Download - PREP Webinar June 18th 2015 06-18

Transcript  Join the Recycling Revolution at!

PREP  &  PREP  Label  Webinar  

Shaun  Scallan    

Anthony  Peyton  

Shaun  Scallan  PREP  Program  Manager    

Today’s  Webinar  

•  Housekeeping  •  Why  PREP  and  PREP  Label?  •  Overview  of  PREP  – PREP  Demo  

•  Overview  PREP  Recyclability  Label  •  Next  Steps  

A?endees  Food   Health  Supplements  

Beverages   Pharmaceuticals  

Household  products   Beauty  

Linen  &  bedding   Confectionery  

Hardware   Packaging  

Stationery   Games  

Cleaning   Clothing  

Cosmetics   Shoes    


•  Q&A’s  – You  can  type  a  quesJon  at  any  Jme  – We’ll  respond  during  Webinar  as  appropriate  – Also  at  end  plus  follow  up  

•  Downloadable  media  – Webinar,  PresentaJon  &  QuesJon  responses  – Available  on  19th  June  

•  Survey  following  webinar  

The  Packaging  Recycling  RevoluCon  starts……NOW!  

At  kerbside  

Which  Bin  does  it  go  in?  

Planet  Ark  has  a  vision  of  a  world  where  people  live  in  balance  with  nature.    

We  help  people,  businesses  and  governments  work  together  to  protect  our  planet’s  ability  to  thrive.  

Our  values  

What  we  do.    

A Smart Energy Initiative

20  Million  Trees  

28M  Cartridges  

Why  join  the  RevoluCon?  •  Business  reasons  – Reduced  compliance  risk  due  to  false  claims  – Reduced  Jme  to  substanJate  claims  

•  Social  reasons  – Less  confusion  in  Australian  kitchens!  

•  Environmental  reasons  – Reduced  landfill  – Reduced  pressure  on  non-­‐renewable  resources  

Key  elements  of  the  RevoluCon  

•  PREP    –   the  brains  behind  the  revoluJon  – Empowering  designers  and  brand  owners  

•  PREP  Label  –  the  face  of  the  revoluJon  – Empowering  consumers  

Status  of  RevoluCon  •  Welcoming  leaders  to  PREP  since  January:  – Nestle,  Officeworks,  Assa  Abloy,  Blackmores,  Aware  Environmental,  Tata  Beverages,  Aesop,    and  Unilever  

•  PREP  Label    – On  products  by  end  of  July  –  Launch  by  2  brand  owners  

•  NaJonal  Recycling  Week    9th-­‐15th  November  will  showcase  the  PREP  &  PREP  Label  Members  

PREP  Users  Can  

•  Determine  the  recyclability  of  their  product’s  packaging    

•  Easily  assess  how  design  changes  would  change  recyclability    

•  Have  greater  confidence  in  self  declared  claims  

•  Become  eligible  to  use  the  PREP  Label  

Anthony  Peyton  PREP  Technical  Director    

PREP  -­‐  Parameter  Based  Tool      The  PREP  assesses  both  the:    •  Technical  Recyclability,  and;  •  Whether  collecJon  services  for  the  material  type  exist  –  uses  data  from  

 Technical  Recyclability  includes  parameters  that  reflect  the  separaJon  and  reprocessing  capabiliJes  in  Australia.    

•  2  Million  Visits  p.a.  •  Council  kerbside  

collecJon  data  Australia  wide  

PREP  -­‐  Details  •  Browser  based  •  Need  bill  of  materials  &  dimensions  plus  details  of  inks  and  glues  etc  

•  Simple  interface  that  minimises  data  entry  •  Output  –  Recyclability  EvaluaJon  Report    – Traffic  light  representaJon  – Provides  reasons  if  not  recyclable  – PDF  can  be  produced  directly  

Recyclability  Stakeholders  

Paper  Mill   Aluminium  Smelter  

Steel  Smelter  

Glass  BeneficiaJon  

PlasJcs  Processing  

Materials  Recovery  Facility  

Recyclate  Markets  

PREP  –  What’s  in  the  Box  PREP  

‘PREP  Recyclable’  if.....  

 •  Item  is  technically  recyclable  •  >60%  of  populaJon  has  access  to  a  kerbside  collecJon  service  that  accepts  that  item  

PREP  Recyclability  Quiz  

0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%  

Shredded  Paper  

Wine  Bolle  screw  cap  

Easter  Egg  foil  

Blue  Bolle  

Coffee  Capsule  

Correct  Answer  

Quiz  Results,  APC  Fora:  Sydney,  Adelaide,  Melbourne  

PREP  Results  Item   Technical  

ClassificaCon  Access  to  Kerbside  

PREP  ClassificaCon  


Shredded  paper  

Not    technically  Recyclable  

Widely  Accepted  

Small  fragments  will  not  be  directed  to  paper  stream  at  MRF  

Wine  cap   Technically  recyclable  

Widely  Accepted  

Will  be  recovered  at  glass    beneficiaJon  plant    

Easter  egg  wrapper  

Not  technically  recyclable  

Less  widely  Accepted  

Two  dimensional  so  will  go  to  paper  stream  at  MRF  

Blue  glass  bolle  

Technically  recyclable  

Widely  Accepted  

Will  be  directed  to  green  glass  stream  

PlasJc  coffee  capsule  

Not  technically  recyclable  

Not  widely  accepted  

Coffee  is  the  majority  weight  so  is  listed  as  the  Primary  Material  



PREP  Label  –  the  face    

•  Long  history  of  Australian  recyclability  label  

•  Generally  consistent  with  exisJng  labels  

•  August  launch  

Overseas  Labels  

UK   USA  


Underpinning  Methodologies  

Country   Methodology  

UK   Matrix  

USA   Ongoing  consultaJon  

South  Africa   Ongoing  consultaJon  

Australia   PREP  

PREP  Label  System  Elements  Element   Purpose  PREP  Label  System  Manual   Governance  arrangements  Graphics  –  Style  Guide   To  ensure  consistency  Web  site   Consumer  facing.    Links  to  RNY  PREP  App  for  smart  phones   Barcode  scanning  with  links  to  company  sites  Reference  Group   To  oversee  the  program  Audit  program   To  ensure  compliance  with  Manual  ACCC   Referral  agency  Label  licensing   CondiJons  of  use  Trade  Mark  ProtecJon   Confidence  to  users  Events  &  training   Support  for  label  users  Consumer  educaJon   PromoJng  label  and  consumer’s  role  Conferences  and  media   Encouraging  broad  acceptance  Progress  reviews   To  react  to  market  changes  

Commercial  Terms  

Commercial  Terms  PREP  and  PREP  Label  being  offered  as  separate  elements:    

1.   PREP  –  fee  based  on  annual  turnover  of  Australian  sold  products  

2.   PREP  Label  -­‐  fee  based  on  annual  turnover  of  Australian  sold  products  that  are  under  direct  control  (e.g.  only  private  label  products  sold  by  a  retailer)  

PREP  Intro  Offer  50%  off  for  first  50  subscripJons  (1st  12mths)      Turnover   Standard   Discounted   #  Licences  

<$10m   $200   $100   1  

$10-­‐100m   $900   $450   3  

$100-­‐500m   $1,500   $750   5  

$500m-­‐1b   $3,000   $1,500   10  

>$1b   $7,000   $3,500   20  

PREP  Label  Cost  Model  

•  Entry  Rate  per  label  impressions  – $100  per  million  impressions  

•  Capped  fee  –  limits  the  total  amount  paid  – Encourages  broad  scale  labelling  – Tied  to  company  turnover  

•  Capped  fee  table  available  on  request  

PREP  Label  -­‐  Capped  Fee  Example  Measure   Value  Business  Turnover   $80m  Turnover  Range   $50m-­‐100m  Capped  Fee  for  this  Range   $3,000  p.a.    Total  units  sold   100  million  

Number  of  units  labelled   Annual  Label  Fee  1.  10  m   $1,000  (10  x  $100)  2.  30  m   $3,000  3.  100  m   $3,000  

Costs  exclude  GST  

Next  Steps  1.  Reassess  your  recyclability  knowledge  by  

considering  the  parameters  that  may  apply  2.  Assess  preparedness  of  business  to  determine  

recyclability  of  your  packaging  3.  Consider  value  of  PREP  to  your  business  

–  50%  PREP  intro  offer  available  for  1st  12  months  

4.  Consider  whether  your  business  should  be  a  revoluJonary  leader  by  adopJng  the  PREP  Label  –  Arrange  to  meet  with  us  Join the Recycling Revolution at!


Thanks  for  A?ending    

PREP  Program  Manager  •  Shaun  Scallan  •  [email protected]  •  0408  263  890  

PREP  Technical  Director  •  Anthony  Peyton  •  [email protected]  •  0408  373  112  

PREP  Hotline  •  1300  764  044