiatoxin Is anAntineoplasticAgent rather than a Tumor Promoter:

Development of a SyntheticallyAccessible PKCActivator with Bryostatin-like Activity. JJJJAm.Am.Am.Am. Chem.Chem.Chem.Chem. Soc.Soc.Soc.Soc.

131:7573-7579, 2009.

118. Lacaille,F., Hiroi,M., Twele,R., Inoshita,T., Umemoto,D., Maniere,G., Marion-poll,F., Ozaki,M., Franke,W.,

Cobb,M., Zeveraerts,C., Tanimura,T. and Ferveur,J.F. An inhibitory sex pheromone tastes bitter for

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Drosophola males. PLoS.PLoS.PLoS.PLoS. ONEONEONEONE, Issue8, e661, 1-7

119. Nishikawa,M., Nishino,H., Misaka,Y., Kubita,M., Tsuji,E., Satoji,Y., Ozaki,M.andYokohari, F. Sexual

dimorphism in the antennal lobe structure of the ant,Camponotus japonicus. Zool.Zool.Zool.Zool. Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci., in press.

120. Hojo, M., Wada-Katsumata,A., Ozaki, M., Yamaguchi, S., andYamaoka, R., Gustatory synergism in ants

mediates a species-specific symbiosis with lycaenid butterflies. J.J.J.J. Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp. Physiol.Physiol.Physiol.Physiol.A,A,A,A, 194:1043-1052, 2008.

121. Hojo, M., Wada-Katsumata,A., Akino, T., Yamaguchi, S., Ozaki, M., andYamaoka, R. Chemical disguise as

particular caste of host ants in the inquiline parasite Niphanda fusca (Lepidoptera lycaenidae). Proc.Proc.Proc.Proc. Roy.Roy.Roy.Roy. Soc.Soc.Soc.Soc.

BBBB 276:551-558, 2008.

122. Takashi A. Inoue,Asaoka, K., Seta, K., Imaeda, D., Ozaki, M. Sugar receptor response of the food-chanal taste

sensilla in a nectar-feeding swallowtail butterfly, Papilio Xuthus. NaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaften, 2008.1

123. Tsugehara, T., Iwai, S.,Fujiwara, Y., Mita, K.and Takeda, M. Cloning and characterization of insect

arylalkylamine N- acetyltransferase fro Bombyx mori. Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp. Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem. Physiol.Physiol.Physiol.Physiol. BBBB, 147(3):358-366,2007.

124. Tufail, M.and Takeda,M., Molecular cloning and developmental expression pattern of the vitellogenin receptor

from the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae. InsectInsectInsectInsect Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Biochem.Molec.Molec.Molec.Molec. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol., 37:235-245,

125. Bembenek, J., Itokawa, K., Hiragaki, S., Shao, Q.M., Tufail, M.and Takeda,M. Molecular characterization and

distribution of cycle protein fromAthalia rosae. J.J.J.J. InsectInsectInsectInsect Physiol.Physiol.Physiol.Physiol. 53:418-427, 2007.

126. Zhang, J.and Takeda, M., Molecular characterization of MbADGF, a novel member of the adenosine-related

growth factor in the cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae;the functional roles in the midgut cell

proliferation. InsectInsectInsectInsect Molec.Biol.Molec.Biol.Molec.Biol.Molec.Biol. 16:351-360, 2007.

127. Suzuki,T., Amano,A., Goto, E., Takeda,M.and Kozai, T. Effects of extending the light phase on diapause

induction in a Japanese population of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae ExperimentalExperimentalExperimentalExperimental andandandand

AppliedAppliedAppliedAppliedAcarologyAcarologyAcarologyAcarology , in press.

128. Ma, L-B., Xu, S-Q., Takeda, M.and DuBois, A new species of the Genus Stenamma (Hymenoptera; Formicidae)

from China. Sociobiology,Sociobiology,Sociobiology,Sociobiology, in press.

129. Tufail, M., Bembenek, J., Elgendy,AM.and Takeda,M. Evidence for two vitellogenin-related genes in

Leucophaea maderae: the protein primary structure and its processing Archives for Insect. BiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistry andandandand

PhysiologyPhysiologyPhysiologyPhysiology, 66:190-203, 2007.

130. Iwai, S., Trang, LTD.and Takeda,M. Expression analyses of casein kinase 2alpha and casein kinase 2alphan

the silkmoth,Bombyx mori. ComparativeComparativeComparativeComparative BiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistry andandandand Physiology,Physiology,Physiology,Physiology,PartPartPartPart BBBB, 149:38-46,

131. Shao, Q-M., Hiragaki, S.and Takeda,M, Co-localization and unique distributions of two clock proteins CYCLE

and CLOCK in the cephalic ganglia of the ground cricket, Allonemobius allardi CellCellCellCell TissueTissueTissueTissue Res.Res.Res.Res. 331:435-446,


132. Ochiai, N., Mizuno, M., Mimori, N., Miyake, T., Dekeyser, M., L. J. Canlas. and Takeda,M. Toxicity of bifenazate

and its principal active metabolite, diazene, to Tetranychus urticae and Panonychus citri and their relative

toxicity to the predaceous mites, Phytoseiulus persimilis and Neoseiulus californicus. ExperimentalExperimentalExperimentalExperimental andandandand

AppliedAppliedAppliedAppliedAcarologyAcarologyAcarologyAcarology43:181-197, 2007.

133. Hirano, F. and Takeda,M. Starvation suppresses cell proliferation that rebounds after refeeding in the midgut

of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. JournalJournalJournalJournal ofofofof InsectInsectInsectInsect PhysiologyPhysiologyPhysiologyPhysiology, 54:386-392,

134. Shao, Q-M., Hiragaki, S.and Takeda,M. Molecular structural, expression patterns and localization of the

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circadian transcription modulator CYCLE in the cricket, Dianemobius nigrofasciatus. JournalJournalJournalJournal ofofofof InsectInsectInsectInsect

Physiology,Physiology,Physiology,Physiology,54:403-413, 2008.

135. Suzuki, T., Fukunaga, Y., Amano, H., Takeda,M.and Goto, E. Effects of light quality and intensity on diapause

induction in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae.AppliedAppliedAppliedAppliedEntomologyEntomologyEntomologyEntomology andandandand ZoologyZoologyZoologyZoology, in press.

136. Tufail, M. and Takeda,M. Molecular mechanisms of insect vitellogenin/ lipophorin receptors. Short Views on

Insect Molecular Bioloy. (submitted)

137. Tufail, M. and Takeda,M. Structural features and biosynthesis and uptake mechanisms of insect

vitellogenins. Short Views on Insect Molecular Biology, in press.

138. Le Thi Dieu Trang, Shao,Q-M, and Takeda,M. Molecular Structure of Insect Circadian Clock. Short Views on

Insect.MolecularMolecularMolecularMolecular BioloyBioloyBioloyBioloy, in press.

139. Nakamine, H., and Takeda,M., Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of flightless beetles Parechthistatus

gibber and Hayashiechthistatus inexpectus (Coleoptera cerambycidae) inferred from mitochondrial COI gene

sequences. EntomologicalEntomologicalEntomologicalEntomologicalScienceScienceScienceScience, in press.

140. Hiragaki, S., Kawabe, Y. and Takeda,M. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of two putative serotonin

receptors in the brain of Antheraea pernyi pupa.International Journal of Wild Sikmoths and Silk, in press.

141. L-B Ma, S-Q Xu, and Takeda,M. A study of genus Gryllotalpa (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) from China with

description of a new species.ActaActaActaActa ZootaxonomicaZootaxonomicaZootaxonomicaZootaxonomica SinicaSinicaSinicaSinica, in press.

142. Nakamine, H., and Takeda,M. Molecular phylogenetic relationships of flightless beetles belonging to the genus

Mesechthistatus Breuning, (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) inferred from mitochondrial COI gene sequences. J.J.J.J.

InsectInsectInsectInsect ScienceScienceScienceScience, in press.

143. Suzuki, T., Takashima, T., Izawa, N., Watanabe, M. and Takeda,M. UV radiation elevates arylalkylamine N-

acetyltransferase activity and melatonin content in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. JournalJournalJournalJournal

ofofofof InsectInsectInsectInsect PhysiologyPhysiologyPhysiologyPhysiology, 54:1168-1174, 2009.

144. Suzuki, T., Izawa, N., Takashima, T., Watanabe, M. and Takeda,M. Action spectrum for the suppression of

arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase activity in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae.

PhotochemistryPhotochemistryPhotochemistryPhotochemistryandandandand PhotobiologyPhotobiologyPhotobiologyPhotobiology, 85(1):214-219, 2009.

145. Suzuki, T. and Takeda,M. Utilizing LED technology for arthropod pest control. Light-emitting Diodes:

Research, Technology andApplications, in press.

146. Moriwaki, K., Tsukita, S., and Furuse, M. Tight junctions containing claudin 4 and 6 are essential for

blastocyst formation in preimplantation mouse embryos. Dev.Dev.Dev.Dev. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 312:509-522, 2007.

147. Matsuda, M., Kobayashi, Y., Masuda, S., Adachi, M., Watanabe, T., Yamashita, J. K., Nishi, E., Tsukita, S., and

Furuse, M. Identification of adherens junction-associated GTPase activating proteins by the fluorescence

localization-based expression cloning. Exp.Exp.Exp.Exp. CellCellCellCell Res.Res.Res.Res. 314(5):939-49,2008.

148. Takahashi, S., Iwamoto, N., Sasaki, H., Ohashi, M., Oda, Y., Tsukita, S., Furuse, M. The E3 ubiquitin ligase

LNX1p80 promotes the removal of claudins from tight junctions in MDCK cells. J.J.J.J. Cell.Cell.Cell.Cell. Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci. 112: 985-994, 2009.

149. Tanaka, N., Tanaka, R., Tokuhara,M., Oshima, T., Kubo, Y., Go, S., Kunugi, S., Lee, Y.-F. and Hamada, D.

Amyloid Fibril Formation of Functional Chaperone Site of aA-Crystallin. BiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistryBiochemistry, in press.

150. Hamada, D., Tsumoto, K., Sawara, M., Tanaka, N., Nakahira, K., Shiraki, K. andYanagihara, I. Effect of an

Amyloidogenic Sequence Attached to Yellow Fluorescent Protein. ProteinProteinProteinProtein 72:811-821, 2008.

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151. Hamaguchi, M., Hamada, D., Suzuki, K., N., Sakata, I. andYanagihara, I. Molecular basis of actin

reorganization promoted by binding of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli EspB to α-catenin.

FEBSFEBSFEBSFEBS JJJJ. 275:6260-6267, 2008.

152. Hamada, D., Tanaka, T., Tartaglia, G. G., Pawar,A., Vendruscolo, M., Kawamura, M., Tamura,A., Tanaka, N.

and Dobson, C. M. Competition between Folding, Native State Dimerisation andAmyloidAggregation in b-

Lactoglobulin. J.J.J.J. Mol.Mol.Mol.Mol. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 386:878-890, 2009.

153. Ishiuchi, T., Misaki, K., Yonemura, S., Takeichi, M., and Tanoue. T. Mammalian Fat and Dachsous cadherins

regulate apical membrane organization in the embryonic cerebral cortex. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 185:959-967, 2009.

154. Kawasaki, K., Watabe, T., Sase, H., Hirashima,M., Koide, H., Morishita, K., Yuki, K., Sasaoka, T., Suda, T.,

Katsuki, M., Miyazono, K. andMiyazawa, K. Ras signaling directs endothelial specification of VEGFR2+

vascular progenitor cells. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol., 181(1):131-41,2008

155. Hirashima M, Sano K, Morisada T, Murakami K, Rossant J and Suda T., Lymphatic vessel assembly is

impaired in Aspp1-deficient mouse embryos. Dev.Dev.Dev.Dev. Biol.,Biol.,Biol.,Biol., 316(1):149-59, 2008

156. Murakami M, Zheng Y, Hirashima M, Suda T, Morita Y, Ooehara J, Ema H, Fong GH and Shibuya M.

VEGFR1 tyrosine kinase signaling promotes lymphangiogenesis as well as angiogenesis indirectly via

macrophage recruitment.Arterioscler.Arterioscler.Arterioscler.Arterioscler. Thromb.Thromb.Thromb.Thromb. Vasc.Vasc.Vasc.Vasc. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. [Epub ahead of print]

157. Kubota, Y., Hirashima, M., Kishi, K., Stewart, CL. and Suda, T. Leukemia inhibitory factor regulates

microvessel density by modulating oxygen-dependent VEGF expression. J.J.J.J. Clin.Clin.Clin.Clin. Invest.Invest.Invest.Invest. 118: 2393-2403, 2008.

158. Benedito, R., Trindade,A., Hirashima, M., Henrique, D., Lopes-da-Costa, L., Rossant, J., Gill, PS., and Duarte,A.

Loss of Notch signalling induced by Delta-like 4 (Dll4) causes arterial calibre reduction by increasing

endothelial cell response to angiogenic stimuli. BMCBMCBMCBMCDev.Dev.Dev.Dev. Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 8:117, 2008.

159. Hirashima,M. Regulation of endothelial cell differentiation and arterial specification by VEGF and Notch

signaling.Anat.Anat.Anat.Anat. Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci. Int.Int.Int.Int., 2009 [Epub ahead of print]

160. Shibasaki, T., Takahashi, H., Miki, T., Sunaga, Y., Matsumura, K., Yamanaka, M., Zhang, C., Tamamoto,A.,

Satoh, T., Miyazaki, J. and Seino, S. Essential role of Epac2/Rap1 signaling in regulation of insulin granule

dynamics by cAMP. Proc.Proc.Proc.Proc. Natl.Natl.Natl.Natl.Acad.Acad.Acad.Acad. Sci.Sci.Sci.Sci. USA.USA.USA.USA. 104: 19333-19338, 2007.

161. Xu, J.,Zhang, L.,Chou, A., Allaby, T.,Belanger, G.,Radziuk, J., Jasmin, B.J., Miki, T.,Seino, S. and Renaud, JM.,

KATP channel deficient pancreatic {beta}-cels are streptozotocin resistant due to lower GLUT2 activity.AmAmAmAm JJJJ

PhysiolPhysiolPhysiolPhysiolEndocrinolEndocrinolEndocrinolEndocrinolMetab.,Metab.,Metab.,Metab.,294(2):E326-335, 2008

162. Fukuzaki, K., Sato, T., Miki, T., Seino, S., and Nakaya, H., Role of sarcolemmalATP-sensitive K+ channels in the

regulation of sinoatrial node automaticity: an evaluation using Kir6.2-deficient mice. J.J.J.J. Physiol.Physiol.Physiol.Physiol. 586:2767-2778,


163. Kentner,AC., Takeuchi,A., James, JS., Miki, T., Seino, S., Hayley, S., and Bielajew, C. The effects of rewarding

ventral tegmental area stimulation and environmental enrichment on lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness

behavior and cytokine expression in female rats. BrainBrainBrainBrain Res.Res.Res.Res. 1217:50-61, 2008.

164. Yamada, S., Nelson, TJ., Crespo-Diaz, RJ., Perez-Terzic, C., Liu, XK., Miki, T., Seino, S., Behfar,A., and Terzic, A.

Embryonic stem cell therapy of heart failure in genetic cardiomyopathy. StemStemStemStem CellsCellsCellsCells 26:2644-2653, 2008.

165. Ravier, MA., Nenquin, M., Miki, T., Seino, S., and Henquin, JC., Glucose controls cytosolic Ca2+ and insulin

secretion in mouse islets lacking adenosine triphosphate-sensitive K+ channels owing to a knockout of the pore-

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forming subunit kir6.2. EndocrinologyEndocrinologyEndocrinologyEndocrinology, 150(1):33-45, 2009.

166. Igaki, T., Pastor-Pareja, JC., Aonuma, H., Miura, M., and Xu, T., Intrinsic tumor suppression and epithelial

maintenance by endocytic activation of Eiger/TNF signaling in Drosophila. DevelopmentalDevelopmentalDevelopmentalDevelopmentalCellCellCellCell, 16:458-465,


167. Oikawa, T., Itoh, T. and Takenawa, T. Sequential signals toward podosome formation in NIH-src cells. J.J.J.J. CellCellCellCell

Biol.Biol.Biol.Biol. 182:157-69. 2008.

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min./fare: 200 yen).


・Take the Osaka Monorail to "Hotarugaike" station. From "Hotarugaike" take the Hankyu Railways Takarazuka

Line bound for "Umeda." Get off at "Juso" and change to the Hankyu Kobe Line bound for "Shinkaichi," and get

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・ TTake the Kobe New Transit Port Liner Line from "Kobe Airport" station and get off at "Sannomiya" station (time

required: 17 min/fare: 320 yen). From "Sannomiya," take the Kobe Municipal Subway Seishin-Yamate Line and

get off at "Okurayama" station (2nd stop, time required: 3 min./fare: 200 yen).

●FromFromFromFrom Shin-KobeShin-KobeShin-KobeShin-Kobe StationStationStationStation


・ Take the Kobe Municipal Subway Seishin-Yamate Line and get off at "Okurayama" station (2nd stop, time

required: 5 min./fare: 230 yen).

ByByByBy TaxiTaxiTaxiTaxi

・(time required: 10 min./fare: approx. 1,000 yen)

●FromFromFromFrom Shin-OsakaShin-OsakaShin-OsakaShin-Osaka StationStationStationStation

・ Take the JR (Japan Railways) Kobe Line and get off at "Kobe" Station (time required: 30 min./fare: 620 yen).

■FromFromFromFrom thethethethe nearestnearestnearestnearest stationsstationsstationsstations totototo KusunokiKusunokiKusunokiKusunoki CampusCampusCampusCampus

1)1)1)1) FromFromFromFrom JRJRJRJR "Kobe""Kobe""Kobe""Kobe" station:station:station:station:

・ By taxi: about 5 minutes

・ By Kobe City Bus: Take No. 9 to "Daigaku-Byoin-Mae" bus stop.

2)2)2)2) FromFromFromFromKobeKobeKobeKobe KosokuKosokuKosokuKosoku RailwayRailwayRailwayRailway """" Kosoku-Kobe"Kosoku-Kobe"Kosoku-Kobe"Kosoku-Kobe" station:station:station:station:

・ On foot: about 15 minutes

3)3)3)3) FromFromFromFromKobeKobeKobeKobeMunicipalMunicipalMunicipalMunicipal SubwaySubwaySubwaySubway "Okurayama""Okurayama""Okurayama""Okurayama" station:station:station:station:

・ On foot: about 5 minutes