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Page 1 - Curriculum vitae





Address ST. „507“ 3/9- SKOPJE,


Phone number +389 2 2546-211, лок. 316

Fax +389 71 289 644

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Nationality Montenegrin

Date of birth



Gouverment of SRM, Bureau for complaints, 1979-Parties dealing referent

Faculty of Security and social self-protection, Chair (Department) for social self-

protection, criminal law and criminological sciences, Teaching Fellow, 1981

Faculty of Security, Skopje, Teaching Assistant, 1988/96

Faculty of Security, Skopje, Docent, 1997/200

Faculty of Security, Skopje, Associate professor, 2000/2005

Police Academy, Skopje, Professor, 2005

Faculty of Philosophy-Institute for Social Work and Social Policy-Skopje

(undergraduate studies-2001/02 and 2002/03), Visiting professor

Faculty of Law-Skopje (postgraduate and MA studies), 2004, 2008, Professor (On-call)

Faculty of Law-Belgrade (undergraduate and specialized postgraduate studies), 2005,

2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 Professor (On-call)

• Date (from - to)


• Name and address

of the employer

Faculty of Security - Skopje, Idrizivo BB

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Page 2 - Curriculum vitae

• Working field Education and research

• Position Full-time professor

• Main activities and


researches, lectures, organizing exams


victimology, juvenile delinquency and crime detrimental to children,

children rights



• Date (from – to)


• Name and type of

organization in which you

earned the education and


Faculty of Security - Skopje

• Main subjects Victimology, juvenile delinquency

• Qualification Doctor of science in security

The degree according to

the National



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- Оштетениот во преткривичната постапка и истрагата- A

victim in pre-trial proceeding and investigation (Association for

Criminal Law and Criminology in Macedonia: The police, public

procecution, court and lawyers, Ohrid, November 2000, p. 339-359)

- Односот полиција- жртва во преткривичната постапка –

The relationship police – victim in pre-trial proceeding

(Macedonian Review of Penal Law and Criminology, No.1-2/ 2000,

p. 274-275)

- Правата на жртвата- неопходен услов за успешна

соработка на Република Македонија со Хашкиот трибунал

– The rights of the victim- necessary condition for succesful

cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and Hague

Tribunal (Macedonian Review of Penal Law and Criminology, - theme

number, 1-2/ 2001, p. 97-108)

- In memoriam- Naum Šurbanovski (1937-2000), "Temida",

Beograd, br. 1/2001

- Victimization of Children and modern Armed Conflicts with a

Special Emphasis on the Situation in Macedonia, European

Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Special Issue on

War- Victimization- Security- The Case of the Former Yugoslavia,

Kluwer Law International- The Hague-London-Boston, Volume 10, Issue

2-3, 2002, 164-176. The same publication: Viktimizacija dece i

savremeni konflikti sa posebnim osvrtom na situaciju u Makedoniji,

published in "Temida", Beograd, br. 3/ 2001, str. 19-28

- Жртви на трговијата со луѓе, едиција: Организиран

криминал – The victims of the human trafficking, edition:

Organized crime Project Tempus program and Cards: Higer degree

training for fighting against organized crime, The center for education

personnel safety, Faculty of security, Skopje, 2002

- Деца во судир со законот – Children in conflict with the law

(Collection: The children rights and juvenile delinquency, Association

for protection of children's rights, DCI- section for Macedonia, 2002,

p. 25-40

- Основни карактеристики на ресторативна правда со

посебен осврт врз посредувањето помеѓу жртвата и

сторителот – The fundamental characteristics of the

restorative justice with special emphasis on the mediation

between the victim and the offender (Judical review, Association

Macedinian judges association, June 2003, No 2, p. 123-134); the same

publication under the title: Restorative justice with special emphasis on

the victim and the offender published in the collection: The elimination

of the obsticles for implementation of the conditional sentence with

protective supervision, International centre for preventive action and

conflict resolution, Skopje, September 2002, p. 36-44

- Прилог во дефинирањето на злоупотреба на децата во

политички цели и во текот на изборната кампања –

Addition in definition of the abuse of the children for political

goals and during the election campaign, (Collection: Stop for the

abuse of the children during the election campaign, Association for

protection of children's rights, DCI- section for Macedonia, Skopje

2003, p. 78-86)

- Хуман педагог и основоположник на општествена

самозаштита како наука, прилог во монографијата за

животот и делото на проф. д-р Јордан Спасевки – Human

educator and funder of the social self-protection, addition in

the monograph for the life and work of Jordan Spaseski, PhD:

Life fulfill with humanity Pere Aslimovski , Police Academy- Skopje,

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2003, p. 194-199)

- Право на надомест на штета- основно право на жртвите

на злоупотреба на власта - The right for the redress – the

victim's fundamental right from the abuse of power (Collection:

Public discussion for draft amendment XIX of the Constitution of

Republic of Macedonia – annexes on the public discussion) Police

academy, Skopje, 2004, p. 49-56)

- Меѓународни стандарди поврзани со малолетници лишени

од слобода и нивна имплементација во националното

законодавство – International standards connected with

juveniles deprived from liberty and their implementation in

national legislation (Collection: Is there a life during or after the

deprivation from liberty, Association for protection of children;s rights,

DCI- section for Macedonia, 2004, p. 70-92)

- Крајно внимателно со претстојните измени на казненото

право – Extremly careful with the upcoming changes in

criminal law (New criminal legislation in practice – round table-

counseling, 11th-12th of June 2004, Ohrid) Macedonian review for

criminal law and criminology, No. 3/2004, p. 109- 116.

- Трговија со луѓе- криминолошки и виктимолошки аспекти –

Human traffiking-criminological and victimological aspects

(material prepared for the training participants for realization of the

project: Training for organized crime), Police Academy, Skopje, February

2005 (published as special CD)

- Нов модел на малолетничка правда и диверзионите мерки и

постапки – New model of juvenile justice and deversion

measures and proceedings (p. 153-163) Annual of the Police

Academy Skopje, 2005/ 2006, Skopje.

- Виктимолошки аспекти на македонскиот Кривичен

законик, 10 години по примената на Кривичниот законик

на Република Македонија – Victimology aspects of macedonian

Criminal Code, 10 years of the implementation of the Crminal

Code in Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian review for criminal law

and criminology, Skopje, No. 2/2006, p. 59-83.

- Виктимолошки аспекти на Законот за малолетничка

правда – Victimology Aspects of the Law for Juvenile

Delinquency, Macedonian review for criminal law and criminology,

Skopje, No. 3/2006, p. 97- 112

- Institutionalization of Education and Training a Prerequisite

for Successful Fight Traficking in Human Policing in Central

and Eastern Europe: Past, Present and Future, Faculty of

Crimanal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia,

Ljubljana Septembar 21-23, 2006, p. 131.

- Human Rights Agenda in Police Education (with Stojanka

Mirčeva) Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Past, Present

and Future, Faculty of Crimanal Justice and Security, University of

Maribor, Slovenia, Ljubljana Septembar 21-23, 2006, p. 146- 148

- Педагошка социопатологија (во коавторство со д-р Јордан

Спасески и д-р Пере Аслимоски)- учебник – Pedagogical socio-

pathology (co-authors Jordan Spaseski, PhD and Pere

Aslimoski, PhD), Faculty of education - Bitola, 2006; second edition


- Правата, заштитата и помошта на жртвите во

Конвенцијата на Советот на Европа за акција против

трговијата со луѓе – The rights, protection and help for the

victims in the Convention of the Counsil of Europe for action

against trafficikng in human beings (p. 68- 80), Annual of Police

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Academy, 2007, Skopje.

- Новините во положбата на оштетениот во кривичната

постапка – The news in the position of the victim in criminal

proceeding (p. 215-236), 10 years in the implementation of the

Crminal Procedure Code in Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian

review for criminal law and criminology, Skopje, No. 2/2007.

- Кривично-правна заштита жртава кривичних дела у

Републици Македонији – Criminal protection of the victim of

the crimes in Republic of Macedonia Temida, Belgrade, No.

1/2008, p. 25-46.

- Кривични дела на штета на малолетни лица – Crimes

caused on damage on juveniles, Annual of the Policy Academy,

2007/2008, Skopje, p. 1- 18.

- Pregled kriminoloških idej in kriminološkega raziskovanja v

Republiki Makedoniji- An overview of criminological ideas and

criminological research in the Republic of Macedonia, (co-

author Arnaudovski, Lj.) Varstvoslovlje, Jоurnal of Criminal Justice

and Security, Revija za teorijo in prakso zagotavljanja varnosti,

2/2008., p. 392-411.

- Trafficking in human biengs - the practice in the Republic of

Macedonia, Blue abstact book, p. 223. Research in Education and

Rehabilitation Sciences, 7th International Symposium, Faculty of

Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Unuiversity of Zagreb

Zagreb, 14- 16 June 2007.

- Кривично-правна заштита на малолетни лица- жртви на

кривични дела – Criminal protection of juveniles - victims of

crimes, Collection of papers Juvenile Justice – from idea to practice,

Policy academy, Skopje, 2008, p. 265-297.

- Makedonski Zakon o maloletničkoj pravdi (osnovna načela,

deca u riziku, diverzioni postupci, maloletnici- žrtve,

aletrnativne mere) – Macedonian Law on Juvenile Justice (basic

principles, children in risk, deversion proceedings, juveniles –

victimtive measures) (p. 217- 235), Montenegrian review for

criminal law and criminal policy, Year I, Kotor, No. 2/ 2008

- Фонд за обештећење жртава кривичних дела, зборник на

трудови: Стање криминалитета у Србији и правна

средства реаговања- III део (едитор: Ѓорѓе Игњатовиќ), Fund

for Compensation for Victims of Crime, collection of papers:

Crime in Serbia and legal response remedies – Part III (editor:

Gjorgje Ignjatovik) Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Library

Crimen 10, 2009, р.368-381.

- Ресторативна правда и Закон о малолетничкој правди са

посебним освртом на медијацију, Црногорска ревија за

кривично право, година II - Restorative Justice and the Law

on Juvenile Justice, with special emphasis on Mediation,

Montenegrian review for criminal law, year II Association for

criminal law and criminal policy of Montenegro, No. 1, 2009, The

perspective for further development of criminal legislation of

Montenegro, Third symposium in Budva 10-12 September 2009, p. 405-


- Miran Mitar, Helmut Kiry, Gorazd Meško, Irma Kovčo Vukadina,

Oliver Bačanović: Attitudes towards Risks, Crime and

Punishments of Criminal Justice and Security in Croatia,

Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia in 2009- IX. Conference of the

European Society of Criminology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12 September


- Oliver Bačanović: The Feeling of Safety Among the Population

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of Skopje, IX. Conference of the European Society of Criminology,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12 September 2009.

- Oliver Bačanović, Nataša Jovanova: Students, Attitudes

Regarding Criminality, IX. Conference of the European Society of

Criminology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12 September 2009.

- Gorazd Meško, Helmut Hirtenlehner, Johanes Kepler, Oliver

Bačanović, Sladjana Djurić, Irma Kovčo Vukadin, Elmedin

Muratbegović: The Connective Links between Victimization and

Fear- Testing a Theory of Psychological Incapacitation the

Capital Cities of former Yugoslav Republics

- Želimir Kešetović, Gorazd Meško, Irma Kovčo Vukadin, Elemdin

Muratbegović, Oliver Bačanović: Crime Prevention in Countries

of Former Yugoslavia

- Кривични дела на штета на малолетни лица – Crimes

against minors, Yearbook Policy of Academy, 2007/08, Skopje, p. 1-


- Bačanović, O., Stojanovski, T., Krstevska, K., Mirčeva, S.

Постапување со ранливи групи во полициската станица и

проширување на процесните права на жртвата во

кривичната постапка - The tretment of Vulnerable Groups in

the Police Station and the Enlargement of Victim's Procedural

Rights in Criminal Procedure, Macedonian Review for criminal law

and criminology, 1/2009, Skopje, p. 235-266.

- What does the Republic Macedonia done in terms of the fight

against human trafficking? abrstact for International

Symopsium on Victimology, August 23- 28, 2009, Tokiwa,


- Ресторативна правда и Законот за малолетничка правда

со посебен осврт врз медијацијата во Зборникот на трудови:

Малолетничка правда- ресторативна правда, Restorative justice

and Law on juvenile justice with special emphasis on mediation

published in Collection of papers: Juvenile justice - restorative justice

(editor: Bačanović O.), 2009, p. 113-131.

- Bačanović O., Batić, D., Mirčeva, S., Stojkovska, V., Prosaroska,

Z. (2009), Компаративна анализа на системите на

малолетничка правда и полициското постапување со

малолетници, едициja: Малолетничка правда – Comparative

analysis of the systems of juvenile justice and police handaling

with minors, edition: Juvenile justice

- Bačanović O., Batić, D., Mirčeva, S., Stojkovska, V., Prosaroska,

Z. (2009), Прирачник за полициско постапување во

системот на малолетничка правда – Manual for police

action in the juvenile justice system, Faculty for security - Skopje,


- Zaštita žrtava trgovine ljudima u Republici Makedoniji vo

Zbornik : Suzbijanje kriminala i evropske integracije – The

protection of the victims of human trafficking in the Republic of

Macedonia published in Collection of papers: The fight against

the crime and european integration;, Criminal-police Academy and

Hans Zajdel Fondation for Srbia and Montenegro 2010, p. 55-64.

- Bačanović O., Jovanova, N. Characteristics of fear of crime in

Skopje vo Social Control of Unconventional Deviance-

Conference Proceedings- University of Maribor- Faculty of Criminal

Justice and Security, Ljubljana, Slovenia, september 2010.

- Bačanović O., Jovanova, N. Nasilje u školi- žrtve i reakcije škole,

u knjizi apstrakta: Prava žrtve i EU: izazovi pružanja pomoći

žrtvama – Agression in school – the victims and reaction of

schools in the book apstract: The victims rights and EU: the

challanges in helping victims, First annual conference of the

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Victimology society of Serbia, 11- 12 November 2010, Beograd, p.


- Uvođenje vikmologije u raznim ciklusima nastave i metode

primenjivane u nastavi i na vežbama iz viktimologije na

Fakultetu bezbednosti u Skopju, u knjizi apstrakta: Prava žrtve i

EU: izazovi pružanja pomoći žrtvama - Introduction of victimology

in various cycles of teaching and methods used in the teaching

process and exercices of victimology on the Faculty of Security

in Skopje in the abstract: The victims roghts and EU: the challlenges

for helping victims, First annual conference of the Victimology society of

Serbia, Serbia 11- 12 November 2010, p. 68-69.

- Restorativna pravda u makedonskom kaznenom

zakonodavstvu i poteškoće u njenoj implementaciji – Restorative

justice in the macedonian criminal legislation and the

difficulties in its implementation, Temida, 3/2010, p. 5- 22.

- Bačanović, O., Jovanova, N. Nasilje u školi- žrtve i reakcije

škole, zbornik: Prava žrtve i EU- Izazovi pružanja pomoći

žrtvama / Violence in schools – victms and school reaction,

collection of papers: Victim's rights and EU – the challenges of

helping the victims (publisher Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, Sanja Ćopić),

Victimology society of Serbia and „Prometej“, Belgrade, 2011, p. 299-


- Bačanović, O., Jovanova, N. Prevencija maloletničkog

prestupništva u Republici Makedoniji (zakonski okvir,

strategija, preventivni programi, perspektive), Zbornik:

Suzbijanje kriminaliteta u okviru međunarodne policijske

saradnje – Prevention of Juvenile Deliquency in the Republic of

Macedonia (legal framework, strategies, prevention programs,

perspectives), Proceedings: Crime prevention within

international police cooperation, Criminal- police Academy,

Beograd and Fondation Hans Zajdel 2011, p. 205-213.

- Bačanović, O., Jovanova, N. Tranzicija, mladi i kriminalitet, Zbornik: 20 godina od raspadanja SFR – Transition, youth and crime, Collection of papers: 20 years of the dissolution of SFRY, Institute for comparative law (editors: Branislava Knezić, PHD and Jovan Čirić, PHD), Belgrade, 2011, p. 253- 273.

- Bačanović O., Jovanova N. Viktimološki aspekti sudskih presuda, Knjiga apstrakta: Žrtve kriminaliteta i žrtve rata / Victimologic aspects of judgments, Second annual conference of the Victimology society of Serbia, 24-25. 11. 2011, Belgrade, p. 35.

- Bačanović O., Jovanova N. Viktimološki aspekti sudskih presuda – Victimologic aspects of judgments, Temida- journal for victimization, human rights and gender,

br. 1. godina 15, 2012, Victimology society of Serbia and „Prometej“, Belgrade, p.

117- 130. - Bačanović, O., Прилог кон сфаќањето на предметот и

самостојноста на виктимологијата, Зборник во чест на проф. д-

р Ѓорѓи Марјановиќ – Contribution to the understanding of the

subject and the independence of the victimology, Proceedings in

honor of the professor. Gjorgji Marijanovikj, Faculty of Law

„Iustinianus Primus“ in Skopje, Skopje 2011, p. 240- 264.

- Bačanović, O., Сфаќања за предметот на виктимологијата –

The understandings for the subject of victimology, Annul of the

Faculty for security, Skopje, 2011, p.113- 122.

- Bačanović, O., Jovanova, N., Чувството на сигурност и стравот

од криминал – The feeling of safety and the fear of crime ,

„Horizonti“, University „St. Kliment Ohridski“- Bitola, 2011, p. 401-


- Bachanovic. O., Bachanovic, A., Trafficking in human organs and/or body parts-

a form of human trafficking in: in the post-Conflict (Western) Balkans:

transitaion and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, Volume I, Skopje

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2011, International Scientific Conference, Security Faculty of Security, University

“St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola, p. 17- 29.

- Bačanović, O., Jovanova, N. Fear of Crime among Inhabitants of Skopje,

Vartstvoslovje, Special Issue: Fear of Crime in the Capital of Sauth Estern

Europe, 2012/4, Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, p. 478- 500.

- Bachanovic. O., Bachanovic, A., Jovanova, N. Illegal trafficking- form of trafficking

in children in the proceedings: International scientific conference Security and

Euroatlantic perspectives the Balkans; Police science and police profession),

Volime II, Ohrid 25-26 May 2012, University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ Bitola, Faculty

of security - Skopje, (267- 281)

- Jovanova, N.,Bachanovic. O., Trajanovska, V. Media influence on fear of crime

International scientific conference Security and Euroatlantic perspectives the

Balkans); Police science and police profession, Volume II, Ohrid 25-26 May 2012,

University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ Bitola, Faculty of security - Skopje, (578- 587)

- Bachanovic. O.,: Položaj žrtve krivičnog dela i oštećenog u reformisanom

makedonskom krivičnom zakonodavstvu (apstrakt) – The position of

victims of crime and the victim in the reformed Macedoniam criminal

legislation, Third annual conference of the Victimoly society of Serbia

Victims and contemporary social context: Theory, Practice and

Activism Belgrade, 22. and 23. November 2012, published in the book of

apstracts on the Conference.

- Bačanović, O.- Jovanova N. Nasilje među decom u školama- sa

posebnim osvrtom na prevenciju i reakciju u Zbornik radova:

Vršnjačko nasilje (etiologija, fenomenologija, načini prevazilaženja

i komparativna iskustva Republika Srpska, Ministarstvo

unutrašnjih poslova, Uprava za policijsko obrazovanje, Visoka škola

unutrašnjih poslova u sradnji sa Hans Zajdel fondacijom, Laktaši

(Banja Luka), 27- 29 mart 2013 godine, str. 19- 28.

- Bachanovic, O., Jovanova, N., , Victimisation in penal institution in Republic of

Macedonija, International scientific conference, University „St. Kliment Ohridski“

Bitola, Faculty of Security-Skopje, Ohrid, 2013.




Проект на Програмата Темпус и Кардс: Напреден тренинг за

борба против организиран криминал, Факултетот за

безбедност-Скопје – Project of the Program Tempus and Cards:

Intensive training in the fight against organized crime, Faculty of

security - Skopje

Стоп на злоупотребата на децата во текот на изборната

кампанја, во организација на Здружението за заштита на

правата на детето, 2003 – Stop child abuse during the election

campaigns, organized by the Association for the protection of the

Rights of the Child, 2003

Војна-Виктимизација-Сигурност- Случај на бивша Југославија

во организација на Макс Планковиот Институт од Фрајбург,

Германија, меѓународен проект. – War-Victimization-Safety-The

case of former Yugoslavia in organisation of Max-Planck Institute

of Freiburg, Germany

Има ли живот за време и по затварањето (истражување на

положбата на малолетните сторители во ВПД-Тетово и

Малолетничкиот затвор- Охрид) – Is there life during and after

the prison (research position of juvenile offenders in VPD Tetovo

and juvenile prison in Ohrid), 2003

The Punishment of Serious Crimes- a comparative analysis of

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sentencing law and practice, Max-Planck-Instituts, Freiburg im

Breisgau, 2003

Проект: Организиран криминалитет (за вработените во МВР,

Дирекцијата за перење пари, Финансовата полиција,

Управата за јавни приходи и др.) – Project: Organised crime,

lecturers of the training (for the employees in the Interior Ministry

organized by the Policy Academy Skopje (February - March 2005)

Развивање на курикулум од предметот Малолетничка

делинквенција и криминал на штета на деца (2006/07),

Developing the curriculum for the subject Juvenile delinquency and

crime detrimental to children Police Academy – Skopje in

cooperation with UNICEF office in Skopje

Имплементација на Законот за малолетничка правда

(изработка на курикулуми за основна и специјализирана обука

за полициски службеници; реализација на дводневни и

петтдневни обуки; издавање на Зборници на трудови (два);

компаративно истражување на положбата на малолетни

сторители и жртви во полициската и кривичната постапка;

изработка на Прирачник за постапување на полицијата со

малолетни сторители и жртви, 2008/09), Implementation of the

Law on Juvenile justice (preparation of the curriculum for basic

and special training of the police officers; publication of

Collections of papers (two); comparative research of the position of

juvenile offenders and victims in the police and criminal

proceedings; preparation of Manual for police handiling with

juvenile offenders and victims, 2008/09), Faculty of Security –

Skopje in cooperation with UNICEF office in Skopje

Crime Prevention in Macedonia, National report for ICPC's

(International Centre for the Prevention of Crime) - Crime Report

and Community Safety: Trends and Perspectives, 2009

Чувството на сигурност кај населението во Скопје - The feeling

of security among the population in Skopje (March, 2009)

Ставовите на студентите за криминалитет – The student’s

view of the crime (April-May, 2009)

Проект на Здружението за кривично право и криминологија на

Македонија поврзан со реформите на казнениот систем-

област поврзана со положбата на жртвата и оштетениот

Project of the Association for criminal law and criminology in

Republic of Macedonia connected to the reforms of the penal system

– area connected with the position of the victim and damaged

(January – December, 2009)

Насилство помеѓу децата во училиштата – Violence among

children in schools (May – June, 2010)

Анализа на предмети на Основниот суд Скопје 1 во однос на

жртвите на кривичните дела, Analysis of the subjects of the

Primary Court Skopje 1 in relation to victims of crime in the period


Realising Rights – Case studies on state responses to violence

against women and children in Europe, Liz Kelly, Carol Hagemann –

White, Thomas Meysen & Renée Römkens, engaged as national expert

(Country Expert), published in the UK by Child and Women Abuse

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Studies Unit London University, Ladbroke House, London, 2011



Police and the victim’s basic rights- research (Полицијата и

основните права на жртвата- истражување), IX International

Victimology Symposium, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 25-29 August 1997

Rights of the Victims of Crime as a Constitutional Category

(Правата на жртвата на кривичното дело како уставна

категорија), X International Victimology Symposium, ("Beyond

boundaries"- research and action for the third milenium), 6-11 August

2000, Montreal, Canada

Fighting against trafficking in persons, help and protection of

victims - the case of Republic of Macedonia (Спротивставување на

трговијата со луѓе, помош и поддршка на жртвата- случај на Р.

Македонија), XI International Victimology Symposium, 13-18 July

2003, Stellenbosch (South Africa)

Загрозување на безбедноста на припадниците на полицијата -

некои виктимолошки аспекти, Меѓународно научно-стручно

советување "Угрожавање безбедности припадника полиције -

узроци, облици и мере заштите" – Endangering police safety –

some victimological aspects, International scientific and

professional counselling "Endangering the safety of the police –

causes, forms and safeguards" Police Academy, Belgrade, 2003

International conference in organization of the Victimolo

Victimology Society of Serbia and Open Society Fondation Serbia:

"Alternative responses to crime and victim’s rights", 12 November

2005, Belgrade; participation in discussion: Restorative Justice in

light of recent changes in the Macedonian criminal (substantive,

procedural and juvenile) legislation (Ресторативна правда во светлина

на најновите промени во македонското кривично (материјално,

процесно и малолетничко) законодавство)

Regional project: "Capacity strengthening of the bodies responsible

for the implementation of the laws in the combat of trafficking in

people in South-East Europe" in organisation of ICMPD and UNDP

Romania (seminars held in Austria and Romania)

XII International Victimology Symposium, Orland (US), 2006

Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (7 International

Symposium, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences,

Unuiversity of Zagreb, Zagreb, 14- 16 June 2007. Trafficking in human

biengs- the practice in the Republic of Macedonia.

XIII International Victimology Symposium in organisation of the

World Society of Victimology, Tokiva (Japan), 2009

IX. Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Ljubljana,

Slovenia, 9-12 September 2009

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International Conference --------- Faculty of Security - Skopje, Ohrid, ---

----- 2010

First Annual conference of the Victimology Society Serbia: Victim,s

rights and the EU: the challenges for providing victim support

(Prava žrtve i EU: izazovi pružanja pomoći žrtvama), 11th- 12th,

November 2010, Belgrade

International Conference “Security in the post-conflict (Western)

Balkan: transition and the challenges faced by Republic of

Macedonia“, Faculty of Security- Skopje, Ohrid, 27-28 May, 2011

Second International Conference organized by Victimology Society of

Serbia: Victims of crime and victims of war: International context and

national context, Belgrade, 24th and 25th November 2011

International Conference Police science and police profession

Faculty of Security- Skopje, Ohrid, 2012

XIV International Victimology Symposium in organisation of the

World Society of Victimology, Hague (Netherlands), June 2012

VIII International scientific gathering: Research in Education and

Rehabilitation Sciences, University in Zagreb- Faculty of education

and rehabilitation sciences, 27- 29 September 2012

Third Victimology Conference VDS, The victims and contemporary

social context: theory, practice and activism; exhibitor at the

pleanary session on the topic: The position of victims of crime and

the damaged in the reformed Macedonian criminal legislation, The

book of articles, Belgrade, 22- 23 November 2012

Expert discussion: Prevention of crime through environmental design,

moderator and speaker on the topic: Situational prevention with

special emphasis on the prevention of crime through

environmental design, Faculty of security - Skopje, 14 December 2012


International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences-

ISICIS, Syracuse (Italy), the experience of Italy in combating

organized crime, April, 2002

International Institute for the rights of the child, Legislation on

juvenile justice, Sion, Switzerland 2002

Official visit of the Police Academy in France – Can Ellis, March


Official visit of appropriate institutions in the Republic of

Macedonia and abroad for collecting experiences about police

education and training (Netherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, Srbia,





Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje, Institute for Social Work and Social

Policy, subject: social prevention and re-socialization /with special

emphasis on the treatment of juvenile offenders /lectures on

undergraduate studies in the academic year 2001/2002 and


Faculty of Law - Belgrade, specialist postgraduate studies, topic:

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Humans trafficking – experience in Republic of Macedonia 2007,

2008, 2009, 2011

Faculty of Law - Skopje, postgraduate studies on the course in

Criminology and Criminal Law

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