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Welcome to the storyline for Project Phoenix. Our storyline has been inspired by various forms of media, theories, books, philosophers, religion, etc. Nothing here should be taken as fact and all is improvised to better suit a Roleplay environment that encourages strong character development and purpose. Enjoy.

Long long ago... ­ Around 10BC

In a time long forgotten nestled an empire known as Atlantis. An empire and trading hub for most of the world’s nations has slowly been carefully architected on an island in the Bermuda Triangle we now know as Phoenix. The island was inhabited by the Atlanteans. The city was a dorm of great arts and cultural significance. Architecture, however, was naturally the most widely practised of the arts. Their buildings were massive structures of gigantic proportions. The dwelling houses in the cities were not, as ours are, closely crowded together in streets. Like their country houses some stood in their own garden grounds, others were separated by plots of common land, but all were isolated structures. In the case of houses of any importance four blocks of building surrounded a central courtyard, in the centre of which generally stood one of great fountains or other water based monuments. There was no exhibition of goods for sale as in modern streets. All transactions of buying and selling took place privately, except at stated times, when large public fairs were held in the open spaces of the cities. Houses were decorated with bright colours. Some were ornamented with carvings, others with frescoes or painted patterns. The window­spaces were filled with some manufactured article similar to, but less transparent than, glass. The interiors were not furnished with the elaborate detail of our modern dwellings, but the life was highly civilized of its kind. The atlanteans were able to conquer the technology of graphene. They used this material in everything from architecture to computers to direct human to technology interfaces. Graphene

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powered medical devices and life extending technologies enabled Atlanteans to live longer and gain a higher level of consciousness than the modern day human making them the best scholars, philosophers, artists and engineers of their time. The cities were powered by a form of electricity powered by Crystals. Crystals varied in slight, color, and harmonic frequencies. Crystals followed harmonic frequencies and could be used with an instrument that looked like a tuning fork. Atlantean crystals received power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the Earth's energy field grid system or from each other. Grid’s points are often marked by pillar points on top of their mega structures. The Atlanteans used this energy, combined with the crystals, to transmit energy from one pillar to another and create a vortex of energy that flowed around the island of Atlantis. Atlantean Seed Crystals were allegedly flawless and grown as we grow flowers today. This technology, though beneficial to all humans, are maintained by various families and had to be manufactured, controlled, and regulated in ways that caused power shifts that challenged the quality of life for all. Greed is still very much a human aspect at this point in history. The three families are considered the 3 original bloodlines of Atlantis and part of a human subspecies called the Naacals. The Naacals had reached a higher level of human consciousness even above other Atlanteans. The three bloodlines were known as the Meark, Auxano, and the Genesis. The Mearks were the creators of graphene and the oldest of the three. They believed that Atlantis was miles above any other civilization and that Atlantis should be the world’s capital and wish to utilize the energy crystals to create a world vortex which they can control. With this control they can influence various atmospheric, environmental, and physiological effects on people within the vortex. The Auxano were the growers of the Seed Crystals and cultivated the pillars to bring electricity to the region. They believed in the theory of immortality. They experimented very vigorously in manipulating the energy crystal fields in an attempt to prevent aging and effectively prevent natural death. And the final bloodline was the Genesis who had very different goals. Genesis was the main political and scholarly driving force behind the people of Atlantis. They believed Atlantis was perfect as it was and worked to preserve it in its state by any means necessary. They were very much against any type of planetary control or mass immigration. Atlantis should stay as is according to them. The Auxanos would host huge balls and concerts displaying their use of Musical Crystals to create outstanding melodies that are unheard of in modern society at their palace in East Atlantis. The Genesis on the other hand would host medium sized scholarly lectures on philosophy, science, graphene, etc in West Atlantis. The Mearks had a large underground compound and would remain fairly uninterested in spreading their knowledge but instead in the progression of their goals and aspirations. Sometime around 4 BC, Auxano leader Findeli Auxano put forth a speech in the public library that would become a tipping point for which Atlantis would fall. Auxano spoke briefly of his aspirations to set up a world leadership council over all of the planet. Although brief, this

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sparked outrage among the Genesis, intrigue among the Meark, and confusion among the citizens. Findeli quickly composed a meeting at the city capitol and a great dinner composed of Wild Blueberry Bannock, Junesberry Pie, Wild Rice, and a tea made from a herb known as Zilen. Although frustrated; the feast and charisma of Findeli was able to calm the nerves of the two groups enough to engage in an open dialogue. Findeli revealed his final plan which is documented sparsely in the book Findeli’s Intention. Findeli was set on creating the religion of Christianity and falsely playing off an atlantean as the son of God. Findeli went into great details on the benefits which he considered to be the platform for which Atlantis can be considered the birthplace of the son of God and thus it would forever be etched in history as a sacred land to never be disturbed. The threat of wars with other nations, the instability of times before this perked the interest of the Mearks as well as the Genesis. The Mearks were lured in by the potential of power whilst the Genesis were pulled in by the guarantee of a violence­free future for Atlantis in which no one would dare touch it. The Mearks agreed to gather together the necessary resources and false witnesses to pull it off. The Genesis offered their scholarly abilities to write a book known as the Holy Bible which would be known as a book from God himself and would contain many references to Atlantis being a holy land among many stories such as David and Goliath and the Noah’s Ark which has been unreleased stories made by their performing arts leaders. Atlantis flourished even further with the new found, full collaboration of the three bloodlines. The existence of red tape was completely removed from any equation. Technology bursted in the future even further, concerts were packed every night, illness fell, as the build­up to the birth of Christianity drew closer. Unfortunately, the eldest Meark member Aurelius Meark passed away at the age of 165 from natural causes. The young and naive Silas Meark took the throne at the young age of 32. Although not young by modern day standards Silas was still considered quite young as the life span was nearly double what it is now. Findeli became anxious regarding this transition. If his plan went wrong it could be disastrous for the future of Atlantis and he knew this quite well. Knowing Silas to be a lover of nature; Findeli invited Silas to meet him at what is now the Thomas Anderson Memorial Park to discuss the transition process. The discussion shifted from discussion about the plan to discussion about the world beyond the plan. Silas did not maintain the level of secrecy and plausible deniability his father did and pretty openly expressed his desire for the plan as a use of control. Findeli expressed his desire for a world wide energy field controlled by large nodal points across the world to increase the life span and quality of life for all people. Silas and Findeli, although on very different pages in truth, knew they both needed each other and compromises could be made. They made a pact to proceed forward with a world wide government shift and deploy an army to any dissenters who did not believe that Jesus Christ had indeed visited earth. The plan was ready to execute and the Genesis was none the wiser about the plan that had been made. Silas remained an unfamiliar face, never publicly announcing the Mearks’ shift of power. He kept operations running from the underground compound as he plotted for the

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event. The day had come on a bright winter’s day. The members of the Mearks made their way to Jerusalem but Silas had went with them. Puzzled and confused Findeli and Genesis leader Rahde met on what is now known as the The Engineers Memorial to make sense of what had happened. Findeli worried and distraught spoke of his plans and intentions in angst to Rahde for which he became furious. Rahde accused him of lusting only for power and not foreseeing the consequences. Findeli fought back accusing Rahde of being useless to him for politics would not extend the lives of people or bring order to a chaotic world. A civil war has begun between East Atlantis and West Atlantis that had caused the entire Crystal energy grid to fail. Atlantis had fallen down from all of its achievements to a dark state of consciousness. The war between Genesis and Auxano had reached a level in which Atlantis was being steered away as a trading hub. The economy tanked, diseases rose and citizens began to flock to the outer zones of the island for refuge. The island began to change.. slowly but surely.. the animals began to mutate. Everything was becoming darker and darker.. For a long time the energy crystals kept the balance of the island intact but without them the environment became distraught. This was never properly corrected and it is why the Outer Zones are plagued by mutations, creatures, radiation, and chaos. It is. As the island continued its downward slope the Auxanos worked desperately to preserve the seed crystals for future generations, but were unable to keep them alive. The Auxano swiftly made a hardy seed crystal that could be preserved indefinitely. The Crystal itself, is huge in size, cylindrical in length, and prismatic in shape, cut with six sides. Atop the crystal was a moveable capstone, used to both concentrate incoming rays of energy, and to direct currents to various parts of the Atlantean island. It appears that the Crystal gathered solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric and Earth energies as well as unknown elemental forces and concentrated these at a specific point, located between the top of the Crystal and the bottom of the capstone. The crystal is now known as the Tuaoi Crystal. The war between the Auxanos and the Genesis had grown out of control. Auxano forces darkened their hearts and pushed to decimate any remaining Genesis. As Genesis numbers dropped, a decision was made to flee the island. A small pocket of Genesis made their way to other continents whilst those who stayed to fight died. Once the war was over the Auxanos sat on their throne realizing the damage they had caused. They cursed the land.. destroyed everything they built. Ashamed, they left in a hurry leaving any technology behind. They went into the Outer Zones and faded into history. As Atlantis sped more and more into a wasteland, Silas and the rest of the Mearks had begun the plan of their own. Silas following the instructions of the bible presented himself as Jesus and carried out the proceeding discussed in the bible. The Mearks used various Atlantis technologies to properly fabricate the miracles to a believable point that people followed Silas as if he was actually the son of god. Silas sacrificed himself and the remaining Mearks made their way back to, once their home, a destroyed atlantis. Confused and distraught they quickly

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rounded up all remaining crystals they could fine and graphene ruins and slid into their underground compound. During the energy breakdown the field around the islands of the Bermuda Triangle became ever more dark and tainted. Eventually, a vortex formed that trapped the islands inside it from escaping. Ships would go on for miles and miles and still seem to be just as close to Atlantis as before. Everything was tried by panicking survivors to break the vortex. Many technologies were irreparably destroyed by pockets of Atlanteans attempting to break the vortex, at which they failed. So began an era of isolation and a world in which the Atlantean history would become diluted by the new prospect of the modern world outside...

The building blocks of a civilized world ­ 1918 ­ 1990

For decades men pondered the location of all the lost souls who were never found, gone without a trace. The Bermuda Triangle long remained a mystery for centuries as the final location for many pirates, sailors and pilots that dare trek through its mysterious currents. Those who were lost ended up stranded on Phoenix Island; a wild and bizarre new world. The islands ecosystem was vastly different with a slight tropic twist. Vast areas of different types of habitats filled the landscape. Deserts, Forests, Marshlands, Mountains. Up to the early 20th century the survivors of the Atlantean crisis mostly remained nomadic in nature living in the mountains (Mt Chillad) and spread variously across the island. Some survived in the desert regions whilst some took their chances in the dark forests. Various cults, clans, and tribes survived off the lands from various shipwrecks without any real historical significance. As people were in a constant state of survival very little got written about the island’s roots and thus most of the information pertaining to the Atlantis civilization was destroyed. Survivors improvised using old mythological books and texts scattered around the island before Genesis departure and called the island Phoenix as they felt it has risen from the ashes; no explanation. It stuck. It is at this point as the delicate energy balance of the island had improved naturally over time that the vortex began to crack. Ships and Planes began to break it without notice and people were shoved into an unknown world. In 1918, A collier of the United States Navy became trapped in the vortex that surrounded Phoenix and crashed their ship on a beach sending 306 new young men to a world that did not welcome their presence. This ship is known as USS Cyclops.

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Upon arrival the men quickly went to high ground as a violent storm was hitting the island. They climbed up the side of the hill which now is known as Apollo City. Captain George Worley set up a small survival camp using resources they scavenged from their ship and other items which had wound up on the beach. Various assortments of dolls, pots, pans, car parts, and other suchs things swept away to sea. The settlement remained fairly safe and secure. They remained in fair isolation due to Phoenix Island’s size and the lack of any type of transport. They remained on what they had now called the Worley Settlement until sometime in 1921 when a dispute over the expansion of the settlement and the conditions which brought the ship to its final resting place finally reached a level of tension that could no longer foster. Lieutenant Louis Fingleton split the settlement in half taking a fair portion of the men with him on a voyage to explore the island. Fingleton’s group only made it as far as what is now known as Eden City before coming in contact with the descendants of a 19th century pirate ship singing around a fire. After days of traveling not a lake nor other source of water was found so the stress level among the men was heavily elevated. The men tried to prevent contact with the pirates and made their way to a nearby river. As the story goes, Fingleton got down on his knees as he attempted to take a large gulp of water he fell in. As he got caught by the current in the dark night his men tried to rescue him but, did not succeed. During the chaos the pirates heard the commotion and a violent encounter occurred effectively killing off the entire tribe. Those who were not killed became part of the pirate clan and went back to their base.

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A few years past of vastly bland events until about 1925 when a tramp steamer; a cargo ship bound for Cuba broke through the vortex stranding them and their crew on a beach somewhere in East Atlantis. Captain West Meyer and his 31 other crew members descended onto the beach and descended further into East Atlantis attempting to explore the land. This ship is also known as SS Cotopaxi.

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The SS Cotopaxi was harboring several doctors and scientists on their way to Cuba for a humanitarian mission. Meyer tried to use these men’s skill to explore the habitat further. Frank Ashley, a self proclaimed environmentalist and professor for South Carolina University, began to take notes of the strange creatures that lived on the island and the strange plants. Frank wrote what is now a popular book that does not leave the side of any Phoenix native “Ecosystems on Phoenix Island” containing all the information regarding the islands vast differences from ecosystems back in America. Meyer found a fertile location on what is now known as Everette City and started a small farming community. Although nothing like what it is today. A few wooden houses and some fields but they survived well. Unfortunately, The clan of pirates was growing now and forged weapons suchs as steel swords were being constructed in mass as the old ones had rusted and broken from decades of use. After a few decades the settlements had grown into their own. The survivors were now elders to their children who have grown up on Phoenix not knowing of the outside world. The society of Phoenix was growing and the Meyer Settlement became a small town with various different roles being utilized to keep everyone happy. It was now the mid 1940’s and several TBM Avenger torpedo bombers caught in the vortex in unison landed somewhere in the desert in West Atlantis (Abandoned Airport). The 24 airmen utilizing their vast training set up the area as a FOB and began to scavenge for supplies. Due to the vast deserts and lack of plantlife they made the decision to head to East Atlantis which seemed to have a much higher amount of variety of plants and berries to scavenge. They left behind the planes without fuel to be alone for quite some time. This is also known as Flight 19. As countries fell, wars raged on, Phoenix remained completely out of the loop. Various artifacts would drift up onto beaches but nothing ever seemed out of the ordinary until one particular day in the late 50’s when a chest of a couple of MP­40’s and ammo came gushing down a river near pirate settlement. The pirates.. shocked and confused.. learned the true power of these weapons but, were overwhelmed by the sheer power of them. The box also contains Nazi memorabilia which doesn’t make sense to the pirates at all. A small picture is pinned onto the top of the inside of the crate.

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By this time the Worley Settlement had become even larger recruiting the airmen of Flight 19 into its settlements own defense force in exchange for food & shelter. Ravaged by power and jealousy of having such a primitive settlement they used their new found weapons to go to war with the Worley Settlement After a few years of consistent battles the war ended up killing about 60% of the settlement and 85% of the pirates. Flight 19 only lost 5 airmen and already had several children with other Phoenix natives in the settlement. Flight 19 rebuilt the settlement stronger then before and began to trade with the small farming community now known as Everette. Throughout the 60’s and 70’s Phoenix saw the real cultivation of towns come together. Things stabilized, blood lines grew, and a real historical documentation began to form. Microcities were not a result of the apocalypse but very much the small scale version of what would become known as the City of Stygian.

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The rise of Stygian and the Apocalypse ­ 1990 ­ 2012

By this point towns were cram packed with people trying to escape the Outer Zones. The threat was real but minimal. The walls and guns from years of drifted up firearms following various wars allowed them to keep any mutations out but there were many. Lions that could leap far into the air and target humans. Birds that would swarm and peck you to death for your flesh. The land outside the microcities was hell but, they successfully managed. During this time the Auxano faded into obscurity and they lost most of their memories after years of survival but, The Mearks survived and thrived underground in their compound. They question year after year the effects of their action. Is there a world that believes the son of God came to earth? They would never know and it plagued them. After several years of delicate planning the Mearks emerged from their bunker and moved a settlement to East Atlantis where they began to create what would become known as Stygian City. The Mearks traveled far and wide to all of the microcities and began to offer a vision of a new city. A city where survival wasn't a goal but thriving and growing families. This concept was bizarre to people of Atlantean blood as centuries of survival had changed them. However many people with the blood of people who got trapped in the vortex the idea was a relief and many joined the Mearks’ project. Slowly but surely the city of Stygian rose. The Mearks, although helpful and attentive to the needs of their growing populace, were also tyrannical and forceful. Years of social isolation in their compound made a people for which emotions were troubling and, although they were

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efficient and productive at what they were doing, they put a bad taste in people’s mouths. No one would dare speak down to them however. Once complete the city of Stygian consisted of a city reminiscence of 1940’s america. Think black and white TV’s and microwaves and what not. It was.. the most technology people had ever seen and it was a godsend. As news spread various groups came from all the microcities and settlements to join the Meark government in creating this new world. The charismatic and dominating Zex Meark put together a group of the islands finest minds he could find and instituted the first real government and sense of order for centuries. Descendants of Flight 19 and the capsized ships utilizing the skills taught by their elders had eventually formed a group known as SOF­203 which joined Meark to defend the city from the mutations and creatures outside and maintain a level of law and order. The Mearks dedicated a group of their men to create an organization known as Poseidon Energy which utilized the energy Crystals collected by the Mearks following the war they were able to replicate a makeshift version of Atlantis’ original electrical system and allowed the people a glimpse into a world of light once again. Some time around 1995 a ship containing warriors from a nearby island named Tebet docked at the Stygian sea port and began to demand various materials and resources. Zex Meark did not take this kindly and effectively slaughtered the entire ships crew. This was a shock to the stability of the island as it was assumed that they were the only island stuck in the vortex and opened a dangerous and volatile situation in which the island’s resources could be fought over. Zex began to conduct outlandish, dangerous, and outright unethical experiments on SOF­203 members in an attempt to create a stronger human. Bullets at this point were in sparsity as the island’s vortex had let less and less items and people in as time went on. Zex attempted to set up a large manufacturing base but, this was taking time and the island did not possess the ability to provide everything they needed at this time. Much was exhausted building the city. Zex turned to the fields of science and mythology. Zex was one of the few along with the remaining Mearks who understood the history of Atlantis to some degree. Much information was lost over time but, he was aware of the existence of the three bloodlines and sought out the existence of an Auxano. He looked long and far but, to no avail when he was just about to give up he met a man known as Viktor Serrano. An ingenious man working in the only lab in Stygian attempting to make sense of 1970’s scientific papers that had surfaced with his colleagues and began to piece together modern day scientific discoveries that the Island of Phoenix had been restricted from adapting on its own.

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Zex knew he had now found what appeared to be the only Auxano left and he made sure to utilize every moment of it. Zex approached Viktor and explained the gravity of the situation to which Viktor was intrigued. Zex offered Viktor documents containing unreleased Auxano scientific experiments, technologies, etc which had never had the chance of being utilized due to the war. Although never completed the documents spoke of merging the DNA of Phoenix Lion with that of a human they could make a super soldier with incredible strength. The idea seemed ludicrous even to Zex but, the knowledge of an Auxano could not be contended. He may have had the ability to control large amounts of people but, he knew from his elders the Auxanos could accomplish outstanding achievements. Zex put together a team of Mearks and made his way into the wastelands to defeat a lion and bring one back. It was a gruesome battle but sheer numbers overwhelmed the animal. The animal was brought back to Viktor who began several failed attempts known in scrolls around the island as Viktor’s 3 Soldiers. Time and time again Viktor continued to fail and ended up killing off a sizeable amount of people. Depressed and manic at this point he made his way alone to the wastes of West Atlantis and it was there in the quiet and emptiness of the nearby desert he was able to contemplate further and finalize his hypothesis. Viktor rushed back to the city. Zex was frustrated and fearing a retaliation as ships had begun to circle the island in the previous days. Viktor needed time.. he insisted Zex was to wait until it was finalized but, he refused. Viktor finalized his gene splicing technique and successfully completed the operation on a SOF­203 cadet. At first, there was no effect. The soldier appeared to be completely fine but within a few days he began to show sub human strength. He had endurance never before seen. He was capable of running for hours and hours without any breaks. He was becoming stronger. Zex immediately ordered vast quantities of soldiers to be injected with the serum but, Viktor denied him the ability claiming it was not properly understood yet. An argument ensued which ended in Viktor being enslaved to work on creating large batches of the serum and administering it for Zex. Once fully understood how the procedure was done Zex, seeing Viktor as a threat, ordered his execution. Viktor knowing his time was coming to an end handed his research and the Auxano documents off to his research colleagues in hope they would continue his research. Zex injected a sizeable amount of SOF­203 with the serum. Some showed no change.. some showed the typical adaptations.. and some vanished. Zex was concerned.. the inconsistency was shocking and without Viktor to consult he could not make sense of it. A few days past and some of the soldiers began to show shocking symptoms. A few had actually attempted to attack and bite members of the Mearks. Zex did all he could think of doing.. euthanize all of them and call it a failed experiment but, it was too late. Just as quickly as it started the soldiers changed violently and quickly. The adapted humans began to inhabit the signs of a Phoenix Lion and attacks began to happen around the city. In

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all districts people were reporting humans biting each other and acting erratic. The SOF­203 that were not injected began to fight back but, were outnumbered by their own infected brothers. Zex has essentially turned his whole army into the enemy.. but who fights their own army? As the fighting continued they began to realize that once they were bitten or scratched they began to mutate. Contact with the blood of a mutated individual altered the DNA structure in such a way that mimicked the lion that the human brain was unable to distinguish your human side and you became a violent, brainless husk of your former self. Like the mutated animals of the wastes you craved for the carcass of a human and so began the Zombie Apocalypse. As the city fell further and further into chaos the Mearks reluctantly descended back into their compound leaving the Poseidon Energy crystals to power the island to light the way for the remaining survivors..

The Apocalypse.. ­ 2012­2043

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* This section may be controversial as many RP events / characters have been adapted to fit the storyline more. We may tweak this area as new information surfaces and disputes are made. We will try our best to properly document the past history of PARP. * After thirty years of rebuilding fragments of society, several established groups had their presence on Phoenix Island. Throughout the years following the thirty years of build up, these groups pursued their own personal goals, also involving themselves into power struggles with rivalling groups. Aside from those groups, multiple new groups arose as well, only to fall in time after they did. In earlier years, the island knew groups such as the NCR, a renamed military spin off of the SOF­203 who had built Grand Brownsville as a safehaven for any survivor who seeked refuge, The Enclave who for some reason tried to take control of this safehaven called Grand Brownsville, and Poseidon Energy and Evolution, who preferred to keep their activities secretive and hidden from the general public. Apart from the bigger groups, there were smaller groups like the Kilo Tray Family, a street gang doing their dealings within Grand Brownsville, The Vipers MC, a biker gang who did what they did to survive, oftenly dealing with the Kilo Tray family and the Black Arms PMC, a group of mercenaries and the goody two shoes; "United Nations Reformed" a military group whom used their resources to help the weak. In the following years, new groups arrived or were formed, setting their roots into the island. One of them was the CDC, short for Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, who arrived on the island and set their sights on fighting the virus whilst aiding people in need. They however involved themselves into multiple conflicts, ultimately being destroyed by the GDI at first before the remaining remnants whom tried to resurface were killed off in their last involvement in the war between the USC and the Deed Republic. The GDI was a military that arrived on the island somewhere in the year 2042, initially having good intentions untill their goals changed to domination of the island. The GDI had built their city called Sparta, operating from the far east area of East Atlantis. The GDI were a source of alot of conflicts on the island, ultimately being beaten down which forced them to disband. The Werewolf PMC was a private military that were settled in Everette. A farming community which had Werewolf PMC as their guardians. The Werewolf PMC themselves set their sights on technological development. The DoD in turn held control over Arkham, a city in the southern part of the East Atlantis which was a known hub for survivors to visit. They ultimately disappeared, having succumbed to a more powerful force.

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The Mongols were a known presence on the island, not necessarily seeking for power but for the means to survive amidst the wasteland, doing what they needed to do to keep their bellies filled and their bikes running. In time, they were the ones that brought back the drug trade, taking full benefit of their monopoly in this business. Then there was Enterprise, a group of survivors who had banded together and had taken control of the micro­city "Station". They did whatever they deemed was right for themselves and mostly interacted with other groups only when it was about doing business. In late 2043 a cryogenic container containing former Senator William Deed of the United States of America and former Senator Nigel Harrison was found along the shore of Verona Beach near Arkham City. They was cryogenically frozen from 2012­2043 under a US government continuity program. They were supposed to be reawoken only hours later but, the technology failed. In a panic they were dumped into the ocean at some point and floated undetected for several decades. Upon Deeds reemergence he stumbled into Eden City in which he met with Valentina Santos of the National Guard, Romeo Jackson of the Kilo Tray Family, and Guilla Rude of Evolution in which he began to make the connections to rebuild a sense of order. Deed had the world explained to him in bits and pieces and began to understand the circumstances. Deed arrived with direct link to the United States Command System, an advanced military, geographical spatial data system, communications network, and information relay system for which he had very limited access. He had credentials to log in but, much of the system was disabled remotely and he only had access to the local source. After some time building his presence he took over the city of Eden and founded the United States of Phoenix; a group designed to join together the microcities of the island of Phoenix and create unity in this chaotic world. Slowly Deed began to grow his influence with the local populace using charisma and kindness to achieve his goals. Deed began to incorporate groups such as the National Guard, Department of Defense into his troops. Following a mission to brief 1st Battalion members on a security threat, Valentina Santos went into labour. Due to a communications problem several men were spread out forcing Deed with the help of a limited amount of personnel to attempt to deliver the baby failed during a botched sea­section. The baby did not survive and the scene impacted Deed on many levels. The safety, security, and consistency of the former world was no longer valid. As the chaos continued to unfold around him Deed began to go mad with the need for order. After several weeks Senator Nigel Harrison passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition and was cremated. Proceeding the events Deed saw no hope in democracy. Progress was slow among his peers and he founded the Deed Republic to overrule anyone who would stand in his path. He claimed the city of Arkham as his capital and renamed it to Apollo. Following this Deed met

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with "Big Chief" also known as Commander Vega of the United Spartan Conglomorate and merged them into his ranks as the 3rd battalion along with the city of Sparta. A series of events led to the 1st Battalion delivering a radio message that Deed felt was a violation of their agreement to protect Eden in the name of the Deed Republic and destroyed Firebase Meark. A stalemate was declared and the 1st Battalion came back to the republic and founded the Deed Security Services to look over the operations of protecting all Deed Republic cities. Deed began to grow a child army using lost children who had no parents to grow his influence. Lacking a father growing up Deed tried to be a mentor, a father, to these kids but, it ended badly. Most of the kids died and spread out in various directions. One event ended in Station being heavily damaged trying to rescue Cain Eldridge. He looked at Cain as a son and a long series of events dragged out their animosity towards each other over the death of his friend John who Deed had murdered on a cold night in the forests of Phoenix following an attempted escape from his army. This only helped to further exacerbate Deed's control complex. A new organization known as the Rangers came into the picture as they lured Deed out to abandoned rooftop much to the dismay of his men he met with a masked man who brought him information that Yuri Vega, A lower level commander of the United Spartan Conglomorate which was now named the 1st Battalion.. had become upset after a DSS agent had murdered one of his men in a friendly fire situation and planned to take revenge against Deed for not taking action. Deed shocked by this information, having found out it was not only Yuri but, a powerful group working with him for scientific research known as Poseidon Energy had their own plans aswell to harm the republic and had been seen meeting with adversaries to the republic on several occasions. Several assassinations took place including Yuri Vega, Aldus Redfield, among others. It was a blood bath and Deed wanted it that way. He had to send a message. Following the assassination of Yuri Vega, Deed appointed one of his closest advisors Piotr to lead them into the future. Things went fairly stable for a few days before Big Chief began to revolt against Deed after becoming suspicious over the circumstances and declared themselves a separate entity. Deed Security Services was suffering from major recruitment problems and the Deed Republic was in grave danger of being taken over by rogue groups. Deed made the decision to trek to the city of Station to speak to a mysterious but powerful group he had heard of known as Enterprise to solicit their help. Deed, arriving in a heavy amount of armor and masking himself spoke to the lady he came to known as Sasha and Serena Ravenport about his predicament. They exchanged mutual goals and an already bitter relationship with the United Spartan Conglomerate sealed their faith. A week later Enterprise along with growing Deed Security Services members and the

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Rangers performed operations to take control of Sparta City and its military assets crushing the United Spartan Conglomerate and taking control of the city for the Deed Republic. Upon taking over the city Deed took control of an AI that USC had control of called Dark Signal which he had engineered to run all his communications, military, surveillance systems upgrading from the outdated United States Command System he was using. A new crisis has formed however. The Antivirus invented by entities before his time had begun to expire and deplete rapidly. A new problem began to expand as the Antivirus served as a major link to keeping people alive and able to roam freely without a bite being a death sentence. A few months passed as elements within Enterprise and Deed Republic began to work to solve the crisis but, fell short MANY times. Operations to retrieve schematics from Firebase Meark from former Government entities had failed and eventually the supply ran dry. Several pockets of Antivirus has popped up from an unknown group but, mass production had been non existent. As the crisis began to unfold, Deed became more and more manic and eventually ended up destroying the city of Eden using an experimental atmospheric pressure system known as ZDD developed using former Poseidon Energy Auxano Crystals and intense 4 month long research. Realizing what he did Deed had to call out a patsy and picked Commandant Tom Whittle a close friend of his for the blame. Tom had already been accused of being promiscuous with the ladies and this allowed an easy out for Deed. Deed publicly called for him to come forward and face execution but, he was left murdered by who Deed believes to be one of his lovers at the steps of Apollo. Deed felt a deep sadness for his friend. He had planned to send him away to his private island and fake his assassination but, He had to stick with the story. An official news bulletin was posted. Several months passed and the city of Eden was rebuilt by other entities which Deed has yet to confront with. After several months in isolation developing plans for his expansion for the rest of the year and the expansion of the ZDD system Deed emerged in May of 2044 and began to further expand his empire.. setting his sights beyond the island.. to finally break the vortex.. to free himself and his people.

Rise of the republic ­ 2044

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As the days of wars and bitter conflicts between groups such as Evolution and United Spartan Conglomerate ceased and the republic had become more solidified as the islands main governance citizens began to become acclimated to the everyday lives of inner city people. Lavish parties, Huge parades, and copious amounts of alcohol filled the streets and the affluent capitol of the republic, without the constant fear of war and death, became a little metropolis and a sense of order reigned down creating a respect for Deed from those who were even the most cynical. During this time Deed worked relentlessly to figure out a way to break the vortex. With the calm came great technological and engineering strides. Enterprise assisted in upgrading the medical clinic. Deed worked methodically on upgrading Dark Signal, the AI of the former USC, to have a more modular design capable of connecting with newly built modules to conduct various extensive physical tasks. Dark Signal was fitted with with a document scanner capable of scanning medical journals, books, magazines, and other forms of information and media. Deed spent a good portion of the year inputting mass amounts of data gathered from aligned groups such as the Lone Wolf Militia, a recently formed defensive arm for the city of Apollo. Dark Signal was later fitted with a complex AI program which began to learn from the data collected slowly becoming more intelligent and capable of solving complex problems and analyzing data such as battlefield maps to give Deed an edge over potential enemies, future pandemics, etc. This technology was used in private and only revealed to certain individuals.

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The second biggest accomplishment was the completion of the blueprint of Pegasus. Pegasus is seen on the back of William Deed everywhere he went throughout the year and is an extensively detailed reconstruction of Stygian City. Although it may never be realized it has become part of Deeds obsession with rebuilding and remolding the world to his vision of order, under him of course and with the help of Enterprise could be possible. As the year rounded up The Deed ship, a replica of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, was developed in part with the help of Dark Signals massive data collection. Based upon the loosely formed theory by the not so technically savvy Deed that the reason no one has been able to leave the island is a result of failed attempts at breaking the vortex horizontally when people should of been trying trying to go vertically which he believes is the weakest point. The ship went through a massive construction project which nearly every citizen contributed to. Busses of citizens from Eden, Sparta, and Station were brought to help construct the ship in three separate stages. The year ended with a celebration consisting of 15,000 chips worth of fireworks which had to be specifically sought out from specific exotic rare stockpiles. Ending the year in a vast display of the republics height of power and the future of things to come…

Fall of the republic ­ 2045 (Jan­Feb)

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“Empires won by conquest have always fallen either by revolt within or by defeat by a rival.”

John Boyd Orr The year began with prospects of a great year. With the completion of the Deed Ship, near total serenity between groups of power, and a suspicious calm the republic started the year with the highest of ambitions but, things began to decay in a drawn out and disturbing manner. Within the first few weeks of the year word had reached the desk of William Deed that declared the falling of the city of Eden to the infection. Deed saw this as either a joke, some sort of absurd attempt to break away politically, or a total over exaggeration and sent a squad of DSS agents to investigate. The squad did not return and sent an SoS signal indicating the situation to be validated. Several military attempts were made to retake the city from the infected but, it was declared fallen. Deed sought out the reason for this and consulted with his cabinet and the leadership of Enterprise had come to the conclusion that the infected had infact been breeding. For years it was thought the infected was gradually reducing their numbers due to a smaller population, breakthroughs such as Medicine D, and the built up microcities but, it became apparent that tyrants had adapted to a higher state of consciousness and had been training the infected to breed shifting the power balance against the humans. For years it had been human versus human with the infected as a nuisance in the background but, for the first time since Deed had been present on the island, the infected were winning the upper hand. Needless to say this sent Deed in a depressive swing, his alcohol intake increased dramatically, and he struggled with blaming himself.

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Vast undertakings to prevent other cities, especially Apollo, from falling were carried out. Vast recruitments of men occurred. A new DSS director Rixon Lancaster was put in charge of dealing with the crisis. The efforts were not successful and both Station and Sparta had fallen. Deed, attempting to cut his losses, pushed every last man he had back to Apollo aswell as mass evacuations of civilians to Apollo. This mass evacuation caused massive socioeconomic mergers that neither side was prepared for. The affluent Apollo citizens, enterprise employees, etc had to accommodate the rugged, more survivor types from places such as Sparta and this caused friction within the now overpopulated city. It wasn’t long before the city of Apollo had began to suffer attacks of her own. Now nearly a daily occurrence DSS and LWM officials are struggling to maintain control of the city as Deed scrambles to prepare the Deed Ship for the takeoff which has now become more of an evacuation plan then an expansion project. In the weeks leading up Deed became more apathetic being encapsulated by the constant red flicker of the zombie detection alerts on Eden and Sparta he’d go as far as to threaten to destroy the cities even destroy Apollo. Deed somewhat isolated himself in his bunker for a while launching sporadic artillery attacks attempting to battle the growing infection numbers. The ship went through its final rounds of construction. In the days leading up to the launch a series of events happened that would cause instability in the republic. About a week before the launch Deed’s bedroom was intruded upon by a civilian whilst he was relaxing to music following a dinner of the republics high command. Deed immediately chased down the man to the capitol roof where he, along with General Samuel Wolf of the Lone Wolf Militia tazed and subdued him. A frantic friend of his who was new to the city shot Deed in the chest. Deed barely made his way to a helicopter whilst the initial suspect fled in the chaos. Following this event Deed become more introspective, spending time staring at the roman god mosaic on the roof of his residence and reflecting on the past events and what he would do with the ship. Deed decided he would bring an army back from casablancha to reclaim control of the island. Deed become delusional making plans of large expansions of the republic without any knowledge of the outside world. With only a few days left to go Deed, still feeling out of control and worthless to his own republic, would hear a distress signal from General Wolf that he is held up in a part of the city which is swarmed with infected. Deed made the decision to use ZDD against the infected to give Samuel the ability to escape effectively revealing a powerful weapon he was hesitant to reveal and linking the ominous trumpet sound people would of heard going back to early 2044.

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As this occurred Sasha from enterprise along with Elayna Bishop, now grown up but a former close friend of some of the kids in Deeds child army arrived to speak with Deed about something unrelated but, spotting the devices controller she would inquire regarding it which Deed did his best to deviate the discussion from. Violet Sinclair, long time press secretary of the republic stormed into the bunker and threatened William Deed infront of Sasha stating that ZDD was infact not permitted by some power entity which had not been revealed yet. (this is a big part of the future storyline) The situation became standoffish with Violet revealing this hidden power balance raising the curiosity of Sasha and sending Deed into a raging state. Violet would mock Deed displaying aerial footage of Deed assassinating John Atlas in a farm outside of the city in 2043. Deed would become incapable of responding and it would be finally revealed to Elyana what happened to John all this time later. Sasha at this point was ready to slice Violets head off but Violet, having access to Dark Signal and reprogramming it for her own purposes would scream a trigger code in latin “Abstulit et consurget” meaning “He will rise” raising the blast doors for a brief second before shutting it and disabling power to the command room. General Wolf, who happened to be waiting for Deed to exit the command room to thank him for what he had done, was be exhausted and lied against the wall as he watched Violet quickly escape the lower levels of the capitol. Deed would scream for him to reset Apollo’s power grid thus rebooting Dark Signal and nullifying the damage she had done. Once freed Deed and Sasha pread apart giving each other time to rest and take in the situation. Deed spent the next few days focusing purely on the launch as the trauma of the event was too much to face until he returned home. He was committed to finishing the launch without a hitch. The day of the launch came as himself and Seranno, the director of Enterprise, planned to launch into space. Deed would give a grand final speech bidding farewell to his people and instructing them to carry out his goals in the event he should perish. Seranno was prevented from going with Deed by Sasha who had knocked him out fearing catastrophe. As the ship launched the people looked up in awe.. this would mark a beacon of hope.. Deed would come back and save the island..

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But things went horribly wrong. As the ship hit the vortex the Solid Rocket Boosters broke apart and the ship began to dismantle into separate distinct parts some flying into the vortex and vanishing and others crashing and burning into Apollo and the surrounding areas. Hordes were immediately attracted to Apollo and the gate was heavily damaged giving them direct access. Citizens were ordered to evacuate by DSS Director Rixon Lancaster and everyone spread off into different groups as the chaos spread across the island. Enterprise, DSS, and LWM worked diligently to retake the city and had it secured by that evening. Chancellor Thomas Clayworth, veteran official of the republic would take control and immediately give a speech commemorating Supreme Chancellor William Deed and announcing his death; declaring his immediate action to rename the republic to the Republic of Phoenix and remove Deed insignias from buildings and flags. As the dust settled and the republic tried to get a grasp on the city Violet appeared the following day and declared herself the new Supreme Chancellor on the stairs of Apollo spawning an intense fight with Sasha that started with gunfire and ended with the novice Violet trying to duel Sasha with her own katana. Eventually the fight led into the capitol where Violet revealed her ability to manipulate and control the ancient relic in the middle of the

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capitol to create forcefields and disrupt energy fields to the degree where she could move people forward, backwards, and block them from getting to her entirely. The people watched as the duel progressed with Violet pulling out several hidden tricks trying to lure Sasha to her death. It eventually ended with Violet separating the crowd from Sasha as they stood in Deed’s room overlooking the crowd she iterated again the existence of a larger power that Sasha should've listened to. Before she had a chance to continue Sasha sliced her head off and pushed her out the window. Her corpse crashed into the ground infront of the crowd as Sasha walked down to claim her prize. The people of Apollo from this point on were stunned by the revelations and were all concerned about the future consequences this could have on the island. This would be the first event that would trigger people to begin to want to study and understand their atlantean history which as mentioned earlier was mostly forgotten at this point. Sasha took all of Violets personal possessions and took to her private premises to research and understand the events she just witnessed setting the stage for a future without Deed. For several weeks the people of Apollo lived under the rule of the newly founded Republic of Phoenix under the belief that William Deed had perished in the spaceship crash. However, Deeds part of the ship broke away into a capsule and flew into the vortex sending him sprawling towards the outskirts of West Atlantis where he made his way to Spargus and survived under relative anonymity. Deed spent the next several weeks carefully and methodically rescaling Pegasus alone in a private trailer and planning his reclaiming of the island. A mysterious man and woman sibling couple. Ayana and Marshall Sicarius working under neath the direction of an shadow individual located Deed and provided transport for him to Apollo city. Deed arrived in Apollo City causing immense shock and confusion and delivered the news of his survival and declared the new city of Pegasus to be built. Sasha recognizing Ayana and Marshal from their previous inquiries regarding Deed’s death and suspicious behavior around Apollo previously took it upon herself to order them into custody. Deed spoke with them previously about the unmasked man and let them go with relative ease before taking on his charge to Eden. Deed gathered as many men as he can and took all of his military assets to Eden laying hellfire down on it. With the bloodlust not seen in years Deed decimated the infection disregarding casualties to his own men. Deed conquered Eden raising the flag of the republic over the enthusiastic crowd. It was in that moment that the people of Phoenix realized that Deed was back.. but not the Deed that they had come to know in recent years. The fire in his belly was relit but, it would

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not be long before secrets of the island would be revealed that would threaten to destabilize even the most fortified of groups.

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When you burn down the old…­ 2045 (March­May)

Deed.. now returning to the precipice of the republic sets his eyes on deploying teams to construct Pegasus sending troops of DSS agents along with Enterprise and Paladin Security contractors to assist in building up his dream city. With a new found passion and rage Deed started Operation Bloodbath utilizing all remaining citizens of the microcities still jammed into Apollo and threw them at tyrant nests with limited military expertise or equipment and started a widespread artillery bombardment campaign with devastating collateral damage to small widespread settlements and buildings. The operation proved outstandingly successful and within several weeks it was declared there had been a 50% reduction in tyrant nests but, the social effects were huge on Deed and the republic as a whole. Chancellor Clayworth bitterly rejected Deed’s methods in dealing with the crisis prompting long term tension between the two.

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One crisis after another led to to a serious and devastating food crisis. The rapid centralization of the islands population into Apollo following the rise in infected caused the forests to be overwhelmed with hunting in unsustainable numbers. The forests will take some time to recover and vast numbers of local Phoenix animals could very well have gone extinct. Several methods such as Lone Wolf Militia planting a garden in the back of the capitol and scientific research by Enterprise proved unreliable and Deed resorted back to his “boots on the ground” roots and made his way to a outlining and little known farming community known as Everette city alone with the last remaining bottle of wine from the farms near Eden and made a strong alliance with Kenta Nakamura, the mayor of the city, to provide Apollo with crops in exchange for outstanding profits. As their relationship grew Deed brought Kenta into his inner circle. Chancellor Clayworth, an already bitter and disconcerted man, seeing the rise of Kenta and feeling unappreciated broke away from the republic to found his own. Deed, overwhelmed by his inability to get a grip on the republic established closer ties with Everette. The constant artillery bombardments of Operation Bloodbath caused toxic emissions to be blown into the upper atmosphere causing “emission storms” to blow over the island causing citizens to have to keep an airmask with them at all times. These toxic storms had drastic effects on food and alcohol production in most of the land surrounding Stygian. Luckily, cities like Everette remained relatively out of the zone and did not suffer any crop losses. Without any alcohol or any major emotional support Deed became obsessed more and more with his work. He cracked his whip harder and harder at the DSS and associated contractors prompting some of them to leave and join Clayworths new republic only further angering Deed. Finally, the city of Pegasus was complete. Deed, thrilled and in high spirits, organized a grand air show and began to spread his citizens back across the microcities. Again the cities of Sparta, Pegasus, Apollo, and Eden were now filled with people and Deed was able to once again be selective about who he brought into Apollo. Deed, focusing his effort on the republic as a whole, gave Kenta leadership over the city of Pegasus to which he enthusiastically accepted. No longer held back by distance to Stygian; Kenta rose to the challenge and became a prominent and respected figure. Without a chance to even enjoy his new achievement Deed was instantly bombarded by the introduction of a new figure to the stage. Oneiric Meark, member of the Meark family which ruled the island before the outbreak, stepped out of the shadows and invaded Sparta with his forces, taking control of the settlement. Oneiric was the last of his bloodline, being only fifteen years old he inherited the old Meark assets and resources, utilizing this in his conquest to retake the island. Even while young, Oneiric showed extreme cruelty towards the Spartan

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citizens, taking pleasure in making his subjects suffer. Several mearks also infiltrated the rankings of the Pegasus city council attempting to consolidate power for Oneiric. Oneiric worked strongly utilizing his family crests and atlantean artifacts to manipulate things in ways not seen since Violet passed away prompting immense concern from Deed. Following the invasion word reached a man who would become known as the Great Leader. Peter Gambino; a man known by very few living in the Western Atlantis mountains had been a remarkable player in the political dynamic of the island. Although not noted publicly he was the main driving force behind the Deed Republic’s as their primary financial backer and provider of various technologies from scavenging in Western Atlantis. Peter Gambino was an old man but influential and extremely charismatic he possessed incredible talents in persuading people to his side no matter how harsh. Gambino was the Governor of Nevada and a well known, liked, and cherished politician in the United States at the time. Very little was known about Gambino’s past and he could not trace his family ancestry very far at all. Gambino on his way via his private yacht to a vacation destination with his close colleague Alex Koveli and the best men of his construction company made their way to the Bermuda triangle and became one of the only few in a long time to break the vortex. Gambino upon parking onto the sandy beaches of Western Atlantis realized he belonged here. Gambino did not realize he was one of the last remaining Genesis that had left the island during the war but, he could feel something bind him to this land. Several years of intense training and research Gambino would gather several atlantean artifacts and built a small following of disciples one of which was Violet Sinclair. Violet had been instructed to keep an eye on Deed and provided information on the republics day to day operations to Gambino who kept a stern eye over its day to day operations. The more information Gambino gathered he had finally discovered his connection to the island and his family crescent was shown to him overlooking what would become the Bayside Docks whilst raising his own personal crystal to the sky. Following the death of Violet; Gambino would become infatuated by Sasha, leader of enterprise, believing her to be the last remaining Auxano based on her temperament and ability to defeat Violet despite the odds stacked against her. Utilizing technologies in Violets possession they made contact and Sasha and Gambino met at his estate in West Atlantis and it was verified she was indeed who he thought she was prompting months of intense training as he helped her train her skills along with his. Meanwhile.. Alexander Koveli, was in the process of building an incredible city in Western Atlantis calling it Oneiric.. the city of dreams.. constructed with familiar ascents from his home city of Las Vegas and a luxurious grand city pictured in Koveli and his men’s head. It was marvelous and ever more growing, and as the republic readied the island’s people for the true power structure it was nearly complete until the introduction of Oneiric Meark stopped him in

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his tracks. Gambino could not understand the.. sheer coincidence of the name. He could see it in the eyes.. he was different. He did not know that he was a Meark but, he knew he was someone he had to possess in his ranks by any means necessary. Deed felt that Oneiric was apart of Gambino’s plot to take the republic from him.. something he feared for many years but, Deed had a backup plan. For years he had fine tuned Dark Signal and developed a merging chamber intending to merge with the AI. If he was to be successful he would be all­seeing, all­knowing, and all­powerful; essentially, he would be a god. Dark Signal was tied into all computer systems, including the poseidon energy reactors. With thousands of books imported into the AI over several years it was nearly ready. All the years of hard work.. the tinkering.. the planning.. Deed would defeat Gambino by becoming more than human. If Gambino was to use his atlantean past Deed would defy it with technology. He would be more of a god then Gambino.. or so he hoped. Gambino, aware of Deeds plans through Sasha contemplated a response to both the crisis of the Mearks and Deed. Gambino had Sasha develop a virus that would kill Deed and short circuit Dark Signal thus killing the energy crystals kept alive by the Poseidon Energy reactors and destabilizing all of Stygians crystals energy grid. Deed took a final sip of his last bottle of brandy and rubbed his hand on his taxidermied head of Cain Eldrige. A tear ran down his face as he remembers his mistakes. He makes his way to the underground facility under the capitol and began the process of merging. Within a few moments he realized something was terribly wrong. The entire islands crystal energy grid has been compromised and the island went into an eerie darkness.. and for the Outer Zones to feel even more.. erie.. was in itself a paradox. It is believed Deed would of been electrocuted and died at this point, thus ending an era and plunging Stygian back into chaos.. once more. With the repellant gone, the infected soon flushed into Apollo, causing mayhem on the cities streets. Panic erupted, most citizens tried to flee, others resorted to plundering and fighting. Within this chaos and destruction the Arkham armory caught fire, causing an explosion which awakened a huge nest of dormant infected below Necropolis, unleashing them into the city. Many died, leaving most citizens scattered whilst the remaining settlements were the next to suffer losses due to the increase number of infected out for human flesh. It is in these moments that Gambino makes his move. Mercenaries of Enterprise along with Koveli’s men proceeded into Apollo making their way through a hidden rooftop entrance to Deed’s office opened by an awaiting Marshall Sicarius who had snuck in earlier. They quickly entered the capitol and transported Dark Signal and any vital and significant technology into their vehicles before setting the capitol on fire and irreparably damaging any chance of entering the underground facilities. After splitting into two groups, a second ground made their way to Sparta City. Oneiric sat on his throne.. frightened and concerned he sent his guards away to investigate. It is at this moment that Gambino’s men swoop in and quietly relocate Oneiric.

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Kenta realizing what was happening from his office quickly cut ties to the republic consolidating power to himself and Werewolf PMC’s control of Pegasus city. The next day Gambino’s men emerged and declared the death of Supreme Chancellor William Deed and the birth of a new nation. The people of Apollo, remaining DSS, DSF, and other affiliated republic citizens flocked to hear the men speak as they had been used to the life of luxury Deed had provided and we're distraught and scared. Utilizing this Gambino painted himself as a god.. bigger than life figure and convinced many people of the republic to come to the newly built city of Oneiric and join him. Many did whilst some stayed behind skeptical of his sincerity and loyalty to Deed. Gambino’s men picked up any remaining crystals insuring the island would stay in a state of darkness and utilized those to light Oneiric. It would begin the era of the nation of Oneiric.. Whether for good or bad. What would become of Oneiric? Would the Outer Zones recover from such a tragic lost? Would the people of the republic really be living in a city of dreams or a nightmare crafted by a psychopath? It is all up to you for this is the moment where YOU will write the rest of this story!