Download - PP4/小光/Creative thinking


Creative thinking : gnikniht evitaerC

20080503 / Hclin@

Creative thinking, How to?

•Focus• Think Target Audience

– 先想要給誰用• Think trigger point

– 再想怎麼做才會紅• Think the Opposite side

– 反過來再想一次

Tablet PC/2002


蓋茲 v.s 賈伯斯

What’s the coolest featurein iPhone

Multi-touch screen


Even the most creative ideas needs trigger point



Think the Opposite side

順時針轉 270 度 (right-upper)

水平 (upper-left) 順時針轉 90 度 (left-lower) 順時針轉 180 度 (lower-right)

Think Target Audience

Where is your Audience?

• I am doing so f**king good! Why is there no one coming my site?

Where is your Audience?

Geek? Nerd? Weeeeird? Or Punk?


Creative thinking, How to?

•Focus• Think Target Audience

– 先想要給誰用• Think trigger point

– 再想怎麼做才會紅• Think the Opposite side

– 反過來再想一次

If there is one more, I would said: think in trivial…

魔鬼藏在細節裡• How many are many ?

– 10 萬算不算多? 100 萬算不算多? 1000 萬算不算多?

• How long is a Integer ?– 8bit? 16bit? 32bit? 64bit?


•Thank u