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Page 1: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno ...

EL VOl. 1.


Adverti:~l; Wili be in::;erted in the t:N~SE, ha tlt; Englbh anrt BpanL-.h languages1 al mOdetHe ratt'::-<.

Job Primiug, ofe~'cry "es.rivtion exe.;uled with neatness and dispatch.


G R A N .A D .A , N lC .A R .A G U A, O e T o B E R 2 O, 1 8 5 5 . NO. 1.

nieation and trade witl~ the United States and JI wi:bin ~:hemselves, to encoura~e liberal feel-¡ ~n¡¡ o{ therthr~~ J:o~~rd~~:~t:~e :~~!:;d ~k :h Europe. 'l'he whole civdized world demands ings t~wards theirrcpubhcan. bretb~en to:~ o}nT~¡a:~ftuate about five miles from Rivas on the a prornpt, short and reliable communicatioa ¡ thlOuglout the worl~, .to turn theu attentlOn I evening of th" 28th., at al¡,out 10 o'clock, havin~ hetween the Atlantic and the I'nejtic; two to hu sl;.llId. ry and nllnlOg and tIJe develope., marched nearly 1'11 the timethroughheavy r3i1l, and ~H will be establislled ultirnatel v. A railfclad Im'2.>, ;:·their great resourec!!, to forget the I roads. fu T~I& Gen. Walkc.r ~llcounteredd s~me thlrty

-~---_ .. _-- • '11 ¡ h'· b h' d d 1 f, d to I of theenemy·s cavall'y who It IS presume "ere out as ·{~11;¡t· 111\ t from SallF:-aneisco to ~.t. Louis WI be o~e ; i t lUgS ~~:,t are e m an ~m; l. orwar ! a piequet guaru, whO!Il'20 Americ<ins were detailed to 'fl.."traragurUSt, 'Wf • 20, 18á5. the otlter wlll be a fallruad and steambcat Imc I those "'i'lch are bt'fure, keepmg m vlew tlle I attack a"d in a few moments drove t,hem from th" town,

lntroduc tory. fmrn UealeJo, via Granada, to San Juan dell great gÓl of natiunal prosperity w:hich tlle killini oight, taking the capta!n prisoner. "ild seizing al\ Norte. Both lines will be the souree 01' inca!. l' wanls \/ld wishell of the commerelal worlll their horse", arms and clothmg. They q.uartered that

. . . 1 h Le I b d ni"ht in Tola and on the folloWlng mormng, the 29th eulable. wcalth. to the dlstncts throllgll whlCh I pace before ~ cm. t t lere e no re or "h d 'R' he they arrived ai about li T '.". I h' 'h b t' I fi 'th mare e· on ¡vas, w re· . Witb the fi¡~t number of the 1\iicamguense they pass, espcp.\ally tIJe latter. 1 he former I w Ite I'Ib ODS, ut IOlla ag Wl appro- o'elock. A. M. On arriving at the outskirtsofthetoWTI,

commenccs, we hope, a new era in lIJe líistory ha::; difficultie,,· attt~udillg it which will prevent i priate armorial bearlllg:s, and tlle motto-- God t!te Democratic p:>rty mou~ted 8 hill, froro w~ence tb.ey oí'the press of Central Arneflca. 'rile objects ¡ts eon~ummatioll fiJe many year~. 'I'hc latter and Libc,·ty, Let thelf watehword be "LA c'Juld see tbeenemy at adlotanee of about .,X hundl'"~ of this journal will be widety different frum has had nothing to int.:ríere whh its prompt PATinA." and the cou¡:¡tersign "LA T'AZ." yards. T~e ellemy opened ~ brisk fi~teh" butht tllo

l Ar;:er~

h I 1 l · I ti .... b . I . 1 d' f ¡. ¡. ' cans took lt cooly-adv8nc1I1g to WI 111 ree .111n .re thoS(;' of any w ic} ldS lit lerto nppcare c;Jlnpleu?n ~t t le unsett e .sta~e o .~ le po 1- yards, when fuey gavG a volley and yell-r~shm¡¡ lUto in this State. Its conduct, too, though it lllight lIcal affatrs 01 the country, lt~ llltesUne {'om· town, Ihe enemy making track. in different;-l,rec. tIqns.-

To oar Contemporarjes. r h . not be new el:.ewhere, will be elltirely novel motions, its dnubtful fricndi>hip fur those Whell the Amerieans got possession ° t e mam street,

here. forei¡r!lers who mi!rht be iuelilled to turn. their On Saturday the '3tb of October 18"5 the! couJd .eehi~otIl~ingbof. fue .enkemy-b~t, COtIn'ld h;,arw 'T'. b' f I "r' '1' b 1 . l" d' . 1 ' t f' ·t··, , , . '.' .' thclr bullets w st mg y ll1 qUlC sueccsslOn. a e L' le o ~ects () t le . .LV'lcaragnensew¡ ¡ e t le ~~tentlOn .to t}", e\ e opm~n o 1 S. f( sou~c:s'l Granada was fr::;eJ frolll the chams of leglt!- momentil the enemy m~de their appearanceand vigorous-

diffusion (.r illformatioll in regard to tIJe posi- 1 he adllurahle and 'luperlOr translt facllltlPS. lllaey a1d the last relllnants uf servilislIl' on Iy attaúked the Ameriron portion of tilO combatants, tien ¡¡nd re~ources 01' thi:; Sta te. 'l'he natural whieh Nicaragua offers to t~le mcreantile WOrld¡1 Sat. u. rdliv , the 20th of the same montb w~ lay several of w~om fell. At ,tbis ~tage of the proceeding~ wealth of .t"ienr¡¡~ua is almost unknown, not pre~ent a source of most ltnmellse wealth to tlll> I'('rq·.... Mone of the palladium of the liberth ~e·whole 01 Gen. ~alkeI: sfinahtlvebforoo7dOeocsmrPtehd, IGeav

. . b h . . I ._. ~,~ . '., mg about 50 Amencans to 19 t a out o e ov-only nmong furelgll natlOUS, ut even all10ng el' elil~em. which \J.s been guarantt:.'ed lO ¡t. The l3t t t . th' OWll strong-hold having them the il1habitants uf the eountry,'l'o assist in 'l'he earryil1g trade has ahvays bcen a i anJ 20tJ'of this month will e\'er be noted as :~=:~de~o~~.~? sid: Arter abouI tw~ hours street furtli~lJing sueh knowledge as wili tend to de- fruitful s'mrp.c of coulltlcss revenuc to every i the two"'.:lOst memorable Saturdays in tbe an-I fi"hting, Gen. Walker gave the order to take a po"ition velope ¡he almost bc.mndl.ess dehes 01' Nieara- eoullt.ry. was maJe I'vbat she is hy ¡ nal~ of ~;.:'Card"ua. '1'lte sun whieh rose upon' ir;'two house~, one imme'üateIy oppo.ite the ,o¡thokr; they

1 II b f· I > .• .' • 1 b' ·t· f ti '., ,,; ,\ .. >. t' S· di'" 1 . 'ce' .0 '~I took posseSSIOn and fought ttl! about five (1 e oc , sorne guasla eoneo twpllnelpa o Jeeso 11~ carr)" .. ng8 a\.elS .or pa.lIl,:Jn Ias.gwe.n ler t1wban.-.:·.·.·r .. fourcauseonthe3dofSeptem. hA'. .. d fi m randomshots . l" .~ ~ I ~ . . A··.. 1 I i ' ~--~~ J.& • J. oft e merlcans reoelvmg WQun s ro ~

papero .. t lat.llIInen~e prepOI1CCr,lllee I~ 81a am t l.e, bcr ha,,'JJw reaehed lts meredmn, and bcallls, thNugh door;¡ and windows, and when any of theenemy But 1.1l order that the natural ~vea!th of the Pned.l e Whl~h slw lllU8t cont:nue to Iwld, 1fl [¡lrth p. ~ .•.. :~.'.ce. a .... n ... t.l happiness, evcn while we l' had the temerity to appear within r.ange, tbcy werc sute.

Repubhc may be developed, lt lS a~solutely oue .~rbuth 01 the tWD tran~lts urc not opened, wrile, ".,: íó,)\: glad the hearts of a people. to ~all. At f> o'elo?k, Gen. Walker ordereu a rh~r:! nece~sa('y to end the CI VII feuds. ,.vluch have ol' WlJlch l.ns.'Í. to he!' must pa,s tu .France or. wllllse< .. t :'!';i11 throb Witll the ernotions of! WhlCh was ~une WJtAh fue .IOBS 0lf bt·ubt t°tene m:~j,éir men

I 1·· l' . l· I 'd 1 I d r .· B· 'l, .. ,.' .... ,. .. '~cas s.". b.ttle of Rlva.. the merlcans os u n Q .• f¡Jr t le <llSt t )Irty years (e~o ate t le an . hU~"jJ. y ~ll(' 1 d tl .. !bIt eOffimUUltoatlOn d ¡J'OIT alld h. PP1·[ICS·S our arnval seerns to have. . h fi ht' • f t,he onemy upwardsof lOOwere '1 I'h . h d· t . '1 '1 t . t ",. . d J. a IllSIX "urs ~ lllg, o v '1'0 r~eoncl e 1 erty. Wli Dr. er- o preserve I HilllU us wllh~ g'lvcn ,.' '~,;r:¡jl'¡~gn~ 11 111 ustry pruduct,J. kílled on the spot. .,

.thc flghts of the c~tIzen whlle enForemg the 'llld "gl'lt:~¡lt:.¡re, grak¡¡,¡ 8<))1 ylelJs alll~u·l' \Ve lmow thatall to whom this sJ;¡aU eome Gen. :Walker then mnrched forSan.JuAn dell'!ur.or duties he. ow. es the State-to substItutc peilee.¡ alIy nmltlpherl Cf"PS of 1I10st ex(.:e!!cnt gram, will hai¡ the n.ital day of NICaragua freeJom . Costa RICa, and fiudmg .. Raneh unoccupled t~ey hadltekd-f· I d t't t'· I·j ." f'· . 1 t d, I . bl ·d .. d ·,t . di'·'" "f'· ·t,· I , '. . ' asevere march tl<r<Jugh torrents of ram aft ne&­n un (On5 I u e Hlnge." .. OI VI() en an. 'n ua e gat ell pro ue s, 3n ,-.~C;IOU~ fUi ., I and fCI(lÍce Íll ber dehverance from opresslon!. • b o, 1 k' th . . fu r.

d I 'll b' ,. tI I h' '1 .... '1 . f d 'i' U· ['f, .. I • .. I deep Ul mud_ca out i> <> e oc III e ,:,ormng, . epa bloo y revo utlOns __ wl e "fIlon¡;- ,le purpo- w IC 1 arc a.twes o "OIa.ll UI. ,1 J (Juua, I by the j)'ml' of good men and true whose t ... t. la' g. h.d 3Py.thing to eat jj'om the tIme of . I .1\" , N Y k d II l. t· .. E ' .,' l ~ , . J no· 1 VUl ,.'. .." Lb r 1,< ses of t le 'tcaraguense.. I ¿ ew or, nn a. lone grea marts 01 ; urope i finobJ¡'.!~t,!, in titA ingpir,-tinn ni' th~ ~I~ ... ,,~ ,uou· '<~"il¡; .Lu .... ThoJ ".,Ct .... ,,~." ':" ~ c/u ....•.•

As fal' as eonduet is cOllcerncd, o.ur journal. an¡)Aslk'" únd t¡',,~ ',hr,\Jwer souree of wealth ¡ doetfc~'e :lfll tbe mailifest destiny of all the w~en, awakmgdther ~'.'rued thclr a~e~tlo~ t0"i,~~t~somed~ . b . 1 r d' d d It di' , l· . Why will not! A'·" ,L U h I 1 thing to eat, an finumg a str;,y ee, ey.1 e an wIll e. entne y I~C~ an 111. e~en . em ... , ... ()e~.wlIh~ "F·;ncd to le!' Cltlzen8. . ., ,.. i !Ue",", has brought the~ t roug 1 mue 1 cooked it as best tlley oould. They then marchad for ~he

not ekllm, ~or W¡1I1t sUbllllt el! br1e.:ogm,ed ¡P.e!' peo~:llc b~ nt pe~ee ~mong themsch e,. ,md 1 tflbul',jOIl to thc ~tes wlllch once opened TransitRoute, aud arrive~ on it !,hout noon, ~Xpe~tll'g as tlle officlal organ of any government. Its'l cultlvatmg fflendshlp wJth tIle people of (;ther I wlll : IOW an astol1lshetl world that eastern to be ohliged to take the vost.q Rica. Toad, a dIstance of



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Page 2: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno ...

opiníons on all po!í~íc-,i subj!;ct¡¡ ~h~H. be I countries, encourage thern in their attempt!l tú I ras'l8t>~ to tlle Spice Islands Jor which it· has 20 miles, antieipating an att:t\,k fl'OlD; t!'e enemy ir they gi~'en frankly and \'1?t,iout restramt;. ,3ll,d when lopen tbis beautifu! c~mntry ,1.0 comm~rce ami so long:sighed. \Ve had intendeci to celebrate ~vaneed to San Juan. Before :lmvltlé dt t:!r Costa. any government,Jfllct,her democratl,~ or lcgi-, naviaation by purSUlOg a hberal pohcy low- thc¡;c e'vcnts in a largersheet but bein'" unable Rl(;a ro,ad, ~hey met "Mr. Dewe>;¡ whll, to.,' ~ timist, liberal Oi'servile,. undert.~es to control ards t.bem: 'l'he benefit will be mutual. 'l'l~e to DI;Jój:¡r.· e the assi:stance of ~ Spanislf compo- ~tlsfach tion mformetd th:!Dhtha~'3anth uan ::i~ "¡Oae:~\ 't press'Qn' ti "J:'~ar" '11 I ti b 11 d' 'd d rhe Amen ,r ,y t " enemy, a w le p ,e ey e. Oll., ~ s ex 'd ,IS, le J. • ..., ''4,uuellS/J WI ceuse pro ts must e equa y IVI. e . . - Slhr-':lUr intelltion bein" to devote ont.' halC o'dock. and were received very'kindJy, and werosup-: ltS publ . ' cllns love peace and the frUlts of h(Jlle~t mdus- 01' tbe El Nicaraoi:rueme t::, that department- ~ied with clothing, food and everything they requ¡rOO...

W' views·tuc publishers oC this try, and are willing and hap'py to reClprUl:ate arld havin'" resttlved on publishillg but • ',rce ~~ari~g a~ irnm"diate attack, and t-he brig. V~St4.not . .' accol!lplish something, nut only advantage. 'l'hey have capital, und are ready J~ys previ~us te the ¡,resent issue we trust behmg m "!Jlht'rGen. hWalkle~ "';ut aJart'I~ toAsent; the

.'" II C' t, 1 ,. . "d '11' t expend it on this interestirJU'.. . "," se ooner ¡:;a""OS8, ten ymg In PO.' e merloan.t .• IIr. a, er! .ra . ""menca .. u,n Wl mg o o . . . "," wut our .contelllporanes w¡1I make aH due embarked immedistely aftoer the seizllre, and ... i1ed the . ~,ullavalitng lf earnest.}l"ld renHH~ab!e country l. :tn~,thl~ tJI1'lrdf"'SJ.T~1 ahowances, an.l antedate ful' u:s UlC 11IU1<: cu,- fvll""iu¡s JllUuúug for tlt" 1>";g, whbh ,he,)' IDlldo in

. .' . lD~Ustry. are ca. pallle ot'j. to do on prmclple~ of,rcClpro.CJty , 011 terlllS o(,,~'fih18r/;eting ant! flatterin'" notices we hope be- eboul four hours; when tber gave tho s<:!Jooner up to . . ." '. whlCh &hey strive. ¿. mutual advallltages, rney lave not war, nOflfore m.wy:days to merit a"t thcir hands. the 0:wner. They thon s:u1ed for R~leJo, where they

.,.' . ., the horrors of war' they wal' unly for the 1 W ' • ..:.L . h h J f' ., remRmed on board the bng two weeks, tben started for, . '.' .. . . :", ... , f ri 'd rb rt N: e, a ..... "ue ISllmel at t e an s J tile Clt!- Chlnandaga, remaining there three days. FlOm thence

":#.i";;;"o1I'<·"" ~~"~""'''JIl'f'''.,. .,:' ,est.'l bhst~ment ~ ,. I )er,~~ ~n_ ,1 e:a ~~. 'n :'1 ze¡,;~",; Gtan'id~, ftn:d l>egging theirindulgence I they ;narched to ,Leon" the. he~..q~arters of tbe .... .. . -_. ....' C<l¡¡~Hy ~!onc draws aleJl .. ~¡:or~s, w~ ~n!> .. íl ,"'''''ii Uun.; ,; f:...':"."';II',~ ul''';1-''41';ol. Jltatrer i,,1 R,p,rnh!l""U 1"" ['J , .. " .. '1 .. ,.· .. _< o,."," NIcaragua. Th~r6 tl~¡tho~ a'smaUspot on tbe map never dlms the glory of the,lr Victoues. 1 hey thlS' '::\'othiS¿¡~~5'';::?';'m in our next i¡¡sue their the !?emc.crlits m~tered one, thouoaou mec~., . Havmg il.~~'n hemispbere. but grelit take up arms t0r the estabh$tunent of the grcat f lli.~ Íl"', -r>-c)'C, , . r~mamed ten d",y's In Leon w.tho!'t accomphshlnl!: snv

i c' b"-"---' . . " '.. d '. l ., f tb > ' '. i 8 •• re.: ',c' m(lvement of lmportance agmnst the eneroj-thEl , n I,t~ geoglap ~fC3 pOsJtlOn and 1tS ruamfest commerclal and In ustn,.t mlSSlOn.o . e age , !I'fayall . Ale natioDS of the earth be-made Americana returned to ChinandHga-where they lay in.. d.'1s~~!lYt has a!~:v:¡ys be~n re¡¡arded with gre~tl a~d when th,ey llave gamed the vlct?ry tl~~y free:,.!".,. itb the freedom that Americans elljoy, ac'tÍve two weoks. They ~~rted for Realejo, l!th. ~Iltí c(~tlí.alÍlIy IllcreaslIlg wterest, and thls stIll are wlJlmg uud ready to buy tlJ.1,t whICh and'~;Jay we be the humble instruments of of August, and were then Jomed by 150 nativesiund,,'r mterest ¡ts people have llOW. an oppurtunity to I they have cOllf(.uered at the same pnee they 'goo '.:;.':.".' pnJl!'ood onl ' to Nicarragua May COmIDo "hnd oi] Gen.h hVaUeil' d ~ " J d 1 S h . . 1 d . h fii 1 b fi ,. h b ' 'VI ·11 not .-.-:' q .!y, 4 n t e 1 t t ey SR e lor oan uan e ur, w ere tur.~ ~o pr::c;tlCa ~ccount. A ~lrable. for t e o ere~ e uI'e t, le n:g ,t egan. .. ly.WI " pell.~' ,prev;ulthroughout her lal1d, an j guided they arrived on the 15th-the enemy decamping auoen' fCI't1h,ty 01 ItS. SOI~ the healt~¡ul purIty l1?d I t,he .Nlcaraguenses lIm.tate thelu In thelr pe,lce- by ~~X~ee IUld enlightened press, may illllustry ~ th~y appeared. 'll1ey remained in San,Juanreornif¡.. balmmess of Its alr, the vaned beauty of Its I fuI mdustry at )¡ume, 1Il the J?velt)pe~ne~t oC de";¡:.¡pe tIle boundless resources and meilllS ¡~g tul the 2:1. of Scpte~ber,. and at I~ o dock on thllt sf:eIJCry, boulltifuUy supplied with every ap- their OWll national resources, III furmshmg a oiw,>l1thof wbich'nature has been to her so I n'ght,,: Gen. Walk-:r ~th bis tol~bfollOO cr?ssed the prupriate ne. cessary and Juxury uf the ta blc, . marltet lor the prouucti0llS of otbcr eoulltries beunl.éous I\ud 1l0thin<T he ¡l~urd throu ... hout 'lth\'anslt n~;)utef thtoeV311'dgtmhe~ir;mof\h~ ~~!~Oy"~:p!OCpr.~.~~

I h b d· 1 h Id' '1" ti' b d ce to " " /!Ii o emor mgo ,(-40 - UAUl;l 1I.".ture laS no ~ ere ,een !nore pro, 19a of er an III contri )utmg .'fom ¡elf a ,un un, tlle Icl!gth and breadth of the lanrl hut the joy wl's given, twelve of our native guard ~ghting 550 of ?.·\fls, At thl:' tune of Itos dBcovery It was une I the wants alld IUXIHles ofothl?nlatlOns, .\'OU.S shouts of a free anu happy people ming- thern, loading and firing in their retrp>I>t; m good styie, <le th~ bes~ peopled countries in America, and .Nicaraugua has a territory. of6U,IJOO sqU/ue n,7~ "UJ¡:c!n" nntt's ot'tlte thousanJ soi,gstel'¡; umi! tite)' .werc reinforced. < Tbe condue~and bra~err lla.d 11:; tal.les one two and thrce or four I mIles nt th.e great commercIaI centre of the '" b 'f l . o~ the nativa tr"?p. ',lnrler, Gen. Walker, c~nnot ho, too

. " . . fi h f h of 1l,er etutí U groves. hJghly sl'Okan Oflll thlB aetlnn. Thc Amenoan. reeelved lea~ues ID length; ond under a firm, s?lId! ~nd ~orld, a t~r~l~ry equal l,? .lve.sevent s o te· ' the enam] with a dea.dly discharge of rilles, when they reüoble gowrnmel1t, capable of mamtammg bastem d1VI:<1011 ofthe {, ntted Sta tes. 1t has brokc aud ~an-hunted to covel' by the rillcmen. The peaee at JlOlDe and oi' illsuring nationa l respeet in Granana a lIucleus fOI: a second Philadel· Prllgre!!l or Gen. 'Valke"'8ExpedU~on re"~1t of thís ta.tUe is ilIustrative of. Ibe Arneri~an8 and :.broad coulu offer a residehcc inferior to none phia in Leon a second Cineinnati in Realejo in Nicara~'ua. tbetr arms over sn enemy-there bemg only 17:> Amar-

'l' I 1 f h ' 'F' d' '" J 'd 1 N t 1 ican and native troops against an arroy ovor three times on ealtl \11 tle ISlOl't. space O two or t ree aSan <rallClseo, an III ,,,an uun e or ea S'veraln h h t h ". ""t t b Ith' b Att"e b"ttleofVirgm' BaytheAlnP.ri r II Id' f f 1 .. t ,: .,wspapt:!S t long (.n t (1 ;'~.~·~ll >.:l a,es ave elr nJlm er. u . ~ " yeRrs, ,or a c asses an occupatlons o men, mart o t le .allle comr!aratl ve lInpor .unce as publishcd ~·rl'e"p'J .. d,)fi('.e from partio" intel'~sted in thc I caos di<1 nút loose a .ingle man, and had but tViO wound_ ~xcept doctors. New York. It has mineral and agneultural expedítiolf¡( Gen. Walker in Nicaragua, 30me of which I ed-Lieut, B. T. Williamson, and Private, J. SmalJ.

It,prese'ntll" that short and easy passage ti> resoureell unsurpassed byany country in the are. no do,-~t correet, '.nd the faets ~ejJorteJ as th~y ne- Tlle natives had." ~issi~ ~d 3 wounded. Of the ene: the Indies" which Columbus 80ught and wurld. Gold sil ver, Ílon copper coal, saltpe- tually oU"."(d; we, howe\'€~, publi~h " cOndenscd .. ..,. rny 90 w~l'e. buned In Vlrgm Bay, and about 40 wOl\ud-

,h' h h··1 ~ I .• .', d > I h . ' d ~,.? 1 .' COUflt ofh:,e progreso of tha "CToll!~: .. n ír(lm the start· ed. Havrng Jen tha wounded under the care of a sur-""; U~ ,IS leco .. fe t le. gre'at commercIal e· tft" su P ,Ul, al~ coppe ra~, run In HC 1 ,eHls ing ofth c:,xpedition (roro Sa': ¡''''a',lCÍsco, until the preso gaon, Gen •. Walkér then raturned to San Juan, where t!lderaturn and necesslty of the present day. through lts lolty mountam ranges; tobaceo, ent date. '¡'ithout coroUlent or oDinion 01' our own-- tlleyarrived on the 5th. On the night of the 12th a de­'fhe tl'eásures of the Indies must pass vía whea t, coffee, corn, eotton, indigo, cocua, merely pre;enting to tite puhUe ~ eorr~,(Jt snd reliable tachm~llt was sent out as an arnbusca~e abo~t 5 miles on Realejo or via San Francisco to the Atlantic, Rugar, rit:e, and the linest tropical fruit!:! adorn slatrme~oft'lve~ts as they occuued underour OWil eye; the R1Vat road, ,where they remamerl tdl ,6 ?'cloek The manufactures of Europe and the U niteu ¡ts pluins lllll sides and gardens. It has pas. ,On . he I(lrmng of tha 4~ho~ May, Gen •. Walker through hCávy.ramB. Thefy then started for Vugm Bay, '" " ' , WJth SIX~yotW) mM, :dt San FmnClsco on the lmg Ve.!a, whe~e they arnved at 12 ~. About two houro aft;er the ~tat~s must, fiud thelr wa,y. to ASIa to supply Lure grounds m~llIlI1erable, wherl? herds uf cat- fo~ SO!'! Juan .del Sur, tll join the Democratie parly oí r,ass~ge ol' the troops by the junetío? of the Riv88 anq the IOCrea!omg wants 01 ¡ts vast populatlon, tle graze. It IS well adapted lor the 1008t Nlca,'agua, ¡rn~ forseveral yeare bad boon at war with rl'ansit roads, tha enemy, about su, hundred strong, by one or the other or both of these two routes ,. i1l1pfO~'ed agriculture of tite world. Presenting Iba Cha~~rra or Governmenl forees. The V~sta .arrived headed by Gen' •. ~rral and G~ardoJ~ made their al" 'l'he Pacific coast of the Republicofthe north every vllriety of climate every variety almost at Real"jo .n, t,ho -. of June, aH ?n board bemg \O goorl p~arance, but leammg ?f Gen. 'Walker s ~h to ~lr­. 'h . ' ' fi ,.'" healta and oylflts WJth the exceptlon of one man, Luther, gm Bay. fell back on Rivas. On the followmg mormng 18 snortly ~ b~ studded Wlt , :st,ates whose of e!lrthly p:odu\\~ wllI mu wlthm !t.s hmlts who, in a gas oc' wind fell from thn (ore-tor, bl'caking the forces returned to San Juan, where they reroained greatness WJIl rIval that of theu sl:,¡ter States I a SOII congemal to Its growth. Poscssmg every his Jeg, and 'tharwisc injuring him$elf.un~i1 the arrival of tha Oortel, with reinforceroents under on the \tlautic, ,and will furnisb a market prolllinent commercial advantage of position, 011 the-of June, the eBmpany rnar~hed for Chinan· Lieut. Col. Gilman. ~ where every earthly product of art agriculture aH Central Ameriea must within ten or lifteen ?~ga, Wh • .rf thby rem~ed ODa we~k, they wcre then On toe 3~ day ?f Oe!,<>ber, the Steame: Oortes havmg

d' d'U b h' d' A r· b d d'· JOID(·dbyl'.OofthenatlveDeroocrat'lcpartyfl'OrnLeon, onboard Lleut. Col. Gilman, CaptDavldson"nd80me ~.>n m ~stry WI e exe ange. ustrala, years, ecome epen ent upon It~ gr~atness, unrlcrCtj[)l,m!ldofMadregil. 'rheythenillar,~he,d hook 35 rooruits,arrived inthepor~ofSanJuan,afterapa.s-• olyneslIl, and New HoUand must shorUy, by And for all these great results nothIng IS want· , to Real~o, tnd ~nharked on the Vesta for El Gigante I sago of some thirteen OOya troro San Francisco. The 'me or both of the same routes,.hold commu· \ ing liut Cor her OWl1 citizPulI to be at peace I Ba.f fA "ou~'for Rivas, where they arríved on the eve-) newly arrived were muoh pleased to find Gen. W:tlk.,r



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Page 3: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno ...

with bis force~ !n lllat t?W1L 'Y:'8 ge,nc'rally "'pe". that cau make the existen ce 01' a Wi," deSi-\ fnrces ~o make you Iho Provisional Pl'esident of Ihe ted to hear- ot hl.~ lJemg m tl10 lI)i..,'j'¡(.1": t'lthcr at Lcotl r.~Lfl". Repubhc. Chinandaga 01' mvas. '11'0 .1"cl"bol'CilJiun tu( 1. ¡.I."" '. " , ''o.' '.vhen 1 found Ihat you wer-e abwnt, and when 1 de-


A NDESTIWS AMUi.OS HIJ.oS DEL PAlS. !luietly aud they "ere·,! i" th~ G ,!L',,';:,. 1; ,',", .\ ~sterday ., Itnells~d ,~hc . arn;~.~~~ ¡;,xty Isired 10 re~urn lo Ibis place, judgo my "urpri~e when J 1'l1<' same day they "ere "Td,-rú" tv hJld tite .. -e.", '! pfllflot solders from Call1ol'll}¡l, 1 .Oc. r;,ell "uS ihformed bolh by lhe Prefecl and the hovernor, Por .causa t.uüo de la cortedad de tiempo ;-eadiness to aceol1;",,,,,), Ihe :r ;'Rllll' ("0';' te: ;;',gJL 1: ""1' ':mulating the nüblest exarnplrs ~ ,.8lOry: \ ¡hat I could 1.lOt return-and:v~ thu3 held for two daya com.o por la taita de süciüs en el idiOlmt They started at /!\'e o cl"ck l. M .. m". ,tlter ,ajdy é".. "üluntarycome furwanl aml pll¡JO'e ,~"". liv's' actually a p:'soner uf \lar, W!trl my sccretary, serv,ants Español, nüs halk,müs .obligados á impri-(',orting the train, l'et'A' .J(-U, read,mg l. .. 0ir '111.n tos abotlt ' ,'1 . l'," b ........ :: e 1 aflU my national flag. }'or this gross act of the vIOla·. t . - . 1 1 day-Iight. Gen. '\\¡ u!ke1' ami his ¡,>¡,ce, ,'el",t'nccl iu I:i~.l t.o asslst t liS peüp e IU t~Jell • t,. epen- ton of the laws of nalions, and my right. as an Ambas- mlr nnes rü pnl11er numero sm as ,co umnas Juan until fue 10,h da)" 01' (;ctol.m. D\Ili;g the ¡Rte- dence; and at sorne tuture <lay 1t j\'l11,Ie the \ sador, 1 protest; and be asnre,], General, that my Españotas que igualmente debe .ocupar. rim the organiz,'tiou 01' the lJUt"lliUll Wf.'.SCU'." PictCd -;'].li<:b pro ud lot .of süme historian tü rec.oro their ~overnment will hold you and your government to a El lÍ'úlllero <le la proxima semana con-l'Csulted in the jú~'ma!iOll af '\YO ''''''', COlllpUl~ies. The names as cJassic, ami Wf.ave ar6uu(l ~em a ;evere l'e5poDsi~i1ity for tbis la,!less aet. tendrá tant.o material en Español como en oompany thcn eXlslmg was "'Jlllluan<.",d hy Car·t. John a halo .of renown whose lu"tre ~hali'b;' 'dy- You fnrl~er IIlform me Ihallf I retUrD lO Grenada, inglés y muchos de los artículos que hoí pa-Markham. M:',B,rewstél' w';' "pp.:.¡¡;t"O lO Uk .. amOlan? '(1" """ ~ c~ .', that you wlll no,: be re.ponstblc for my personal safe. J .ofcompal1y"13; a>id MI'. GCO!';(C Dav,.lcon "as unam. Ille>' ,Col. B. D. 1 ry has .the cornmandJi tlllS Iy. and you wilJ Inf"rm Gov. Marey, the Secretary of recen se ¡allarán en él traducidos. I\\Ously electeJ Caplain of cumI,ally "c." (;en, Walkcr ' batalh.on; th", .otller üffieers are Mapr E. State. and Ihe newspapers of New Y(lrk ol' my pro- Haréms tod.o lo posible para hacer nues-further h¡id ~he goodfo;'Lune t(> oht.Ü¡¡'rom '-'re ,comma~'18anders, Ca ptains ~aIll. Astin,Chll,slLuh)- ceedinga in thi~ maller. tr.o periódico á la vez interesante, é ins-der o~the cllppcr slu}' Queen "f tI,e p'ac',w. \then dis-, Lull andJesse Hamblet.on Lielltemiiit~Sash- In reply 1 mform you that when 1 hav~ kept my tructívo, y esperamos que todos aquellos que ,c1~rglllg cual JIl ~an ,) UCln del Sur,) "1m,, ',·,x pounder i, 1 ' 'k }' di J ..' .' ,,1 ':(Ol'd of honor, glVen to the hovernor of Ulvas, ro re-, Id' WhlÚh W8-l bl'ought fióllOl'C ane! lllOllr:teJ. ! )100 , ~u . er, ones, anu Arch~bald. '1 hey m,i" here Iwo days to aW8il your reply, 1 shall returll tienen a go e III teresan te, sea sobre' las

EverY~"i¡¡g h~\'~ng > .. "en duly Pl'~l",,,cd, cm the .. 10t.h ,ofl ;·,·e as lme and hrave a bo~y 01 men.~; evcr 1 to Granada, and thall do lJOt te~lJe.t nol' have 1 evel' recuj'~os del ptlÍs, O sobre l.os productos del O.cluber LTeu. W llli<er took up tl'e !ille 01 1I,."eh lur Vll·. I stood under anns. 'rhe cordial receptll'n tlll'Y r~<juest.d of you, to be re8p~n81ble I,(l!' my person.a] Estado o subre cualquier interés público, !l,mllllY, nt "h",h 1'1a',,' ho fln'!vcd the "U1De neHillg,-l re..:eived fl'om the Demoer;! Army wil 100'g tufety; Ihe lIa~ uf the U. 8", '~ 8Uffic,elltl~ J:0\~ed~l nos trasmitirán sus ideas por escrito, tonto lhe An!cnral1ti 'vyere liuaJ'tt:retl al.. ÜiP- Jilful!!,t hUlt-!:'¡;-';én* t b . ~ l" d 1, il 'tI f'" 1" fol' m)' protectlon, backecl as lt 18, by a l'atnotlC 1 reInO. t h ti· 1 d I tries poskd, pi"'l"Ct'gl1UrJs ,,1' lluLive tr"o[" ;[;"tiol,.,ll e rem"nl ¡erc uy .. ICII\ WI I eCltngS) dent, and Ihirty mllliuH8 cCpco!,I.. para IIUCS ro "ene CIO com.o para e e a wl',hout the \oW1< "He! the nijJ;ht pas",d oH' '1';ld'y, tI,,,,,!!\¡ 1 ~lUcere pleu~urc. l have, rnyself, informed Gov. of thase mat- cumunidad. , . . tb, er'('l!l~ w'''?llly di>tu:,t som~ ei,~b, mi le" ",de.",,! I ters, and I feclno way resl?ollsible :0. )'011, or to the Ayer ~I medl~ dm se supo en la CIUdad "C~,Ojj '":."'Cd ~~': "xpeet~Dg f. fl'fLt, ~t1''''~~., ' .. : . , ,1 P(·.·fid~· l TIIJltlraUeJc'I... nowspapcr8 of )le\\" lork for rny 0f1, cl~.nduct.. I que el "apOJ:. V Ifgcn, habla ll~gado de la

.:~~~~.ll::tnlcl;mn?,~.p(:r.~'~,~,'\d_~c,~lk:.r.:,c~;p",~,(,~~a~m~.. ,,0' ~-- "" 1 _ ~OUls'fultl:f?,Il):, ,Vll'gen con 6~ AnlCl'lCanos baJO las órde-Ofhe,¡ 01 lhe ,Jppü¡;¡te p"¡'y, \\," fLllc,tCJ .. ,tlHd, anc.I.Me."tmp;.)ftl,e,,,,,zcnsiuan.,'cs,,ru,.¡¡r¡ada),wh,,tenuel'l JOHN n. \\l!LELb:R. I j IC >1 F V" d S F--cÚlldeH.:nc.d aB n ;cpy, bya. (,'1,W'¡j {¡f n~tive, .A1i.cer:-~. 11<.. tO Gen. \V¡dhel' !he 'P:·,<:-.¡iJeIH'Y of ~iearalul, \vhu 1fillistcr. U. 8. A., near Hepublic of Nlcaragua. ~~.s~( e oron;. ry;, T ln,ler9D en an Id~: W;J$ shot mm.wdtaldy aftr.l' thp ~assage o! the S(~r;h'Hcr~.1 df~(:¡Hl(:d iIJ fu¡:ol' of nell. Corr: .. d-.--~físsjon Ú l.lellcc I ---------.--.. - I CISCO en el \ 31)or Uncle S:1O'_, que llego

Ab0Ut tll'. M" the "teal11er. Vio';;:i" cnalO 10 a!ldw,.: h~ ¡[¡¡, U.}J .. Wnister, al'l'uJIlI,auicd by Ihe yJiniste'· Col. Fry';; balalJioll, wlJich arriveu on yes- á San Juan c!~1 Sur el dia 15 del eorricll-.a~~ea't tl,e !'.:w~, ¡-lose IOÜ", CJll~"":l'~¡lel'::: , By :",<ler:'f 1 01, \-Yar', w ~"n, e",I'1':,I, ar" Hiv"s-Arre"~and i;". terday, was brought by l'arker n, French, te-Fueron reCIbidos en la plaza por el ba­heno ,'\al1.81, ~-ol, IIornsb¡ ',OOK ~"¡,,,:I.y uj ,,,tu ah¡j: P">"·)!lIHI·¡¡t 01 ü! the U . .,. Mlt""Lf:r by the U.vernúr Esq tlIe agent 01' Gen '\Yalker, On their tall.on Americano blljO las armas: en hon.or boardf>d her; {nat s01neth~lli:' 0f iTf!pmot¡H.ce was ahout: uuJ P • .rd'(' .. ,t uf Hiva::-.---Violat.ion of fJlU'ole o;"honol' " . - ... d '. to talte place was e\"ido"t, hut no 'mekuew cx,,~tly wimt i by the S"Cl'l-"ary 01' War. - arrlval at Vlfgm Bay, they wcr~ el!lbarked on e_su llegada ,e bl:-:oun salud.o de 10 ,1, was to be. I Oú :';!luda)' la,t, {,he day "!l",, :]¡e ""pture oftkis cit.y, h.oard tlJe compan}':; slealllcr Vt7'!:J'1:Y/., together canonaso~ y ut! repIque s.olemne de ca m-

"'fhe ¡'!I:~~;ir'lfd. "f Ü:'(lc~".' w,, 1,0 P"'I;'~l~l:, ".m.- '11 ¡o,,:lCetillg of·tIu [~?t¡.".e. e; j;.ell,s ".'lJ.~ ! •• Id} and resolutiO.~. with thc paSSl!ngers and specie. 'l'hc inten- panas. E,w a. fl'i~o causo á sus cürnpaíle­

b~,k and,,~ ~ o el"",, ~. 11.., t~c ~,:lJ,.~,\¡.lt,":l :'1 ul>,.mun U.Cle aU;',¡teJ o,]", u,g (Ú ,'''''n:",,\ Walk.el' t~a Pr"~¡. Uun 01' Col. Fry am! Mr. French was to takc ms un gran regocIJo por hallarse II1corporado ~ommmee(J, and ,)101'(JY ufl",.) () c¡"',k, the) \\ ore 8,,,mn- d',.ncy. I.hc a,ldJT's" V;ilS "¡,(""" l>y ItOollflIL VIVas, Se", '." ' .' , 'l' "bl l. ,1 b· '11 A ' .. di' - ' d' mg up llw Lake towards <Jranuua. 'l'he<.apt,,¡ns 01' eOIl'. , ha,fm J\ln,."".c,co, l'edro q"nJra, 1.).".r"fye!tyos aHl many S~n C,allus by surpll:se, I POS"I e, or .ot lec I en, .~ .ll,~ 011 r!lencan.o e eJerelto e~lO-p&n;es "B," uud .' c," "He hGth skk witlt fever; hutas i olhers. 'fhi, (;"n. '\VaL",,- ,lecli"ed in favor ,)f Geu. wlse If neces:sary, as they hall beell led to I ccatlCU bUJu las .ordenes del Jeneral n al.­ndthe,r "re nwn thal will aH"w (Íleil' corupa"ics to ¡ro ;u-I CorraL A ('o:run¡uee 01' e,;lihus, joine.d by ¡hePdost" suppüse that a boId. demand to surrellller tlle I ker. to_aetion una~co:npunied by .th,'m,clvc, wh;!". ahl" toland MI" Ji",a [;UiL. lak Millbtcr .~f 'Ya!', a1d.111-. place 'would be follo,yed by CLlln pi ian ce, and El Sr, Parker H, French, Este caballe­ralse an arm, lt 18 not Sllrlm~mg. f"~JJl the latlgué ,hey ¡:Mateo Mayorga, lato Mml.'\er. ~f l!orelgn 1"la(¡('l18, 't wa' lillally res.olved to lIlake the demando ro es uno de l.os recien 11 e<rad.os· auncue underw~llt, tllll.t tb.ey ~H\'".(" 611H:e suhercd more al,.·utcly, i called UpOH the Al11~rICar; M!Jlt:itcr" Col. Whc-elc,r, aH 1 S .• . . . _ I •• , " .. ' 4' • - ~, '. ~ f, from the "ffccts of" m".\;ught "",reh, ¡ "Iso Capl, Scott, t!te Gem,ral Agellt oí the Trans,t 01m- As the stea,mer approuched m Ion,:; canr • .oll esta no es su plllnera. VISita a e~le pdlS

About miJuight, a!lJ arte,r ahout genm ]¡ours st"am- pally, and r"que.ted that he woule! pl'ouéed ,),, Hwge a boat ,,,as sel¡t 011 shore W!I,\¡ the cap· hermoso. C.omo es mm bien c.on.oeldo por ing, a ~aint 0:', th~ Lal:e "r~~l'e.' ,JisVmt !'rl)~n :'~'a~arl", in ,,;here Gene~-"l ~;'>rn~~ w:",' "':11,', proposi,tion~? peae". \ tain a.ud two, of !lis .crew, bearing a, note de- á aqu,f y e.omo t!cne I~uchos amigos entr~ a .nor:h easterl, ,d¡rectlOlJ, <, JO"t lo~r lJ1llcb<"a, r'"ach?d. C~I. ,"Vbccler dLrlm~,l, ,1> 11., md not Wlsh 1;(."",umjJro- , mandmg the HllmedlUte surrcndec of the fort· lüs hiJOS Jel pals tUVImos tanto n.osotros Thcdlsenl~arc~tlOll cOUHncnc.(~d, t~l...; Amel'lral1:i landmg rm:,c hlS GOYBJ'nnH'nt ni ally shape. llut wl!c~ it was lb' '. Id .. , 1 > l' J" fJ'. "1 ' . 11'· 1 • • first, amllorrumg 011 the lhell followerl lhe na. urgcd ¡JY tha bUpp1icatiollS, "ven lo tears, 01 ~;cse per, I hut :·Iore It cou reac I t IC um 1Il" a s .1Ot como aq~e os . un .g,ran _ p acel , pOI. /SU ~Ye IlOOPS, .Ome :lOO st1'ong, u,nder,Gcn. y.'lle. ~he SUllS, "ud Lhat no douLt "xioled in the ur¡nds,O'é'''~y tlmt }',!.¡!s f¡r~d. the steall1ers lJOws, Willcn llegada. Su re~lCn VlClW a San l' rancISCo 11Ig1t was <Iark and ful'cateued ram. fhe thlCk tro¡ncal Lhu. pe""" wouhl be s~ttl,,,d. and. tha.t suth m,~',tel'ellee 1 was tl'm::Kíy lolluwed by ~cl'eral others, oae le ha restablecido su salud. growlh. extended ~Imost lo.t~e. YC,ry page of lhe Lake; ,,:a~ noL .u:J".,"ual m lhe ,hplonlUtJC hl".tO. ry of ."'.'< ....• r): eo~,. '1 uf which ricul:hctting acro~s the ,vater. feH Sabemos que se interesa much.o en el, n.oneof thcAmerJ('ansknewlllwlnchdlrec1 .. mtheywerc d,tlOr.,cnmze,l 01' s"vago-he conscnted, aI':<:,efttl"s I ,',1 t· b'" ftl ''''1 'l'hel:0l)tam bienestar públic.o y el" 'd d d to mar eh, and the lendency ofevcrythiugwas toproduce cityaL nJidllight, llooolllpanicd hy MI'. Juan 1¡:jz who ~ lOrt 111' 1 ,1 C,lIO.o ,le \es:se . ,. n a plosperl a . ,e ~",nfu8ionanddisorder, yr.L theselfrcliauceoftheAmer g"v" ht. parole ,,[honor t<lJ'ctUI'll.: (;;'l:y his 01' tbe sle:UlIcr and llls two men were taken todo paIs en que tIene la suerte de VIVir, ican., back~.d b,Y the ~nergy llIlddiscretion oflbe offiecrs, I'ávlttc ",,?l'cmry, l'holJ~as 1". V '.. '¡~:-¿, 'lü~y , pris.oners as ~oon as they lanJed. CoL Fry y (Iue con ~I apoyo de su ingenio y la o~~:r-ca!l cliffieultles, aml urdcr govemcd th" wllOle "e,~hed l\~v ... " ab,o,u.' ~ o dock,un ' '1 rl~,c~ I Lhen cmba:keu lwenty-five lIIet.1 ÜI lwo sll,all ayu~a ele b 1ll1prenlahaadelantado mucho p mg. . ''''" btrongJy furtrü ... 1 oy Ih~ . . CUI-, b.oat~ under the cOJllllJand. of Capt. 'l'ulnbull los llltereses y el prt)<rreso de sus ('onciu·

At length an were on ~ore, 1l1~ eOmp""W8 (¡mned, ral w,'" absent. Afll'l' l'emannng a ' . ", ,. ,'. , ... 11 b' d· d r·, ¡:ti '." p . Jlnd orded to mareh was glven_ Slowl~' and ,.au,i'Jllsly his horses, witb tha iuLention 01' wlth lUstt UctlOll~ lo storl,n a ~1.~1a attery a anos en va 1 orllla- or esta, cümo por tliey. began to pick thdr way thruugh the dal'knc," ;mu inf"rmed thaL he must remain; aqd some few hundl'eu yards dlst.ant lrom the f.ort, !nuc~as otras razones esperam.os que se thickW1derw~od- . Asthey advan(;~(: in single file along the~r uT!'¡.,wel'e plaeed at !ti~ d~or. • Directlyafter tbey left the steamer't! slde a IdentIficará con los habitantes de Nicara-.. muddy ,traIJ, gu~ded "r. som~ natn',e uffie,,,.,,, tho day agaHl.t s~ch COOUU";t 1\8 a gl'';bS, VlOlatlO very' heavy shuwer set in c0111plctely wetling gua y que 8e establecerá en esta ciudad. h .... a"·~ tJ'_' "'" ... '""11. 'I WO OJ' ttlrf'.p. time,; trlPy l.alted. the ad- and a dchberatc anu ".;nmtuú .J!lsul·· to th 1" f h" C' ~~ haVl~g Ivuml a ua(;lve vH lws wa,Y tUÚl;:' uau) ~"'''W''~L~'' . ..l1" ... ..,.'u,s lhU.'M.pi ~);r, two .tle .. amU1.1Il.lun O t e stO.rlfl1ng party. ~pt. _ '. . )a~~. que.stlOns \Vere ask~~, cÚlllr,,,lictor!. ~nswer8 ,'C- fri~llds in V!~gir~ B~y beCOJllillg.,· 'ru.rnbull immedio 'le1},""'!D. vifry' lJl'l:IlAAI~, ~ On the e~c~lI1g after our arr¡val in tlús eity,,, c(nvoo. \Vhleh lea to the opmlOn that we mlght find some ""lety "n,l ]¡lu d,spalched a cUllrier .ordcred tb!! rcturn uf lile boat t '\ "1 few oC our men, h.,mg procured a couple uf Jrums "nd

, ~ s u .. U! ,"í!s~e ",a \ljeT w~r,t on the Pla,," and played .ev~ral llational .Irs,



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Page 4: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno ...

thlee hundred of the enemy On the Plaza, One, a llj,tive tain the fuets, who was unab1e fa ¡;enetr"o< ~ "t by I 'rh· e- 1 ¡¡ '. ~ was b~ought aJong as a guide, and di.missed upon a.rriv: a kind native woman he was toíd oC - "oudi. e a I orrua passcngerló wel'e mUCltf_umong which' ",~r" "nan o.lnmbia," " Y""k",, Doo-ing U¡ t)¡1l suburbs. Col. Gilman, in companr with Gen. ¡ion of the U. S. Minister, and'who b , _" !& alarmed, a/~d Col. 1:<'ry, bcing ullwilling to rhk 'Ji~," &c.,-~i.itillg ~m American ~iuisler,. alld a f"w Valle were Oil horseback on account of their Jameness. lum immediately. The stcamel' Virg,," "".., * ': dis-¡ tite lIves oí so many defenseless people by a 01 tVII Amenean reoulenl!., On arnvmg at Gen, ,"­They,in compan?, with.CoI. JIornsbY"v;ere to be seen at patched to S.tint George, ¡he ~earcsI po~~ tI' Jntab ¡,y I close C8l1nonading fight, was compelJe¡)tu 01 er'S 9-u'ar!{J'8, he. waa hwdl~ tJ!~led for, ~h~n ,he mad.e tbe head of tlle lme; Gen. W alker, though on foot, was water, under charge of Ca¡;t. ~cott, wb.o "'"4 fO,lU', can- der the ~tea mer's retuFI to v· . B' I Ihe fullmn1l1l' lInef and ~oll~ted ~d¡jress.- 'í ellow CI­to be seen everywherf>. non hea\i:v .hottcd This "¡,,rmed th~ ,:" 'emO! snd the l. Irgm ay, W lere lize .... an~~-Mdlel'8-tbl. "', perltaps, the firn time

Alier a march of tour miles, the Iittlc army carne upon Prefect, C,;'l. .l". Xdtruche, und Ewa,,' ~as~~ll¡j;"'-C"L. passengers aod speCle were landed. Aftcr that ~uch musi(, illi"J"'"",lIetn·.t"u the Plat .. of Graba-th .. e o .. utskirts ofthe tu,,"; unconsciously thdr pace was I Wheeder seut the Governor word by 'ú" Mi1llstc,. i'( obtaining ~ome ncce:;sary provision~ fOI" Ihe I da; let U8 hope that il Q1pr bt.~)I"'M-d the;~ b,t'ollllb· "fu. quiekened; at lost the order was given to advauce in War that ir he was delnined finother' ltLl,fli"n<P commalld tIIcy camc 00 tu L<rauad,¡, ture ages." Wlteu be cl:ded we 'thuughl ,of :~ar'4 d<fuble quick time, which ",as done with a cheer; at I wúllJJ attack Rivas and Ilot aman 01' . wo.u~' .b" 'I'his Ol:currence tcadlcs us une thin'" tI. t ,. ve";, ~idi, vieir leli'gt. I¡, the old western whoop was given, which must '1' sI ,"red ; that Ih"y might take ltis Ji!'e . ,.. . lif. (Jo" th t't ' 1 j ,. ", t.t --~--lC_ d 1 hii I ., d"" l~.', a I \Va. s t le (clCl'llUnatlOU of Aristocra· ""'ñ= U~· I k l~V:e aroli."'ie .. ~any a s ot u guaruinn fr0111 his couth, '1' \'ernment was able Ilud 1"'''" y too prote"ct ",.....t' ~ n e a e .pl .... j~!t..!'I· stating' 81Id $he whole r",ce advill>ce,l on a b/lrricade in one of vernur then oranted him a plisspúrt to ttc I,¡rces statíoued at San Carlos 10 captuce.' ,Ihellem"cralic fvl'c-e8·~«II;pl)8<¡¡'.í'oitJti: ~1It> &1a"eet:; Mil gaillen Ute PI"",>1 without auy reslstance; I depart on t7le noxl day al 4 ,,'e Ü)¡~,.c;..."·>}.1Fl.t'.!!'~ ~tp"rnpr "'1d ma k" wal' un.thrf :&iugle .iu.taoce at litis poiilt SOllle Jittle iíghting was dOlle, which resu.1t-! mOl'ning. Col. Wheelel' determined ,·Ü)flhey had fil'ed three shots betole':'¡"~,r:t .. . el!. in one killed 011 thdr side, (a native drUlnmer,) with ¡ alld so lfiful'med the Gov .... rnor, ",loo .¡le rnel-'II boat reachcd Ihe Jan1iu/!, a.l.ld "'~I"~:' 11 _ Si;. me ... I5 of the enemy kiHeti ~~,l se,-erallaken prisoncr •. ¡! eort of about an huodred meu ' fi h k I §" ti' W¡'en the lighting was ovel' "few AH,,,";C",ns had their Sto G,'orge. '11,e .olemu ¡;Ie(~ge be ore t ey -new t lere wel'e a !'Y P4ltiot tJ'oéps .de~i¡¡.t l'\Ik ,,""¡ .. e $ti\intion drawn towards the San Francisco Chnl'ch by: W.r, was sharut:ÍuJly ,'jotatcti' by 't~1 .h9ard. 'l'he (Jolh~any IHU,¡! 110w look ..... ,m(C, h.rrica'¡"o_ a'féw ,hot. firoo o'" or ,l .• 1.011;), ~yJ" u .. l.l"l-f ~n fh'" I H; .. ,,,,. lue DC1Hút:ratíc GiJ'venml¿lIL iorproteciton. . I~' lri "". "",'. opQtthey found about eighty prisoners, men, women and J General o.rral ó'.a.!'''_-~t" ... !t .. á. ,ad'¡lIb/lJl*~DJ,í ohll.ilr~u. in the 1\10ót Etate of mi~ery, and in I sud the followiÍlg 'V1" ... -.¡¡hai.;s-,-11 of, whom were hnmediately released. copies 01' whieh we are . UST 08 OI!FICERB IN TllE AMERIC¿" DATA1.L10N·. "'~~':""'''''''.ol.''''';;>f'~1'''''

1'~ o.ty L~!ngsecure~, the ?ex~ step was to g~t pos- [Literal Trallsalalion.] L ,. ; '( . .tr \Ve beg to . . ~~ll8tón ?ftl:m fort. Thls fort lB sltuate about." mde ea"t COMMANDER IN ({filO" O" <HE MMY "F ·Titt en;' 'L:'O Gen. 'Vm. Walket; Col. C. C. HorllShy i Lieut. thut uur colul\1i1s ~hlre eJty, ~nd on tbe b~k of the Lak,,; It mounted o.' NWAiUGUA, .'.C • ~': Col. Chas. J. Gilman ¡ Col. n. D. }!'ry; Surgeon, which ",in be ,00 M(I,d. it'",.te, . .t.I!imOl~~l,n o~e twenty,~our and. two ,etghtee? pounders, ~nd forty , Ilead QUaI.t.,. .. , marcMng, Oct, 17, 18á:i?;~~ Alcx. ~. J?nesi (ir, Master, Copt. W. H. Williamson; the l':ngli.h or Spanish department. ,~ed. men, for .~lO assault, Li~ut. Col. Glh?~n sud To the Minister of the U. S. A, io lIIicaragua:2 ,,;;¿ Cumm,ssanat, Ur, P. P. Cole; A •• t. Jo. De Brisset have"JI ext"nsive cil'culation among Ibe 1rI{~ty five Amenc:,"s, were detalled. 011 arrtvmg Al I am placed in Ihe imperious Decessity tb man~!;'ft lo ~Yandeville; OrdiRance, Liellt. EdwarJ Rawle; Ad- Nicaragua a.~·",-e11 ",,~,e United Siates o,nd EUl'ope. t!t,elr place of destmal1011, they: gOl "w~rm reception the Minioter of.lhe U. S; A .• tIJat in cOIl •• quelíce:f~Jhi. Jutunt, Lleut. Geo. R. Caston. whieh offer. illducements to the mercantil. cornmuuity ftdl1l lhe enem;r, ,vho were statloned bchmd log., POBts retulll to lho city 01' Gran~Ja, in tbe ste.lun.· .~;J¡~;the COMPA"y"A." of ,hi. dty, we ltope they will take advaIlt"ge 01: IlÍlil _boats,drawn up on the bcach; the g~lJallt Colonel accessory Trallsit Company, taken by Ihe ,1,'hie!,COIll' ,, Jnhn Markh.m; lst Lieut. Dan!. K. Bay-,der~d hls men, not lo ,,:aste ""shot unul they _ couJd , 'flanding the fOlees who oceupy that plaée; V{ ~he ob- ley; 2d tlo Oeo. H. Caston; 1st Ser~t. W m. J, Meny. JobDy of tlle American batallion have had a slight at-

éfr'liw on the wlute of theJr eye, advan,:cd caUtIOUS!y, Iject lo hurt, 01' inl.endiug to hurt, Ihe tOrceS:oft!lie·Su- man; 2d du Ira Munson; 1s1 Corl'oral.John B. Moore; tack of fevel' since their urrival in Granada, among, but coolly, whcn they commenced a. brlsk ~re, which I prcme Gov.rnment, wha I have tlIe l1onot"t.o col!ll'la~ 2d d", Robt. l' CJurdner. ",hom are Capts.Davidson and Brows'ter; they are, how-.d~ove the en~ll1y tlu'oug~ the fort, and ,·,to thetr bo"t8.- in ltivas, 1 wnl now in!'orm you tha! liQm llllt,.el WIJI OOMPANV "D." ever, quickly recovcl'ing, snd we soon hope te se" our ~Yhen char,gmg Gil the (lIt y, Col. Hornsby led the Amer-¡ not be responoible fur what lila '. . ' , A. S.l3rew.tcr¡ 1st Lieut. Geo. W Lcarusl'd; frienus;'the captains, al Ihe lIead ahhcir diff~rent com-lcan .b.atall1oll, ,":!d though the~e w€l:e.rn~'r fast ones in I Bonally, foi' having interfered inYour·· . 1st Ser~eant Wno. E. Moody; 2d do Geo. m.t; 1st panies. ~e clOwd, the Colone! kapt hl. pO~ltiOll1l1 the van, be-I "ions to the pr.judice 01' the Huprome . . corporal GeoJ. Hichardson; 2d do Juhn Brady, mg .fue first ~n ~~le ~lal.a ~and burnmg ~,~e fi:-st powder who has r~cognise,J and admitted him; 88 Iluch aH the ~OMPANY '~{).:' ~ . GOVER~ÑOH, KINNEy. f

0/1 the PAlCl:ny ~th hls trn.ty and well tncd rtlle.--Gen.· mad" hilJlljelf bearer of COnllnll/ll(lRtiÜ'le and pro- Capto Geo, R. DaVld.on; J.t Lleut. n. M_ Grlm; 1st W 1 " , 'u ti . d umber of lhe Walkel', wlth. hl8 usual coolncss a~d br~~ery, was ~véry- el.mations agaillst the legitimlltely 'l-ecogn~iéd "ul~ori- Sergeant (,11.8. L. Barrus; 2d do Charles L. Fisher¡ 1 st e lave re~l!1 ve. le~con.n ,' .. wh~re .COnspICUOU~ the. profu:,d.ty. 01 ~ntell~et dI8pla):- tv; there!üre, 1 now pIOtes!, .lld '1 givtlc,~ '1'" notíee, CorjlOl'Ul 'l'hos. J. Smith; 2d do Geo. Cadí.le. Central Amencan, 111 wluch we eal'lnot per· ed l!, lu< ge,neralship, l'al~lllg hi,m st1l1 hlghel' 111 Ihe estl- Ibat on this same date, I informad t!le s.cretary ., _ LlST 0>' KILl.ED.. • I ceive that improl'elüent .on the fir~t i'SS;le thaL matlOn of hlS fellow.suldlC:",-;-fhus ended tite batt100f State, of the U. S., Gov. Marey, and the u¡"l,¡papers Lleut. Col~ Achtlk. Kewen; 1~aJ. Tlmothy, ~roeker; was promised, It contams Mr. Klllney S Gub-Grenada, the Sebastapol 01 Nlcaragnll, N. York. '" Sergea.nt "':m. S. Melndoe; .Pmates, Wm. C. Coth. el'llatorial effort to the citizens of Sao Juan

1 am yon .. dear servant, IÍ¡l~. L. am, W []J. Colo, "Vm. H. nalley, Wm. Hews, John d . ' l' 1 . t _ _ _ PO!lClANO~JORRAL. Wilson, Frank Cole, K II, .Eastabrook, del Sur an Its terrltory, W HC 1 w~ propose ("

ratrlOts Jroln Cahf'ol·lua. __.~ DEATm. han die as he and it de&erves 111 our ,nt'xt . d . --d d LEGATION UF U. S. A., NEAR REl'UDLlC dF Í<'cAR·AUUA, Henry Wheeler, Ch"" mellardson, James COllnolly, i~sue. It appears that Farmer Kinnej has

• ~esu:r ay was a gl~ . ay for the Dem~- ,Vi1-~i" Ba!!, Oct. 18~S5(j. Thomus Cowan, Joseph IIelmuth, -- Lnylon. giveo up his original idea, and aspires t? sorne-cratic Gover~ment of NlCatagua. It gave eVI- To General Ponmano Corral. . .. ' -~-----, - • tilin'" hwhcr thao the plough-share; thls beiug dence of the mtense sympatily ofthe people of 1 have Ihe honor t~ aek~owlcdg<; the rec~pt of youl' I ~ On tbe arrl~al of the CBhfolDla~s nnder CoJo , ,., to . 1,1 'tfi II su-est thRt the United States for Re ublican riaci les ¡Jeuer of yeslerday, m whlch you mform ·,<Ie lhal ~ou ¡ Fry, yesterday eveumg, they were rece~ved by !hetr the cabe, we w~u .respel: u, J oto

. P . P T ~ " are "compolled to manifest to me yOllr pi.lles!, ",g'IDRt' fellow collnlrymell aod fellow laborers, loud VivaS, as he prngresses m hl:j extenslve sc~rne he wh~~eve~ they: ~.nay be fo~nd .. ?en. ~ alkers my rcturn too n.e city of Onmada with th~óbj~. ·o.f ill-I a~d a sal.ute of De,?o~r.tic Ihunder; the belIs of the will dísmiss his .blackp¡miths and secU'l'e th~. posltion m thu! co~mtry lS exact~y palallel 10 l· JUry to the torces under your !,ornmar¡d lU Ihe ,e-.y" of clty. peahng Ollt thelf JOyous and welcoma Ilote~ to the .erviccs of printers. that he ma.y be ab: e t,~ that oC Lafayett's 1Il tlte revolutlOnary stru"', l:iva •. " ",' " SOI,S of f .. eelle"" maklOg 0111' hearls bound Wltlt the '.. l' I''''ll t" t ' h ,... dabJe"'áper gle in America. The one bowed down by 1 repJy that 1 !tad· tlO such object in Yil!itiil'gRhns, as kl1owledge.of beiog the iustr~ment. of im¡larting so I glve liS U," U tn ouc es JO a, r,ea r .. . " d' ·.1 ' 'ted I J ·f· wiJl appear more fully by a l"t~erwhieh1.'Wlotero the much hal'pmess ¡mdhopes uf Juturepcaeeaudpro8per- .• I .

&ppreslon I an hmlSrlUe, IbnvI , _ le I? rom .Military Governor of that Departm,t""t, '" co!"r 01' ity to a down trotlden and oppresscd people. ~ We are cnmpeltedto omit man}' arllO eo.ut France; t le o~ er, ton~ y CIVIl .brol18 and which 1 enclose to yOll. 1 had .. ,o p"rs~nol .tI,esira to _____ ' ¡nlerest a .. dilllportanoeto OUT fr'ends ID t¡',~Ufllte<l tlle haughtyanstocrats, Implored a1d from the Jeave Oranada; hUI inlluellced hy ~heel¡lcf cmzellll IIY As an indication of Ihe "good time com~ng," S~"te.. N ext we~k 'we ho~ Ip be able t';lfu!lllsh tlwm United States. 'I'he glorious result oC the one Granada, \your Own friends) th~ venerabléFa1h..... we are happy lo Ilo!.iee the arri"al of an .a~complt.hed Wlt\t further pat1.lCualrsof ourproeee,dmg., a'"l OUT

is a raillbow of pro mise to thc other and as .Ihe Church, th~ tears .of )vur ?lsteriÍ,. !I,,:¡gh:eril American huly fn'm California, with h'.'r hu.ban?. It I fulu_re....:p:..r_o_B:.p_ec_t_s.l..,.-:._..:c..._~ __ ....;~ __ ~~~ . , . , , '_ ulhcra, 1 consenled 10 VISIt you, lit COIl1pl1lV w¡th Don would seem that 11rs. Fry Is imbucd wllh the splflt of . . . . . a ' ~"G

the Untted States now J'evels ll1 the plclltItllde Juan Uuez, tlle Mini"ter 01' War, andyQIÚ'3up1rio~ in regeneration aud repubJicanism and we han her arrival ThI "n~aragutn&e""JJ'ltblW.eil . ..., ~e ."!lv . .-1'''' of pOWtr dn4 abundance, so may tbls favoredl oJlice, h~aring the olive brand1 oí' pe:¡\ce" thd a '(rOj»o, :"> the forerunner oí' happy eve;¡lI! and social elÚlltenée .",.~, Q~ tMP~.~;:,..,!&, $a!UT¡,/a1/. 1IIm;mng-h!J J&c<J'4 land, at a ouick pcriod, be surrl/unded with al! .• ition from the Commandcr Genenl ú\' tlit')emocratie In out new SJltlemenL. R • .Mul~ and GeOl¡o6. ' .ok •.



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