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  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Project Report on














    MUMBAI '%&&%'


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    Sr no Top,c P- no

    1 Certificate 3

    2 Declaration 4. Acknowledgment 5

    4 Executive Summary 6

    5 ro!lem Statement "

    6 #e$earc% &!'ective (

    L,ter/t0re Re1,e2

    " )ndian %armaceutical )ndu$try *

    ( +rend$ in %arma )ndu$try 1,

    * Drug$ and Act$ 1"

    1, re$cri-tion And &ver t%e Counter Drug 23

    11 .icen$ing 36

    12 )nve$tigating concern$ a!out t%e re$cri-tion of Controlled

    Drug$ in /eneral ractice


    13 )ntroduction to 0oe%ringer )ngel%eim 54

    14 )ntroduction to Dia!ete$ 56Met3o4o5o-6 o7 St046

    15 #e$earc% De$ign 61

    16 Data Analy$i$ 63

    1" inding$ of t%e #e$earc% (1

    1( Conclu$ion (3

    1* #ecommendation (4

    2, A--endice$ (5

    21 !i!ilogra-%y (*


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    TOPIC:+o Study t%e -erformance evaluation of re$cri-tion Drug$ of

    0oe%ringer )ngel%eim Com-any in t%e region of ort%ern um!ai

    NAME OF THE STUDENT: Mr. Mahesh S Vishwakarma

    +%i$ i$ to certify t%at r a%e$% S i$%wakarma $tudent of .Dalmia )n$titute of anagement Studie$ and #e$earc% %a$ carried out

    t%e -ro'ect on t%e c%o$en to-ic under our $u-ervi$ion and guidance a$

    -artial fulfillment of re7uirement$ of o$t /raduate Di-loma in 0u$ine$$

    anagement 8arketing9 um!ai :niver$ity for t%e Academic ;ear

    2,14 < 2,16

    ________________ _________________

    Prof. Mangesh Kasbekar

    Project Guide Director




  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    ) r a%e$% S i$%wakarma of . Dalmia )n$titute of anagement

    Studie$ and #e$earc% of %ere!y declare t%at ) %ave com-leted

    t%e ro'ect on Per7or8/nce E1/50/t,on o7 Pre+cr,pt,on Dr0- o7

    Boe3r,n-er In-e53e,8 a$ -artial fulfilment of re7uirement$ of degree of

    ma$ter$ of marketing management 89 in t%e Academic ;ear 2,,14

    < 2,16 +%e information $u!mitted i$ true and original to t%e !e$t of my


    Pro!. P. ". #r$a Mahesh SVishwakarma

    Director Stude%t

    Date: ________________


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    ) take great -lea$ure in $u!mitting my -ro'ect re-ort and ) would like to ex-re$$ my

    $incere t%ank$ to all t%o$e w%o %el-ed me in t%e com-letion of my -ro'ect

    +%e -ro'ect titled 9Per7or8/nce e1/50/t,on o7 pre+cr,pt,on 4r0- o7 :oe3r,n-er

    ,n-e53e,8;i$ t%e -roduct of t%e $u--ort and guidance extended !y t%e in$titute )t

    i$ not 'u$t t%e attem-t to enric% my$elf wit% t%e la$t learning ex-erience wit% t%e

    in$titute a$ a -art of t%e curriculum !ut to do 'u$tice to my mentor?$ effort$ in

    grooming me a$ a -rofe$$ional $-anning over two year$ of my cour$e

    ) take t%i$ o--ortunity to extend my %eartfelt gratitude to our Director

    rof . Aryaw%o %a$ !een t%e ma'or driving force for t%e $tudent$ to $trive for

    excellence and not $ettle for anyt%ing !ut t%e !e$t

    +%e -at% to $ucce$$ i$ not ac%ieved unle$$ you are -rovided wit% timely advice

    w%ic% wa$ alway$ availa!le t%roug% my -ro'ect guide rof ange$% =a$!ekar

    ) al$o ex-re$$ my gratitude toward$ t%e $taff of t%e li!rary and t%e com-uter center

    t%at %a$ !een very co@o-erative during t%e endeavor


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    +o Study t%e -erformance evaluation of re$cri-tion Drug$ 8+ra'enta9 of0oe%ringer )ngel%eim Com-any in t%e region of ort%ern um!ai


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    +o $tudy t%e -erformance evaluation of re$cri-tion drug of 0oe%ringer )ngel%eim

    $-ecifically in term$ of efficacy and $afety -rofile

    +o $ugge$t way$ to com-any to im-rove on marketing $trategy to -romote t%e

    re$cri-tion drug$


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh




  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    In4,/n P3/r8/ce0t,c/5 In40+tr6

    )ndia?$ -%armaceutical $ector %a$ $een unwavering growt% in t%e -a$t few year$ going u- to 23

    !illion :SD in 2,12 from 23 !illion :SD in 2,,2 ariou$ indu$try re-ort$ $ugge$t t%at t%e-%armaceutical $ector in )ndia %a$ !een growing con$i$tently at t%e rate of 13@14 every year

    $ince t%e la$t five year$ According to t%e con$ulting firm c=in$ey Com-any )ndia?$

    -%armaceutical $ector will touc% 55 !illion :SD !y 2,2, and generic$ are ex-ected to continue

    to dominate t%e market w%ile -atent@-rotected -roduct$ are likely to con$titute 1, -er cent of t%e

    market till 2,15

    )ndian -%armaceutical indu$try com-anie$ can !roadly !e cla$$ified a$ dome$tic com-anie$ and

    foreign com-anie$ 8C$9 Some of t%e ma'or -layer$ include /laxoSmit%=line Ci-la Dr

    #eddy?$ .a!oratorie$ #an!axy fiBer etc inancial year 2,13 wa$ c%allenging on t%e dome$tic

    front and witne$$ed $luggi$% growt% owing to acute com-etition from unli$ted -layer$ and $o on/rowt% in t%e $ector i$ ex-ected to !e !oo$ted t%i$ year due to increa$ing con$umer $-ending

    ra-id ur!aniBation et al

    +%ere %a$ !een a -aradigm $%ift in t%e attitude of -eo-le in )ndia toward$ %ealt%care Alarming

    ri$e in ca$e$ of cardiova$cular -ro!lem$ nervou$ $y$tem di$order$ dia!ete$ and many ot%er

    di$ea$e$ a$ well a$ di$order$ %a$ created more awarene$$ in t%e growing -o-ulation a!out t%e

    need of im-rovement in medical $ector +%erefore t%ere i$ a great need for -%armaceutical

    com-anie$ to inve$t t%eir time and re$ource$ in re$earc% and develo-ment of new efficient and

    co$t effective drug$

    )ndia %a$ an organiBed -%armaceutical market of it$ own w%ic% i$ !eing con$idered a$ a

    -otential -artner !y ot%er countrie$ +%e )ndian %arma arket i$ ranked num!er 3 in term$ of

    volume and 1,t% in term$ of market value )ndian -%arma com-anie$ are al$o -roving to !e

    glo!al leader$ in -roduction of generic$ and vaccine$

    According to a re-ort !y t%e De-artment of )ndu$trial olicy and romotion 8D)9 )ndia %a$

    attracted Direct oreign )nve$tment of :S 113*1,3 million from A-ril 2,,,@2,13 and will $ee

    an u-$urge in t%e year$ to come 0io-%armaceutical$ i$ al$o increa$ingly !ecoming an area of

    intere$t given t%e com-lexity in manufacture and limited com-etition

    According to a re-ort !y )S Fealt% t%e dome$tic -%armaceutical market %a$ $een a growt% of

    135 and recorded total $ale$ of #$ 6((3 crore 8:S 112 !illion9 in t%e mont% of Guly 2,13

    +%e ma'or rea$on$ for t%i$ growt% can !e attri!uted to continual growt% in -rolonged t%era-ie$

    increa$ing $ale$ of generic medicine$ and $trengt%ening %old over rural market$


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    A %ig%ly fragmented indu$try t%e )ndian -%armaceutical indu$try i$ e$timated to %ave over

    1,,,, manufacturing unit$ a$ given !y t%e &rganiBation of %armaceutical roducer$ of )ndia

    +%e organiBed $ector account$ for 'u$t 5 of t%e indu$try wit% around 3,, -layer$ w%ile a %uge

    *5 i$ in t%e unorganiBed $ector A large num!er of -layer$ in t%e unorganiBed $egment are

    $mall and medium enter-ri$e$ and t%i$ $egment contri!ute$ 35 of t%e indu$try?$ turnover

    )n calendar year 8C;9 2,,5 turnover of t%e organiBed $ector com-anie$ aggregated to #$ 3,2 !n

    of w%ic% 1* came from C$ w%ile t%e remaining (1 wa$ contri!uted !y )ndian com-anie$

    +urnover of -layer$ in t%e unorganiBed $egment t%oug% difficult to a$$e$$ i$ e$timated to !e

    around #$ 16, !n

    +%e )ndian -%armaceutical indu$try con$i$t$ of manufacturer$ of !ulk drug$ and formulation$

    0ulk drug$ include t%e active -%armaceutical ingredient$ 8A)$9 w%ic% are u$ed for t%e

    manufacture of formulation$ According to e$timate$ t%e -ro-ortion of formulation$ and !ulk

    drug$ i$ in t%e order of "525 +%ere are !elieved to !e over 6,,,, formulation$ manufactured in

    )ndia in more t%an 6, t%era-eutic $egment$ ore t%an (5 of t%e formulation$ -roduced in t%e

    country are $old in t%e dome$tic market )ndia i$ largely $elf@$ufficient in ca$e of formulation$

    t%oug% $ome life $aving new@generation@tec%nology@!arrier formulation$ continue to !e


    Among t%e t%era-eutic $egment$ t%e anti@infective$ to- dome$tic -roduction in volume$ )n

    2,,5 t%e c%ronic t%era-y $egment accounted for around 26 of t%e dome$tic formulation

    !u$ine$$ growing at a rate of 1,H fa$ter t%an t%e acute t%era-y $egment +%e c%ronic t%era-y

    $egment include$ anti@dia!etic$ cardiac and neuro@-$yc%iatry formulation$

    0ulk drug manufacturing i$ largely concentrated in And%ra rade$% w%ic% account$ for more

    t%an one@t%ird of t%e country?$ total !ulk drug -roduction followed !y /u'arat +%e )ndian !ulk

    drug indu$try %a$ lately !een gaining $ignificant -re$ence in t%e glo!al market a$ foreign and

    multinational com-anie$ are looking to $ourcing A)$ and intermediate$ from )ndian

    manufacturer$ actor$ favouring t%e indu$try are a va$t re$ource of tec%nical -eo-le $tateof@

    t%e@art manufacturing facilitie$ low co$t and t%e advantage of t%e Engli$% language A$ -art of

    government?$ $u--ort to increa$e ex-ort$ duty free Bone$ %ave !een $et u- and $everal

    manufacturer$ of !ulk drug$ %ave !een $%ifting t%eir facilitie$ to t%e$e area$ A$ a re$ult t%e

    diver$e $-read %a$ now $tarted getting con$olidated and concentrated in certain region$ acro$$t%e country

    )ndia %a$ a $ignificant $%are in t%e glo!al generic$ market and i$ ranked t%ird )n recent year$

    t%i$ $egment %a$ !een facing $tiff com-etition w%ic% make$ t%e $cale of -roduction im-ortant to

    im-rove -rofita!ility )ndia %a$ -re@dominantly !een a generic -layer and %a$ t%e -otential to

    gain a glo!al -re$ence for t%e following key develo-ment$


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    ulti-le !randed drug -atent ex-iration$ in t%e $%ort term According to )S Fealt% in 2,,6

    and 2,," a total of :S 2( !n and :S 2, !n re$-ectively of !randed $ale$ were likely to

    !ecome $u$ce-ti!le to t%e entry of generic e7uivalent$

    )ncrea$ing confidence of con$umer$ in generic$ in t%e develo-ed market$

    A -ro@generic $entiment from %ealt%care aut%oritie$ driven !y t%e -re$$ure of containing ri$ing

    %ealt%care co$t$

    An aging -o-ulation acro$$ t%e world leading to increa$ing demand for low co$t t%era-ie$

    /lo!al %ealt%care cri$i$ like A)DS in t%e develo-ing world nece$$itating afforda!le medication

    for t%e ma$$e$

    Pro40ct,on /n4 Tr/4e

    +%e dome$tic !ulk drug and formulation indu$try %a$ !een a!le to largely meet t%edome$tic demand for t%e$e -roduct$ 0e$ide$ it al$o ex-ort$ to $everal region$ including

    t%e E: and :S Ex-ort$ currently con$titute nearly 4( of t%e indu$try?$ turnover and

    %ave !een growing at an average 22 annually $ince 1**4 )n ;,6 ex-ort$ grew !y an

    im-re$$ive 21 touc%ing #$ 215( !n

    +%e growing demand from t%e dome$tic market and increa$ed manufacturing activitie$

    %a$ led to ri$ing im-ort$ during t%e -a$t few year$ )n ;,6 im-ort$ were wort% #$ 452

    !n a$ again$t #$ 31" !n in ;,5 +%e nature of im-ort$ %a$ undergone a $ignificant

    c%ange over t%e year$ from fini$%ed do$e$ im-orted -rior to t%e 1*",$ to largely !ulk

    drug$ today

    Dome$tic demand %a$ !een $%owing $ignificant growt%H t%e ri$e in con$um-tion !eing

    -rimarily attri!uted to t%e ri$ing -o-ulation ri$e in income level$ and increa$ing %ealt%

    awarene$$ among -eo-le ew -roduct launc%e$ !y t%e )ndian and multinational

    com-anie$ %ave al$o catalyBed market demand oreover t%e favoura!le regulatory

    environment increa$ed ex-enditure on #D and im-roved tec%nical $kill$ in t%e field of

    c%emical $ynt%e$i$ %a$ al$o -layed an im-ortant role

    +%e increa$ing alliance$ and tie@u-$ of )ndian com-anie$ wit% glo!al -layer$ %a$ furt%er

    given a !oo$t to )ndian ex-ort$

    Ke6 Dr,1er+ 7or t3e P3/r8/ce0t,c/5 In40+tr6

    /rowing orientation toward$ #e$earc% and Develo-ment 8#D9

    +%e introduction of -roduct -atent in )ndia %a$ !roug%t $ome fundamental c%ange$ in

    $trategie$ of )ndian -%armaceutical com-anie$ wit% focu$ $%ifting more toward$ #D


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    +%e original )ndian -atent law w%ic% recogniBed only -roce$$ -atent gave )ndian

    com-anie$ t%e o--ortunity to -roduce -roduct$ under -atent in over$ea$ market$

    -articularly regulated market$ !y ado-ting new -roce$$e$ Con$e7uently com-anie$

    were in advantageou$ -o$ition to -roduce drug$ t%roug% rever$e engineering at relatively

    very low co$t t%at %el-ed t%e dome$tic indu$try to grow fa$ter during t%e initial $tage$ of

    develo-ment &n t%e ot%er %and t%i$ di$couraged multinational com-anie$ from

    launc%ing t%eir new -roduct$ in )ndia fearing du-lication of t%eir new drug di$covery

    t%roug% rever$e engineering A$ a re$ult C$? market $%are declined from ", -rior

    to 1*"2 to 2, at -re$ent

    +%e introduction of -roduct -atent %a$ led t%e dome$tic indu$try toward$ ex-loring new

    avenue$ of drug develo-ment w%ic% would re7uire %ig%er ca-ital inve$tment in #D

    and greater t%ru$t toward$ innovation Current trend$ indicate t%at #D ex-enditure of

    to- dome$tic com-anie$ %a$ increa$ed from a mere 2 of total turnover in C;,, to

    nearly 4 in C;,5 +%oug% t%i$ i$ t%e average for t%e indu$try to-@line -layer$ %ave$-ent in t%e range of (@1, during ;,6 +%i$ level of ex-enditure i$ %owever low

    com-ared wit% t%e $-ending of 12@16 of turnover on #D !y international leader$

    #D !y )ndian -%armaceutical com-anie$ i$ !acked !y a favoura!le -olicy environment and

    availa!ility of $ur-lu$ $killed tec%nical worker$ at low co$t$ +%i$ i$ to t%e advantage of t%e

    $ector and will $ee a $ignificant t%ru$t in coming year$


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Le1er/-,n- CRAM+ opport0n,t,e+

    +%e glo!al -%armaceutical indu$try i$ increa$ingly facing co$t -re$$ure$ on variou$ count$ and

    #D -roductivity of t%e$e -layer$ %a$ gone down $ignificantly in recent year$ under ri$ing

    man-ower co$t$ and %ig%er regulatory ri$k )n fact t%e -roce$$ of getting a--roval of new

    -roduct$ in regulated market re7uire$ $trict com-liance of 7uality norm$ w%ic% i$ $tringent and

    i$ al$o $u!'ect to %ig% legal ri$k +%i$ factor i$ forcing C$ to out$ource -art of t%eir #D

    and manufacturing activitie$ to low co$t de$tination$ like )ndia and C%ina

    )ndia i$ emerging a$ t%e glo!al %u! for contract re$earc% and manufacturing $ervice$ 8C#A$9

    due to it$ low co$t advantage and world cla$$ 7uality $tandard$ +%e )ndian -%arma indu$try

    -o$$e$$e$ world $tandard manufacturing facilitie$ a$ -er t%e / norm$ w%ic% are a--roved !y

    variou$ regulatory agencie$ acro$$ t%e glo!e +%e diver$e di$ea$e -rofile and a!undance of

    -atient$ in )ndia -rovide$ !etter ground for clinical trial$ )ndia %a$ leveraged t%i$ advantage to

    attract clinical trial$ -roce$$ out$ourced !y t%e com-anie$ involved in innovation

    a'ority of t%e contract manufacturing deal$ relate to -roduction of active -%armaceutical

    ingredient$ 8A)$9 and intermediate$ in w%ic% )ndia -o$$e$$e$ com-etence ic%ola$ iramal

    S%a$un C%emical$ Divi?$ .a! Di$%man %arma Cadila Fealt%care .u-in atrix .a! and

    Auro!indo %arma are $ome of t%e com-anie$ w%ic% %ave witne$$ed im-re$$ive growt% in

    revenue$ from t%eir C#A$ !u$ine$$ under variou$ tie@u-$ wit% glo!al -%armaceutical ma'or$

    Gro2,n- e=port+

    Ex-ort$ %ave !een t%e ma'or growt% ena!ler of t%e )ndian -%armaceutical indu$try in recentyear$ )ndia ex-ort$ -%armaceutical -roduct$ A)$ and intermediate$ to more t%an 2,, countrie$

    acro$$ t%e world +raditionally #u$$ia /ermany igeria and )ndia?$ neig%!oring countrie$ like

    Sri .anka e-al and t%e iddle Ea$t were t%e ma'or market$ for )ndian -%armaceutical

    ex-ort$ o$t of t%e$e market$ are not %ig%ly regulated and are con$idered to !e low@value


    #emarka!ly t%e -ro-ortion of ex-ort$ in dome$tic turnover %a$ !een increa$ing over t%e year$

    de$-ite t%e growing dome$tic demand Currently ex-ort$ con$titute 4( of e$timated turnover

    of t%e indu$try a$ com-ared to nearly 35 during C;,2


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    E=p/n4,n- pre+ence ,n re-05/te4 8/r>et

    &ver t%e year$ )ndia %a$ $%own !etter regulatory awarene$$ and $u-erior tec%nical $kill$ w%ic%

    %a$ ena!led )ndian com-anie$ to -enetrate t%e %ig%@value market$ like t%e :S and E: Ex-ort$

    of -%armaceutical -roduct$ 8fini$%ed -roduct$ a$ cla$$ified under %eading 3, of )+C@FS code9

    to t%e :S grew !y an im-re$$ive 33 to #$ 23 !n and !y a w%o--ing 62 to #$ 35 !n to t%e

    E: during ;,4@;,6 #egulated market$ t%oug% difficult to -enetrate due to $tringent

    regulation$ are known to give !etter value and margin to ex-orter$

    +%e increa$ing -re$ence in %ig%@value market$ like t%e :SA and Euro-e %a$ $trongly !oo$ted

    t%e overall growt% of t%e )ndian -%armaceutical indu$try Fowever wit% com-etition getting

    $tiffer in t%e regulated market$ and t%e con$e7uent -re$$ure on margin$ )ndian -layer$ are al$o

    ex-anding t%eir geogra-%ical reac% to %ig%@growt% region$ $uc% a$ t%e C)S and .atin American


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    countrie$ Alt%oug% con$idered a$ low@value market$ t%e$e market$ are witne$$ing im-re$$ive

    growt% and t%erefore it -rovide$ great o--ortunity for )ndian -layer$

    R,+e ,n ne2 pro40ct 5/0nc3e+

    )n t%e -%armaceutical indu$try new -roduct launc%e$ create new demand After t%e introduction

    of -roduct -atent in )ndia t%e dome$tic indu$try %a$ witne$$ed a fre$% $-ell of new -roduct

    launc%e$ ew -roduct$ launc%ed $ince 2,,5 accounted for around 12 of t%e overall market

    growt% +%e$e launc%e$ %ave !een done !y !ot% dome$tic and international -layer$ and $ome of

    t%em are fir$t time launc% of new c%emical entity 8CE9

    T3e Re-05/tor6 Contro5 o7 t3e P3/r8/ce0t,c/5 In40+tr6

    Ke6 ,++0e+ 7/c,n- t3e P3/r8/ce0t,c/5 In40+tr6

    Some of t%e i$$ue$ t%e dome$tic indu$try i$ facing are a$ under


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Incre/+,n- +p/n o7 pr,ce contro5

    +%e draft ational %armaceutical$ olicy 2,,6 currently underway and awaiting a--roval

    from t%e arliament intend$ to !ring 354 drug$ under -rice control w%ic% i$ in addition to t%e

    "4 !ulk drug$ already notified under -rice control +%e -rice control a$ -ro-o$ed in t%e olicy i$

    likely to cover at lea$t 5,@6, of t%e dome$tic market under -rice control +%e -ro-o$ed control

    on -rice$ i$ $et to im-act t%e indu$try margin $ignificantly e$-ecially t%o$e -layer$ %aving only

    local o-eration$ Fowever to $ecure t%e -rofita!ility firm$ will %ave to increa$e t%eir $cale of


    +%e num!er of drug$ under -rice control %ad come down from nearly 4,, in t%e 1*",$ to "2 in

    1**5 and furt%er reduced to 2* in 2,,2 +%i$ deci$ion wa$ %owever $talled !y t%e Su-reme

    Court a$king t%e De-artment of ertiliBer$ and C%emical$ /o) to identify t%e e$$ential and life

    $aving drug$ t%at need to continue remaining under -rice control +%e De-artment li$ted 354

    item$ t%at it -urc%a$e$ for it$ %o$-ital$ called t%e ational .i$t of E$$ential edicine$ 8.E9+%e new draft -olicy con$i$t$ of t%e$e 354 drug$ t%at are likely to !e under t%e co$t !a$ed -rice


    Pr,ce ero+,on ,n -ener,c+

    )ndian generic$ market i$ witne$$ing a margin -re$$ure in mo$t of t%e -roduct categorie$ due to

    two main rea$on$ t%e -ro-o$ed -rice control likely to !e im-o$ed !y t%e /overnment and t%e

    $tiff com-etition among dome$tic -layer$ )n fact )ndia %a$ witne$$ed a fa$t ri$e in t%e num!erof -layer$ over a -eriod of time oreover t%e ex-an$ion of ca-acitie$ !y certain leading

    -layer$ %a$ al$o fuelled com-etition in certain -roduct categorie$ w%ic% re$trict$ margin$ of t%e

    $maller -layer$

    +%e fall in -rice$ of generic drug$ are not limited to )ndia only +%e :S w%ic% i$ t%e world?$

    large$t -%armaceutical market i$ al$o ex-eriencing a $%ar- reduction in -rice$ of generic drug$

    due to $tiff com-etition Some ot%er develo-ed countrie$ like t%e := and /ermany %ave al$o

    witne$$ed t%e $ame $cenario +%e ero$ion in -rice$ i$ to t%e extent of *, in $ome ca$e$ )ndian

    -layer$ w%ic% %ave !een o-erating in t%e$e market$ %ave al$o witne$$ed ero$ion in margin$ in

    certain t%era-eutic $egment$

    Lo2 R?D pro40ct,1,t6

    De$-ite t%e increa$ing ex-enditure on #D t%e introduction of new molecule$ !y )ndian -layer$

    %a$ !een limited )t i$ in fact a %it@and@mi$$ $ituation in t%e field of di$covery and develo-ment$


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    of new c%emical entity 8CE$9 w%ere mi$$e$ are more t%an %it$ ery few di$coverie$ reac% t%e

    final $tage$ of a--roval$ and in mo$t of t%e ca$e$ t%e claim for -atent get$ $tuck in legal !attle$

    )n $-ite of t%e ri$ing ex-enditure in #D t%e level of inve$tment in #D i$ $till low at average

    4 a$ com-ared to t%e glo!al -ractice of $-ending 12@16 of $ale$ on #D

    +%e c%anging glo!al -%armaceutical indu$try %a$ tran$formed -ro$-ect$ of )ndian

    -%armaceutical com-anie$ +%e leading %arma com-anie$ in )ndia %ave !een actively extending

    t%e frontier$ of $cientific knowledge and going glo!al t%roug% merger$ and ac7ui$ition$ )n 2,,5

    ac7ui$ition$ !y t%e )ndian -%armaceutical com-anie$ were t%e %ig%e$t wit% 2, !uyout$ a!road

    A $imilar trend wa$ o!$erved during 2,,6 w%ic% include Dr #eddy?$ !uyout of /ermany?$

    0eta-%arm and #an!axy?$ -urc%a$e of #omania?$ +era-ia Euro-e %a$ emerged a$ t%e mo$t

    -referred de$tination for ac7ui$ition$ !y )ndian com-anie$

    +%e Euro-ean generic$ market %a$ emerged a$ a ma'or attraction for ac7ui$ition$ !y )ndian

    com-anie$ According to re-ort$ margin ero$ion in Euro-e i$ muc% le$$ com-ared to t%e :Sw%en a drug or formulation !ecome$ generic

    Con$olidation i$ inevita!le and i$ ex-ected to !ring in economie$ of $cale and -rovide acce$$ to

    newer geogra-%ie$ to regional -layer$ +%e /overnment %a$ e$timated t%at !y year 2,1, t%e

    indu$try %a$ t%e -otential to ac%ieve a $iBe of :S 2( !n

    Dr0-+ /n4 Act+

    )n t%e !eginning of t%e current century Drug )ndu$try wa$ -ractically non@exi$tent in )ndia and

    -%armaceutical$ were !eing im-ortant from a!road +%e ir$t >orld >ar c%anged t%e $ituation

    and not only were fini$%ed and c%ea- drug$ im-orted in increa$ing volume t%e demand for

    indigenou$ -roduct$ al$o were voiced from all $ide$ >it% t%e clamour for $wade$%i good$

    manufacturing concern$ !ot% )ndian and oreign $-rang u- to -roduce -%armaceutical$ at

    c%ea-er rate$ to com-ete wit% im-orted -roduct$ aturally $ome of t%e$e were of inferior

    7uality and %armful for -u!lic %ealt% +%e /overnment wa$ t%erefore called u-on to take noticeof t%e $ituation and con$ider t%e matter of introducing legi$lation to control t%e manufacture

    di$tri!ution and $ale of drug$ and medicine$

    +wo of t%e law$ +%e oi$on$ Act and t%e Dangerou$ Drug$ Act were -a$$ed in 1*1* and 1*3,

    re$-ectively +%e &-ium Act wa$ 7uite old %aving !eing ado-ted a$ early a$ 1("( 0ut to %ave a


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    com-re%en$ive legi$lation w%ic% t%e ra-id ex-an$ion of t%e -%armaceutical -roduction and drug

    market re7uired !y t%e end of t%e $econd decade for it$ control t%e )ndian /overnment

    a--ointed in 1*31 a Drug$ En7uiry Committee under t%e C%airman$%i- .t Col # C%o-ra

    w%ic% wa$ a$ked to make $ifting en7uirie$ into t%e w%ole matter of drug -roduction di$tri!ution

    and $ale !y inviting o-inion$ and meeting concerned -eo-le +%e Committee wa$ a$ked to make

    recommendation$ a!out t%e way$ and mean$ of controlling t%e -roduction and $ale of drug$ and

    -%armaceutical$ in t%e intere$t of -u!lic %ealt% +%e C%o-ra Committee toured all over t%e

    country and after carefully examining t%e data -laced !efore it $u!mitted a voluminou$ re-ort to

    government $ugge$ting creation of drug control mac%inery at t%e centre wit% !ranc%e$ in all

    -rovince$ or an efficient and $-eedy working of t%e controlling de-artment t%e committee al$o

    recommended t%e e$ta!li$%ment of a well@e7ui--ed Central Drug$ .a!oratory wit% com-etent

    $taff and ex-ert$ in variou$ !ranc%e$ for data $tandardiBation work :nder t%e guidance of t%e

    Central .a!oratory it wa$ $ugge$ted $mall la!oratorie$ would work in t%e -rovince$ or t%e

    training of young men and women t%e Committee recommended t%e -ermi$$ion of Central

    %armacy Council and t%e rovincial %armacy Council$ wit% regi$trar$ w%o would maintain

    t%e li$t$ containing name$ and addre$$e$ of t%e licen$ed -%armaci$t$

    +%e out!reak of t%e Second >orld >ar in 1*3* delayed t%e introduction of legi$lation on t%e

    line$ $ugge$ted !y t%e C%o-ra Committee w%ic% t%e )ndian government contem-lated and

    con$idered a$ urgent Fowever t%e Drug$ Act wa$ -a$$ed in 1*4, -artly im-lementing t%e

    C%o-ra recommendation$ >it% t%e ac%ievement of inde-endence in 1*4" t%e re$t of t%e re7uired

    law$ were -ut on t%e Statute 0ook )n 1*(5 t%e arcotic Drug$ and $yc%otro-ic Su!$tance$ Act

    were enacted re-ealing t%e Dangerou$ Drug$ Act 1*3, and t%e &-ium Act of 1("(

    At -re$ent t%e following Act$ and #ule$ made t%ere under t%at govern t%e manufacture $ale

    im-ort ex-ort and clinical re$earc% of drug$ and co$metic$ in )ndia

    I +%e Drug$ and Co$metic$ Act 1*4,

    I +%e %armacy Act 1*4(

    I +%e Drug$ and agic #emedie$ 8&!'ectiona!le Adverti$ement9 Act 1*54

    I +%e arcotic Drug$ and $yc%otro-ic Su!$tance$ Act 1*(5


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    I +%e edicinal and +oilet re-aration$ 8Exci$e Dutie$9 Act 1*56

    I +%e Drug$ 8rice$ Control9 &rder 1**5 8under t%e E$$ential Commoditie$ Act9

    S-M -/0 "#S

    /here are some other aws which ha4e a beari%5 o% 6harmaceutica

    ma%u!acture7 distributio% a%d sae i% 8%dia. /he im6orta%t o%es bei%5:

    1. /he 8%dustries 9De4eo6me%t a%d e5uatio% #ct7 1+'1

    2. /he /rade a%d Mercha%dise Marks #ct7 1+'*

    3. /he 8%dia% Pate%t a%d Desi5% #ct7 1+),

    1. Dru5s a%d cosmetics #ct71+&, a%d rues71+&'

    /he object o! the #ct is to re5uate the im6ort7 ma%u!acture7 distributio% a%d

    sae o! dru5s.

    ;%der the 6ro4isio%s o! this #ct7 the

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    ;%der the 6ro4isio%s o! this act the

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    /he #ct makes it i%cumbe%t u6o% the State Go4er%me%ts to co%stitute State

    Pharmac$ members eected !rom amo%5st themse4es b$ re5istered Pharmacists

    o! the state.

    b Ci4e members o! whom at east two sha be 6erso%s 6ossessi%5 a

    6rescribed de5ree or di6oma i% Pharmac$ or Pharmaceutica

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    /he Dru5s a%d Ma5ic emedies #ct 6rohibits a 6erso% !rom taki%5 6art i%

    6ubicatio% o! a%$ ad4ertiseme%t re!erri%5 to a%$ dru5 which su55ests use

    o! the dru5 !or:

    a the 6rocureme%t o! miscarria5e i% wome% or 6re4e%tio% o! co%ce6tio%

    i% wome% a%d

    b the mai%te%a%ce or im6ro4eme%t o! the ca6acit$ o! the huma% bei%5

    !or se>ua 6easure

    cthe correctio% o! me%strua disorders i% wome%

    d the dia5%osis7 cure7 miti5atio%7 treatme%t or 6re4e%tio% o! a%$ 4e%ereadisease. 8t is 6rohibited to direct$ or i%direct$ 5i4e a !ase im6ressio%

    re5ardi%5 the true character o! a dru5 or make !ase caim !or it or to co%4e$

    a%$ !ase or miseadi%5 i%!ormatio% i% a%$ materia 6articuar about it. Eo

    6erso% sha im6ort i%to or e>6ort !rom 8%dia a%$ docume%t co%tai%i%5

    ad4ertiseme%t o! this %ature.

    hoe4er co%tra4e%es the 6ro4isio%s o! this #ct sha7 o% co%4ictio%7 be

    6u%ishabe with im6riso%me%t which ma$ e>te%d to si> mo%ths7 with or

    without @%e. 8% case o! subseAue%t co%4ictio%s the im6riso%me%t ca% be

    e>te%ded to o%e $ear. /he docume%t7 artice or thi%5 which co%tai%s the

    oFe%di%5 ad4ertiseme%t ca% be seied a%d co%@scated.

    8! the 6erso% co%tra4e%i%5 a%$ o! the 6ro4isio%s o! the #ct is a com6a%$7

    e4er$ 6erso% who at the time the oFe%ce was committed was i% char5e o!

    the busi%ess o! the com6a%$ sha be deemed 5uit$.

    /he 6rohibitio% u%der this #ct does %ot a66$ to: a a%$ si5%board or %otice

    dis6a$ed b$ a re5istered medica 6ractitio%er i%cudi%5 the treatme%t !or

    a%$ o! the disease7 b a%$ treaties or book deai%5 with a%$ o! the matters

    !rom a bo%a@de scie%ti@c sta%d6oi%t7 c a%$ ad4ertiseme%t reated to a%$


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    dru5 se%t co%@de%tia$ to a%$ re5istered medica 6ractitio%ers or to

    chemists !or distributio% amo%5 re5istered medica 6ractitio%ers or to a

    hos6ita or aborator$7 a%d d Go4er%me%t ad4ertiseme%ts.

    &. /he Earcotic Dru5s a%d Ps$chotro6ic Substa%ces #ct7 1+*'

    /his is a% #ct to co%soidate a%d ame%d the aw reati%5 to Earcotic Dru5s7 to

    make stri%5e%t 6ro4isio%s !or the co%tro a%d re5uatio% o! o6eratio%s

    reati%5 to Earcotic Dru5s a%d Ps$chotro6ic Substa%ces a%d !or matters

    co%%ected therewith

    Pre+cr,pt,on /n4 O1ert3eCo0nter Dr0-+

    A drug i$ a c%emical t%at affect$ living t%ing$ A$-irin allergy medicine $lee-ing -ill$ and

    ot%er medication$ are drug$ So are vitamin$ cigarette$ and alco%ol

    edicine i$ a legal drug u$ed to treat an ailment or illne$$

    -4erthecou%ter 9-/

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    8% the ;%ited States7 the Cood a%d Dru5 #dmi%istratio% decides whether a

    medici%e is sa!e e%ou5h to se o4erthecou%ter. /aki%5 -/< medici%es sti

    has risks. Some i%teract with other medici%es7 su66eme%ts7 !oods or dri%ks.

    -thers cause 6robems !or 6eo6e with certai% medica co%ditio%s. 8! $ouHre

    6re5%a%t7 tak to $our heath care 6ro4ider be!ore taki%5 a%$ medici%es.

    8t is im6orta%t to take medici%es correct$. More medici%e does %ot

    %ecessari$ mea% better. Iou shoud %e4er take -/< medici%es o%5er or i%

    hi5her doses tha% the abe recomme%ds. 8! $our s$m6toms do%Ht 5o awa$7

    itBs a cear si5%a that itHs time to see $our heathcare 6ro4ider.

    /he histor$ o! o4erthecou%ter medici%es has bee% a roercoaster. /he ose

    case7 which cumi%ated i% a decisio% !rom the 0ouse o! "ords i% 1),&7

    estabished that a6othecaries coud 6rescribe a%d dis6e%se medici%es7

    breaki%5 the mo%o6o$ o! the

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    is a cear 6ubic heath be%e@t to be 5ai%ed !rom maki%5 this im6orta%t

    medici%e a4aiabe throu5h 6harmacies. 0owe4er7 the erciseB. #

    s6okesma% !or the o$a %at i$ in t%e drugJ

    I >%at do ) take t%e drug forJ


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    I Fow muc% $%ould ) takeJ

    I >%at are t%e -o$$i!le $ide effect$J

    I >%o $%ould not take t%e drugJ

    I Fow long i$ it $afe to take t%e drugJ

    #ESC#)+)& D#:/S

    re$cri-tion drug$ are legal drug$ t%at can only !e ordered !y a doctor or a denti$t &nly a

    licen$ed -%armaci$t can $ell -re$cri-tion drug$ >%en a drug i$ -re$cri!ed for you or your

    c%ildren it i$ im-ortant to a$k

    I >%at i$ t%e name of t%e drugJ

    I >%at will it doJ

    I Are t%ere any $ide effect$J

    I >%en and %ow $%ould ) take t%e drugJ

    I Are t%ere food$ and drink$ or ot%er drug$ to avoid w%ile ) am taking t%i$ medicineJ

    I Can t%i$ -re$cri-tion !e refilledJ

    I )$ t%ere a generic form of t%i$ drugJ

    Side Effect$

    Drug$ affect your w%ole !ody ot everyone re$-ond$ to drug$ in t%e $ame way )n addition to

    treating t%e -art of your !ody t%at need$ t%e drug a drug may cau$e a reaction in ot%er -art$ of

    t%e !ody +%e$e un-lanned reaction$ are called $ide effect$ Common $ide effect$ are nau$ea

    %eadac%e$ and $lee-ine$$ Sometime$ $ide effect$ are cau$ed !y mixing a drug wit% certain

    ot%er drug$ or food$ any drug$ $%ould not !e mixed wit% alco%ol +%e com!ination can !e

    fatal )t i$ !e$t to not drink alco%ol w%en taking any kind of medication Dairy -roduct$ -revent

    $ome anti!iotic$ from working &+C drug$ li$t $ide effect$ on t%e la!el )t i$ !e$t to a$k your

    doctor or -%armaci$t a!out $ide effect$


    Fow muc% of a drug you take i$ called t%e do$e or t%e do$age 0ot% &+C and -re$cri-tion drug$

    %ave t%e do$age on t%e !ottle or -ackage +oo muc% medicine i$ dangerou$ +aking too muc% of

    a drug or taking it too often lead$ to an overdo$e An overdo$e can kill you


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    /eneric v$ 0rand ame

    Eac% com-any t%at make$ a drug can give it a !rand name >%en a new drug come$ out t%e

    com-any t%at develo-$ it i$ t%e only com-any t%at can make it for 1" year$ After 1" year$ ot%er

    com-anie$ can make t%at drug too A generic name i$ t%e c%emical name of t%e drug >%en

    many com-anie$ can make a drug one com-any will u$ually $ell it under t%e generic name

    /eneric drug$ are u$ually muc% c%ea-er t%an !rand@name drug$ A$k your -%y$ician to -re$cri!e

    t%e c%ea-e$t form

    &+C ED)CA+)& .)S+

    De$cri-tion of &+C

    on@ re$cri-tion medicine$ 8&+C medicine$9 t%e$e medicine$ can !e $old only at a -%armacy

    8and not in any ot%er $%o-9 +%e$e need not !e di$-en$ed under t%e direct $u-ervi$ion of a

    -%armaci$t +%e$e medicine$ can !e adverti$ed to t%e -u!lic !ut wit%out making tall claim$ or

    mi$leading t%e -u!lic All adverti$ement$ $%ould al$o contain t%e >arning me$$age$

    1 Do not u$e for more t%an a week wit%out con$ulting your doctor or -%armaci$t

    2 All medicine$ %ave t%e -otential to %ave adver$e effect$ in any individual

    )n addition to t%e 2 a!ove me$$age$ t%e la!el of t%e medicine $%ould

    Al$o contain

    1 Any contra@indication$ for u$e

    2 )ndication$ do$age fre7uency of do$e

    3 otential adver$e effect$ 8t%o$e w%ic% can !e ignored and t%o$e if $een !y t%e -atient %e

    $%ould $to- taking t%e medicine )n addition it would !e of advantage if ). or ) 8-atient


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    oriented information9 i$ enclo$ed in t%e -ackage containing more information of t%e medicine

    8+%i$ ) or ). %a$ to !e a--roved !y t%e DC/)9 )t i$ -refera!le t%at $uc% information !e


    Exam-le of &+C edicine

    A$-irin 3,,mg

    A$cor!ic acid 1,,mg 5,,mg

    errou$ $alt$ ta! e7 to 6,mg elemental iron

    olic acid ta! 5,, mcg

    itamin D3 4,, ): 8ca-$ule$9

    Calamine .otion

    Exam-le of re$cri-tion edicine

    -#" #tro6i%e tab 1 m5

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Phe%irami%e0c tab 2'm57 1' m5'm

    Prochor6erai%e tab 'm5

    Promethai%e tab 1,m572'm5 S$ru6 'm5'm Q

    Pro5ua%i tab 1,,m5

    Pi6erai%e tab ',,m57 s$ru6 )',m5'm

    P$ra%te6amoate tab 2', m57 sus6 2',m5'mQ

    a%itidi%e tab 1',m5T/E#" 9"-ide "otio% or

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    &ver time often 3

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    ie5a %etwork o! dru5 saes7 but others !a i%to the tra6 o! tr$i%5 to he6

    6eo6e as best the$ ca%. ece%t cam6ai5%s to treat 6ai% as a 4ita si5%

    ao%5 with bood 6ressure7 6use7 res6irator$ rate7 a%d tem6erature make

    it %ecessar$ !or 6ro!essio%as to treat 6ai% a55ressi4e$ a%d a66ro6riate$.

    /he Cedera a%d state 5o4er%me%tsB cam6ai5% a5ai%st the iicit use o!

    6rescri6tio% o6iates7 o% the other ha%d7 has made it di?cut at times !or

    6atie%ts to obtai% reie! !or the 6ai% o! ca%cer or a debiitati%5 disease.

    ;%dertreatme%t o! 6ai% has aso become a 6robem amo%5 6rescribi%5

    6h$sicia%s7 resuti%5 !rom !ears o! i%4esti5atio% b$ re5uator$ a5e%cies.

    Ph$sicia%s ha4e !ou%d themse4es !ear!u o! 5o4er%me%t sa%ctio%s i! the$

    6rescribe these medicatio%s. Parado>ica$7 some 6atie%ts re!use to take

    o6iates a%d other medicatio%s !or 6ai% co%tro at the e%d o! their i4es !or

    !ear o! becomi%5 addicted.

    Pro!essio%as who 6rescribe or work arou%d co%troed dru5s aso are at

    risk o! abusi%5 readi$ a4aiabe medicatio%s a%d becomi%5 addicted. Part

    o! the 6robem is that %ot o%$ do the 6ro!essio%as di4ert medicatio%s !or

    their ow% use7 but7 i% some cases7 the$ rob 6atie%ts o! %ecessar$


    De6e%de%ce o% Medicatio% a%d Pseudoaddictio%

    /here are cear diFere%ces betwee% the 6h$sica de6e%de%ce o%

    medicatio%7 acti4e addictio%7 addictio% i% remissio%7 a%d 6seudo

    addictio%. /he de6e%de%ce o% medicatio% ma$ be thera6eutic re5ardess

    o! the cass to which it beo%5s. Ph$sica de6e%de%ce o! a thera6eutic

    dru5 ma$ occur7 resuti%5 i% withdrawa s$m6toms i! the medicatio% is

    sudde%$ sto66ed. /his is a 6h$sioo5ic res6o%se to the chro%ic use o! a

    medicatio%7 just as sto66i%5 a bood 6ressure medici%e sudde%$ ca%

    cause h$6erte%sio%7 heart attack7 or stroke. Dru5seeki%5 beha4ior7

    actio%s to obtai% dru5s either b$ a 6rescri6tio% or otherwise7 ma$ i% some

    6eo6e reUect %ot addictio% but rather di?cut$ i% obtai%i%5 a66ro6riate

    medicatio%s because the$ are abeed as addicts. Some 6eo6e with a


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    histor$ o! addictio% to iicit dru5s ma$ aso ha4e a chro%ic 6ai% s$%drome

    that woud be%e@t !rom a66ro6riate o6iate 6ai% medicatio%. # 6erso%

    reco4eri%5 !rom dru5 addictio% ma$ %eed a stimua%t !or %arcoe6s$ or a

    tra%Auiier !or a%>iet$. 8! these 6robems are u%dertreated because o!

    6h$sicia% !ear7 a s$%drome o! 6seudoaddictio% ma$ occur7 i% which the

    6erso% e%5a5es i% dru5seeki%5 beha4ior sim6$ to obtai% a thera6eutic

    a%d eFecti4e dosa5e e4e o! a medicatio%.

    Patie%ts i% dru5addictio% reco4er$ ma$ be e4e% more 4i5ia%t tha% the

    6h$sicia%. /he$ are acute$ aware o! the co%seAue%ces o! rea6se a%d do

    %ot wa%t to e>6erie%ce the 6robems o! addictio% a5ai%. Cor that reaso%7

    some 6eo6e i% reco4er$ ma$ !or5o o6ioid medicatio%s e4e% i% the !ace o!

    se4ere trauma.

    #bused Prescri6tio% Dru5s

    $codo%e. Deto>i@catio% a%d withdrawa !rom a%$ o! the medicatio%s

    ma$ be 6robematic a%d ma$ reAuire i%6atie%t treatme%t a%d

    a66ro6riate 6harmacoo5ica su66ort.

    Co&&onl' Use( Prescr)*)on Dr+gs ,)h Poen)al for Ab+se


    Sedati4es =arbiturates #m$ta7 Eebuta


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Cu%itrae6am oh$6%o

    Dissociati4e a%esthetics Ketami%e Ketaar SV

    -6ioids a%d mor6hi%e

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    /he 8%ter%et is a major source o! 6rescri6tio% dru5s that are used !or

    %o%medica uses. # 2,,( sur4e$ docume%ted that *+o! sites sei%5

    co%troed 6rescri6tio% dru5s ha4e %o 6rescri6tio% reAuireme%ts7 a @5ure that

    is dow% !rom +& i% 2,,&. -! the11 o! sites

    that reAuired a 6rescri6tio%7 ), o%$ reAuired a 6rescri6tio% be !a>ed7

    aowi%5 a customer to easi$ !or5e 6rescri6tio%s or !a> the same 6rescri6tio%

    to se4era 8%ter%et 6harmacies. /here has aso bee% a tre%d toward o%i%e

    co%sutatio% i% ieu o! a 6rescri6tio%. 8% 2,,(7 ++ eb sites oFered such a



    =arbiturates are t$6ica$ used as a sedati4e a%d a%tico%4usa%t7 but the$ha4e a% eAua roe as the mea%s to decrease the ikeihood o! seiures a%d

    other s$m6toms i% acoho7 heroi%7 a%d other t$6es o! dru5 withdrawa. /his

    cass o! medicatio%s is easi$ abused as a h$6%otic a%d o4erdose is commo%7

    resuti%5 i% death throu5h res6irator$ de6ressio%. /he$ are addicti4e but

    toera%ce ca% occur a withdrawa s$%drome e>ists7 co%sisti%5 o! a5itatio%7

    headaches7 6s$chomotor retardatio%7 co%!usio%7 a%d 6ossibe seiures.

    #ddicts ma$ seek out barbiturates as a see6 aid a%d as a method o! se!

    deto>i@catio% i! the$ k%ow that a De6artme%t o! /ra%s6ortatio% dru5 test is


    O*)o)(s an( Mor*h)ne Der)-a)-es

    ists about the use o! o6ioids !or the treatme%t o!

    chro%ic 6ai% %ot ori5i%ati%5 !rom ca%cer a%d the resuti%5 i%crease i%

    medicatio%s a4aiabe !or di4ersio% to iicit use. ;%dertreatme%t o! 6ai% has

    aso become a 6robem amo%5 6h$sicia%s because o! !ears o! i%4esti5atio%

    b$ re5uator$ a5e%cies. -%e res6o%se to u%dertreatme%t has bee% the

    a66eara%ce o! dru5seeki%5 beha4ior amo%5 6eo6e with e5itimate %o%

    ca%cer 6ai%. M$riad state a%d Cedera aws a%d 6oices 6ro4ide 6h$sicia%s

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    with a co%!usi%5 6icture o! whe% a%d to whom these medicatio%s ca% be


    # rece%t sur4e$ o! 6h$sicia%s re5ardi%5 dru5 abuse showed that doctors

    6ercei4e the & mecha%isms o! di4ersio% to be 91 doctor sho66i%5 to @%d a

    coo6erati4e 6ro!essio%a 92 obtai%i%5 co%troed substa%ces !rom muti6e

    doctors 93 6atie%t dece6tio% or ma%i6uatio% o! doctors a%d 9& !or5ed or

    atered 6rescri6tio%s. # @!th source7 %ot we "erenson A. P@er Stirs troam6hetami%e or

    meth$6he%idate. -! 4isits to the emer5e%c$ de6artme%t !or atte%tio% de@cit

    h$6eracti4it$ disorder medicatio% 6robems7 &* were !or %o%medica use o!

    the medicatio%s7 3& were ad4erse reactio%s associated with medica use7

    1, were accide%ta i%5estio%7 a%d * were suicide attem6ts. /he rates

    were hi5her !or the 12 to 1)$earod a5e 5rou6 tha% !or 6atie%ts a5ed 1* or

    oder. -4er two thirds 9(*o! the 4isits i%4o4ed %o%medica use o! these 2

    dru5s a%d a%other substa%ce7 such as acoho7 a% iicit dru57 or a


    Tran/+)l)0ers an( M+scle !ela1ers

    =e%odiae6i%es are commo%$ di4erted !or %o%medica uses. /he$ are

    t$6ica$ 6rescribed as see6 aids or as a%tia%>iet$ medicatio%s. /he$ are


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    aso use!u i% deto>i@catio% !rom acoho or other substa%ces a%d are use!u

    i% the treatme%t o! co%4usi4e disorders. -4erdose ca% cause res6irator$

    de6ressio%7 es6ecia$ whe% used with other sedati4e medicatio%s or acoho.

    /here is a s$%drome o! 6arado>ica disi%hibitio% that resuts i% i%creased

    e>citeme%t7 irritabiit$7 a55ressio%7 hostiit$7 a%d im6usi4it$. 8% rare cases7

    these co%ditio%s ca% ead to attacks o! ra5e or 4ioe%ce or other a%tisocia

    beha4iors. /oera%ce ca% de4eo6 with the use o! these medicatio%s. 0i5h

    be%odiae6i%e doses are used b$ addicts to e%ha%ce the eu6horia eFects o!

    o6ioids boost methado%e or heroi% @>es tem6er cocai%e hi5hs au5me%t

    the eFects o! acoho or ease the eFects o! withdrawa !rom heroi%7

    methado%e7 a%d other dru5s.

    Musce rea>a%ts ca% aso be addicti%5. a%t sod u%der the %ame o! Soma7 is a% e>am6e. 8ts acti4e

    metaboite is me6robamate7 a cass 8V substa%ce a%d a hi5h$ addicti4e a%d

    6ote%t sedati4eh$6%otic. 8%5estio% ca% cause addictio% a%d a mid se%se o!

    eu6horia. 0i5her doses cause eu6horia a%d im6aired ha%de$e coordi%atio%

    a%d baa%ce. /oera%ce e>ists a%d there is a withdrawa s$%drome o! a%>iet$7

    tremor7 musce twitchi%57 i%som%ia7 auditor$ a%d 4isua hauci%atio%s7 a%d

    biarre beha4ior


    Com-ul$ory .icen$ing Effect$ on t%e )ndian %armaceutical arket


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    many maintain t%at t%e com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion )ndia enacted effectively %a$ no teet%

    +%e Act allow$ a c%allenge to t%e -atent a--lication !ut t%e c%allenging -roce$$ it$elf i$ very

    $low +%i$ many are worried will tie u- t%e licen$e$ for year$ !efore t%ey can !e u$ed to $ave

    live$ in ot%er countrie$ a$ well a$ in )ndia

    Additionally com-ul$ory licen$ing term$ are vague making it more difficult to u$e t%e


    >it% fewer com-ul$ory licen$e$ and fewer generic medicine$ availa!le many fear t%e -rice of

    drug$ will ri$e /eneric medicine$ %ave reduced t%e -rice$ of antiretroviral$ 8A#$9 !y *( and

    )ndian com-anie$ %ave !een crucial in t%at effortDr ;u$uf Famied C%airman and anaging

    Director of Ci-la t%e large$t )ndian generic drug -roducer announced at an A)DS meeting in

    Se-tem!er 2,,, t%at %e would $ell A#$ at le$$ t%an one@tent% t%e -rice of ot%er drug

    com-anie$ +%i$ move %el-ed !ring !rand@name com-anie$L -rice$ down +%erefore an increa$e

    in -rice -otentially would !e detrimental to countrie$ counting on low -rice$ for treatment$ like


    Anot%er -otential -ro!lem wit% t%e com-ul$ory licen$ing law i$ t%at it re$trict$ t%e ex-ort of

    medicine$ to countrie$ w%ere t%ey are -atented +%i$ exclude$ a large -ortion of t%e -o-ulation

    from gaining acce$$ to t%e drug$ DrFamied %a$ $tated t%at even t%oug% countrie$ %ave t%e

    a!ility to u$e com-ul$ory licen$ing t%ey are not doing $o >%ile Ci-laL$ -rice i$ greatly reduced

    from t%at of t%e !rand@name drug manufacturer$L -rice it i$ $till not reduced enoug% to reac% t%e

    -oore$t nation$ +%e re7uirement$ for im-orting or ex-orting al$o make it difficult to u$e and

    -er%a-$ co$t -ro%i!itiveH even Canada %ad to im-ort mo$t of it$ drug$ $u--lied !y com-ul$ory

    licen$e +%e im-ortKex-ort -roce$$ i$ -ur-o$efully legally cum!er$omeH two com-ul$ory licen$e$

    are nece$$ary in mo$t circum$tance$ and t%e >+& can 7ue$tion t%e grant of $uc% licen$e$

    any are worried t%at t%e revi$ed Act will adver$ely affect t%e re$t of t%e t%ird world E$-ecially

    in Africa one $ingle viru$ can wreak %avoc on t%e economy +%o$e concerned a!out acce$$ to

    medicine$ for t%e +%ird >orld name -u!lic %ealt% a$ t%e total welfare goal >it% t%i$ in mind t%e

    revi$ed ActL$ re$triction$ on com-ul$ory licen$ing allow t%at goal to !e to$$ed a$ide +%e Do%a

    Declaration doe$ allow -u!lic %ealt% to !e t%e num!er one concern !ut t%e )ndian arliament in

    enacting t%e revi$ed Act -it$ # D and !u$ine$$ concern$ again$t -u!lic %ealt%


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    +%e tec%nology ga- !etween develo-ing and >e$tern countrie$ i$ %i$torically wide !ut t%e

    increa$e in -atent -rotection in develo-ing countrie$ -artially clo$e$ t%i$ ga- Develo-ing

    countrie$ %ave !een de-endent on >e$tern economie$ and tec%nologie$ for muc% of t%e twentiet%

    century 0ecau$e -roducer$ in >e$tern countrie$ %ave gained from %aving -ro-erty rig%t$ t%ey

    %ave more incentive to -roduce ew $tronger -ro-erty rig%t$ %ave given t%e )ndia Contract

    #e$earc% &rganiBation 8C#&9 $ector a !oo$t a$ well &ne al!eit o-timi$tic e$timate i$ t%at t%e

    $ector will tri-le in t%e next five year$ A$ t%e ma'or drug -i-eline $low$ t%e C#&$ are -oi$ed to

    $te- in and %el- manufacture Mme@tooM drug$ and -romote more clinical re$earc% +%e c%allenge

    for t%at $ector will !e to kee- it$ co$t$ low enoug% to attract cu$tomer$ w%ile al$o im-roving

    7uality +%e )ndian government recogniBe$ t%e need to $u--ort indu$try@@for exam-le t%e

    De-artment of 0iotec%nology will $-end a$ muc% a$ 25 of t%eir !udget on $-urring innovation

    in t%e $mall and medium@$iBed re$earc% indu$try

    +%e -otential -ro!lem i$ t%at t%e +#)S remuneration -rovi$ion u$e$ t%e co$t of !ringing t%e

    drug to market a$ a !a$i$ for calculating t%e remuneration +%i$ a$$e$$ment $%ould factor in t%e

    additional co$t of $tringent re7uirement$ !y t%e -atent owner$ to o!tain a com-ul$ory licen$e for

    t%e develo-ing country

    0logger G att%ew 0uc%anan -atent attorney in t%e :nited State$ goe$ even furt%er and $ee$

    t%e com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion a$ a direct t%reat to t%e integrity of t%e new-atent -rovi$ion$

    in )ndia Fe cite$ t%e vague language allowing com-ul$ory licen$ing

    and t%e fact t%at )ndia already %a$ a com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion in ca$e a -atent %a$ not !een

    MworkedM in )ndia a$ -ro!lem$ Fe argue$ t%e exi$ting -rovi$ion wa$ enoug% and t%e recent

    c%ange$ allow too muc% room for t%e -rovi$ionL$ u$e

    &ne of t%e -rovi$ion$ to t%e revi$ed Act i$ t%at !ot% -roduct -atent and -roce$$ -atent

    a--lication$ are now acce-ted in )ndia Some are concerned t%at )ndiaL$ -%armaceutical market

    will follow t%e :S market and !ecome overrun wit% -atent$ for new do$age$ and new u$age$

    rat%er t%an new drug$ +%e o--ortunity to gain -atent -rotection for a -roduct could Mdi$courage

    generic com-anie$ from trying to develo- a com-etitive -roductM !ecau$e t%at market would !e

    $aturated wit% co-ycat$ An already $aturated generic market would not !ring down -rice$

    +%e mail!ox -rovi$ion could %ave %uge -rice im-lication$ due to t%e volume of -atent

    a--lication$ collected in t%e -a$t ten year$ Some generic drug$ mig%t not !e availa!le if old

    medicine$ receive -atent$ !ut mo$t !elieve t%e )ndian Controller of atent$ will take a


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    con$ervative a--roac% to granting -atent$ >it% )ndia com-eting more wit% develo-ed nation$ in

    t%e develo-ment of medicine$ for -atent control ot%er develo-ing nation$ wit%out a -atent

    regime could face a toug%er !attle to o!tain medicine$ A!!ott $tate$ t%at t%e availa!ility of

    com-ul$ory licen$ing w%ic% %a$ !een in -lace $ince t%e $y$temL$ ince-tion M%a$ not undermined

    t%e $y$temM and $%ould !e ke-t

    &n t%e one %and acce$$ remain$ a -ro!lem in )ndia even w%en low -rice$ exi$t :nion ini$ter

    for Science and +ec%nology in )ndia =a-ilSi!al contend$ t%at Meven wit% over 1,,,,

    manufacturer$ -roducing million$ of do$e$ of e$$ential drug$ at t%e lowe$t -rice$ in t%e world for

    t%e la$t $everal year$ acce$$ continue$ to remain a!y$mally low at a!out 35 -er cent N$icOM +%i$

    unfortunately mean$ t%at even w%ile )ndian manufacturer$ %ave t%e ca-a!ility to u$e com-ul$ory

    licen$ing and -roduce c%ea-er medicine$ afforda!ility doe$ not $olve t%e greate$t -ro!lem in

    )ndia acce$$ Com-ul$ory licen$ing i$ likewi$e a !alance !etween greater acce$$ to medicine and

    t%e in$i$tence on intellectual -ro-erty rig%t$ -rotection a$ -romoted to a large extent !y t%e

    :nited State$

    &n t%e ot%er %and com-ul$ory licen$ing i$ a good attem-t to $olve $ome of t%e acce$$ -ro!lem$

    +%e direct effect i$ t%at more -eo-le can acce$$ medicine$ !ecau$e t%ey are a c%ea-er generic

    form licen$ed from a -atent %older /eneric drug$ co$t le$$ to -roduce !ecau$e t%ey %ave few

    $unk co$t$@@t%at i$ no # D re$-on$i!ility@@and can !e $old at a lower -rice>%en com-anie$

    $ell more generic$ or ot%er c%ea- $u!$titute$ t%e -atented medicine$ lo$e market $%are

    /overnment$ in turn can u$e t%eir !argaining -ower to !uy in !ulk and furt%er reduce -rice$@@

    for exam-le w%en -urc%a$ing for -eo-le in edicaid -rogram$ Com-ul$ory licen$ing allow$

    many countrie$ not only t%o$e wit% more wealt% or t%o$e wit% manufacturing ca-acity to

    -urc%a$e drug$ for t%eir citiBen$

    Alt%oug% acce$$ remain$ a -ro!lem $ome grou-$ in )ndia are o-timi$tic a!out t%e future of

    -%armaceutical$ due to t%e revi$ed Act &) write$ t%at t%e revi$ed Act $ignal$ t%e $tart of a new

    era for t%e %armaceutical )ndu$try in )ndia M+%e new Act will !oo$t # D and will %el- to

    !ring in foreign direct inve$tment in t%e indu$try and contri!ute to im-roved %ealt%careM

    or &) t%e im-ortance of t%e revi$ed Act $eem$ to lie in t%e new -erce-tion of )ndia a$ a

    $u--orter of -atent rig%t$ &) !elieve$ t%e revi$ed Act i$ $till not $trong enoug% !ut t%at it

    $%ould al$o eliminate -re@grant o--o$ition cur! t%e com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion$ and

    $trengt%en mail!ox -rovi$ion$ S-ecifically &) want$ to re$trict com-ul$ory licen$e$ to


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    national emergencie$ -u!lic %ealt% cri$e$ and antitru$t $ituation$ rat%er t%an t%e current vague

    language t%at goe$ !eyond t%e Do%a Declaration 0ut &) contend$ t%e revi$ed Act will %ave

    little effect on drug -ricing ot only will few drug$ !e affected !ut &) cite$ $everal $tudie$

    t%at demon$trate $trengt%ening intellectual -ro-erty rig%t$ %a$ little effect on exi$ting drug$

    82,*9 )ndia will -rofit !y attracting foreign inve$tment creating o--ortunitie$ for )ndian talent to

    rever$e t%e M!rain drainM and incentivi$ing creativity and t%e creation of wealt% 821,9 &)L$

    $tatement$ im-ly t%at com-ul$ory licen$ing may not !e a$ im-ortant a$ creating a $y$tem to

    -romote indu$try

    )n addition to foreign confidence in t%e )ndian $y$tem -atent -rotection $-ur$ individual

    confidence )ncrea$ed -atent -rotection $to-$ free rider$%i- !y encouraging new re$earc% and it

    remove$ t%e !urden of -roving infringement from t%e -atent owner +%o$e -rai$ing t%e revi$ed

    Act often dwell on t%e !oo$t to indu$try and do not even com-lain a!out t%e com-ul$ory

    licen$ing -rovi$ion

    +%e $ucce$$ of t%e colla!oration !etween t%e -%armaceutical indu$try and -u!lic %ealt%

    advocate$ t%erefore $eem$ to de-end on -erce-tion Since t%e -rovi$ion wa$ enacted )ndia %a$

    !arely u$ed it$ com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion t%e way t%at indu$try fear$ ;et t%e -o$$i!ility of

    giving it u- created u-roar in t%e international community At t%e $ame time -%armaceutical

    com-anie$ were reluctant to inve$t in )ndia !ecau$e of t%e com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion and

    lack of full -atent -rotection a$ re7uired !y t%e +#)S Agreement ow t%at !ot% element$@@full

    -atent -rotection and t%e com-ul$ory licen$ing -rovi$ion@@are incor-orated into t%e -atent

    regime !ot% -u!lic %ealt% advocate$ and indu$try -erceive t%ey %ave a $take in t%e regime

    Sale of re$cri-tion Drug$ under Su-ervi$ion of %armaci$t

    Drug$ Co$metic$ Act govern t%at H if any licen$ee 8 $%o- owner -o$$e$$ing Drug .icen$e9

    i$ found $elling Sc%edule F drug$ 8drug$ re7uired to !e $old only on t%e -re$cri-tion of a

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    #egi$tered edical ractioner9 M wit%out t%e direct $u-ervi$ion of a %armaci$t M t%e violation

    committed i$ #ule 65 829 of t%e Drug$ Co$metic$ rule$ 1*45

    Drug$ de-artment i$ engaged in conducting $-ecial raid$ exclu$ively for verification of

    availa!ility of %armaci$t$ in t%e edical $%o-$ !y way of engaging +eam of in$-ector$ and

    conducting $ur-ri$e raid$ oreover Every one i$ aware t%at under #+) Act t%e -erformance ofany Drug$ )n$-ector can t%e$e day$ !e o!tained o$tly de-artmental action$ like warning$

    $u$-en$ion of licen$e for certain -eriod$ cancellation of licen$e are taken u- A$ a .a$t $tringent

    ea$ure ro$ecution$ in t%e Court$ are al$o launc%ed

    ro$ecution$ for t%i$ violation re7uire collection of evidence ere a!$ence of %armaci$t in t%e

    $%o-$ doe$ not con$titute any offence Sale of on $c%edule F drug$ 8u$ually referred a$ &+C

    drug$ ot%er t%an !y %armaci$t in t%e a!$ence of -re$cri-tion

    doe$ not con$titute offence :Kr 65 829 of t%e Drug$ Co$metic$ rule$ 1*458any a time$ $%o-kee-er$ take -lea t%at %armaci$t %ad gone out for eating etc9 +%e $ignature column in t%e !ill

    !ook M$ignature of %armaci$t M i$ u$ually $cri!!led a$ initial$ $imilar to t%e $ignature of t%e

    %armaci$t and w%en %armaci$t$ are 7ue$tioned $u!$e7uently %armaci$t$ are found

    acce-ting t%e $ignature$ to !e t%eir $ignature$ +%e Drug$ De-artment andate$ di$-lay of t%e

    %armaci$t certificate and t%e Drug$ .icen$e con$-icuou$ly for t%e awarene$$ of t%e con$umer

    o$tly t%e ca$e$ filed are S:& &+& a$ no con$umer come$ com-laining t%at a $c%edule F

    drug wa$ $old to %im K %er wit%out t%e direct $u-ervi$ion of a #egi$tered %armaci$t

    any a time$ Drug )n$-ector$ -erform mock -urc%a$e$ of $c%edule F drug$ to identify erring


    1>%en %armaci$t$KPualified -er$on$ in olden day$ were not $ufficiently availa!le in )ndia

    -eo-le w%o were ex-erienced were given certificate w%ic% are called C certificate$ and D

    certificate$ even Com-ounder certificate$ were in -ractice $u!$e7uently t%e D%arm %older$

    are -rovided A2 certificate$ !y t%e %armacy council w%ile t%e A1 certificate$ are %eld !y t%e

    0%arm %older$8$till we %ave C D Com-ounder certificate$ in o-eration w%ic% were

    given in and around 1*5* 1*6,

    2+%e Drug De-artment in A in many di$trict$ 8 Mnot all Ma$ it i$ not andatory9 H i$ giving $ale

    licen$e$ only to t%o$e H only w%en %armaci$t i$ included a$ artner and Agreement on 0ond


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    -a-er to t%i$ effect i$ $u!mitted to t%e office +%i$ i$ to fix lia!ility on t%e %armaci$t in ca$e t%e

    %armaci$t confine$ to 'u$t $elling K renting %i$ certificate

    3 )n ca$e$ w%en %armaci$t i$ cited a$ em-loyee in $%o- in all ca$e$ invaria!ly -%armaci$t

    declaration i$ $ecured w%erein t%e -%armaci$t $ign$ give$ in writing an undertaking t%atM%eK$%e $%all devote t%eir w%ole time to $u-ervi$e t%e $ale of $c%edule % drug$ in t%e $%o- and

    $%all al$o !e re$-on$i!le for t%e conduct of !u$ine$$ a$ -er rule$ and al$o would !e re$-on$i!le

    for t%e maintenance of t%e regi$ter$ or ca$% memo$ a$ -er t%e -rovi$ion$ of t%e act

    +%e two $ide$ of t%e $ame coin 1 Commi$$ion of offence w%ile t%e ot%er 2 &ffence cau$ed due

    to omi$$ion )n t%i$ -articular ca$e t%e S%o- kee-er commit$ offence !y $elling $c%edule F drug$

    in t%e a!$ence of direct $u-ervi$ion of %armaci$t +%e ot%er $ide of t%e coin would !e

    %armaci$t not devoting and making %im$elf a!$ent unavaila!le in t%e $%o- 8 +%e a!$ence of

    %armaci$t mig%t !e $tated to !e due to many of t%eir own cited and well ex-lained rea$on$

    >ould E#E a!$ence of -%armaci$t make t%e -%armaci$t lia!leJ +%e an$wer would !e &Q 9

    4 Drug$ )n$-ector$ routine in$-ection$ Goint raid$ Con$umer awarene$$ -rogramme$ al$o

    form -art and -arcel to ake %armaci$t $u-ervi$e t%e $ale of t%e Sc%edule F drug$

    5 A$ -er t%e rovi$ion$ of t%e Act it i$ not andatory to wear a w%ite a-ron in t%e edical $%o-

    yet $-ecial drive$ are conducted !y drug$ de-artment in A w%ere w%ite a-ron$ are made to !e

    worn t%i$ drive i$ 'u$t to rai$e a concern in t%e con$umer t%at a 7ualified -er$on !y name

    M-%armaci$t M w%o u$ually wear$ a w%ite a-ron need to !e -re$ent in t%e $%o- and $%ould

    di$-en$e -re$cri-tion drug$ to %im

    ic%ael Gack$on could !e t%e late$t $tar to %ave died from an accidental overdo$e of -re$cri-tion

    medication$ According to .ife StyleGack$on wa$ Rtaking a cocktail of u- to $even

    -re$cri-tion drug$ in t%e mont%$ !efore %i$ deat% including t%e anti@anxiety drug$ Tanax and

    Uoloft and t%e -ainkiller Demerol +%e Gack$on




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    1.1. 8% the $ear #u5 2,,* to #u5 2,,+7 (7,+*7*1( 6rescri6tio%s !or Schedue

    2 co%troed dru5s were issued. Schedue 2 o! the Misuse o! Dru5s

    e5uatio%s 2,,1 i%cudes dru5s such as diamor6hi%e7 subject to the !u

    co%troed dru5 reAuireme%ts reati%5 to 6rescri6tio%s7 sa!e custod$ 9e>ce6t

    !or secobarbita a%d the %eed to kee6 re5isters.

    1.2 /he majorit$ o! 6rescri6tio%s issued are e%tire$ a66ro6riate a%d7 i%

    5e%era7 most e>am6es o! u%usua 6atter%s o! 6rescribi%5 are e>6ai%ed b$

    e>ce6tio%a 6atie%t %eed rather tha% b$ 6oor ci%ica 6er!orma%ce7 !raud or

    crimi%a beha4iour. 0owe4er7 this e>6a%atio% shoud be acce6ted o%$ a!ter

    the ess commo% causes ha4e bee% e>cuded.

    1.3 /his 6a6er outi%es the 6rocesses !or i%4esti5atio% o! a66are%t$

    idios$%cratic 6rescribi%5 o! co%troed dru5s i% 5e%era 6ractice a%d su55ests

    wa$s i% which the ess commo% causes o! 6oor 6ro!essio%a 6er!orma%ce7

    !raud a%d crimi%a beha4iour ma$ be ide%ti@ed.

    1.& /here are cear ad4a%ta5es to !oowi%5 sta%dard 6rocesses i%

    i%4esti5ati%5 co%cer%s: the$ ca% be 6ubished i% ad4a%ce so that those

    subject to them ca% comme%t o% them a%d be aware o! the 6rocess that wi

    be !oowed a%d o! the 6ossibe %eed !or

    Secrec$ i% the ear$ sta5es o! a% i%4esti5atio%. /he$ wi he6 to e%sure that

    the P

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    4. "ACK2!OUND

    2.1 # E0S or5a%isatio%s are reAuired to ha4e a% #ccou%tabe -?cer !or

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Cos of CD *rescr)b)ng o% a% i%di4idua 6rescri6tio% or set a5ai%st a

    com6arator 5rou6

    7+an)' of CDs *rescr)be( a66are%t$ e>cessi4e amou%ts o% a%

    i%di4idua 6rescri6tio%

    %ol+&e of CDs *rescr)be( set a5ai%st a com6arator 5rou6 o!

    6ractitio%ers7 6ractices or P

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    E1cess)-e sock or(er)ng b' a *rac)ce or *rac))oner;

    #ocal *ol)ce )nfor&a)on e.5. a% i%crease i% street a4aiabiit$

    Oher so+rces fro& ,)h)n he PCT *rescr)b)ng ea& e.5. 6ractice

    6harmacists or ocums

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Auick$ to sto6 the 5e%era 6ractitio%er co%ti%ui%5 to 6rescribe

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    '.1 8! the dis6e%si%5 6harmac$ is k%ow% it ma$ be 6ossibe to retrie4e the

    6rescri6tio%s that 5a4e rise to the cause !or co%cer%. 8% co%ti%ui%5 their

    i%4esti5atio% P#s ma$ %eed to re4iew:

    The *rescr)*)on?

    co%sider the com6ete 6athwa$ !rom the 6re6aratio% a%d si5%ature o!

    the 6rescri6tio% throu5h to the dis6e%ser a%d the reci6ie%t o! the dru5s

    The *rescr)ber?

    does the oca 6er!orma%ce decisio% maki%5 5rou6 ha4e a%$ other

    co%cer%s about the i%di4idua doctor or 6racticeO

    The /+an)'>

    6rescri6tio%s !or

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    o /he 6atie%t %eeds hi5h dose treatme%t e.5. 4ia a s$ri%5e


    o /he 6atie%t 5oi%5 o% hoida$ a%d reAuiri%5 u%usua$ ar5e


    o /he 6atie%t has a 4er$ hi5h toera%ce to o6iates a%d he%ce

    reAuires ar5e doses

    o 8! the 6atie%t is tra4ei%5 home to die.

    The (r+g > -!te% it is the choice o! dru5 which wi draw atte%tio% to the

    ci%icia%. /here are a %umber o! co%troed dru5s that whe% used i%

    6rimar$ care ma$ be a% i%dicatio% that the ci%icia% is mo4i%5 awa$

    !rom estabished ci%ica 6ractice a%d that hisher 6rescribi%5 %eeds

    !urther i%4esti5atio%. /he !oowi%5 is %ot a com6rehe%si4e ist a%d the

    P# a%d #- shoud be aert to a%$ u%usua

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Summary of use/

    potential misuse of

    controlled drugs

    Examples of drugs



    Dru5s that are used b$

    5e%eraist 6ractitio%ers

    u%der shared care


    Methado%e Mi>ture 1m5m

    =u6re%or6hi%e i% the !orm o! hi5h


    Subute> 9this is not the same as

    temgesic) shared care only

    Dru5s that shoud o%$be used a!ter i%itiatio%

    or co%sutatio% with a

    s6eciaist 6ractitio%er

    a%d i% the co%te>t o!

    o%5oi%5 shared care

    Methado%e tabets 'm5


    Diamor6hi%e 3,m57 1,,m57


    Dru5s that shoud

    rare$ be 6rescribed i%

    6rimar$ care



  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Summary of use/

    potential misuse of

    controlled drugs

    Examples of drugs

    Diamor6hi%e ree!ers

    De>edri%e !or 6ur6ose o! addictio%

    De>tromoramide !or the treatme%t

    o! addictio%


    #%$ =arbiturate !or the treatme%t o!



  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    The *a)en an( h)s@her con())on ?

    8t ma$ be %ecessar$ to reco%cie the i%dicatio%s !or the 6rescri6tio% with

    the 6atie%t a%d their medica record. /his wi reAuire the P

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    eth%o5ra6hic issues bee% co%sidered e.5. ar5e %umbers o! si%5e

    homeess or sicke ce 6atie%tsO

    Docors8 beha-)o+r sk)lls an( kno,le(ge> e.5. is the 5e%era

    6ractitio%er a GPS8 i% dru5 misuse7 6aiati4e care7 chid a%d adoesce%t

    me%ta heathO # GP !or a hos6ice7 homeess hoste or care home or a ead

    !or a% addictio% ser4iceO


    ).1 Coowi%5 !urther i%4esti5atio% the P# wi re6ort to the #-7 who wi

    decide i! the resuts o! the i%4esti5atio% merit re!erra to the DMG. >ce6t i%

    the case o! sus6ected !raud or crimi%ait$ the 6ractitio%er shoud be i%!ormed

    that co%cer%s ha4e bee% raised a%d i%4esti5ated.


    Possibe outcomes are:

    Concerns are no s+bsan)ae(a%d the 6ractitio%erBs 6rescribi%5 o!

    6a%atio% o! wh$ there has bee% a% i%4esti5atio% a%d the reaso%s

    wh$ the 6ractitio%erBs 6rescribi%5 was i%itia$ a cause !or co%cer% shoud

    be made to the 6ractitio%er. 8! there are e>ce6tio%a circumsta%ces

    ide%ti@ed the% the P

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    /he oca 6er!orma%ce ma%a5eme%t or decisio% maki%5 5rou6 ma$

    wish to co%sut E

  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    The Boehringer Ingelheim group is one of the world's 20 leading pharmaceutical companies. Still

    headquartered in Ingelheim, it operates globally with !" affiliates and more than !#,#00 employees.

    Since it was founded in $$%, the family&owned company has been committed to researching, deeloping,

    manufacturing and mar(eting noel products of high therapeutic alue for human and eterinary medicine.

    Boehringer Ingelheim is a full member of the )uropean *ederation of +harmaceutical Industries and

    ssociations )*+I.

    The corporate logo of Boehringer Ingelheim depicts a styli-ed rendition of the central section of the imperial

    palace of harlemagne.

    The company's (ey assets of interest are/

    respiratory diseases,



    oncologyand central nerous system.

    TIITI)S 1* B1)3I45)3 I45)6)I7 8BI9

    0oe%ringer )ngel%eim work$ in %uman-%armaceutical$ animal %ealt%and!io-%armaceutical$

    +%e grou- con$i$t$ of 146 affiliated com-anie$ wit% 4""43 em-loyee$ in 2,14 in all continent$

    #e$earc% and develo-mentfacilitie$ were in five $ite$ and 2, -roduction -lant$ in 13 countrie$

    +%e re$earc% and develo-ment facilitie$ are located in #idgefield ienna =o!eand ilan

    &ver (,,, em-loyee$ work for 0oe%ringer )ngel%eim in re$earc% and develo-ment


    )n 2,15 t%e +o- Em-loyer$ )n$titute awarded t%e com-any a$ to- em-loyer

    in Au$tria C%inaand /ermany w%ic% demon$trate$ %ig%e$t $tandard$ of em-loyee offering$ and

    forward@t%inking %uman re$ource$-rogramme$ and initiative$

    )n addition t%e com-any wa$ recogniBed !y Science agaBine for t%e tent% con$ecutive year a$a to- com-any to work for in t%e -%armaceutical and !iotec%nology indu$trie$

    0oe%ringer )ngel%eim?$ trainee@-rogramme wa$ %onoured a$ a career@en%ancing and fair

    -rogramme !y A!$olventa

    +%e com-any wa$ ranked num!er 1 in t%e Rraktikanten$-iegel a $urvey among$t "5,, intern$

    for em-loyer 7uality in t%e -%armaceutical indu$try


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    0oe%ringer )ngel%eim %a$ !een awarded wit% t%e certificate R0eruf und amilie 8Go! and

    amily9 for !eing a family@oriented com-any )ngel%eim


    Prescription Medicine:

    Actily$e 8alte-la$e9

    Aggrenox 8di-yridamoleKacetyl$alicylic acid9

    A-tivu$ 8ti-ranavir9

    lomax 8tam$ulo$in9

    /ilotrifK/iotrif 8afatini!9

    GentaduetoK+ra'entaDuo 8linagli-tinKmetformin9

    etaly$e 8tenecte-la$e9

    icardi$ 8telmi$artan9

    radaxa 8da!igatran etexilate9

    +ra'entaK +rad'enta 8linagli-tin9

    Consumer Health Care:

    Anti$tax 8red vine leaf extract9

    0i$olvon 8!rom%exine9

    0u$co-anK0u$ca-ina 8%yo$cine !utyl!romide9

    Dulcolax 8!i$acodyl9

    Uantac 8ranitidine9V"5 and 15, mg ta!let$H 3,, mg ta!let$ $yru- and

    $olution for in'ection are manufactured !y /laxoSmit%=line

    ucoanginKuco$olvan 8am!roxol9

    Silomat 8dextromet%or-%an9

    +%oma-yrin 8acetyl$alicylic acid -aracetamol caffeine9

    Animal Health:

    Circo.ET 8-orcine circoviru$ vaccine ty-e 2 killedBaculovirusvector9


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Duramune 8a line of -et vaccine$9

    etacam 8meloxicam9

    yco.ET 8Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae!acterin9

    etmedin 8-imo!endan9


    Dia!ete$ mellitu$ de$cri!e$ a grou- of meta!olic di$ea$e$ in w%ic% t%e -er$on %a$ %ig% !lood

    gluco$e 8!lood $ugar9 eit%er !ecau$e in$ulin -roduction i$ inade7uate or !ecau$e t%e !odyL$

    cell$ do not re$-ond -ro-erly to in$ulin or !ot%

    atient$ wit% %ig% !lood $ugar will ty-ically ex-erience -olyuria 8fre7uent urination9 t%ey will!ecome increa$ingly t%ir$ty 8-olydi-$ia9 and %ungry 8-oly-%agia9

    +%ere are t%ree ty-e$ of dia!ete$

    +y-e 1

    +y-e 2

    /e$tational dia!ete$

    T6pe & D,/:ete+ 8e55,t0+

    +%e !ody doe$ not -roduce in$ulin Some -eo-le may refer to t%i$ ty-e a$ in$ulin@de-endent dia!ete$ 'uvenile dia!ete$ or early@on$et dia!ete$

    eo-le u$ually develo- ty-e 1 dia!ete$ !efore t%eir 4,t% year often in early adult%ood or

    teenage year$

    +y-e 1 dia!ete$ i$ now%ere near a$ common a$ ty-e 2 dia!ete$

    Appro=,8/te56 &%@ o7 /55 4,/:ete+ c/+e+ /re t6pe &"

    atient$ wit% ty-e 1 dia!ete$ will need to take in$ulin in'ection$ for t%e re$t of t%eir life+%ey mu$t al$o en$ure -ro-er !lood@gluco$e level$ !y carrying out regular !lood te$t$

    and following a $-ecial diet

    T6pe $ D,/:ete+ 8e55,t0+


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    +%e !ody doe$ not -roduce enoug% in$ulin for -ro-er function or t%e cell$ in t%e !ody do

    not react to in$ulin 8in$ulin re$i$tance9

    Appro=,8/te56 %@ o7 /55 c/+e+ o7 4,/:ete+ 2or542,4e /re t6pe $"

    Some -eo-le may !e a!le to control t%eir ty-e 2 dia!ete$ $ym-tom$ !y lo$ing weig%t

    following a %ealt%y diet doing -lenty of exerci$e and monitoring t%eir !lood gluco$e


    Fowever ty-e 2 dia!ete$ i$ ty-ically a -rogre$$ive di$ea$e @ it gradually get$ wor$e @ and

    t%e -atient will -ro!a!ly end u- %ave to take in$ulin u$ually in ta!let form

    &verweig%t and o!e$e -eo-le %ave a muc% %ig%er ri$k of develo-ing ty-e 2 dia!ete$

    com-ared to t%o$e wit% a %ealt%y !ody weig%t eo-le wit% a lot of vi$ceral fat al$o

    known a$ central o!e$ity !elly fat or a!dominal o!e$ity are e$-ecially at ri$k 0eingoverweig%tKo!e$e cau$e$ t%e !ody to relea$e c%emical$ t%at can de$ta!iliBe t%e !odyL$

    cardiova$cular and meta!olic $y$tem$

    Ge+t/t,on/5 D,/:ete+ Me55,t0+

    +%i$ ty-e affect$ female$ during -regnancy Some women %ave very %ig% level$ of

    gluco$e in t%eir !lood and t%eir !odie$ are una!le to -roduce enoug% in$ulin to tran$-ort

    all of t%e gluco$e into t%eir cell$ re$ulting in -rogre$$ively ri$ing level$ of gluco$e

    Diagno$i$ of ge$tational dia!ete$ i$ made during -regnancy

    +%e ma'ority of ge$tational dia!ete$ -atient$ can control t%eir dia!ete$ wit% exerci$e and

    diet 0etween 1, to 2, of t%em will need to take $ome kind of !lood@gluco$e@

    controlling medication$ :ndiagno$ed or uncontrolled ge$tational dia!ete$ can rai$e t%e

    ri$k of com-lication$ during c%ild!irt% +%e !a!y may !e !igger t%an %eK$%e $%ould !e

    Co8p5,c/t,on+ 5,n>e4 to :/456 contro55e4 4,/:ete+

    0elow i$ a li$t of -o$$i!le com-lication$ t%at can !e cau$ed !y !adly controlled dia!ete$

    E6e co8p5,c/t,on+@ glaucoma cataract$ dia!etic retino-at%y and $ome ot%er$

    Foot co8p5,c/t,on+@ neuro-at%y ulcer$ and $ometime$ gangrene w%ic% may re7uire

    t%at t%e foot !e am-utated


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    S>,n co8p5,c/t,on+@ -eo-le wit% dia!ete$ are more $u$ce-ti!le to $kin infection$ and

    $kin di$order$

    He/rt pro:5e8+@ $uc% a$ i$c%emic %eart di$ea$e w%en t%e !lood $u--ly to t%e %eart

    mu$cle i$ dimini$%ed

    H6perten+,on@ common in -eo-le wit% dia!ete$ w%ic% can rai$e t%e ri$k of kidney

    di$ea$e eye -ro!lem$ %eart attack and $troke

    Ment/5 3e/5t3@ uncontrolled dia!ete$ rai$e$ t%e ri$k of $uffering from de-re$$ion

    anxiety and $ome ot%er mental di$order$

    He/r,n- 5o++@ dia!ete$ -atient$ %ave a %ig%er ri$k of develo-ing %earing -ro!lem$

    G08 4,+e/+e@ t%ere i$ a muc% %ig%er -revalence of gum di$ea$e among dia!ete$ -atient$

    G/+trop/re+,+@ t%e mu$cle$ of t%e $tomac% $to- working -ro-erly

    Keto/c,4o+,+@ a com!ination of keto$i$ and acido$i$H accumulation of ketone !odie$ and

    acidity in t%e !lood

    Ne0rop/t36@ dia!etic neuro-at%y i$ a ty-e of nerve damage w%ic% can lead to $everal

    different -ro!lem$

    Nep3rop/t36@ uncontrolled !lood -re$$ure can lead to kidney di$ea$e

    PAD (per,p3er/5 /rter,/5 4,+e/+e@ $ym-tom$ may include -ain in t%e leg tingling and

    $ometime$ -ro!lem$ walking -ro-erly


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Stro>e@ if !lood -re$$ure c%ole$terol level$ and !lood gluco$e level$ are not controlled

    t%e ri$k of $troke increa$e$ $ignificantly

    Erect,5e 46+70nct,on@ male im-otence

    In7ect,on+@ -eo-le wit% !adly controlled dia!ete$ are muc% more $u$ce-ti!le to


    He/5,n- o7 2o0n4+@ cut$ and le$ion$ take muc% longer to %eal

    Ho2 to 4eter8,ne 23et3er 6o0 3/1e 4,/:ete+* pre4,/:ete+ or ne,t3er

    Doctor$ can determine w%et%er a -atient %a$ a normal meta!oli$m -redia!ete$ or dia!ete$ in

    one of t%ree different way$ @ t%ere are t%ree -o$$i!le te$t$

    T3e A&C te+t

    @ at lea$t 65 mean$ dia!ete$

    @ !etween 5" and 5** mean$ -redia!ete$

    @ le$$ t%an 5" mean$ normal

    T3e FPG (7/+t,n- p5/+8/ -50co+e te+t

    @ at lea$t 126 mgKdl mean$ dia!ete$

    @ !etween 1,, mgKdl and 125** mgKdl mean$ -redia!ete$

    @ le$$ t%an 1,, mgKdl mean$ normal

    An abnormal reading following the FPG means the patient has impaired fasting glucose


    T3e OGTT (or/5 -50co+e to5er/nce te+t

    @ at lea$t 2,, mgKdl mean$ dia!ete$

    @ !etween 14, and 1*** mgKdl mean$ -redia!ete$

    @ le$$ t%an 14, mgKdl mean$ normal

    Dr0- t3er/p,e+ /1/,5/:5e 7or t3e tre/t8ent o7 4,/:ete+ 8e55,t0+


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    0iguanide$ etformin

    Sul-%onyl urea?$ /lim-eride

    eglitinide$ #e-aglinide

    +%iaBolidinedione$ ioglitaBone

    Al-%a gluco$ida$e in%i!itor$ Acar!o$e

    D--4 in%i!itor$ +ra'enta

    TRAENTA (LINAGLIPTIN.inagli-tin i$ an in%i!itor of t%e enByme D4 8di-e-tidyl -e-tida$e@49 w%ic% i$ involved in t%e

    inactivation of t%e incretin %ormone$ /.@1 and /) 8glucagon@like -e-tide@1 gluco$e@

    de-endent in$ulinotro-ic -oly-e-tide9

    .inagli-tin gluco$e@de-endently increa$e$ in$ulin $ecretion and lower$ glucagon $ecretion t%u$

    re$ulting in an overall im-rovement in t%e gluco$e %omoeo$ta$i$

    .inagli-tin i$ a once@daily ta!let t%at i$ u$ed along wit% diet and exerci$e to im-rove glycaemic

    control in adult$ wit% +y-e 2 Dia!ete$

    .inagli-tin $%ould not !e u$ed in -atient$ wit% +y-e 1 Dia!ete$ or for t%e treatment of dia!etic

    ketoacido$i$ 8increa$ed ketone$ in t%e !lood or urine9


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh




  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    +%e #e$earc% de$ign followed i$

    1 Ex-loratory #e$earc%

    2 De$cri-tive #e$earc%

    E=p5or/tor6 Re+e/rc3 Ex-loratory re$earc% i$ a ty-e of re$earc% conducted !ecau$e a -ro!lem

    %a$ not !een clearly defined Ex-loratory re$earc% %el-$ determine t%e !e$t re$earc% de$ign datacollection met%od and $election of $u!'ect$ /iven it$ fundamental nature ex-loratory re$earc%

    often conclude$ t%at a -erceived -ro!lem doe$ not actually exi$t )n our ca$e we fir$t wanted to

    make certain a$-ect$ of t%e $tudy clear !efore actually de$cri!ing t%e -ro!lem +%e -rimary

    re$earc% too %a$ %el-ed u$ ac%ieve $ome clarity

    De+cr,pt,1e Re+e/rc3 +%i$ re$earc% i$ t%e mo$t commonly u$ed and t%e !a$ic rea$on for

    carrying out de$cri-tive re$earc% i$ to identify t%e cau$e of $omet%ing t%at i$ %a--ening

    De$cri-tive re$earc% al$o known a$ $tati$tical re$earc% de$cri!e$ data and c%aracteri$tic$ a!out

    t%e -o-ulation or -%enomenon !eing $tudied De$cri-tive re$earc% an$wer$ t%e 7ue$tion$ w%o

    w%at w%ere w%en and %ow +%e de$cri-tion i$ u$ed for fre7uencie$ average$ and ot%er

    $tati$tical calculation$ &ften t%e !e$t a--roac% -rior to writing de$cri-tive re$earc% i$ to

    conduct a $urvey inve$tigation Pualitative re$earc% often %a$ t%e aim of de$cri-tion and

    re$earc%er$ may follow@u- wit% examination$ of w%y t%e o!$ervation$ exi$t and w%at t%e

    im-lication$ of t%e finding$ are


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    >e %ave u$ed t%i$ re$earc% along wit% ex-loratory re$earc% or carrying out de$cri-tive re$earc%

    we %ave u$ed a 7ue$tionnaire t%i$ 7ue$tionnaire would !e admini$tered to 1,, re$-ondent$ and

    t%i$ would %el- u$ to identify t%e variou$ factor w%ic% will %el- u$ to $tudy t%e $ati$faction level

    of cu$tomer$ toward$ mo!ile $ervice -rovider$

    C/0+/5 Re+e/rc3

    +%i$ met%od i$ conducted to identify cau$e and effect relation$%i- among varia!le$ w%en t%e

    re$earc% -ro!lem %a$ !een narrowed to >%ere concomitant variation$ i$ not met t%ere i$ no

    relation$%i- !etween varia!le$ t%i$ met%od$ i$ t%e mo$t fea$i!le

    De+,-n U+e4 In T3e Project

    A de$cri-tive re$earc% $eek$ to determine an$wer$ to w%o w%at w%ere and %ow 7ue$tion$ t%at

    i$ it de$cri!e$ t%e c%aracteri$tic$ of a -%enomenon +%e de$cri-tion i$ u$ed for fre7uencie$

    average$ and ot%er $tati$tical calculation$ &ften t%e !e$t a--roac% -rior to writing de$cri-tive

    re$earc% i$ to conduct a $urvey inve$tigation Pualitative re$earc% often %a$ t%e aim of

    de$cri-tion and re$earc%er$ may follow@u- wit% examination$ of w%y t%e o!$ervation$ exi$t and

    w%at t%e im-lication$ of t%e finding$ are

    ) %ave u$ed t%i$ re$earc% along wit% ex-loratory re$earc% or carrying out de$cri-tive

    re$earc% i %ave u$ed a 7ue$tionnaire t%i$ 7ue$tionnaire would !e admini$tered to 5, re$-ondent$

    and t%i$ would %el- me to identify t%e variou$ factor w%ic% will %el- to $tudy t%e -erformance of

    -re$cri-tion drug$ of 0oe%ringer )ngel%eim e$-ecially in treating dia!ete$


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    1 Data Collection et%od


    2 Data Collection )n$trument


    3 Communication et%od

    er$onal )nterview

    4 Sam-ling $trategy) +arget -o-ulation +%e -o-ulation con$i$t of 5, Doctor$ from t%e region of

    nort%ern um!ai

    )) Sam-ling met%od Convenience $am-ling met%od i$ ado-ted

    ))) Sam-ling rocedure Sim-le random $am-ling -rocedure i$ ado-ted


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Deter8,ne S/8p5e S,e

    +%e $am-le $iBe i$ given !y t%e formula

    n (


    p E$

    w%ere- denote$ -ro!a!ility of $ucce$$7 denote$ -ro!a!ility of failureU denote$ $tandard normal variationE denote$ $tandard errorn denote$ $am-le $iBe


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh




    Pue$tion 1





    Maad to #%dheri

    +%e Doctor$ w%o were $urveyed in t%e $urvey were mo$tly from

    nort%ern -art of um!ai And in nort%ern -art al$o 23 of doctor$ were

    from 0orivali 1" from =andivali and 1, doctor$ were from !etween

    alad to ile -arle


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Pue$tion 2

    >%at are t%e different ty-e$ of -atient do you $ee in your day today



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    %aving ot%er di$ea$e like coug% n cold urinary tract infection !one

    related -ro!lem

    Pue$tion 3

    Do you $ee Dia!etic -atient often in your day today -racticeJ



    D)abe)c Pa)en



    +%e entire re$-ondent$ were %aving dia!etic?$ -atient vi$iting to t%em

    for follow u- or treatment of dia!ete$ +%i$ $%ow$ t%at t%e $am-le


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    $elected for t%e $urvey wa$ very good a$ t%e $urvey involve evaluation

    of Anti dia!etic Drug

    Pue$tion 4

    >%at are t%e ty-e of drug$ do you -refer to treat dia!etic -atientJ


    Met!ormi% Gime6ride D66& /ds 8%sui%








    Dr+gs +se(

    Dru5s used

    Almo$t all t%e Doctor$ were u$ing metformin a$ t%e fir$t line drug for

    treating dia!etic$ and after t%at glim-eride a$ t%e $econd c%oice $ome

    al$o u$e gli!enclamide ery low -ercent of Doctor$ u$ed D--4


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    )n%i!itor$ mo$tly !ecau$e of %ig% co$t &t%er commonly u$ed drug$

    were in$ulin and +%iaBolidinedione$ and in t%at al$o mo$tly


    Pue$tion 5

    Fave you ever tried +ra'enta in your Dia!etic atient to control 0/






    &ut of t%e total -o-ulation $urveyed *, of t%e doctor$ %ave tried

    +ra'enta in t%eir dia!etic -atient to control t%eir 0/ level


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Pue$tion 6

    >%at do you t%ink a!out efficacy of +ra'enta viB a viB ot%er !rand$ youu$eJ


    Ecac' %ers+s Ohers





    Almo$t 65 of Doctor$ u$ing +ra'enta found efficacy of +ra'enta to !e

    !e$t among ot%er drug$ Around 15 doctor$ $aid it$ good e$-ecially in


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    renal com-romi$ed -atient and 14 doctor$ $aid it$ com-ara!le to ot%er

    drug$ availa!le in market and around 6 doctor$ $aid it$ lower t%an

    ot%er D--4 )n%i!itor$

    Pue$tion "

    >%at do you t%ink a!out F!A1c #eduction o!tained wit% +ra'enta

    com-ared to ot%er$ drug$ availa!leJ


    HbA3c !e(+c)on




    "ower /ha% other


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Doctor$ u$ing +ra'enta found to !e more efficaciou$ t%an commonly

    u$ed drug$ like metformin and glim-eride Fowever $ome doctor$ al$o

    $aid it i$ lower t%an ot%er d--4 in%i!itor$ like $itagli-tin and


    Pue$tion (

    >%at i$ your &-inion a!out t%e Safety a$-ect$ of +ra'entaJ




    Data Eot a4aiabe


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    All t%e doctor$ w%o %ave tried +ra'enta in t%eir dia!etic -atient feel$

    +ra'enta i$ t%e $afe$t molecule com-ared to all e$-ecially related to ckd

    8C%ronic =idney Di$ea$e9 -atient

    Pue$tion *

    Fave you encountered any $ide effect$ after -re$cri!ing +ra'enta to you



    S)(e eec




  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    Doctor$ u$ing +ra'enta till date %ave not encountered any $eriou$ $ide

    effect$ a$$ociated wit% t%e drug )t clearly denote$ t%at +ra'enta i$ $afer

    to -re$cri!e in any kind of -atient irre$-ective of %i$ co mor!idcondition

    Pue$tion 1,

    >%at i$ your o-inion a!out drug to drug interaction a$$ociated wit%



    D o D Inerac)on




  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    +ra'enta doe$ not $%ow any drug to drug interaction w%en -re$cri!ed t%e

    doctor$ w%o were $urveyed +%i$ data al$o $ugge$t $trong $afety -rofile

    of +ra'enta ver$u$ ot%er$

    Pue$tion 11

    >%at i$ your o-inion a!out t%e education -rovided !y 0oe%ringer

    )ngel%eim a!out +ra'entaJ







  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    o$t of t%e doctor$ find t%e educational -rogram$ of 0oe%ringer

    )ngel%eim to !e good and u$eful in t%eir day today -ractice ew doctor$

    al$o found t%e lecture to !e of -oor 7uality w%ic% mig%t !e t%e rea$onfor not u$ing +ra'enta !y t%e doctor$ in t%eir -atient

    Pue$tion 12

    Are you $ati$fied !y t%e literature -rovided !y 0) for t%e -roductJ







  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    any doctor$ were $ati$fied !y t%e literature and -roduct information

    given !y t%e com-any re-re$entative %owever t%ere were few doctor$

    w%o re7uired more u-dating on regular !a$i$ to know a!out current

    information a!out t%e re$earc% molecule

    Pue$tion 13

    Any $ugge$tion you would like to give to im-rove t%e -roduct

    -erformance in term$ of cmeJ



  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    o$t of t%e doctor$ $ugge$ted t%at t%e cme $%ould !e $im-le and it

    $%ould %ave late$t content to %ave intere$t for t%e doctor$ to learn Some

    al$o $ugge$t c%oo$ing good 7uality $-eaker$ for t%e -rogramme w%o %a$good knowledge of t%e $u!'ect And many doctor$ $ugge$ted it $%ould !e

    timed -ro-erly to avoid time lo$$



  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    +%e finding$ of t%e re$earc% were a$ follow$

    &S+ & +FE D&C+S A#E :S)/ +#AGE+A +& +#EA+D)A0E+ES

    &S+ & +FE D&C+S A#E SA+)S)ED 0; +FE E)CA;

    & +FE D#:/

    A; D&C+S +F)= :S)/ +#AGE+A AS A SEC&D

    .)E +F#EAF; )S A /&&D &+)& C&A#ED +&


    &S+ & +FE D&C+S #EE# :S)/ +#AGE+A )

    #EA. C&)SED A+)E+


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh


    &S+ D&C+S A#E SA+)S)ED >)+F F0A1C

    #ED:C+)& SF&> 0; +#AGE+A

    S&E D&C+S A.S& S://ES+ED F0A1C #ED:C+)&

    & :+& 2

    A.. D&C+S >E#E E#; :CF SA+)S)ED >)+F +FE

    SAE+; #&).E & +#AGE+A

    & D&C+S &:D A; #E.A+ED :#E.A+ED

    S)DE EEC+S ASS&C)A+ED >)+F +#AGE+A D:#)/+F)E# C.))CA. #AC+)CE

    & D#:/ +& D#:/ )+E#AC+)& >E#E #E+ED

    >)+F +#AGE+A ) A; A+)E+ 0; A; D&C+S

    A#+)C)A+)/ ) +FE S:#E;

    ED:CA+)&A. #&/#AS C&D:C+ED 0;

    0&EF#)/E# )/E.FE) )S /&&D


  • 7/25/2019 Project Mahesh



    #& +FE S:#E; )+