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史學導論 p6 ~p7報告人 :49914003 朱航儀

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The investigation that caught up Guilhem de Rodes was initially prompted by Geraud de Rodes, another brother of Guilhem’s, who came spontaneously to the inquisitor and named many people for their involvement in Catharism. His confession, Guilhem’s confession, and those of at least fifteen others, were recorded in the inquisitorial registers. The witnesses responded to set questions asked by d’Ablis,and supplied some material of their own; their answers were recorded by the inquisitor’s scribes, and stored for safe keeping and further use.

將吉揚牽連進本起調查的主因是他的弟弟哲羅,他主動地向宗教法官告發與純潔派有關係的人。他的供詞、吉揚的供詞、以及其他至少 15 人的供詞都被記錄在宗教審判簿當中,證人們與法官的問答皆被記錄在登記簿中,以便以後使用。

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Some of these registers have survived, so their fourteenth-century speech is still with us. This particular register has been edited and printed by a modern historian. I have used some of the material to bring you the story of Guilhem Déjean. The questions, however, do not end there. In a later chapter I shall say more about evidence, its uses, and its problems. For now, look back at the story. I hope that it engaged your attention; I chose it because it certainly engaged mine.

有些紀錄流傳至今,所以我們才能知道 14 世紀的對話。這特別的登記簿由一個現代歷史學家編輯並印刷出來,所以現在的我們才能使用這些資料,並了解吉揚的故事。不過,問題並未解決,下一章將討論這些證據的使用與相關問題。現在,我們來回頭看看這個故事吧,我希望這個故事可以引起你們的關注,因為我也被這個故事所吸引。

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It grabs us, perhaps, because it is a murder, and we are familiar with the guilty pleasure of sharing horror stories. It is also clearly a ‘story’ in that it has a beginning, middle, and end, which might make it more ‘satisfying’. It may interest and surprise us, if we were not previously aware that medieval people got up to such activities. The people in the story were not kings or princes or saints or famous writers, they were everyday people. We may therefore simply be diverted to discover that we know anything about them at all!


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Perhaps the story also interests us because of what is strange about it. It has been suggested(by the writer L.P.Hartley) that ‘the past is a foreign country; they do things differently there’. Douglas Adams, the science-fiction author, posits an opposite case: the past is truly a foreign country, they do things just like us. Somewhere between these two propositions is the elusive element that attracts us to the past, and prompts us to study history.


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The story told above speaks to both statements. We understand and relate to sending letters, visiting relatives, journeys from our hometown. We know about fear of persecution and we know about murder, even if we have not experienced them at first hand. If I had translated the participants’ names into your vernacular language (‘Guilhem’ would become ‘William’ in English) then they might seem even closer to us. The names I have used are from Occitan, the language of that time and period.


如果我把故事翻成你們的語言,會令你們感覺更親近,而我所用的語言來自當時的語言 - 奧西坦語

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Here in fact I have cheated slightly; the records are in Latin, so perhaps I should have employed that tongue, which uses the version Guillelmus. But the names are strange to us in a different way. It seems odd to find so many people all called Guilhem; and we do not often use our place of birth to render our surnames (‘de Rodes’ meaning ‘of the place called Rodes’). We know about religion, but we are probably unfamiliar with the concept of heresy, the workings of inquisition, and the belief in two Gods.


大家都取名為吉揚有些奇怪,我們通常不會以地區來作為自己的姓氏 ( 德 . 羅茲意思是”羅茲”這個地方 ) 。


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Do we see this as a bizarre ‘superstition’? Or as no stranger an idea than the Son of God descending to Earth, dying on the cross and then being resurrected? ‘Heresy’ can only exist where there is an ‘orthodoxy’ to define it: both medieval Catholics and medieval Cathars laid claim to being ‘true’ Christians. Whatever our current philosophies and religious beliefs, can we lay claim to a real connection with either group? If we read more of the records, other elements of difference would strike us too.

我們是否該把這些視為稀奇古怪的“迷信” ? 或者他不比上帝之子降世、死在十字架上又復活的想法更奇怪。異端存在於有著”正統”定義的地方。中世紀的天主教徒以及純潔派教徒都自認為是真正的基督徒。不管我們現在的哲學和宗教信仰是什麼,我們能否聲稱我們與這兩個團體有聯繫 ?


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Although Guilhem de Rodes and his brother were clearly able to read and write (they communicated by letter) they are quite unusual in this: most people at that time would not have had as much access to literacy. Indeed, the concept of ‘literacy’ was rather different in the fourteenth century: if you were described as litteratus (‘literate’) this meant that you could read and write Latin and knew how to interpret scripture. Facility in vernacular languages did not count as ‘literacy’, no matter how useful that ability was.

雖然吉揚與他的兄弟能讀能寫 ( 他們透過書信交流 ) ,但是他們在當時實屬特例,畢竟當時不是每個人都能識字。

事實上”識字”的概念古今不同,在 14 世紀, Litteratus(識字 ) 意思是能夠讀寫拉丁文並能解釋經文。能使用本國語言不能稱為”識字的”人,無論讀寫能力多麼有用。