Download - PRROOCCEEEEDDIINNGGSS OFF THHE EVSSEVEEN ......ايقيرفأ ةيجولويج نع عباسلا ىلودلا رمتؤملا تايصوت 4102 ربمفون 42 -42 طويسأ رد ৬১

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2244--2266 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22001133


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The Seventh International Conference on the Geology of Africa (Africa-7)

is a major biennial meeting organized by the Department of Geology, Faculty

of Science under the auspices of the President of Assiut University.

It is our pleasure to present this volume as a selection of original

contributions presented in the conference from a collection of 130 titles

covering almost all scientific fields of geology. The conference committee

was very keen to have the proceeding published and make it available to

universities, geological and mining institutions and individuals interested in

scientific significance of the conference.

This volume contains 20 contributions, each of which has been refereed

by two specialized reviewers before its acceptance for publication. The

accepted papers are grouped under related topics.

We do hope that the conference had provided a good opportunity for

attendants to exchange ideas and information on the multidisciplinary

geological perspectives including their impact on the geo-environment of


We also take this chance to acknowledge and appreciate Prof. Dr.

Mohamed Abdel Samie Eid, President of Assiut University and Prof. Dr.

Hassan Mohamed El-Hawary, Dean of the Faculty of Science for the

continuous support during all stages of the conference.

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جيولوجية أفريقياعن السابع الدولى توصيات المؤتمر

4102نوفمبر 42 -42أسيوط

كلودر –اجتمع المشاركون فى المؤتمر الدوللى الادا ع دي جوولوجودر قفر اودا المفىادو فدى يادو ال وولوجودا

ىدو اننتادام مدي ال لاداع الىلمودر ك لىلد فدى 4102ندوفمرر 42-42جامىر قسدوو فدى الرتدر –الىلوم

حود ندايا الضاودرلن المادتوع الىلمدى 4102ندوفمرر 42ال لار الختامور للمدؤتمر هادر دوم الاء دام

:لليائع لخطواع تفظوو المؤتمر كما توصل الم تمىون إلى ود مي التوصواع نوجزها فى اآلتى

مضمو رو الاموع ودو رئدوج جامىدر قسدوو لالادوو األسدتاى / تاوم الم تمىون لاىاد األستاى الوكتور -0

حاي مضمدو الادوارع مودو كلودر الىلدوم لرئدوج مدرم المدؤتمر خدالو التضودر لانمتفدان لدى / الوكتور

كمدا ىدرا المشداركون دي . تد ماو لتذلول الىاراع قمام انىااد المؤتمر فى دلرته الاا ىر فى هدذا التويود

خالو التاو ر لالىرفان أل ضام الل فر المفظمر لقسر ياو ال وولوجوا أسوو لى ال اود الىظومدر مدي

.قجل ن اح المؤتمر تفظوموا ل لموا

الو و إلى تو وق الرلا ط الىلمودر لتردادا الخردراع دوي الىداملوي فدى الضادل ال وولدوجى فدى الىو دو مدي -4

فر اور لالىمل لى تش وع الم مو اع انيلومور لى التىالن للوصوا إلدى التمامدل لإ دواد يا دو الولا األ

لفددى هدذا المضددمار وصدى الم تمىددون . وانداع لمافدر المددوارد الطروىودر ل إحتوا اتاددا فدى الاددار األفر اودر

ر مىا اوم ر ط لمضاها إلضاح لى تمو ي الم مو اع الرضاور انيلومور التى ت مع التخصصاع المتاار

.األحواث وي األيالوو ل ىضاا ل وم التويف فو الضولد الاواسور وي دلا الاار

د و ال امىاع لمراكز الرضوث الىلمور فى كافر الولا األفر اور إلدى إيامدر ت مىداع قفر اودر لمودر فدى -2

ادا المىارم لتوسوع دائر انترايداع م اا لوم األرض ي ر ق تو وق رع التىالن الىلمى لالرفى لتر

.الافائور لانيلومور

ي حضور المؤتمرك لى الرغو مي ملخصداع ءحظ المشاركون كار ان تذاراع مي الراحاوي األفارير -2

الرضدوث التدى قرسدلوها لتأكودوهو الرغردر فدى المشداركر ك لقلودضت الل فدر المفظمدر دأن الادر دائمدا هددو

وران وي الولا األفر اور ل وم لجود د و مالى ااهو فى حضور الىو و مدي المشداركويك إرتراع قسىار الط

لذل وصى المشاركون فى المؤتمر الوللى الاا ع لى ورلرل الىمل لى إ اد لسولر د و للمشداركوي

دي ر دق مي الولا األفر اور التى تىانى مي ووق الارل للضضور لالمشاركر فى المدؤتمراع المادتارلورك

.انتصاا المرمر رىض الاوئاع المانضر قل لزار الخارجور

وصى الم تمىون الروم المرمر فى ان ءن لتفظوو المؤتمر الاامي للوع استماراع التا ول لى مرمر -5

.المىلوماع الوللور

الاار األفر اور وصى الم تمىون ز اد الو واع المرمر إلى الماتموي وولوجور قفر اوا مي خارج -2

.للتأكوو لى الصرغر الوللور للمؤتمر( لآسوا –قسترالوا –الوال اع المتضو -قلرل ا )

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الزاا ترادا المطرو داع لاننتداج الىلمدى فدى الدولا المشداركر لالمدرترط وولوجودر قفر اودا ضتداج إلدى -7

وع التىدالن دوي الادائموي لواداك للىدل الماور مي ال اود اوم ز اد التىرم لى توجااع الرضدوث لتشد

. رق نال المىلوماع األلمترلنور الضو ار اا و لى سر ر إن از هذا األمر الذع تمررع المطالرر ه كاورا

نشر ق ضاث المؤتمر مي خءا ود خاص قل قكار مي م لر الملور ما خوم الم لر مي حو إزد اد الطل -8

.التأ ور لكذل توفور نرااع الطرا ر الفارر لمصرلفاع المؤتمر لواا لرفع يومر مىامل

نشددر التوصددواع دداللغتوي الىر وددر لانن لوز ددر فددى كتدداا المددؤتمر لكددذل قن تاددوم سددمرتار ر المددؤتمر -9

. إرساا هذه التوصواع إلى ال ااع المىفور ال وولوجوا لالروئر فى الاار لكذل إلى الوزاراع المىفور

التى ترفع مي يومتاا المضافر ما لا رر ال ااع المىفور ضظر تصو ر المواد الخام إال ىو المىال ر مخ -01

(.لالروسراع كأمالر الرملر الروضام) ؤدع إلى ز اد الوخل الاومى

نسددتخواماا Black Shaleانهتمددام وراسدداع ىددض الخامدداع الغوددر تالوو ددر ماددل الطرلددر الاددودام -00

.كمصور للطاير ما ىود الفرع لى إيتصاد الوللر لخاصر مصر

4102نوفمرر 42: قسوو

رئوج المؤتمر سمرتور ام المؤتمر رئوج الل فر المفظمر

لرئوج ياو ال وولوجوا

جءا حامو الضراك. د.ق حاي رو الضموو سلومان . د.مصطرى مضمود وسف ق.د.ق

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Recommendations of the Seventh International Conference on the Geology of Africa Assiut, 24 to 26 November 2013

The Participants of the Seventh International Conference on the Geology of

Africa, held in the Department of Geology - Faculty of Science - University of

Assiut, in the period 24 to 26 November 2013 were gathered at the closing session

after the completion of the scientific program, on the afternoon of Tuesday,

November 26th, 2013. They discussed the scientific level and the facts and steps of

organizing the conference. Participants have reached a number of recommendations

can be summarized as follows:

1- Participants offer their sincere greetings and gratitude to Prof. Dr. /

Mohamed Abdel Samie Eid, President of Assiut University and Prof. Dr. /

Hassan Mohamed El-Hawary Dean of the Faculty of Science and Honorary

President of the conference for their continuous support during the organization

of the conference in its seventh session at this time. Participants also express

their sincere appreciation and gratitude to the members of the organizing

committee and the family of the Department of Geology at Assiut for the great

efforts pertaining to the success of the conference organizationally and


2- Participants call for closer ties and scientific exchange of experiences between

workers in the field of Earth sciences in African countries and to encourage

regional groups to cooperate to reach the integration and development of a

database of the natural resources and reserves in Africa. In this regard, the

conference urgently recommend the establishment of regional research groups

which combine disciplines converged together with the aim of linking and

matching events between different regions, and do not stop at political borders

between the countries of the continent.

3 - Call of universities and scientific research centers in all the African countries

to establish African scientific communities in the field of Earth sciences through

closer scientific and technical cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and

expand the circle of bilateral and regional agreements.

4- The organizing committee has noticed marked a drop in the number of

participants from Africa who initially were willing to share the conference

events. This is obviously due to the lack of funding. We do recommend seeking

a third party or any sponsoring University/organization to cover a number of

highly recognized researchers from Africa. This should be done early in advance

before the conference.

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5- The participants recommended early start in advertising and organizing the

conference and to raise the registration forms for The Eighth conference on the

international information network early.

6- The participants highly recommend to seek articles/participants from non-

African countries to share the conference .This would be of great interest to the

symposium especially in case that the work is partly or totally dealing with

African geology.

7- More efforts are still needed for the exchange of publications and scientific

production between the participating countries in order to increase the

identification of research trends and encourage collaboration between

researchers. Modern IT will help to speed the completion of this matter, which

was repeated claim too much.

8- Publication of the conference proceedings in a special issue of “Assiut

University Journal of Geology” will serve the magazine in terms of increasing

demand and raise the impact factor of papers as well as decreasing printing

expenses of the conference.

9- Publication of the recommendations, both Arabic and English, in the

conference book to send the recommendations to the concerned authorities in the

fields of geology and environmental issues in the continent as well as to the

ministries concerned.

10- Address the concerned authorities to ban the export of raw materials only

after the treatment, which raises the value-added in order to increase the national

income (e.g. White sands and phosphate).

11- Encourage more deep studies on non-conventional materials such as Oil

Shale for use as an energy source for the benefit of the state's economy,

especially Egypt.

Assiut; November, 26th 2013

General Secretary Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Soliman


Prof. Dr. Galal H. El-Habaak

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Africa-7, Assiut 24-26 November 2013

UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Samie Eid;

President of Assiut University

Prof. Dr. Hassan Mohamed El-Hawary;

Dean of Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Galal Hamed El Habaak

Head of Geology Department

Editor: Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef

Organizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Soliman Chairman

Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef General Secretary

Prof. Dr. Fawzi F. Farahat Member

Prof. Dr. Ahmed R. El Younsy ,,

Prof. Dr. Mohamed A. Hassan ,,

Prof. Dr. Nageh A. Obeid Allah ,,

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Moneim ,, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed M. A. Ali ,, Dr. Amr S. A. Deif ,,

Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Soliman

Prof. Dr. Emad R. Philobbos

Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef

Prof. Dr. Ali A. Khudeir

Prof. Dr. Wageh W. Bishara

Prof. Dr. Fawzi F. Abu El- Ela

Prof. Dr. Hamza A. Ibrahim

Prof. Dr. Elsayed M. Abu El-Ela

Prof. Dr. Magdy S. Mahmoud

Prof. Dr. Nadia A. Sharara

Prof. Dr. Hussein A. Hegazi

Prof. Dr. Awad A. Omran

Prof. Dr. Ahmed R. Elyounsy

Prof. Dr. Galal H. El- Habbak

Prof. Dr. Abu Deif Bakhiet

Prof. Dr. Nageh A. Obaidalla

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_ Numerical Groundwater Flow Modeling For The Nubian Aquifer System

Development Options In The East Oweinat Area, Western Desert, Egypt I-1

By: Ahmed M. Sefelnasr

_ Temporal Depth-Based Groundwater Quality Evaluation For The

Quaternary Aquifer, Dairut District, Assiut, Egypt I-17

By: Ahmed M. Sefelnasr, Mahmoud M. Senosy and Rasha Abd El-Latief

_ Iron Removal From The Groundwater In The New Valley, Western Desert,

Egypt I -37

By: El-Habaak, G.H, Ebtehag, A.S, Gameh, M.A and Abdel-Moneim, M.M

_ Evaluation Of Wastewater And Groundwater Quality At Arab El-Madabegh

Area, Assiut Governorate, Egypt I -51

By: Amal S. Moustafa, Mohamed Saber and Mahmoud Ghandour


_ Enhancement The Production Of Siderophores-Pyoverdine By

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Sha 282 And Its Chelation With Thorium (Iv) II- 1

By: Shimaa S. Hussien, Osman A. Desouky, Mahmoud E.F. Abdel-Haliem

and Abdou A. El-mougith


Opportunities For Iron Resources Development In Ethiopia


By: Wondafrash Mammo Ghebre


_ Seismotectonic Set-Up In And Around Cairo Indicated By Seismic And

Potential Field Data III-1

By: Abudeif A.M. and Attia M.M.

_ Shear Wave Velocity Model Of Tal El-Amarna Area, Central Egypt, From

The Joint Inversion Of Receiver Function And Group Velocity Dispersion III- 19

By: Ahmed Hosny, Mohsen M. Attia, Amr El-Sharkawy and Gad Elkareem

A. M.


Source Parameters Of November 7, 2010 Earthquake, Aswan, Egypt

III- 31

By: Ezzat M. El-Amin, Sameh M. Moustafa and Mohamed M. Amin



Pegmatites of Gabal El urf, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt


By: Asran, A.M.H., El-Mansi, M.M., Ibrahim, M.E. and Abdel Ghani, I.M. _ Geochemical Insights In The Interplay Between Magmatism And Tectonism

And The Evolution Of The Lower Benue Trough Of Nigeria; A Case Study

Of The Gboko Area


By: Tavershima Najime _ Petrological And Geochemical Constraints On The Evolution Of El-Kahfa

Alkaline Ring Complex, South Eastern Desert, Egypt IV- 47

By: A.M. Bishady, A.M. El-Sherif and M.E. Darwish

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_ The Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) Boundary At Southwestern Sinai, Egypt:

Litho-, Bio- And Chemo-Stratigraphic Studies V-1

By: Nageh A. Obaidalla, Mamdouh F. Soliman and Kamel H. Mahfouz

_ Palynofacies Analyses And Palaeoenvironments Of Some Lower Cretaceous

Rocks Of The Siqeifa 1x Borehole, North Western Desert, Egypt V-33

By: Magdy S. Mahmoud, Mohamed A. Masoud, Mohamed A. Tamam, and

Miran M. Khalaf

_ Middle And Upper Devonian Palynostratigraphy Of The Al-Wafa Gas

Oilfield, Northwest Libya V-59

By: Rajab El Zaroug


New Middle Jurassic Terebratulid Species From Northern Sinai, Egypt


By: Adel A. Hegab

_ First Record Of Brachiopoda From - Maastrichtian Lower Paleocene

Successions In Egypt V-89

By: Adel A. Hegab and Sherif Farouk


_ Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced

Thematic Mapper Plus ETM+: Case Study, Wadi Qasab Area, South

East Sohag, Egypt VI-1

By: Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Tawfiq M. Mahran, and

Abdel Hammed El-Sharter

_ Integrated GIS And Remote Sensing Data For Quantitative

Hydromorphometric And Runoff Hazard Analyses Of Wadi Abbadi

Basin, Idfu, Egypt


By: Mostafa K. Abdel Ghany


_ Heavy Mineral Placer Distributions Along Wadi Fatera El-Beda,

North Eastern Desert, Egypt VII-1

By: Abdellah Tolba

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Bosy A. El-Haddad*, Ahmed M. Youssef *,**

, Tawfiq M. Mahran*,

and Abdel Hammed El-Sharter*

*Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt

**Geological Hazards Department, Applied Geology Sector, Saudi Geological Survey,

P.O. Box 54141, Jeddah 21514, KSA.


Field work for discrimination between different rock units is a very tedious one

and a time consuming. However, by using remote sensing techniques the

differentiation become easier and time save. The current work is very important in

the field of sedimentary rocks, especially because few authors used remote sensing

techniques in sedimentary rock discrimination and can provide a good background

for more work. This study describes several processing methods, applied to a

Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus image of 2007, to develop a reliable

method to discriminate between different exposed Pliocene - Pleistocene

sedimentary rock units in Wadi Qasab area. The current area in the Nile Valley was

formed during the different stages of the Nile evolution and the stratigraphy of these

rock units is complicated. By using different enhancement techniques with the help

of a supervised classification method, it was found that principal component

analysis and minimum noise fraction are the most suitable methods to discriminate

between different types of Pliocene – Pleistocene sediments, as well as to map these

sediments from the surrounding rock units. Field investigation was used to verify

the remote sensing findings.

Keywords: ETM+, Sedimentary rocks, principal component analysis, minimum

noise fraction, Egypt


1.1. Study area

The Study area (Wadi Qasab area) is situated in the low desert zone, South East of

Sohag Governorate, Egypt, in the midway between Cairo and Aswan (Figure 1). The

study area is located between the Latitudes 26o 12' 00'' and 26

o 29' 30'' N and between the

Longitudes 31o 68 00'' and 32

o 14' 00'' E.



P-P VI-1 – VI-13 (NOV. 2013) ASSIUT-EGYPT

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VI -2 Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced Thematic Mapper…

Figure (1): (A) Egypt map, (B) Sohag - Qena area, and (C) Study area (Wadi Qasab area)

1.2. Remote sensing background

Remote sensing instruments measure reflected or emitted radiation in the visible, near

Infrared, thermal infrared or microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to

obtain information about the earth’s surface from a distance. Satellites images have long

been used as an effective exploration tool that can be used on detection of associated

hydrothermal minerals, structural elements and lithological mapping (Jensen, 2000;

Drury, 2001; Gupta, 2003). The spectral resolution of the new remote sensing data such

as ETM+ can help in differentiation of varieties of lithological units. Landsat data has

been used previously in arid and semi arid environments to locate areas with iron oxides

and/or hydrous minerals (Abram et. al., 1983; Tangestani and Moore, 2001). The arid and

semi arid environment are suitable for application of remote sensing data for lithological

mapping due to poor vegetation cover. Youssef, et. al., 2009; and Youssef 2008a&b used

remote sensing technique for discriminating different sedimentary rock units. In general,

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Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Tawfiq M. Mahran,

and Abdel_Hammed El-Sharter

VI -3

it is hard to differentiate between the sedimentary rock units due to their similarities in

chemical and mineral composition.

1.3. Aim of the study

In this research a trial was made to use ETM+ data for discrimination between

Madamud Formation which belong to Pliocene (Paleo-nile Phase) and Pleistocene rock

units Issawia, Armant, and Qena Formations (which are represent Desert and Pre-nile

phases respectively) and to help in understanding the sequence of sedimentation during

the Nile evolution.


The study area is characterized by presence of several sedimentary facies that could be

recognized as in Figure (2) and Table (1). The current paragraphs will discuss in detail

the geological setting of the area.

Figure (2): Geological map of Wadi Qasab area (Modified after Mahran, 1993)

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VI -4 Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced Thematic Mapper… Table (1): Stratigraphic sequence of the study area

Age Formation Description


Dandara Fluviatile fine sand-silt intercalations and accumulated at

low-energy environment (Omer and Issawi, 1998)

Abbassia Conglomerate made up of pebbles of igneous rocks,

quartzite and siliceous sandstones, and it's size varying

from 2 to 20cm in diameter all embedded in a matrix of

reddish-brown soil.

Qena Quartozose sands and gravels lacking igneous and

metamorphic fragments (Said, 1981)

Late Pliocene /



Early Pliocene




Clastic facies at the lake margins and carbonate facies in

the central zones (Said, 1971)

Bedded brown and gray clays intercalated with thin beds

and lenses of silt and fine sand, and fluviatile -dominated

sediments made up of sand, silt and mud intercalations

(Omer and Issawi, 1998)

2.1. Pliocene sediments

2.1.1. Madamud Formation

Madamud Formation can be described as fine grained silt and clay beds of chocolate

brown color followed by a bed of alternating lamination of fluvial fine grained sand and

silts and topped by a thin bed of grayish brown calcareous clay (Said 1981). It’s thickness

ranges between 6m and 9m mineral composition is mainly Montmorillonite with little

Kaolinite and some accessory minerals including quartz, biotite, muscovite, pyrite,

epidote and zircon.

2.2. Pleistocene sediments

2.2.1. Armant Formation (Early Pleistocene)

Armant Formation is made up of alternating beds of locally derived gravels and fine

grained clastic rocks. The gravel beds are cemented by tuffaceous materials and the

pebbles are subangular and poorly sorted. The fine grained clastic beds are calcareous,

sandy argillaceous, or phosphatic. In other places, the Armant Formation is made up of

alternating pebbles beds, marl, and horizontally bedded travertine with plant reeds. The

succession includes unidentified plant remains most probably belonging to Pliocene. In

the study area Armant Formation composed of sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and shale,

accumulation in the central core, changes laterally eastward into coarse grained

sandstones interfingring with sandstones and conglomerates. These lacustrine facies

appear to have graded into alluvial fan deposits in which large quantities of coarse

clastics come from easterly trending wadis inherited fractures and faults and funneled

their loads of coarse clastics as proximal fan deposits filling the upstream parts of wadis

(Mahran, 1993). Armant Formation and Issawia Formation represent the desert phase in

the Nile evolution.

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Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Tawfiq M. Mahran,

and Abdel_Hammed El-Sharter

VI -5

2.2.2. Issawia Formation (Early Pleistocene)

Issawia Formation deposits are represented by 12m conglomerates interfingring with

coarse breccias. The conglomerate sediments accumulated on irregular slope developed

on the Eocene rock as talus (Mahran, 1993). Issawia Formation belonging to the desert

Phase in the evolution of River Nile. The breccias sediments are massive bedded

travertine with minor conglomerate lenses. Pebbles of local derivation, the matrix

composed of red mud, which are topped in many places by hard red breccias. The hard

red breccias are quarried for ornamental use in many places along the Nile Valley.

2.2.3. Qena Formation (Middle Pleistocene)

Qena sands form an exceedingly uniform and skirts the eastern and western bank of

the River Nile in Upper Egypt. Qena Formation is mainly composed of sands and gravels

lacking fragments of basement complex parentage to reflect proximal source, where

neither (or negligible) igneous nor metamorphic pebbles are recorded. The mineralogical

characteristics of these sediments indicate that they are mostly derived from the

Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks distributed in the Eastern Desert (Omer,

1996). They overlaid by the Abbasia gravel. According to (Said, 1981), Qena sand

belongs to the Pre-Nile stage of the River Nile evolution. They are made up of massive

cross bedded quartzose sandstone unit with specks of feldspar grains.

2.2.4. 2.2.4. Abbassia Formation (Middle Pleistocene)

Said (1981) described Abbassia Formation as pebbles of igneous rocks, quartzite and

siliceous sandstones, and its size varying from 2 to 20 cm in diameter all are embedded

reddish-brown sandy matrix. In the study area the Abbassia Formation overlay Qena

sands as coarse conglomerates come from reactivated drainage wadis and fractures in the

east exhibiting proximal fan subfacies, which was graded westward into fine

conglomerates interfingring with cross bedded sandstones and siltstones. Abbassia

Formation represents the Pre-Nile stage of the river Nile evolution.

2.2.5. Dandara Formation (Late Pleistocene)

In the study area Dandara Formation is represented by flood plain deposits composed

of an alternation fine siliclstic beds (siltstone, claystone, and fine grained sandstones)

were accumulated on the bank of the River Nile in the east and west side. Toward the

east, in local inland lakes, laminated fine siliclastics (siltstone and claystone) and

stromatolitic limestone and lime mud were laid down (Mahran 1993). Dandara Formation

represents the Neo-Nile stage of the Nile evolution.


3.1. Materials used in the current study

The material used in this study includes Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery Path175, Row 42,

acquired on September 2007. Landsat ETM+ is multi-spectral remote sensing data that

have four bands in the Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) regions of the electromagnetic

spectrum with 30 m spatial resolution (visible blue = band 1; green = band2; red = band

3; and NIR= band 4); two bands in the Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) region with 30 m

spatial resolution (bands 5 and 7), one band in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) region with 60

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VI -6 Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced Thematic Mapper… m spatial resolution (band 6), and one panchromatic band 8 with a 15 m spatial

resolution. The image is cloud free and geometrically corrected to a UTM Zone 36 North

and WGS84 datum.

For this purpose a fused image, from the panchromatic and the multi-spectral

channels, has been generated. On the other hand, the data of Enhanced Thematic Mapper

(ETM+) with a resolution of 15 m have been used. The main technical characteristics and

specification of the sensors used with ETM is shown in (Table 2).

Table (2): Technical characteristics of ETM+ data







Average revisiting time;

viewing angle/ swath





Band 1, 2, 3, 4,5,7

Band 6

Band 8

30 m

60 m

Panchromatic 15 m

16 days

183 km wide swath

at an altitude of 705 km

The image processing has been done using the “Environment for Visualizing Images”

(ENVI 4.6) software. The ETM+ image with 15 m spatial resolution was subset to focus

on the study area. The results have been verified with the field investigation (many field

trips between 2012 and 2013 to get a good understanding about the extent of each unit in

the study to help in verifying the remote sensing results). The results are compared with

the geological map of the area Figure (2).

3.2. Methods used in the current study

In the current study different image processing have been applied to help in the rock

unit discrimination in the study area, including: 1) True and false color composite (band

3, 2, and 1 in RGB) and (band 7, 4, and 2 in RGB) respectively. 2) Several data

enhancement techniques were employed in this analysis, including Principal component

analysis (PCA) and Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF). Also, image classification has been

applied for the PCA and MNF images.

3.2.1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA), in each one can use either standard or selective

analysis, the difference being that in the selective analysis; only certain bands are chosen

(Crosta and Moor, 1989). The PCA technique indicates whether the materials are

represented by bright or dark pixels based on the sign and magnitude of the eigenvectors.

It is a linear procedure to find the direction in input space where most of the energy of the

input lies. In other words, PCA performs feature extraction. The projections of these

components correspond to the eigenvalues of the input covariance matrix. The principal

component analysis is performed first, and then the eignvector loading is trained to

generate image that give the information of spectral bands for easy interpretation.

The reason for this is that the PCA faster since eigenvalues are stable. Natural color

and especially the standard false color infrared images don’t show much variation in rock

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Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Tawfiq M. Mahran,

and Abdel_Hammed El-Sharter

VI -7

colors. It is often difficult to discern rock contacts, let alone identification the rock type.

Various computer based techniques have been developed that allow a greater variation in

the observed colors in non-standard false-color rendition. The Crosta technique is based

on PCA. Through the analysis of the eignvector values (Crosta and Moore, 1989), it

allows identification of principal components that contain spectral signature about

specific minerals as well as contribution of each of the original bands to the components

in relation to spectral response of the material interest.

3.2.2. Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF)

Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), is a technique in which transformation is used to

determine the inherent dimensionality of image data especially in hyperspectral data, to

segregate noise in the data, and to reduce the computational requirement for subsequent

processing (Boardman and Kruse, 1994). The MNF transform is essentially two cascaded

principal component transformation (Green et al., 1988) where the first transformation

based on an estimated noise covariance matrix decorrelates and scales the noise in the

data. This first step results in band-to-band correlation. The second step is standard

principal component transformations of the noise-whitened data. For further spectral

processing, the inherent dimentionality of the data is determined by examination of the

final eigenvalues and the associated images. The data can be divided into two parts: one

part associated with large eigenvalues and coherent eigen images, and a complimentary

part with near unity eigenvalues and noise dominated images. By using only the coherent

portions, the noise is separated from the data, thus improving the spectral processing


3.2.3. Image Classification

Image classification is the technique of assigning pixels of the image to classes based

on the spectral reflectance characteristics of each image pixel. The parallelepiped method

was used to implement the supervised classification. Richards (1999) mentioned that

parallelepiped classification uses a simple decision rule to classify multispectral data. The

decision boundaries form an n-dimensional parallelepiped classification in the image data

space. The dimensions of the parallelepiped classification are defined based upon a

standard deviation threshold from the mean of each selected class. If a pixel value lies

above the low threshold and below the high threshold for all n bands being classified, it is

assigned to that class. If the pixel value falls in multiple classes, ENVI assigns the pixel

to the last class matched. Areas that do not fall within any of the parallelepiped classes

are designated as unclassified. The supervised classification, parallelepiped, was used on

the both PCA and MNF images.

3.3. Results of Remote Sensing Application

Generally, the most significant advantage of multispectral imagery is its ability to

detect the differences between surface materials by combining their spectral bands in

cases where, within a single band, different materials cannot be discriminated and may

have the same appearance. On the other hand, by using specific band combinations,

different materials might be contrasted against their back-ground (Sedlak, 2002). A True

Color Composite (TCC); False Color Composite (FCC); Principal Component Analysis

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VI -8 Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced Thematic Mapper… (PCA); and Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) have been applied on four alluvial fans

(Figure 3). In addition, training samples were selected from the PCA and MNF images

using the region of interest technique.

Figure (3): Four Fans have been used for the current analysis

3.3.1. True and False Image Analysis

A true color composite image (bands 321 in RGB) has been prepared for the study

area (Four selected fans) (Figure 4). On the other hand, a false color composite image

(bands 742 in RGB) is generated (Figure 4). The results of this data analysis for TCC and

FCC do not show any distinct features to discriminate between Pliocene deposits

(Madamud Formation) and Pleistocene deposits (Armant, Qena, Abbassia, and Dandara


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Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Tawfiq M. Mahran,

and Abdel_Hammed El-Sharter

VI -9

Figure (4): True and False color composites of Landsat ETM+ bands 742 in (RGB) on

selected four fans of the study area

3.3.2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Lithological Investigation

The PCA technique was applied on six ETM+ bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the study

area (Four selected fans) to enhance the spectral variability of the content on the image.

The result of this enhanced PCA method indicates that the Pliocene - Pleistocene rock

units (Madamud Formation, Armant Formation, Qena Formation, Abbassia Formation,

and Dandara Formation) can be differentiated from each other. Figure (5.a1) shows the

PCA image bands 412 on RGB that indicate different rock units as follow; 1= Armant

Fm., with yellow color; 2 = Abbassia Fm., with green color; 3 = Qena Sand, with dark

violet color; 4 = Madamud Fm, with pale orange; and 5 = Dandara Fm with pink color.

To verify these results, the supervised classification (Parallelepiped method) was carried

out on the PC image (bands 412 in RGB) Figure (5.a2). The training samples were

selected on the different rock units based on the PC image, as well as from field

observations. Using the supervised classification method on the PCA image, it is easy to

distinguish between these rock units (Figure 5.a2) in which, Armant Fm. appears in red

color, Abbassia Fm. in green color, Qena sand in blue color, Madamud Fm. in yellow

color, and Dandara Fm. in cyan color.

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VI -10 Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced Thematic Mapper…

Figure (5): (a1) shows the PC image 412 RGB for the selected four fans, and (a2) shows

supervised classification of PC image for the selected four fans of the study area

3.3.3. Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) for Lithological Investigation

The MNF technique was applied on six ETM+ bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the

study area (Four selected fans) to enhance the spectral variability of the content on the

image. The result of this enhanced MNF method indicates that the Pliocene - Pleistocene

rock units (Armant Formation, Abbassia Formation, Qena sand, Madamud Formation,

Dandara Formation) can be differentiated from each other. Figure (6.a1) shows the MNF

image bands 524 on RGB that indicate different rock units as follow; 1= Armant Fm.,

with blue color; 2 = Abbassia Fm., with green color; 3 = Qena Sand, with dark violet

color; 4 = Madamud Fm, with yellow; and 5 = Dandara Fm with pale green color. To

verify these results, the supervised classification (Parallelepiped method) was carried out

on the MNF image (bands 524 in RGB) Figure (6.a2). The training samples were selected

on the different rock units based on the MNF image, as well as from field observations.

Using the supervised classification method on the MNF image, it is easy to distinguish

between these rock units (Figure 6.a2), in which, Armant Fm. appears in red color,

Abbassia Fm. in green color, Qena sand in blue color, Madamud Fm. in yellow color, and

Dandara Fm. in cyan color.

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Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Tawfiq M. Mahran,

and Abdel_Hammed El-Sharter

VI -11

Figure (6): (a1) shows the MNF image 524 RGB for the selected four fans, and (a2) shows

supervised classification of PC image for the selected four fans of the study area.


There are limited studies used remote sensing techniques in the discrimination of the

sedimentary rock units because; 1) in the generate satellite data which have low spatial

and spectral resolution did not help in using it for discrimination between the different

sedimentary rocks. 2) sedimentary rocks are very close in their chemical and mineral

composition which make this mission not easy to accomplish.

The present study is a trial to use the Landsat ETM+ data and different remote sensing

techniques in discrimination of the Pliocene - Pleistocene sediments in Wadi Qasab area.

Our findings show that remote sensing analysis of satellite images was successful in

discriminating and mapping different types of Pliocene – Pleistocene deposits in the

study area. Results show that true color and false color composites (bands 321 and 742 in

RGB respectively) do not show any distinct features to discriminate Pliocene -

Pleistocene rock units. However, the PCA of bands 412 in RGB and MNF bands 524 in

RGB, combined with supervised classification, are useful and effective tools for Pliocene

– Pleistocene units (Armant Formation, Abbassia Formation, Qena sand, Madamud

Formation, Dandara Formation). The results were obtained from the PCA, MNF, with the

help of supervised classification found to be in compatible with the geological map for

the study area. Also, our finding has been verified by field investigation.

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VI -12 Mapping Of Pliocene-Pleistocene Rock Units Using Enhanced Thematic Mapper…

Further use of these techniques, along with field investigation, can help to

discriminate different units of the Pliocene – Pleistocene deposits.


Abrams, M. J.; Brown, L.; Lepley, R.; and Sadowski, P., (1983): Remote sensing for

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imagery for residual soil mapping in SW Minais Gerais State, Brazil: a prospecting

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Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut, Univ., V22 (2-f), pp.1-25.

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Geology Dept. Faculty of Science, Sohag, South Valley University, 320 p.

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and Abdel_Hammed El-Sharter

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Youssef, A. M. (2008a): Mapping the Pliocene Clay Deposits using Remote Sensing and

its impact on the urbanization developments in Egypt: Case study, East Sohag area.

Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, 26, 579-591, doi: 10.1007/s10706-008-


Youssef, A. M., (2008b): An Enhanced Remote Sensing Procedure for Material Mapping

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Assiut branch

Email: [email protected]


Integration and applications of GIS and remote sensing data overlaid on

large-scale topographic maps of available scale 1:50,000 (ETM+ DEM) are a

powerful tool for the assessment of risk and management of flash flood

hazards. These techniques have been used to extract new drainage network

with more details to prepare natural hazard maps which may help decision

makers and planners to put suitable solutions reducing the impact of these

hazards. Wadi Abbadi is one of the most important basins in Upper Egypt. It

covers an area of about 5500 km2. It is located in an arid region, so that, the

basin could receive a few amount of rainwater during rainy storm events.

Quantitative analysis of geomorphometeric parameters calculated for 18

hydrographic sub-basins in Wadi Abbadi mega basin were used to decipher

the flash flood risk zones. Flash floods are the most dangerous type of natural

disasters in arid regions. The case study results show that more than 22.22 %

and 61.67 % of the sub-basins have high and moderate susceptibility of

flooding respectively, and about 16.11 % have low susceptibility. So, basins of

high and moderate flood risk have been studied in detailed to implement flood

hazard mitigation. The low desert zone of Wadi Abbadi represents large future

sustainable area for different types of activities including agricultural,

urbanization and industrial land uses. The total residential area has been

computed and found to be 31.843 and 40.600 km2 for 2000 and 2010

respectively. This means that the residential areas in Wadi Abbadi have been

grown by about 10 km2 from 2000 to 2010 (with a 1.0% annual rate).

Keywords: Wadi Abbadi Basin, Morphometric analysis, Remote Sensing, GIS,

DEM and Land uses.


The study area represents a part of an arid region in which the groundwater

recharge is controlled by the prevailing meteorological and geomorphological

conditions. Few individual geological, geophysical and hydrogeological studies

were carried out on the area. Dealing with the geology of the area some regional

and local studies were done, from which the works of El Ramly et al. (1960), El

Shazly (1964), Akaad, (1969), Akaad et al. (1980), Yousef (1984) and

Moharan (1990). Limited hydrogeological studies were carried out from then the



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VI- 16 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

works of Abdel Mogheeth et al. (1988), Misak et al. (1990) and Attia (1999).

Delineation of drainage basin and flash flood hazard studies has been achieved by

many workers in different areas in Egypt (El-Rakaiby, 1989; Hassan, 1997 and El-

Fakharany, 1998).

The drainage network generally expresses the prevailing climate, geology, relief,

and tectonic framework of a basin and the interrelationship between basic drainage

parameters (Thomas et al. 2012). There have been many studies on flood hazard and

risk mapping using remote sensing data and GIS tools. Radar remote sensing data

have been extensively used for flood monitoring across the globe (Hess et al. 1995,

Le Toan et al. 1997). Flood susceptibility mapping using GIS and neural network

methods have been applied in various case studies (Sanyal & Lu 2005, Zerger


Flash floods are among the catastrophic natural hazards in arid and semiarid

areas in the world causing the largest amount of deaths and property damage (CEOS

2003). Floods can have an impact on many aspects of human life due to their

destructive effect, and can create significant expenses through mitigation efforts.

The integration between GIS and Remote Sensing techniques is used in the

present work essentially to study the drainage network and surface runoff

potentiality in order to evaluate the degree of recharging to the groundwater aquifer

in the area. Finally, geomorphometric analysis is used to delineate the flash flood

risk zones and to setup methods of hazards mitigation.


2.1 Topographical Maps: The eighteen topographic sheets of the area under study

(scale 1:50000) were scanned, georeferenced and manually digitized into the

ARC/INFO geographical information system. A digital terrain model (DEM)

was generated from the digitized maps by using the ARC command

TOPOGRID with a ground resolution of 30 m.

2.2 Remote Sensing Data: Two LANDSAT 7 (ETM+) scenes (Path 173, Row 043

and Path 174, Row 043) with 30m spatial resolution covering the investigated

area has been geometrically corrected and radiometrically balanced and

digitally processed.

2.3 Geological Maps: One geologic map (Conoco 1987) namely Gabal Hammata

sheet (NG 36 SE) has been used in recognized the different rock types in the

present study.

2.4 Morphometric Analysis: Quantitative analysis has been done based on

topographic sheets (DEM) and different morphometric parameters have been

generated in GIS.

2.5 Environment Land Use Map: Digitally land use map have been prepared by

using knowledge classification method in ERDAS IMAGINE and Arc GIS

10 and Landsat 7 satellite imagery.


The study area lies between long. 32º 55' and 34º 05' East, and lat. 24º 50' and

25º 30' North. It is located at the Eastern side of the Nile Valley, Eastern Desert,

Egypt (Figure 1). The study area represents the vital location in the eastern desert of

Egypt for the development. Wadi El Miyah represents the largest sub-basin in the

present study; it covers an area of 1550 km2

with 92 km length and basin perimeter

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 17

of 280 km. While Wadi Um Salam is smallest sub-basin in the study area; it covers

about 50 km2 with 14.5 km length and basin perimeter of 38.7 km.

The studied area has a wide range of geologic time from Pre-Cambrian to

Recent. Most of the exposed rocks in the study area belonging to sedimentary origin

ranging in age from Upper cretaceous to Recent (Conoco, 1987). The Basement

rocks are overlained unconformably by the Nubian Sandstone (Taref Fm.) of the

Upper Cretaceous age, (Figure 2).

Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) data for the study area were

processed for geological mapping using the ERDAS imagine 10. Digital processing

of Landsat ETM+ images for the study area generated several products, false color

composite images (7, 4, 1 in RGB), principal component images (pc1, pc2 and pc5

in RGB) ratio images (bands 5/7, 5/4 and 3/1), in RGB and supervised classification

with (scale 1:100,000). Landsat ETM+ images (bands 7, 4, 1), Principal component

analysis of bands 1, 2 and 5 and ratio images (5/7, 5/4, 3/1) in RGB were used to

assess and helps for lithological discrimination of different rock types. In such

images the investigated rocks in the study area can be recognized according to their

spectral characteristics into the following rocks which listed in (Table 1), (Figures.

3a, 3b, 3c and 3d).

Climatically, the present area lies within the arid belt of Egypt; it`s dominated by

long hot summers and short warm winters, low rainfall and high evaporation rates.

The mean annual rainfall is about 3.0-5.0 mm/year). Most of the rainfalls occur on

the coastal area during the winter seasons (October to December)

( The average maximum temperature is

ranging from 25º to 37 Cº. June temperature can be as low as 10 ºC at night and as

high as 41 ºC during the day when the sky is Clear. Its climate is hot, dry and

rainless in summer and being mild with rare rainfall in winter (0.7 mm) as recorded

in Aswan Governorate (El wan, 2008), mainly on the upper catchment areas in the

Red Sea high mountain belt.

Table (1): Landsat-7 (ETM+) various processing results of rock types in the

study area

Rock types FCC (7, 4, 1) PC (1, 2, 5) Band ratio (5/7, 5/4, 3/1)

Wadi deposits White Red violet

Dakhla Fm. Pale green Magenta Purple

Duwi Fm. Pale blue Dark red Dark violet

Quseir Fm. Pale brown Yellowish green Light blue

Taref Fm. Dark brown Cyan Blue

Basement rocks Dark blue to brown Bule and Orange Red to greenish blue

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VI- 18 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

Fig. (1): Landsat ETM+ 7, 5 and 1 in RGB image showing location of the study area

Fig. (2): Geological map of the study area (after Conco Coral 1987)

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 19


Geographic information systems are computer-based systems for storing,

retrieving, manipulating and displaying spatial data (Sabins, 2000). The applications

of GIS in hydrology and water resource studies fall into two main categories;

informational and analytical. In fact, many steps are required to achieve automated

procedure for deriving morphometric basin characteristics using GIS applications.

The DEM file is created by first digitize the topographic map (scale 1:50,000) to

transfer the topographic lines and the elevation points into digital files. Second,

these digitized data are then introduced to the ArcInfo-software to create the TIN

(Triangular Irregular Networks) from which the DEM file is produced. In the

present study, the DEM file contains both contour lines and the spot heights were

extracted from topographic maps of scale 1:50,000 (Figure 4).

In watershed analysis, the decision maker depends on the interpretation of

hydromorphometric parameters and on surface runoff volume calculated from the

drainage networks (Strahler, 1957&1964; Morisawa, 1981 and Patton, 1988). The

influence of the scale accuracy on the basin calculations would effect the basins risk

assessment classification. Wrong classification may lead to consider a basin of high

risk as of low-risk basin, so that we should be ensuring that all calculations of

Fig. (3a): Fcc Landsat ETM+ image bands (7, 4, 1)

in RGB showing the different rocks in the study


Fig. (3b): Principal component analysis Landsat

ETM+ image bands 1, 2 and 5 in RGB showing the

different rocks in the study area.

Fig. (3c): Color ratio composite Landsat ETM+

image bands 5/7, 5/4 and 3/1 in RGB showing the

different rocks in the study area.

Fig. (3d): Supervised classification of the study area.

d c

a b

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VI- 20 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

quantitative analysis are exact. Combining the remote sensing data in terms of

satellite images with topographic maps of available scale will increase the accuracy

of basin calculations and hence the confidence of their risk assessments.

Fig. (4): Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area

Slope map, aspect map, 3D view, and elevation map are the four outputs that

could be derived from DEM data (Figures 5a, b, c and d). Slope and aspect maps

can be used to define the location of possible landslides and/or to perform slope

stability analysis for various risk management studies (trace cut studies). They can

also be used to define the directions of runoff as well as in surface erosion studies.

Fig. (5): Outputs derived from DEM data, (a) Slope, (b) aspect, (c) 3D view, and (d)

elevation maps

a b

d C ←N

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 21



The surface hydrology discussed in this research as a quantitative morphometric

analysis, which is considered as the most satisfactory method to clarify the

relationship among different aspects of the drainage pattern, to compare the

different drainage basins developed in various geologic and climatic conditions and

to define certain useful variables in numerical terms.

One of the most important advantages of quantitative analysis is that many of the

basin variables are derive in the form of ratios or dimensionless numbers thus

providing an effective comparison regardless of scale (Krishnamurthy et al. 1996).

The morphometric analysis of Wadi Abbadi watershed was depended on about

18 topographical maps with scale 1:50,000 and ETM+ DEM with 30 m spatial

resolution. The lengths of the streams, areas of the watershed were measured by

using ArcGIS-10 software, and stream ordering has been generated using Strahler

(1953) system, and ArcHydro tool in ArcGIS-10 software. The linear aspects were

studied using the methods of Horton (1945), Chorley (1957), the areal aspects using

those of Schumm (1956), Strahler (1956), Miller (1953), and Horton (1932), and the

relief aspects employing the techniques of Horton (1945), Melton (1957), Schumm

(1954), Strahler (1952), and Pareta (2004).

Wadi Abbadi is subdivided into eighteen relatively sub-basins (Figure 6);

namely, Wadi Abbadi (No. 1), Wadi Abu El Bashayer Atshan (No. 2), Wadi Abu El

Bashayer Ranan (No. 3), Wadi Abu Maawad (No. 4), Wadi El Barammiyah (No. 5),

Wadi El Bator (No. 6), Wadi El Hajari (No. 7), Wadi El Miyah (No. 8), Wadi Ash

Shaghab (No. 9), Wadi Talet Farrage (No. 10), Wadi Um Hajalij (No. 11), Wadi

Um Hayyah (No. 12), Wadi Um Helij (No. 13), Wadi Um Kharet El Bahary (No.

14), Wadi El Naqaqqer (No. 15), Wadi Um Rakkabah (No. 16), Wadi Um Salam

(No. 17), and Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18).

Fig. (6): Sub-Basins watersheds of the study area

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VI- 22 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

Linear characteristics of the drainage watershed:

1. Stream Orders (Su): Stream ordering is the first step of quantitative analysis of the watershed. The

stream ordering systems has first advocated by Horton (1945), but Strahler (1952)

has proposed this ordering system with some modifications. Consequently, the

digitization of all stream segments in the study area was created according to

Strahler method, (Table 2 and Figure 7). It has observed that the maximum

frequency is in the case of first order streams, in other words there is a decrease in

stream frequency as the stream order increases. Wadi Abbadi has the highest stream

order (8 orders), which can be directly related to the size of the contributing

watershed and the channel dimensions.

2. Stream Number (Nu): The total of order stream segments is known as stream number. Horton (1945)

states that the numbers of stream segments of each order form an inverse geometric

sequence with order number, (Table 2). Horton (1945) indicated that, in natural

conditions, a strong relation exists between the stream orders and numbers unless

basins are affected by geological factors.

3. Stream Length (Lu):

The total stream lengths of all sub-basins watershed have various orders. The

stream lengths of all sub-basins have been computed based on DEM and

topographical sheets by ArcGIS software, (Table 2).

4. Mean Stream Length (Lum):

Mean Stream length is a dimensional property revealing the characteristic size of

components of a drainage network and its contributing watershed surfaces (Strahler,

1964). It is obtained by dividing the total length of stream of an order by total

number of segments in the order, (Table 2).

5. The Bifurcation Ratio (Rb):

The bifurcation ratio (Rb) is defined as the ratio between the number of streams

of an order (Nu) and the number of streams of the next order (Nu+1) (Table 2).

Horton (1945) considered the bifurcation ratio as index of relief and dissertation.

Strahler (1957) demonstrated that bifurcation shows a small range of variation for

different regions or for different environment except where the powerful geological

control dominates. Black (1991) pointed out that basins of high bifurcation ratio are

elongated in shape and permit the passage of runoff over an extended period of

time, thus giving more chance to feed the groundwater while basins of low

bifurcation ratios are circular in shape, allowing the runoff to pass in short time

forming a sharp peak.

In the present study, the mean bifurcation ratio of all orders, varies from

3.38 to 5.5. The highest value of mean bifurcation ratio is recorded in Wadi

Abbadi (No.1), Wadi El Bator (No. 6), Wadi El Hajari (No. 7), Wadi Um Hayyah

(No. 12), Wadi El Naqaqqer (No. 15), Wadi Um Rakkabah (No. 16) Wadi Um

Salam (No. 17), and Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) all these sub-basins subjected to

structural control and low permeability. While other sub-basins are indicated by

medium to low Rb. Low Rb indicate the increase of flash flood potentiality of the

basin and minimize the chance to feed the groundwater and geologically

homogenous as well as not affect by structural disturbances.

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 23

6. The Drainage basin Length (Lb ):

The drainage basin length defined as the length of a line passing through the

main stream and ending at downstream, or as the length of the line from

downstream to the highest part of the basin perimeter.

Fig. (7): The enhanced drainage networks of Wadi Abbadi

A- Areal characteristics of the drainage watershed:

1. The Drainage area and Perimeter (P):

The area of drainage basin (A) in km2 and the length of the water divide of the

watershed area (P) in km are calculated using GIS-10 software. In the present study,

Wadi El Miyah considers largest one, it represents about 1550 km2, while Wadi Um

Salam is the smallest one in the study area about 50 km2.

2. Stream Frequency (F):

Stream frequency is defined as the ratio of the total number of stream segments

of all orders in each basin to the total area of the respective basin (Horton, 1945):

High values (more than 0.5) tend to give more possibilities for the collection of

runoff (El-Fakharany, 1998).

In the present study, the drainage frequency (F) ranges between 1.3 and 7.1

N/km², indicating high resistance and low permeable rocks, this in turn is allowing

surface water runoff. The lowest drainage frequency value (1.3 N/km2) recorded in

Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) could be attributed to increase in subsoil permeability.

3. Drainage Density (D):

Drainage density expresses the closeness of the tributaries in the basin. It is

defined by Horton (1932) as the length of the streams per unit of drainage area. It is

a significant factor for determining the time of travel by water (Langbein, 1947).

Regions of high drainage density are associated with larger flood flows and low

proportion of groundwater contribution to the discharge (Orbson, 1970). Horton

(1932) considered that the value of drainage density ranges from 0.93 to 1.24

km/km² for steep impervious regions of high precipitation and to nearly zero in

permeable basins with high infiltration rate. Smith (1950) and Strahler (1957)

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VI- 24 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

classified the drainage density qualitatively into coarse, medium and fine drainage

density. Strahler (1957) mentioned that the coarse values are frequent in areas of

low rainfall intensities, limited vegetation covers and low relief. High drainage

density is favored in regions of weak or impermeable subsoil materials, sparse

vegetation and mountainous relief (Abdel Moneim et al. 1999).

Table 2: Linear characteristics of all drainage watersheds in the study area

Wadi name Nu Lu Lum Su. 1

Su. 2

Su. 3

Su. 4

Su. 5

Su. 6

Su. 7

Su. 8



Abbadi (No. 1) 2425 1754.197 0.723 190


411 86 20 4 3 2 1 4.66

Abu El Bashayer

Atshan (No. 2),

413 272.0036 0.658 319 72 17 4 1 0 0 0 4.2

Abu El Bashayer

Ranan (No. 3)

329 210.8849 0.640 256 59 10 3 1 0 0 0 4.1

Abu Maawad (No. 4) 261 216.8312 0.830 204 44 10 2 1 0 0 0 4

El Barammiyah

(No. 5)

1670 1080.8857 0.647 127


303 68 15 4 2 1 0 4.2

El Bator (No. 6), 2709 2326.5786 0.858 208


480 115 25 5 1 0 0 4.62

El Hajari (No. 7) 564 370.4387 0.656 439 94 24 6 1 0 0 0 4.65

El Miyah (No. 8) 6710 4698.4784 0.700 527




257 54 9 2 1 0 4.4

Ash Shaghab (No. 9) 1312 1211.1624 0.922 100


237 59 10 4 1 0 0 4.1

Talet Farrage

(No. 10)

349 328.8114 0.942 270 60 15 3 1 0 0 0 4.1

Um Hajalij (No. 11), 735 423.3357 0.575 582 122 23 5 2 1 0 0 3.38

Um Hayyah (No. 12), 180 128.3855 0.713 143 28 8 1 0 0 0 0 5.5

Um Helij (No. 13), 726 446.8103 0.615 551 127 35 9 3 1 0 0 3.6

Um Kharet El Bahary

(No. 14),

345 220.1285 0.638 270 57 15 2 1 0 0 0 4.5

El Naqaqqer

(No. 15),

615 400.3737 0.651 476 106 25 7 1 0 0 0 4.8

Um Rakkabah

(No. 16),

497 339.7601 0.683 390 88 15 3 1 0 0 0 4.6

Um Salam (No. 17) 149 126.2595 0.847 116 27 5 1 0 0 0 0 4.9

Um Tenadbah

(No. 18).

690 905.6313 1.312 547 116 21 5 1 0 0 0 4.85

Su: Stream Orders, Nu: Number of streams, Lu: stream length, Lum: Mean stream length and

Rbwm: Weighted mean bifurcation ratios.

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VI - 25

In the present work, the drainage density ranges from 1.7 to 4.1 km-1

. According

to Strahler (1957) classification, all of the sub-basins can be describe as coarse

drainage density and this type of drainage density is frequent in areas of low rainfall

intensities and where the vegetation cover is limited.

In general, the calculated drainage density values of the studied sub-basins are

high values which may indicate to the limited contribution of the local rainfall to

groundwater and possible flash flood potentiality. The lowest drainage density value

(1.7 km-1

) recorded in Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) sub-basin, which met its

drainage frequency result. In addition to, we notice that, both of the drainage

density and drainage frequency are similar in graph shape when plot their values in

one diagram as well as some sub-basins are corresponding in their values (Figure

8). In addition, the relative similarity of ranges of drainage densities for the studied

sub-basins indicates that they were developed under the same climatological and

hydrological conditions.

This meaning that the most sub-basins run in similar geologic units. The highest

density and frequency values (4.1 km-1

and 7.1 N/km2, respectively) are recorded in

Wadi Um Hajalij (No. 11) sub-basin.

Fig. (8): Relationship between drainage frequency and drainage density

4. Constant of Channel Maintenance(C):

Constant of Channel Maintenance is the number of units of drainage area

required to sustain one linear unit of channel. Constant of channel maintenance is

inversely correlated with stream frequency and drainage density. Morisawa (1985)

stated that regions with a surface of high permeability should have high constant of

channel maintenance. The constant of channel maintenance indicates the relative

size of landform units in a drainage basin and has a specific genetic connotation

(Strahler, 1957). Channel maintenance constant of the watershed basins in the

studied area ranging between 0.24 and 0.59 Kms2/Km. Wadi Um Hajalij (No. 11)

has low value while Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) has high value (Table 3).

5. Circularity Ratio (Rc):

Circularity ratio is the ratio of basin area to the area of a circle with the same

perimeter as the basin (Miller, 1953). Circularity ratio values near 1 are typical of

regions of low relief, and the basin shape is nearly circular, Circularity ratio ranges

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VI- 26 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

from 0.192 to 0.78 and these low values are associated to basins of elongated form.

In the present study, the circularity ratio ranging between 0.173 shows the lowest

value is recorded in Wadi Abu Maawad (No. 4) sub-basins and 0.517 shows the

highest value was recorded in Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) sub-basin.

6. Elongation Ratio (Re):

Elongation ratio is the ratio of the diameter of a circle equal in area to the basin

to the maximum basin length (Schumm, 1956). Elongation ratio values ranges of

0.6 to 0.8 are generally associated with strong relief and steep ground slopes (El-

Fakharany, 1998). In the present study the elongation ratio ranges between 0.312

and 0.997; Wadi Um Hajalij (No. 11) has the highest value while Wadi Abu

Maawad (No. 4) sub-basin has the lowest value. Most of sub-basins show that

elongation ratio values around 0.6 and these low values are associated with basins

of moderate relief and moderate ground slopes.

7. Lemniscate Ratio (K):

The inappropriateness of a circle as the standard figure of reference in

comparison with a pear-shaped drainage basin, which has a sharply defined point at

the mouth led (Chorley et al. 1957) to use lemniscate ratio, and they defined it as

the ratio of basin length square (L²) to the basin area (A).

The lemniscate (k) values for the watersheds in the study area range between

3.26 considered the highest values that recorded in Wadi Abu Maawad (No. 4) and

Wadi El Barammiyah (No. 5) which show that the watershed occupies the

maximum area in its regions of inception with large number of streams of higher

order. The low value is 0.32 recorded in Wadi Um Hajalij (No. 11) (Table 3).

Low values represent basin nearly rounded and prevailing vertical and lateral

erosions, which refer to geomorphic stage development of a basin (Ashour and

Torab, 1991). Highest values represent elongated basins with nearly pear-shaped,

tear-shaped a lemniscate.

8. Compactness Ratio (Co):

Compactness ratio is defined as the ratio of the perimeter of the basin (P) to the

perimeter of a circle of an area equal to that of the basin.

It refers to homogeneity between the shape of basin perimeter and basin area and

similar in its sense to circularity ratio (Rc). Low values refer to develop of the basin

in its geomorphic stage (Ashour and Torab, 1991 and Mohammed, 1993).

B- Relief characteristics of the drainage watershed:

1. Texture Ratio (Rt):

Texture ratio is designed to describe the closeness or proximity of one channel to

another (Smith, 1950). It is the ratio of the total number of stream segments of all

orders to the basin perimeter.

The texture ratio depends upon a number of variables such as climate,

vegetation, rock or soil type, rainfall intensity, relief, and scale of the map. The

study area shows a wide variation in the texture ratio; it ranges between 5.24 and

23.96 (N/km). According to smith (1959) the sub-basins in the present study can be

classified into three categories, coarse-textured topographic basin (> 6.4 km-1

), this

class includes Wadi El Bashayer El Atshan (No. 2), Wadi Abu Maawad (No. 4),

Wadi Talet Farrage (No. 10), Wadi Um Hayyah (No. 12) Wadi Um Salam (No. 17)

and Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) sub-basins. While the remains sub-basins are

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 27

considered as medium-textured topographic basins (6.4 – 16 km-1

) except Wadi El

Miyah (No. 8) belongs to fine-textured topographic basins ( 16 km-1


2. Form Factor (Rf):

Horton (1932) used this factor as quantitative expression of drainage basin

outline form and defined it as the ratio of basin area to square of basin length.

It ranges between zero for the straight line and 0.785 for the complete circle. The

form factor of sub-basins varies from 0.076 to 0.781. The results show that the

watersheds are more or less elongated. Wadi Abu Maawad (No. 4) and Wadi El

Barammiyah (No. 5) watershed are having low value of Rf. It indicates that the

basin will have a flatter peak flow for longer duration.

3. Slope Index (Si):

Slope Index is computed by quotient of the elevation difference between outlet

and basin divide (basin relief) and the main channel length (Taylor and Schwarz,

1952). The slope index provides an indication to the intensity of erosion processes

operating on the basin slopes where steep slopes contribute large quantities of

coarse debris to the stream channels. Steep channel gradients enable stream flow to

transport that debris as bed load. Most of the sub-basins in the present study have

high values of slope index, which indicate a short time of runoff concentration and

increase in the flood potentiality.

4. Ruggedness Number (Rn):

Ruggedness number is the product of relief and drainage density. It is used to

clarify the slope steepness and its relation to the traffic ability studies and the

correlation between morphology and geological formations. Ruggedness numbers

of the study area range between 0.0416 which has been recorded in Wadi Um

Tenadbah (No. 18) and 0.614 is considered as extremely high values of ruggedness

number. They occur when both variables (basin relief and density) are large and

when the slopes are not only steep but long as well.

5. Relief Ratio (Rf):

Relief ratio, as expressed by Schumm (1956) is the ratio between the difference

in elevation between the mouth and the drainage water divide and the maximum

length of the basin. The relief ratio measures the overall steepness of a drainage

basin and is an indicator of the intensity of erosion processes operating on slopes of

the basin (Strahler, 1964). With increasing relief, steepness of hill slopes and high

stream gradient, time of runoff concentration decreases and the potential of flooding

increases (EI-Rakaiby, 1989).

The basin relief will affect largely on the concentration and potential of flood

flow in the drainage basins. Most of the studied sub-basins show high values of

basin relief and relief ratio. The basin relief ranges between 100 and 680 m while

the relief ratio ranges between 0.023 and 0.153. Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) and

Wadi Abbadi (No. 1) sub-basins have the lowest relief ratio values while Wadi El

Bashayer Ranan (No. 3) and Wadi Um Salam (No. 17) sub-basins recorded the

highest relief ratio values. The details of the morphometric analysis and comparison

of drainage basin characteristics of all sub-basins in Wadi Abbadi watershed are

concluded and present in (Tables 3 and 4).

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VI- 28 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…


Estimation of flooding and feeding probabilities for drainage sub-basins within

the present area were studied according to EI-Shamy's method (1992a) established

two relation graphs to classify the risk basins assessment based on the relations

between weighted mean bifurcation ratio and both of the drainage density and the

drainage frequency. The location of any basin on the two relations designates its

runoff/infiltration potentiality.

According to these parameters, the sub-basins in the study area can be classified

into three classes. Class A: Basins of high Rb and low F and D may represent ideal

areas for feeding the pervious units with the least chance for flash flooding; which

may reflect appropriate geologic and geomorphologic setting with good chances of

downward recharge to the existing shallow aquifers that may form important water

resource in remote areas. This class includes 7 sub-basins. Class B: Basins of low

Rb and high F and D may indicate areas of high flooding probabilities with the least

feeding chance to the exposed units even when pervious in the second set of basins,

the bridling of flash floods and increasing the recharge possibilities require

constructing suitable controlling systems. In the study area Wadi Abu El Bashayer

Ranan (No. 3), Wadi Um Hajalij (No. 11) and Wadi Um Helij (No. 13) belong to

Class B. Class C: Includes all basins that disobey one or two of the boundary

conditions which may involve areas of moderate groundwater potentialities and

flooding probabilities as well (Figures 9 a, b and 10).

Fig. (9 a and b): Flooding possibilities of the studied basins using El-Shamy’s graph









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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

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Table (3): Result of morphometric analysis of Wadi Abbadi Watershed

Wadi name

A P Lb F Rc Rt Co Ft Re Si D Rb Rn K Rh Nu Lu C

Abbadi 565 177 45.2





6 13.7






2 4.15






8 0.9








Abu El



82 73 23 5 0.19

3 5.6






4 5.82


3 4.2




1 0.58 413


3 0.303

Abu El



53 46.7 16.8 6.



5 7 0.14






5 4 4.1




3 0.15 329


4 0.25


Maawad 85.7 78.7


7 3


3 3.31






2 7.17


5 4






1 261


1 0.4




345 146 47.6











2 0.44 5.35


1 4.2










85 0.32

El Bator 920 211.



7 3










6 7.15














78 0.4

El Hajari 111 54.3 17 5 0.47









9 7.88




5 0.26




88 564


8 0.303

El Miyah 1550 280 92 4.





6 0.28




2 5.31 3 4.4













Shaghab 500 180 50




3 7.29


7 0.2


4 4.46


4 4.1










62 0.417


Farrage 120 65 14




6 5.36




2 0.88




7 4.1


5 0.4


2 349


1 0.37

Um Hajalij 103 50.4 18 7.























33 735





Hayyah 41 34.3 13.6




7 5.24






1 7.86


1 5.5






86 180


5 0.322

Um Helij 126 67.5 12.7 5.















5 3.6






99 726


0 0.285

Um Kharet

El Bahary 67 48 17.5




5 7.18 0.11




7 7.82


2 4.5






2 345





Naqaqqer 117.5 54 16.6












7 6.02


4 4.8






02 615


3 0.294


Rakkabah 100 54.6 21 5


1 9.1






7 7.8


4 4.6


5 1.1


8 497


0 0.2941

Um Salam 50 38.7 14.5 3 0.41

9 3.85




7 0.55




5 4.9






4 149


9 0.4


Tenadbah 540


5 40.8




7 6.02






2 2.45










4 690


1 0.588

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VI- 30 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

Table (4): Morphometric Parameters and Mathematical Formulas of study


Morphometric Parameter Formula Reference Result

Min. Max.

A linear characteristics of the drainage watershed:

1 Stream Order (Su) Hierarchical Rank Strahler (1952) 1 8

2 Stream Number (Nu) Nu = N1+N2+


Horton (1945) 149 6710

3 Stream Length (Lu) Kms Lu = L1+L2 ……


Strahler (1964) 126.26 4698.5

4 Mean Stream Length (Lum):

see Table 2 Strahler (1964) 1.58 5.07

5 Mean bifurcation ratio (MRb)

see Table 1 Strahler (1964) 3.38 5.5

6 The drainage basin length (Lb) GIS Software


Schumm(1956) 12.7 92

B Areal characteristics of the drainage watershed:

1 The area of drainage (A) GIS Software


Schumm(1956) 41 1550

2 Stream frequency (F) F = Nu / A Horton (1932) 1.3 7.1

3 Drainage density (D) D = Lu / A Horton (1932) 1.7 4.1

4 Constant of Channel


C = 1 / Dd


Schumm(1956) 0.244 0.588

5 Shape Factor Ratio (Rs) Sf = Lb2 / A Horton (1956) 0.32 3.26

6 Circularity ratio (Rc) Rc = 12.57 * (A /


Miller (1953) 0.173 0.517

7 Elongation ratio (Re) Re = 2 / Lb * (A /

π) 0.5

Schumm(1956) 0.312 0.997

8 Lemniscate Ratio (K): K=L2/4A Chorley (1957) 0.32 3.26

9 Compactness Ratio (Co) CO=P/2A Wisler and Brater,


0.033 0.28

C Relief characteristics of the drainage watershed:

1 Texture ratio (Rt): Rt=Nu/P

Schumm(1965) 3.31 23.96

2 Form Factor (Rf): Ff = A / Lb2 Horton (1932) 0.076 0.781

3 Slope Index (Si) Si = H / Lb 2.45 15.35

4 Ruggedness number (Rn) Rn = Dd * (H /


Patton & Baker


0.0416 0.614

5 Relief ratio (Rh) Rh= H / Lb Schumm(1956) 0,024 0.782

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 31

Fig. (10): Basin risk assessment map according to El-Shamy (1992)


Depending on the studied morphometric parameters of all drainage sub-basins in

the study area an assessment for the degree of hazard due to flooding has been

estimated. Nine parameters have direct impact on the flooding processes have been

analyzed. Eight of these parameters are directly proportional to the hazard degree,

including watershed area, drainage density, stream frequency, shape index,

ruggedness number, texture ratio and relief ratio. On the other hand, one parameter

has an inverse relation with the hazard degree. This is the weighted mean

bifurcation ratio. A scale number for the hazard degree starting with (1) lowest to

(5) highest, has been given to the all parameters using the following formula





+ Ymin

(Davis, 1975)

(Xmax. - Xmin)

Where Y is the relative hazard degree, Y max. and Y min., are the upper and

lower limits of the proposed scale (class five or 5 degree and first class or 1 degree

in this class). X max. and X min are the higher and lower estimated values of any

parameter. X′ is the estimated value of any parameter between higher and lower

values. Therefore, the drainage basins can be classified according to the estimated

degree of hazards into the following:

1. Extreme highly hazardous: the courses of Wadis have hazard degree of (5).

2. Highly hazardous: the courses of Wadis have hazard degree of (4), three

sub-basins in the study area are belongs to this scale, namely, Wadi Abu El

Bashayer Ranan (No. 3), Wadi El Miyah (No. 8), Wadi Um Hajalij (No.


3. Moderately hazardous: the courses of Wadis have hazard degree of (3), it is

represents the most of sub basin at the study area.

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VI- 32 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

4. Slightly hazardous: the courses of Wadis have hazard degree of (2), as

Wadi Um Tenadbah (No. 18) and Wadi Ash Shaghab (No. 9).

5. Weakly hazardous: the courses of Wadis have hazard degree (1).

The values of actual hazard degrees of each morphometric parameter of the

studied basin have been tabulated in Table (5). These values have been used to

classify the studied basins into three orders highly hazardous, moderately hazardous

and slightly hazardous (Table 5 and Figure11).


The current study also focuses on the analysis of the land use changes in the area

since 2000 using the remote sensing and GIS techniques. Recently, the Egyptian

Government has selected many regions all over the country for different types of

developments. One of these regions is the Wadi Abbadi basin in Upper Egypt,

which considers one of the most promising development areas. The low desert

alluvial fan glomerate zone covers an area of 100.800 km2.

Land use plays a critical role in the hydrological behavior of basins, and

changing land uses may influence the local hydrological cycle. The relationship

between urban growth and floods has been investigated in many countries. Land-

use planning provides a mean for managing growth to permit maximum use of a

limited resource base and retain for future decisions using maximum number of

available alternatives (Yaakup and Johar, 1996).

The land-use areas in Wadi Abbadi (Figure 12) were subjected to changes over

the last few decades, which in some locations represent substantial changes and new

activities are appeared as agriculture, urbanization, reclamation, and other projects

which have attracted the attention of the private sector, for different uses

(reclamation, urbanization, industrial zones and others); in addition to the future

planed projects. The increasing of the population and developing of the land

demands are very urgent particularly in the low desert areas that represent two strip

zones (on the east and west of the Nile Valley) also in Wadis that directly connected

by the Nile Valley. Part of this research was initiated to develop new land-use and

future projected maps for the area.

In the first processing step for the creation of land-use and future projected

maps, shapefiles of low land area for two ETM+ satellite images (2000 and 2010

acquisition dates respectively), geological maps and topographic maps have been

integrated and digitized in a GIS geoenvironmet (Figure 13 a and b).

The results show that the land-use has been dramatically changed since 2000 till

now by and the total residential area has been computed and found to be 31.843 and

40.600 km2 for 2000 and 2010 respectively. This means that the residential areas in

Wadi Abbadi have been grown by about 10 km2 from 2000 to 2010 (with a 1.0%

annual rate), including ~8.5 km2 of agricultural activities and other activities 1.5


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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 33

Fig. (11): Risk assessment map of sub-basins watershed in the present study

Table (5): Hazards degree of sub-basins watershed in the present study

Wadi name A F D Rn Rt Rh Si MARb shi Hazard degree

Abbadi (No. 1) 2.38 3.06 3.33 1.6 3 1.08 1.53 3.41 1.7 2.34

Abu El Bashayer Atshan (No. 2) 1.1 3.55 3.66 2 1.44 3.93 2.04 2.54 2.7 2.56

Abu El Bashayer Ranan (No. 3) 1.03 4.37 4.833 5 1.71 1.66 5 2.35 2.3 3.14

Abu Maawad (No. 4) 1.11 2.17 2.33 1.96 1 1.24 2.46 2.16 5 2.16

El Barammiyah (No. 5) 1.8 3.41 3.33 1.86 2.57 1.15 1.9 2.54 2.73 2.37

El Bator (No. 6) 3.33 2.17 2.33 1.95 2.86 1.25 2.45 3.33 1.57 2.36

El Hajari (No. 7) 1.18 3.55 3.66 2.52 2.36 1.28 2.68 3.39 1.34 2.44

El Miyah (No. 8) 5 3.06 3.16 1.82 5 1.15 1.88 2.92 2.34 3

Ash Shaghab (No. 9) 2.21 1.89 2.16 1.45 1.77 1.1 1.62 2.36 2.18 1.86

Talet Farrage (No. 10) 1.2 2.1 2.66 2.63 1.4 1.41 3.4 2.36 1 2.02

Um Hajalij (No. 11) 1.16 5 5 4.52 3.118 1.57 4.37 1 1.53 3

Um Hayyah (No. 12) 1 3.06 3.33 2.41 1.37 1.28 2.67 5 2 2.46

Um Helij (No. 13) 1.22 4.1 4 3.88 2.44 1.55 4.26 1.41 0.88 2.64

Um Kharet El Bahary (No. 14) 1.06 3.62 3.5 2.45 1.74 5 2.66 3.11 2.03 2.8

El Naqaqqer (No. 15) 1.2 3.69 3.83 2.13 2.56 1.19 2.1 3.68 1.25 2.4

Um Rakkabah (No. 16) 1.15 3.55 3.83 2.56 2.12 1.28 2.65 3.3 1.97 2.5

Um Salam (No. 17) 1.02 2.17 2.33 3.05 1.1 1.58 4.4 3.87 1.9 2.38

Um Tenadbah (No. 18) 2.32 1 1 1 1.52 1 1 3.77 1.51 1.57

A: watershed area, F: Stream frequency, D: Drainage density, Rn: Ruggedness number,

Rt: Texture ratio Rh:Relief ratio, MARb: Weighted mean bifurcation ratios, shi shape index.

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VI- 34 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

Fig. (12): Landsat ETM+ image overlies the vector layer of low land areas at Wadi Abbadi

Figs. (13 a and b): Land-use changes of Wadi Abbadi using Landsat (ETM+) images in

the year 2000 (a) and in 2010 (b)

Landsat (ETM+) images in the year 2000 (a) Landsat (ETM+) images in 2010 (b).

Vector layer map of Land-use changes before

2000 Vector layer map Land-use changes between 2000 -


a b

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Mostafa kamel Abdel Ghany

VI - 35

These data are used to predict the changes that happened in the cultivated lands

by reclamation of the low desert zones. On the other hand, flood hazards, are

destructive and frequently occurring phenomenon in the study area due to the lack

of proper warning information about the flood hazards. Floods are becoming a

major contributor to injuries, deaths, and property damage and strikes without


Integration of remote sensing with GIS techniques has been employed in the

current study to detect the land-use changes in the low desert zone since 2000. Our

findings indicate that the land-use in the low desert zone have experienced dramatic

changes in the last few decades. By using processing for satellite images of

Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+ 2000 and 2010), the change detection in

the low desert zone has been mapped. The total land-use changes in the study area

are ~10 km2. On the other hand, most other activities have been mapped using on-

screen digitize on the ArcGIS 10 using ETM+ (2010) 30 m resolution. The results

show that these activities including agriculture lands and new urban areas.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the expansion of reclamation and other

activities in the low desert zone Wadi Abbadi have been shown a dramatic changes.

This indicates that there is still more than 65 km2 need to be managed for the future

planning and activities. Consequently, the study shows that the low desert zone in

Wadi Abbadi needs more attention for the reclamation and other activities.

The groundwater in arid regions as the low desert land in Wadi Abbadi is of

great importance where it is an especially valuable resource for drinking and

agriculture. In the Eastern Desert of Egypt, groundwater resources are being used

increasingly for agricultural development. Much of this development is occurring in

wadis that flow into the Nile Valley as well as Wadi Abbadi.

The groundwater at Wadi Abbadi (No. 1) and Wadi El Kharit (No. 11) relating

to fresh and saline water categories. It was observed that 57% of the sampled wells

are fresh while 29% are brackish and 14% are saline. The salinity values decrease

due west towards the cultivated land of the study area. This is mainly attributed to

dilution processes from the irrigated lands (Gomaa et. al., 2012).

In Wadi Abbadi and Wadi Ash Shaghab the main water-bearing layer in the

Nubian sandstone. The groundwater in this aquifer is present in unconfined

conditions. In few localities the groundwater can be used for domestic and irrigation

purposes. The study cleared also that Wadi Abbadi and Wadi El Shaghab are the

best localities suggested for drilling groundwater wells. The application of these

results is very important for developing the area. (Farrag et. al., 2005).


Idfu-Marsa Alam road runs in the basins under study and it was constructed from

Idfu to the Red Sea shore and consequently it is subject to flash flood hazards. To

prevent or at least to reduce the staging losses and problems caused by flash flood

we should first outline the high-and low-risk zones. The Idfu-Marsa Alam road was

constructed for most of its length on the floor of the main drainage course and its

east-west tributary as well as the agriculture lands and urban area which are lying

directly on the main watercourse of Wadi Abbadi, Wadi El Miyah, Wadi Ash

Shaghab and Wadi Um El Kharit El Bahary. The sub basins drain to the main trunk

of Wadi Abbadi basin from both sides and are associated with many problems in

some parts during the flood event. To identify the flash flood-vulnerable sites along

the Idfu-Marsa Alam road, the sub-basins that drain toward the basin trunk have

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VI- 36 Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Quantitative…

been identified and their morphometric data have been calculated. According to

these parameters, flash flood-vulnerable sites have been grouped into three

categories of varied risks (Table 5). It can be seen that there are two sites along the

road where the risk of flooding is high. The first is located at the outlet of El Miyah

sub-basin and the second is the outlet of the Abu Bashayer El Ranan sub-basin.

While the eastern part of the agriculture lands, urban area and the future

development projects as well as the Idfu Marsa Alam road represent slight to

moderate-risk zones sites are distributed along the road (Figure 14).

Fig. (14). Flash flood risk zones in the study area


The spread of unplanned settlement and mis-management of the land and water

resources in the downstream areas along the low land areas of the Wadis will be

responsible for the flood damages. To avoid or alleviate flash flood damages and

possibly to aid in exploitation of floodwater for recharging shallow aquifers the

following preventive and control measures should be considered. Construction of

successive incomplete rocky dams using the available locale materials at least along

the elongated main course of large wadis as Wadi El Miyah, Wadi Ash Shaghab

and Wadi El Barramiyah to decrease the velocity of flood waters and increase their

percolation into the wadi bed.


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