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Page 1: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮

NEWSLETTER APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

NEWSLETTER P. 1APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

On 3 September 2012, the affiliated teaching units of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)’s College of Professional and Continuing

Education (CPCE) – School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) and Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) launched a Joint Welcome Ceremony for the academic year 2012 / 2013.Prof. Timothy W. Tong, President of PolyU, Prof. Peter Yuen, Dean of CPCE, Dr. Peter Walters, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance) of CPCE, Dr. Simon Leung, Associate Dean (Development) of CPCE and Director of HKCC, and Dr. Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED greeted the new academic year together with the new full-time students.

Prof. Timothy Tong was pleased that the bachelor’s top-up degree programmes offered by PolyU SPEED not only provide youngsters an

alternative pathway to university education but also meet the needs of the fast-growing local and global economy.

Dr. Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED, stated, “Since its establishment in 1999, the School has been recording a continuous increase in student intakes.” Students’ pursuit of quality higher education is unabated. Dr. Lo also reminded the new students of Google Generation (post 90s) to discern between information and knowledge, and the relationship between internet search and independent critique. Encouraging students in their pursuit of lifelong learning, Dr. Lo concluded his speech with a famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

PolyU SPEED及 HKCC舉行聯合開學禮


Uniting Faculty and Students to Greet New Academic Year

PolyU SPEED and HKCC Co-organised the Joint Welcome Ceremony

理大校長唐偉章教授於開學禮向眾師生致歡迎辭。Prof. Timothy Tong, President of PolyU, delivered a welcome speech to faculty and students in the Ceremony.


Dr. Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED, encouraged students to think independently and learn relentlessly.

PolyU SPEED師生濟濟一堂,參加開學禮。PolyU SPEED lecturers and students attended the Ceremony.

迎新學年 學有所成

Inauguration & Graduation



唐偉章教授欣然看見PolyU SPEED所開辦的學士學位銜接課程,不單為青年人帶來另一晉升大學的階梯,更為發展迅速的本地及海外經濟體系培育專才。

PolyU SPEED院長羅文強博士表示:「學院自1999年成立後,學生人數持續上升。」學生對優質高等教育機會的渴求有增無減。羅院長亦提醒出生於谷歌世代(90後)的新生,要懂得資訊與知識的分別,以及網上搜尋和獨立思考的關係。羅院長最後以印度聖雄甘地一句名言「活若明日盡,學若生無涯」作結語,鼓勵學生保持終身學習的精神。

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NEWSLETTERP. 2 APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

PolyU SPEED and HKCC jointly held the 10th Joint Graduation Ceremony at PolyU campus in October 2012. Over 90% of the PolyU

SPEED graduates attained a Bachelor’s degree, while the rest obtained various qualifications including Associate of Arts, and Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) Diploma or Certificate.

At the Graduation Ceremony, Dr. Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED, encouraged graduates not to forget their pursuit of continuing education as they moved on to a new stage in life. Dr. Lo reported, “This year, one of our graduates who obtained the PCE Certificate is about 80-year-old. This graduate has set a role model for lifelong learning.”

PolyU SPEED及HKCC於2012年10月假理大校園舉行第十

屆聯合畢業典禮,逾九成PolyU SPEED畢業生獲頒學士學

位,其餘則獲頒文科副學士學位、專業進修文憑或證書等 。

畢業典禮中,PolyU SPEED院長羅文強博士勉勵畢業生要



歷,正好樹立了終身學習的典範。 」

Graduates Celebrated a New Chapter in LifePolyU SPEED and HKCC Co-presented the 10th Joint Graduation Ceremony:

PolyU SPEED及HKCC第十屆聯合畢業典禮






Cheng Shun LaiBachelor of Arts in Business (Finance) Under the PolyU SPEED China Internship Programme, I was given a precious opportunity to work at the Bank of China Headquarter in Beijing. The experience helps increase my chances of successful job applications and I can apply the acquired skills in my future career.

畢業生與典禮主持行列。Graduates and the Officiating Parties of the Ceremony.

畢業生分享﹕Sharing by the Graduates:

YOSHIDA Ryunosuke 商業文學士(國際商業)Bachelor of Arts in Business (International Business) 我發現上課時所學到的知識能有效地運用到


It is uplifting to learn that I can apply what I have learnt from the School in my future career.

迎新學年 學有所成

Inauguration & Graduation

Page 3: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮

最佳創意大賽2012得獎名單“Best Innovation Awards 2012” List of Awardees:

PolyU SPEED於1月19日假理大蔣震劇院舉行倫敦大學國際課程頒


學法律學士學位考試,PolyU SPEED在眾多國際院校中創出驕人佳績

─ 在非英國當地生海外組別中,全球僅三名考生考獲一級榮譽學位,

其中兩名皆是PolyU SPEED學生;此外,學院亦有十名學生取得二級



Prof. Jonathan Kydd、理大專業及持續教育學院副院長(質素保證)

華彼達博士以及PolyU SPEED院長羅文強博士等,眾嘉賓、教職員以及


論及PolyU SPEED法律備試課程的特色時,課程總監Dr. Danny

Choong表示:「於PolyU SPEED修讀備試課程,並考獲倫敦大學法律



PolyU SPEED羅文強院長與一眾畢業生分享喜悅時表示:「我相



To celebrate the achievements of PolyU SPEED students graduating with the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) of the University of

London International Programmes, a Presentation Ceremony was held at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of PolyU on 19 January. In the LLB 2012 Examinations, PolyU SPEED students accomplished remarkable achievement among the candidates f rom other international institutions — two out of the only three First Class Honours graduates in the overseas sector outside United Kingdom were from PolyU SPEED; also, 10 of our students attained Second Class Honours (Upper Division).

The Ceremony was officiated by representatives from the University of London International Programmes—Prof. Jonathan Kydd, Dean of the University of London International Programmes, Dr. Peter Walters, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance) of the College of Professional

and Continuing Education (CPCE) and Dr. Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED. Guests, faculty, families and friends shared the achievements and happiness with the students.

With regard to the LLB Preparatory Programmes offered by PolyU SPEED, Dr. Danny Choong, the Programme Director, pointed out, “Our students sat for the examinations via the PolyU SPEED Preparatory Programmes and were awarded the LLB degree of University of London. They attained the same academic standard as those studying in London.”

Sharing the joy of the graduates in the Ceremony, Dr. Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED, said, “We trust you will make contributions in your own field because legal training in the final analysis is a way of making sense of life.”


PolyU SPEED and HKCC Co-presented the 10th Joint Graduation Ceremony:


兩名PolyU SPEED學生在英國以外地區考生組別奪魁

兩位一級榮譽畢業生的分享:Sharing of two First Class Honours Graduates:

理大專業進修學院及倫敦大學國際課程部的教職員與眾畢業生分享喜悅。Faculties from PolyU SPEED and the University of London International Programmes celebrated with graduates in the Ceremony.


“Throughout the three years, I have found the programme practical and useful and the lecturers helpful and approachable.”


“The most valuable asset I acquired during the LLB programme was the legal mind set and methodology for problem-solving.”

Two PolyU SPEED students obtained First Class Honours in the Bachelor of Laws by the University of London International Programmes

迎新學年 學有所成

Inauguration & Graduation

APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

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NEWSLETTERP. 4 APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

由英國Northumbria University(UNN)與PolyU SPEED合辦的(榮譽)學士學位銜接課程,早前假理大賽馬


自 2 0 0 3 年 起 , U N N 及 P o l y U S P E E D 合 辦 三 個( 榮 譽 ) 學 士 學 位 銜 接 課 程 , 分 別 為 商 業 管 理 、 人 力資 源 管 理 以 及 物 流 和 供 應 鏈 管 理 三 大 範 疇 。 U N N 主 要負 責 課 程 內 容 設 計 並 擬 定 教 材 及 評 核 標 準 , 而 P o l y U SPEED則負責授課及參與評核。兩間學院多年來合作無間,令課程發揮相得益彰之效。

The 2012 Academic Congregation of Northumbria University (UNN) was held at Jockey Club Auditorium of PolyU. UNN representatives from the United

Kingdom attended the Ceremony to congratulate the graduates on their academic achievements.

Since 2003, UNN and PolyU SPEED have been collaborating in offering three honours top-up degree programmes in Business Management, Human Resource Management, and Logistics & Supply Chain Management. UNN is primarily responsible for the design of curriculum, teaching materials and assessment standards, while PolyU SPEED is responsible for teaching and support of assessment. The longstanding collaboration between both institutions continues to foster academic achievement of students.

英國Northumbria University畢業典禮

Academic Congregation of Northumbria University, U.K.

錢嘉雯 一級榮譽畢業生

「很感激PolyU SPEED的講師,他們不厭其煩地細心指導,令我獲益良多。」

Chin Ka Man

First Class Honours Graduate Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business ManagementNorthumbria University“I feel much grateful to PolyU SPEED lecturers. I have learnt so much from the programme as they guided students with great patience and support.”

畢業生慶祝邁向人生新一篇。Graduates celebrated a new chapter in life.

畢業生為這值得紀念的日子留下回憶。Graduates took photos together to celebrate this memorable day.

迎新學年 學有所成

Inauguration & Graduation

Page 5: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮

PolyU SPEED學生剛於Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) (大中華分會)個案

研習賽中奪冠,澳門大學及理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院分別奪得亞軍及季軍。PolyU SPEED參賽隊伍由兩位旅遊服務業管理學文學士課程學生-彭慧妍 (Vicky)及石玉英(Catherine)-所組成。



PolyU SPEED students have just reaped championship in a case study competition organised by the Hospitality Sales and Marketing

Association International (HSMAI), Greater China Chapter. University of Macau and PolyU School of Hotel and Tourism Management were the first runner-up and the second runner-up respectively. The PolyU SPEED team was formed by two students from Bachelor of Arts in Travel Industry Management (BATIM), Vicky Pang and Catherine Shek.

They believed creativity and innovation were the key success factors. “Our concept of revitalising a tenement building into a hostel may be deemed novel yet applicable. We conducted background research and analysis on the targeted district, Tai Kok Tsui, and highlighted some distinctive areas as tourist attraction points. Each room design was special in its peculiar way, with the themes ranging from traditional to modern Hong Kong. Visitors would not only enjoy a room rate lower than that of a hotel but also a special living experience. It is a unique idea in our winning project,” said Vicky and Catherine.

They also expressed sincere gratitude to the Programme Leader of BA (Hons) TIM, Elaine Chan, who has provided insightful advice and enormous support during the competition. Vicky and Catherine regarded the competition as a valuable opportunity to apply the marketing strategies learnt from the classroom to the real world setting, and they will also embrace future opportunities from a new perspective.

理大專業進修學院 旅遊服務業學生於

兩位即將畢業的同學 ﹣彭慧妍(左)及石玉英於HSMAI個案研習賽中奪冠。Two Final Year students, Vicky Pang (left) and Catherine Shek reaped championship in HSMAI case study competition.

倆人均認為這次比賽讓她們得以實踐從課堂所學的市場營銷策略。The team regarded the competition as a precious opportunity to apply their knowledge of marketing and sales strategies in a real world setting.

PolyU SPEED Travel Industry Management Students Reaped Championship in

HSMAI Greater China Chapter Case Study Competition

HSMAI個案研習賽 大中華區奪冠



Academic Congregation of Northumbria University, U.K.

NEWSLETTER P. 5APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

Page 6: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮

PolyU SPEED為配合對學生的全人培育,於本學年舉辦首屆「學生大使計劃」(SAS), 旨在培訓具學業成績以外多


SAS根據學生大使的能力和興趣,讓他們各展所長,發掘自我潛能。學院將安排學生大使進行一系列推廣PolyU SPEED的活動。例如,與即將入學的學生分享其校園生活,或有機會接待到訪校園貴賓等。


「 我 想 過 多 姿 多 彩 的 校 園 生 活 。 」 、 「 我 要 自 我 增值!」、「我希望接受有意義的挑戰。」……各種原因聚集了20個擁有不同特質的個體,成為PolyU SPEED第一屆學生大使。


To foster students holistically, PolyU SPEED has launched the first Student Ambassador Scheme (SAS) to engage the First

Year Bachelor's degree students who possess diverse talents in addition to their academic performance. They are groomed for advancement into the spokespersons, marketers and student leaders for the School.

Judging on each Student Ambassador (SA)'s interest and aptitude, SAS will exploit and explore their potentials. The School shall assign them a broad array of promotional events of PolyU SPEED. For example, they will share their campus life with prospective students or give campus tours to VIPs.

The first legion of SAs would like to share with our readers their feeling and vision about SAS:

“I want a fruitful and vibrant school life”, “I want self-enrichment!”, “This is something challenging yet meaningful for me”... For various reasons, 20 “young people” with diverse personalities come together, and here they are, the first group of PolyU SPEED SAs.

In this momentary year, they will participate in various training activities to enhance their team spirit as well as communication and problem-solving skills. They will also take part in different events, play the role of emcee, assist in media interviews, and host school tours for VIPs, etc. These precious co-curricular experiences will provide them brilliant opportunities to explore themselves and learn from one another. It will also strengthen thier attachment to the School.


The First PolyU SPEED Student Ambassador Scheme

學生大使拍攝學院宣傳照片。SA in the shooting of the School's promotional photos.

學生大使於PolyU SPEED校友會慶祝成立十周年的電影欣賞晚會中,負責接待賓客。SAs assisted in the reception of guests during the Movie Gala Night celebrating the 10th Anniversary of PolyU SPEED Alumni Association .

NEWSLETTERP. 6 APRIL 2013 • Issue 11



Page 7: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮



房屋管理學文學士課程統籌黃健豪與其中五位PolyU SPEED得獎者。Anthony Wong, Programme Leader of Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management and five of the PolyU SPEED awardees in the Ceremony.


PolyU SPEED房屋管理學文學士課程學生獲頒發獎項。該計劃旨在鼓勵年輕人修讀房屋管理相關的課程,以不斷改善物業管理業界的服務質素。

Six students with outstanding academic performance from the Bachelor of Arts in

Housing Management programme of PolyU SPEED garnered awards in The 8th Hong Kong Housing Society Award Presentation Ceremony on 26 January. The award aims to encourage young talents to pursue housing-related studies for the continuing improvement of the service quality of property management sector.

The 8th Hong Kong Housing Society Award Presentation Ceremony

雖然20個學生大使本著不同的原因走在一起,但是他們將會朝著同一目標前進。希望他們能像20種光芒,結合成一支值得信賴的、有感染力的團隊,讓更多人認識PolyU SPEED,同時亦為彼此留下難忘又特別的回憶。

「相信成為PolyU SPEED首屆學生大使會是一件令我們感到自豪的事。一同期待我們的成長吧!」

SAs came together for different reasons. They will stride towards the same goal. It is like uniting 20 special hues of light into a reliable and luminous team. They advocate the mission of PolyU SPEED while cherishing their unique and unforgettable memories.

“ Being the first group of PolyU SPEED SAs will certainly be one of our most remarkable ventures in the School. Let’s experience and grow together! ”

撰稿者:首屆PolyU SPEED學生大使(鳴謝梁寶珊和鄧燕青分別為本文協助部份翻譯及編輯工作。)

Contributors: The first SAs of PolyU SPEED  (Acknowledgement to Clare Leung and Carena Tang for their translation and editorial support respectively.)

得獎學生 Name of Student

陳漢華 Chan Hon Wa陳燕爾 Chan Yin Yi林軒宇 Lam Hin Yu劉芯艷 Lau Sam Yim盧卓然 Lo Cheuk Yin曾莊欣 Tsang Jong Yun

PolyU SPEED首屆學生大使委任典禮。The 1st SAS appointment Ceremony of PolyU SPEED.

學生大使在2013教育及職業博覽中分享校園生活。SAs shared their campus life in the Education and Careers Expo 2013.學生大使參加團隊建立訓練課程。

SAs in a training session on team building.

六位得獎者如下所列:The six awardees are listed below:



APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

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NEWSLETTERP. 8 APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

專業傳意文學士課程 - 畢業作品展

關芳娜團隊創作了海報,讓大眾反思對同性戀者的態度。 Fiona’s team designed posters to let people reflect on their attitude towards homosexuals.

- Final Year Project ExhibitionBachelor of Arts in Professional Communication Programme






接納。Fiona指出 :「同性戀者往往被人欺負和被孤立,因此我們創作了這些海報,讓大眾反思對同性戀者的態度。」該團隊定下主題 —「不同傾向,相同的愛」,並設計了錄像短片,助觀眾了解相關訊息。

The programme of Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication organised the Final Year Project Exhibition for the second time. It aims

to encourage students to apply what they have learnt in class. The students were required to approach one of the non-governmental / non-profit-making organisations for cooperation by presenting their promotional strategies. We interviewed two representatives of the participating teams to introduce their creative and professional works:

Felix Wong Tsz Lok, Project: The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (SBHK)

Noticing the current promotion of SBHK is limited to its official website and Facebook, Felix and his team proposed a proactive approach in drawing public attention on anti-suicidal issues. The team proposed for incorporating games, psychological test and feature stories in the new iPhone application to encourage people to be persistent when facing predicaments.

Fiona Kwan Fong Na, Project: The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong (The Association)

Fiona and her team hope to promote care and acceptance for the homosexuals in society. “Homosexuals tend to be bullied and isolated, therefore we come up with these creative posters to let people reflect on their attitude towards homosexuals,” Fiona illustrated. Her team designed the theme as “No Difference in Love despite Different Orientation” and also produced a video to help viewers understand the pertinent ideas.

黃梓樂團隊設計了一廣告橫額並將之展示在青衣大橋上,喚醒大眾珍惜寶貴生命。Felix’s team designed a banner and displayed it at the Tsing Yi Bridge to remind people that life is precious.



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Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication Programme教育及職業博覽 2013

PolyU SPEED講師接受電視採訪

Education & Careers Expo 2013

PolyU SPEED Lecturers Interviewed by TV Programme

PolyU SPEED高級講師兼巿場推廣顧問林立堅博士表示,現時最受學員歡迎的課程包括「巿場營銷及公共關係(榮譽)文學士課程」*,以及本地唯一主修零售及管理學的「零售企業及服務管理(榮譽)文學士課程」。

款待業管理(榮譽)文學士課程*統籌Dr. Pimtong Tavitiyaman表示酒店業重視員工的語文和溝通能力,故收生面試時多取錄富自信心、能操流利英語和普通話的同學,以回應業界需求。 Dr. Pimtong Tavitiyaman, Programme Leader of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Hospitality Management*, in response to need of the hotel sector, remarked that employees with confidence as well as good language and communication skills are sought-after. Therefore, in the School’s admission interview, students who can demonstrate such attributes are given a preference.

旅遊服務業管理學(榮譽)文學士課程統籌陳亞香指PolyU SPEED為改善學生待人接物的技巧,課程要求學生在畢業前完成500小時的實習,期望能提升畢業生的競爭力。 Elaine Chan, Programme Leader of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Travel Industry Management pointed out that students have to complete 500 hours of practicum as a graduation requirement so that they can be more competitive.

商業(榮譽)文學士(營運及供應鏈管理)*學銜統籌袁尚文博士相信香港物流業能發揮本土優勢,透過提供具高價值的供應鏈管理、網購物流支援以及處理特殊貨物(如危險品貨物)來彌補成本上的壓力。 Dr. Simon Yuen, Award Leader of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business (Operations and Supply Chain Management)* believed that Hong Kong could ride on its advantages in providing high-value supply chain management, logistics support for online business and handling special cargo (like dangerous goods) to compensate the cost pressure.

林博士述及學院計畫於未來開辦更多榮譽學士課程,為行業培育更多人才。Dr. Lam mentioned that the School was planning to offer more honours degree programmes to nurture more talents for society.

PolyU SPEED致力為副學位畢業生提供多元化的學士學位銜接課程。PolyU SPEED is devoted to offering a diversity of top-up degree programmes to sub-degree graduates.

Dr. Regan Lam, Senior Lecturer and Marketing Consultant of PolyU SPEED stated that the School’s most popular programmes include

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Marketing and Public Relations* as well as Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management, which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong.

三位PolyU SPEED講師於二月接受了亞洲電視時事節目「金錢世界」的採訪。

In February, three PolyU SPEED lecturers were interviewed by the current affairs programme “Money World” of Asia Television Limited.

* 有待理大審批 Subject to approval by PolyU.

媒體報導Media Exposure

APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

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P. 10

Co-organised by Capital University of Economics and Business’ College of Business Administration

(CUEB CBA), PolyU SPEED and The Hong Kong Institute of Health Economics, the Fifth National Conference on Comparative Management (NCCMV) was successfully held at the PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus on 27 October 2012. NCCMV has been held annually at various cities on the Chinese Mainland since 2008, gathering Chinese academics and worldwide experts to present papers and share insights on the pertinent theme.

Researcher Dr. Huang Su-jian, Vice President of The Chinese Institute of Business Administration (CIBA) and Deputy Director-General of Chinese Academy of

Social Sciences’ Institute of Industrial Economics (CASS IIE) stated that the Conference focused on improving management studies in different markets by looking into the Chinese Mainland management practices and comparative management topics.

Prof. Peter Yuen, Dean of CPCE said, “In the era of globalisation, the study of comparative management is a very important research direction; and by referring to different systems, countries and cultures, we could learn from others’ positive and negative experience, which could be transformed into useful knowledge.” Prof. Yuen further elaborated on the relations of globalisation and different medical financing systems by drawing a comparative analysis.

「第五屆全國比較管理研討會」- 香港 The Fifth National Conference on Comparative Management – Hong Kong

中國首都經濟貿易大學工商管理學院院長高闖教授(右)和PolyU SPEED院長羅文強博士互相贈送紀念品。Prof. Gao Chuang, Director of CUEB CBA (right) and Dr. Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED exchanged souvenirs.

參加「第五屆全國比較管理研討會」中港兩地的學者。Academics from the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong in NCCMV.

學者 專家Academics & Experts




NEWSLETTER APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

Page 11: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮


品牌若要突圍而出,必須講求創意之道。PolyU SPEED

於2012年8月6日晚上假理大蔣震劇院舉行了一場「創意 x 營商101實戰講座」。大會邀得三家充滿創意的企業管理層,包括雅虎香港電子商貿總監李真怡、萬寧營銷及市務董事鍾雅芬及Metta Communications創辦人李孔仁為演講嘉賓,分享行業最新發展和企業的成功之道。


A brand must be creative to stand out from the crowd. PolyU SPEED organised a talk on “101

Strategies on Creativity and Business Management” at PolyU’s Chiang Chen Studio Theatre on 6 August 2012. The management of three innovative corporations, Jenny Li, E-commerce Director from Yahoo! Hong Kong, Athen Chung, Director of Sales and Marketing of Mannings and Andrew Lee, Founder of Metta Communications, were invited to share the latest sector development and their successful strategies.

Jenny shared Yahoo!’s original marketing strategy of ‘Glocalizaiton’ was to combine both globalisation

and localisation into one concept. And Athen pointed out how to fill the essence of Manning with ‘heart’ to integrate consumer needs in every details, in store and in advertisement. Andrew also shared with the audience how the team emphasized on creating an advertisement that is approachable, appealing and entertaining for the affinity and popular appeal of Mannings.

「專業有道」講座 :「創意 x 營商101實戰講座」Professional Talk :

101 Strategies on Creativity and Business Management

三位講者的講解,資料詳盡,饒有趣味。The talk of the three speakers was informative and creative.

學者 專家Academics & Experts

為了協助學生準備求職面試,PolyU SPEED在2012年

11月19日舉辦了一場『入職導向』講座,邀請Impact Partner Consulting Co. Ltd. 的管理顧問李佩芳 (Florence),分享學生面試時十大常犯的錯誤及各種面試技巧。


To help students prepare for job interviews, PolyU SPEED held a Career Talk on 19 November

2012 by inviting Florence Lee, a management consultant from Impact Partner Consulting Co. Ltd., to share her views on the 10 most commonly committed mistakes in job interviews and a range of interview skills.

Florence remarked that the key to a successful interview included preparation on resume, outfit, manners and eye contact, etc. It was also important to conduct a fluent conversation especially in English

and Putonghua. She suggested students who were dedicated to get a job should visit the website of respective company to study its background, culture, service and products. Finally, she reminded students not to lie during interviews, as integrity is critical.

Career Talk : The 10 Commonly Committed Mistakes in Interview 李佩芳指導同學如何在面試中突圍而出。

Florence advised students on how to stand out in a job interview.


APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

Page 12: PolyU SPEED及HKCC舉行聯合開學禮

NEWSLETTERP. 12 APRIL 2013 • Issue 11

由PolyU SPEED四名講師組成的研究小組獲得自資高等教育聯盟的一項資助費用,以制定適切的自資高等學院管理模式。有見近年自資院校數目增多,研究小組希望設計


透過三方面的研究—招生策略、畢業和升學進修,研究小組發現本港自資院校於升學進修的銜接方面尚未有深入的學術研究,而大部份文本乃按西方個案及市場所擬訂,故有需要制定適切本地市場的自資院校策略性入學畢業升學模式。PolyU SPEED講師兼小組首席研究員吳美蘭(Peggy)提出本港自資高等學院的管理模式應著眼於招生及課程銜接兩方面,而模式將作學院市場營銷策略的方針,如設計就業及升學服務等項目,以有效提升入學率並使課程成為更佳的升學橋樑。


A research team formed by four lecturers of PolyU SPEED received a grant from Federation for Self-financing

Tertiary Education (FSTE). Noticing the increasing number of self-financing institutions in recent years, the team aimed at suggesting a management model specifically for the local context with reference to a suggested management model – Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) which has been widely adopted by universities in the United States. The new model shall act as a reference for all local self-financing institutions in their future development.

Through the investigation of three aspects - Strategic Enrollment, Graduation and Articulation (SEGA) in Hong Kong self-financing tertiary education, it is found that the aspect of Articulation has not been thoroughly explored in academia but more on the retention part as most researches are based on the Western context. Peggy Ng, Lecturer of PolyU SPEED and the principal investigator of this project pointed out the essentiality in developing a management model for Hong Kong situation that could focally explore the Enrollment and Articulation parts as to maximize enrollment and create a better bridge to further study. The model will serve as a guideline for planners who are determining marketing elements such as career service and academic advising to be included and to reach the equilibrium point.

The team will conduct both qualitative and quantitative researches on three different types of programmes the self-finance institutions offer - Associate Degree, Top-up Degree and Bachelor’s Degree programmes. For qualitative research, they will interview the senior management to gain the forefront perspectives and concerns. And for quantitative research, 300 questionnaires will be distributed to teachers and students. Upon the establishment of model, the team is looking forward to researching on ways to measure outcome by building a metric in the next project.

PolyU SPEED講師吳美蘭提出本港自資高等教育應關注招生及課程銜接的問題。Peggy Ng, Lecturer of PolyU SPEED, pointed out the essential ity of Enrollment and Articulation in the local self-financing tertiary education.

PolyU SPEED research team received grant from the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education

研究新方向 Lecturer Achievements PolyU SPEED研究小組


理大專業進修學院 (PolyU SPEED)九龍紅磡香港理工大學R棟 8樓QR802室Room QR802, 8/F., Core R, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon

3400 2828

2363 0540

[email protected]

此院訊由理大專業進修學院出版。This publication is published by PolyU SPEED.

專業進修學院是由香港理工大學之附屬機構專業及持續教育學院有限公司管理。School of Professional Education and Executive Development is operated by College of Professional and Continuing Education Limited which is an affiliate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.